The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 30, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT PO \< UI,IN T . 1X47 Hroad fiimt., 7 room - $25 00 55{♦ Broad Street, 0 room* 35.00 504 Broad Street 5 room a .. 25.00 J*s3 Grown* Street, 12 roODin 50.00 506 Lincoln .Strict, 8 room* .. 20.00 550 Reynold* Street. J 7 room* 41.07 100 Reynold l Street, 0 rooms 12.50 338 Walker Stre. t, 7 room* 25 00 STORES. 1224 Broad Street 25.00 1252 Broad Street 05.00 570 Broad Street 25 00 524 Campbell Street 45.00 222 Campbell Street 20.00 520 CttlUDbeil Street., .. .. . .. 50.00 OFFICES. No 7Or, Broad Street $20.83 No k !.il#i;«r* Bldg . - 18.33 OfTlceH in the Riant era Loan Bank Building. WILLIAM £. BUSH, &"i; i-ow wi.m i ocr. i. 608 Third Ht. C rooms mid oath, bi lux built $30.00 (13 Telfair, s rooms m| bitA $38,33 i lit mid, 7 rooimi nod Imlh SBO.OO 61H Hroad, 7 room* and bath . $30.00 oil Third, ( rooma u 4 bath $20.00 #2B Reynold*, C rnotm. and bath $30.00 1620 Walton Way, 7 room* and bath . .$20.00 !/ol Crawford Avc., 6 room* $14.00 4(6 Hay, to be built, pn**t.x*lon Nov. 1, 1 room*, ateatn heat and open grate*, «-li-rtrlt-ity and kb* $33.60 1242 Hroad fit., C room* and bath ..$25 00 1244 Hroad Ht., 6 room* and bath $25.00 12*8 Broad St., Store ~533.33 205 207 Sixth Ht., more $30.00 MARTIN QARRETT, i.vkh hijii.king. STOCKS ORDERS EXECUTED TO BUY AND SELL STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK BTOCK EXCHANGE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ARGO & JESTER. 7 Library Budding. Phone 12. For Sale STORE, TWO STORY DWELLING And LARGE LOT IN SUBERBS. WOULD SELL STOCK OF GOODS. Apply To Clarence E. Clark, EDUCATIONAL Miss funk’s < oinmerciul School. Harison Building Augusta, Oa., teaches abort hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, apalllng, arithmetic, Engllah and penmanahlp. Practical mathoda and terma reaaonabla. Day claaa. Night claaa. Write for catalogue, or call phone 427. SACK! It lit AKI (OHIO! 1304 Ellis Street, Auguala, Qa. Cor day scholars otllv Kmpow end to confer all Collegiate Do Cre. ■». Thoroughly up to date The curriculum tncludea I’hll nenphy. Literature, Ancient an I modern Hlatory, I'hyelca. Chcmts try. Astronomy. Mathemailea. Arithmetic. Bookkeeping, eir . St. hograptiy aud Typewriting at par aula option Modrrn Languages »iihmn e*tra chsige. BE OPENS TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER IST, 1908 For Catalogue and partlculara, ap ply at the Collage JOHN J. SHERRY. S J. Prealdenl. SAt Kill HIAKI ACADEMY 1244 EHle St., Auuuata. Qa. Conduct, d by the Sisters of Merc) and empowered to confer diploma* OtTera *uper tor cduca llonal advantages for girl* Must cal culture and iho training of organist* a ape, .alia Recpene sept 8, I9og Preimraiory acbool for boy a Irom five to nine years w>f age. Fur partlculara apply to the SISTER SUPERIOR. MISS HILL'S SCHOOL, The Hill, Auguate, Georgia. tmv echo,-I and boarding d part meet Primary intermediate and College preparatory. Slath Year Begma Oct t. I*o*. For catalog addreaa MISS L. 0. HILL, Qrovetown, Qa XULAI) HL'KALU WANTS PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY. All work strictly confi dential. HOWARD & KELLY Rooms 508 509 Dyer Bldg- Sam Lee, l* a undry, No. 1281 BROAl) ST. Th« cheapest Laundry In th* rtty Flr«t claaa wark; worn uwarantaad. Qtva ma a trial and you will coma again. Look at tnaaa pricaai Shirta. 7c: Undarahlrta, 4c. Cal* lara, 1c; Drawara, 4c; Cuff*. Handkerchiefs. 1c QLOtS AND DOMESTIC FINISH WE ARE READY FOR BUSINESS grui^B rtTUHTIC MR PACIFIC* 644 Broad Street AGED EMPEROR BOXED THE ARCHDUKE’S EARS VIENNA —"Dear Kingman,” Bald Archduke H.-nry Ferdinand, of the Tuitcay line of Hapsburgs, marching recently Into Emperor Francis Jo soph's presence, "1 muit have 1,000.- 000 kronen ($200,000, to pay my debts Otherwise i shall blow 1 my brain* out to escape disgrace." Whack! The aged emperor landed a resounding open-fisted right hander Spattered Baugh tcr=in=Law’s Brains With Indian Club FORT DODGE, la.—"lt'* the best deed I ever did In my life, and I don't regret 11. They can do what they Ilk. with me now," remarked .1. M. Brown aged 70, a Mason, after spattering the brain* of his handsome daughter-in law with an Indian dub in her fine home. Ilrown and his wife, father arid mother of George G. Drown, Furnish Yourself Our stock is second to none in the city, in fact we are just as if we had never been hit by the high ' water. Just take a look at our neat window dis plays and see the-neatness of our store and you will be convinced that we are ready to serve you right now the same as before the high water. Our fall stock is in and as the weather is turning colder you had better make your selection at once. McCreary’s 742 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA CITY DISTRICTED BY COMMITTEE OF RELIEF The relief oonimltte In charge of the general work lias districted the city and appointed persona to tak-- charge of each district. Every per son wno Is needed Is asked to apply directly to the headquarter* of the district In which he or she lives aud all person* who know of a eaao of destitution Is asked to report tt to the proper station or not knowlnu which Is the proper one to the As aoefated Charities directly, iherc to be directed to the place the case 1, .« longs. Following are the districts, head quarters amt those In charge: King Mill district, from the Ij»k • |o the Interstate Cotton Oil Mill, head quarters at King MUi Mission School House, In charge of Mrs. Chas Har rington, assisted by Mrs la»ster and others River district from Inters ate Oil Company to Cummings street an l trom Broad to Mills streets, head quarter* at Salvation Army rooms. IUK! Hroad, In charge of Ensign liob bins Enterprise and Augusta Factor: d‘* trlct. From (Indwells Bottom to Ninth street from Green.' street to ilmlt of overflow, headquarters at An gltsta Free School, Rev. It. L, S roomer and witc Southeastern district, hounded I" East Boundry and Campbell street* ~nd from river to water Hue In charge of Richard Wl.kereon. head quarters for prr*< nt at St. James church Woodlnwn district headquarters at Woodlfwn Methodist church. In charge of Rev A M Fierce and a.- >lat ,sta. The general relief workers who have agreed to give the major pro (ton of their line o the relief for the present arc Ite, Richard Wilkinson Ml** Sa’-y Campbell, Miss Mary Campbell, Miss Caddie Robertson Rev lit S T corner and Wife. Ml**,'* Ethel and Francis Wallace. Ensign Robbins of th< 8a vatl-n Army. Re \ M Fierce. \V M Rowland, Mta* Steven* aud Mrs fester. All members of the Kings daufther* and sons, associated chariHae. all the churche*. and thetr aoeletlow and every other organisation or Individual to help tn thla Immediate rail*! hv giving thetr time or clothing or pro vpc.'ns or other assistance of any kind should report to the district that test suits thetr oon»eni?nc*. y\ luru in lYg'sod tr»m tv Save lake. THE AUGUSTA HERALD on the archduke's car. He has not yes committed suicide. The emperor thought the matter over for some time and today made the Incident public as a punishment to the archduke. He also had the court chamberlain send tjie archduke a letter telling him he would not contribute a penny toward paying debts “contracted by dissipation.” have made their home with their son for several year*. The relations be tween the two couples, have always been stormy. About a year ago the daughter-in-law kicked her husband's mother down stairs and the old lady is still In bed as a result. George Drown, the son, !b at pres ent at Colorado Springs, dying of con sumption. more kindly of late to journalism, and ♦*vi-ry 4*ny In scribbling. according to oi»b authority, "from the peeress to the per tor's daughter." To Our Patrons and the Public: VVe are glad to report that our plant was not damaged by water and beg to announce ready for business Mon day morning. Phone your orders to No. 282 as usual. For your con venience, we will establish an office in the city at Augusta Builders Sup ply Co., Phone 321. Industrial Lumber Co. r-—m—*»!—■ ■! 11111111 ii—if imiihi i ,u i j—■———— NORTH AUGUSTA m Union Savings Bank OFFICERS WM. SCHWEIGERT, President A. S MORRIS, Vice-President. THOMAS S. GRAY, Cashier. This B& nH is De positary, for the U. S. Court North eastern Division, Southern District of Georgia. Citizens and Council Re lief Committee meets to day at 11 o’clock in the Chamber of Commerce. This committee will meet each day at 11 o’clock promptly. NOTICE Parties knowing cases of suffering and destitution among the flood sufferers in Augusta should commu nicate promptly with either 1. The members of the Citizens and Council Relief Committee, Capt. W. B. Young;, chairman and Mr. E. B. Hook, Sec. and Treas. 2 The Associated Chari ties, office in the Dyer Building; or any of the various charitable organi zations of Augusta, asso ciated with the Associated Charities. 3 With the Salvation Army Headquarters and ithose in charge. 4 With the regular Board of Charities, office at the Couyt House. 5 With the Colored Citi zens Committee, composeif of Rev. C. T. Walker, Silas X. Floyd, Dr. G. N. Stoncy, A. C. Young and P. H. Craig. HELP AND WORK. Augusta has gone bravely and energetically to work to relieve the immediate suffering and destitution, caused by the flood. SELF-CONFIDENCE The man who has an account in this Bank has more than money. He has the self-confidence that comes only from having money and from the knowledge that he has "standing at the bank." And self-confidence, with such a tangible basis to rest on, I* the dynamic force that enables men to accomplish things really worth while. Have you a savings or commercial account here? ■ k Municipal Augusta in every department and every man in each depart ment is working day and night to rehabilitate the good old town and the splendid work that the . city is doing is being ' equally matched by the business concerns and in dividual property owners i of the city. With the spirit being shown on every hand a new Augusta and a Greater; Augusta is nearer to a realization than ever be fore. CO-OPERATE— NOT CRITICISE. In the great work of res toration and rebuilding that is being rapidly done by the citizens of Augusta, from the richest to the poorest, from the strong as well as the weak, from the business, manufacturing, professional and laboring i interests, from white and : colored, what is most Im peratively needed and what will do the most good is help and co-operation and work, not criticise. This is the spirit that will restore Augusta. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE RELIEF FUND. The city of Augusta has set the pace for its own cit- I izens in the work of relief jto the flood sufferers, i Have you done your share, j SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 si according to your own gen erous impulses and the sizA of your pocket book’s abil ity. Don’t wait to be call | ed upon in such a time and in your city’s need. Augus ta and her people have suf fered their trial by flood as well as by fire and has nobly stood the test. THE BOARD OF HEALTH The Board of Health has doubled its working force and more men and teams will be put to work as rap idly as possible. Let our citizens co-operate with this department in tha splendid work that it is ing for the restoration and health of the elty. A HELPFUL SUGGESTION. The Chamber of Com merce will be asked on Monday to open an employ ment or Labor register and all parties in Augusta, white or colored, who are out of work and who want work, should register at once. There is work here in Augusta for every one that wants it. If you want to do your share in the restoration of Augusta, get to work. Water Never Touched Them. Flood ancient history nos. Mul iarky & Sullivan Co.’s goods are i above high water mark, and their j prices below low record mark. Mon : day they will put out some astonish j ing bargains; be sur© to visit their | store Monday. Everything bright and I dry.