The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 25, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT FOR RENT. 1347 Broad Street, 7 rooms $23.00 559 Broad Street, 0 rooms 35 00 584 Broad Street, 5 rooms 25 00 853 Green* Street. 12 zoom* 50.00 500 Lincoln Stri ct. 8 room* 30.00 666 Reynolds Street, ]7 rooms 4167 106 Reynold* Street, 6 rooms 12.50 338 Walker Strict, 7 rooms • STORES. 1224 Broud Sire." 35.00 1252 Broad Htraot 65.00 570 Broad Strait 35 00 524 <'amp tie I! Street 45.00 222 (’ninphell Street 20.00 520 Campbell Strict.. 50.00 OFFICEB. No. 765 Broad Street S2O 83 No. 8 Library Bid* 18.33 Offices In the Binnlera Loan ,v Having* Bank Building. WILLIAM E. BUSH, ft" Boi!tl . ng . I 'Ok RIiNT BttOM OCT. I. 508 Third St , 6 room* and bath, being built ..$30.00 413 Telfair, 8 roome and bath $33 33 539 Broad, 7 rooms and bath S3O 00 CIS Broad, 7 room* and halh $30.00 614 Third, 6 room* and bath $20.00 929 Reynolds, 6 room* and bath .$30.00 1620 Walton Way, 7 room* and bath $25.00 001 Crawford Ave. 5 room* $14.00 446 Bay. to be built, !>o»*e**lon Nov. 1, / room*, *tcam heat and open grates electricity and gas $32.50 1242 Broad St.. 6 room* arid hath ..$25 00 1244 Broad Ht.. 6 room* and hath $25.00 1288 Broad St,. Store $33 33 205-207 Sixth St., atore $30.00 MARTIN «Sr GARRETT, oyhr building. =■-'= STOCKS ORDERS EXECUTED TO BUY AND BELL STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ARGO & JESTER. 7 Library Building. Phone 12. For Sale STORE, TWO STORY DWELLING And LARGE LOT IN SUBERBS. WOULD SELL STOCK OF GOODS. kpply To Clarence E. Clark, EDUCATIONAL Miss \ link's Commercial School. Harison Building Augusta, Ga., teach** short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, spelling, arithmetic, English and penmanahlp. Practical methods and terma reasonable. Day clast. Night claat. Write for catalogue, or call phone 427, SAOKID 111 AK i GOIUGI IW< KIM* Street, AugueU, Gl. For day eoholgre only. Kmpow •rad to cooler all ('ullvflatx I)«. free* Thoroughly up-lodata Th« curriculum lucluda* I‘hll oauphv, l.ttvratun-. Ancient and modern Utatory. Phyrlm, ChemW try. Aaironoiny. Muthematloa. ArlUime'.ic Bookkeeping, etc, Su uogrmphy nnd I’ypce rlittig at par •nta option Modern i.auguagut wlthiatl ' itrit charge. Rt-OPBNS TUBBOAY. SEPTEMBER IST. 1808 Par Catalogue and particular., ap ply at the College JOHN J. SHERRY, S. J. Preaidant. I Advertise What I Do I Do What I Advertise Your money bn ok if after taking my treatment for Dan druff \ not enretl. 1 make Sea Ip treat ment a specialty, having 15 years ex perience. If I fail to cure, it will cost you nothing. W. S. HALL, Leonard Building BARBER SHOP READ HERALD WANTS Sam Lee, Laundry, No. 1281 BROAD ST. Th# cheapest Laundry In tha city First claaa work; work guaranteed Give ma a trial and you will coma again. Look at thaaa prlcaa: •hlrta, 7c; Undsrahlrta, 4c; Col lara, 1c; Drawara, 4c; Cyffn, 2ci Handkarohiafa. Ic. GLOSS AND DOMESTIC FINISH Pitchers 100 doien decorated China Pitch era are our premlua thla week, with all purchaeea of any of the following articlee. IS lb* Java A Mocha Coffee , 50c Mini Java flavored Coffee .. ..50c SH-lba Porto Hlcan Coffee .. ~soc lit) May .outturn Tea . . ~, ~soc hot tit - \ * |> Extract* ~..50c I I No* Can A a l\ linking Powder Mb Then Ntwtar Tea so-: Remember theee pitchere are limit ed. We will give them away aa long a* they Uet. ’Cf* s "' '"®l§ PtfUNTIC amo PACIFIC. Sit HliUAl) STREET. Phones 867- 868 325 Stores in U. S. KAISER WILHELM II ESTABLISHES RECORD Pl.niOl’TH The North a.ttuau l.lojd alatuttar the Katecr Wl.hdin II . hat aatabllehed a new record in the time elapaod and the averap. • petal for any itter the lon* eoa>w„ frt»m Sandy Hot k to Plymouth She madt lb. dWteuce in Ove day*, illuv huur* aud lU'.g o*i HIS HORSE WAS STOLEN Locking the stable after the horse 1" stolen is about a* sane an act as trying to grow hair after the head 1* bald. If the hair root be absolutely dead, permanent baldness will be your lor, and you might a* well cheer up and Sell your fr'und* that It isnt *o bad after ail, as to bemoan your fate But if your hair is Just beginning to thin out; if the thought, or cur* to you that in a year oi two you can take your *eat in the bald headed row without being asked for cr< danlials then you’ve got a chance, and a great big chance. If your hair I* falling out or thin out, don't wall another day; go to Alexander Drug Uo., the druggi»tfl, and get a bottle of Parisian Sage, the most efficient hair grower the world has ever known. Don't say, "it's the same old story; I've beard It before,” but try a bot tle at Alexander Drug Co.’s risk. They guarantee Parisian Sage to grow hair, to stop falling hair, to run dandruff, and stop scalp itch In two week*, or money back Parisian Sage Is the most invigor nflng hilr dressing made It Is anti septic, it kills all odors that are bound to arise from excretions of the scalp during the hot months, and ev eryone knows that, sage Is very cool ing to the scalp. Parisian Sage is a prime favorite with discriminating ladles, because It makes the hair lustrous and luxtiri ant. Get a large bottle from Alexatt der Drug Co., for only 50 cents, or by express, all charges prepaid, from the American makers, Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. y. 1.. Slyvester & Hons announce !r today's Herald that they are better prepared than ever before to outfit young men who are going to college They are showing a large and varied assortment of college clothes for young men, which are strictly up-to the-minute, if not a ft w minutes in advance of the others. They handle only the very best makes of younj, men's college clothes and they arc the same styles that will bo found In the larger cities of the country. By pat ronizing your home merchants you help to build up the town In which you lire. They will take great pleasure In showing you their new fall styles whether you wish j pur chase or not. FOR INDIGESTION Take Hor»ford*« Acid Phosphate Rsp.rtally recommended for t tic* relief of ohetlnalr Indigestion and nervous dV- IT’S ASTONISHING WHAT FOLKS SAY ABOUT GLENN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. IT’S NO SECRET. It takaa th e Mushrooms off your lives. Cures Constipation, Bilious ness, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Diepepeu, Appendicitis, Rheu matiam and Oiseaset of the akin. GINGER ALE AND CARBON ATED WATER OF QUALITY. GLENN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER PHONE HO() Butter Arrived Just arrived this morning two thousand pounds of the Finest Elgin Creamery But ter, per pound. 30 cents. ... SffUNTIC *iw PAC'FIOJ 'Tried' 844 Broad Street. THE AUGUSTA HERALD All ENTHUSIASTIC FORM DAY Monday Night’s Meeting Showed Work Progress ing Finely Sixty Dona tions Received. Despite the rain Monday night, there were 40 representatives at the Union Printers’ hall to hear the re ports of the various committees on the Labor Day celebration of the Au gusta Central Trades Council. Chair man McGowan presided over the meet the meeting. Routine business was transacted and other matters pertain, ing to the celebration of the work ingman's day were discussed. The following special committees were appointed: On Barbecue—i. S. Bassett, chair man; P. K. Tant, Oscar Owens, R. B. Horton, Theo. Buckley, E. L. Bab bitt, W. H. Griffin, R, L. Langston. Mr. Thomas F\ MeNally was made vice-chairman and secretary. On Amusements- R C. Williams, chairman; Oscar Owens, A. M. Banks, I’. K. Tant. N. B. Hicks. Floor Commltteo Thosmas F. Mc- Nally, chairman, and a committee of 15, to be appointed later by the chair man. This Is a very Important com mittee and there will be representa tives from all the unions In the city. Messrs. W. H Griffin. P. K. Tant, and Secretary McNally were appointed a committee to confer with the An gusta-Alken Railway company for a special service from 12.30 to 3.30 and from 8.30 to 10, it being assumed that during these periods there will be heavy traffic for the barbecue and for the ladies and children returning home after spending a pleasant day. About 60 donations have been re ceived, and this work will end Sat urday. when the committee will make Its last, district canvass. Later, all donations will be announced In the daily papers' and all who contribute will be furnished with small placards from the Central Trades Council, de noting that, the articles displayed in the windows for prizes are "Labor Day Offerings.'’ The police at the Platz on Labor Day will be under the orders of the officers of the central body. Chair man McGowan stated Tuesday that if any objectionable people, male or fe male, are found at the Platz. Ihey will be ejected immediately. He also stated there would be no free list, hut the ladles and gentlemen of the press would be the guests of the Cen tral Trades Council. A special meeting will be held Sun day morning at 11.30 o’clock. A pleas ant feature of the meeting Monday night will be a brief address on be half of concerted action, by Mr. P. A. Diktt, ex-president of the organization. At] Sunday's meeting it is probable that an orator will be selected to give an address at* the beginning of the tarbecue. TENNILLE ROOTERS GAME INJROIS Game Between Visiting, Aggregation and Augus ta Amateurs at Warren Park This Afternoon Will he Witnessed by a Big Attendance. A tremendous erowd of enthusias tic rooters came in this morning on! the Augusta Southern railroad to root for the Teunille Baseball team at Warren Park this afternoon, when they clash with the Augusta Ama teurs In what promiaes to be the fast ] eat amateur contest ever pulled off in the city. The local aggregation Is in the pink of condition and confidently expect i to win But in this they do not ills count the strength of the visiting j team, that lays claim to the cham pionship of middle Georgia. With Hartley to pitch and a fast team In the field behind him. the young Sal ly (leaguer should give the local hoys a run for their money. Rick Kahrs' arm 1* In better fix than It has been any time thla season, and the foxy ! young fltnger will be a dangerous I proposition for the Tonntlle bunch The game will probably be railed at 5 o'clock. In time for everybody In town who wants to see the eon icst, and to allow the visitors time Ito catch their train. The excursion ! is scheduled o leave the union sta -1 tion at 8 ilo p. m.. city time. The line up of the two teams is las follows: \ugusia Wolfe, catch; Kahrs. pitch; PUlnter first base: Veno. second; Moi ri*. third; Hoops, shortstop; Sanford, left field: Kaughman. right field; Parks, ra-i'-r field. Tennillc Swan, catch; Voss pitch; W Smith, first base; Brown, second B Smith, third; Piibhari shortstop; Pritchard, left field; Smith, right field: Vesa renter field Bagby and Bennett, utilities for the Amateurs. KAUFMAN AND FLYNN TO BOX TEN ROUNDS ■ LOS ANOELKS, Cal—With a crash xnd a hang At Kaufman and Jim 1 Flynn are scheduled to come toceth jir tonight at the Nattd Junction pa I vlllcn of the Pitc'fl* Athletic club. In I a ten-round no decision contest, Th* betting odds are 10 to ti on Kaufman, with not a penny of Ptyeui uuao 9924 Mexican Kisses Edison Concert Band 8825 Let Me Crown You Queen of May Orange Blossoms (Helf) Manuel Romain 9926 Take Me Out to the Ball Game (Albert Von Tilzer) Edward Meeker 9927 Dancing in the Barn Edison Military Band 9928 Hugo (Snyder) Ada Jones. 9929 Sim and Sam, the Musical Coons (Original) Len Spencer & Mozarto 9930 Childhood (Mills) Byron G. Harlan 9931 Dance of the Clowns (Trinkaus) Edison Eymphony Orchestra. 9932 Mother’s Lullaby (Keefee) Matt Keefe & Geo. Stricklett. 9933 I’ve Taken Quite a Fancy to You (Morse) Ada Jones & Billy Murray 9934 Cohan’s Rag Babe (Cohan) Arthur Collins 9935 Society Swing Two-Step (Franzen) . . Edison Military Band. 9936 Somebody Lied (Branen & Lloyd) Bod Roberts ROSSIONOL’S in sight. i ■ With Spartan-like courage the fighting fireman maintains that the sporting public in general, and Messrs. Kaufman and Delaney in par ticular, is due for a little surprise party. The main event tonight will bo refereed by Charley Eyton and will he preceded by two preliminaries. CROP CONDITIONS AT BUSH, SOUTH CAROLINA BUSH, S. C. —Fodder pulling is over and the crop was fairly good where it was worked properly. A large per cent was iost by too much rain in June. The cotton is opening prematurely owing to the hot sun and a three weeks' drouth. Cotton is off about 25 per cent, in this section. Alexander & McDaniel are put ting up a ginnery and it will be ready i in a few days, the saw-mills haven't started to work yet, as we are having ! rain every day, hut it is now too late for it to benefit th e cotton. 0. B. BhSH. 1 Last Week August Surplus Stock Sale At MULLARKY & SULLIVAN CO. The Live, Wide Awake Dry Goods Store. LIVE RANDOM SHOTS HERE AND THERE OF EXTRA SPECIALS THAT ARE BELOW COST. IN THE GREAT-SURPLUS STOCK SALE, WE MUST HAVE ROOM AND HAVE CUT PRICES REGARDLESS. Linen Squares Scarfs, Squares and linen center pieces, hemstitched, drawn work corners and Battenburg lace trimmed, all sizes, former prices were $1.50 “71“ to $1.75, now at one price I HR Sec window, only 1 1 Lot Linen Squares and runnel’s, QQ« 50c and 59c kinds, at ‘“U 1 Lot Linen Squares and center IQp pieces, 35c and 19c, now ,*du 1 Lot Linen Squares and Center ICp pices, 29<- anti 35c, now Big Clearance of Waists All SI.OO White Lawn Waists, C 0« now closing at wUU All $3.50 White Lawn Waists, #1 r|| now closing at SI.OU All $5.00 White Lawn Waists. 00 AQ now closing at ,f‘* These yrr bigest values in Waists ever offered in this city. Mullarky & Sullivan Co. Agfents for McCall Patterns. 9937 Throw Out the Life Line (Ufford) Edison Mixed Quartette 9938 My Starlight Maid (Klein) Billy Murray & Chorus 9939 Beau Brummell (Bendix) Albert Benzler 9940 Oh, Glory! (Hill) Murray K. Hill 9941 Down in Jungle Town (Morse) Collins & Harlan 9942 Flanagan's Shopping Tour (Original) _ Steve Porter 9943 Schottisshe Medley (Klmmble) John Mimmble. 9944 Your Picture says “Remember,” Though Your Letter Says “Forget” (Henry Frederls Rose 9945 Tony and Rosetta (Original) Ada Jones & Len Spencer 9946 Every Mother’s Son There San “The Wear ing of the Green" (Hollander) Edward M Favor 9947 The Top Notch March (Arther) Edison Military Band SALVATION ARMY HELPED WOMAN Strange Woman and Baby Just Recovering From Sickness Taken in. Sunday morning about 9:30 o’clock a hack drove up to the house of En sign Robbins, of the Salvation army, containing a* lady and her 15-months oid baby. The Ensign was at the hospital with his little daughter, but sh e asked Mrs. Robbins if she could give her a home for a few days. It is needless to say that she was taken in and given the best of care. They had both Just gotten up from a spell of malarial fever in a neighboring city, where the physician had advised to make a change. Arriving here she first vjent to the home of an ac quaintance, but was told that they were not in a position to take her. A hackman helped her out of the dif ficulty by taking her to the Salvation army. Ensign Robbins wishes to say that if any friend has some bed-room fur- Muslin Underwear 25c Ladies’ Hemstitched IQp Drawers, at Idu 59c Corset Covers, cut 59e and 50c Tucked Shirts, nq cut to wwu 59c and 65c Muslin Drawers, lace OQa and embroidery trimmed, wvG Ladies Pink and Sky, Mercerized, IQp 50c Silk Vests, now at La Grecque Corsets HALF PRICE. One Lot Odd Corsets, all SI.OO rftj, values to close out at ,3Uu One lot Skirts, lace embrioderied .and hemstitched, ruffled trimmed, over 25 diferent styles to select from, former price $1.25 ai d $1.50, clearing 7fln cut price only * TUESDAY, AUGUST 25. fun furnished ROSSIGNOL THE MUSIC MAN. EDISON September Records NOW ON SALE. JACKSON AIND fciLUIS STREETS. nishlngs they could donate for use In cases of this kind or provisions or in fact anything useful It will be appre ciated at any time. The Salvation army is often called on for such things and the collections barely meet expenses. The lady mentioned would like to get a position as housekeeper with a good family and can be seen at 542 Ellis street, or ’phone 2567. NORTH AUGUSTA FIRE DEPARTMENT TEST Chemical Hand Fire Extin guishers Wiss he Tested. This afternoon in North Augusta a test with a chemical hand fire ex tinguisher will be made fo r Capt. M. J. Murphy, who is at the head of the new department. The new department contemplates the purchase of two chemical en gines and the test in question is to determine the value of the chemical apparatus iu fighting fire, as there has been no experience with them in North Augusta.