The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 25, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX WANTS PEOPLE READ HERALD WANTS EVERY DAY FOR BARGAINS. There’s a Bargain in Them Today That’s For You. Tberp IS u Job for you of course; ho a want :id. bu»> in your bn half. No! niurh r*»duclnK prior-* and thon k»*o;»lPg it a half booth. Tht* onp person In tho city to whom your waul ad. should appeal in dout* lea* "reading the paper*" these day*. Tenantle** property \\III offset most of your good luck in other thing*. Something that Is advertised today would probably loo* better In your home than in any other In the city. Hundred* of people are "almost persuaded" to buy real es ate They will retd YOUR ad No store can afford to advertise «" gre**lvely utile** It 1* n good atore You are safe In patronlrlnp, a store that 1* not afraid to be In the lime light. The merchant who doe* tint adver tl»< at all probably Huh hi reason but If you a*ked him what they were )$< would *pe« illy Invent Home counterfeit one* for you SITUATION WANTED Male. BOOKKEEPER: WANTED. PORI (lon nri bookkeeper with good con corn. Onn k«-<p both single and <lou blc books nnd run Ink.- dictation on typrwrltr r Am capabb of managing business Address, Capable, r»rr An gusta Herald, A29r lIOOKKEEI’KH A YOUNG MAN OK expcili-nr. w jii ,i T n• * in nonU k» »pr i oi a**litftnt at once; now • •in ployed lull fur good rra mnn won 111 Ilk* to rmkr change Address (I M A . rnrr Hrrnld A2IW SITUATION WANTED Female. COOK A YOUNG COLORED WOM | nn desire* |>osl‘lnn i<n ro .k Ad | dreax Motel) Howell, 937 Tnlcotl j Hr. A26x j COOK A YOUNG COLORED WOM ' an (IcMlreH poHltlnn a* cook Ad dre** Gertrude llurton, H4I TaleotJ at reed. A27xi IKHSICUIHH A roI.ORKh wow an tlealrt'* position a* hmmegirl or cook Addre*h Uutiile Gould. 121 G Mill St Ai!?x WANTED HELP Male wanted cor u. s army Able bodied, unmarried men. he twern age* of IK and 3f». cltl*o n of 1 T nlt•State*, of giM>d character ami t»*mpei,ue habit*, who can *p«*ji ;. mol md *f|v Kir Informs* Ron apply to I(«*cr»iltlng oftlcet Mil h»r Walker Huildhu, Augurtt*. (lit , or /;< 12 hit ••hull St , Atlat. In flu , or 41. Cherry St Macon, < • wantki ci.kicks, cotton nm er*. fnrineta, warehou*emen and other* to learn grading and cla**lfy M!i* retain In our *amp!»* rnotii*. ‘>t through erirrenpomllng rourae. Thir t\ «la\ *rholar*hlp* complete* you Am* lican Cotton College, Milh*dge vtlle Cn Tue*. Thu*, Sun wantkp vr .iacksonvit-T t: Fin. one tir*t cla** wood turner. op'*n ahop. hour*, tran*f ortitton ftiruifthed; August 27 and 28 for par uu i*r» phone Vaughn. No. U:’u A27p CObIKCTOR rHS r Ct.ASS fur n'ture c-dUvtui and malcmvimti; nnnwer at once \x 11H reference* Fur* ■Hurt' care Herald A2Bc. •ALKSM4N A WIOK VWVKG kaleaman wantiMt by tSe I irger t whip manufacturer** In the Culled State* to travel in tl••orgla and Klorl da. atrlctly on a commlanlon t*a*t*; vmi*t furnUh own expewac and g<V»«t reference \ddrcNH .1 I. pcau 17 Ocean Ave, Ocuan Orovc. N J A 2'' > WANTED Boarders BOARDERS WANTED \ UOUIM.K to board In private family on Grown* Hi Reference* exchanged Address W H rare Thr Herald a'.'t>p Lost and Found ‘Tai.k strayku or stocks from corner Gwinnett and Harlior street*. Wednesday, a red calf No* flfy MAS care The Herald, and get re* ard a22tt Verdery Pressing Club PRKSHINIJ CO. SUCCESSORS TO Verdery Pmalni Club, 3i;i Mr la loah afreet Dhonc HU K*|»er« cleaning, preaatng and repairing Hals cleaned and blocked Ladle* suit* and skirt* nwarn'd and presged All work guaranteed 4. P. (l«|ihr»». Mgr *S»r • mk>. rsow Awrwi PULLtY^Hg^S’ *C<| Jjs kX 1 * AC w'wjl A, *±*> A WANT AD. IS QUICKER. In The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE Real Estate |AN IDEA I, HOME IT WILL Dou ble In value In ten year*; atop pay. ; InK rent; also 36 arras line land at Oracewood Apply to C. T. Srhmldt, Hi Walker St. »16c HOUSE A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 122 Broad street for wale; lot 45x120, bonne of 6 room*, law porch, back and front; cement sidewalk: gas, a new botiftc. Price $3,350 caah, Ap ply on prenilaeii. A2kc I VeVKHAI. PIECES PROPERTY IN North Alignsta, 4 room rot'aßeH, 0 ! and s dwelling*. Sec me II In she | market for a home Ca*h or termn, I, h. Verdery, 687 Broad St. \2sr. FOR SALE Horses, Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON’T BUY YOUR HORSES and mule* from u», we both loae i money. AuguKta Stock Yard*. RED POM. CATTLE: A FEW choice heifer* and bull calve* They are hardy, clean *fork, good milker* land with beef conformation Just the | kind of cattle you like to see around the farm. For prlceu and eatlinatea, | write Bowdre Phlnlxy, Grorctown, Oa. HORSE AND HURRIES' TWO horae* and two rurrlc* for *ale; all In good condition; will sell cheap for ca*h Apply 1212 Ilth St. A27p HOUSE A GENTLE HORSE AND canopy bntfgy and harm** for sale nl a bargain. Aildre** Canopy care Herald A27c. FOR SALE Poultry an i Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Ton. ■*, Oeeac, Mutcovey Duck*; Barred c'vmouth It >cka; all farm ial*ed he„.;hy and from flritclas* Mtock Price* reasonable. Addrca* j Bowdre Phlnlzy, Jrovntown, Ga ts j BUFF ORPINGTONS \ FEW. MCE young eockrel* for *aln. From Un original fainour Cook atralri. Bowdre Phltilty. FOR SALE Miscellaneous BUSINESS A PLEASANT AND |irontabl v btißlnea* i-entrally loeated on Broad street. Inalile price to right party and ipilrk buyer Reason for selling, leaving town. Address Broad way, rare Herald. a2fic SUIT RALE TO FORCE AN EARLY opening In the fall season, 33 fine heavy still patferna, ranging from $24 to S2B 00, all wool nnd heavy weights, for fall w-ier, thrown on the Bargain Counter, to be made up 111 fall suits, j for $17.30. This sab- wfll last for 10 i days only commencing Monday, Aug ; 24th. to September 2nd, at Otto W ; Marshall s, corner Jackson and Ellis ! Sts GRAPHOPHONE: ONE LARGE EDI son graphophone, cost $IOd; largo bras* horn cost $25; and about for'.y records Will **ll cheap for cash or exrhgngi for something useful. \V, I*. O'Keefe, 1330 South Boundary Si a27c FOR SALE HALF CORD DRY ptoe wood, delivered, for $l5O. Bustle swing* $3 00 and Rocking ( hair* $1 SO each. Some fine COium blan Wyandotte*. S I. Wyandotfeß, Light Brahma* and White Works nt special close out price* Egg* for hatching, all limed* Helvldere poul try Farm, Phone 1184, Augusta, Ua AUTOMOBILE: GOOD AS NEW; 40 horaepower engine; can be eeen at White's garrage; big bargain for quick buys.. Apply at once, Herald I office. if WRAPPING PAPER: OI.D NEWS paper* For wrapping purpose* Ap ply at Herald office. Jl6tf WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS paper* for wrapping purposes \p ply at Herald Office. Jltitf ENGINE: GOOD i: HORSEPOWER Alia* engine, practically new, for sale at a bargain Address Uugl:;*, car* Herald. WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS pa per a for wrapping purpose* Ap ply at Herald office. Jlfitf ir YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing use Protection Brand This roofing lta» a *l* Inch lap and driving nail* throuah the lap only and co ntenting tin over lapping shoot to It that no natls are exposed It can be laid by any handy man This roofing la made asphalt and containing no tar Sold by W \V. Jones, 117 Mcln tosh St , Augusta Side PKRPKTIA EXTRACT. SWEET nmi as the name Implies lasting II 25 an ounce Parr's Pharmacy. Phono 369. Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 75c PER PEEK. green tomatoes 50c per peel. at>- ple vinegar SOc per gallon; on*ons *sc per half peck, large white head "Sb bage IPc and 15c; apiece* and etc. Now Is the best time to do your pick ling Please give me vour Older, 1 \ Grlmaud, 210 Cumntlng street, Phone No. 1 JOS »15c Gin House lusurance REPRESENTING THE STRONGEST fire Insurance companv In the world, making a specially of cotton glna We will b,. glad to write cotton gins, old style and system gin*, anywhere In Georgia or South Carolina Write or telephone us, F Phi ally v Co.. Agl* FOR RENT —Real Estate. Greene St , 344 10-room, large stable, $45.00; Centre Sr., 307, 7-room*, $35.00 Kill* St,, 510 and 512, 6-rooms, ea»n $25.00; Broad St., 257, 3 rooms, $40.00 Greene St., 338, 4 room* and stable, lower flat, $20.00; Broad St., 559, 12- rooms, $35.00; Reynold St., 433, 5- rooms, upper flat, $15.50. Apply 255 Broad Si. A3lc. 7 WARREN BLOCK, FRONT AND rear storm tor rent; also 934 Klllt street. Apply to Jacob Phlnlzy. J6tf FOR KENT RESIDENCE 1242 AND 1244 Broad street, $25 00 each. Fob session at once. Jno. J. Evans, alßtf 405 Maibury, 6 rooms, $27.60. for. Greene nnd Marbury, over store, 10 room*. $57.50. Established Grocery store, cor Greene and Marbury, $30.00. Parties having houses and lot* for sale or rent, pleaße have them listed with us. Cheap money to loan oi elty property. Apply .Jno, J. Cohen, 735 Broad St. Jl'etf FOR RENT. NO, 449 REYNOLDS ST First flat, four rooms and bath. Ap ply 612 Jackson St. a2sp STORES 321 AND 323 JACKSON 3T\ opposite opera house. Apply to Hulse’s Steam Laundry. Jstf FOR KENT FROM OCTOBER IST: 418 Elbert street, six room*, bath, etc ; any reasonable repairs required will be done. Edw. C. Dugas, 319 Dyer Bldg. a2*p FOR RENT Rooms ro KENT: TWO LARGE AND ONE 1 small connecting rooms; to couple without children. Desirable location. For further Information address M. caf of Herald. A2sc FOR RENT —NICE LARGE ROOM, 15x25, dole In on Broad St.; suita ble for oftlre nr bed room for young men; only $8.50 per month. Call 'phone 1957. a26p Sacre’s Watch Club Members ALL PARTIES INTERESTED WILL please call at once, 662 Broad St. Ilerpec.tfully your, C. M. S icre. \3oe. Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIKES. THE KIND that w.-ars well. W. H. Holmes, I 508 Campbell street. A3f>c I Southern Cabinet M’f’g Works NORTH AUGUSTA, 8 C., IS NOW rebuilt pnd ready to fill orders.! such a* s'atr*, hank and office flv 1 tnres, counters, shelving, show cases, t screen door*, window and all classes' of cabinet work We guarantee best work at low prices. 'Phone No. 714. a2Rc Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES. THE KIND; that wears wHI. W. H. Holm** | ;tOB Campbell Btroi't. A2oc To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING FROM ' this date on your piano moved, tuned ami cleaned for $5.00. The spe elal price of inning Is $2.50 Call up Kohl. J Watson. Phone 504, No. 666 Broad slroet, the Cable Co. (All work strictly first class.) s2oo Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY BATCH day Heady at 11 o'ci.rck a. m. 25c quart Vandiver's Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. J2stf Fresh Vegetables for Cash ro ALL BOARDING HOUSES. KES ! taut ants, or any person purchasing l one dollat s worth of vegetables or; fruits for cash at one purchase, 1 i will give 10 per rent of the hill or in other word: 00e will pay ior one j dollar's worth of vegetables and 1 fruits at Grlmaud For tomorrow and' Monday will have special line of nice,: fresh vegetables. Try me for one! dollar's worth for cash Phone 130'. a27>- Housekeepers SEND 10c POSTPAID IDEAL Dus Pat’,” a hark saver and ornn ment as well as useful; household arilrle for every woman.. Agents | wanted. Southern Specialty Uo, Au gusta. lia A2se Fount For Pen tOo POST PAID BRINGS YOU ONE. '„f»c three; cvcr> office man need* them blp lmo wavtnf; nno dtp InU 100 word* Aicent* wanted. Sooth ern B|H‘d»lty Co. August* tl* ,\2 *c Trunk Hospital OUR /TRUNK DOCTORS (AND they are oneal can put your old. disabled trunk, case and grip In first-class condition a new slat, lock, damp, etc., and ft's In condition tor years of service Cost I* small. Trunk sent for and delivered free of roat Or we will take your old trunk as part pay ment for a nice, new one Telephone us. 593. or give ut a call at our well stocked, spacious store Augusta Truuk Factory, 1(1 Broad. Wrong side of street, but right side vis prices. M M Cleckley, Prop. Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK I DO ALL kinds of concrete work, such' as cement walks, reinforced work I have the latest improved machlnerv, and an expert foreman, and am pre pared to turn out work for hlg or ders Estimates and specifications furnished A. H McDaniel, Augus ta. tia. J*7t 1 THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS SUCCESS it sure If you plant Alexander'! SEEDS. WE TEST OUR SEEDS, every bag, at it arrive* from the grow er* and WE KNOW they will grow, and somehow the Augusta Truckers, and thousands of oth er* have found It out. That’* the reason we have already sold near ly twice a* much eeed this year as we did last. Good season now to plant tur nipt, cabbage, beets, lettuce, win ter radishes, rutabagas, etc. THANK YOU THANK YOU Alexander Seed Co. CAREFUL SEEDSMEN. 1)11 BROAD. AUGUST A. MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Btudlo, 819 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 60c. alOtf Merry Widow. MERRY WIDOW PERFUME THE hit of the season. Try It. Phone ue No. 1166, Tessler Pharmacy, 1366 Broad. J22t( Cheap Lumber A LARGE LOT OF FLOORING, CEIL Ing and weather hoarding, all gradea. also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-in. boards to Bxlo frametng. All thi* stmek must be disposed of In next 30 days. Address Standard Lumber Co., F.xpositien Ave and 15th St., or E. J. O’Connor, 855 Broad St. ts Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA. Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cent*. Phone 112. Alts What’s The Use TO WONDER WHERE T> GET THE best ice cream and soda water, when Sandlfar has two centrally lo cated founts: 970 Broadway, and the "New Lobby Fount," Dyer Bldg. A2sc Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wphth wpII. W. H. Holmes, ?08 Campbell «tr**t A3oc Puff Sale JUST RECEIVED A LARGE As sortment of puffs; will sell at spe cial .low prices for next 10 days. Nice'lot of braids, straight and wavey. Mrs. L. M Zachery, No. 818 Broad St. s2sp Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES. THE KIND that wears well. W. H. Holmes, 308 Campbell street. A3oc Brick Masons THOMAS NICHOLS AND SONS, Practical Brick Masons and Plasters want to hgure with you. Try us and you will be pleased with results. Thomas Nichols, 1916 Watkins St., Augusta, Ga. Sept2p Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES. THE KIND that w*nr# well. W. H. Holmes, *OB CfljMpbell street. A3oc Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY CALL ME UP for any quuntity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Al2tf Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FinRE PLASTER IS 'he best plastering material for walls and ceilings It gives addi tional strength to the building and stay* put forever. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, C.a jl4:f Tires. HIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND j th.M wear* well. VV. H. Holmes. 303 Campbell street ASOc Horse Shoeing I HAVE ONE OF Tire BEST equipped horse shoeing shops In Augusta, and Stways carry a full line of shoes forty eight kegs Also use a great many hand-made shoes. I fit all the shoes myself and see that they are pm on properly. I solicit your patronage, or a part of It at least Three of the best shoers In town I can shoe forty-five head, four shoes each, per day. Shoes one dol lar per set and upwards. Monthly shoeing Horse clipping Clipper blades sharpened. L. M, Hutto, 72.! Ellis street. a2sc Tires. HIDE CENTURY TIRES. THE KIND that wears well. W. H. Holmes 303 Campbell street. \3oc Reputation AND REPETITION SOUNDS A tf'.tle rlik* both can be applied to Sandlfers two founts. 970 Broadway and The Lobby Fount." Dyer llldg. Guess how. Send In earllst snittan answer and get a prlte A2ss Tires. RIDE CKNTt’IIY TIRES. THE KIM. that wears well \V H. Holmes. 90* Uamphell street. ASte A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c t Qj Union Savings Bank (§j| I SELF-CONFIDENCE President A. B. MORRIS, Vice-President. The man who has an account in this Bank has more than money. THOMAS 8. GRAY. Cashier. He has the ■ self-confidence that comes only from having money and This Bn nk is De- from the knowledge that he has "standing at the hank.” positary, for the U. And self-confidence, with such a tangible basis to rest on, Is S. Coart North eaitern Division the dynamic force that enables men to accomplish things really worth Southern District while, of Georgia. Have you a savings or commercial account here? Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. W. H. Holmes, SOB Campbell street. A3oc Reward. FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND fever that Randall's Chill and Fe ver tonic tails to cure. Guaranteed to cure where others fail. No cure no pay. Phone 2214—Randall's Phar macy. We deliver to any part of the city. ■2l - RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. W. H. Holmes, 308 Campbell street. A3oe ♦ ♦ V SPECIAL NOTICES. A 0 ♦ ♦♦♦*♦*♦♦♦»♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦»**♦♦♦» STURMAN’S PREPARATORY SCHOOL 1239 Ellis Street, Augusta, Ga. Phone 1511. Fall and winter session begins Monday, September 14th. Thorough mathematical and classical courses For full particulars, address WM. 11. STURMAN, Principal. s3O BIDS FOR COAL AND FRESH MEAT for the City and Lamar Hospitals will he opened Sept. Ist, 1908. For detailed information apply to T. E. Oertei, Chairman. A2O-23-25C htotice —Transfer of Stack. Portsmouth, N- H., July 31, 1903. N'OTtr-F IF HEREBY GIVEN THA'I' ..ttr-r four work., u Is our Ituantlon to transfer 120 share* of stock of the Genrgla Railroad and Banking Com puny to the hires of Mrs. Elizabeth C. Wadley SARA W. CAPEHART, Executrix, GEORGE P. WADLEY. Execiltrr. 34-11-18-21.0 Watpr Works Notice. WATER WILL B£ SHUT OFF ON Crawford Ave., from Hick* street, south to city limits, between 8 a. m. and 12 m , tomorrow. JNO. D. TWIGGS,JR. Supt. C. W. W. A 25c AMERICAN DERBY OPENS TODAY IN BOSTON BOSTON.—The great harness event of the year, the American Trot ting Derby, with a purse of $50,000 as an incentive, will be held today on the Roadville track, in connection with the second day of the Grand Circuit, with conditions which make the event unique in the history of horse racing in this country. Forty-four harness horse*. mo*t of them Avell known, are entered for the event. 4444444**444444 ♦ ’ * ♦ Amusements ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• Carmen Well Played. A large crowd was present at the I Casino Monday night, despite the threatening aspect of the weather Those who were at the opening per formance of the Gardner Vincent Stock company saw a good show in every sense of the word The acting was good, the play was well staged and the costuming was very pretty. "Carmen without a good "Carmen" Is a failure, but Miss Vincent is one of the best emotional actresses ever seen In Augusta. At the most diffi cult parts of the play. sh» was gooo. Miss Vincent acted her difficult role with the utmost ease nnd grace, and she made such a hit with the audi ence rgiat the had to answer to re | peated curtain calls During the first serme of the second ' act. the wind and rain storm became : so violent that the rain blew Into the ! Casino and stopped the play for about , twenb five minute* The Interest In | the play was so great, however, that the audience came back to their wej ! seats as soon as the rain slackened Mr Gardner, as Don Jose was very ■good and he made a great hit. His stage appearance, made him a favorite good voice. In connection w ith his fine BABCOCK THE VEHICLES THAT SATISFY. WILL ALWAYS be exactly as represented. “ “ have a construction as nearly perfect as good material, skilled workmen of three generations with sixty-five years experience can make them. “ f* give that satisfaction and durability which honest construction insures. “ “ have that air of perfection in those minor details which either make or mar a vehicle. “ “ be so built as to insure user of the pleasure, comfort and the service, known and experienced only in the Babcock Vehicles. “ “ uphold the Babcock reputation of sixty years for building The Vehicles That Satisfy. WILL NEVER be over enthusiastically described. “ “ give that endless trouble to the users which arises from poor construction. “ “ look and wear like those built "one every minute.” " “ lack proper proportions, completeness of details ana good taste. “ “ prove excessive in their prices. “ “ disappoint you, they are sold as, you have a right to expect them to be, and they are The Vehicles That Satisfy. . H. COSKERY, Sole Agents. REPAIRS A B I SAWS. RIBS, Bristle Twine, Babbit, 4c., fee **>v make H B of Gin ENGINES. BOILERS and PRESSES m ™ 3m and Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belling, b lectors. Pipes, Valve* and Fittings, Light Saw, Shingle, and Lath Mills, Gasoline Engines, Cana Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COMPANY. Augusta. Ga. and his acting will not be forgotten in Augusta soon. Mr. George Lunds, as Escamillo was good and if he his stand ard up to Monday nights acting, he will be one of the favorites here. His acting was particularly good in the third act. The remainder of the com pany are deserving of praise and the management of the Casino was fortu nate to secure such a high-class com pany for the closing weeks of the sea son. "Carmen" will be repeated again Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The latter part of the week the com edy “What Happeaed to Brown" will be th e bill. j • mmm • ■ • ♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦*♦♦♦• ♦ 4 ♦ LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* Mr. Fred H. League, now with the Central of Georgia railroad, has ac cepted a position with the Atlantic Co/st Line. In the office of Mr. U D. McCullum, commercial agent, effect ive September Ist. He succeeds Mr. W. J BHtchtngton. who recently re signed to'accept a place with the firm of Helneken * Voglesang, cotton factors. Mr. A E Nicholson will leave In a few days for his home at Athens. GIDEON S- JONESSEEKS DIVORCE FOR DESERTION Mr. Gideon S. Jone*. entered suit Monday for a divorce from his Mattie L. Jones on the grounds of de sertion. Also for the custody o( hia two cbildron sped. •» years and 3 1-2 years respectively. Mrs. .Tones is in Itirmincham, Ala., at present. Th* Beat Pills Ever Sold. •• \ffter doc tor In* i year* for chronic I lnd!g***tior». and spending ov#r tto nun ' dr*'a dollar*, nothing he* done me e* tm:eh good n* Dr. King's New Life p||i»t con eider them th# b##t pill# ever *ola," write# B F Ayeeue, of Inglesiric-, N i . j Sold tinder guarantee at ull druggicf# TUESDAY, AUGUST 25. WANTS MLLE. MUSK TO RED MMTDOI Mine. Fritzi Seheff, Just Divorced, Preparing to Marry Man Who Writes Brilliant Stories. PAUL SMITHS, N. Y.-Mme. Fritzi Schell Is to be marled again. He cently sh e secured a divorce from Baron von Bardeleben, an officer In the Austrian army. John Fox. Jr., who has also been stopping hf're on and off, running up from New York, is the lucky man. Mr. Fox is one of the younger school of American novelists who madp his mark by developing com paratively unknown phases of life. Born in Kentucky, he made the moun ; tain region of the Blue Grass state famous in a series of brilliant stories, * among them being "A Mountain i Europa a "Cumberland Vendetta." Hell for Sartaln." "The Kentuck- I ians.” "Blue Grass and Rhododend ron," "The Little Shepherd of King dom Come," and “A Knight of the Cumberland." H P went to the Spanish-Amertcan ; war as a war correspondent, sharing . ail the risks with his comrades in arms and wrote vivid letters from th* field. He also served as war cor respondent during the Russo-Japanese war. BAR ASSOCIATION sIEETS. SPOKANE. Wash—The American Rar association will meet In annual convention in this cltr- today with Jnr'.sla and lawvers from ever? part ot the United States in aiteudsnce.