The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 23, 1908, Image 15

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Advertising it the motive power of business. Stop adver tising and your business will be as dead as an engine without steam. VOLUME XIII., No. 234 716 BROADWAY THE SUMMER CAMPAIGN IN DRY GOODS IS ABOUT OVER. THE LONG DRY SPELL IS BROKEN; BUSINESS HAS BEEN POOD AVI Til US. AUGUSTA IS THE BEST CITY IN THE WORLD TO LIVE I IN. AND DO BUSINESS IN. AND WE ARE GETTING READY FOR OUR IMMENSE FALL BUSINESS. OUR BUYER 11AS BEEN IN THE MARKETS SEVERAL WEEKS AND | 4 - — 1 ~~~ ' ~ "" ~~ \ NEW FALL GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY. HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM, READ CAREFULLY EVERY ITEM, :::::::::::::::: ; : : New Dress Goods One lot of Suiting, worth 19e, to go as a speoial, at... 8 7-8 c New line, assorted colors, 36 inches, Danish Cloth and other weaves, all in one lot, at • 25c One lot English Suitings and Mohair Mixtures, in all the leading shades, worth 50c to go at 35c 7 White Goods 8c and 10c Pajama Nainsook, at 5c 18c and 20c English Nainsook, at 10c 40 inch White Lawn, 12Vhc quality, at 9c 36 inch White Linene, at 10c 15c and 20c Dotted Curtain Swiss, at 1214 c 121/nc Dotted Curtain Swiss, at 10c SI.OO BLACK TAFFETA SILK, WARRANTED 69 Cents s New Suits and Cloaks If you are in a hurry for a new Fall Suit or Cloak to wear away, we have them in the newest, nobbiest cuts and latest textures to be found in the market. Just# Received An immense stock of Trunks, Suit Cases and Umbrellas. Trunks .. ..$4.00 to $20.00 Special Suit Cases $5.00 Umbrellas 75c, SI.OO, $1.50 and Up Dtt BETWEEN CfiNVIGT ud WHH ■ ■« HAL'Uoi (i- iperatn'* 4 . Ga - —Andrew Ford, a 'a,i(d ■.•* Swedish prisoner who es- Taini *terday from the state prison 1-uriuerM 1 Haddock, one of the terday Menguged in a duel here yes- cf shi noon So f ar aK * s known iii K the hots took effect, but dur d ck wps V« the horse which Had around anf i(lill S threw hire to the f'iie aceidt* he waa seriously hurt 'unit, to l{ k« v e the convict oppor to tHke escape and he was quick pi Advantage of it. He whipped f •horse attached to the buggy wtiich he took from the farm and was soon lost to sitrht. NUNS' FATHER IS RAISING FUNDS WASHINGTON —General Peter c Mains, father of Captain Peter C. fains and Thornton Jenkins Hain.i tho played th< principal parts in the murder of William K. Ann's, came to Washington last night for the purpose i f making an effort to raise fun 's to defray the expenses ot defending his two *on* It is known that the genera! cilled on several cf the most prominent real estate man of the city this mo ning, but whit the result of his efforts was, he did not divulge. That con- Idershte men' v is necessary to meet the expenses of the legal bittie which wiki he waged, for the employ ment of alienists and lawyers o' Is manifested by the request of District Attorney Darrin of New York, for ilO.i/ad to prosecute the two prison ers The attorneys for the W.;ns boy* have already announced tha' the defensi will V- insanity, and thou mds of dollars must be paid for iiilsnfai* If tb< trial resolves itself down AJ* -t Issue. Oer< f/.' Hslns, however, woul 1 n t dmlt tfiot the raising of funds was •h*- purpose of his visit to this city. I *hlrk I know what you wait to •a'k to me ah nit,” he said. tfrmedJ -!y on be.i* jpproached. 'bu' 1 must dec hoe to say a word regard- , lus that matter lr. the papers,” ] THE SUNDAY HERALD BUR.TON-TAYLOR.-WISE COMPANY TROSPUITY SHOWN RANKS" WASHINGTON, D. C.—As indica tive of returning prosperity. Acting Comptroller of the Currency Kune to | day stated that under the last call I foi reports of conditions of national banks, if was shown that since De cember individual deposits have in creased $197,000,000. Individual deposits have inc!*hised 1.29 per cent, as compand with a | year ago. escapesTySng CONWAY, Ark.—After a narrow es cape from lynching at the hands of a mob si Greenbrier, .1. A Cart wright. who is accused of murdering ills wife last nigh' whs saf* ly land ed In fall hero early this morning i The sheriff evaded the mob by n ! ruse and drove across country her . A special term ot court will be called and Cartwright giver, a speedy hear ing After the alleged murder which was peculiarly alroclous, Cartwright started to leave the country. He ap plied late last night at the hor.e of V J. Dickers for food and recog nized A poe'e wa organised and he was captured near the Dickens' home asleep in a held TOBACCO BUYERS QUITKENTUCKY LOI’IHVII,I,E. Ky.—From ap appar ently reliable source It was learned here this afternoon that the twenty two purchasing agents of the Ameri can Tobacco Company have b ten or dered withdrawn from Kentucky. : Headquarters, it is stated, will he es tablished In Cincinnati, with F U Toewater In charge, it is believed that th>- night rider troubles have i caused the rumored withdrawal. } AUGUSTA, GEO RGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1908. v Our Leader For a special, we mix one lot of Dross Goods, compris ing all the new weaves and 1 olors in fashionable shades and textures, worth up to 65c and 75c, at 49c Wash Goods For Fall Wear 36 inch Percales, in dark colors, at 714 c 27 inch Mixed Skirt, Suiting, at 5c Remnants of White Madras, in good lengths, worth 18c and 20c, at ".10c Genuine A. F. C. Ginghams, all colors, at 10c 18c and 20c Galatea Cloth, at 10c Remnants 10c Ginghams, at • 6 7-8 c r Hosiery Hosiery Ladies’ Silk Lisle Hose • 3 pr. for SIOO Ladies Lace Lisle Hose, 50c pair, now 29c Gents’ Fancy Lisle half Hose 3 pr. for SI.OO Gents’ Fancy Lisle half Hose 15c and 25c pr. pair. Misses and boys school Hose 10c, 15c and 26c pr. SOLE AGENTS FOR BLACK CAT HOSIHRY FOR LADIES, MEN, MISSES A BOYS. Corsets Corsets We have them in every conceivable shape, si/,e and price, to fit any figure or to match any price. All Standard makes, from 50c to $3.00 V —— Queen of Spain -T'-:7»*—i-winnwqsy iitliJ* l-Jw, i I.w, |' gdfftti mill Queen Victoria of Spain, who is visiting her mother Princess Beatrice of Bat tenbei'K on the Isle of Wight. Mrs. Hains Will Not Emulate Evciyn Ncsbit Thaw as Martyr WINTHHOI’, Mass.—Mrs. Claudia Übbey-Halns will not go upon the witness stand In her husband's do feu • In the manner Evelyn N'estilt Thaw did and submit to a grilling by the prosecution, If her lawyers can prevent It. This was learned definitely today by a Hearst News Service re porter. Mrs. Hains would adopt such a course us a means to obtain the custody of her children only as a iast resort. She looks forward almost with ter ror to lh< trial of the case, both be i huso of the publicity that must, come, and because of u feeling that she may be dragged In as a witness against her wlHbett While she will not discuss the case, on the advice of Frederick Norton, her lawyer here, neighbors l:i Wlnthrop who have her confidence, say that she j FIRE CAUSED PANIC IN FIVE-CENT SHOW MEMPHIS, Tenn.—Fire which de stroyed the machine supply company of E. C. Atkina & Co., on North Main street, causing a loss of $350,000 created a panic In the Palace theatre, u live-rent show, and llrauna Hotel, adjoining buildings on each side and only by the action of tile police and firemen was loss of life prevented. Two sick persons were carried on', of lhe hotel by Bremen and several made their exits on the (ire escapes. At the Palace when the cry of lire was raised, those Inside stampeded and had the mob not been held back by the police many might have lost their lives. As It was several were bruised in the wild scramble. The (Ire started al tl n'rlork this morning and hud a good headway bu fore discovered. The Atkins store was completely destroyed, the loss on stock being $200,000 and on the building lloti.OOO The Palace Then tre, Brauns Hotel and Tidwell Shoe | company, suffered losses which will ; aggregate $70,000. Bpontaneous combustion In the At kin: building is assigned us the came : of 'he conflagration. The property deatroved Is covered by insurance. I is Indifferent to the outcome of her husband’s suit, no matter what It may ! be if she cun only gain control of the children. Mr. Norton said today: "I will make no legal move of any sort In behalf of Mrs Hains until af ter the magistrate’s hearing In Queens county. After that I shall probably outline our course of action. Following the hearing and the con , elusions w,. draw from it, Mrs. Halos, with my approval, will doubtless Is sue a statement to the public, giving her aide of the ease | cannot an nounce now Ihe point* which will be! made In her statement, but It will be designed to refute some of the slun derous statement* which have been attributed to Captain Hains, his brother and their friends. I have d* terinlned on behalf of my eii*nt that that sort of thing shall atop." ] BRYAN TO MAKE ACTIVE CAMPAIGN HE IS DETERMINED TO PLACE NEW YORK IN DEMOCRATIC COLUMNS TO VISIT PRINCIPAL CENTERS Will Go to the Cities of the Middle West and South CHICAGO—W. .1. Ilrvan will make a determined effort to place New York state In the democratic columns Plan* to this end wi re carefully laid today it a Ihree hour conference i f Mr. Bryan, National Chairman Mack, heads of ihe various hureaus of the National committee and inninbnrs of ihe executive committee ,n demo cratic National headquarter* short’/ afier Mr. Bryan's arrival hr ro from IJOH Moines Mr. lir-ao *lll speak Ip New York City, Syracuse ini' Kochs ter between September HI and 2U, and early In October will again speak In New York City and Buffalo Ite ports received by Chairmen Mu-I, gave strong hope to Mr Bryan and members of the national cnmmlttcn ihat the democrats could carry New York If Mr. Bryan would speak In the principal centers of the stall li was further developed al Ihe conference I hut Mr. Hrvan would make a sharp fight In the middle west, while John W Kern, the vice pi-sldenllai can didate would likely be railed Upon to make an extended tour of the | Clflc const sial'-s. After the conference had been call ed shortly before noon. Chairman Mack directed that ihe hear!* of the various committee bureau submits >■■ ports of I fierir lilacs and the progress made In their bureau* Tho National committeemen present told of the Situation In their state, and It was generally agreed -hut Ihe outlook so ihe demoeraMe nsiinnii ticket was most promising Former National Chairman Thomas Taggart derlai--d that Indiana would surely go for Hi/• am and lhai the rup iMleans -vere u- Ing money to dlvld' the labor voti. 'tov ilnskell of Oklahoma treasurer of National committee, <jeela"cd thst Oklahoma would glv< Bryan V),ont plurality, and the' the slate would eontrihute $50,0W h> the campaign fund, Of which $27,00*) had already been raised Following the reports of the bureau heads the situation wits discus red with rsfvrence to Mr. ilryun f House Furnishings Full size Sheets/ at .. • ....... .39c 81x90, no soani/.. .. 53c 81x90 Linen fmish, at *s9c Large size $2.00 White Fringed Bed Spreads, at ~.51.49 Extra large White Spreads, at ~..98c 42x36 Pillow Cases, ~.loc Blankets and Comforts We have them in all sizes- 10 4 Wool Blankets. Good Cotton Blankets. 11-4 Wool Blankets. A sample lot of Comforts that yoil can get a nice selec tion from at small cost. Dress Skirts One lot of new Panama Skirts, latest cut. $5, $7.50 and $lO. One lot of new Voile Skirts, silk trimmed and plain, that are unmatehable in the Augusta market. PeLLicoaLs PeLLicoats New Hydgrade Skirts, with doe-p ruffles and felled seams, worth SI.OO and $1.25, to go at one price 76c One lot worth $1.50 to $2.00; at..* .. SI.OO One lot. $5.00 and $6.00, heavy silk ruffled Petticoat, to go at * $3.98 -ilscusped wllh reference to Mr. Ilry nn’a own campaign, it was mad) known that there was u nlrong drift toward llryejl in New York s' ile an I the reports diving Mils Intorniallon to I’halrioan Mack Indicated t'-nl the state could ho carried if Mr Ilryun would make a swing through the ilate. Political conditions In the middle west were Bikin up and Senator Cul berson, chairman of the advisory com mlttee, who li;ih been spending the summer In Maryland, Informed Mr. Bryan and the committeemen that West Virginia and Maryland would In all probability bo found In the dem ocratic ranks. II was Ihe opinions of those Inking active part In the com mittee's deliberations that tha most effective campaign for Mr. Bryan to make would be to deliver speeches In all the middle west states, spi ek ing only In Ihe principal centers and then to carry the tig-lit to West Vir ginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Je* spy and New York state. Much of the 11/nc, II was suegei-ted, Mr Hrv an would spend on these trips In conference with the Na'lonal commit teemen and state leaders and In this a give valuable aid and direction In Ihe various state campaigns. As ter a consideration of these tentative* suggestions for the campaign and an approval of ihe reports made hy the heads of the bureau, it v-iis decided to call a meeting of the f ill national committee, wllh the various sub-coin nilttecs September K, at M- o'clock in this city. Mr. Bryan told the committeeman that he was delighted with tin- pro gress that he had observed and that while he had only a few suggestions to make, he felt that the work roil'd not have been carried out more of fleh ntly and thoroughly, lie express id himself as pleased wllh the pros pect for di uiocratlc success in No vember. It was learned tonight ihat the vis it of Mr Bryan to New York was arranged for not only within tho full acqu|eHcene of those now in tho di rection ot the democratic parly in Ural stir , Inn lo no s-nall d'-vice to their desire to have Mr Bryan take mi active part In ihe Ni w Y< rk stale I campaign. Chairman Mack said to night: "We 'allied today on various stib Jerts and heard reports from the dlf : ierent bureaus which were very fav-1 oriiulc Mr, Bryan said tbi could not In- hitter and approved he plain-! that we have made for the campaign. I No definite dates fur Itr all's speak lug trip* were made. He will con 1 Urn- his sin liking io Hu- pr'ne-p- I ee i ter- In the middle west ;t:id doubt fill stales.” Within the next two weeks the dates ror Mr Bryan's .peaking tour will probably tn- lived by the National committee. A constant stream of '-all or* iiv<is into headquarters today to greet Mr Ilryun and tonight several local democratic clubs serenaded him at his hotel. DAILY AND SUNDAY $6.00 PER YEAR. NIGHT RIDERS AGAIN ON RAID BROOKVII,US, Ky.—Night rlderi surrounded the tobacco barn of Wal ter Galloway, a fanner living near here, early this morning, and after throwing oil on the structure, applied a match. Galloway ran from tho house when he saw the night riders apprboch and hid In tho bushes along tho road. After the night riders saw the fir* was under headway they started dnwn the road and Galloway fired ton shofs. Ono of tho riders was shot five times and was taken to Falmouth, Ky.,wwhet,r t , the bullets were extracted. His Identity Is unknown. It Is expected that arrests will b# made soon. MICTMENTS AGAINST RIDERS EDDYVIU.K, Ky.—The grand jury adjourned today without having re turned any Indictments against night riders in this section, and as a result some 130 warrants, based on Infor mation and belief, and sworn out against men charging them with hav ing committed various depredations in this section, will probably be dis missed, Following the dismissal ot the grand Jury, County Attorney Crotia made a sensational statement, declar ing that no attempt had baeii uiada to bring the culprits to Justle,. and thst work of 'he grand jury had bun* a furcs. Th e non-advertising merbtr»J tan no more compete with on* who advertises than the old Franklin hand press oan com. pete with the modern web-pep. fecting cylinder press. 716 BROADWAY