The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 31, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT WANTS PEOPLE READ HERALD WANTS EVERY DAY FOR BARGAINS. There’s a Bargain in Thera Today That’s For You. There 18 u Job for you—of conrho; «.o keep it want ad. buiy lit your bo tmlf. Not much use reducing price* mid then keeping it u half hoc ret. Thu one person In the city to whom your want ,id should appeal 1* .lout lye* "ri-Hdlott the paper*" the** day*. I mantle** properly *GII olfwl moat of your good luck Itcothnr thing*. Kcimrthing thm In advert l«ed today would probably look better In your home tiinn in uliy other In Ibc city. Hundred* of people are "almost persuaded 'to buy real cm ate They will retd YOUR .id No store can afford to advertise a? greaslvely mile- t It la a (rood atore. You are aafe in patronizing a aloro that la not afraid to b« In the lliue light The rperobant who doe* not adver* llae at all probably ban hi* reaano —but If you naked him whni they were he w apiedlly Invent tome counterfeit oii-i lor you. SITUATION WANTED Male. rtitnK a young white MAN who haw had experience dealrea po allien In dry gondn, grocery nr fnrnl ture atore. Addreaa "Jack," Care The Herald •»!>! WANTED HELP Male WANTED RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS poal office clerk*, carrier*, $l,lOO yearly. November examinations j i’reparatlon free Write Immediately Franklin Inaißuin. Rocheater, N. Y j ■TBNOfIRAI’HKIt WANTED AT j once young man atenographer |4ti no per month Anawer In hand writing, Htale experience Addreaa XXX care of Herald. A 3 l|i WANTED Miscellaenoua wanted everybody to know that we aie open fur Imihlhoiih at { tin* name old idand Dellqueat New i (ml Old llook Store a3lc .1 Mft ICR WANTED I/) WEST I prb - per thouaand for lumber; too. j (111-I 111 lilt, "On feet \VW take rtlll (if I log Hither toiiK or «Wort leal Ad dtesa II M , eeie The Herald *4c A KKIMIKRBNTATIVK WHO CAN reach the educated je-epte chii earn one dollar per hour In writing to Mia. Doctor John It llender , •on* llle, N. C. all-j Horse Shoeing. llKill WATER NKVKR TOUCHED! m* on hortf »hmi!»n i h*'** on«* of tti«' b«’Mt »’QUlpi>' cl h<M hodiii iluipH in AugUßtt*. mid niwit*:- *h\ k full lln© of hHoi d k« ** * A l«o UlM* A kt! 'At haltd IllHtir j I fit nil tlu* i*ho«u» inym It and **♦* th«t tiny Hi* 1 put on properly. 1 •oltctt your |iktroo«K«, or a part ot j It nt lenat. Thrur of the l»«*Mt »!u»«th ! In town. 1 nn Ainu* forty five bond. i 4 p«*r d»> Shoo* otto dul j tar prr irt and upwmtU. Monthly aho«*ln* Horn* clipping. Clipper t lad- M AhNrprtu d. La M Hutto, 722 Kllta ulrovl. *Jl‘ Concrete Work. OONUItKTI WORK I DO ALL ktnda of concrete work, such a« cement walk*, reinforced work. I have the latest Improved machinery, and an expert foreman, and am pre pared to turn out work for big or der# LMtmales and apecttlcauon* (urnlahed A. M. M* Daniel. Align* ta, Oa. J27if Carpenter Work i am prepared to no all kind of carpenter repair work promidly can furnl»h two carpenter* Apply F M King IMS I'ope A»e «2p Safe Cleaned HAVE YOUR SAIF COMBINATION'! tnd ollod tht* and avoid tulufv IrouttV Jno. F j Vrkctato, ST OmplH*U M .Ulc Groceries. 1 AM NOW IN MY NEW STORK at 12AO Rtoad ttreet with a trexh lock of giaal* *ed am now rradv to till erder* on abort noth- Call and ■re in* J W Smith tUol Broad St ■lc Expert Cleaning. ci MR CLEAN AM' PHKSS YOUIt uit* L*4l«*‘ aluru rl«*anad and «,fd The bf*t work for thu t »y of any concern in cit> Pm a urw hat ahr it *«• van limit** old our net All work guar ant' Culbreth Pmilng Club. 31 & Mclntu.-ii Pt rbour 741 Ik! WfKW, mow AMT* nm .». ua. A WANT AD. IS QUICKER. In The Herald Pay lc A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALK: HALF CORD DRY plno wood, delivered, for $1 50. Rtiatlc awlnga $3.00 and Rocking chair* $1 60 each. Home fine Colum bian Wyandotte*. S. L. Wyandotte*, Light Itrahma* and White Rock* at special Clove out prices- Kgga for hatching, all Breed*. Belvldere Poul try Farm, Phone 1184, Augusta, lia. AUTOMOBILE: GOOD A 8 NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at White’s garrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. ts WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS paper* for wrapping purpOKC*. Ap ply at Herald office Jl6tf WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NlsWK paper* for wrapping purpo*e*. Ap ply at Herald Office. Jl6tf ENGINE: GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlas engine, practically new, for sale at a bargain. Address Engine, ! care Herald. WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS paper* for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald office. Jl6tf HAY PRESSES, FIVE DlFFEß styles ot our own make, -both belt i and horse power. Spike tooth har town, mower*, rakes, Isay loaders, manure Kpreader*. husk and ear eorn grinders, pea thr -uHhorr,, <B*. Repair ing farm Implement* of all descrip tions a specially. Conte und see us. Wlrtz A llernlen. J2Ktf. WE HAVE FOR HALE A TWO horse all steel hay baler, In splen did condition, *old for no fault, but the owner want* to buy a belt power tires* Come und see us, Wlrtz & llernlen. J2Btf IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT rooting use Protection Brand. This roofing haH a alx Inch lap and driving nulls through the lap only and in mi nting the over lapping sheet to It that no nulls are exposed it can be laid by any handy man This roofing I* made ai-phult and containing no tar Sold by W. W. Jones, 117 Mein tosh St, Augusta SI tic FOR SALE Poultry an I Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Ton.o* ( . (lee*e, Muscovey Ducks; Barred P'vmouth It a ka; all farm rallied, he,.. , hv and from first-ela** stock Price* reasonable. Address liowdrn Phtnlxy, Crovutown, (la. ts ID FF ORPINGTONS- Y FEW MCE young cockrele for sale. From the original famous Cook strain. Bowdru I'hlnDy, FOR SALE Real Estate AN IDEAL HOME IT WILL Dou ble in value In ten years; stop pay. leg rent; al-o 36 acre* fine laud at Giaiewood Apply tu C. T Schmidt. 443 Walker St al6c Lost and Found » ALF STRAYED OR STOLEN from corner Gwinnett and Harlsoe striet* Wednesday, a red calf. No tify MAS, cure The Herald, und get reward a22tf LOST, WATCH GOLD WATCH AND loh at qjilon deput. 8.10 Saturday afternoon Kinder will return and bo -- warded C W Beeson. 843 Reyil old* St ale FOUND COWS TAKEN UP OUT! of high water, on,, red heifer and | one blin k steer Ow ner ran recover j amp by provltut property ami pay Ipk expenses Apply It C Jemtlngr Clifton A*e. North AuruhU. H2c FOUND: ONE MARE IN CANAL Apply W. J. I’aul at Lombaid’e S2p FOUNT) HORSES TWO HORSES Owinr nm get same by proving property amt paying a’X|«utsea. Ap ply J. S. Farr, Albion New a Co. RnpS c Clothes Pressed THERE IS NO USE OF CRYING over .pilled milk What’* done ean’t be undone, but you eat) help matters considerably by sending ua, y our elothea to be cleaned and pres* | ed We can’t give you a new *ul!.' but we van make a our old one look plat a* good a* new Give u« a trial and be convinced Verier* Press mg Club. 313 Mclntosh. I'hone 2415 .1 I* Stephen*. Mgi «4u Pickling Goods GREEN IT PEERS Mr PER PECK; Hi«'«m toman*'* par an p a tltiagd! a\h? par gallon, onbmt 2£>c per boll park, larga while head bag* ll>c amt li*c; apttcaa and ll£. Now la the beat lime to do your pick Utlg Fleam' glxe me your older.] it A Grim aud. 31* Cummtng Mrcet, , Phone No ldub a!sc 1 DON'T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM h. E. EOURCHER. 572 BROAD ST. SUCCESS la sure If you plant Alexander’s SEEDS. WE TEST OUR SEEDS, every bag, at it arrives from the grow ers and WE KNOW they wi4l grow, and somehow the Augusta Truckers, and thousands of oth ers have found it out. That’s the reason we have already sold near ly twice as much seed this year as we did last. Good season now to plant tur nips, cabbage, beets, lettuce, win ter radishes, rutabagas, etc. THANK YOU THANK YOU Alexander Seed Co. CAREFUL SEEDSMEN. 011 BROAD. AUGUST A MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 819 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. Four Boat Cards. 50c alOtf FOR RENT Real Estate. RESIDENCES’ TWO DESIRABLE residences over Maxwell Building, 1200 Block Broad street, from Octo ber Ist. sue COTTAGE; A FURNISHED COT tage on Hill for rent for September and October. Apply F. M. Butt & Co., Leonard Bldg sic 7 WARREN BLOCK, FRONT AND rear atoreu lor rent; also 934 Elll street. Apply to Jacob Phinlzy. J6tf FOR ItBNT: RESIDENCE 1242 AND 1244 Broad street, $25.00 each. Pos- Henßlon at ouoe Jno i Evans. alßtf 405 Marbury, 6 room*. $27.60. Cor Oreeno and Marbury, over store, 10 rooms, $37 60. En'abllahed Grocery atore, oor Greene and Marbury. S3O 00. Parties having houses and lots for *al« or rent, please have them listed with ua. Cheap money to loan on city property. Apply Jno. J. Cohen, 735 Broad St JIMf STORKS 321 AND 323 JACKSON ST, opposite opera house. Apply to Hulae's Steam Laundry. Jstt FOR RENT Rooms jI OK RICNT 10-room residence atrset. above high wat4>r Ap ply Wednesday from II to 1 o'clock nt 413 ifruatl at. n.p FOR SALE Horses, Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON’T HUY YOUR HORSES und mule* front us. we both lose money Augusta Stock Y’ards. RED POLL CATTLE: A FEW choice heifers and bull calves. They are hardy, clean stuck, good milkers and with beef conformation Just the kind of cattle you like to see around the farm For prices and estimates, w rite Bowdre Phinlzy, Grovetown, Ga 9 Repairing Headquarters. IF YOU WANT ANY REPAIRING to be done or rubber Great to be fitted on baby earrlage*. go-carts, give in,, a trial; I alx*. repair sewing in* chine* ptanoe. organs, furniture amt etc I buy and sell second hand fur nlture and pay the best of prices for It. I also sell Being machine needle* j oil and all part* for all makes of machine*; all I ask of you la to give me a trial order, anil I will guarantee you satisfaction. 'Phone 666. Lewi* K. Moseley, 527 Broad atreet Al 6 Sun. Mon. Tue*., Moc Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS 'he best plastering material for wall* and celling* It give* addi tional strength (o the building and stay* put forever. A It MrlYatilei. Augusta. Ga j!4tf Clothes Presst d STILL DOING BUSINESS AT THE same old stand. In the same old way, at the same old price. Verdery I'reeslng Club. 313 Mclntosh street Phone 2425 *4e Wall Paper. PLENTY OF WALL PAPER AND paint on hand W 0 Rhoades £ Co. Opera Bldg sic Clothes Cleaned. SAVANNAH RUHR MUD STICKS pretty tight, but we can get It out. i Verdery Pressing Club. 313 Mclntosh ■ Phone 2t. *4C Furniture. DAMAGED FURNITURE RKF3NIBH ed «• d vit ’ «!■.••*! \\ *' Rhoades A Co . Opera Bldg. ale Matting. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF matting ert hand Call and soe it* before buying W. C. Hhoadrt A Ce opera Bldg ale Notice DR ’ n. BAKItOT HAS SKll RV ed tc M* office room SOB Bldg and will be pleased to see hie patient*. Aglp THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS Trunk Hospital OUR TRUNK DOCTORS I AND they are good ones) can put your old, disabled trunk, case and grip In firat-class condition —a new slat, lock, clpmp. etc., and It's in condition for years of service. Cost is small. Trunk sent for and delivered free of cost. C4y we will take your old trunk as part payment for a nice, new one Telephone us, 593, or give us a call at our well-stocked, upactous store. Augusta Trunk Factory, 861 Broad. Wrong side of a’reet, but right side of prices M. M. Cleckiey, Prop Pressing. PRETTY HARD, OLD MAN. BUT IT can be helped. Send your clothe: to us to be cleaned and pressed and you will never know they have been wet. Verdery Pressing Club, 313 7th St. Phone 2425. s4c To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING: FROM this date on your piano moved, tuned and cleaned for $5 00. The spe cial price of tuning Is $2.60. Call up Robt. J. Wataon. Phone 504, No. 666 Broad street, the Cable Co. (All work strictly first class.) 820 c Reward. FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND lever that Randall's Chill and Fe ver tonic tails to cure. Guaranteed to cure where others fall. No cure no pay. Phone 2211 Randall's Phar macy. We deliver to any part of the city. s2c PKRFETUA EXTRACT, SWEET auu a* the name Implies—lasting. $1.25 an ounce. Parr’s Pharmacy. Phono 369. Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUR day. Reudy at 11 o'clock a. m. 25c quart. Vandiver's Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. J2stf Shades. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN THE shade Hue we have them in all widths and lengths. \V. C. Rhoades & Co., Opera Bldg sic Cheap Lumher A LARGE LOT OF' FLOORING, CEIL lug aud weather boarding, all grades; a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1 -in. boards to Bxlo framelng. All this stock must bo disposed of In next 3d days. Aidresx Standard Lumber Co., Exposition Avt and 16th St., or W. J O'Connor, 856 Broad St. ts BEE N In the water but now out and ready for business at the same old stand. No damaged goods. Green & Horsey, 820 BROAD ST. —.— J"*""— .-1! ■ E. M. Deas MEATS HAS A FINE SELECT stock of home raised beef, veal, pork, extra fin,, lamb, spring lamb, etr. E. M. Ili ac, 313 Jackson street. Phone 210. Sic Brick Masons THOMAS NICHOLS AND SONS, Practical Brick Masena and Plasters want to figure with you. Try us and you will he pleased with results. Thomas Nichols, 1916 YVatklns St., Augusta, Ga. Sept2p Merry Widow. MERRY WIDOW PERFUME THE hit of the season. Try It. Phone u> No. 1166, Tt-asier Pharmacy, 1.166 Broad. J22U Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA. Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents Phone 111 Alt! Notice to the Public. j I RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY THE public that I am prepared to flit all order* in drugs, chemicals, etc. Prescriptions a specialty. The King Pharmacy, Phone 615., 1286 Broad St. Sip Furniture Repairing. WHAT'S THE USE OF BUYING new furniture when you can have your old furniture done over and It will look na good a* new for half the ! money. C. C. Mitchell, 519 Broad S*. • lc Fruits and Vegetables IF YOU WANT NOTHING BUT fresh fruit and vegetable* 1 hare them In large quantities; I also give you seiaethlng free with every reah purchase Phone order* given prompt attention Call phoae 69 Max Mo gulescue MS Broad street Sic A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c WARNING WE MAKE A SPECIAL TY OF OPENING AND REPAIRING IRON SAFES. ALL COMBINA TION LOCKS SHOULD BE EXAMINED NOW AND SAVE TROUBLE. H. E. Fourcher *72 BROAD. Drugs WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN the drug line phone 328. We de liver to any part of the city; also a full line of Buist garden seed. Model Pharmacy, B. F. Matheny, Prop., cor ner Broad and Kollock streets. Sic Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Al2tf SPECIAL NOTICES. STURMAN'S PREPARATORY SCHOOL 1239 Ellis Street, Augusta, Ga. Phone 1511. Fall and winter session begins Monday, September 14th. Thorough mathematical and classical course*. For full particulars, address WM. H. STURMAN, Principal. s3c HALL’S BARBER SHOP DOING business at the same old stand. A3lc TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to notify the public and ail whom it may concern that I will not he responsible for any debts contracted In my name, except thos e personally contracted by nit GEORGE H. HOWARD Sept 290 Owing to conditions of our city, the Dance scheduled to be given by Au gusta Pressmens Union, No. je7, at the Lake tonight, is posponed in deflnately. A Warning To The Public Whereas 'he City will he in dnrk ness ior two or three days to come and the same is well known througn out the surrounding country, I warn you to look out for thieves of all kinds that will flock here from dil ferent towns, such as Porch climbers, Safe blowers and general all-round thieves lie sure to leave gas lights burning in your place of business. Lookout for porch climbers In residence part of city. Keep your eye on fake sales men and agents throughout the city Make prompt reports to police head quarters. Phone 79. M. J. NORRIS Chief Police—S4( COTTON REGION BULLETIN. Augusta District. Temperature. Max. Min. Rain. Augusta 80 62 0 Allendale 81 66 0 Athens 76 61 0 llateeburg 75 58 0 Black v Hie 81 62 0 camak 80 57 0 Columbia 80 63 0 Greensboro 81 57 0 Washington 81 60 0 Waynesboro 80 63 0 Averages 80 61 * Texas Rainfall. Houston 96 Temple 22 District Averages. Temperature. Max Min. Rain. Atlanta 82 62 0 Augusta .. 80 61 0 ! Charleston 80 66 0 I Galveston 92 70 4 I Little Rock 92 64 0 Memphis 88 64 0 Mobile 88 64 0 Montgomery 84 62 0 New Orleans 88 66 T {Oklahoma 92 70 0 I Savannah ..86 64 0 {Vicksburg 88 66 0 Wilmington . .... ..80 60 0 Remarks. Except light ahowerg In Texas, dry und pleasant weather prevail* throughout the entire belt D FISHER. Observer. LEGAL NOTICES. jSTATE OF GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY. , To the Superior Court or Saia County: • : ,e petition of Nathaniel L. Willet, J ‘ , “ n PMnizy and William B. Marks, an i county, respectfully shows: 1- i hat they desire for iheraaelves, '' *!r aasocatee and successors to be in- Mporated under the name of the 'W. » illet fc>*ted Company, ’ for a perioa •>t twenty years, with the privilege oi .T-m-wal at ths* end of that time. -• i hat the object of said corporation pecuniary profit, and the particular ■ us in ess they propose to carry on is the uying and selling, both at whoienale u.a retail, of seeds, poultry supplies, prepared roofing, pet stock and or her *.nttls, and the buying, selling and uufaeturing of animal feeds, animal medle*. insecticides, spray machines, utilizers, farm machinery and anpii i.< e®, together with all articles and u'ichundise usually sold In connection itl. such business and to do a gen cl retail and wholesale seed and feed usiness. 3. That the amount of capital to ce in ployed by them,* actually paid in, js • -0.h0u.00, divided into 200 snare'* s»i *i’>o.Uo ouch. That your petitioners 3t said corporation to oe empowered *° increase said capital to an amount not. exceeding 1100,000.00 from lime to Ume, ns the stockholders may determine by a mujority vote, to receive propoi ’y. a - a fair valuation as well as money iri payment of subscriptions to mo k; ind that there shall bi- no individual liability to any stockholder, except for his unpaid stock subscription. 4. That the principal place of doing business of said corporation is to be the city of Augusta, in said county, with the right of establishing otner places of business at such points as the direc tors may determine. 5. That your petitioners desire juaid corporation empowered to buy, sell, own, lease and hire real and personal proper - ty; to contract and be contracted with; to borrow money; to execute and nego tiate its promissory notes and olhet ob ligations; to secure its debts by mort gages. security deeds and in any other manner recognized by the laws of Geor gia; to sue and be sued; to have a vO make by-laws and cnange the same at pleasure; to do and perform eveiy thing needful for the .successful Coiiduc: of such business and generally to n ive and exercise all the powers incident to such corporations under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they and their associates and success ors be incorporated with the powers and privileges, for the purposes and the term, and under the name aforesaid. HAMILTON PHINIZY, Attorney for Petitioners. STATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY— I, Daniel Kerr, deputy clerk of the Superior Court of said county, hereby certify that the foiegoing is a true and correct copy of the application lor char ter of N. L. Willet Seed Company, of file in this office. Witness my orticial signature and s<ni of said court this Bth day of August, 190#. DANIEL KERR, Deputy Clerk Superior Cour* R. Co. Ga. alO 17 H 4 31c STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. To the Superior Court of Said Couaty: The petition of Frank Rouse and H. Gould Barrett, of Richmond County, Georgia, and A. W. Reynolds and \V. W. McElmurray, of Aiken County, South Carolina, respectfully shows; <1) That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be incorporated under the laws of this state under the name and style of the Au gusta Canning Company, Übr u period of twenty years, with the privilege ot re newal at the expiration thereof. (2> That the principal office ot said company is to be in t lie City of Augusta, Georgia, dad petitioners desire the rigri to. establish branch offices within this state and elsewhere whenever the hold- ■ rs of a majority of the stock may so 1 determine. <3> The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain for itself and siocnnoia ers. »4) The business to be carried on by said corporation is the buying and sell ing of real and personal property, buying and telling of vegetables and frtrt of j ill kinds, and the canning and preserv- 1 •mg of vegetables and fruits, and the j carrying on of a general commission, produce, -storage and brokerage bust \ ness. That the capital stock of said c£>r- i ;-oration shall bf Twenty-Five I nous- ‘ d I>o!!ars <525,000.00), with ih*» privii-1 g of Increasing the .•nine to One Jitm ■' * <1 Thousand ($100,000.00;, upoy a nw crity vote of the stockholders. ov.k is to be divided into shares of' • hundred dollars tsloo> o; eh, twenty per cent <2O per cent) of the eapl'ai I - oek to be employed by said corporation ‘ ■ vlng already been actually paid in. Petitioners desire to * .vcrcis • nil I he rights generally incident t > corpor- : •Hons, such as to sue and be sued, make I .11 necessary by-laws, rules and tvgula- ' inn*, execute notes, bonds and other uid-nces of Indel *«*dness. M nu *oi ur* ‘h. same by mortgage or security do. d, * acquire and sell the stock of other rpor.Gioi s. and to discontinue and ! -ii <1 up t!. r 1 ;>i • • : y ume up-vi th * vote of two-thirds of said stockhold-j (Signed.) W K. MILLER, Petitioners Attorney. 1 Filed In Office this loth day of Au- , gust, 1908*. WM. DA. WALKER. Clerk Superior Court Richmond Co. Ja. j STATE OF GEORGIX RICHMOND COl NTY— I Wm D’A Walker, clerk of the Su perior Court of said County, do hereby ’ certify that the foregoing 1a • ti te .md e o re* t copy of he application for char i ter of the Augusta Canning Company, i ii"* It is of file In the office of said --ourt. I WM. D A. WAi.KEI*. Clerk Superior Cour* .iJchiuonu Co. Ga. alO 17 24 31c. j Union Saving* Bank v*. Jesse F. Hatener in 1 nr; mT”;riok court of kilu mond County, Georgia, 'ktober term, lbv.v Foreclosure of Mortgage. To Jesse K. Hatcher: You are here! y cited and required, per sonally or by attorney, to be and rppunr at the .Superior Court to be held In and for satd County, on the tnlnl Monday In October, 19VS, then and there to make ..: -wer or def, i*l\e allegation In wru ing. to plaintiff'* petition: a*. In default thereof, the court will proceed according to the statute in *uch case* made and provided While** the Honorable Item*- C. item mand. Judge of *.*!d Court, thl* the 27tn day of July ISOS WM D'A. WALKER. Clerk. J74-:* *:»-2»r FUNERAL NOTICE. DtED—MRS ADELINE BRADY IN Nt * York. Wednesday, Aug. "6th, funeral from the realdence of Mrs 1 0. Le»y, 1167 Greene St., Tt'BS DAY, Srpt. let . at 4 p. m Atlanta and Sarannnh papers and New York Herald plraer ropy, A*lc. MONDAY, AUGUST 31 WANTS LIBEL FOR DIVORCE.—PROCESS. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Acquila Chace vs. N. L. Chace, The defendant, N. L. Chace is nereby required, in person or by Attorney, to be and appear at the Superior Court next, to be holden in and for the County afore said, on the Third Monday in October, 1908, then and there to answer the Plaintiff in action of Divorce, eto. As in default of such appearance, said Court wil proceed thereon, as to justice may appertain. Witness the Honorable Henry C. Ham mond. Judge of said Court, this 18th day of August, 1908. WM. D'A. WALKER, A IS-31 S 15-29 Clerk. Trustees Sale in Bankruptcy. Under and by virtue of an order of the Hon. Joseph Ganalil, Referee In Bank ruptcy for the North Eastern Division of the Southern District of Georgia passed in the bankruptcy case of Tysor Cheat ham Mercantile Company bankrupts, the undersigned will expose for public sale on the premises formerly occupied by said Tysor Cheatham Mercantile Com pany at Warrenton, Georgia to the high est bidder for cash on Mpnday,- August the 31st, A. D. 1908, between the legal hours of sale commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, the folowing property sold as thd property of said bankrupts: The stock of general merchandise of Tysor Cheamham Mercantile Company consisting of dry goods, shoes, hat*, clothing, mens furnishing goods, milli nery, notions, hardware, groceries, far mer’s supplies, fixtures and furniture, such as show cases, wall slio \ cases, safe, chairs, etc., notes and accounts, j wagons, 1 horse, etc. The stock of merchandise will first he divided into parcels and sold in that man ner and then in bulk which ever method realizes the most money will be reported to the Court for confirmation. Ail sab s subject to confirmation by the Court. The successful bidder wil be required to deposit ten per cent of his bid in cash, the balance to be paid in when sale is confirmed, if any sale is not confirmed the deposit wil be returned This the 24th Day of Augusta, A. D. 1908. OLIVER ORR, Trustee for the Tysor Cheatham Mercantile Co., Bankrupts. JJJCKEFEUEI'S SIFT TO THE BAPTIST NEW YORK—As the first step to ward endowing a great Baptist Uni versity in the south, as he has al ready done in the ease of the Chicago University in the north, John D Rockefeller, through the general edu cational board of this city, has of fered Richmond College, Richmond. Va., $t50,000 on condition that the Baptise of the state raise an addditlon $350,000. 7, 000 MEN ARE IDLY AWAITING AGREEMENT All Coal Mines in Wyom ing Closed Yesterday. BUTTE. Mont.—All the coal mine* in Wyoming closed yesterday, and 7,- 000 men are idle because of the fail ure, of the operators and representa tives of the United Mine Workers to reach an agreement on a wage scale. Open Again! Wo arc ready for business with a com plete new stoek of pood* and we are sell ing everything at very dose figures for cash. Mark's Grocery Co. 1023 Broad Street. Phone 1095. LEGAL NOTICES.