The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 29, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT FOR RENT. 11147 Broad Strc l. 7 room* S$S» Broad Hired, 9 rooms 00 534 Broad Street, S room*.. 27.00 953 Qrocna Hired, 12 rooms 50.00 f.OG Lincoln .Street. X room* 30.00 556 Reynold* Htr *• >■ t. 17 room* 41 07 100 Reynold* Sfreet, 0 room* 12.50 338 Walker Street, 7 room* ~ .. *.. 25.00 BTO RHB. 1224 Broad Street *5.00 1252 Broad Street 65.00 570 Broad Strrut 35 00 624 Campbell Street .. 45.00 2*2 Campbell Street 20.00 620 Campbell Street.. . 50.00 OFFICEB. No 705 Broad Street . .. 120.83 No. X Library Bldg 18.23 Office* in the I'lanter* Loan & Having* Bank Building. WILLIAM E. BUSH, fc^**** l-tm kI'.NT ('ROM OCT. I. 60S Third St., * room* and oatli, being built ~ S3O 00 413 Telfair. X room* and bath $53.33 6X9 Broad, 7 room* and bath ..S3OOO 618 Broad, 7 room* anil bath $20.00 GI4 Third, 6 room* and bath.. ..$20.00 929 Reynold*. 6 room* and bath ..$30.00 ,20 Walton Way, 7 room* and bath $25.00 901 Crawford Ave. 6 room* $14.00 446 Bay. to he built. po»*e**lon Nov. 1, / room*, *team heat and open gran *, electricity and ga« $39.50 1242 Broad fit., 6 room* and bath $25 00 1244 Broad Ht, 6 room* and hath . $25.00 12X8 Broad St. Store $33.33 205-207 Sixth HI., More $30.00 MARTIIN <Sr QARRETT, i>yi-.b nun.ling. ORDERS EXECUTED TO BUY AND SELL STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ARGO & JESTER. 7 Library Building. Phone 12. For Sale STORE, TWO STORY DWELLING And LARGE LOT IN SUBERBS. WOULD SELL STOCK OF GOODS. Apply To Clarence E 2. Clark, EDUCATIONAL ■ - 1 1 J-.. . 2 ' - --L Miss funk’s Commercial School. Harinon Building Augusta, Ga., tasches short hand, typewriting, book k «*pmg, spelling, arithmetic, English and penmanship. Practical methods and terma raasonable. Day class. Night class. Writ* for cataloguo, or call phon* 427. S4(KiD IIUKI (OHIO! 1.106 EHII Strut, Augusta. Ga. Kor day scholars only. Kmpow ertal to confer all Collegiale l>» gicos Thoroughly up to date The currlniluui Includes I'hlt osopliy. I.llerature. Ancient an I modern History, I'hyslcs, Chcmls try. Astronomy. Mathemsllcs. Arithmetic. Ilookgocplng, etc, Hie nography and typewriting at pm ents option Modern t.auguages without extra charge RE-OPENS TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER IST, 1908 For Catalogue and particulars, sp ply at ths College JOHN J. SHERRY, S J. President. SACKED HUH I AC ADEMY 1364 Ellis St., Auqusta, Ga. Conducted b\ the Bisters ot Merc). and eni|<o»ried to confer diplomas Offers superior nines ttoual adi outages for girls Musi cal culture and the training of organists a specialty Reopens 6*p< S, 1606. Preparatory school for boys from flee to nine years of ago. Kor particular* apply to the SISTER SUPERIOR. Sam Lee, Laundry* No. 1281 BKOAI) ST. Tht C*e*pe*t tA th* efty First else* wc»r«t w#r* • w*rsnt*eS Give m» a trial «nj yew Mill c»w» again Lee* at tK»M p**te*. IKlrli Ft; Unterehirte «<. Co* *ses. U » H Cw*». Hi Hand**'©*»**•. Ic. OlOS* AND DOM I§T 1C riNUN STOCKS I"OR RENT RESIDENCES 516 Kill* 81., 5 room* $22.50 lU2I Jack win fit , 5 room* ~ .. 16.65 525 Calhoun St , 7 room* ~ .. 25.00 431 Broad Ht , 4 room* 18.U0 2"6 Kill* St , 4 room* 15.00 614 Crawford Avc 5 room* .. 10,00 823 chafer- Ave.. * room* .... 22.50 911 Pine fit., 6 room* 10,00 Urtild Park Avc. 4 room* 15 00 Hruld Park Avc, f, room* 20.00 1028 Fenwick Ht . 4 room* .... sOO 1300 Block Walker St 2 houae*. 3 room* each .. 760 North Augusta. 7 room* .. 25.00 STORES 1039 Broad St tii 632 Kilt* St 23.00 1019 Campbell St. .. 22 00 LOCKHART &CO RENTING, REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE. FLOWEKS FOR FUNERAL DESIGNS FERNS. SLulb's Nursery. GOVERNOR GENERAL OF SMYRNA. W ABHINOTON- Krnest I, Harris. American consul at Smyrna. Turkey, has reported to the state department that Falk Hey, governor general of Smyrna, has been dismissed and has b«*en succeeded by Iteouf I'ssha. Prisons, the consul adds, art* be in« demolished and the people ajv prove the appointment of Kaltull I'asha as arand vliter. LITTIR TO O M STEARNS. AugustA, Go Sir H»tr g the (nit great lun I (oc! lit point; Kvory jet* painted Ittver tak<* In*-. I ■nUttita ih«ii tiny other paint If »ny »nr doubts thin statement. | here* the I'ititti It* may |«in( holt his jM* l>evoe. ihr t'thrr haU whatever paint ho ?tn**o it tho D»Vor half doe* not take* lr*n g*i- Umu» sm) coat lc»* llivtnr) fIH both ptunt I a nil Üboi no pay Tour* ir ul) M F R PKVOK A I*o I* H Alexander IKui O* •►II our point. SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST BRICKONS. llONOl.t'l.r -Charges against Knit' ed States Attornei It W llreckvns haic Inren mad,, by the He* K W Thw lug and others and forwarded to Attorney General Bonaparte These chstges Include offence* against (ed eral law. es|<eclally In regard to the Chinewe and Japanese People with pepper* 'empeis are but the tail of the oar lb- Augusta Freshets Come in Periods of Twenty Years According to well authenticated stories, Augusta ha* experienced its moat destructive flood* at regular period* of twenty years for the last sixty years. Not one month's dif ference has been noted, say old in habitants, the Prst great flood coming In IX4X, the other in IXSB, the next In 18*8 and the present one, of course, in 1908. The time of lbe high water in each Instance waa the latter part of August or the first of September. The records of the weather bureau doe* not extend bark to lXtiX, but they show that the flood of 18X8 came on September 11, and 12 and it Is said that the on- of IX6B came In August PUNS FI RELIEF Bl THE PIETIES A Central Relief Station With Sub-Stations Sug gested. A meeting of the Associated Chari ties was held at half past eleven o'clock today, In the Woman's Club rooms, for the purpose of devising ways and means of reaeblng, with out delay, the Hood aufferers. Mr. W. M Rowland, president of the As seriated Charities, presided as chair man, and. In the absence of the sec retary of the association, Ml** Augus ta (llebner kindly served. Present at the meeting wgre: Ml**! Charlotte Wardlaw, representing the Memorial Circle of the King's Baugh-! ter*; Mrs. F. P, Lewis and Mrs. liar I per Bryson, Miss Mary Cqthbcrt, j Mis* debitor, of the Burden Bear ■ ers; Mias Fortin and Miss Kve, of! the Baracra Circle. Mis* Mogel, dear ones* of the First Presbyterian j church; Mrs. William Smythe of the Bishop Elliott society of Ht. Paul's church; Rev. Sherwood Whitney, Mr. j William 11. Fleming, Mr. James To-j bln and Mr. T. I. Hickman. There was much Informal discus- j slon as to the quickest and most efflclom way of relieving the distress of the sufferers, and as a result (he! following motion was presented by Jlr. Whitney, as a solution of the, problem: The Associated Charities offers to the eltlien's committee Its entire or ganltatlon for work, and suggests that a central relief station be established, ! and a sub station in the flooded dls j trlrts, as necessary, each in charge of j a competent committee composed. In part at least, of the district commit tees of this association and others, and that Mr Rowland and Mr. Hick man he authorized to represent the association before the citizen's com mtttee, at their meeting this after noon. The representative* of the various organizations present were all given money with which to relieve the suf-, ferern during this time and tomorrow | when another meeting will be called to further plans and to make their work more far reaching It was at the suggestion of Mr Fleming that Immediate aetlon was taken for rendering help. He telling i ' of the suffering he had seen, and of the many who were In such urgent 1 need of food. In the little church |ln Woodluwn there nre about one ] hundred and fifty people who are be - Ing cared for and fed by kind-heart-. ed people In that neighborhood and J I from the 11111. This will be kept l up until further plans can be devised President Rowland Impressed on all those present the absolute necessity 1 of an Immediate report to the Assn j ! elated Charltle* of a tabulated report ! 1 of all rase* relieved and in this way (he enabled to carry their plana fur tlier by huvlng a systematized and j . eoneerted action. 133RD RESCUER NEARLY CAUSED GUARD’S DEATH MANCHESTER, Mass John F. Con ! ro.v. the famed life guard, came near denth yesterday In making his 133 d ! rescue, wihleh he say* was the hard ' est of his career He Is exhausted i after a fight of au hour with a ter s rifle undertow and the heaviest surf jin years, in the rescue of Walton Scully, 10 years old. of Pittsburg "Buy Ollnchfleld Domestic Coal now while the price I* low Leave order* with you dealer, or write the i Cllnchfield Coal Corporation, Chat j lottc. N C." Starters for Futurity Stakes NKW YORK This afternoon a field of als ut nine classy two year olds will meet In a sis ( dash at Sheeps head Hay course and when the winner flushes under the wire. It will he crowned the victor of th, Kuturlty and acknowledged the best youngster In training, and earn 1.'i.000 for hi* owner. It w ould be an almost Impossible pro position to got a more cyeuly matches! lot of thoroughbred* together. Taking a line on th,. last | form* nee* of this lot, It appears as If the finish of th,. Futurity will rest between Madden and Keene The other entrants while of re** high calibre, hardly figures to be In the class with Maskette Helmet, Sir Martin and Payette. Here are the starters; Fourth race, the Futurity, estimated valu, US.ood; two year olds, six furlongs; Horse Weight. Jockey Odds. xxMaskette us . Notter r, to 5 x Blr Martin .. ..127 .. Shilling j to 1 kxHelmet 183 .. Powers 6 to 5 x Fayette 127 l-ee .. ~ 3 to l Berseus IIT . Dugan tto 1 M-diant . Its'. McCarthy % to l Practical |l7 Men*nt*i ti ..10 to 1 Hillside.... .... .... .... ~..110. Bn Her ~ ~ 4to 1 Bobbin 133.. Smith ’ t to l xx Madden entry x KeeUe entry l'smuea, HUlssldc and Bobbin—Madden entry. a« * . £ AUGUSTA HERALD hnd the flood of 1848 came in Sep tember. While the river has reached 34 to j I'.j feet on several occasslons during the period It seems as If but little damage was done except at the times mentioned and It seems as the! 10,-h was comparatively binall in j 1868. The water reached its record hreak- j Ing point this time and went two in ches above the high point of twenty years ago The rapid rise of the river this time caused greater damage In j the way of washouts as the onrush of the water was so rapid as to tear up streets and do other damage of simi lar nature throughout the entire town. PLUS FOR BLUFF IRE FiWTED SYSTEMATIC EFFORTS MADE TO PROPERLY AND REGU LARLY DISTRIBUTE MON EY AND SUPPLIES $3,200 READY NOW This Stint Placed in Hands of Charitable Organiza tions and itelief Commit tee—Divided Into Three Sums. At u joint meeting of the rltizens committee and the council committee, held at the offices of the Chamber of Commerce this afternoon at 1 o'clock plans were formulated for handling the relief work over the city. Many communications offering as sistance were reud and thanks ren dered In each Instance to the donors. After some discussion It waa decided to keep the entire committee at work during the entire period needed and the two committees will meet each morning at 11 o'clock, until the work Is over. For relieving Immediate suffering $3,200 was placed In the hands of re lief workers. This was divided Into three sums, $2,200 being given over to thu Associated Charities. There are twenty-two different organizations composing the body and their work is divided Into as many districts. They will Handle those ordinarily coming under their care. To the Sal vation Army SSOO was given, together with power to use It as the officials of the organization see fit. The Sal vatlon Army has been hard at work during the whole flood and much good ha* been accomplished. A colored relief committee was ap pointed and SSOO given to them for Immediate use. Composing the com mittee is Rev. C T. Walker, Silas X Floyd. A C. Voting. P. H. Craig, and I>r O. N. Stoney. They have already located all the suffering negroes in the flood-stricken district and will provide for the Immediate wants of the sufferers. At the committee meeting tomor row provisions will be made to meet any situation that may prevail at that time and another appropriation made If needed. MARY LOSSES ARE OVER ESTIMATED From many point* there are coming in authentic reports to show that the damage has been ovcrestlmatd as far as Individual and tirm losses arc con cerned Ho overwrought were the tears ot everyone that the disaster in specific Instances appeared greater than it was In reality, and often time* tabs frequently repeated grew !n magnitude A specific instance is that of the Industrial Lumber Company, it has been published that their plant has unvalued total lives So far is th!» cxugegrated that It is stated by mana ger Pbllpot that their damages will not exceed $1,505. and their loss Is i uly that Incident to high water. In the shape of wet machinery, etc. The plant Is ready for business and com plete operation. $1.70 TO Jf’g"* v Rl E F? ft 4 SUNDAY CENTRAL -OF GEORGIA RAILWAY GnlyThree More Sundays ESTABLISHING THE PLURAL Fred, who was four years old. vis- I I ted his ancle on the farm When he ; came home his father asked him what had pleased him the most. ‘ Oh. 1 liked the geese. I had such Pin chasing them, and wc had a great big goose for dinner one day " •’Well." said his father. ‘ now can ; you tell the difference between a goose and geese?” •'Aw, that* easy,” said Fred. "One j gee*,. |* a goose and two gooses Is i geese " —September Delineator. A girl thinks a man Is brave be {cause tie Isn't afraid to swear. MMMOUNCEMENT. We beg to advise our friends and the pub lic generally that we are ready to place the service of our entire organization at the dis posal of the owners of all damaged property in the city. We will undertake any and all kinds of repairs and execute same in the shortest possible time and in the best man ner. We also have a full and complete steam equipment for pumping out cellars. For prompt service call at 19 and 20 Library Building. JOHN H. McKENZIE’S SONS. THE AUGUSTA GROCERY CO. Announces open and ready for business. JAMES. T. BOTHWELL, Pres. DISINFECTING LIME! We are ready to serve you. : : : : Augusta Builders Supply Company. 'PHONE 321. 040 Broad Street. VERYSMALLDAMAGE DONE AT UNION DEPOT Mr. Thos. K. Scott, general man ager of the Georgia railroad, said this morning that the damage sustained by flood at the Union depot was too insignificant to estimate. ' There was of rourse," he said, "a little damage from mud in the waiting rooms, but w e opend them all up this morning and the furniture that was ruined will be Immediately replaced. The flooring tinder the train shed was simply lifted on top of the waters, but held to Us moorings and settled back down after the flood subsided. We have a large force of hauds at work and expect to ha. the depot opeu again in a day or so.” There were no wash-outs any where on the line of the Georgia, said Mr. Scott, and the local damage, altogeth er, was remarkably light. FOR NERVOUSNESS Take Horsfords Acid Phosphate Its use I* especially valuable in the ’treatment of weak nerve*, disordered di | gestion and constipation. FATHER. They sat alone iu the parlor. It was uear the midnight hour And their very * jls wet*- st.mug Alih love’s mystical ...over ■ You tc 'he lie of my ife," she mur mured "With you * to can he no night." And .tust then her lather hollered T.’r lirnc to pu; ■ t that light." -hilydelphla I‘ulletin. A Handsome Young Blonde Kissed Governor Hughes ITHACA. N Y.—Governor Hugh''*., guest at the Trunmnsburg Fair, which was attended by about six thousand tanner* of this district, not only went through the ordeal of shaklug hands w ith a thousand people, but had per- j force to aubmit to being kissed by a handsome young blonde. Tne two smacks were placed on the governor's countenance while he was , proceeding from the grounds to his I train. The young woman whose Identity | has not been divulged, rushed up to , the governor and threw her arms about hi* neck. The executive was | too astonished to say a word of pr> ; test In a twinkling ihe girl had kiss ed hint Mr. Hugtie* stood still and | ihen as the crowd yelled with delight i he sngled genially and strode away In a speech which be delivered the | governor spoke of wb»t the state Is SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 IT’S ASTONISHING WHAT FOLKS SAY ABOUT GLENN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. IT’S NO SECRET. It takes th e Mushroom* off your livs*. Cures Constipation, Bilious nsss, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Dispepsia, Appendicitis, Rheu matism and Diseases of the skin. GINGER ALE AND CARBON ATED WATER OF QUALITY. GLENN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER PHONE 800 endeavoring to do for the farmer and what It is doing to make agriculture more enticing and pleasant, vocation HARVESTER COMPANY TO FORM PENSION FUND CHICAGO.—The International Harr**- ter company, through It* general .»*• (\ S Funk, yesterday >nnsui>c*.J th* o; gamma lion of a benefit laaocts;#** and pension fund for It* Jy.Ovu employe# in all parts of the world. The company announces that It wlh contribute sj<> <H» toward tho bought > fund, providing 7$ per cent of Its cm t ployes Join )he n»w association. IbooU i per c*nt of ths employe* Join, ths j ''ompany win contribute The pension movrmont pinna for tpu retirement of ell employes at the an r ?T •S yenr* whe have worked continuously I for twenty )ears. , READ HERALD WANT! *