The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 30, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 14

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PAGE SIX WANTS PEOPLE READ HERALD WANTS EVERY DAY FOR BARGAINS. There’s a Bargain in Thera Today That’s For You. * There IS h jolt (nr you of count'-; i mi keep n waul id buiiy In your bo : hull Not much uk*■ reducing price* arid then keeping it u hull secret. The one person In the city to whom your who! ad should appeal Ih dottl le»» ‘ rending the paper*’’ these day*. Tenantle** property kkIII offsel most of your good lin k In o:he. tiling*. Something that Ih advertised today would proliHbly loo* better in your homo than in any other In the city I Hundred!! of people ure "almost 1 persuaded" to buy real or at< They will read V'll’lt *d. No store ran afford lo advertise ag gressively milieu* It I* u good utore. You are lift* 111 patronlrinp. a store (bat I* not afraid lo be In the lime light. The merchant who do*-K not adver t life at all probably has hli peaann | —-but If you naked him what they: were he would apei-dtly Invent aotno counterfeit nnea for you. SITUATION WANTED Male. CLARK A YOUNO WIIITK MAN who haa had experience d* «ii* h po altion In dry good*. grocerv or ftirnl ture atone Addreaa "Jack." Care Tie Herald. »M' j BOOKKEEPER WANTED. I*o HI lion aa bonkSo*per with good eon : cent Can k*-*-p both alnaU- and doit j lile hook*. and can take dictation on | typewriter Am callable of managing business Addreaa, Capable, can* An j guata Herald A J'.t* BOOKKEEPER A YOUNO MAN 01 experience « jii a Ytosßti n hi uool, - he* |*t r or analalant at otic* now cm I ployed bin lor good rs -on would Ilk* to make change Addreaa H M A . care Herald A2fix SITUATION WANTED Female. COOK A YOI'NII COLORED WOM »n an r« »k A<l Moxcdl How«il, I**7 Talent i StJ A26i < OoK A YOUNO OOIeOHI U HUM I tn dniilrt'M ponlltuii mm oom| A*l ‘ drf-NH Gertrude liutiou, IMI Tmlcoul itrtMrt A2i K iIOUHKUIKL: A COLOHKO WOM mii dc*»lre# iton)iloo iik houHf|;irl or cook Addrem* (iiumle liwuld, 1-1 i* Mill St A2?x WANTED HELP Male WANT Kit AT JACKSONVIt.Tu Fla., one ttral-elaaa wood turner, open ahop, It hour*. tran»i ortation furulahod. Augu>l 2? and "* For par tculara, 'phone Vaughn.* No. 1129 A Sap \ Kit FOR V 5~ ARMY Able bodied, unmarried men. be ta**cn age* ol la anil 31*. eltln- » of United nt»tr», ol good t'h tracer and temperate hablta. who can ap**a., reail and write Kugllsh F>r Informe lion apply lo Reciultlltg Oftlcct Mil l«r Wglket Rulldlt | ' * ■ • *. * ot 23 1-2 Wfcltehall Si , Atlat (a tia . or 41. t berry St, Macon. U*. WANTW CI.KHKS, COTK ere. tarmera, wgrehoueeuaen and other* to learu grading and daaaify | iiqr cotkon In our aample room * *< j through enrreapondln* cotir** Thlt | ty-dar acbularahtpa complete* rott I American Cotton College, Mltleitge j vllle, Oa. I'u* > . Thua. Sun ! WANTBD: FIRST-CLASH SHOE ' maker for repairing Addreaa J It Bailey, Covington, Cia. slop. 47ANTED RAIMA IV MAIL Cl.I RKS poat office clrrk*. carrier*. $l,lOO yearly November examination* i Preparation free Write immediately I Franklin Institute, ttorheater, N A COLLECTOR FIRST-CLASH Ft It i ntture collector and aalcman | anewer at once with reference-. Fur ’ ntture care Iteraid A2u. POST OFFICE CLERK ANI> CAR rter* wanted. Kvainlnation will be held In Auguata and many other j clttea In November Particular* fi*-e Washington Civil Service St bool, jn-pt , 41*6. AVaahlngton, D. C A3op WANTED HELP Female LADY REAVERS MAKE SANITAKA belli at home; matertala furnUbed Ilk per hundred Particular* ataitip* 3 envelope Hope SIO, In-arborn Specie! j ty Co., Chicago AlOp wanted Boarder* BOARDERS WANTED A COUPI.K to board In private fatuity on Green* St Heterotic** exchanged Addle** W. R, Care The Herald ■Mr wrtwe mcm urt • twi jg^pjniySgagw? I m*« r r"i iaowi v*at*i»■ a. w*. A WANT AD. IS QUICKER. In The Herald Pay lc A Word; if 5c Minimum Charge OPPORTUNITY NOW IS YOUR TIMK TO BUY LOTS IN’ RUM MERVII.UK AND MONTE KANO BEFORE THEY ADVANCE IN BRICE; WE HAVE ANY NUM BER' OF I J)TK IN RUM MERVIEEE AND MONTE RANG AT A VERY REAS ONABLE Bit B E. MATHENY, BEASLEY & KOON, REAL ESTATE, 861 Broad St. WANTED Agent! AGENTS ltii2U PORTRAITS 30 eenla Stereoscopic view* one cent, j Work Ihnt deliver* and alway* nn time, l-'ice Mtiniplea. Mutual Por trait Co, 472 VV. Randolph St, Chl- I eago. A imp AGENTS: *’ORTRAITg 30 CENTS Fratne* at price* to aHtnnt*li you and how to sell them to make the moat tnoney. Fidelity Portrait Co., IJO So I’aullna St, Chicago AiOp TKA AND COFFEE AGKNTH WANT ed Write New York. China A I Japan Tea Co , Importer*, Hudaon and Canal St* , N. Y. A.'top WANTED MisceMaenous WANTED: EVERYBODY TO KNOW lhal we are open for business at (he name old stand. Uellqueat New and Old Hook Store s3lc ■LUMRBR WANTED UiVVEST price per thounand for lumber; 100. 000 lo&Oo.otlO feet. Will take run of log Either long or short leaf. Ad drees H. M, car** The Herald, »4c A KBPRBBENTATIVE WHO CAN reach the educated people can earn one dollar per hour by writing to Mrc Doctor John It Elkin, Mender aonvtlle, N. C. alt* WANTED Salesmen. SALESMAN WANTED BY BETA It lifttum nt writ rutf'd wholt»*Mltt houiw trAv«*llug HuloNtiiMti to proiMMit MtronK coupon propoAttlon lo retail trad**. | Line hM» many talktitK point* High : prtc«'d nu»n tnvfvtlgiitr N And#r | son, Cambridge* Bldg, Chicago. AitOp TWO TK A V KUINV, S VI ,KSMKN Matttud s.t» ou i«Mlur> ( s.'*•.oo wuuli and |0 p«*r evut oom mlmml«»ii on mml««m. 1«om Augcli'H t'Ui«'r i'u, Atlanta, Hm A:iO|> SAI*KSMAN WANTKO To SRLL TO gnH*«r», druggiatM and iH»i)t«wtlotu*ra slon tH) pt'r month and rxiMMiat** Cal Ifnrnla Oder at ICxtrai t Co., St. Lou la. Mo. A3op Horse Shoeing. HIGH WATER NEVER TOUCHED im on horiH* allowing 1 hnvo oiu* of th«* boat ot|uipiH*d horae shooing aho|m In Augusta, and al*av» <an> a full lino of shoo* -forty -eight kega. Al»*i» uao a groat many hand mado a hoot | fit all the ahoo* myaelf and aoe that they are put on property, l aoliett your patronage, or a part of It at least. Three ot the boat ahoers in town. I ran atua* fottv dve head. i ah»a*a each, |»er day. Short one dol Ur per aet and up*aid* Monthly shoeing Horae dipping Clipper hladea sharpened. L M Hutto, 122 Kilts street Sir Cleaning and Pressing. WANTED Tt) IK> vorit OCEAN ing preaateig and r«*iuitrtng All work done promptly. This la the place to hare your work done. |*rtnc» I'olllrr. SIK Waahtngton St .\;h*p Concrete Y ork. [ COM'RKTI WORK IDO ALL kinds of concrete work. Mich as returnt walks. **etnfof<ed work. t ! have the latest iint<rvt\ct) tnachinerv, and an expert fort'man. and aui pre pared to turn out work (or big or nets Kstlaiates and speddcation* furnished. A. H Mt Danirl, Augus * Oa jrrir FOR SALE - Miscellaneous GKAI'HOUHONE: ONE LARGE El* eon graphophonr. cost $10*1; large brasH horn cost s2'*; ami about for.y record*. Will Kill cheap for cash or exchange for something usVful. W. I*. O'Keefe, 1330 South Boundary H*. a27e | FOR SALK: HALF CORD DRY plue wood, delivered, for $1 50. i Hustle swings $3.00 and Rocking j Chairs $1.50 each. Some tine Coium : blan Wyandottcs, S. L. Wyandotte*, Light Brahmas and White Rock* at special close out prices. Egg* for hatching, all Breeds. Ib lvldere Pmil try Farm, Rhone lIK4, Augusta, Ua AUTOMOBILE: GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at White’* garrage; big bargain for quick buye.'. Apply at once, Herald ottice. if '.RAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald office. Jl6tf | WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap I lily a! Herald Office. JlGtf ENGINE: GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Allas engine, practically new, for i sab- at a bargain. Address Engiae, care Herald. WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes, Ap ply at Herald office. JlGtf HAY PRESSES, FIVE DIFFER-| styles of our own make, both belt and horse power. Spike tooth har lows, mowers, rakes, Itfiy loaders, manure spreaders, busk and ear corn grinders, p* a threashers, r**. Repair lug farm implements of all descrip tions a specialty. Come and see us. Wlrtx H Hernlen. J2Stf. WE HAVE FOR SALE A TWO horse all steel hay haler, In splen did condition, sold for no fault, hut the owner want* to buy a belt power press. Come and see us, Wlrtz & Hernlen. J2Btf ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence l-u --r*uu, St. Louts, Mo, ultt-23-3Up ONE HEAVY DRAFT HORSE, WAG on and harnes-* Wagon built three months ago by H. II Coskery. Har ness liras* mounted. Wagon and harness made out of the hi st material, bultable tor wholesale grocery or commission house. The best looking team In the city. Price $285.00 cash Jack Cranston Company, No. 117 Jackson street . I OUR STORK NO 117 JACKSON S'l J lour floors with elevator running lo lop of building Hue ofHre down rlalrs. apd four oftiee rooms up stair*, Most complete building In rbo city for wholesale grocery, cOitinilSßlon, cot ion house, nr storsgu room. Rem $550.00; possession given Imm no-dr ately. Jack Crauaton Co, -No. 1! 7 Jarkson street. 11l FFAI.O PRATFORM SCALES: capacity 2.G00 lb*, only used fuitr months, $65.00, ulso two :wo tine Dock* for $16.00. Jail Cranston t o, No. 117 Jackson street aJI-s-wftf! IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT rooting use Protection Brand. This rooflng has u six Inch lap and driving nails through the lap only and ce menting the ovet lapping sheet to It that no nalla are exposed It ean be laid by any handy man This rooltng I* made asphalt and containing no tar Sold by W. W. Jonea, 117 Mein , tosh Si., Augusta SICc FOB SAI B Poultry an I Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; ’ Tou.oa, Geese. Muaoovey Ducks; Barred •"vtuouth It >cka; all farm raised, he«.rhv and from !tr*t i lase -tia k Prlie* reasonable Address Bow Jr*- Phinlay Grovetowu, Ga. ts BUFF ORPINGTONS- A FEW Nile young oockrels for a.ilo. From the original famous Cook stram. Howdre Phlnliy, FOR SALE Real Estate- AN IDEAL HOME IT WILL DOU ble In value tn ten years; atop pay . Ing rent; also G acres Hue land at Gra.* w ,1 Apply to C. 1 Schmidt. 442 Walker St »l6c 1 Jlioi'SK V BEAUTIFUL HOME. 122; Broad street, tor sale; lot 45x120. j house of 5 rooms, lara*- porch, hack ! and front; cement sidewalk; gas. a new house Price $3,350 cash. A|> ply on premises A29c , To RENT THREE CONNECTING rooms, suitable for light house- , keeping No 4.75 Walker St A 23 26 30 820 Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wear* well. W. H. Holm*-. DON T LET YOUR BI CYCLES QO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM. H. 1. FOURCHER. 572 BROAD ST. THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS SUCCESS is sure if you plant Alexander's SEEDS. WE TEST OUR SEEDS, every bag, as It arrives frem the grow ers and WE KNOW they will grow, and somehow the Augusta Truckers, and thousands of oth ers ha/e found it out. That's the reason we have already sold near ly twice as much seed this year as we did last. Good season now to plant tur nips, cabbage, beds, lettuce, win ter radishes, rutabagas, etc. THANK YOU THANK YOU Alexander Seed Co. CAREFUL SEEDSMEN. 011 BROAD. AUGUSTA JVIRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 819 Telfair SL Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 50c alOtf FOR RENT -Real Estate. Greene 81 , 344 10-room, large stable, $ 15.00; Centre St., 307, 7-rooms, $35.00 Kills St., .310 and 512, H-rooms, each $25 00; Broad St., 257, 9-rooms, $40.00 Gr*- it,* St., 338, 4-rooms and stable, lower Mat. $20.00; Broad St., 569, 12- rooms, $35.U0; Reynold 8t„ 433, 5- rooms, upper flat, $16.50. Apply 255 Broad St. A3le. RESIDENCES' TWO DESIRABLE residences over Maxwell Building, 1200 Block Uroail street, from Octo ber Ist. sue COTTAGE: A FURNISHED COT tuge on Hill for rent for September and October. Apply F. M. Butt & Co., Leonard Bldg. sic, 7 WARREN BLOCK, FRONT AND rear stores lot rent; n'so 934 El li lt t reet. Apply to Jacob Phlnlzy. J6tf FOR RENT RESIDENCE 1242 AND 1244 Broad street, $25.00 each. Pos session at once. Jno. J. Evans, alßtf 405 Maihury, 6 rooms, $27.50. Cor. Greene and Marbury, over store, 10 rooms, $37.50. Established Grocery store, cor Greene and Marbury, $30.00. Parties having houses and lots fur nale or rent, please have them listed with us. Cheap money to loan on city property. Apply .Jno J. Cohen, 735 Broad St. Jikll STORES 321 AND 323 JACKSON ST., opposite opera house. Apply to Hulse's Steam Laundry. Juts FOR RENT FROM OCTOBER IST: 418 Elbert street, six rooms, bath, etc ; any reasonable repairs required will be done. Edw. C. Dugas, 313 Dyer Illdg. a26p FOR RENT -Rooms FOR RENT NICE LARGE ROOM, 15x25; clos t . In on Broad St.; suita ble for oftiee or bed room for young men; only $8.50 per month. Call ■phone 1957. a2op TO RENT THREE CONNECTING rooms; suitable for light house keeping. No. 459 Walker St. A25-26-30-S2C FOR SALE Horses. Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR HORSES and mule* from us. we both lose mono* Augusta Stock Y'urds. RED POLL CATTLE: A FEW choice heifers and bull calves. They are hardy, clean stock, good milkers and with beef conformation. Just the kind of cattle you like to see around the farm For price* and estimates, w rlt* Bow dre Phlnlzy, Grovetow u, Ga noils: AND 81101118 rvvol horses and two vurrlis for sale; all In aivod condition; will sell cheap fur cash Apply 1212 ":lt St. A'.Tp HOUSE A GEN ILK HORSE AND canopy buggy and harn* ss for sale ut a bargain. Address Canopy car** Herald A27c., FOR RENT Park. itAlsfiDC NKW PARK THUROUOHi.i equipped with ail modern accommoda tion* for picnic parties, dancing, bath v ■ t outing Verm* $1 < pci day Adflrw*. . J. It. Hewlett, dec y, Aliendt.le. S. C. eodlOwK* j Repairing Headquarters. IF VOL W \N' T \NI REPAIRING to be done or rubber tires to be fitted on baby carriages, go-carts, give in,, a trial; I also repair sewing tna chines, pianos, organs, furniture ami etc 1 buy and sell second-hand fur niture and pay the best of prices for It I also sell seine machine needles oil and all parts for all makes of machines; all I ask of you Is to give me a trial order, and I will guarantee you satisfaction. 'Phone 665. Lewis E. Moseley, 527 Broad street. Al 6 Sun Mon. Tues., Moc Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS the best plastering material for walls and ceilings It give* addi tional tirciig-h to (he building and stay* put forever. A H. Mettanl*'.. Augusta. Ga Jl4tf A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c Lost and Found : CALF: STRAYED OR STOLEN from corner Gwinnett and Harisor streets, Wednesday, a red calf. No tify M. A, S., care The Herald, and get reward. a22tf LOST, WATCH; GOLD WATCH AND fob at union depot, 6.10 Saturday afternoon. Finder will return and be rewarded. C. AV. Beeson, 843 Reyn olds SL # sic Clothes Pressed THERE IS NO USE OF CRYING over spilled milk. YVhat's done can’t be undone, but you can help matters considerably by sending us your clothes to be cleaned and press ed. We can’t give you a new suit, but we can make your old one look just as good as new. Give us a trial and be convinced. Verdery Press ing Club, 313 Mclntosh. Phone 2425. J. P. Mgr. s4c Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 25c PER PEfK; green tomatoes 50c per peck; an pie vinegar 30c per gallon; onions 25c per half peck; large white head ".ab bage 10c nnd 16c; spleces and etc. Now Is the best time to do your pick ling. Please give me your order. L. A. Grlmaud, 210 Cumming street, 'Phone No. 1305 sloe Clothes Pressed STILL DOING BUSINESS AT THE same did stand, In the same old way, at the same old price. Verdery Pressing Club, 313 Mclntosh street. Phone 2425. s4c Wall Paper. PLENTY OF WALL PAPER AND paint on hand. W. C. Rhoades & Co., Opera Bldg. sic Clothes Cleaned. SAVANNAH RIVER MUD STICKS pretty tight, but we can get It out Verdery Pressing Club, 313 Mclntosh St. Phone 2425. s4c Furniture. DAMAGED FURNITURE REFINISH ed and varnished. W. C. Rhoades & Co., Opera Bldg. sic WARNING WE MAKE A SPECIAL TY OF OPENING AND REPAIRING IRON SAFES. ALL COMBINA TION LOCKS SHOULD BE EXAMINED NOW AND SAVE TROUBLE. H. E. Eourclier 572 BROAD. Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND thut wears well. \V. H. Holmes Cin House lusurance . REPRESENTING THE STRONGEST tire insurance company in the world, making a specialty of cotton gins. We will b e glad to write cotton gins, old style anil system gins, anywhere tn Georgia or South Carolina. Write or telephone us. F. Phlnlzy & Co., Agts. in Matting. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF matting on hand. Call and see us before buying, W. C. Rhoades & Co., Opera Bldg. sic Shades. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN THE shade line we have them In all widths and length*. W. C. Rhoades & Co., Opera bldg. sic Cheap Lumber A LARGE LOT OF FLOORING. CEIL lng and weather boarding, all grades: a lot of rough Unit ' short and long leaf, from 14i. boards to 9xlU tramelog. All thlt stock nm- be disposed of in next 30 days. Address Standard Lumber Co..' Exposition Ave and 16th St., or K. s J c * , til h-.x.l s- ts Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES THE KIND that wears well. W. W, Holmes.l Trunk Hospital OUR TRUNK DOCTORS (AND they are good ones) can put your old, disabled trunk, case and grip in first-class condition—a new slat, lock, clamp, etc., and It’s In condition for years of service. Cost is small. TruDk sent for and delivered free of coat. Or we will- take your old trunk as part payment for a nice, new one. Telephone us, 593, or give us a call at our well-stocked, spacious store. Augusta Trunk Factory, 851 Broad. Wrong side of street, but right side of prices. M. M. Cleckley, Prop. Southern Cabinet M’f’g Works NORTH AUGUSTA, S C„ IS NOW rebuilt and ready to fill orders, such as stairs, bank and office fix tures, counters, shelving, show cases, : screen doors, window and all classes of cabinet work. We guarantee best j work at low prices. 'Phone No. 714. a26c Watch and Clock Repairing C. BRUNSTERMb NX, aT 212 MclN tosh street, opposite Leonard Bldg., i repairs the most complicated watches and docks; all work guaranteed perfect ly satisfactory. Pressing. PRETTY HARD, OLD MAN, BUT IT can be helped. Send your clothes to us to be cleaned and pressed and you will never know they have been wet. Verdery Pressing Club, 313 7th i St. Phone 2425. s4c Tires. RIDE CENTItRY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. VV. H. Holmes, Verdery Pressing Club PRESSING CO., SUCCESSORS TO Verdery Pressing Club, 313 Mcln tosh street. Phone 2425. Expert cleaning, pressing and repairing. Hats cleaned and blocked. Ladles’ suits and skirts Cleaned and pressed. All work guaranteed. J. P. Stephens, Mgr. a29c Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. VV. H. Holmes. To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING: FROM this date on your piano moved, tuned and cleaned for $5.00. The spe cial price of tuning is $2.50. Call up Robt. J. Watson. Phone 504, No. 666 Broad street, the Cable Co. (All work .strictly first class.l *2oc Fresh Vegetables for Cash FO ALL BOARDING HOUSES. RES taurants, or any person purchasing one dollar’s worth of vegetables or fruits for cash at one purchase, l will give 10 per cent of the bill or in other words 90c will pay for one dollar's worth of vegetables and truits at Grlmaud. For tomorrow and Monday will have special line of nice, fresh vegetables. Try me for one dollar’s worth for cash. 'Phone 1305. a27c Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. VV. H. Holmes. Reward. FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND fever that Randall's Chill and Fe ver tonic tails to cure. Guaranteed to cure where others fail. No cure no pay. Phone 2214 Phar macy. We deliver to any part of the city. s2c PERPETUA EXTRACT, SWEET and as the name implies—lasting. $1.25 an ounce. Parr's Pharmacy. Phone 369. Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIKES, THE KIND! that wears well. VV. H. Holmes. [ Barber Shop THE ROYAL—FIRST CLASS SEH vice; hot and cold baths; toilets for the face; Florida Water, Lavender Water, Violet Hazel, Witch Hazel, Dr. Marshall's vnet Cream, Dr. Aronlda Mcntholene Cream, Dr. Marshall's I Massage Cream, Koken’s Camphor I shave 10c; absolute cleanliness in every department. J. 1,. Edwards,! proprietor, 209 Washington street. alt- fri. sat.-sun lmo c Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. VV. H. Holmes, Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUK day. Ready at It o'clock a. m. 25c quart. Vandiver's Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. J2stf Groceries VV. L. POWELL. DEALER IN FANCY groceries, also make a specialty of' chickens and fresh country butter and egg*. Special attention given to a*', orders. Your patronage solicited Free delivery. 705 Campbell St Phone No. 1519. ASOc Money. MONEY WE HANDLE THE FI nanclng of good enterprise* and creditable projects. The Bankers’ ] Bond Company, Pittsburg. Pa. a3op Sacre’s Watch Club Members *l-1 PARTIES INTERESTED WILL 1 pi***#* call *t once, 662 Broad St.; ! Re.'pettfu!l: your. C M. h icrc. A3oc. SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 WANTS BEEN »In the water but now out and ready for business at the same old stand. No damaged goods. Green & Horsey, 820 BROAD ST. Shoes. ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J. P, Saxon, 1465 Broad street. Antique Furniture SIDEBOARDS, CHEST OF DRAWS, dressing stand, tea and card table, teaster bed work stand, sofa, brass andirons, fenders, etc. M. L. Wat son, 413 Jackson St. A3oc. Shoes. ALL MEN AND WOMEN S SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad street. Bicycle Repairing IF YOU WANT YOUR BICYCLE needs repairing bring it to me and : you will get nothing but the best of workmanship; a trial w-ili convince ! you; I send for and deliver all work. Edwin Speth, 222 Campbell St. A3oc Drugs WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN the drug line phone 328. We de liver to any part of the city; also a full line of Buist garden seed. Model Pharmacy, B. F. Matheny, Prop., cor ner Broad and Kollock streets. Sic Shoes. ALL MEN AND WOMENS SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad street. Fruits and Vegetable 4* IF YOU WANT NOTHING BUT fresh fruit and vegetables, I have them In large quantities; I also give you something free with every cash purchase. Phon e orders given prompt attention. Call phone 69. Max Mo gulescue, 648 Broad street. Sic £. M. Deas MEATS: HAS A FINE SELECT stock of home-raised beef, veal, pork, extra fln e lamb, spring lamb, etc. E. M. Deas, 313 Jackson street. ’Phone 210. Sic Shoes. ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J. P, Saxon, 1465 Broad rt-eet. Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. VV. H. Holmes, Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Al2tf Tires. RIDE CENTURY TIRES, THE KIND that wears well. VV. H. Holmes, Brick Masons THOMAS NICHOLS AND SONS. Practical Brick Masons and Plasters want to ngure with you. Try us and you *lll be pleased with results. Thomas Nichols, 1916 Watkins St., Augusta, Ga. Sept2p Shoes. ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad street. Merry Widow. MERRY WIDOW PERFUME THE hit of the season. Try it. Phone us, No. 1166, Tessior Pharmacy, 1366 Broad. J22tt Shoes. ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon. 1465 Broad street. Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA. Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents Phone 112. Altl Notice to the Public. I RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY THE public that I am prepared to fill nil orders in drugs, chemicals, etc. Prescriptions a specialty. The King Pharmacy. 'Phone 615. 1286 Broad St. Sip Furniture. NEWSOME HAS SEVERN suites of furniture for Mle chi for cash. Newsome, the Cabinet Maker, 218 Washington SL A3op Shoes. ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at con J. P. Saxon. 1485 Broad Street.