The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 23, 1908, Page PAGE THREE, Image 17

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SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 Big Reductions in Price of Gas Ranges $16.00 GAS RANGES, Now $12.00. Small Payments, Connections Free. This Reduction is for Balance of August. GAS COMPANY. Southern Cotton Oil Company Has District Offices Here Entire Business of Great Chain of Mills and Gin neries is Transacted Through Central Offices Located in Augusta. Few people in Augusta realize the Magnitude end importance of Angus ta as a cotton seed oil center. This is growing more pronounced daily as Augusta’s advantages in this line are becoming generally known, and the farmers ana public are looking to this city as a cotton seed and cotton seed products market. One of the largest of all cotton seed oil companies. The Southern Cotton Oil company, makes Augusta head quarters for one of their divisions. Tlvey not only operate a large crude t Sir Will and refinery here, giving em ployment to many, but the entire business of some 10 or 12 mills and . 16 to 20 sinneries is now carried on •i} • trough what is known as the AugUH o ,1k District Office, located here, of - tlcse. "dvj cotton oil industry has made 2i,'ful strides during the past few J?f ’'Ynd when it is considered that |]L V, pays annually some sixty-flvy 111 <v 4 ltv millions of dollars ta tne xj l» -rd for what waß formerly con d a worthless product, and n 'material it can easily be seen 11//hatI 1 //hat the work means to the j I j ['• in general. ** * a source of great pleasure to B-lic generally to know that the ta district is one of the leading is in the entire cotton belt. By management and with a force of '■es in every department show casing interest in their work uthern Cotton Oil Company has y iu Can Talk to 8,000 Buyers, or iri : Approximately 40,000 Readers nd of The Herald, Every Day, i Cent A WORD. Wanted Agents Wanted Rooms or Board Wanted Help Boarding Wanted Salesmen * For Rent Rooms H Wanted Situations Rooms and Board The Herald offers the classified ad- Tertiser an unequaled opportunity. No other paper offers within thou sands as many buyers per day, no other paper offers such a responsive, live wide-awake clientele. If you cannot come to the main of fice of The Herald —ls you cannot conveniently go to the branch office right in your neighborhood—ls you haven’t time to mail it—Telephone —you'll receive courteous attention— and well collect later. I' If YOU Want RESULTS. " Put It In The Herald. " gained an advantage that will stand by them through the long years of the future. The company gives em ployment to Southern men and is ad vancing a Southern industry which, in the estimation of all who have expressed themselves, merits consid eration and patronage on the part of the public at any and all times possible. Incidentally it may be well o men tion that today they are carrying a full-page advertisement in Th e Herald and a glance at it will be Interesting and educative to those who are not so familiar with the great work being carried on by the company under its efficient management here. SOCIAL AFFAIRS AT MILLEN, GA. Miss Pauline Wallace and Mr. George Jones, of Herndon, were quiet ly married Monday morning at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. A. Wallace. Mr. Marvyn Cheatham is the guest of his cousin, S. W. Palmer. Miss Kathleen Cates, of Waynes boro, is the attractive guest of Mrs. J. P. Applewhite. Mrs. Hugh Humphrey, of Barnes ville, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Klias Daniel. The friends of Mr. Jim Palmer are delighted to see him out again, after his recent illness. The most enjoyable barbecue of the season was given by Mrs. Godbee, at her country home, seven miles from Milien, last Tuesday. About fifty guests were present. Quite a large number went from here, and every one had a thoroughly good time. The dinner was spread in the large grove, which is an ideal place for such an outing. Miss Eileen T.unier entertained with an elegant six o’clock dinner last Thursday evening. Her guests were Misses Agnes Daniel, Maydelle Ben son, Mollte Parker. Celine Daniel and Annie Dee Foy, Messrs. Hugh Parker. King Godbee. Miller Gregory, Grady Bates and Joe Law. A jolly party spent Tuesday at the Club House on a flsh fry, composed of Misses Julia Daniel, Celine Daniel, Inez Folk and Fredrlca Fisher, Mossrs Brantley Daniel, Mark l’erklns, Miller Gregory, Harry Harmon and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godbee. Mrs. I. o. Parker entertained last Monday night with a delightful party complimentary to Misses Annis Parker and Eileen Hell. Those present were Misses Giadis Buxton, Bell Parker, Reby Parker, Sarah Godbee, Kathleen Cates, Estelle Posey, Lulller Daniel, Messrs. James Daniel, Sam Parker. Jr.; I.cslie Brinson, Dave Lane, jack Daniel and Joe Applewhite. Mr. and Mrs. Dekie arc spending this week at Indian Spring. "The friends of Mrs. Mose Pilcher here regret to know she is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dame, in Augusta. The many friends of Mrs. Frank M. Godbee regret to know she has been 111 with fever. mm HUBS As well as for the preserva tion and purification of the skin no other skin soap so pure, so sweet, so speedily effective as Cuticura. For eczemas, rashes, Inflamma tions, chafings, sunburn, wind irritations, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports, for the care of the hair and scalp, for sanative, antiseptic cleans ing, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura are unrivaled. Guaranteed absolutely pure, and may be used from the hour rtf birth. •h-.jr.'i* I**,** iwi™ it I fiffitagStes I*4*S.F«rT*in, hJSEwi so Afrl** I J,4i„ < *:»• Town. ***.; I A A , THE AUGUSTA HERALD Captain Lovelace , Aeronaut Captain Lovelace, of the New York Aero Club and his assistant in the basket of his balloon which ex ploded at the Franco-Brit ish Exposition, hillinß his secretary, Miss Hill, age eighteen, and Geo. Waite, one of his workmen. Be low is a photograph of Capt. T. T. Lovelace. 1 Full Text of New Law Against Excessive Rates of Interest Those ho attacked the money lend |eis in Augusta a short time ago will no doubt bo Interested in the lull | text of tlie recent Hi 11 which rogu | bites their business with more strln gency thun heretofore. There are many in Augusta who do not favor permitting money lenders to do busi ness in llils city. The bill has been signed by Gov. Smith and became effective «t once, it was introduced in the legislature by Hon. A. I’ratl Adams on the first day of the session of the legislature and duly passed the bouse by a vote of 141 to 2. The senate Houglit to put In an amendment exempting pawnbrokers, bill it did not receive a single vote and the original measure passed the upper house by a vote of 31 to !l and a motion to reconsider was lost. The following is the com plete text of the bill; "A bill to be entitled nil act t> make it a misdemeanor to charge any rate of Interest greater than live (r>) per cent per month either di rectly or indirectly and for other pur poses. "Section 1. Tic 11 enacted by the goner Hi assembly of i. ( e state of Oeor. gla, That it Khali be a mlsdcmcano.- puntshahle under Section 103!) of the Penal Code of (his state, for any per son, company or corporation to re serve, charge or take for any loan or advance of money, or forbearance to enforce tne collection of any sum of money, any rate of Interest great er than five per cent per month, either directly or Indirectly, by way of commission for advances, discount, exchange, the purchase of HHlary or wages, by notarial or other fees, or FOB PRINCESS NOT ALLOWED ATJOME LONDON —Under no circumstances will Frau Tossell!, former frown Prln cess of Haxony lie allowed to take up her residence in the kingdom ruled by her ex-husband. King Frederick, who is said to be in love with his former wife would probably make no objec tion, but the Ministers of State a.s well as the high tier/ are strongly opposed. Frau Tosselit is suing her husband the pianist from whom she has lived separated for some time, for an ahso lute divorce on the grounds of an un conquerable dislike of him arising out of difference In age, and resulting dls cordant views of life. The lady Hods the educational Inferiority of the Ital lari pianist, an absolute obstacle to fur ther harmonious life together. In the meantime Tossell Is still In Florence, and steadfastly refuses to be Interviewed. He has given up the concert, platform, and makes a very preeaurlous living u . a teacher. it Is almost certain that the Held trlberg court will deny the apllcatlon for a divorce unless the former I'rln cess proves a stronger reason than difference In age and education. 1 p A 1 '’ ' ' I A- by any eonlrnet or contrivance, or device wnatever; snve and exoept only that regularly licensed pawn brokers, where personal property is Inkon In their actual physical posses sion and sLored by them, may charge In addition to said rate of interest, not exceeding tw«|ity-flvo cents at the time said property is flisi taken | possession of by them for the storage | ol said property. "Sec. 2. lie li further enacted, That, this statute shall not lie construed as repealing or Impairing llio usuary laws now existing, but as being c.umu latlve thereto. "Sec. 3. Bo il further enacted, That all laws and parts of liiwb in conflict with lliis act he and tlio same are hereby repealed.” RUSSIA IS NOT ALWAYS_SO CRUEL LONDON.—-fount. Tolstoy's great Indictment of the Czar's government has come almost as the parting shot from the hand of that veteran fighter, albeit the champion of peace. Count Tolstoy’s appeal to the Husstan gov ■ eminent Is one of the most memo -1 ruble of the many famous dominants which lie has produced Ills Indict ment of the government ami of the Czar himself Is solemn and weighty. I "You all, from the secretary of the court to the premier and the Czar, are Indirect participators In the lnlq -1 nitles perpetrated every day," so runs ' the protest, but the pith of fount Tol | stoy's argument lies In the fact that liUHsla Is worHc than other nations, | but that. Russia haw become as had as other Htates. Till quite recently, In- tells us. capital punishment In Russia was not recognized by law. "I remember how proud I used to he of that, when talking to Western Ku ropcans, but now, for the second and third year, we havy- executions, execu tions, executions unceasingly” The methods (if revolutionaries are | to the great reformer as hateful as I the methods of the Russian govern ment, Wtfl.l he stands for are those | fundamental principles of Christian. ; Ity which have never yel been en forced by Htiy county or any govern ment. There will yet come a time, however, when the utterances of tills great prophet crying In the wilder ness will hi recognized as the true basis of Christian government. RFVIVAL OF CANADIAN SHIPPING The decline in the Dominion's ship ping tonnage, which has been In pr's gross lor 30 years, has now hern ap parently arrested, says Harper's Weekly. Although 4.'<2 vessels were stricken from the registry Rst In t%7, there whs a net gain: .'{f*u new -i h, valued at 11,728,41.0 were built arid other- bought from abroad The total value ot Canadian vessels last year was IL’O 980,640. Not Base Now, Ho--I used to flirt desperately with that woman. She You quit It, ell 7 You bet l did Her husband died." —Hepyember Smart Set CRIMES GALORE li FRENMPim Place Being Insufficiently Policed is the Cause. PARIS.- The problem of how to deal with tlic "apaches" is the uni versa 1 topic of discussion today be cause of the series of crimes commit ted by them during the last twenty lour hours. Of these crimes three occurred in the Combat Quarters. A merchant M. Marol was found mur dered with a rubber doll at his feet and besides there wero two other out rages, two men named Danplelx and Frollger and a woman named Dejean being wounded by armed rob bers. In the ltois Do Vincennes n man was found by a keeper who thought he was asleep Ail examination show ed that Ills skull was shattered. In his pocket was found a limitary idon (ideation book with the nnm t > of Charles Delormes. The ambulance surgeon who exnmlned the body as It lay on the ground, stated his eonvle Don that the may was attacked from behind by two men who threw him on his face, gagged him and killed him with a large bloodstained rock found nearby. Another terrible crime is reported from the suburbs of Antony whore apaches breaking into a girl’s board ing school murdered the principal and severely wounded two teachers. Mile. Brancard, who slept In the same room as the principal? says that soon after midnight she was aroused by a loud scream from Mine. Larrlen. A man had her by her throat and was demanding fiercely to be told the coin hlnatlon of the school snfe. Mmo. Larrlen tried to scream again. There was the sound of dull heavy blows, a moan and then silence but for the murderer’s rapid breathing. Mile. Brancard rose am! screamed for help, lint, was stretched to the floor unconscious with a blow from a Jimmy. Another teacher, Mile. Bernes was roused and rushed into the room only to b,, knocked down. By this time every girl In the school was awakened and screaming for help. The murderer or murderers lied. A youth named Murray, suspected of taking part in the crime hau been arrested, lie ftred three sholH at the detectives, fled Into h house am! was only captured after an exciting chase over Ihe roofs of three houses. These crimes coupled with the re viva I of highway robbery In the ltois do Honglogne anil the activity of the apnehcH lii all th ( . outlaying Ruliurbn lias caused great uneasiness here. In the highest quarters at the prefecture of police, however, the opinion Is held that there Is no special epidemic of I crimes and that the slreots of Paris I are safer than Ihcy wore some years ago. M. Loplmo also says Unit, the I police have completely cleaned many districts which wore formerly the no torious haunts of criminals, who have largely taken refuge In the suburbs on the north and east sides of Paris which lie admits are Insufficiently policed because lie has not men enough to cover them. He will therefore ask for five him ilrod more policemen and with these h,. promises to make I’arlH safer than any other city In the world. CM'S RULES lEBYPOPUUI LONDON.—These, thank Ood, are days of International Interest, and as In a mirage has come to us across the water the reflection of the tri umphant beauty of Quebec's great pageant, (he reception of Ihe prince and the welcome accorded by Ihe beautiful city. Under the happiest auspices did this welcome take place, for no more charming host could he Imagined than the present governor general of Canada, Karl Orey, a lifelong friend of the prince, and one who comes from ii iong Urn- of thoHe who have been associated with the royal family for many generations; genial, kindly, without una.i'ected Interest In men and things, which has remained ns fresh with Idm as when he was but a lad lie is a man who Inspires a Jole de vtvre In all who come near him, and gives you a sensation of hope which few others can so well convey. He has been an Idealist all his life, s man who, although belong ing to the governing class, had yet a strong Instinct which led him to feel that there must be a wide And per fect understanding between the work ers of the woINI and those who have hitherto governed It by virtue of the accident of birth. Canada Is much to he emigratulai ed on the fact that at a moment when Ho. drama of three centuries was to be unfolded, a man with so strong a sense of the historic Import of that special time should have stood upon the shore to welcome In the name of Canada and of Kngland the tietr to the Kngllsh crown. Mystery. "flee, I can't do this!" complained Ted, busy over Ills home-work. "Hay, mother, how many turnips In a bushel f" I don’t know, dr nr Hurcly your teacher didn't ask you that," “Him did, sure; we've got to have It tomorrow In our music exam " The perplexed parent jnade Inquir ies, and found the demand to tie. "How many heats In a measure?"— Century. People who have no trouble* don't know what they have to be thank ful for. PAGE THREE U.S. DISPENSATORY Describes Ihe Principal Ingredients Contained In Pe-ru-na. Are we claiming toomuch for Perttos when we claim it to be an effective remedy for chronic catarrh? Have we abundant proof that Peruna is in real ity such a catarrh remedy? Let us see what the United States Dispensatory says of the principal ingredients of Peruna. Take, for instanoe, the ingredient hydrastis canadensis, or golden seal. The United States Dispensatory says of this herbal remedy, that it is largely employed in the treatment of depraved muoons membranes, chronio rhinitis (nasal catarrhl, atonio dyspepsia (ca tarrh of the stomach), chronio intesti nal catarrh, catarrhal jaundiee (ca tarrh of the liver), and in diseased mucous membranes of the pelvio organs It is also recommended for the treatment, of various forms of dis eases peculiar to women. Another ingredient of Pernna, cory dalis formosa, is classed in the United States Dispensatory as a tonic. So also is cubeb» classed as a stomachic and as a tonic for the muoous membranes. Cedron seeds is another Ingredient of Peruna, an excellent drug that has been very largely overlooked by tha medical profession for tho past fifty years. The seeds are to be found in very few drug stores. The United States Dispensatory says of the action of cedron that it is used as a bitter tonic and in the treatment of dysen tery, and in intermittent diseases as a substitute for quinine. Oil of copaiba, another ingredient of Peruna, it classed by the United States Dispensatory as a mild stimu lant and diuretio. It acts on the stom ach and intestinal tract. It acts as a stimulant on the genito-nrinary mem branes Use fill in chronic cystitis, ahronic dysentery and diarrhea, aad some chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. Send to us for a free book of testi monials of what the people think of Peruna as a catarrh remedy. The best evidence is the testimony of those who have tried it. MOVING PICTURES IN STUD! OF SURGERY LONDON A ill mu 1 o/l photographs giving rcnllsttc Impressions of surgl cnl operations have already boon used I for ih'iiioiißlatluK In medical students? hut liiive been regarded more or less as curiosities. There is a movement afoot, how ever, to introduce cinematograph displays of operations Into he ordi nary medical curriculum and some London hospials, will, Il is stated be gin this new feature during tho new session. Tho proposed use of the cinemato graph Is strongly opposed In certain medical quarters, the operating thea tre being regarded sacred and not. a desirable place for photographic oper ators, who may aiso Introduce dust. II will nevertheless bo adopted for re cording muscular and other move ments In nervous diseases for purpos es of medical instruction. Poor Bobby. "M.v son," said Bobby's father, "you should always remember and emulate the busy bee." Ten minutes later Bobby was eaugnt In the neighbor's apple tree gathering blossom*. After being pep pered with salt by the Irate neighbor he was taken down behind the barn and soundly thrashed. "That’s what you get for emulating the nusy bee," he sobbed. “Next time I am going to emulate tbe lazy toad and sit in the grass and do nothing." —Chicago News, A girl can love nlmost any man that her parents urn willing to ob p et tO.a A woman of few words usually ha* the reiteration CURES ECZEMA QUICKLY Nsw Drug, Poslam. Now Obtainable In Small Quantities. Since Its discovery one year ago, Ihe new drug, poslam, has success fully cured thousands of chronic cases of eczema and other distressing skin afflli'tlon. Heretofore poslam lias been dispensed solely for the bun el! I of eczema patients In large jars sufficient for a month's treatment. This was found to no an Im-iivenl once tq many who use It for minor skin trouble*, such as pimples, blackheads, herpes, iieu.v, scaly scalp, complexion, blemishes, Itching feet, piles, etc, which require but a small quantity to cure. To overcome this and In response to urgent appeals ths dispensers of poslam have bceft obliged to adopt In addlth.u to the regular twodollur package, n special flfty-oents size, which ’..i f.i'.ure may t>e found on sale nt the Unbaulsi Drug Co., pind other leading drug store* In Augusin, or may he oiderou Utiect froth the Kmergcne*. Lab. ratories No. 32 Wosl tftth Strati, New York l Ity, In all eczema cases poslam stops Itch ing* with first sppllcitlou chronlei cases being cured In two weeks. In less serious skill trouble, resultt are so, n after an overnight application. Hample for experiments! I u-poses may still he bud, free of charge, by writing to the laboratories toy tksur.