The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 30, 1908, Image 9

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Your publicity-problem Is half of your store-problem. It should have the attention of "the boss." VOLUME XIII., No. 239 716 BROADWAY AGAIN READY FOR BUSINESS After Augusta’s Great Overflow We Are Glad To Announce That We Are Ready With One of The Greatest Arrays of Bargains That We Have Ever Offered. NEW ARRIVALS In the Ready-to-Wear Department. Nobby Little Suits and Tailor-Made light weight Sepa rate Coats for early fall wear and cool mornings. $5.00 Black Silk Petticoats, at $3.98 A few odd Panama Skirts, worth $5.00, to close, quick price $2.98 New lot of Voile and Panama Skirts, just arrived, fine selection. Remarkably LOW PRICES. BOVS AND GIRLS WHO ARE GOING AWAY TO COLLEGE We wish to impress upon you that we have one of the best selections of Blankets, Comforts, Sheets and Towels that we have ever had, and at prices that we will challenge the entire market. On Blankets we will surprise the most exacting buyer. Good Tan and Grey Blankets, as low 39 \ fl-S . • • •• •• Cotton Wash Suitings FOR EARLY FALL WEAR. 34-in. Cotton Suiting in fancy Checks an d Plaids, would be cheap at 19c, special at B%c 10c Fancy Cotton Ducks, at ’sc 10c Solid Chambrays, in the new shades, at 7 y 2 c 36-in. 12i/ 2 c New Percales in both light and dark colors. , at 10c 10c 36-in New Fall Percales, at 7%c THE FLOOD SITUATION IN BRIEF City council lias appropriated $5,000 to the relief fund. Judge Win. F. Eve, commissioner of revenues, has placed $4,000 of the funds of the county board of charity at the disposal of the relief committees. Atlanta has sent SSOO, Moultrie, Oa., S3O, Swainsboro, SSO. The members of the Georgia state senate have raised SIOO. The Augusta Typographical Union has appropriated SSO. Citizens have subscribed liberally to relief work and approximate ly $4,000 has been raised in this way. The iota! relief fund now reaches above SIO,OOO and the situation is well in hand. The damage to the streets can be covered by SIO,OOO, says Com missioner of Public Works N'isbet Yvingfield. Superintendent Lawton B. Evans states that the damage to school property amounts to about $4,000. The greatest damage suffered by individual firm was to Nixon Gro cery Co. The Riverside Mills probably suffered to a like extent, accord ing to an official statement. The street car service will probably be partially resumed Sunday and within a few days will be normal. The Centre Street bridge can be comtrueted of steel at a cost of $50,000. The damage to farms below the city In vicinity of Augusta wlil amount to approximately $.‘,0,000, all crops being destroyed in the low lands. All telephones In the city will be in operation Sunday, except in a few Isolated Instances. Sufficient water to supply the needs of the city will be supplied at different intervals during the day until the normal supply is once moro available. There Is no danger of a famine. The heaviest railroad loss was suffered by the Charleston and Western Carolina, which lost about $75,000. Other railroads, including the local electric railway, lost compara tively little beyond the Inconvenience In the wav of loss of time. The damage from the flood is much less than estimated by many during the time the flood waters were receding. AUGUSTA IS RISING FROM THE VEEP WA TERSI > > "Every day from now on. un• > til further notice, the water > will be turned on from 8 o'clock > In the morning until 11. We ere •using steam pumps to maintain • the pressure, having secured per > mission to get steam from the > boilers of the Sibley and King • mills and the Inter-State oil > sMU. Mr. Stuart Phlnlay vary > generously volunteered to give > us water of Turknett Springs. > which yields about oae-half mil > lion gallons par day, and this > will be thrown Into the pipes by > a big steam pump, along with > the ether water. It la very lm • port ant that the people be atrlot > ly economical In the use of we ■ ter. John D. Twiggs, jr., Supt. Waterworks. THE SUNDAY HERALD BUR.TON-TAYLOR.-WISE COMPANY Water Will Be Tnrned on at Stated Honrs Daily- Street Repairs Progress Rapidly—Will Work All Day Sunday—Cars Run Today. From the greatest tragedy of na ture that has ever been witnessed In Georgia Augusta Is rapidly recover Ing The waters of the record break. Ing flood have receded, the city Is re suming business on a normal basis again The anguish occasioned by anxiety is over the worst Is known and the people are facing stern real ity. The situation in well in hand lu ovary department, according to nffl clal statements, and thare Is no long or need to fear. The fearful features tbet generally characterize similar dlaasters in othar sections of the world have beta lacking. Mo rob AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 30. 1908 NEW FALL ARRIVALS In Dress Goods and Silks. The public knows our reputation in these linos, there fore it is needless to comment upon them, you can come here expecting bigger bargains than over. Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Bags From One of the Largest Manufacturers in the World And on which we can save you about 25 per cent. New lot just arrived. $5.00 large size dr j n O Leather Suit Cases, at 4^0.V0 Great Silk Sale Watch our window for the greatest values in Black Taffeta Silk that Augustans have witnessed in many days. Values which should be 85c to 90c, cop Our special Monday at 10 o’clock, at OVC Here Is a Chance to Buy Some Muslin Underwear at a Sacrifice Consisting of Gowns, Corset Covers, Chemise, Drawers, and Skirts, slightly tumbled from handling. They must go, lot too small to carry over; come early and you can buy them at a fraction |/ above /2 * FLOOD SCENE AT GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS bery, or other offensive actions be ing reported from any section of the city. Repair Work Proureeaea. The work of restoring the city to its former condition has already far advanced and every vestige of dam age by flood wit) be removed with in a remarkably short space of time. Of course there will be landmarks and other lasting signs of the disas ter to be observed for years, but the real trouble la over The suffering people have been relieved, the needy supplld and the wont it over Last ntgbt D< Eugena Murpbey, president of the Board of Health, Is sued the following statement: The Health department has the slt ,union well in hand, ao far an M la, ronoprned F!ft**n *xtra man war'? added to tb* regular force Saturday morning and an many more will be added Sunday morning. The acavenger department la work Jng from daylight to dark and an noon a m electric light* are turned on a night shift will be added. Superin tendent Heaver will put on twelve extra twohorxe team* Sunday worn Ing and keep them at work a« long as necessary. Ths whola fttrtu* •{ the Health l**pt I win fc« at work Murid*.?. Arrang«us#nH hav* rna/1* to • mnm*nci »mp yivtt i r»llara Monday morning and dur ng Hun- I de v oil will ha pour»d into all < Hi*rp K. E Aft? It PI f BY, A* it, Pro* dtn | TJi« usual ekaraaterleWc !**«*«« sti I flood wm the rapid H of fit* river, which Is hardly ever recorded in Hi** annals of ;t city ho fur r«/not*4 from i 'mountslnotiH regions. While »h*- w'atlior I bureau and the federal governn • it *Washlngton leaned flood warning* the day previous t* wiim not estlti uicd 'lm | tha rlvei would upproach anywtn r* nasir ; t tia hHght It resell ad. As a con i*n nemo peop* were f aught on*- or two blocks fiom horn* and wei* unable to • thare or get In coriitnurihuttlon for tern days, so fierce were the '<iir«int* and In I adeuuata the means of trsnepot lion by Witter. Street Damage 110,000. Tint summary <A the local stun'lon I ground completely so fur .4* off H [ Mr. .N<;abei Wingfield, Co/nmis l uonnr #f j If You Are In Need of Anything in Spreads, Sheets or Towels, don’t miss this sale. See how These prices are Lowered. Full size heavy Spreads. These would be good values at $1.25, at 99c $2.00 Fringed Spreads, at .. $1.49 81x90 in. Linen Finish, good heavy Sheets, worth 75c, 69c 20x 10-in. I luck Towels, at 9 C I .urge size, Full Bleached Turkish Towels, cheap at 19c at ‘ 13c Great Array of Bargains in White Goods Ordinarily these goods can not he bought for almost, twice the money. 36 in. 25c Soft fine White Nainsook; this quantity is limited, at 14c 10c 36-in. Soft, nice Bleaching, 16 yards for .... SI.OO 8c 10 in. White Lawns, at 6c 6*/l and 71/G* White Check Nainsook, at 6c 15c l<> 25c While Dimities, at 10c New lot of fine White Madras, worth up to 20 and 25c, at , .*. 10c public Works stated to Th- Hamid Hat I urdiiy thnt he had traveled over all the Mtrsefg dumuged fry water and mnbi a j ciireful estimate of the daifiag 1 lie I states that 910,000 wll cover vut.j.iity all I the lows and (ail th.* streetn in tie- sain'' condition th'-y %■/«»r* I# *f •• • tin m »*,<| The greatest destruction was in the j loss of the (‘enter street hr Mg*, hut it *ls stated by Mr Wingfield that till« /;« j i»e repiaoed by a m. J • n »tr i> :u-»* » < j u cost of not over fiVt.OOft ms the piers nr* j still Intact. The drawbridge problem Is now voiy j ! much simplified says Mr. Wingfield and j It Is quite certain that this will be taken : ■in eon si deration Wh* 1 fhn *»• w I 1 if * Is put up. Hufrerlritendent l,nwton M Kvans -ild I "The Hoard of KdU'litlor. has «uft"i'"d ' i tbf'Unutd 014 Pfe£* Ttu j DAILY AND SUNDAY SG.OO PER YEAR. GEORGIA IRON WQRKS_BURNED Loss Very Small, l»at Aant. Chief Schaiifele Sa ■ - tuinrd Painful In |urlci by Being , Thrown from Buggy. I The Interior of ill* Iron foundry fff the Georgia Iron Works wim gutted by Haines last night Unit started lU the southwest corner of ths building »bout 9 o'clock und burned almost unchecked until <sa> light. The flume* found nothing to prey upon but th# roof and scant Interior wood worm The exterior structure was left prac tlrnlly intact, an none of the wall# fell The damage Ih estimated by M.r. Andrew I’erklns mid Gen Mgr. Haus er at $2,000 or $2,500. In rcHpondliiK to th,, alarm, Aral Chief George C. Heliaufole, who was al No. : engine house when th* call 'lime In, drove al full spued Into g lu In ni Kollork and Fenwick street# 1 lln- tin ye overturned and lie wag I II own under the wheels, Hiistaltilng I t'vo broken ribs, (tie lowed on each ide |(o struggled to Ills fest, made bis way in a dead run to the fire and worked like a Trojan until the flames I were under control. Flnnlly at the earnest ollcltallon of fellow firemen and frlenda. In consented to give his Injuries attention and was taken to (he office of Hr George H. Lehman, illy physician. He was hurt palnfuk I' and suffered urcat pnln, but hS Injurlei; ur. ot necessarily serloii*. The steamer from No. I engine house lapped n plug at Fenwick and McKlniie streets, then It was only by run 11 1iik a lln,- of hos,. 900 feet lu I netii down Fenwick street, over fences and through the hack of the Independent Ice company's plant, across a railroad track and over the canal, that the firemen could bring to hear mi attack on the Hemes at close rpiurters Only one line of hose was operated, owing to th<> extreme- I lew water pressure, by reason of the flood News of the lire spread rapidly and hundreds of people flocked to th« re, n< The (' & W. 0. railroad trank along th, south side of the canal waa lined with spectator* and many peo ple waded through a muddy lan,, to watch the Are at rtos# range. Mr Andrew Ferklna said It woffld be posalble to resume work In the foundry again Monday, ao small was ttie actual ilatuag,. to either equip ment or structure. The only damage • to roof and akeleUtu woodwork j Ui”.da. Spend more for advertising tills August than ever before —and do more business this August than ever before. 716 BROADWAY