The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 21, 1908, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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PAGE TEN FOR REIN T. 1347 Brhad street, 7 room* $25 00 North Augusta, 6 rpoms ' j.’, ... 25.00 550 Reynolds street, 17 rooms 41.67 106 Keynold» street, 6 rooms 12.50 236 Walker street, 7 rooms 25.00 storiimi 1224 Broad street .. ..$35.00 1252 Itroarl stris-t 65 00 570 iiroad street 35 00 1256 Broad street (store and residence) . 40.00 524 Campbell street 45 00 222 Campbell street 20.00 526 Campbell street 50.00 oi i ICI ;rs: No. 763 Brosd street $20.82 No 8 Library building 18.33 Offices In Planters Ixian and .Savinas Dank building. WILLIAM £. BUSH, fc-J BuMing . IOK UliN I I 'kOM OCT- I. f>OH Third Bt, f» room* and hath, b<*lnK built S3O 00 413 Telfair, 8 rooinn and bath ..SB3 33 f»OC Telfair, 12 room* and bath $55.00 58ft Broad. 7 rooina and bath SBO v 0 61H liroad, 7 room a and bath $30.00 614 Third, 6 room* and hath.. .. . .. $20.00 ft2ft Itaynolda, 6 rooms, and hath. . .. .. .. , .. . $30.00 ftOl f’rawffjid Ave., 5 rootna $14.00 44*1 Bay. to be built, poaaeKalon Nov. 1, / rooms, wteam heat and open Ktaten, eler trlelty and Kan $37.60 3 242 liroad Bt., 6 rooma and bath .. .. .. .. .. ..$25.00 1244 Broad Bt., 6 room a and bath.. .$25.00 1 2HH Broad Hr Store * $33.33 2U5-207 Sixth St., atoro ..$30.00 MARTIN & GARRETT, hdii.imng. - STOCKS - ORDERS EXECUTED TO BUY AND SELL BTOCKB, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ARGO & JESTER. 7 Library Building. Phone 12. Shrewd end Intelligent observers predict the Wrlghtsboro Rond will be "The Pike" in a short time. Seven lots have been listed with me for sale. Well located between Telfair street, Summer ville, and Monte Sano avenue; 100-foot front each. Facet North and South, The prices range from $8 00 to sls 00 per front foot. HEALTHFUL. Summerville and City water mains. Gas, sewer and electricity. Apply to Clarence E. Clark, Re«l Ewtute. - 842 Broad St. EDUCATIONAL Mjss (link's (-ommercldl School, Harison Building Augusta, Qa., teach** short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, • pelting, arithmetic, English end pemnenthip. Practical method* *n4 term* reasonable. Day clae*. -.Night ciaa*. Writ* for catalogue, or call phone 437, SA( Ki I) HI AKI (0111 l-l 1306 Kills Street, Augusta, Qa. For dtiy scholar* only. Empow ered to confer all Collegiate De gree*. Thoroughly up-todate The curriculum Includes t’hll oeophy. Literature. Ancient and modern Hl«tory, Physics, Cheul* try. Astronomy. Mathematics, Arithmetic. Bookkeeping, < ic„ Six uography ami l‘> pew riling hi par ent* option Modern t.nugmiKci> without extra charge RE OPENS TUESOAV, SEPTEMBER IST. 1908 For Catalogue and particulars, ap ply at the College. JOHN J. SHERRY. S. J. President. Sam Lee, L sundry, No. 1281 BROAD ST. Th* ch««p»it Laundry In th« city Fit*! dm vkoih, wont guarantaad Qiv* m« a trial and you will com# Mgatn, Look at thooo prtcoai Shirt#. 7c; L'nda* #h »U. h ; Col* lara. 1c; D»#v*#r#, 44; CuH», 2e| MaFtdkorchiofa, Ic* GLOSS AND DOMCSTIC riNItM BARGAIN SEASON IS ON. Augustaue am taking the a.lvan tage of dull trade In the summer time. This may sound paradoxical! but It la nfierthelcoe a tact. Had been a larger btislix -i>» anMiltg ttx merchants In ccrtsln tinea doling th.. hot week# that have gone them would not now l*e such splendid re duetlons made in the U>cal stores In order to get rid of sumnxr goods that are atlll In atock For Instance Rice A O'Connor are offering m«'clhl prices on all tow cut shoes. Including white canvas oifords nnd pumps Thom are many desirable sine's In the k-ta. but they are In the way ol fait goods Greater reduction are promised In the ad In today's Herald Read It arid then rail at either of the big stores tu see lor your sell. AIR. DOME THIS WBEK. POLITE VAUDEVILLE. New York's Leading Vaudeville Artiste. BEST MOVING PICTURES IN TOWN Proper place for Ladles and Children. ADMISSION .. . 10 cts CHILDREN .. .. 5 cts 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY: 7:30 to 11:30 p m SPECIAL SALE 3 11». runs lona Tomatoes 8c lona Green Peas per run 8c lona Sweet Corn per cnn*6c A. A P. Milk, 3 cans for 25c Velvet Tip Matches, a box 3c Tomato Soup. I cans for 25c U:li Cream Cheese a lb. 15c HAM BOILER FREE t\> all purchasers of one can of A. A. P. Making Powder. Butter Finest Elgin Creamery, always fresh, pure and sweet. GREAT^ LATUNTIC *ho pacific: tea co. . ... ~ f) 844 BROAD STRKKT. Phones 867 868 317 Stores in U. S. CONGO ANNEXATION APPROVED ItKI'SSKIJt Itv s vote of g.t to M the Chamber of Deputies has psss ed the bttt providing for the annex* turn by Itelghmt of the Congo tnde State The Congo charter 4-assed tla strong reading. It W a GREAT DISPLAY OP LIGHTNING Fearful Electric Storm Passed Over City Before Day Friday—Wire Sys tems About Only Suffer ers. One of the most spectacular eleo irir: storms ever witnessed in Augusta visited the city this morning about 1 o’clock. Vivid flashes of lightning followed each other In rapid succes sion, accompanied by deafening crashes of thunder. The firmament seemed one solid sheet of lightning for quite awhile. Both sheet and streak lightning emlnated from the same cloud, and the view was one of magnificent grandeur. People all ov-pr the city gazed on the scene from the best points of view obtainable under the circumstances. Scores of people have been talking about the wonderful occurrence all day and it. will probabfy be a long time before another such disturbance is noted here. It seems that but little damage was ' done in spite of the fact that several hundred volts of lightning must have found a lodging place somewhere. : With the bare exception of one giant oak, out near Turpin Hill, which was i completely shattered by a blast, no ! other damage has been reported In j the city. The police and Are alarm systems have been out of commission ! since the storm of Tuesday afternoon, i Fire department circuit No. 6 Is the 1 only one not now In operation and none of the others was damaged bv ! last night'a storm. The police alarms Were already out of order and they ' have not been materially hurt by the | storm. The traek of the storm was west, south and east of the city, describing a circle ns It went, lip Iti Hummer vlllo the rainfall was* scarcely no ticeable, while In the lower section ; of the city It was akin to a deluge. ■ I’p the Georgia railroad the down pour was of a torrential character as far as Grovetown, but at Harlem the rain had. praetically ceased, though ! a heavy rain fell earlier In the night. i The rain continued across country j and visited all localities smith of (he : city and on down near Hephzlbah and j toward Beech Island. While rain was badly needed In all the territory It Ib thought that the j downpour was so terrific that It did l more damage than good, blowing down corn and blowing out cotton 10 surh an extent thfit. It Will be several days before things resume u normal ap pearance. Thinks It Saved His Life. Lester M. Nelson of Naples, Mains, says In a recent letter: "I have used lir. Kins ’* New Discovery many year*, for cough* and colds, and I think it saved my life. 1 have found it a relia ble remedy, for throat and lung com plaint*, and would m. mot— i»- without a bottle than i would be without food For nearly forty years New Discovery ha* stood at the head of throat and lung remedies An a preventive of pneumo nla. and heater of weak lungs It ha* no equal. Hold under guarantee at ail drug gists. 50c- and It lM> Trial bottle free. ALARMED HIM The great foreigner was surround od by a mob of admirers. "Give me your eur a minute," plead ed one. "And give me your eye a minute," echoed another, who wanted to point out the scenery. "And give me your nose a minute," added a third, with a huge bouquet. The celebrated foreigner was non plused. "By ze shades ot Bonaparte!" he exclaimed "I has often heard act »e Americans vere great souvenir hunters, but I did not know sat ley would take a map to nieces. I bet ter get away froth- here while I am yet whole," CONUNDRUM. A good conundrum lx like an in animate object, because It cannot die A correspondent of the New York. : Sun recalls one propounded by tie poet, John Godfrey Saxe. Although of reputable ago It has not been much In print. Can you toll me why .» hypocrite'* eye cun better de*rv than you can, or I, upon how many tom s a runny eat goes'.’ A hypocrite neat can best counter tilt. and so. 1 suppose, can best count her toe*. CREDIT mm lUwEE^I CLOTHING Kt#p thia •tort* in mind. A charg# account Hera will I be a poaitive benefit to you. MEN’S CLOTHING [ WOMf NS Cl OTHING BOYS CLOTHING I No rad tape a aquara daal Ito all -73 atoroa Factory to I Wearer Caah a tor* pricaa RENTER 8> O OM Rosenbi- O C o. >4O tfrond Si rnti AUlil/STA HERfIbU The Last Call; Beginning To-Morrow Morning, at. 9 O’Clock, and lasting for EIGHT DAYS ONLY, we will put on the most remarkable sale of the year.* s’he ?ale will positively last only eight days. This sale is put on in order to make room for our large stock of Fall and Winter goods, which are arriving daily. The sale carries with it some of the choicest Clothing, Hats and Furnishings for men and boys, there is in the city. LOOK AT THESE PRICES: $11.85 includes all of our $lB to S2B Suites 25c and 35c Neckwear 19 Cents All 50c and 65c Underwear, at. . 39 Cents All $1.50 to $3.00 Straw Hats 50 Cents All 75c and 85c Underwear, at.„ ; .59 Cents HIGH PRICE UNDERWEAR CUT IN PROPORTION Sale Will Positively Close Saturday Night, Aug. 29. McCreary’s, 74 AUGUSTA?GA. et> ’ COUNTIES READY TO USEJHICTS Synopsis of replies Receiv ed By Governor Showing That Counties Will be Glad to Use State’s Con victs. ATLANTA. Ga.—letters from coun ty officers now in the possession of Governor Smith indicate that thirty three counties of Georgia will take between 1,500 and 1,700 of the felony convict* of til-. State, if the legislature wiil omy give them an opportunity. The governor has. In addition, replies from over twenty other counties in dilating their desire to take their full quota of convicts, which Increases the demand by a thousand or more. Tl}« governor has .vet to hear from fifty or more counties, in answer to his letter of August 14th, making in quiry with reference to the demand i for felony convicts. These replies! will, it is believed, bring assurances! that wll run the demand far in excess; of the actual number of convicts. Below the Journal presents a synop- ■ sis of the replies received by the | governor from eighty-five counties: Synopsis of Letters. Below appears a synopsis of the ] letters received: Appling county. J. I. Carter, ordi-| narv Not using felons now, but would | like to get at least 25 men. Burke county, J. I’. Palmer, super intendent of roads and bridges—Now working its quota—27. Would take 50 men. Bibb county, county commission— Working full quota on roads now; might take more. Bartow county, county commis sion Working no felons now, would like to work misdemeanor ami felony men. Baldwin county, G. C. McKinley, chairman county commission—Would use full quota. Taking none now. Ben Hill count) - Nothing definite. Brooks county, C. H. Remington, or dinary—Would lull quota; now working misdemeanors. Bulloch county, S 1-. Moore, ordi nal Would take 25 or 30 men sure, i Cobb county, K, H Northeutt, new ly elected commissioner—Board just created, and no definite statement possible until after its organization In | January. Personally favors taking full quota for road work. Chatuymoehee county, J. H. Jones, ordtnar> Would take 15 or 20 men. Chatham county. Henry McAlpta, I ordinary—Would take more than | quota Ol\uttooga county»— Does not work convicts now. Doubtful as to fu- ture. Coweta county, county commission Using quota now. Might take more. Crisp county, S. W Coney, ordi nary-Uaes no convicts; wants none now. Colquitt county, T H. Parker, ordi nary Would take quota, though It uses none now. Cattoosi county. 3. C. Htx. ordi nary Might combine with another small county and work quota of both alternatively. Calhoun county—Wants none; too expensive to keep Clinch county, J. T. Came, ordi nar' Would use 40 men. Carton county. Z. T Manson. or dinary Would take quota. Dade nsmty, \V O. Reese, ordl nary Would like to Take quota, but unable to bear expenses. tiawson county. C. A. Vandiver*, ordinary Wanta none. Podge county, w. H Cotter, chair -nan Wants none lvKslb county, R 3 Freeman, com uitsHicucr— ilaa quota now, wanta id $3.85 includes all school and Dress Knee Pants. Suits for boys formerly sold for $5 to $6 or 50 additional men. Kmanuel county, George Rentz, chairman—Wants full quota. Forsyth county—Wants none. Wants Fifty More. Floyd county, J. P. Davis, ordt nary—Has quota now; wants 50 or more men. Fulton county, E. V. Carter, vice chairman—Has quota now; from 700 to 1,000. Fayette county, A. B. Lewis, 'ordi nary— Needs more than quota at first opportunity. Gwinnett county—Wants none now. Green county, J. J. Sanders, com missioner—Has quota of 15 men; wants at least 40. Grady county, W. R Roddenberry, chairman—Will take quota of felo nies only in case legislature requires counties to work their misdemean ors. Now hires misdemeanors to De catur county. Gordon county, L. A. Haney, chair man—Wants more than quota. Haralson county—No information at hand right now Hall county— Full quota; maybe more. Harris county—Wants 15 men. Jackson county, F. L. Pendergrass, commissioner—Works quota now and finds It satisfactory; would gladly take 175 men for road work. Jenkins county, J. P. Applewhite, chairman—Wants quota. Jeff Davis county, Henry Cook, : ordinary—No Information at hand. Jasper county, E. H. Jordan, chair man—Wants quota, at least 40 men. Jefferson county, J. F, Brown, clerk' j —Has Its quota—l 6 men —and would double the number. Lincoln county, S. L, Wilkes, or -1 illnary—Using Its quota of eight men; wants at least 20 for the road work. Lowndes county, J. W. Hagan, eahlrman—Does not work convicts now, but would like to begin Im proving roads. Would take at least 50 men. Would Take 100. Laurens county, W. A. Wood, ordi nary—Works 20 felony men now; would like to get 100. McDuffie county, C. H. Ellington, l ordinary—Works Its quota uow, and would continue. Muscogee county, E. J. Rankin, j rhairmaft—Would take 50 men under certain conditions; uses nonq how. Milton county, W. W. Mostellor— I Could not take any men now. Macon county, A. H. Perry, com missioner—Does not want any men I now. Madison county, H. H Tolbert, com missioner—Would take all possible. Marlon county, C. W. Lowe, clerk— Wants none. Miller county. W. C. Dancer, ordi nary—Wants none. | Morgan county. J. H. Hunter, chair man— t’ses 14 men now; would take 25 more. Oconee county. A. H. Morton, ordi nary— Wants quota. Newton county. J. 7.. Johnson— 1 Wants quota, and might take 30. Pulaski county, W. J. Miller, chair man Has 17 now, and would take 30 I surely. So Tired It may be from overwork, but the chances are Its S un an lo» active LIVER —. With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains ol labor without fatigue. It adds ■ hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept In healthtulactlon by. and only by Tutt’sPills TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE* Tomorrow DORSCH’S MEN’S OX- (yj OC FORDS, AT ~ Were $5.00 and $6.00. CROSSETT’S AND THOMP- Jo or SON EROS’ OXFORDS AT . J Were $4.00. LADIES’ OXFORDS IN DIFFERENT STYLES Jfl AND MAKES, AT $ I .i/i/ Were $3.00, $3-50 and $4.00. * Infants’ and Children’s Shoes at COST THERE IS NO NEED TO ADVISE YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE PRICES, YOU WILL DO THAT WITHOUT ANY ADVICE. Mulherin & Marks SHOE COMPANY 870 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. Pike county—Wants 20 or 30. Putnam county—Wants quota. Paulding couuty—Wants none. Randolph county—Wants at least 25 men. Rockdale county—Too expenalve to maintain. Rabun county—Wanta 26 or mor* men. Spalding county—Wants 76 or 100 men. Schley county—Wants none. Stephens county, S. P. Brown, ordl nary—Wanta none. Stewart county—No Information al hand. Towns county—Wants none. Terrell county. W. B. Cheatham, clerk —Wants IS Telfair county. A. U Ryala, chair man—Want* full quota. FRIDAY, AUGUST Z 1 $7.85 includes all of our sl2 to sls Suits Twiggs county—Wants none. Trqpp county, C. H. Orlffln. ehatb man—Wants full quota. Wants Full Quota. Thomas county. E. M. Smith, chat!* man—Wants full quota. Turner county, W. A. Greer, ordl nar.v—Wants full quota. Union county—Wants none. W'asbtngton county—Wanta 16 o» id men. Webster county—Wants i(t men Wilkes county, J. W. Callawaw commissioner—Wants at least 34 men. Warren county, W. E. English, chairman—" All we can get " Wa,ton county. R. 0 Knight, ordl nary—Wants full quota and ten morn Worth county, J. 8 Weetb*r»> i chairman—Full quota and merw