The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 31, 1908, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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MONDAY, AUGUST 31 News of the Cotton Crop and Markets AUGUSTA COTTON MARKET LAST QUOTATIONS Middling: 9 x /\e Old Cotton 10c Tone—Quiet New York Cotton Market (Today's Figures.) Open. High. Low. Close. January .... 8 52 8 52 8 47 8 st) October 8 52 8 55 8 48 8 55 December 8 49 8 50 8 44 8 50 Tone —Steady. (Saturday's Figures.) Open. High. Low. Close. January 840 845 838 544 August 854 —— 854 October 858 861 852 856 December 846 852 845 848 Tone—Steady. Spots— NEW ORLEANS COTTON. (Today's Figures.) Open. High. Low. Close. January 8 37 8 43 8 33 8 41 March . 8 44 8 46 8 44 8 46 August 9 S 3 9 36 9 33 October 8 52 8 56 8 43 8 56 December 8 44 8 50 8 42 8 50 Tone—Steady. Spots— (Saturday's Figures.) - Open. High. Low. Close. January 857 857 853 854 February —— 856 March *63 863 859 862 September —— 871 October *62 862 855 856 November 853 December 857 857 850 852 Tone —Steady. FULL QUOTATIONS IN THE LOCAL MARKETS (Today's Figures.) f ’h>se. Low middling 9 Strict tow middling 9 1-8 Middling 9 1-4 Strict middling 9 '*•* Good middling 9 *-2 (Yesterday's Figures.) NO QUOTATIONS. RECEIPTS, SALES AND SHIPMENTS Net receipts today 14' Through cotton today Gross receipts today 191 y.::eipts for Week. 3a!«p. spin. Shpit Sat Mon. ... 147 6 T ues .... I Wed • Thurs • .... .... Kri ■• • • ... ■ Total. . . 147 6 Sales tor Week. 1908. 1907. Sat Mon. ... 191 469 Tues •■.. Wed.. * .• • • Thurs .... Fri Total. . . 191 845 STOCKS AND RECEIPTS Stock in Augusta, 1908 8.352 Stock in Augusta, 1907 8,687 Receipts since Sept 1, 1907... .358.849 Receipts since Sept 1. 1906 . .. 469 IN SIGHT AND SUPPLY 11(18. 19117. Sight to Aug 29 11.590.638 13,520,858 During week . 10t,4*8 69.534 Visible supply . 1.713.541 1,323.144 ESTIMATES FOR TOMORROW Today. Last Y r Galveston 3221 12-1509 Houston —— New Orleans 259 PORT RECEIPTS Today Last Yr. Galveston 8811 4378 N>» Orleans 1123 23 Mobile .. 255 78 ' Savannah *1546 1041, Charleston 32 j Wilmington —— Norfolk —— ! Baltimore - 1 New York —— —— i Boston —— Philadelphia —— Brunswick ——! Pensacola —— | Various. —— Total porta test.). .13000 55*2 INTERIOR RECEIPTS Houston 6034 1 Augusts 191 469 Memphis .. —— St. Louia Cincinnati.. .. .. —— —— Little Rock —— Open. 2pm Close. Jan-Fnb. . .4.61 4.58 4.59% Feb-Mar. . .4.61 .... 4.61 Mar-Apr. . . 4.64% 4.61 4 62% Apr-May. . . 4*.65 .... 4.63% May-.lunc. . . 1.66 4.62% 1.64% June-Jtily July-Aug. . .5.32 Aug-Sopt. . . 4.89 4.81 % 4.87% Sept-Oct. . .4.70 4.65 4.66 Oct-Nov. . . 4.66 4.62% 4.63% Nov-Dee. . .4.63 .... 4.61 Drc-Jan. . .4.61 4.58 4.59% Stiles. 2,000 l receipts, 1,200; tone, steady ; middling, 5.25. LOCAL STOCKS AND BONDS. (Uorr«c*'vl by Martin A- Garrett.) Government eorcs. Afik<vS. r. s. 3s, i!»o$ mo r. S 4s. 1323 r. S. 2s, 1030 103 State Bones. Ga S’fcF 1030 J & J 97 i in. 3',4,s 1915. M St N .. 93 On. 4M.S, 1922, .1 Sc .1 105 C'ty Bonds. \UJ*us?n 4?. 1931. M A: S.. f>7 Aiir.wtr. 4'Ag. 1923. A & 0 103 Augusta ts. 1931. M .* * J 7 Atlanta, 13)4, .1 v J . U>b - - ■ Augusts: 4.«, 19 '*. M A N. . 9s ■■■ Uh:7rloßton 4f. 1909, J Si J 99 - Charleston 4’is, 1928, A & n JO4 • Uarlrston as. 1924, A & 0 105 Coumbiii, 4s, 1910. J Sc. J.. 9b —- Columbus 4»*, 1927, J J. & J. 102 Railroad Stocks. \tlan 1a and ’.Vest Point R. It 140 144 Ga U R and Hanking Co 23? 237 A St S II U CO 103 —— Southwestern R R Co ... 101 10b Bank Stocks. Aucusta Saving** Hank . 17b ——* Irian-American Hank (par $25) 10 Merchant# Hank 100 195 National Hark . 133 i4o National Kxchans* Hank. 126 100 Planters 1/mn A. Saving}* Hank (par $10) 20 22 1 Inion Savings J‘ar»k (par $25) 62!* Oltlxen*’ Bank • l')l Local Bond*. Auguata Factory l*t Cb. due 1915. M andM . I'l Augusta Tty & Co Ist 1940, r t u ... M Bon Air Hol'd Co. «s. J. A D . 1011-21 .100 Ja<k*onvllle s*. 1924, M * N 10« - Mar on I«A*. 1926, .fanuAry <iu*rt'-rly loi —— Macon Is. 1910, January quarterly 102 Fav/.ni-r.h ss. 1909, Feb ruary quarterly . ... 9$ ——. davannnh f»s 1914, January quarterly . .102 Local Bond*. Enlerprl** Mfg Co. l*» r.». 1923. MAN ... 93 97 Sibley Mfg Co. lat s*. due 192:*, J A II . ... 93 17 Railroad Bond*. Augusta So Ily Ist mort gage, r.y, J A l> . . . *5 hy v” of Gn Hy let \lfg 55,.. 1945. K .in.l A .119 C of fla Hy Ist Con Mfg sa. 1946. VI and M ..106!* C of f»U. Mar ,* Not l*iv, tat r*s. 194*;, ,i nnd j . 99 :o: Crntn*l of f »a M, G and Atr Ist s*. 1947, J A J 99 10'J C« .trtil of Ga Ka ton o*l Branch, lat £.*, 1926. J and I» 99 102 C of G* ) R f In* ohm 5* 191 f. CV* 69 C of Gn 2nd pfs] Income f»s, 1946, Oct 49 C of G 3rd Income, 6*. 1946 Oct 29 « C Ga tty Mobile Htv let 6p. 1946. J A J ... 10f —— C C A A :r*d 7s, 1910, A *MO .. .10$ On R R At Hanking Co G* R R A n co (i I*-- .110 _ F Hy, Co.. let con. 6». 1994. J and .1 '-.Outhern Cotton Mm wtortc*. Abbeville Cotton Mills <H C) .v. 96 94 Afken Mfg cn 11 (•).„- . 90 \ ndert on Cotton Mlita (8 f ’> PM 61 $4 CHICAGO MARKET. (Today's Figures.) Open. High. Low. Close WHEAT — September 94% 95% 94% 95% CORN CCCmbrr •* •• 94 ’* 95 % 94% 95% September .. 77% 77% 77% 77% December .. 66% 67% 66% 67% OATS— September .. 49% 49% 48% 49% PORK- embW 49 m 8 49 49 '' 9 September .. - October ’ ’ LAHU— September 9 45 9 47% 9 42 9 17% October fl 50 955 ‘ 950 955 RIMS— September .. 8 87% 8 97% 8 87% 8 97% October .. 8 92% 905 8 92% 905 (Today's Figures.) Open. High. Low. Close. WHEAT— September 94% 95% 94% 94% December 95 95% 94 % 9414, May 98% 98% 98 98 CORN— September 77% 78 77% 77% December 66% 66% 66% 66% OATS May 64% 64% 64% 64% September 40% 49% 48% 48% December 49% 49% 49 49 PORK- - Ma.v 51% 51% 50% 51 September 1475 1475 1462 1465 October 1485 1487 1487 1477 LARD — September 937 937 935 937 October 943 947 94:, 945 January 9:17 937 995 935 RIBS September 887% 890 887 8.85 October 895 897 895 895 January 840 840 832 832 New York Stock Market Atchison 91% Atchison pfd 95% Baltimore and Ohio 95% Canadian Pacific 177 Chicago and Alton 24 Chicago and Northwestern.. ..162% Colorado Southern 3574 Erie 23% Illinois Central 140% Louisville and Nashville 110% Mexican Central 16 Missouri Pacific 57% New York Central 106'., Pennsylvania 125% Reading 128% Rock Island 17% Rock Island pfd 31% St. Paul 144% Southern Pacific 106% [Southern Railway 19% Union Pacific 163% Union Pacific pfd 86% Wabash 12% Wisconsin Central.. 23% Mrs. Drexel j, ' Mrs. Anthony Drcxel, who is one of the latest of American society women to make London her ifyno. She has juiit Iriged for seven years a hand some residence in the England capi tal. Arkwright MMIa 106 109 Augusta Factory 70 Helton Mill n 110 uj (’libarnn Cotton Mills . 130 135 Chadwick Mfg Co f N C.) pfd 106 ino Chlquola Mfg Co <B C) 120 120 Cllftm, Mfg Co (F C). lift 116 Clifton Mfg Co (« C) pfd 69 Columbus Mfg Co (Ga).. 91 sf»i Courtenay Mfg Go (H <*) V 7 106 Dallas Mfg *'o (Akt> .. 94 101 Fnore' Mfg Co (H C) . . 70 bo 1.-iorce Mfg Co (8 C) pfd lOl Kagl'' and Phoenla Mill* (Ha) 132 Kadcv (!otton Mill* (F C) 136 Hr, ICrrcprl * Mfg Co (G*).~ x» C.-ffricy Mfg CO <8 O).. 94 100 J2d pfd -. »« 91 ( in l r ’« >*villff Cotton Mill* (On) 60 60 GrauH'-vti;* Mfg Co (H C) 155 !«() I Granby Mill, pfd - - 62 lOrendel Mills (H C) 116 ]2O I Henrietta Mills 'NO 140 16/ ! King Mfr Co 9/ !«o gl y Mfg Co lOO f.tiTif *t*»r Cotton Mill* H r, 10$ . f.. -*• • Co**nn Mb!* (H C| rM. 152 140 f .tone Mill** '8 C) . 140 f.euier Mills *N Ct • S#o •i, !»'• pfd • 94 i Marfboro Cotton Mill* I Oran**-1 g Mfg Co T»o 2nd pf*l 90 | Pelham Mfg Co <0») l pfd ... 101 -04 po* Mfg Co, r W (8 C) 100 104 : Rnlelgh Cot*on Mill* <M I Cl .100 104 I Fenbuole Mfg Co Coni 40 —~ r>o 2d pfd —-• lb THE AUGUSTA HERALD. J. C. McMlffE. Market, Editor Intcrboro Metropolitan 11% Interboro Met pfd.. 34% Great Northern 137% Amalgamated Copper 81% American Car and Foundry., .. 40% American Cotton Oil 35% Am. Sniltng and Refng. . .. .. 98% Am. Sniltng and Refng pfd.. ..110 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 53% Colorado Eudl and Iron 36 yj General Electric 147% National Biscuit 89% National Lead 86% People's Gas 96% Pressed Steel Car 35% Sloss Sheffield Steel Rf, Southern Pacific pfd 120 Sugar 137 % United States Steel 47c; United States Steel pfd 111% Western Union 55% Mackay's «8 Va. Carolina Chemical 29% DRUGGISTS BUS! DURING THE FRESHET ■■ i «• 3 h,. fact that many ririiKKlntH did not keep open Sunday rilKhl canned an uniMiial amount of comment from medical authorities Dr. tiiiKann Murphey, president of the Board of Health, speaka very dlarooraainisly of such action and declari-a lhal every druKKtat who has hla dniKS arranged so that lie can do Imsineas should keep open as ionx as the public may demand it. Dr Murphey declares that Ihe idea of not keeping open Is preposterous and It would he same proposition should a doctor hann out the Hl*n and say he was tired The need of medleln,. Is ureal and should be aup piled In every possible Instance. Dr. ftobt. I|. Land Jr., was one of the drn: alsla remaining open last niKhl, though lie did not Imv,. much IlKht to slenal to the public. Druggist* ar e Surprised. During ail Interview Monday morn inu. Dr. .1 K Green, president of the Driiaalsts assoclatlmi said Most of the principal drua stores In the city have been lUlliik prescriptions ail during the freshet They have „b served regular hours, while It had to be done in many instances with Go uld of a lantern W,. are very sorry to hear that any physician has I; ed to «et his pro .crlptions filled "We gladly assure the public that we are Klvln* full service and are observing regular hours." MR. CARR’S FUNERAL WAS THIS AFTERNOON Wan Burierl at four o'clock in the City Cemetery. The funeral of Mr. Harry Harr, fho young man who war drowned while tryli'R to escape from the burning wtrehotira of the Nixon fir miry rum pany during the freshet, occurred this afternoon at f o'clock from Ht. Patrlrk'a rbnrrh, Roy. Knthrr if.-n ner.aey offlola'ln* Mr C»rr ix anr vfved bv a fath»r, Mr. if. w. Carr, thru brother*. Meaara. fihaa, f,,’ Pi-rre and Antoine Carr; three at*- tara, Mr*. Marie Kmith, Mi*» Caro Carr and a married alater who live* In Charleaton. The Interment taker plane at the etty cdfnattry. a»mtnol< Mr* fio, |.< tin ini Stfctey Mf* Ce «| at rten JttOa (IC).. „ 1M it. Charleston & Western Carolina Railway The following arrivnu ar.fl (impart ures of trains, Union Station, Augusta, Ga., as well as conectlong with other coijira nlv's, .ire pimply given as Information, and are not guaranteed: (Effective May 31. 1008.) DEPARTURES. 6:30 n. nv No. 7, Dally for Anlorsoo, Seneca. WnlhtGla. etc. 10:10 a. m.—No. 1, Tkilly for Greenwood. Lnurons, Greenville. Spartanburg. Hendersonville and Asheville. 2:01* p. in. No. 12, Daily except Snoda;. for Allendale, Fairfax, Charleston, Savannah. Beaufort, Port Royal. 7:00 n. m. No 88. Sunday only, for Al* lendale, Charleston, IV.iulorl, Port Royal, Savannah. 4:40 p. m No. 3, Dally for Greenwood, No. 5 loaves Greenwood at t».o0 a 111- for Spuflanbuig ARRIVALS. No. 4, Dally from Greenwood, t:3f> a. m. No. 41. dully except Sunday, from Charleston. Savannah, Beaufort, Port Royal, etc., No. 37, Sunday only, from Hcrufort. Port Royal, Charleston and »u« vannah. 1:30 u. m. 12 30 p. m. No. 2. dally from Asheville, Spartan ours. Greenwood, ete., 6.1 Sp. m. No. 8. dally from Anderson. McCormick, etc.. • 3a p. in. 'lrnln* i! and 4? and ST and SI run bolid between August « and Charleston iCffectlvo Juno lu, \SM»s, their* will b* Trt -VY< *tkly Parlor servha. between Align: tn and AshuviUe. leaving AugtiPtu Tuesdays Thursday- and Saturday* Asheville Mondays, Wednesday and Fri days. Trains Nos. 1 and 2. FRNKK’I AMI. Id AMR. General Pusnenger A sent, No. 807 Broadway. Augusta (in. GENUAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. (Current Acneouies correcton to i>ate.) (•6th .Meridian Time.) DEPARTU RES. For Savannah and Mitem . .. ••7:Jloatn For Dublin and Savannah •2;4f>pn. For Savannah and M.aooti **B;4opm For Savannah anti Macon !!9:4opm For Savannah, “T.vbec, llmli«4" liTuoum ARRIVALS From Ravannah m l Macon ... ••7:ftop »n From Savannah and Mtuam - •.•*S;6oatn I Front Savannah and Iklacon ... . ! !K. loam From Dublin and Savannah *l2:4(>pni From Savan h l’yb«e Limited" 1112:4i>*ui •Dally. ••I'ixcept Sundry. !! Sunday only. Drawing Room Sleeping Gars between Augusta and Savannah on night trains, ronnecta at Mlllon with through Mieep- Ing cars to and troin Macon. Atlanta, Columbus, Rlnnlnghum and ChluiWu, Hie. F. F. PGUFJtS. \V V\ HACKKTT Com'l. Act. Trav. Haas. Agt. 78r* Broad Si. A TLANTIC Coast l^ine •NOTK I’ll* so arris.iF and departure! are given as information, but arrival air.) connection* are not guaranteed. No. K. 2. No. Rfc North May 1, 11)08. South* 2:2.<'pm t,v Augusta Ar 10 ooanr 4 or.prn l.v Bnrnweil .. .l.v. / i«sa 4 :30pm Lv. .. . Denmark ....Lv. 7 l>6ao s:oojnn Lv... Orangeburg ...Lv. 7 llbtm 6 r.Opn. LV bumLe! AI4V. i* .*On ns 7 :lif*pm Lv.... Florence .. . . Lv. 4 40am fi: 10am Ar. . Richmond Lv. 7 gpin 9ifiOatn Ar .. Wujihlngton . Lv. 3 16pm 1120 am A r... Baltimore . ...Lv. 2l2pir I:4lpm Ar.. W I’hlla Lv. 11 f»6a*n 4:1. dun Ar Lew York. .3d St Lv. 9 iftuin PULLMAN r\KL‘)L CARD between Augusta and New York without nhange. Dining Car Scrvlje, Florence to Non York. I*. TV MGULLTTM. Commercial Agent, 807 Broad :4t. T. C. WIIITW. W. J. OVAIU. Oen. Pftf'u Agent, Pa»e. l’rad Mgt. Wilmington. N. »:. AUGUSTA GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Murphey ft Co. quote price* on An Kiitta pirnin, provision Htid produce a* follows: I). S. *lde*, 4H th, ave, !>%r. D. 8. Plates, 8 lt> nv« ~ . ,|%C. I) S. bollleH, ‘l'l lit ave, lo%e. Smoked Hides. If, lh ave , I tty. c. Smoked Shoulders, 8 10-lb. '.t’far. No. 1 I’lenic bums, OR llm, !l I - 4c. Ilovp brand hams, II lh, 10140. Capitol Cltv ham« II lb 15e It. (i. Hreakfasl haeon 1 ii Vie. Hept white corn, * I ,«tri. Hphl. mixed enrn, SI,OO. IteHt white oat*, title. I’nt'ina ehlt'k feed, 100 llm, $- 20. Chicken feed, HO-lb*., of>c. Corn chop*, WtrlliH, SI.BO. Dairy feed, 100 ll.h , $Mr«. Pure wheat middlings, $1.60. Pure when, bran. sl.-10. Virginia 11. P peanut*. 6c. 22 ib ercHitt eheesc. 15Vi*'. Sent second |iatenl flour, $4,60. Standard patent flour. $t »o. Kanev patent flour, s'.oo, VVoolentt'* Royal IHkh patent flour, $6.25. .larboe'H Royal hlph patent flour, $5.40. Kthereal, hlnh«Bt patent flour, $5 50. The above prices on flour I R« and I 4s cotton, wood Isr more Cotton Kheets, full 81/.e, $1 00, 2 lh new lutKKlnp, 7‘4e 21b standard pieced happing, sc. 2-lb Btigai bap cloth. 5’,4<, New arrow ties, $ 1,0«! V 4 • Whole re hut) die tlea. Riveted ties, 76e. No. I Cn Syrup, 2hhla , 28 White clover drips, libls, 20e. Cold Mine N. O. Syrup, bbia., 2flr. Pure Cuba Molaxaea, bbla, ;ilc, C O. M),lasses, bbl*., 15e. r C. leaf lard. 50 1b tana, lie. May Blossom K ft. lard, 50 Ib cans, II %r. fidelity K R lard, tub* nr ran*, I2e, Snow Drift Horlcsb lard, 50lh cans, !l l-4e. Texas Comp laid, 50 1b fans Card In tierces, I 4r lea*. In *lO lh tuba, 1 Re leer N V Cran. a-tgar, bbla, $5.30 N. Y. Oran, sugar, 2511 b eatia sr, 35 N O Cran sugar, hbls only, $5 10. Sugar f O. h. coast, |oe P-as 90-lb Pearl grits, all sixes, $2 20. Oeorgl* Country Meal, »li Ib $195. <«eoigla Country Meal, 48 Ib, 99r, fieorgla Country Meal, 24 lb, 50 r No. 1 Alfalfa hay, per ton, $22 00 No 1 Tlmntlfy hay, per l/»n, $17.50 No 1 P»a Vint: hay, per ton, $20.00 No | Vatrh hay, per ton. sl*.oo New Bermuda nay, per ton, sl6 50 Cotton Meed nit-ai, $24.00 Cotton Heed hulls, per ton. $9.00. Common green coffee. 7 I-4c. Standard green toffee Re Kanry green coffee, 9 %c. Cracked rite. Julian rice, sr, M'-dlum head rite, i%<s, FINANCIAL THF. NATIONAL BANK OF AUGUSTA ' 707 BROAD STREET. ORGANIZED 1865. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS $450,000.00 L. c; HAYfJE, President. CHAS. R. CLARK, Cashier. BEGINNING AUG. IST, 1908, this will pay I per rent In terest „n CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. These eortlflentes will bo issued by us in sums of SIOO.OO and up, for stipulated periods or time, lo suit the Depositors' convenience. SAFETY LOCK BOXES $3.00 TO $70.00 PER YEAH. The business of our out of town friends carefully looked after. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. You can draw your money at any time if you deposit it with us and take one of our CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. \Yo pay you 4 Per Cent per annum if you leave it with us three months or longer. The National Exchange Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $540, 000.00. Georgia Railroad Bank Augusta, Georgia, This Bank Solicits the hanking business of merchants and corporations. We pay 4 Per Cent Intel eat on all deposits placed in our Savings Dept. YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED. Help Yourself and not Others h.v nslriß our new Coupon Certiorate of Deposit Principal and Inleresl a,ways available ucKotlahlc Interest tit four per cent tour Hines a \our. Call he used hy those at a distance as well aa Ulnae who come In person. We Invite your bualneai—lstued In AugUßla only by thu. Merchants Bank Capital and Surplus, $300,000.00 THE BXPlikll INCI2 of thnuanndß of our depoaltora la identical with 1 hat of the prr«nn who hna not he rum to Have The Imrdeal pari about the whole tniat lICHH for them was the STARTING POINT, \ftor the lee was broken and ihe start rmidn It wan found to he an may matter to lay aside a certain mini each wc>'k or month Ami ll la certainly aaton tailing how rapidly u bank account grown. ~,f„.clally when 4 per cent Intercut 1h added to II each six niunlha Como In uml make your mart tomorrow morning early. , "WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE.” THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK B*3 BROAD STREET. UNWORTHY ONES USE SEEKING SUPPLIES IMS I ■■■ »# Complaints are heard from many sources that provisions are being tin wittingly dlstrltmled to unworthy beneficiaries at the various snlista lions established by the relief coin jmlltce throughout the city Mr. Robert R Carroll, who was In 'charge Hiiiolhv of the station that cm lu at til that acftlon of the clt v above th- (iret-na street bridge and as ns Hawk's Hulley for It* territory, hhlil this afternoon that he knew po*l lively n rabble of negroes from across the canal. In the dry an a. were crowded hlioiil noarl every suhata lion In Hie city, securing provisions, anti making their way hack to homes that wcr ( never touched by the wal or Hi furth'-r tated that he drove over several section* In the oiilsklt' of lh city toil a alio »ui day. whom long lines or ncryot* could In- seen making Ihelr w»’ to town, baskot* In arm, tti draw provlalona which they do util rtally need He said: 1 had personal charge of my di,tlrlit all tiny Sunday. W« refused to dlsjiense supplies to the inoli Ihtil crowded around the wavon On the eontrsry, wc took every street and every »lley in turn, called at Ilia houses hy number, luqnlrtd about the nlsc nt each family anil dispensed the provision* according to what was nettl'd It look us a long time and the work was hard but w<- finally got through and knew that every in dv person In that district wa* looked af ter, Thin to lint I nightfall we went to every house and left a caudle and Is.- of matches "In my opinion the provision* should be token to the house, where hundreds of ib iMuto ja op I* are work Ing to <" heir belong.lift* cl-ent iml dry I lie way |t * carried on now. there's no telling how many unworthy peopl* arc deriving the benefit of the relief work rtou, by the committee " FORBNJN SILVER MARKET ItONDON il'ir allver sfe.tdy at 23 UH, unchanged, Hi ad rice, 5%c. Fancy bead rice, fiVic. Keros / se oil, Kb Halt, to'.fob bags, 60c. Texas If p oafs, r,7c Georgia Het-d rye, $1 60. PAGE NINE FINANCIAL S. 0. BUM & 80. NOTJiNKRUPT Poaaesa Hfilf Million Dol ling More Than Lialiill tieg. NBW YORK Assignee Rhnadc*, of the flrin of A O. Itrown ft Co., which suspended litsl week, follow ing » sensational effort to smash fhs market on flic stock exchange, filed a report today which Indicates on It* face that llm firm Is not bankrupt, hut possesses over and above all Ibiblll tics, more Ihitn hsif a million dollars, (if course, the value of the assets i* bar'd upon current mark'd prices of securities held by Hie house, but da panda upon lh, fluctuation* of the 'market Mr. Rhoades says the eon dltlon of A. O llrown ft Co., Is as 1 follows; | Assets, Including two stock ex change seats, $4,529,802; liabilities, $3,978 895 Kii.-ss of asset,g, $550,907. Forme. - Co is: rssimn Churl'--, f? ,'t. tlelleid of Maine, who was appointed receiver of the flrrn on Saturday by .lodge Holt of tip Cnlted State* dls frlet court, filed ).,« bond of $260,000 today mid took < luirgc. In the llgld ol tlie statement Is slu'd by Assign'll Hhoade* Reealyer UttlcU'dd will have little lo do el eept io put a corps of expert account ants on th< hooks to check th" its i.lgnei book, iimke liei i. ion an'l collect his lee. MOSES BOiJNtToVER ON ASSAULT CHARGf .lam** Mown, wl«# nit Will Watt*, Saturday night wa* given flfto »»r f(0 day* and w»a bouml rjvrr to th*» fu* inTior court for a**ault with Intent to murder. I Th* (»r*nd fnirlie** Mktl* 4**vld»i'l i I ft*'*- ti> '(id durli*** of M*'*kl6ntMirg. h*i» ! j«i*i Jdlmml Hi** ftu*»o <4r-*k f'Ftjr r ll* i #sf»*r l'*»lnK * d#voiW l/Uth»’m»i *ll h*r 'Mi# #'mi V«r*tofi of h*r lm(>art-il | hlghn#M, who win m#irrt#*d id ihf (|r*ud •Dull** Vladimir In 1674, I* warmly wai / #»)n« 6 hy th* nniilMi *h» more *o ** |r wna «ri i**d *v#nt, llnr h|*- !#*• In Inw, tin* Grand DliehM* Ann*- to» of M* > klayihurg, mofhor nf th* rrnwp print*' of G*rtn*ny fa 4ii'ifhf*r of »6»* Grttrid I Mike \fi# h • I of Hwr.*l/i.| rr-f»)i it tru* to lh« r«n*t* of th* Uipwi cburcL.