The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 25, 1908, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TUESDAY, AUGUST 25. AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY. (ireat Annual Summer Reduction Sale Now On. Excellent Leather $5.50 Genuine Leather f—. .. ■ | Suit Cases $3 97 W iHFi ~ 'iali * l -50 Suit Cases, Leather ® ® Si 'V ; | Corners $1 14 T • jjj $7.75 Fibre Bound Trunk $5 87 ~car4_L_ $5.00 Iron Bound Trunk $3 88 If >ou don’t want to buy a New Trunk, let us Repair that Old One. We are On The Wrong Side of the Street, But On the Right Side (Where Rents Are Low) For Low Prices. Social and Personal MERRY DAYS. All forgot—the storm and strife Of a darkened dav; All the world's in love with life— Singing on the way. Singing of the love and light Every path adornin'.: t T nto Sorrow, then, .oodnight— Joy comes with the morning. —Atlanta Constitution. FOR MISS CONOLY. Miss Bertha Diemmer entertained informally last evening in honor of her guest, Miss Frances Conoly, of T&nnile. The fascinating game of “Anagrams" was played and Mr. W. S. Bowe was presented with 'he first prize, the boobv being won by Miss Ollie Hett. Miss Lillian Duke was ihe winner of the consolation. Among those present were Miss Elise Mey er, Miss Marie Meyer, Miss Hiietta Fund, Miss Amy Schraraecy, Miss An nie Gehrken, Miss Lizette Von Sprek en. Miss Edna Mohrmann, Miss Eliza beth -Nichols, Miss Lillian Duke, Miss Maty Ellen Hogrefe, Miss Louise Wells, Miss and Messrs W. F. Bowe, Jr., W. L. Vaughn, Charlie Bradley, Carl Stelling, Louis Uehrke, Eiward Stalling, Euclid Claussen, Arnold Gehrken, Clifion Kreps, \V. S. Pit tinger Jr., of Savannah, N. Milde brandt, Dr. Usher, Mr. Von Spreken and Mr. Lansdale. MISSES BRIGHAM TO ENTERTAIN CARD CLUB. Misses Jennie and Grace Brigham will entertain their card club tomor row, Wednesday morning. "ay’sfflaSr Health Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. No matter how long it has been gray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth »f healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positively removes Dan druff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re fuse all substitutes. 2}i times as much in SI.OO as 50c. size. Is Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles, at druggists Send 3c lor free book "The Care of the Hair.” Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J. Hay's Harftna Soap core, pimpv. red, rough and chapped hand*, and all akin dis eases. Keeps akin fine ami soft. 25c. drugeista Send 3c tor free book “The Care of the Skin.’’ 4% The Planters Loan and Saving bank 705 Broad Street. The Oldest Savings Bank In the City. In successful operation 38 years anti growing more popu lar with tne people and stronger in their confidence each year. In selecting a bank for your Savings Account do not foil to Investigate the facilities and strength of this bank. Resources Over $1,000,000.00 Safe As “Safest.” The same rareful attention to small accounts as to the larger ones. Deposits May ffe made by Mail. L. C. Hayne. Pres. Chas. C. Howard, Cashier. LET US SHC T V YOU THE SMART THINGS ( oral and Gold Bead \ock.s, Amrtlivst and Gold Bead Necks, Gold Purses Lorg nettes, Lockets and Chains, New lot of Gold Bracelets. Wm. SCHWEIGERT & Cf'MPAINY. MR. ROBERT L. MILLS WEDDED TO MISS LYDIA CLIFFORD. Augusta friends are in receipt of cards from Mr. and ‘Mrs. Samuel F. Clifford of Nearkirk. Oklahoma, an nouncing the marriage of iheir daugh ter Lydia to Mr. Robert Lanier Mills on August 22nd. Mr. Mills is a former Augustan and has many warm friends Here in his old home, who extend to hi ti cordial congratulations upon .this happy an nouncement. Mr. and Mrs. Mills are now in Ailanta spending a few days at the Piedmont. From there they will go north, making a tour of the various points of interest, north and in Canada, spending several weeks and then returning west to make their permanent home in Oklahoma City. MASTER DAN A. ROBERTS CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. The home of Mrs. W. G. Blitch was the scene last aftepnoon of a merry gathering of small folk, ihe occasion being the celebration of the nineth birthday of her grandson Master Dana Roberts. Games were enjoyed and re freshments served. Among the littl” guests in attendance were Misses Gladys enquire. Mary Belle Luquire, Essie Duke, Frankie Duke, Ruth Seigler, Helen Gibbs, Elmer Briner, Marian Gibbs, May Turner, Willie Parr, Lilly Parr: Masters Marion Lu quire, Leo Downs, .1. ('. Downs, Meaks Briner and Albert Timms. HARVEST FESTIVAL POSTPONED. The Harvest festival, which was to have been this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Goodwin, has been postponed on account of the unsettled state of the weather. Due notice will be given as to when it will be and all tickets purchased for this evening will be honored then. —Miss Gertie Boysworth of Granite ville has returned to her home after spending a pleasant visit at McCov mien, S. C., Miss Boysworth will come to the city today to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. J L. Engle, at No. 836 Campbell slreet. —Mrs. Carlton Hillyer has returned from Chautauqua, N. V. —Miss Julia Hatcher returned last night from a pleasant visit to friends in Mtlledgevilie. Gradually But Surely You can’t plant poods tonight and expect flow ers next morning. Plants grow gradually but sure ly.—So will money. Open a savings account now. We will assist its growth by adding our 4 per cent, compound in terest. IRISH AMERICAN BANK. “The Bank for Your Savings.” —Miss Helen Bignon has returned from Savannah, where she spent a j fortnight very delightfully as 'the guest of the Misses La Motte. —Mrs. James Thompklns, of Edge field. is visiting Mrs. E. T. Murphey, while eti route home from Rome, where she spent the summer. —Mr. Frank L. Caple, of the Augus ta Railway and Electric company, j has returned from an extensive visi: to Northern cities. He visited Buffalo. Niagara Fails, and other places of In terest. and was highly pleased with Ills vacation. -—Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Powers have returned front a delightful Northern j trip. —Mrs. Folsome Perkins Roan and Miss Laura Belle Beach have return ed from a delightful visit to Chattiv . nooga, Harris Lithia Springs and At ’ lanta. —Mr. William Hamilton Havne has returned from Asheville and the mono I tain resorts of North Carolina. Mr. George Bailie and Mr. W. S. Butler have returned from New York. -—Mrs. James U. Jackson and sons ! and Misses Daisy and Edith Jackson, j who have been visiting Mrs, Barring • ion Clarke in Rome during Mr. Jack j son's absence in New York, will re j turn home tomorrow. —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gehrken and Miss Alberta Gehrken are expected J home the last of this week. Mrs. Marion Mays Twiggs will I leave tills week for the North Caio | Una mountains. ! —Mrs. Joseph Bignon is visiting I relatives at Cedartown. —Mr. Walter Jackson. Jr., Is spend- I ing some time in Hendersonville, i —Mr. John Roberts is spending a | week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Roberts, in Harrisonville. j —Mr. James Fleming, who has been visiting Col. Withrow in Waynesboro, Va„ is expected home the last of (his week. —Friends of Mr. and Mrs. George ; W. Timmerman will be very glad to j learn of the Improvement in the con dltlon of their small son, Eugene Murphey Timmerman, who was brought home from Asheville with fever. , —Mrs. Charles Phinizy and Miss Mary Lou Phinizy will return tomor row from Toxawav. —Mr. Charles Wise has returned from New York. —Mr. and Mrs. Julian Reynolds will move into the residence corner of Reynolds and Lincoln streets after September. —Mr. and Mrs. James Jones Oard | iner have returned from North Caro lina, and will occupy their beautiful new home on the Hill very soon. —Friends of Miss Nellie Morrell, of Sylvauia, will be very pleased to learn of her satisfactory condition. Miss Morrell is at Pine Heights, where she was submitted to surgical treat ment recently for appendicitis. —Mrs. George W. Woodbury and little daughter Frances have returned from an enjoyable visit to Athens. —Mr. Pearce Wheless, of Savannah, is in the city. —Rev. and Mrs. G. Sherwood Whit ney will have as their guest Miss Mary E. Mansell, of Thomasvllle, Ga., who will arrive on Thursday. Miss Hansell is a daughter of ('apt. C. P. Mansell, clerk of the senate, and is prominently connected with Georgia families of nolo. —The pond party at Lankey’s with which Miss Florence Mounee was to have entertained yesterday, was post poned on account of the illness of Mrs. Mounee. Augusta friends of Rev. Charles N. Tyndall, now located at Marietta, will be interested to learn of the re cent compliment paid him by Bishop Nelson in offering him thn position of managing editor of the Diocesan pa i per. the official organ of the diocese of Atlanta. This Ih quite a compli ment, and very worthily bestowed. Mr. Tindall is not only the youngest clergymen in the diocese, but tins been in It a shorter time than has any ’ Episcopal minister Mr. Tyndall has . not yet signified his acceptance. —Mr. Albert Von Kamp has return ed from New York Mr. Frank G. Turpin has return ed horn,, after a pleasant trip to Balti more. New York and other eastern points. —Mrs. .1. B. Weaver and Miss Ellen Weaver left today for Laurens, 8. (1., where she will visit Mrs. J. 8. Ben nett. —Mrs. Mary Lou Walton, Miss Christie Walton, Miss Alice Dickey and Miss Glenn Dickey are spending some time among th,. mountains of North Carolina. Mrs. H. R. Beil has returned from a visit to relatives In Harlem. —Mrs. J. S. Jay, of Greenwood, 8. C., Is 111 at thn City hospital. Mother’s Baby Will get n(ek. 1 »r. Thorn lon’ii R:<fiy-T'-«lh**r, lh Krent Unby M**diclnr. In Kuaraii terfl to *ur« your child <*f *|| teething trouble* in th* *lOO,ll *, And bow Hi. It Ih -oothfrg nit curative and m ver fall* to b.-.i eftt. If it does, your druggist wilt refund th«- 2&<* you pjii-| j ,■ It. For Teething. Hummer Com plaint*, lifarrhOMi, mdig «t nn.. Flatulence, etc.. It |* uri»*«iua||*<i'. Hand for certificated of wonder fill cures, firugglnt* and country merchant* n# 11 It for ‘it ic per In,*. or *end to u* Addre**, Ka*y- Teether Medicine r O .. |tin t w«-n. fin. SACKED HIAKI ACADEMY 1264 Ellis St., Augusta, Ga. Conducted by the Hlster* of Mercy, and empowered to confer diplomas Offer* auperlor cduca tlonal advantage* for girl*. Mu*|. cal culture and the training of organlat* a specialty. Reopen* Sept 8, 1908. I’repara’ory achool for hoy* from five to nine year* of age. For particulars apply to the BISTER SUPERIOR. THE AUGUSTA HER AID CONFIDENCE APPLIED TO PIANOS THOMAS & BARTON CO. 708-710-712 Broadway. (Everything Known in Music.) AUGUSTA. —Miss Alice Lamkln I* visiting Harlem relatives. —Mr Kates Dorenms has returned from th,. mountains of North Caro lina. —Mr. Bugene Verdery has returned from Toxaway and Asheville. —Mr. Sanford Oardlner and Mr. .fames Gardiner have returned from an enjoyable visit to Wrlghtsvllle Beach, N. C. —Capt. and Mrs. Rldgely, Mr Ma rion Rldgely, Mrs. Arthur Grabows kil returned today from Wrlghtsvllle Beach. Miss Sarah Stokes will leave next week to Join Mrs Hale Barrett, who has been In Virginia, on a trip to Washing,on and Atlantic City, Mr. .lames Gardiner will leave next week to resume his studies at the V. M. I Mlhk Marlon Gardiner, of Mem phis, who I* now at Flat Rock, will arrive In Augusta next week and will spend some time with Mrs. Stokes and various other relatives. Mrs. William Plumb and children and Miss Addle Plunfli, who have been on Sullivan’s Island for the past two months, have returned home Mr George Bosnian has returned home after spending the summer at various points of Interest north and south. Mrs. Bosnian will not return till October, and Miss Ccelle Bos nian's friends will regret to learn that she will not b, wllh them Ibis winter as has she will enter college at Henna Vista. Va. The Great A. & P. Tea Co. A neat der orated china pitcher await* the patrons of this ever popu lar store Bach purchase of fifij cent* worth of baking powder, coff, extra*: * or teas, will be aecoinpanled by a gift of one of these handsome pitchers. * " ' * ~” J. C. VAN BLARCOM DEAD. HT BOI'IH (' Van Bbircotn, president of the National Bank of comm -rce the biggest bank west or f'blcago, died ai in o'clock last night in the Adirondack*. Mr Hennypcck "My wife has never denied roc a wl*h since we were married.'' Friend "But ah h’mt I thought Mr J "No, Indeed' She lets me wish J i I want to. Stuart gut. A first payment of a low dollars ami future monlhh nr quarterlv pin incuts, to suit your convenience, will secure one of Ihe following renowned makes: Everett, Welter, Molilin, Solnnre, MePhial, utility, & Manor, Packard, Push Lane, Poole, Harvard, Sterling. Paffargue, Winter. Uudolf. Stoddart, Dayton, Mansfield, Singer and other wed known makes. Also Pianolas and Pianola Pianos, \ oca lions, Packard Organs, Karraud Organs, PHILANTHROPIC THEATREJWEH Mrs. William Ellis Corey, to Build Them iu New York and Paris. • NBW YORK Mis William Bills . v forriii'iiv Mabclli* (jllnian. ifjH'licfl Nov/ York today from Faria, Wh»Tf Hill* *iriH HtMflyillK OpfUilti# robot wilder Jean do Uch/.ko and aw noune d poHillvHy that nho wan about to build a iheafro of lior own in Now Voik, and alao duo in tin* Fnmm capital. 'lint both, fin ihoafro In Niw York and tin* ono in Faria," said Mrn. Forey, “will lie private th«*filr<v. Tholr purpo'-e b, an mnoh a oliarlfublo one an ninroiy aooial. “I make ihin eonlirrnatlon of vyiiai wa merely rumor Indore booaiiHo J don't want, tin minora to In-eorm. loolinh. i intond that .1 aood part of 1 ih< tltui* in fin* Now York theatre Hhall In* devoted to tin win UHcmint of children who never are aide to :?o to afhoatro, orpiiann and olln*r boya and Hii'lH in charitable IriHtltiitlohh •’Another feature of tin- project will in* the production of playn by Amerl oan dramailsiH who ofberwlac In* rami of the oondfHon of the lb«atie In this country would not In* ahlo to H«*fMire a h< firing. Tlut<* are a num ber of Hindi drnrnatlatH I know. Tholr playn would In* produoed in rnv then Ire without money, ooHt or rink to them, and It Mtiee• -mhCnl, they would have t.hUM hern afforded u eh.mee to make a r.fart. “Ye , vlr Forey Ihoroii'hly ap prove* of whaf I am doltiK- He de nlc*d the riiniorw about the theatre In* fore In-eaitM , oh I <ay, my pinna win then too vid'Ue and he ttnniu;h> It het ter th it noihlmc In nald about, them ” Mr forey returned from Ivirot,#* about two month* ago. They wllll f-HV" New York r.hortl* for Mlehly; n I wtn r* Mi forey ha* roim* laryi lain! ! holdings and a eouuiry plaro. Aft# ” j ward they will Hprwi the fall at j In-nox and rotin to their homo on ‘ Fifth avftnin lot Lb« vsiatwr. When you Imy a piano of us your investment is as safe if you had bought Government Ponds. We sell pianos of merit, we give you a guarantee thal puls the possibility of your not being entirely suited out of t lie ipiest ion. It doesn't matter whether you buy a piano costing ;f-00 or *I,OOO, we agree in every instance, to exchange it for all ot her if it is nol outirelv satisfactory. Could von ask anything more? KAISER WILHELM ll’S RECORD BROKEN \KW YOKK Tlip NoriTi Oarnimi Uoyil Uimt Kron ITliikukhlii C.tIIIi rtwlu*'l poll from Itn-tiiPM today and hrnlti* oil (Jarman orord for Hip <H‘) mljf : from ( 'lmp houru with u jm>, HO'f ol five dfiyK, Hcvhii lintirH, IlllH* intnuh'H Till: wmm on Hpo* I Young M<m Are You Going To College? If You Are lot Us Show You Our Now foil Suits Ixtromo in Style, or Modest in Cut, We have fashion’s latest ** n Suggestions. - Thi Colic* Mm ficiiiHtifi* "swag- F K " r clothes; gar til* with that distinctive, flushing cut that *tamp« ''.‘-j them ns being strictly up to the tnln i& o E "1 HYI.VKHTBIt'H f'ollege clothes are , ft cKsenllally Young Mena clothe* ant] rfSt 'i&jitj f ** ,|1 " **** /em J ,'f of Young Men dematitl. V-;V, We are showing an exceptional as nK BJI J.j sortment of styles In niilts and over- Wffl I'j: coats front #16.00 to $::0,00 Many fa , brim, many pattenrn, and moat at trmtlve eolora, L. Sylvester Sons. Established Nearly Half a Century. PAGE THREE '‘ nol ” ~n ho1 "-. or m knot, Wllhclm n l . r " roM ~f ">** kalsei Knleker "flow tin yon water tin Plant* when your wlf,. | K away?” Mocker simply aef them whert the Mill upstairs leaks oil us."—New York Hun All Ihlnps on difficult before thej ar,. easy.- Ilanlsh.