The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 30, 1908, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 15

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SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 News of the Cotton Crop and Markets AUGUSTA COTTON MARKET LAST quotations. Middling IOV4 New Cotton Tone—Steady - New York Cotton Market (Saturday’s Figures.) Open. High. Low Close. January *4O 845 888 841 August . •• •• •• •• •• October *" 858 86t 852 858 December 848 852 845 848 Tone—Steady. • Spots—9.oo. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. (Saturday’s Figures.) Open. High. Low. Close. January 857 857 ‘853 854 February ~ March .. .. •• •• 888 888 888 88 ‘ J September ~~~Z B l\ October ... ... ............... 862 862 805 B.>b November ~ ~~~ December ...... 857 857 850 85^ Tone—Steady. FULL QUOTATIONS IN THE LOCAL MARKETS Cotton Exchange is not giving quotations, stocks or figures Saturday, except New Orleans, Chicago and New York quotations. Nothing local. LIUERPOOI IS HIGHER OH CLOSE LIVERPOOL— Closing Cotton—Spot sm 41 business done; prices Ift points higher. American middling fair 6.00; good middling 564; middling 544; low middling 520; good ordinary 160: or dinary 420. The sales ot the day were 3,000 hales ot which 200 were for specula tion and export and included 2,700 American. Receipts 2,000 bales, in cluding 1.600 American. Futures opened easier and closed steady. Open. 2pm Close. Jan & Feb . . .458 ... 461% Feb & Mar . . . 459% ... 463 Mar & Apr ...463 ... 464% Apr & May May & Juhe June A July July & Aug . ..523 ... 531 Aug &Sept ... 483 ... 489 Sept & Oct . . . 467 ... 470% Oct Jfc Nov . . ..463 ... 466% Nov & Dec . . .460 ... 463 Dec & Jan . . . 460 ... 461% IN SIGHT AND SUPPLY 1908. 1907. Sight to Aug 29 11,590.638 13,520,656 During week . , 101,488 69,534 Visible supply . 1,713,541 2,393,844 ESTIMATES FOR TOMORROW Today. Last Tr. Galveston 4,387 5,500-6,500 Houston ■ 1,600-2,200 New Orleans 23 PORT RECEIPTS Today. Last Yr. Galveston 7647 8399 New Orleans .... .1370 446 Mobile 195 28 Charleston 13 198 Savannah 2616 501 Wilmington 1 Norfolk 6 18 Baltimore New York Boston Philadelphia .... . Brunswick Pensacola Various .. . Total porta est. . . 12000 4591 INTERIOR RECEIPTS Houston 6620 Augusta 876 Memphis St. Louis —— Cincinnati 901 —— Little Rock chicagocask’grain QUOTATIONS SATURDAY CHICAGO. Ill—Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady; winter patent, 4)oa -460; straight. 315a345; spring pat ent. 550ar.60; straight. 400a570; bak ers. 2708400; No. 3. 95a102; No. 2 Red. 94\ia96; No 2 corn. 78H»7«; .No. 2 yellow, 80ag0 1-4; No. 2 white. No. 3. white. tlaiO; No 2 rye, 76; good fsedtnr barley. 6086264, fair to choice malting. 6264*65; No 1 North Western. 127 64; prime Tlmo thv seed, 360; short ribs, sides (lose) 8«264**95; mess pork, per hbl. 1465; lxrrt per 100 lbs., 93764 »hort clear sides (boxed, 925; Whiskey basis of high wines. 137. W beat— Receipts. 92.200 bushels; 236.600 shipments. Corn—Receipts. 284,400 bushels; 106.900 shipments Oats—Receipts. 305,800 bushels, 194,100 shtpmaDU. 1 SATISFACTORY BANK STATEMENT Situation Shows Money Plentiful and Conditions of Banks Most Excellent During Past. Week. NEW YORK. —The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that ’he banks hold $65,358,975 more than the requirements of the 25 per cent reserve rule. This is an in crease of $2,211,000 in the propor tionate cash reserve ns compared with last week. The statement follows: Imans $1,289,795,600, increase $3,204,300. Deposits $1,394,617,300, decrease $6,482,400. Circulation $54 685,200, decrease $490,400. Legal tenders $79,871,300, increase $956,300. Specie $334,142,000, increase s’. 875,300 Reserve $414,013,300, increase $3,831,600. Reserve required $348,654,325, in crease $1,620,725. Surplus $65,358,975, increase $2, $2,209,325. U. 3. deposits $67,670,850, increase $2,209,325. The percentage of actual reserve of the clearing house hanks at the close of burjness vesterday was 29.61. The statement of banks and trust companies of Greater New York not members ot the charing house shows that these institutions bave aggregst? deposits of $1,043,606,500; total cash on hand $103,729,600 and loans amounting to $933,862,100 SPOT COTTON MARKETS GALVESTON —Tone, quiet; mid dling. 9 I I NEW ORLEANS - Tone, quiet; mid diing, 964- MOBILE —Tone, quiet; middling, 8%. SAVANNAH—Tone, quint; mid dling 964- CHARLESTON—Tone, quite- mid dling 9. NORFOLK—Tone, dull; middling 10. BALTIMORE — Tone, none- mid dling 1064. NEW YORK —Tone, quiet; mid dling 950. BOSTON—Tone, quiet; middling 950. I PHILADELPHIA —Tone, quiet, mid idling 975. HOUSTON—Tone, easy; middling, 964. MEMPHIS—Tone, quiet; middling 964 ST. LOUIS —Tone, dull; middling, t\. LOUISVILLE—Tons, quiet; mid diing 10. LITTLE ROCK—Tone, dull; mid dling. 9 14 Omv 00003 MARKET N’KW VOKK The Dry Good* Market »;i« qutet for the day. Trade |„ print (■lotfi* snd convertibles continued better Jobbers ere moving oul seasonal.; cot tons In a small wny. I trees g torls re main generally slow In llrst luo.ds but lobbers are making headway m reduc ing stoek*. 1-Inerts are In better request Burlaps ars quell with prtres c trier Yarns are fairly stsady at tbs new loy prices* j CHICAGO MARKET. (Today’s Figures.) ’ Open. High. t.ow. Close. WHEAT— September 94% 95% 94% 94% December 95 95% 94% 94% May 98% 98% 98 .98 CORN— September 77% 78 77% 77% December 66% 66% 66% 66% OATS— May 64% 64% 64% 64% September 49% 49% 45% 48% December 49% 49% 49 49 PORK— May J 51% 51% 50% 51 September 1475 1475 1462 1465 October 1 485 1487 1487 1477 LARD— September 937 937 935 937 October 943 947 945 945 January 937 937 935 935 RTBS — September 887% 890 887 885 October . . .. • 895 897 895 895 January 840 840 832 832 New York Stock Market Amalgamated Copper 80% Am. Car and Fundry 41% Am. Car and Foundry pfd .. ..103 Am. Cotton Oil 35% Am. Hide & Leather pfd 20% Am. Ice Securities 29% Am. Linseed 11% Am. Locomotive 57% Am. Locomotive pfd 106 Am. Smelting & Ref'ng 98% Am. Smelting & Ref'ng pfd.. .108% Am. Sugar Fefintng 135% Am. Tobacco, pfd 94 American Woolen 24 Anaconda Mining Co 48Vi' 1 Atchison ..91% Atchison jrfd .' ..94% Atlantic Coast Line 51 Baltimore A Ohio 95% Baltimore & Ohio pfd 88 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. .. 53% Canadian Pacific 176% Central Leather 28% Central Leather pfd 96% Central of New Jersey 200 Chesapeake A Ohio 42% Chicago Great Western 6% Chicago A North Western .. 161 % Chicago, Mii. A Sty Paul 144% C., C.. C. & St. Ignite 55 Colorado Fuel & Iron 36% Colorado & Southern 35% Colorado & Southern Ist pfd . .64% Colorado & Southern 2nd pfd ..57 Consolidated Gas 145% Corn Products 19% Delaware A Hudson 170 Denver A Rio Grande 27 Denver & Rio Grande pfd 68 Distillers' Securities 36 Erie 23% Erie Ist pfd 39% Erie 2nd pfd 29% General Electric 146 Great, Northern pfd 138% Great Northern Ore Ctfs .. .. 67% Illinois Central 139% Interhorough Met 11% Interborough Met. pfd 33% International Paper 10 International Paper pfd 55 Inte.rnational Pump 25 lowa Central 17 Kansas City Southern 25% LOCAL STOCKS AND BONDS. (Correc’Pd by Martin A GitrretM Government Bonos. Hal. IT.l T . S. 3k, 1905 IbO l .S, 4:4, 1925 120%i 11. S. 2s, 1930 103 State Bonae. • da. 3'fcs, ItSC .) A. .1. kt —- Oa 3’4h. 191 r». M Sc N . 95 Oh. 4 Vi*, 1322, .F Sc .1 10S City Bonds. August**. 4s, 10.51, M *Sf S.. 97 —— AURUyt./'h 1925. A A O 10) Angus tit tn, 1931, M A SI 9T Atlanta Gs, 1914, J A J.. IQB Augusta 4s, 1935, M A e N.. 93 —- Charleston 4s, 1009. .1 & J 99 Charleston 4Vi». 1923, A 4 O 104 Charl**Kton ss, 1924, A & < > 105 —— Coumbla, 4s, 1910, J A J.. 06 - Columbus 4Vis, 1927, J J. St J 103 Railroad 6tocks. Atlanta and West I'oint R . 140 144 r;,i R K ;*n«l nankins Co 2J I 217 A Sr S Ft R Co 103 Southwestern It R Co . . 10J 10b Bank BtocK«. Ausustfi Savings bank . 175 —— Irish American Hank (pur ?25) 40 Merchant* Hunk 190 If* National Bftr.k . 133 *4O National iOxchang* Hank. 126 Kb I'lantern J.oan S Suvlnf* Bank (per $10) 20 2 1 '4nlon Savings Hank (par VJc 82Vi CUlz'-n*’ Bank ... I'll Locsl Bonds. t Augusta Factory Ist 6m. (MS M and M.... I'l Augusta Ry Sr Klee. Co Ist ;.s, 1940, J A L> 94 i lion Air Hot»l Co. 6s, J Sc 11011-21 100 ! Jacksonville ss, 1924, M A S 104 j Macon 4«/ i». 1920, January I quarterly ..101 —— ; Macon l*». 1910, January quarterly .. ... 103 —— Savannah ss. 190 i, F*ts - tuary quarterly 93 Savannah 5s 1914, January j quarterly .. . 102 ——— Local Bonds. I Enterprise Mfg Co. Ist s*. lf-'3. M AS 93 t 7 , Sibley Mfg Co. Ist ss, due 1923, J A D ... .. 93 97 Pailroad Bends. Augusta Ho Ry Ist mort g. > J A I) . .. M 69 C of On Ry Ist Mfg 55.. * 1945 F h nd A 110 C of c*% Ry Ist con Mtg f,s. 1945 M and M .I<*V* C of (in. Mac a Nor Dlv, Ist sa, 1944, J and J .. 99 J*)l Central of (fa M, (i and AtC I ’ -'.a. 194'. J A J 99 102 Central of G* I£al»*nfon Mranch, Ist sa, 1924, J and f» 99 102 C tit tin Ist pfd income ss. 1915. fn t .. ..49 C of On 2nd pfd Incoms 5s 1541», O* t 49 C of Gt* 3rd Income. ss, 1945 <Vt . .. _ c* of Oh Ry Mobile Dtv J*» 5s 1944, .1 Sc J ... ]of —— CCA A 2nd 7s, 1910, A tan4o 104 _. R It A Hanking Co I is <du«; 1910 IH —— THE AUGUSTA HERALD. J. C. McAULrfft. Market Editor Kansas City Southern pfd .. ..58 Louisville A Nashville .. .. ..109% Minneapolis A- St. Louis .. ..28 Minn., St. P. & Sault St. M. ,t 23% Missouri Paeffie 58% Missouri, Kansas A Texas .. .. 32% Missouri, Kansas A Texas pfd.. 61% Nations Lead 85% New York Centra 106% New York, Ontario & Western 12% Norfolk A Western 74 North American 62 % Northern Pacific 163% Pacific Mall 25 Pennsyvanla 125)4 People's Gas 97 Pittsburg, C. C. A St. Louis .. ..71 Pressed Steel Car 34% Pullman Palace Car 166 Railway Steel Spring 14 Reading .. ..129% Republic Steel 24 Republic Steel pfd 81 Rock Island Co 17% Rock Island pfd 35% St. Louis A San. Fran. 2nd pfd 27 I St. Louis Southwestern 17 St. Louis Southwestern pfd .. ..42 Sloss Sheffield Steel and Iron .. 63% Southern Pacific 105% Southern Pacific pfd 119% Southern Railway 19% Southern Railway pfd 49% Tennessee Copper 37% Texas & Pacific 25% I Toledo, St. Louis A West 26 I Toledo, St. Ixiufs & West pfd ..57% | Union Pacific 163% I Union Pacific pfd 86% United States Rubber 34% linited States Rubber Ist pfd .100 United States steel 47% | United States pfd 111% 'Utah Copper 44% | Va. Carolina Chemical ~ 28% Va.-Carolina Chemical pfd .. ..108% ; o abash ' (2% 1 Wabash pfd 26% Weatlnghouae Electric 71 ‘Western Union 55% , Wheeling A Lake Erie 9% | Wisconsin Central 24% ■ Standard Oil 626 GENERAL REVIEW OF SITUATION IN HURRETS NEW YORK Although markef views seemed rather divergent this morning, another urgent covering movement by the Hhorts brought, about, a resumption of yesterday's buying operations snd all th,. lead Ing issues moved upward. Today's market would indicate that virtually all of the early weens short Interest has been Iped out and that trad, rs are now almost solidly arrayed on the bull side. There were no Import ant new* developments during the day, but rumor was again busy with the story of closer WarrlmanCould relations. The annual report of tha Reading company showed a decrease In net by the railway of $432,000 while the coal company reported a falling off of $874,000, Canadian Pacific for July showed a net loss of $232,000. The bank statement as slightly mixed and seemed to refleet the shift ing aeeounts that may have been lie cesHary by reason of the weeks un usual conditions In the stork and cot ton markets The sum total made only a r.light fractional change In the cash reserves, which averaged 29.61 per cent against, 29 88 per cent last week. Total sales bonds today were $2.- 100,009, Total sales of stock today, 399, OflO shaies, including sugar, 400; A C L., 100; C * O , 500; L. A N., 900; N. ft W„ 300; .So Par 57.80f1| Un ion Pa< 53 800; f H. fitofl, 56,700; Sloes flhef 600; Tenn. Copper, 200; Va,-Carolina Chemical, 200. NAVAL"STORES CHARLESTON, A C.—Turpentine steady at 36 1 4; rosin steady Quote A. H. C, 2 27*As2 30, |». 2.30; K. 2 3.V a 2.3761, r., 2 65*2.70, (i . J.7264*2.75; H, 3 45; I 3 50; K, 415; M, 410 N , 5 )8; Wg , 5.75; Ww„ 690 SAVANNAH, fia Turpentine was steady. 36; sales, 911; receipt*, 725; shipment *6O Rosin Arm; ssira, 2,740; receipts, 3,133, shipments, 700; stock $161,931. Uwleston & Western Carolina Railway Th* nrnvai* «;.a <b»pnrtuves of trams. Union Station, Augusta, Ga., us well as collections with other compa ss. ire simply Riven us Information, and are not guaranteed: (Effective May 31, 1»08.) DEPARTURES. G3O n m. No. 7. Pally Tor Anlerson. Seneca, Walhnlla. etc. 10:10 h. m.-No. 1, i>a!ly for Oreenwood. Litarens, Greenville, Spartanburg. Hendersonville and Asheville. 2:05 p. m. No. 4J. Pally except Sunda?- j for Allendale, Fairfax, Charle«to*», Savannah, Heuufort, Port Royal. 7:00 a. m. No. 38. Sunday only, for Al lendale, Charleston, Peaufort, Port < Royal, Savannah. 4:40 p. in. No. 3, Pally for Greenwood, No. & leaves Greenwood ut b:au *• \ ill- for Spai lunburtf. ARRIVALS. No. 4, Pally from Greenwood, fl-.Sft | n. m. No. 41, dally except Sunday, from ! Charleston. Savannah, Beaufort. Port | Royal, etc.. No 37. Sunday only, from Beaufort, Port Royal, t'harieston and Ha ’onmih, 1:80 h m. 12 30 p tn. No. 3. dally from Asheville, Spurt annul *. Greenwood, etc., 6:15 p. m. No. 8. dally from AnderNou, McCormick, «tc.. 7:30 1' m Trains 41 and 43 and 37 and S 8 run solid between Augusta and Charleston Kffective June 16. 1908. there will be Ti i Weekly Parlor Car service between \uprusta and Asheville, leaving Augusta Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. Asheville Mondays, Wednesday and Fri days. Trains Nos. 1 and 2. KRNBST WILLIAMS. General Passenger Agent. No. 807 Broadway. Augusta (la. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. (Current Scneautes corrected to fats.) (7&th Meridian Tims.) DEPART UR6S. For Savannah and Macon . .. ••7:3onm For Dublin and Savannah •2:4f»pir. For Savannah and Macon **B:4opm For Savannah and Macon Ilk:4opm For Savannah, "Tybeo, limited" l!7:0i)um ARRIVALS. From Savannah ui.d Macon ... ••7:sopm From Savannah and Macon . ..••S 50am From Savannah and Macon ....!U: loam From Puhlln and Savannah... .*l2:4(>ptn From Savan h "Tybee Limited" 1112.4(mmii •Dally. ••lSxcept Sunday. MHundny only. Drawing Room Sleeping Cnrs between Augusta and Savannah on night trains. Connects at Mlllen with through sleep ing cars to and from Macon. Atlanta, Columbus, Birmingham amt Chlonoo, Ilia. F. F POWERS, W. W. HACKKTT. Cotn’l. Act Trnv. Pass. Agt. 785 Broad St. A T LAN TIC Coast Line NOTBJ- These arrivals and departures are given an information, but at rival snd connect ions are not guaranteed. No. 83. „ No. 8b North May 7. 1908. South. 2:3opm Lv Augusta .... Ar. 10: OOan 4:ospm Lv ltarnwell ~,,1.v. 7:1>5a0 4:Bopm Lv..., Denmark . ...Lv. 7:55un s:o9pm Lv-.. Orangeburg ...Lv. 715 um 8 50pm LV Sumter Lv. b oOam 7:55pm Lv.... Florence . ...Lv. 4:4oam 6:loam Ar.s.. Richmond .... Lv. 7 Zhpni 9:f*onm Ar... VCw.shlngtcn .. .Lv. :t tfipni . ll:2onmAr ... Baltimore . ...l,v. 2 13pm I:4lpm Ar . W l’hlla Lv. 11-imam 4:lspm Ar i»w York. 23d St Lv. tt.Jbnm UTIL/ .MAN PARLOR CARS between Augusta and Now York without mange. Dining Car Sorvl/e, Florence to New York. L. D. M'CtTLLUM. Agent, 807 Broad :4t. T C. WlllTW, W. .1 CtjAM Gen. Pori. Agent. Pass Frail Mgi Wilmington. N. $ UPWARD TREND IN STOCK MARKET IS NOTED By THOMAS C. 6HOT WELL. NKW YORK Stork* cloned buoyant to4uy mi(l'*r of Union I'HCtrtc Houtln rn I’iirltlr and Hto#*l pr*f*rroii. Alt •if tin sc inmlc new high rftciorrt* for ih** yrnr and Houtlin-n Purflr one* sold tt lllglu st prlrf». Th 4 Wli ilra.ltl l*r*o|.l« it I'd* 111 iking k-"y*l l Mi i< .',»>» t**r I* lid th* market with Hoti»h*rn Ihicllh and th**v h*v«' i sfi)t**d n'to it Hhill tourh J 25 In fltr |no*nsi rnmpnigii «fi4 tb;it Union Piiclflr *hnll touch 175. the KHinf prnplK talk'ng f-»r In.tool Idsiifd (Jhk. Th«**A rtgurr* urf glv n no» ah tipn on th*' ln> mi •$ iiiHttf-r of nrw* to «hnw Ju« hJ.v ronneft* »t tl»f» Hlnmtnrd Oil propin tg, bo HUll ni.W da. iIK lit r »>»• »* *0 * «t!o ft Nothing of n*W« Important* drvrlop n| toduy to Mcrourit for thf< o if ♦ h*» market. Th** b*»nk M 4 n(«niorit Mhnw «*d ;• large w;nln In Minpln ncnv i o*».J tin* I<on<l«m n.i w*t w; h vriy n’long In ihr Ami’ilciM I>»*prtr'tnrnf. Oil tin* Oolmlt mark** alo» km wnr* vnr y artlvft with InvowlmrniM i,. 1*144 Hhlftrd from NiplHKlng •(» IjH On * .1.1 (‘oh.ilt <’».*ritral. O'hcr actlvo *trw k* on tin* curb wero N*v*4*. <'on*nlnJ,ttf |, j ('uniborliind, KIV and Hay Mtuta tin*. i*o non wun vnry ••trurty, fluel'nthm* only about. 30 rant* h halt*. 'I ho ialvor | niorr rornrr K«»#nr»g to b* it thing of thr ! 1 >-1 #*t, (bain win Mtrong LIBERAL OFFERING SENT WHEAT DOWN The. Market Cloned Weak and FeatnrcleH and Corn and Oats Also Felt Effects of Decline. t'lllt’AdO • Wli* I’ J* It ft* OH t.lf |iWll tmriK" 4**cllt»«*f| ttfitrJy I chit Hafur* duy >l* h r**ult of liberal *alo* by p«istii> Inffnt hifiK* The market r|o*ff<| »*nK tit nlinoH( Ihr bottom < lorn and o**l* affciird by brink In who*r .usd cloned weak. I’roVinton* how* v< r wer# ntrady W#*tH*fl Wheat r* < (*lpi* War* 3/0,19 1 ig ilnkt 493,444 liu/tbffi* a y*nr ago Inrri'iiHlng r« < «'lptN of apt lag wh<vst at Mlnniaipollfl Had weak cabl**, «l»ng wHb ,Ib** l*#nrl*h effect on corn of llm ral.i f:• II c** tjf**'d the cereal to Change com pletely the m**od of th* preceding day** of the week At the rloftc there wera 5 *1 cent * de* tin* u$ each of th*: iu.t\vw feature*. FINANCIAL THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUGUSTA 707 BROAD STREET, ; . , ORGANIZED 1865. » CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS $4503)00.00 L. C. HAYNE, President. CHAS. R. CLARK, Cashier. BEGINNING AUG. IST, 1908, this Bank will pay 1 per cent In terest un CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. Then. will he issued by us in sums ot SIOO.OO and up, for stipulated periods of time, to suit the Depositors' convenience, SAFETY LOCK BOXES $3.00 TO $20.00 PER YEAR. The business of our out of town friends carefully looked after, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. You can draw your money at any fime if you deposit it with us and take one of our CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. We pay you 4 Per Cent per annum if you leave it with us three months\or longer. The National Exchange Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $540,000.00. ————-————— Georgia Railroad Bank Augusta, Georgia. This Bank Solicits the blinking business of merchants and corporations. Wo pay 4 Per Cent Interest on all deposits placed in our Savings Dept. YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED. Help Yourself and not Others by using our new Coupon Certificate of Deposit. Principal and lnlereat always available negotiable Interest n( four per cent four times a year. Can be used by those at a. distance :ih well as those who come in person. Wa Invite your business—issued In Augusta only by the. Merchants Bank Capital and Surplus, $300,000.00 THE EXPERIENCE of thousands of our depositors Is Identical with that of Hie person who has not begun 9w save The hardest part about the whole bust uohh for them wan $w STARTING POINI. After the lee was broken and the start made H was found to he an easy matter to lay aside a certain sum each week or mouth Ami li la certainly aaton lulling how rapidly a bank account grows, especially when 4 per ynt Interest. Is aided to It each six nionlha Come In and make your start tomorrow morning early. ■'WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE.” THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK BS3 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Murphcy ft Co. quotp prices on Au gusts grain, provision snd produce ns j follows: 1 D. S, sides, I.', Hi, an 1 , 9%c, D. H Plates, Blh svs .. . I» H bidllcs, 22 ll> avr, 1064 c. Hmokcd sides, 45 lb avo., 104,c . Hniokcd Shouldors, 8 10-lh, 964 c. No. | I'lrnlc hams, 6 8 lbs, 9 I 4c. Dov,. brand hama, I l-lb, 1664®. Cspltol City hams, 11-lb, 16c It. <; Brcakissl. bacon 1364 c. Best white corn, sl.Ol. Itcst mixed corn, SI.OO. Best whit,, oats, 66c. Purina chick feed, 100 lbs, $2.20. Chicken feed, 50 lbs., 95c. Corn chop*, 96 lbs., SI.BO. Dairy feed, 100 lbs., $1.46. Pur,, wheat middlings, $1.50, Pure wheat bran, 9 i .40. Virginia 11. P. peanuts, flr. 22 ill cream cheese, 1f,64c. Best second patent flour, $4.00. Htuudurd patent flour, $1.90. Fancy patent flour, $5.00. Wooicott's Royal High patent flour, $6.25. .larboes Royal high patent flour, $5 40. Ethereal, highest patent flour, $5.80, The above prices on flour 18* and 14s cotton; wood 13'' mon- Cotton sheets, full size, SI.OO, 2-!b new hugging, 7 64 r . 2 lli standard pieced bagging, 6c. 2 Ih sugar bag doth, 564c.* New arrow lies, $1.0664- Whole rebundle tics, 9064 c, Riveted ties, 70c. No, | Ea. Hyrtip, 2bbl*, 38 Whim clover drips, tibia, 30c. Gold Mine N, O Hyrtip, bins , 26c. pure Cuba Molasses, bids, 31c, C. O Molasses, hills., 15c, c C, leaf lard, 50-lb cans, 11c, May Blossom K. If lard, 50 Ih cans, 1164 c. Fidelity K It, lard, tubs or cans, 12c Hnow Drift, lioglcss lard, 60 lit cans, 9 I 4c. Texas Comp lard 50-lb cans, 894 c. Lard In tierces, 1 4c ii-ss; In 60 lb tubs, I 8c less. N Y C 'an. sugar, hbl*., $5.30. N Y. Gran sugar, 4. 25111) tan* $5 355. N o Grim sugar, bills only, $5.1(1. Sugar f o h. coast, 10c leas, 96 lb pearl grits, all sizes $2 20 Georgia Country Meal, 90 lb $1 96. Georgia Country Meal, 48 Ih, 99c. Georgia Country Meal, 2t lb, 50c, No, 1 Alfalfa hay, per lon, $23 00 No. •) Timothy hay, per ton. $17.50. No. 1 Pea Vine hay, per ton, $20.09. PAGE SEVEN FINANCIAL COTTON HIGHER HN THE GLHSE Some of the Advance Lost, But, Final Figures Show ed Net. Gain Four to Elev en Points in Now York . N.KW YORK -The cotton market opened steady at an advance of 16 points on August and of 5 a ti points on the laier monlhs In response rt> heller cullies lji,n ex peeled and cover ing for over the week end and th* government report which Is expected on Tuesday. There seemed, however, to he no Important support In the market and after the active months had Hold shout 9 points net higher, the markei became rather unsettled and irregular under selling by brokers who were believed to be operating for one ot the Old Wall street bud*. The market closed steady with prices net 4 a II points higher. Receipts at I lie ports today 11,000 hales a gainst 6,767 last, week and 4,592 last your. Kor the week 100,000 titles against 71,486 last week and 48,022 lasi year. Today's rc celpts 111 New Orleans 370 hales i.gainst 446 lasi year and at. Houston 6,620 hales against 4,400 last year. THE MONEY MARKET, NKW YOltK Muncy on call, nominal; no Phi ns. Time loans easy; *lO (lays, I 1-2 to 2 ami 90 days. 2 1-4, si months :i 1 t ni :i I :. Close, llrm. Mercantile paper 3 3 t In 4 I l per cent; sterling ce.shange today wlih actual taislm-a., in hankers Idlls at Ist :., it 4*4.26 Tor il't days and 4*9.80 nl l> Jnt ipmiml. Couimcrrlnl bill* H 3-4 ill 4-4 1- : lusr silver r.J 1-2. Mexican dollars 4s. No 1 Vetch hay, per too, $lB 00. New Bermuda ha., per ton, $15.50 Cotton Heed meal, $21.00. Cotton Hc-eil hulls, pi r lon, $9 o#. Common green coffee, 7 Mu, Htaildard green coffee se. Fancy green coffee, 964 C, Cracked rice, 364®. Japan rlee, 6c. Medium head rice, f 640. Head rice, 58ir, Fancy head rice, 6640. * Keros /ae oil 13c Halt, eolton lm(f«, 50<k, Texas It, 1* oats, 67c. Georgia SnnJ r/e ( (1