The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 30, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 We Have Again Started Our Boilers AND WILL NOW BE GLAD TO FURNISH ARTESIAN WATER FREE OF CHARGE TO THOSE WHO NEED IT. NOT EXCEEDING 5 GALLONS PER DAY CAN BE ALLOWED TO ANY ONE FAMILY 0 R INDIVIDUAL, AND NONE TO ANYONE FOR PURPOSES OF SALE. AS WE HAVE NO MEANS FOR DELIVERING IT, THE WATER WILL HAVE TO BE HAULED DIRECT FROM OUR FAC TORY BY THOSE DESIRING IT. OEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS H. Walker Wallace, General Manager. READ HERALD WANT ADS. . SEED! SEED! SEND YOUR ORDER TO The Alexander Seed Co. All Garden Stock Saved and in perfect condition we are ready to supply at once. The Alexander Seed Co. SEED AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. m wo * ® Victoria i : * Restaurant. We have everything new for the flood carried off everything we had. Our service today will be complete in every respect, and meals will be served at all hours. White help only worked. The best the mark et affords will be served, and A Special Dinner From 1 to 5 P. M. Will be Ready Today. POPULAR PRICES ALL THE TIME. ELLIS & JACKSON STREETS Speech of Hon. G.'C. Grogan Introducing Hon. T. E. Watson In Speech at Elberton ELBERTON. Ga. —Following is the speech of Hon. Geo. C. Grogan, in | traducing Hon. Thos. Watson, who ispoke here the other day: Mr. Chairman, ladies and fellow- Georgians: J was invited by the committee | in charge of this political gathering ! to make the introductory address, not i because it might be in my power to add to or subtract from the political strength of the distinguished presi dential nominee, who is our guost to day, but because tho committee be lieved that 1 would be just and fair to all men of every party; und that I would make public in a courteous way th,. high personal regard in which our people, irrespective of the party creed, hold this illutrious Geor gian. Appreciating this compliment from the committee and holding it a dis tinctive honor to be the bearer of my people's message of good will to Mr. Watson. I beg to say, very somethings in addition: Offers Political Counsel. For the first time in my life do l undertake to offer political counsel to my fellow-countrymen. For 25 years I have counselled and spoken to you upon nearly every other con ceivable question. Content, in my professional life, conscious, nt least conscientious In th P belief, that I am contributing something to the sum total of human happiness by fair and clean legal ad justments, th e 'political field has nev er sought to impose my political views upon mv countrymen; never theless, from my private seat in the great audience of the common peo pie I have keenly watched the siage whereon the political game was play ed, and have seen its shifting scenes of comedy, burlesque, vaudeville, farce and tragedy, until the conviction has grown upon me that my silence need not longer be kept. “No intelligent, self-respecting man can afford to he a blind, unquestion ing worshipper at the shrine of any political party. No intelligent, self respecting man can afford to be a blind, unquestioning, kneeling Idolat jor at th e let of any man or set of ! men. Party Fealty. Party fealty is worthy and pat riotic so long as the principles, ob jects and activities of that party are worthy and patriotic. Beyond this, party fealty is blind adolatry, accum ulative of corruption, and will consu niate in the civil and moral death of the republic. Personal loyalty to po litical loaders is worthy and patriotic so long as those political leaders plant themselves immovably upon the righteous government policies and personify and ilustrate in their daily lives those Inteiectual and moral powers that can establish, defend and maintain such rigfcteous policies. “Beyond this, loyalty to leaders is a political fetich, a temporizing with the duty of file eitizen and a contempt iblo surrender of American manhood. Individual Citizenship. The individual citizen is the civic unit of ths government. Than he, nav,, (he God who made him, none is (treater. His intelligent, patriotic and unpurchasablp ballot is the sword of his civic power and the shield of his country's liberty. The individual citizen should know and feel that in this free republic of our fathers he is a king In his own right, (»nd that no party lash can drive him into unholy alliances, and that, no leader's persuasive tongue can betray him to unrighteous bal lot. The individual citizen should know and feel that upon the thoughtful, serious and conservative bestowal of his suffrage depends the purity of governmental policies, and that those whom his ballot lifts to exalted sta lion can but reflect the tone and quality and character of the primal constituency. Therefore, I would magnify the cit izen. "11l fares the land to hastening ills ;t prey, When wraith accumulates and men decay; I.ords and princes may flourish and may fade, P! breath can make them as a breath hath made; Rut an honest citizenry, its country's pride. When once It’s lost can never be supplied.” The Masses of the People. • In this presidential year political Issues of momentous and vital Im portance are presented to our consld • ration and demand a finding at the bar of Intelligent and patriotic judg ment. • I cannot, with propriety In this tires cnee, even catalogue these issues, or rive you my personal views concern ing th< m. Rut 1 do know that these are crucial days in the developing history of this government This re public Is not a finished product. All wisdom Is not ooneentared In the president and his cabinet nor In congress, nor Is judicial Interpreta tlon Infallible. The masses of the people are, after all, the sovetelgns of this republic. The rights of the common people can no more be dls regarded than their existence can be overlooked Thpy have fought from the ranks In times of battle. They have paid with their toll the exac tion* of the government In time- of peace. They have furnished the new blood and brawn and brain that drive the machinery of material prog km. in the sweet atmosphere of thnlr country homes, where live* simple hut sublime are led. Is found (he oxy gen of *ll- mental and moral activ ity. To guard safely and deal Justly with the rights of these tollers on farm and In forge and factory Is the oarsmount duty of the government, end tn the word* of our supreme law should be Impartial and eomplete • Therefore, my countrymen, I would TTTE AUGUSTA HERALD conjure you, by your love for this, our common country; by your reverence for the memories of our fathers who established it, whose lives defended it and whose ashes are now com mingling in its responsive soil; bv your hope and faith In its future, a it must become the homes of our chil dren, please God, unto the lutes' generation, that you study well and impartially the principles of each po litical party, that you scrutinize close ly the characters of the leaders ot these Parties, and then in the light oi patriotic and intelligent Judgment, and in the fear of God, inscribe yout names upon the standard of him who in your honest judgment you be lieve will give the greatest good to the greatest number of American citizens. My Fellow Georgians:—This county and this section of our Stale should and does feel honored today that the Presidential Nominee of one of Un political Parties is with us personally to present those issues that demand our wisest determination. This Nominee, this distinguished son of Georgia, has already written his name proudly, indelibly and iatftl) upon the pages ol his country's his tory. Many men achieve great dis Unction in some one vocation or pro tession. These are lawyers us learn od. scholars as erudite, historians as accurate, journalists as brilliant, ora tors as eloquent and statesmen is profound, but, no living man in all the broad domain of Georgia has so combined ail these great distinguish Ing qualities into one composite Intel leetual power as has this gifted "Tribune" of the people. I do not foretell his victory, nor do i prophesy his defeat. But, I do know this: his great throb bing heart, pulsing in smypatliy with the toiling millions of our land, can no more be changed by tile glamour of victory than can his shining record be oimmod by the shadow of defeat, or his brilliant promise of the future be marred by failure in this elec tion. I Introduce to you, Thomas JO. Wat son, of Georgia. IN cAUGUSTA CHURCHES St. Patrick’s Church, Very Rev, 1,. 3azln. V. G-, rector; Rev* J. Hennessy, assistant. Sunday masses: 6:30, 8, 9:30 a. nt. Sacred Heart Church | Cornei Greene and McKinne His. Rector, Rev, .1. Sherry, S. .1 Pastors, Rev. J. lionerg&n, S. J.. and Rev. R. Macready, S. J. Morning service; Masses at 5.30, 6.00, 7.30 and 3.30 Benediction after last mass, at 9.3 ft No evening service. St. Luke's Methodist Church. Corner Crawford avenue and St. Luke street. Preaching every Sun day at 11 a m. and 8:00 p. in Pray er meeting at 6 ,>. ni. every Wednes day night. Sunday school at 3:00 p. ill. Epworth League Devotional moc - ing every Friday evening at 8:00. Women's Foreign Missionary, Monday after first Sunday at 4 p. in. Juvenile Missionary society meets llrst Sun day at 4p. m. Hoard of stewards every first Tuesday at Bp. m. It. M. Dixon, pastor. St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church The members of St. Matthew's, in the absence of their pastor, will wor ship with the Holy Trinity emigre gation on Greene street. The service begins at 11 o'clock. The Sunday school meets at the usual hour, !t.:;<t In the morning. The regular services at St. Matthew's will be resumed on September Clh. First Presbyterian Church Corner Telfair and Seventh Streets. There will be no services at Ibis church today. Neither church nor Sabbath school. Reid Memorial Church. Rev. J. T. I’lunket, D. ft., minister in charge. Sunday school at r. p. m. Adult Bible class at 5.1 S p m., con ducted (alternately) by well known Bible students. Attractive music, and strangers cordially Invited. ?t. Pa''l'» Church. Rev. G. Sherwood Whitney, rector, 7.»0 a m., celebration of the Holy Communion; II a an., morning prayer and sermon; j p. m.. Sunday school: 0.15 p. nt., evening prayer. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church not damaged by the water and regular services will be held [■reaching at II a m by Pastor Ri v .1 R. Iterrlrk No night services Sunday Kcnool at 5 p m:. Every body welcome at our services. Curtis Church, Mttndav school 9.H0 a m. Morning prayer, 11.00 a. m. No i venltig services First Bantl't Church. H W. Melton, pastor. On ac count of the condition of the church auditorium and the Sunday school room there "till be no service of any kind tomorrow Colored Churches. • First Congregational Church 11 * m., preaching service glib Ject I.lgh' From God s Word on the Recent Is)** of Human IJfe and Property in Our City, As a Result of the High Water." Sunday school at 4.1 f> p. rn. Preaching service at g.|s p m. The public Is most cordially Invited, f), .1 Flynn, pastor. Tabernacle Beptiat Church. Rev C. T Walker Oil. I,.|,T>„ pas tor Early prayer meeting at C a HOTELS. Meet me at the College Inn, under the Albany, New York's Leading Rathskeller, a place to eat, drink and be merry. Music. ROBK’RT !>. MURPHY, Proprietor !iOm ALBANY •41st St. and Broadway N! :\V YORK Remodelled, Handsomely Fur nished. New Throughout ;: &l ft rjjl it m HkuM i KiKuuttMtiAuiimmi : j?. hsswfe WntwtisSLiiM ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. In tho heart of the Ci,y. SOO Rooms 300 Bath Rooms rairopo.iu 1-la,, Culslno Cnexri-lie.i t.enllomens I'.if,-. i, aides' Itostnu •'nut Mini Moorish Kooirm. Popular Prices. 1 Tonty of life hut Home-hke. 5100 per clay and up. SKND FOU BOOKLET HOTEL NAVSRRE Thirty-Eighth Street and Seventh Av. NI;>V YORK. Exceptionally Cool -Open on All Sides. 200 FEET WEST OF BROADWAY Accessible, Quiet, Elegant for Busi ness Men. Families and Tourists. In Hu- Heart of tho Theater and Whopping District. Cara pass the dour Tor all Hallway 3(1(1 ROOMS, 3IKI MATHS. ROOMS *l-50- WITH HATH. s; SI ITCH, J ROOMS ANO HATH Mon PARLOR, HKDRoom und RA i'll 'hi in 37 00. Send for Illustrated Booklet Celebrated Dutch Grlll-also Restau rant on Roof Garden. Telephone European <1463 38th. Clan. Richard H. Stearns Charles W. uahb Flreproot In Every Cense or the Word The Ansonia BROADWAY AT 73D STREL I Hubway Exprcna Station. NEW YORK. r~ * i The Largest and Flnent Apartment Hotel In the World. Kitchen the Hen I In N*'W York. THANHIKNT ANIi I’KIIMANKNT. Hoorn* Hlnglc it rid KuhiiH**. IsOratlon Must Central .nd I»« dm hie |n she city. Furnished - Unfurnished Maid Hervlcc Optional Hoorn and Bath, $3.00. 2 Room* and Bath, VI 00 3-4 Room# and Batha, SIO.OO and Upward. Hooklet on request MM KEEPER KILLER WILE HT. LOCIF F M Sv hul *, u grocer arid i iloon keeper, ahot and killed hi a wlf« Lizzie, thin morning In '!».• r< ir of it Iri afore, Heviml w**k* a n«* gro entered hi* afore and struck Hchulz with n Itn *<•!»» it hut Hf'htrli wan re ported *erloii*iy hurt. lie rcc/»vered hut tlie blow lr >»e||ev**d to imv< affected hi* mind The police have not y t |ocnt»*d Schulz Mn Giles (reading) A sclentls. now <orn<i forward with the theory that Jonah was- swallowed by an earth quake Instead ol » whale Olle Well, that Is a plausible the ory Instead of a fish It was a fir sore. < m Preaehlng at tl a m,, and k.X9 ip. m Sabbath school at p hi II Y p p meeting am ttstial on Thursday i nights at H 'Ht p. rn. All are Invited HOTELS. FOR COOL NIGHTS, SOUND SLEEP, FINE TABLE, HEALTH AND PLEASURE GO TO Summerland Springs, THE IDEAL SUMMER RESORT IN SOUTH CAROLINA. Mountain Scenery, Cool Breezes, Mineral V*ater, Modern Colonial Ho tel, Beautiful I’arks, Large Pavilion, Best Amusements. Only thirty miles from Columbia and Hit y two from Augusta. Ga. Situated on the Southern railway midway between the .prosperous towns of Leesville and fhitesburg. at SumnurlaiKl, South Carolina. THE SUMMERLAND INN. This beaut Ifni hotel at this ideal resort, is the coolest, cleanest, nicest place It Is possible to find, and the management and service the very best The table is everything that tills rich country ran fur nish: Fruits, vegetables, Jersey Milk and Butter, Spring ehiekens and eggs, fresh from the Sttninierlmid Karins, in sight. The water relieves and cures dyspepsia and kindred diseases. Rates of hoard: $2.00 per day and up; SIO.OO per week and up; $30.00 per mouth and up. Liberal rates to families for the season. Buy tickets and check baggage to Summerland, S. C. Conveyances in wait ing at all trains. Write R. Dailey, Manager, P. O. ADDRESS, BATESBURG, S. C. HOTEL KI3KIN A N European Plan. Absolutely Fireproof IN THE HEART OF THE BUISNESS SECTION OF BALT IMORE, MIX iJfpiSl S pßs p Luxurious Rooms. Single and En suite With or Without Baths. $1 per day up, Palatial Dining Rooms. Unsurpassed Cuisine Shower and Plunge In Turkish Bairn Free I" ItiK-Hls. JAS. E. BARRETT, Manager, (send for Booklet. Send for Our Map of Boston, Showing Exact Location of |j§gj||*|| a*o oat \»o » -| MortL HOT ui COLO WAT** ts« etc* miff.' nfcdfTHt^fO'h' ciuMMfu | QMronr,. BULtlNCtMtaiot! BOWDOIty 8T.4 BOLfIVcH RT, . BOSTON. MASS:* 25 Suits with Bath. 250 Room nowly furnished with Brass Beds. When you vImII Mont on. If you denim the K*«i*tfat comfort with tho b’lud ox pciiHc, you will find Hot.l lloxford all rljtht. You will notion Ilia con trill In ration of th« hotel, Its m-arneon to Mm Union Hint lon, State Hounc-, Uourt I lot mo, tii.-atrcn, and btiHliieen liouh*‘i« In ottmr word*, ll In ;i part of I'.-won Mill •if t-oiirue what you want when you vlelt Moaton Is comfort and safety, •ind. If economy rock with 11, that innkon a combination that will tin loubtedly prove nallnfactory. Tharti fore, when In town, “THY THE HEX FOKI)" and w- will make Mpaclut cf fortn to |>|caH«- you Iho Wellington Hotel Cor. Wabash Ave. & Jackson Boulevard. CHICAQO Remodeled nt it coat, of $150,000 Hot and Cold Running Water and Long Distance 'Phones In all Rooms 200 Hoorn* 100 with Rath Hlnylo or cn H'Jltn Hnler $1 00 .uni I'pwiifflu fine of the most unique Dining Hoome In the country. Our fHinoii* Indie n flliife. Noled for F<tvlcc und f'ulslrre. McCIINIOCK & BAYHIII), Props. NHW YORK Hotel Schuyler 57 to 63 West 45th, Between Mli nnd Mb Avon, Most satisfactory aecomrno dstloris for tourists, centra of shopping nnd theater dis trict; rate* ranging from $9 to f. r > dry, with board, or sitting room bedroom and bath nt 12 to It day, with out. board. M. IXJEZ. PAGE FIVE HOTELS. HOWL WESTMINSTER fcMr NcwYork °'r- _rC' .. isPJSi <>m> M...K from UNION BQIIARK. Pur face, Kl» s.l toil niiil Hubwnv Oarn. Mld wh y l.tivv.eit Icadluß VVHOI .H3BALIO .■uni RETAIL STORES mill THJfIAT REH, and y«M fur ctmußh from Broad *\ -1 \ to Imu if- COM I'"OUT and EREK -1 >OM from tho noIHO und buntlo of that thoroughfare. i *i:u!•*; :« * r i.v quiet Locality and HOME LIKE in every respect. EXCELLENT CUISINE. EUROPEAN PLAN. Single Roorm;. $1 per day and up. Room with Bath, $ 2 par day and up. Parlor, IJndronm and Bath, $ i per day and up. American Plan s.l per 4luy upward flub Breakfast. Titbh- D’Hotfl Dlnnar REND FOR nOOKLBST Tho John F. Holllng«worth Co., C. H. GODFREE, Managor. HOTEL EMPIRE For Families and Transients Broadway & 63dSt..(LincolnSq.jN.Y.CIty In the Very Center of Everything. All Milliner- c;ifH ptiMM or transfer to door. Huhwny nnd “1/ util linns. Iwo minutes. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Rooms, with detached bath, $1.50 per day up Rooms* with private bath, 2.00 ** 44 Suites# with private bath, 3.50 44 44 Kuropetm plan, also <'omblmitton break fasts. EXCELLENT SERVICE—FINE MUSIC. W. JOHNSON QUINN, Proprietor* WHIiN IN DETROIT STOP AT HOTHL FULLER New and Absolutely Fireproof Cor. Adams Ave. and Park St. .~~m- wi/.dHtE-'• • ;) •: "SEW In • lie Center <0 (he Theatre, Hhnpplng, uikl fiUHInoMN District. A la Carte Case Newest nnd Finest Grill Room In the City 'Tub Ri'vikf;, t up Luncheon f,oo itblo f|<* I Info Dinner* . ..,,,,,,75® Music from H P. M. to 12 p. M. EVERY ROOM HAS PRIVATE BATH WHOf'KAN I'I.AN RATES: $1.50 per Day and up L.W. TULLER, Prop. M. A. Shaw, f/j p. |jw