The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 23, 1908, Image 9

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Advertising is the motive power of business. Stop adver tising and your business will be as dead as an engine without steam. VOLUME XIII., No. 234 P ITH Y POINTERS ABOUT AUGUST SURPLUS STOCK SALE MULLARKY ®> SULLIVAN COMPANY Seven more days of fast and furious selling in the August Surplus Stock Sale. Summer Materials and Odd Lots placed on centre counters, marked in plain figures, all Below Cost. What’s left of Coskery stock now going for a song. Lawns and Batistes f Our entire stock of colored Lawns and Batiste choicest colorings and designs; regular 121/ 2 c and 10c qualities, Monday all at Cq one price 12% CENTS WHITE MADRAS, ... 7%c 19 CENTS WHITE MADRAS, >2%c i Shirt Waists Shirt Waists I IN THE SURPLUS STOCK SALE. I All $1.25 and SI.OO White Lawn Waists, embroi- I derv and lace trimmed; all sizes, now SOc I $3.50 White Lawn Waists, best styles, all <£| rA $5.00 Waists; fine lingerie styles, handsomely trimmed in French Val and Embroidery. cvit to } 36 INCH FRUIT OF THE LOOM, 15 CENTS GLASGOW DRESS LINENE j CUT TO Linen Lawns Below Importers Cost jß9c Linen Thread Cambric Lawn, 21c r39e Linen Thread Cambric Lawn, 59c Linen Thread Cambric Lawn, 39c I 69c Linen Thread Cambric Lawn, 50c I 10-4 Linen Sheetings, $1.25 grade, 75c I 10-1 Linen Sheetings, $1.50 grade, $1.19 f «lt •••••••• i Table Damask at Closing OaL I Prices 152.00 Bleached Linen Damask, gjQ i $1.19 Bleached Linen Damask, ft Of’ [ SI.OO Reached Linen Damask, 7 •Jr' | cut to * 1 75c Bleached Linen Damask, rQ- L cut to OVC W 65c Bleached Linen Damask, 4 Of' 60c Bleached Linen Damask, A'Jr cut to Imperial English Long CloLh $2.50 Quality, 12 yard pi*- -es, $2.25 Quality, 12 yard pieces, 50 $1.50 Quality, 12 yard pieces, jj q $1.25 Quality, 12 yard pieces, * The Live Dry Goods People THE SUNDAY HERALD Mitflarky Sullivan Company AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1908. Monday our first showing of advance styles of Fall Suits, in our new furnished suit room, second floor, Broad street front. For Cloaks, Suits and Skirts, our advance models are now on exhibition and like everything else we are the first house to make a complete showing of Fall Suits. Defer your pur chases until you see our stock. We can save you money. ::::::: Dress Goods Below Cost As wo brought about $5,000 worth of Wool Dress Goods from Goskcry’s stock and with our own regular stock, we find that we have about twice too much Dress Goods. We are going to pay more attention to Ready-to-Wcar Garments and we must reduce our Dress Goods stock at once. Wool Dress Goods, Worsteds and Mohair; solid colors, cheeks and stipes; .)4 inches; choice material and good new fall colorings. Our aQ _ regular SI.OO qualities on center counters, at ■ 50c and 59c Wool Dress Goods; checks, plaids and solid colors, OOp, now to close out, at OOC 35c Wool Challies and Batiste, in plain colors, all desirable IQ/> One Jot mixtures, stripes, plaids and checks, fall weight suiting, 101/ /> 25c and 29c grade, now cut to MUSLIN UNDERWEAR To save time and money before you buy any kind of Muslin Underwear, see our lines, we have put the whole stock out on center counters, all at below cost and we mean to sell them all out quick. NEW FALL SUITS OUR ADVANCE POELECTION OF NEW FALL SUITS ARE NOW IN AND READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. BRIMFUL OF CATCHY FEA TURES; ALL THE NEW ERECTS; NEW FEATURES; IN THE MOST PRACTICAL AND STRIKINGLY AND ORIGINAL EXCLUSIVE STYLES —A GREAT STYLE PARADE. OUR NEW CLOAK AND SUIT ROOM HAS BEEN MOVED UP STAIRS, BROAD STREET FRONT, STAIRS NEAR FRONT DOOR. OUR NEW SUIT ROOM IS JUST THREE TIMES THE SIZE OF OUR FORMER.SUIT DEPARTMENT. OUR READY MADE SUIT BUS! NESS HAS GROWN SO MUGH THAT WE WERE FORGED TO EXPAND. ALL GOODS SHOWN UNDER GLASS GASES. La Grecque Corsets All at HALF PRICE To Close Out. DAILY AND SUN DAY, SG.OO PER YEAR. Huck Towels To dozen all Linen Huck Towels, very special Mon day, at • 15c Each. Or, Per Dozen $1.50 Belt Bargains All 75e and SI.OO Belts, Leather and Silk, black and all colors, j now ZdC All l ine $1.25 and $1.50 Silk and Leather Belts, {•losing out -y 50e White Wash Belts, at iOr 45 Inch Dress Nets And Waisting Nets, in ecru, butter, black and white, dotted and plain, all reduced to one price for quick clearance, 75c to SI.OO qualities, 42C Hose Specials Ladies 50c Lisle Hose, black tan and fancy, at Ladies SI.OO and $1.25 Silk, Lisle and Em- AES/’' broidcred Hose, now, at one price UDL Infants Socks, 25c kind, 15C Infants Hocks, 15c kinds, 10c Ladies* tan and black mercerized gauze / Jlr r Hose, a leader, at Fancy Novelty Silks A general clearance of Fancy Novelty Silks, in all the desirable colors, I bat. formerly sold from 75c to $1.25, now on center counter -j s' at one price Lace Stock TOO HEAVY AND WE NEED THE SPACE. 250 Pieces Machine made Linen and Gotten Lace, Inserting and Edge, regular price 0 1 4c -y^, Kc and 10c, now Monday, at OL 10c Point de Paris Wide Lace, g? _ now at OL Irish (Jinny Lace, in white and butter shades, wide and narrow, match sets, worth 19c to 35c o _ closing out price, per yard OL Big Bargains in Val Lace, special reductions at 25c, 35c and 50c Dozen. 10c Dress Ginghams Standard quality and styles, now only Embroideries ARE THE TALK OF THE TOWN We have about Hirer 1 times more invested in Em broideries than we should have, and to reduce stock we have marked our Embroideries below cost. Put them in bg lots at reduced prices. One lot, at 4c One lot, at • 7%c One lot, at 10c One lot, at 15c ()ne lot, at 19c One lot, at 39c The non-advertising merchant can no more compete with on# who advertises than tho old c ranklln hand press can com pete with the modern web-per footing cylinder press. Agents For Me Call's Patterns.