The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 24, 1908, Image 6

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WANTS HERALD WANT ADS. REACH THE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO REACH. Trying to sell It without the of * wsnt *d li not "really and truly" trying. If you mako nine out of ton of your Tlslt* to store* In answer to ad». YOU’RE WIHK The man who "always ban a want ad working for him" la prospering— depend upon It A * lino want ad., repeated a few time* will definitely decide Whether or not you can aril It- and yon prob ably can Moat of the merchant's REAL anxl tloa grow out of hla abaurd anxiety not to upend too murh In advertising If the family Income la earned by work, why not taka a little trouble about upending It to beat advantage? Why not be an ad reader? It taken a aort of courage, to ad rartlae a utore adequately THE FIItHT TIME. Bmall bank balance* make cowards i of many merchant*. A bank balance that la devoted to advertlalng usually "grow* up' quickly SITUATION WANTED j Male. BOOKKEEPER: WANTED, Posi tion a* bookkeeper with good con cern. Can keep both single and dou ble book*, and can take dictation on typewriter Am capable of managing business. Addrea*. Capable, care An guata Herald. A29c BOOKKEEPER A YOUNG MAN OKI experience v ■/»* a *|anll in m uotilt k<-t p«.r oi uH«l«tant at onr^; now #*wi* t ployed, but for good reason* woii.d like lo mak change. Address II M.j A , cate ll< raid A26x j SITUATION WANTED Female. SEAMSTRESS A YOUNG LADY! who ta a good ateamatrea* dealre* |>oa!tlon Apply or addreni No. 2: Washington St. a2lx j COOK A COLORED WOMAN I)K •Ires position a* cook, nurae or i honseglrl Address l-ena Hudson, 712 Campbell Hi. *2l* NURSE A COt/OKKD WOMAN UK sire* position as itur»e or cook. Ad dre»s Alice Itrady, 712 Campbell HI a2lx STENOGRAPHER: YOUNG I.ADY gi.iiluaie in stenography want* pcs altlon »t once; t)C*t of reference* Mis* J E. care The Herald. *24p COOK A YOUNG COl.t HIED WOM nu dealres position a* cojk Ad drea* Mauli Howell, 1*27 Talcott HI. A26x WANTED HELP Male WANTED RAILWAY MAIL CI.EIIKH po*t office clerk*, carriers, sl.lo*l yearly. November examination* Preparation free Write Immediately. Franklin lnatllute, Rocbealer, "N Y SALESMAN: A WOE .*\\\KlJ aaleantan WRnfeo Itv IV l-irgeut whip nuinufarturer* In the United State* to travel In Georgia and Flori da, atrlctly on a eominlaslon hauls; uniat furnlHh own expense money aud good reference Vddresa .1 E Dean H Ocean Air, Ocean Unite, N .1 A i WANTED Boarders HOARDERS WANTED A COUPLE to board In private family on Greene Hi References evehatiged Address W R . care The Herald all tip WANTED Miscellaneous. TKKKIKK ITPIMRS OS'* Oil TWO black t#*rri«*r ptipplwi wanted. t*tack nun: b« Hood ratter* Wtlktr and Walker, s3s Reynold* *4trr*t. as4«* Sacre’s Watch Club Members ALL PARTIES INTKRKSTED WILL please call al once, *lB2 Bros,l St. Rer.pettfull; your. C M H icrr V2or Verdery Pressing Club PRESSING CO SUCCESSORS TO Verdery Preaalna Club 212 Mcln toah atreet Phone Ili.'i Kt|iert rleantna pressing and laqialrln* Hats cleaned and blocked Ladles’ suits and *klrt* Cleaned and pressed All work guaranteed J P Stephens, Mgr •*• v Puff Sale JUST RECEIVED A LARGE. AS sortmeni of puffs, will sell at *pc rial low prices for next 10 days Nice lot of braids, atralahl and wave* Mrs L M /.acherv , No. SIS Broad St •Xsp What’s The Use TO WONDER WHKRI l Till heat lee cream and *od» water, whan Sandifer has two eentrall* !<• rated founts. 97ri Broadway, and the New Lobby Fount. - Dyer Rtd« A?- »woo*, mo* swe vTWWA MM- “*• Stores That “Hide Their Lights” Soon Hide Themselves Altogether. In The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE Real Estate IAN IDEAL HOME IT WILL DOU bb- In value In ten year*; slop pay. rent; also 26 acre* line land at Oracewood Apply to C. T. Schmidt, 442 Walker St *l6c | HOUSE A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 122 Broad atreet. for sale; lot 4.7x120, houae of 5 room*, large porch, back and front; cement sidewalk, gua, a new houae Ptlcc $2,250 caab. Ap ply on pramlae*. A29c SEVERAL PIECES piIOI’ERT Y IN North August', 4-room cottage*, 6 j and 8 dwellings gee m< It In iTtc t market for a home C**h or term* L. F Verdery. 587 Broad St. \2sc. ' FOR RENT Real Estate. 7 WARREN BLOCK, FRONT AND ! rear atoren lot rent; also 1*24 El Hr I street Apply to Jacob Phlnlity. JOtf fOlt RENT RESIDENCE 1242 AND 1244 Broad street, $26 **o each Pos-| sc sinn al once Jno J. Evan*, j 406 Marbury, 6 roqjn*. $27.50. Cor Greene and Marbury, over store, I 10 rooms. $27 60. Kstabllihcd Grocery store, cor Greene and Marbury, S2O 00. Partle* having house* and lot* for j sale or rent, pleaae have them lluted ! with ua. ( heap money to loan on rlty property. Apply Jno. J. Cohen, 726 Broad St Jlktf FOR RENT NO. 410 REYNOLDS ST. First flat, four rooms and hath. Ap ply 812 Jackson St. a2sp STORES 821 AND 222 JACKSON ST., opposite opera houae. Apply to llulae'a Steam Laundry. Jstf COTTAGE; AN ELEGANT NEW cottage near Hampton Terrace Ho tel. on Went avenue; splendidly nr ranged for two families; will rent fur nished or unfurnished, and also a ten-room house 1031 Reynolds street Apply H. C. Wall, 917 Broad St. Al ltf ' FOR RENT FROM OCTOBER IST:] 418 Elbert gtrect, six rooms, bath, j etc ; any reasonable repaifK required , will be done. Kdw. <j. Dugas, ltf9 Dyer Bblg. a26|> ! FOR RENT Rooms TO RENT; TWO LARGE AND ONE jmall connecting rooms; to couple 'Altbout children. Desirable lorotlon For further Ir formation addreas m case of Herald A26c FOR RRHT N'K’E LAKGK ROOM. 15x25; cion, In on Hroad Ht.; suits ble for office or b*d room for young men; only $H .’>o per month, (’all 'phone 1957. a26p FOR BALE Miscellaneous BUSINESS A PLEASANT AND profitably hnulness centrally located on Broad street Inside price to right party and quick buyer Reason for selling, leaving town. Addreas Broad way, ear,. Herald a2sc SUIT SALK TO FORCE AN EARLY opening In th,. full season. 35 fine heavy suit patterns, ranging from $24 to S2B 00. ail wool and heavy weights for fall wear, thrown on the Bargain Counter, to be made up In fall suits, for $17.50. This sale will laat for 10 day* cmly commencing Monday, Aug. 24th, to September 2nd. at Otto W. Marshall's, corner Jackson and Ellis Sts. ORA IMIOPHONE ONE LA ROE EDI son graphophone, cost $100; large brass horn cost SSS; and about for*y records Will well cheap for cash or exchang* for sonudhlng useful. W. I*. O'Kch-lu, 13*10 South Boundary St. a27c FOR SALK HALF CORD DRY ptm* wood, delivered, for $1 50. Rustic swings $3 00 and Roc'ktng ('hairs $l 60 rach Some fine Coium Man \V> andottea, S L Wyandottes, I Light Brahmas and White Rock* at special close out prices Eggs for ! hatching, all Breeds Belvldere Poul try Farm, Phone 1184, Augusta. Via AUTOMOBILE: GOOO AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at White’s garrage; big bargain for quick buye.. Apply at once, Herald office. ts WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS j papers for wrapptug purposes Ap j ply at Herald office Jl6tf! j WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS I I’sixts lor *mpiling purposes \p j ply at Hvrald Offlc*. J 1 sit s ENGINE GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlas «*ii||ln*, practically new. for sale *1 a barsaln Addri-»i Ki*kiu», cars Herald WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS paper* fur wrapping purpose* Ap ply at Herald office. jietf IF YOU WANT \ PERMANENT roofing use Protection Brand Thla roofing ha* a *tx Inch lap and driving nails through the lap only and co ntenting the over lapping aheet to It that no nail* are exposed It eat) ho laid by any handy man Thl* roofing la made aophalt aud containing no tar Sold to \V \V Jones M 7 Melti tosh St . Augusta. SKc PKRPKTUA EXTRACT. SWEET *ud a* the name implies lasting $1 25 an ounce Parr's Pharmacy’. | Phone 369. Tires. TIDE Cl NTURY TIRES THE KIVU | that wears well W H llolmex, I Sri* Camt-bell Sipeet ASOc FOR SALE Horses. Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON’T BUY YOUR HORSES and mulct* from ua, we both lose money. Augusta Stock Yard*. RED POLL CATTLE; A FEW choice heifers and bull calves. They I are hardy, dean, Rood milker, and with beef conformation. Just the kind of cattle you like to see around the farm For price: and estimate*, write Howdre Phlalzy, Grovetown, Ga. Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wear* well W. H. Holmes, ,08 Campbell *!reet. A3»c FOR SALE Poultry ani Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Tou.oSe G«e*e, Muscovoy Ducks; Barred F’vmouth R icka; nil farm . rained, hea.'.hy and from first-das* j stock. Price* reaeoanblo. Address Bowdre Phinliy, Grovetown, Ga ts j Suit Orpingtons 1 raw nice young cot Urela for sab*. From the original famous Cook strain. Bowdre j Phlnizy. Southern Cabinet M’Tg Works NORTH AIIGt/ST/i. s C„ IS NOW rebuilt and ready to fill orders, euch a* »talrs, bank and office fix turc*, counters, shelvlrn, show cases, j screen doors, window and all classes of cabinet work. We guarantee best work at low prices. ’Phone No. 714. a26c Trunk Hospital OUR TRUNK DOCTORS (AND they are good one*) can put your old, disabled trunk, case and grip in firnt-claa* condition—a new slat, lock,! clamp, etc., and It’s In condition fori year* of service. Cost Is small. TrtiDk | sent for and delivered free of cost. I Or we will take your old trunk as part payment for a qlce, new one Telephone us, 593, or (five us a call at our well stocked, spacious store. Augusta Trunk Factory, 851 Broad. Wrong side of street, but right side of prices. M M. Cleckley, Prop. Lost and Found CALF: STRAYED OR STOLEN from corner Gwinnett and Harlsor Birccfß, Wednesday n red calf. No tify M. A S., care The Herald, and get reward. a22tf Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 26c PER PECK; green tomatoes 60c per peck; ap -1 pie vinegar 30c per gallou, onions 25c per half perk, large white head -ib hitge 10c and apiece** and etc. Now Is the best time to do your pick ! ling Please give me your Older. L A Grim aud. 210 Gumming street, j Phone No. 1305 slue Tires. | RIDE CENTURY TIRES. THE KIND that wears well. W. H. Holmes j (08 Campbell street. \2oc Gin House lusurance representing the strongest fire Imuiranco company In the world, making a specialty of cotton gins. We I will I*., glad to write cotton gins, old style and system gins, anywhere in Georgia or South Carolina Write or telephone us. E. Phlnizy & Go., Agts. A 290 To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING: FROM this date on your piano moved, tuned and cleaned for $.» 00. The spe cial price of tuning Is $2 50. ('all up Uobt. J Watson. Phone 504, No. 066 Broad street, the Cable Co. (All work ; strictly first class.) s2oo Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY S.9TUK day Ready at It o’ci'ck a. m. 25c quart Vandiver’s Meat Market, no I Ninth street J2stf Fresh Vegetables for Cash It* \I.L BOARDING HOUSES. RES (aurantn, or any peraon purchasing one* dollars north of vegetables or fruits for cash at on#* purchase, l will give 10 per cent of the hill or In other word* Hoc will pay for on*' dollar h worth of vegetable* anti fruit* at Grtmaud For tomorrow and ! Monday will have special line of nice, fresh vegetables. Try me for on** I dollar * worth for cash. ’l*hone 130“ “*• I H Housekeepers (SEND trie POSTPAID "IDEAL Dust Pap.." a h ick saver and ornn- ! ment as well as useful; household! jirtlclc for every woman Agents, ! wanted Southern Specialty Co., Au ! gust a. Os. A 23c Fount For Pen | HV PORT PAID BRINGS YO'’ ONE. 25c three, every office man needs | !h*m big time saving; one dip InW | too words Agent* wanted South j ern Specialty Co. Augusta Ga V 2 e Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK i Do ,vn kinds of concrete work, such a* cement walks, reinforced work I ' have the lateat Improved machine!—. I and an expen foreman, arid am pre pared to turn out work for big op I .ter* Estimates and siH-cldcauons ' furnished A H McDaniel. Augus ta. Os JJ7tf THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS SUCCESS is sure If you plant Alexander's Seed*. Big 7 Turnip Collection 2o CENTS Seven full ounces of the seven beat varieties of Turnips and Ruta Bagaa, 25 CENTS They all grow. You cannot buy better seeds if you pay 25c PER OUNCE Alexander Seed Co. CAREFUL SEEDSMEN. 011 BROAD. AUGUST A. MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio. 819 Talfalr St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. Fou- Post Cards, 50c. alOtf Merry Widow. MERRY WIDOW PERFUME THE hit of the season. Try It. Phone us. No. 1166, Tessier Pharmacy, 1366 Broad. J22t( Cheap Lumber A LARGE LOT OF FLOORING. CEIL Ing and weather boarding, all grades; also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-in. boards to Bxlo framelng. AJI this stock must be disposed of in next 30 days. Address Standard Lumber Co,, Exposition Ave and 15th St., or E. J. O'Connor, 855 Broad St ts Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents Phone 112. Alt! Reward. FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND fever that Randall's Chill and Fe ver tonic tails to cure. Guaranteed to cure where others fall. No cure i no pay. Phone 2214—Randall's Phar macy We deliver to any part of the city. s2c Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIKES. THE KIND that well, W. H. Holmes, 308 Campbell street, A3oc Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. W. H. Holme*. 308 Campbell street. A3oc Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. W. H. Holmes, 308 Campbell street. A3oc Brick Masons THOMAS NICHOLS AND SONS, Practical Brick Masons and Plasters want to figure with you. Try us and you will be pleased with results. Thomas Nichols, 1916 Watkins St., Auguola, Ga. Sept2p Tires. RME CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. \V. H. Holmes, 108 Campbell street. A3«*c Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Al2tf Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IP *he bkst plastering material for 1 walls and ceilings It gives addl- j tlonal strength to tho building and stay* put forever. A. H. Mcbanlei.j Augusta, Gg. Jl4tf j FOR RENT Park. P.ALDOC NEW PARK, THOROUGH**/ equipped with *ll modern iiccommoda- ) tlnn* for picnic parties, dancing, bath- J ing and fishing Come here tor yom , outing Perms sls per day. Address, j J. 11. Hewlett, Secy. Allendale, S. G. ! eodlOwkM Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES. THE KIND 1 that wears well. W. H. Holme*. U*B Campbell street. A3oc Horse Shoeing I HAVE ONE OF TliE BIST equipped horse shoeing shops pi j August* snd fipwa.vs carry a full line of shoes forty-eight kogs. AUo use ! a great many hand made shoes. I | fit all the shoes myself and see that i they are put on properly. I solicit 'your patronage, or a part of It at least Three of the best sheers Ir. 1 town I can shoe forty five head, four ; shoes each, per day. Shoo* one dol -1 lar per set and upwards. Monthly ! shoeing Horse clipping Clipper M»Jes sharpened. L. M Hutto, 712 ; Ellis street a2sc Tires. | RIDE CENTURY TIRES. THE KIND that wear* w-eR. W. H Holme* | 70S Campbell street. A3oe Reputation \ND RRPETITTON SOUNDS A Iftt'e slike; both can he applied to Ssndlf*r * two founts, 970 Broadway aud The Lobby Fount,” Dyer Hldg flues* how. Send In earilst written , answer and get a prlxe AiJc A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c HENRY CLEWS NOW DISCOURSES ON PROSPERITY NEW YORK.—Henry Clews today says: Next to good crops the most impor tant factor in the outlook is the uu usual ease of the money market, which crop demands are not likely to materially interfere with. Loanable funds are always abundant and cheap after a panic. This is because of mon ey released by liquidation, and the lack of demand accompanying the subsequent inertia of business. This year the excessive ease from this source is greatly augmented by the tremendous accumulation of gold both here and abroad, and by the inelastic ity of our currently system, whiefl prevents a proper contraction of bank notes in times of redundancy. Attention has already been caJled in these advices to the extraordinary expansion of over $260,006,000 In our circulation wlthia twelve months and that nearly $220,000,000 of this was in gold coin, bullion or certificates. The European banks are also car rying a much lapger surplus than a year ago; in fact, the whole world is threatened with a surfeit of the precious metal owing to the record breaking activities of the Rand. The effect of this upon values must course bo powerfully stimulating, for as we cheapen the standard of value we inevitably raise the prices of all commodities and securities. While the law of supply and de mand is still the most potent factor in establishing values, the tremen dous addltlcw-s to trie gold supply of the world during the past decade have no doubt much to do with the pres ent high level of all prices. The present ease of money is not only an element of support to stocks, making many issues look cheap and easy to carry, but is proving a very impor tant stimulus towards business recov ery. Lenders are only too anxious to find safe borrowers, and sound en terprises which have long been pig eon-holed are now being taken up, so (hat ere long the revival of enter prise in this quarter Till be seen in a better demand for all sorts of con struction material. No great recov ery is in sight, but our commercial and industrial activities are certain ly returning to the normal with enP eouraging promptness. AGED NEGRO KILLED BY LIGHTNING Found in Sitting Position By Passerby. SWAINS BORO, Ga—Bill Gunter, an aged negro man was killed ye* terday by lightning while seated in a chair in hi* house on 'he farm of Mr. Berry Durden The same stroke which killed the old man also struck his daughter, rendering her uncon scions for a number of hours. It also lore down the c*njnoev to the house and damaged it otherwise. There were only these two In the house at the time and it was not known until some time afterwards that they had been struck. A pass erby stopping In found the man Bit ting upright ir a chair stone dead and the woman nearby in a comatose state. She is still suffering from Ihe shock she received and it is probable that she will yet die A Hnsband Suggests a Plan. A contributor to "The Pilgrim'* Script." in the August American Magazine, says: "1 have read the article on Mar r age and Divorce' in the Jttiy Am erican Mag. zinc with great interest. I am glad to see that the young man you quote lets his wife handle all the money. We do that in our fanttly and here is * detail that I offer as a further suggestion; "Out of our general fund my wife take* for herself and gives me, a fixed personal allowance. We each must dress ourselves and meet cer tain definite expenses out of these in d(vl*ial funds If I exceed the speed limit in neckties I have to sobei up until nexj month If I decide to swlfeh from $5 shoes to $7 shoos, 1 can do so without turning off the light th*' mak»* home happy. If my wife pay* S2O for a hat I can admire tbs hnt. and laugh over the fit of folly that drove her to such extravagance. It is no concern of mine. I know that she will have to economize some where" BETWIXT AND BETWEEN. Mis* Uppson—Have you met the Neurox girls* Mis* DeSwell No. What is their j position in society? Miss Uppson—lt’s sort of betwixt and between. They aren't exactly nobody, and yet they aren t really ;anybody Tires. ; RIDF. CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that well. \V. H Holm**, | 30$ Campbell strtsst. AStie LEGAL NOTICE. North-Eaat«rn Division of tho Southern District of Georgia. In tho mavter of Home Furniture Com peny., Bankrupt. By virtue of an order of the Hon. Jos. Oanahl, referee In Bankruptcy for said Division and District, there will be sold at public outers - to the highest bidder -or rash at the store and wsrehouse ot the Home Fuwilture Company, at 1026 Broad Street, .Augusta, Ga., at 12 o'clock qoon on the 28th day of 1908. All -the stock of merchandise, consist ing of household furniture, bediuom, crockery, lamps, chairs, etc., such as are generally carried by furniture stores, an* the fixtures, accounts, a horse, a mule and other property belonging to said bankrupt. Thg merchandise, accounts and live stock to be first offered separately and then together, the trustees reserving the right, with the approval of said reteree, to accewt either the aggregate bid »roe all or the separate bids for each, which ever appear to be for tho best interest of the estate. No bid will be accepted unless arcont uanied hy a certified cneett or other sat isfactory security for at least ten per cent of the bids. All bids subject to confirmation by referee. Any further Information con be obtain ed from the trustee, at 313 Dyer Building and the property inspected upon request. A. F. PURDt* Trustee in Bdiikruptcy A 18, 24, 27e STATE'OR GEORGIA, ~ RICHMOND COUNTY— To the Sheriff of said County or His Lawful Deputy, Greeting: Gideon S. Jones vs. Mattie L. Jones. Libel for divorce. The defendant in the above stated case, Mattie L. Jones, is hereby re quired in person or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of the, Richm#nd Superior Court to be -eld in add for the county aforesaid, on the 19th day of October, 1908, then and there to answer the plaintiff in action of eomplaint, as in default ot such appearance the court will pro ceed thereon as to this trial may per tain. Witness the Honorable Henry C. Hammond, judge of said court, this 24th day of August, 1908. GEO. B. POURNELLE, Deputy Clerk Sup. Court Richmond Co., Ga, a 24-29; s 5-12 COTTON REGION BULLETIN. Augusta District. Temperature. Max. Min. Rain. Augusta 86 74 .90 Allendale 88 73 .00 Athens 86 70 4.82 Batesburg. . 87 71 .98 Blackville 90 72 .00 Camak 85 70 .00 Columbia 85 74 .19 Greensboro 91 70 .93 Greenwood 90 70 2.46 Washington 88 74 .15 Waynesboro 86 73 .03 Averages 86 72 .95 Texas Rainfall. Bremen T. Brownwood 20 Dallas 60 Dublin 12 Henrietta 62 Logview 78 Naeodoches 16 Waco T. Weatherford 28 Heavy Rainfall.- Charlotte, N. C ..2.96 Cheraw. S. C 2.02 Raleigh. N. C .. ..2.72 Atlanta, Ga 2.06 Spartanburg, S. C 2.40 Corsicana, Tex 5.22 Mexla, Texas 3.20 Waxahachle, Texas 1.72 District Averages. Temperature. * Max. Min. Rain. Atlanta 88 70 .48 Augusta 86 72 .95 Charleston 86 74 .08 Galveston 90 72 .46 Little Rock 88 72 .10 Memphis 88 72 .12 Mobile 90 72 .06 Montgomery 90 70 .04 New Orleans 88 72 .52 On.ahoma 86 66 .10 Savannah 86 72 .20 Wilmington 88 72 1.36 Remarks. Showers have been quite general tsrer the belt with heavy to exces sive rains in portions of Texas and South Atlantic states Temperatures continue favorable. D FISHER. Observer. PULP MILL BURNED WILL BE REBUILT GRAFTON. W. Va—Th- pulp mill j of the Condon Lane Boom and Lum ber company, at Horton. W. Va . the ' terminus of the Dry Fork ral'road, •vss destroyed by fire. The riant will | be rebuilt at once. Fire of Incendiary origin destroyed | ihe store of Noah Woods, at Mingo I W V . and also the post office, which was In the same building WANTS STATE OF GEORGIA . RICHMOND COUNTY. To the Superior Court of Said County; The petition of Nathaniel L. wui*c John Phlnizy and William B. Marks au of said county, respectfully shows; 1. That they desire for themselves their assocatee and successors to ba in corporated under the name of the *•>,. L. Willet Seed Company, for a perloa of twenty years, with the privilege oi renewal at the end of that time. 2. That the objeet of said corporation is pecuniary profit, and the particular business they propose to carry on is tho buying and selling, both at wholesale and retail, of seeds, poultry supplies, prepared roofing, pet stock and other animals, and the buying, selling ana manufacturing of animal feeds, animal remedies, Insecticides, spray machine*, fertilizers, farm machinery and appli ances, together with all articles aud merchandise usually sold in connection with such business and to do a gen eral retail and wholesale seed and feed business. 3. That the amount of capital tj c* employed by them, actually paid in, Im 125,000.00, divided into 250 shares of SIOO.OO each. That your petitioners le sire said corporation to oe empowered to increase said capital to an amount not exceeding $100,000.00 from time to time, as the stockholders may determine by a majority vote, to receive propoiry. at a fair valuation as well as money in payment of subscriptions to sto *k; and that there shall be no individual liability to any stockholder, except ior his unpaid stock subscription. 4. That the principal piece or doing business of said corporation is to be the city of Augusta, in said county, with the right of establishing otner places of business at such points as the direc tors may determine. 5. That your petitioners desire said corporation empowered to buy, sell, own, lease ahd hire real and personal proper - ty; to contract and be contracted win.; to borrow money; to execute and nego tiate its promissory notes and oihet ob ligations; to secure its debts by mort gages. security deeds and in any other manner recognized by the laws 'of Geor gia; to sue and be sued; to have a; to make by-laws and Change the same at pleasure; to do and perform eveiy thing needful for the successful conduce, of such business and generally to nave and exercise all the powers incident to such corporations under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they and their associates and success ors be incorporated with the powers and privileges, for the purposes and the term, and under the name aforesaid. HAMILTON PHINIZY, Attorney for Petitioners. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY— I, Daniel Kerr, deputy clerk of the Superior Court of said county, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for char ter of N. L. Willet Seed Company, of file in this office. Witness my official signature and seal of said court this Sth day of August, 1908. DANIEL KEP.R, Deputy Clerk Superior Court R. Co. Ga. alO 17 24 31c STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of Frank Rouse and ii. Gould Barrett, of Richmond County, Georgia, and A. W. Reynolds and \\. W. McElmurray, of Aiken County, South Carolina, respectfully shows; (1) That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be incorporated under the laws of this state under the name and style of the Au gusta Canning Company, 'Jj r a period of twenty years, with the privilege of re newal at the expiration thereof. (2 > That the principal office of saiu company is to he in the City of Augusta, Georgia, and petitioners desire the rigr.t to establish branch offices within this state and elsewhere whenever the hold ers of a majority of the stock may so determine. (3) The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain for itself and stoctcnola crs. (4) The business to be carried on by said corporation is the buying and sell ing of real and personal property, buying and selling of vegetables and fruit of all kinds, and the canning and preserv ing of vegetables and fruits, and tho carrying on of a general commission, produce, -storage and brokerage bust ness. (5) That the capital stock of said cor poration shall be Twenty-Five Thous and Dollars <525,000.00), with the privil ege of increasing the same to One Hun dred Thousand ($100,000.00>, upop a ma jority vote of the stockholders. Said stock is to he divided Into shires of one hundred dollars ($100) eafh, twenty per cent (20 per cent) of tne capful stock to he employed by said 4-orpor.itton having already been actually paid ir*. (6) Petitioners desire to ixtreb* nJI the rights generally incident to corpor ations. such as to sue and be sued. mal:c .all necessary by-laws, rules and regula tions. execute notes, bonds ami other evidences of indebtedness, nn<l secure the same by’ mortgage or security deed, to acquire and sell the stock of o’.ht"* corporations, and to discontinue and wind up their business at any time upon the vote of two-thirds of said stockhold ers. (Signed.) W. K. MIi.LER, Petitioners Attorney. Filed in Office this 10th day of Au gust, 1908. WM. IVA. W ALICER, Clerk Superior Court Richmond Co. J*. STATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COP NT Y I. Wm. D'A Walker, clerk of the Su perior Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a ti ie and correct copy of the application for char ter of th* Augusta Conning Company, as it is of file in the office of sold * ourt. WM. DA. nAi.KEII. Clerk Superior Couri. iwichmouu Co. Ga. aln : 31 1 , STURMAN'S PREPARATORY SCHOOL 1239 Ellis Street, Augusta, Ga. Phone 1511. Fall and winter session begins Monday, September 14th Thorough mathematical and classical courses For full particulars, address WM, H. STURMAN, Principal. s3o 4 Invited. J H. FLYTHE, W. M , V 1 W H. SHERMAN, See. Aug2«c LEGAL NOTICES. BPECIAL NOTICES. THERE WILL BE A CALL ed Communication of Webfc's l.odge. No. ICC, F & A. M , Monday, August 24. 1908. at 8:30 p m. The F. C. degree will be conferred Members of Social I/odge, No. 1. and visiting brethren cordially