The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 31, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX Cotton Warehouse To Be Built Just Beyond North Augusta Cotton Mm Arrange to Temporary Qnar :roi« the River ( -ittee* Named To day at Meeting. An Important meetln* of th* An guxta Colton Kxrhantto and Board of Trad" wa* held Monday at 1230 o'rlork and many Important featuro* of the flood situation In regard* to cotton were conaldered Mr Jamea I', .farkaon made a condae and aplen did addreag to the members, In which be summed up the alt nation In re garda to cotton coming Into Augusta from .South Carolina He sugge»teil the building of a temporary ware houhe st the Internee!lon of the Mar itntown and Kdgefteld roadie Just over beyond North Augusta, and from there all the business of the cotton men will be officially handled Just as If the cotton wa» brought Into Au gusta. As soon as the North Au gusta bridge la repaired It la Intended to have the notion sent In by express on ihe electric toad provided council can be Induced to allow the prlvll ege Aceordlttg to present rulings the railway cannot deliver anything Into the city, but II I* exported that the ordlnanre sill he suspended In thla Instance The suggestion of Mr Jarkson was received with thanks from the ex change and a committee was appoln cd lo eonfer with council asking for Ihe privilege On this committee was put the following Messrs .las Tobin. A. .1 Kalinas. .1 II Ilavlson, C. It fiarrett and T H Uanforlh Mr J. IJ. tirern. president of the Kavannah Valley Farmers assorts Mon, was present and gave a state nient concerning the condition of the farmers over the river, who are cut off from the city. Me assured the exchange that hr* anti his association stand ready to assist In the work In any cooperative way possible. A committee WHS appointed to con fer with Are Insurance represents lives here so thst fu"lorx could In 1 : s 1 lowed to store cotton out on the ! streets and elsewhere In the sunshine so that It ratt he dried They do wish | the tnsursnre rste to hr* Increased on such cotton The committee named , for this piir|Hise la composed of! Messrs J . Doughty, Jr, Porter Fleming and Win Butt The compress situation Is also one demanding attention and for this p r I pose a committee was a|H>lnted to meet with the compress represents fives and see what arrangements esn be titsde to handle the cotton now on band without further delay Messrs .! p Doughty W M O'Dow-l Slid C. F Bsjtet were named on the I committee. The meeting was one of the uioat | Interesting that has been held at the exehange in some time and on ad ! Journmenl Ihe thanks of Ihe exchange were tendered Mr. .laekson for the ex eellent spirit manifested In the mat ter and many members thanked hint Individually. "Buy Clinch field Domestic foal now while the price la low l.eave! orders with you deslrr. or write tb- Cllnchflrld Coal Corporation Char I lotte, N C." THANKS FOR HELP The sewing committer of the As aoclated charities wish lo thank Mill larky Sullivan Dry (iondt and Chain llun'er for dry good* Bowen Bros lor scissors, Mt Mulhrrln for water. Thoms* a Martini Co for tin of *ry> log nmehlnes. & Wells for buckets; three cob fed women for servient in helping sew A special collection of garments w-11l be made by the Augusta Branch, of the Needlework llulld. In order to relitv# the destitution caused b\ tit led ut flood 'I uis collection will in ' na -vise Interfere with .he regular fall Collection Any contributions of new or half-worn garment a. lieddlng. etc, will be gratefully received Vnvone d siring to contribute may send article* to any of the follow tng member* who will see that they are distributed (Signedl Claire \\ Kenm-il, Ipo- Mr*. C \ Itow'and Mrs l-etoy Hankers.,n. Miss S K I amphslt Mr* \\ N Benton Mr* i 'ha* Parr Mr* C V Cummins* Mr* A F Pcndlnou Mtss M K Klrchley, Mr* Cha* Bohler Mla* Bedoe \\ sixty Mias Clara Ku wait Mr* Marthx Meyer Mrs Jas Myet * Miss Jem t Burn* Mr* W F How. Mr* J B 'ewman. Mr* K J Wilson Ml** Kmiua Cleckley. Miss Henrietta Robertson Mrs C T Wilson Mrs tleo Vtrdery Mr* B P l>e*ter Mr* M I MllUgaa Mr* J L Dillon Mr* Jno Fennell Ml** Caro c»rr Mr* W'm Martin Ml** Msinl* Usllte Ml** Mary North Mia* Julia Smith Ml*- MarjpMWt Battla. >(r* •s' en Mr* * I- Osborne Mr* A K lUteher. Mr* 1C J VBrtaa Mia* earn* Oo» Mr* Lout* Clinton Mr* H. C Bu*h Mr* T tl Brßttngbam Mrs C A Duvall Mr* J T Smith Mr* J K flamy Ml** Roby Totnmln*. Mr* L M ip.. Jo*atr Wardlaw SAVED ELEVEN US FROM FLOOD It la a record that hcfalla few men to know they have saved 11 per sons from a watery grav t In one day Huch Is the case of Mr. J A Fetich tenberger, tip baker at the Hollings worth fJrocorv company Mr Feytch tenberger lives over the store at the | corner of Telfair and Campbell 3ts. When the water was lit Its highest Thursday. Mr Fuechtenberger went Into the store and nailed the largo ease* to the wall, na log them from | darnge except by water When the water first started to rise, Mr Feuchtenherger got a rap# and carried It up stairs with bun j During the day he saved 8 white men and A negroes He said “The the people would try to cross Camp bell street and when I told them that It w'hh Impossible they wouldn’t lls ten There w.-re et».ht boat* that I tried to i-r i i.i tne street and the otic mans - d h. M-:- ra Durst and Rug .-rs of the Hook and l.adder Co., and Mr T II Parker, of the Coal statlor with Mr Jacob I’hlnlxy as a pasaen ger was the only boat crossed In safety and I thought they would | drown The boat* would strike against the awning posts amt break Into pier. s The men held to the post* | until I could throw the rope and pull them up to my porch." ’The boat containing y ting Marlon O'Connor and two negroes capsized at the corner of Walker r.nd Cii iipne.i street, i jumped front my banister to the one next ilo.-r at d in that man ner made my way to the next corner. Toting O'Connor a-ns going down the third lltne. when 1 threw tip- rope to the negroet and rna.l them tie It around him, Y a this Is my third flood | was In two in Richmond, V*. That's mt home " Mr Fe nho ih.-rger litis suffered no 111 effect 'rnm ills strenuous efforts of Thur u,.y hurt'em to FLODD SUFFIBERS Many Dollar* Have Been Given by Ontaiilera. In sddlllnn to the 11,27#.00 from a'l sources for the Augusta flood suf ferers acknowledged Sunday, seven more contribution* were received this morning, raising the total to $1,321 On RICHMOND COUNTY RECORDS ARE SAFE It Is of groat Interest lo the people that .all tin records ot Richmond county ate sal.- The water entered the clerk s office, but It wa* only abort! | lac baa .t.-.-p Ordluorj w»l ton’s office was a little higher and It escaped al damage There I* yer« ■little work coming In at the court house I* everybody Is busy denning I U|> Ordinary Walton will hold his ■ court next Monday morning SILT DAMAGE TO CEMETERIES Wnlls Waxlietl Down and is Few Monuments Over- Turned. The flood did very little damage to the cnmeterle* heyond washing down the sail*. At the otty cemetery the onlv damage dons wa* to the wall* They were washed away, and only two ot ibri-t- monument* were over turned No grave* a*hed to any ex tent There t* a re|»ort out that some tHiiltee washed up. but that U a ml* take *» th,. onlv daman to the grave* *’** lliit they wen- washed down lo Ih. level of Ihe walk* Calhoun, the keeper ol th* colored cemetery, aald “The only damage done wa* to the fence, a* II la wa*h ed aw,, hut there were no bodies | disturbed " The work of repairing the fences ■ and wall* wii he started tn a lew jiU't and there w!| lot mxhtug lo ►how (be prog re** ol the flood OftOC* Off EASTERN STAB MEETS , The regular luec tsx of the Kaalera Star will tn huld fhtr*d*i aflerutoou at 5 o cloeff kit member* are urged I 10 be prtnenL MINEY DONATED BY ATLANTA PEOPLE Atlanta, (in Fo low-1 rg Is an ac count of relief fund for Augusta flood sufferers. Of th< amount which Is sr-know led.-wsl S.'urda SBS come from the members of fieorfla's senate. The ] movement was started In that body Friday afternoon, and within a few ! minutes the senators had deposited contribution* totaling thtig arcoun; with Secretary N'orthen, who turned i It over to The Journal fund Saturday morning. While ihe most y Is pouring Into he general donation fund, a car of tood s tiffs is being loaded Jjy Atlanta merchants and Atlanta citizen* On every hand the spirit is mani fest of extending a steady helping hand to the unfortunate ones. After the Itood had mined their homes, and after flame* hud added their smaller part to the general de vastation. when the waters hail be gun to recede and the menace of fire had died down, Ihe citizen* of Alt giista, tortured by fear through many long hours, fotlnd themselves con fronted with aettta! want, actual hun ger It was this condition which became known here In Atlanta, and which Immediately after Us reallxatton gave rise lo the movement for the relief fund Master Eugene Asher Biyltg, con trlbutor nt $1 in l}p Hat published Friday afternoon, was a dypogMtphl cal error shown In that ll*' as Master Kttgene Aitfpr tine of 'he principal worker* In the cause of thi Augusta suff«r r r > Is Colon.-I Sum V Wilkes of 'Tie G«<k gla road Colonel Wllk-s, who Is a former resident of yiguyla, active engaged In the yr.nAt ot collection anl has materially helped In swelling the l number of contribution* Saturday's Collection* Following arc the contributions re reived Friday and Saturday*. Asa Candler 1100.00 Davlamv Paxon Stoke* Co .. .. inn.uo Georgia State Senati 9a.On Sidney c Tapp lecture 58 30 Thomas M Clark 2:>"1 tleyi Must Clothing Co 33. nu Mrs Casper Myers 1""" Miss Marlon Wells 1 "" \t B ' 0I "> Mrs F Fuller - Jno 11 Morse I- 00 C .1. Fdntondson I 1,11 A M Yerner 6 - ,m H 11. Cahanlsa ■>"' J F.lgle. 3"° >trs 1 .mils (iholslln • UU c.holsMn t nnnlngham Spring Bed Co ?5 UC MeCord-Stewart Co .. . .. . °’i Kcllee Bros 25"" 1< R Shropshire -I 011 F I' Chandler 5.00 John D Simmons ('ll tnbelln Johnson Dußose Co 25"" Fielder ti Ali n Co 2 "" Fulton Market .1 1,. Prior 2.J.UU Cash cash »•«*' cash *■* Mrs K W Smith. 5.00 The Atlanta Constitution. 280.00 Previously aeknoyy lodg'd 186.00 MR BRYAN CUMMINGS CORRECTS ERROR ABOUT FRESHET Kdltor of The \nvustn Herald, Sir ICi you wish to I'l'nool an »r rnr appearing In yaur Sunil ' l**u« In reference l" the periodicity 01 treshets in Augusta? Thu suit of .I IV Whim against thu Richmond and Danville Railroad grew nut ul thu IkSX freshet Poutuiel rur the iii tunilunt railroad endeavored lo show that this freshet was so un precedented as to be fairly conaUlere.l an act ot tlod. The Plaintiffs emin Hfl endeavored to show that It wasn t so much to submit to the Jury sworn evidence of all authentic Information that the opposing Interests could set as to freshets The record In -his! ease I* on die In Ihe t'lerk's Office of, the t’lty Court and can be easily ex • mined bv un\ peiaon The article In 'out paper was In error In speak InR of fresh lee In I*4* «"d l*«' s There was no freshet In ISIS, or a' least none aufflcent to excite com incut fn IMP the great fresh, a noun as the llarlson Freahet too* place and at that time at the Knur' at ihe River reached a heighth ot UT fe.-i tan Inches Tin next treshei ot all' magnitude was in 1 **'•'■ an. 1. • cm* to he no va. 1 record or he height of this freshet hut It was for persons to have passed the corner ot Mclntosh and Telfair In boats. There was no freshet in HtiC iln fski occured the highest If h. t certain!' since Iks- smew ts«o in th.- I**l fre»he., he **«*'' : lose ta. a height of shout ’ 1 I tkss the rlSf Of the water »»' hourly : noted t" Mt Keener the SuP-’rmmn dent Of the I'tty Bridge and Wharf lit reached Its height level between U o'clock m'dntght and 1 on a. m of I the night September th* uange showing a hetaht of ** and l - Ed and that w». the highest he had lever known It to re oh and h. had been ltv Int m Augusta .Is ••• . » at h I time he testified Mr Davtdron th. ! then P.t> Kr.gtneer f*t (od as to the records in hi. office which covered the llarlson Pteshet He also*'» ; that thos. r-eerd. were largely mad up of silt** ut from newspaperw 1 n very t.e, 1 that -he ■••-• paper aee,.un-a i shows lh.t lt would IS welt for >"’■ ito correct your other accounts aa It ,„.V be the .wcaaten hematic- of p- r ! sons falling Into etror The record of ; the height ot water referred to h> Mr Keen r and M- l'«\ tdson was the ’ gauge at the River Bridge Vetv truly yours UK YAM Ct.VXIINOJ* THE AUGUSTA HERALD. OVER $15,000 AVAILABLE FOR RELIEF OF HUNGRY Meeting; of Relief Commit tee Show* Work Well in Hand—Government Offi cer Wiil Send SIO,OOO Worth of Food and cloth ing. At the meeting of the relief com mltfep today at noon statements of the progress made by ther ellef work er* was given to the public and It shows that over $15,000 has become available since the fund wa* started. This Includes $5,000 from city coun cil and $4,000 from the Board of Char ities. Practically $5,000 has been ex pended, but over SIO,OOO now remains on hand available fpr use. Mr. E. B. Hook, who la handling the work, pre sented his statement In detail and the work of Mr. C. A. Rowland, who has been at work In co-operating In the establishment of the relief stations, through the Associated Charities, also made a splendid report. There was considerable argument about accepting further outside aid, other than that proffered by the rep, resentatlve of the war department, ('apt. A. H, Huguet, who was present. The motion was finally lost without consideration and outside aid will still be accepted In order to relieve the situation sh much as possible. Capt. A. H. Huguet, of the quarter master's department of the United States army, was present, having been detailed here to examine Into the situation and send in his recom mendations for emergency aid. It was given as his opinion that the sufferers needed Immediate help and he would so advise the war depart ment. There appears to be about SIB,OOO of the special emergency re lief of the war department now on hand and possibly slo.nno of this may be sent here In th- way of food, cloth ng and medicine. It 1* expected that the government will supply most of the clothing neded by the sufferers The matter of distributing and ex pending the supplies sent by the gov eminent was left in the hands of Mr. K B Hook and C A. Rowland, who will confer vvl|,h Captain Huguet a to what action to sake. It is expected that authority will be given to pur chase he needful supplies at onec from local dealers if they can be sup hore. A Special committee was appointed to confer with council on all occasions where a conference was necessary hereafter and Messrs. Charles Estes, VV. B. Younf. R E. Allen. Thos. Bar rett Jr. mid F. B. Pope were named as the committee Further Donation*. Mr. Thos Barrett, Jr., sent in a telegram from Edward Moyse & Co., reuuostlng Mr. Barrett to purchase slou in provisions aud draw on them for the amount. A communication yy ns received from J. B. W bite & t 0.. giving" $15(1 and tendering the use if Ihetr delivery wagons In sending out food. Mr Thos. VP. Boyless read a com munication from the Atlanta Consti tution enclosing 825". and the thank* of the committee wan extended to that aper. Letters offering aid and expressing were read and other minor matter* attended to b.rfore the meeting ad Intoned. Those present were; ( apt W B Young. Cspt A H Huguet. of the United States army, and Messrs. \ustln Branch. .1 E Woodruff. C. B Mat hen v. The* W Loyless. Uowdre I hlnlrv. R E. Allen E R Hook. F,. C, Kalhflelach. F R. Pope and C. A Rowland. Besides these representatives of the Hpeelnl eolored relief committee were present including Sllax X. Floyd. Rev C T Walker and Dr. (I. N Stoney -They were given more money and supplies and th« work in their district was reported as pro gressing fairly well. The committee will meet again on Tuesday morning at the appointed time. 11 o'rloek. and such steps as may be found necessary at that tint" will be carried out. Past Grand Master It. 11 McCowen of the Odd Fellow* has received a let ter from the Grand Master offering aid of the Order to -all Augusta Odd Fellows who may need it NOTICE Pnrtiea knowing rases of auffei'iug; and destitution among the flood sufferers in AuKiistn should commu nicate promptly with cither 1. The members of the Citizen* and Council Relief Committee, Capt. W. B Young, chairman and Mr E. B Hook, Sec. and Treaa. 2 The Associated Chari ties, office in the Dyer Building or any of the various charitable oruani satious t>f Augusta, asso ciated with the Associated Charities. 3 With the Salvation Army Headquarters and those in charge. 4 With the regular Board of Charities, office at the Court House. 5 With the Colored Citl gens Committee, composed of Rev. C. T. Walker. Silas X. Floyd, Dr. G. N. Stoney, A. C. Yount; and P. H. , Craig. 1 V Deputy P. H. Rice of the Knights ot Columbus has received letter* and telegrams from ever; council in the state offering aid to ! ail Augusta K OF C. who may need ; It. A rne<-ting will he h“ld tonight by the Patrick Walsh Council, looking to relief measures. Wednesday Night Woodlawn Lodge T. O. O. F. will hold a meeting to ap propriate money for the relief fund. Kchwarzchi'.d & Sulzberger, through local manager (3. F. Riley, have given $50.00 to the relief fund. Burton, Taylor, Wise have subscrib ed SIOO to the relief fund. Mr. Geo. S. Murphy estimates the loss on his farm by the flood at about $2,000 The employment bureau at the Chamber of Commerce was swamped by applicants for employment today. Supt. Anderson of the C. & W. 0. wants 200 men. The Nashville Beard of Trade wired the Chamber of Commerce sympathy and asked tor adylce in the way of assistance. Mr. A. H. McDaniel, who had his place destroyed by fire in North Au gusta, estimates his loss at one to two thousand dollars above insurance. He is open and ready for buiness in Augusta today. Mr. I I Doughty estimates the loss on hls 1 in to be In the neighborhood of SIO,OOO. . "A DAUGHTERS OM‘*SABELLA MEET The regular rod-ting of the local chapter ot th" ¥>■■■ tghters of Isabella will be heUk T-i 'Sdav morning at 10 o'clock in the club rooms. A full a f ( tifl'inpft rU K ; I, That each month in all the best homes in this country, on the library table, and in every club reading room, you find the METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE It is because it keep* you in (ouch with those great public and human movements on which the American family depends. It is because its stories are the best published anywhere. It is because its illustrations in color, and black and white, set the standard. It is because its articles are the most vital and interesting. It is because there is something in each copy for every member of every American family. A YEAR’S FEAST 1800 Beautiful Illustrations. 1560 Pages of Reading Matter. 85 Complete Stories. 75 Good Poems. 50 Timtiy and Important Articles. 1000 Paragraphs presenting the big newsof the ‘'World at Large." 120 Humorous Contributions. Wonderful Color Work, presented in frontispieces, inserts and covers. All Yours for One Year’s Subscription to THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE Price 51.30 per Tear or 15 Cents e Copy The publisher* of The Augusta Herald have mad* a apeelal arrange ment with the Metropolitan Magazine by which they are enabled to of fer the following extraordlnaty bargain: The coat of one year’* tubacrlptlon to The Metropolitan Is $1.6" The coat of 12 months' aubacrlption to The Herald It (6.00 We offer both for $6.00 2 R.O YCROFT PHILOS By FRA ELBERTUS, EAST AURORA, ERIE COUNTY, NEW MENTAL ATTITUDE Whenever you get out doors, draw the chin in, carry the head h lungs to the utmost; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul i clasp. Do not fear being misunderstood; and never waste a minute your enemies. Try to fix firmly in your mind what you would like t without violence of direction you will move straight to the goal. Ke the great and splendid things you would like to do; and then, as the da you will find yourself unconsciously seizing the opportunities that ar the fulfillment of your desire, just as the coral insect tak#s from the elements it needs- Picture in your mind the able, earnest, useful pers be, and the thought you hold hourly is transforming you into that vidual. Thought is supreme. Preserve a right mentaf attitude courage, frankness and good cheer. To think rightly is to create through desire, and every sincere prayer is answered. We becoi our hearts are fixed. Carry your chin in and the crown of your gods in the chrysalis. We Are Prepared i TO DO ALL KINDS OF TION WORK & REPAIRS TO PROP ERTY AND BUILDINGS PROMPTLY , AND CAREFULLY. CREASMAN & WILSON, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Phone 1580. 500 Harison Building. GOVERNMENT WILL iKVESTIGRTE THE COLITIS ■ • WASHINGTON.—Senator Clay of Georgia has telegraphed the war de partment asking that an army en gineer be detailed to make investiga tions in that state with a view to preventing recurrences of the pres ent flood conditions. SEVERAL INJURED IN GREETING CROWD MELBOURNE. The enormous crowd that turned out to witness the formal entry- of the American sailors to the city today proved too much for the Princess btidge, which spans the Yara river and forms the main ap proach to the city proper. WHY IS IT? MONDAY. AUGUST 31 RESORT TICKETS STILL GOOD ON C. &J C. The Southern railway announces that excursion tickets sold by the Charleston aud Western Carolina rail road on Sept. 14th, to mountain re sorts in the Carollnas, good returning Sept. Ist. will be honored by them without extra cost. Orders have been received for all passenger trains, incoming and outgo ing, to stop at the Schultz road cross ing, in Hamburg, for the accommoda tion of North Augusta and Hamburg passengers. The bridge barriers were overbur dened and as a result several persons were slightly injured.