The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 01, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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TUESDAY, SEPT. 1 ■:AQ OF GIANTS AND TIGERS IS MELTING AWAY SOUTHERN LEAGUE. 5, Atl«ntv»o. *>>*US—BmchPd aided by -j playing «n the part of their nents in the fifth and sixth fn allowed Memphis to score five tvhil e ■Schvenck allowed but Jits and no runs, e by innings: R H E > 000 000 000—0 3 1 is' . . .000 023 OOx—s 10 0 -ahn and Smith; Schneider and Travelers 9, Barons 2. TI.E ROCK—Bauer's lack of il .was responsible for Birming ; defeat Yesterday. Hart was put f the gamp in the third inning, the umpire allowed Larsen to after being hit by a pitched ball, re by innings; R. H. E. Rock , . 010 503 oOo—9 9 2 -agham . . 000 000 020—2 11 2 ,t. Egier and Wood: Wattlerz, and Meek. Voulnteers 2, Pelicans 0. 3W ORLEANS —Nashville won first of the iast series here ves iy. Rohe’s error in the eight in allowing Keilum to reach first, ved by a two-base hit and a 1 gave Nashville the two runs of ame. Bay's fielding was sensa and had much to do with keep 'wn the hits of Keilum. " by innings: R. H, E lie ... 000 000 020 —2 5 2 ' rleans . 000 000 000—0 4 3 ■Hum and Hurlburt; Bartley and thews. Gulls 2, Climbers 1. ,'OBlLE—Mobile defeated Mont- the first game of a series Jy in a pitchers' battle between lerjtnd Lively. The latter went, to tes in the sixth Inning. For the : time this season a spectator was ered off the field for offensive jeer at the unmpire. . cere by innings: R H E 'tgomery . . 000 100 000—1 4 2 He 000 002 OOx—2 4 l fly and Hart; Fisher and Gar- VES ST ATI ION TO JEATH, NOW INSANE " m 'in • nt Strenuous Night .<irtling Cattle With r aluahle Horse, PRIXOFIELD, 111. —Following a it spent in herding cattle with a table stallion attached to a graudy -about. Edward .Schneider, 25 rs old, of Washingtctn, D. C. was ■n in Pharge and lodged in a Ma county jail, apparently insane. Stallion, lashed in a hundred with a whip, the remnants of were found in the buggy, i ADY.JOS iSINESS Big stock of Wall cr and competent ? to do prompt work, m stock Iron Beds ‘Mattresses. Bugs. Carpets and dow Shades world wthout end. Entrance Through Bleakley’s. I F. WALKER l COMPANY. Bn I p Red and Buff, Dry Prested *"■ * and Common Building LARGE STOCK. PROMPT SHIi MENT. Georgia-Carolina Brick Company Howard H. Stafford, President. /rite for Prices. AUGUSTA, GA. ‘Moot Mo a* MirlpuV' WE have recover mtSBl me di miHjy s ed from the flood tff'inpmber the piste and gpf your work done at HICKEY’S BARBER SHOP. 'IGHTW STR RET. AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. AMERICAN LEAGUE, Browns 4, White Soxs 0, ST. LOUIS—St. Louis defeated Chi cago in the first game of the series yesterday by th e score of 4 to 0. St. Louis scored two runs on Wil liam's single, Tom .Tones' triple and Parents' error. Waddell was invinc 'ible. Score by innings; R. H. E. St. Louis . . . .000 022 000—4 0 3 Chicago . . . .000 000 000—0 0 1 ; Waddell and Smith; Walsh, Owen land Sullivan. Time. 1:55; Umpires, Hurst and O'Loughlin. Red Soxs 7, Senators 3. WASHINGTON—Boston bunched 3 singles, a double and a triple in the fifth Inning yesterday defeating Wash ington, 7 to 3. Young was very effect ive with men on bases. Score by innings; R. H. E. Washington . 100 100 010—3 12 1 Boston 000 050 Ito—7 11 2 Tannehiil, Johnson and Warner; Young and Criger. Time, 1:55. Um pire. Evans, Naps 7. Tigers 3. TETROlT—Detroit played very er ratic ball, errors giving Cleveland three runs in lhe fourth, while passes bv Summers paved the way to three of the others. Chech kept. Detroit's hits scattered, and was well support ed. Goode's home run drive was the feature of the contest. Score by innings; R. H. E. Detroit . . . .001 101 000—3 10 6 Cleveland . . .100 301 002—7 9 0 Summers and Schmidt; Chech and N. Clarke. Time, 1:50. Umpires, Sheridan and Egan. FRISCO BETTER*SLAY ODDS ON FALL FIGHTS SAN FRANCISCO Cal—Bettla* has begun on the September pugilistic championship fights here, apd al though there nun be changes in the odds, it is firmly established that Abe and Battling Nelson will be firm favorites in their respective con tests. On the Attei-Owen Moran affair the price against the English cham pion is 10 to 8. with lengthening tendencies. Just how much more lib eral Att«Ts hackers will become, is a question, but Toni Corbett, who handles th . majority of prize ring wagers, believes that 10 to 7 will be offered against Moran within a few days. In the Battling Nelson-Joe Dans bout, the Dane's supporters are will inr to bet 10 to 9. and here again it is thought ihat longer odds will be obtainable before the end of the week. big price for stallion. DUBLIN The famous stallion Am ericus .owned by Richard Crokrr, has been sold to the German government for $25,000. RiSElf LEtDEB FIGHTS SEITM M HEELING. W. Va —United States Sena'or N. B. Boot: engaged in a iistic encounter with G. S, Smith, a Roose velt leader in \\ ,i Virginia, ' and prominent at th- local bar, in tlte Dollar Savings and Trust Company’s bank, in the heart of the city, yester day afternoon, and as a result the senator was seve rely bruised. Thirty six blows by actual count wore struck before Cashier L. F. Stlfel, of the bank, succeeded in seperating the combuntants. Thirty were credited to Mr. Smith, who sustained only a few slight scratches from the six blows or i he senator. The conflict was iho result of an address by Smith at Parkersburg about a month ago, in which it is al leged he said the United Stales sena torshlp In West Virginia had been bougie at public auction for many j ears.” Scott and Smith met in the bank yesterday and when Smith spoke to hint the senator demanded is know vnj tiie lawyer had said i hat United Stat -s senators had been bought for years. Scot: further said that the statement had been published in a newspaper in which Smith was inter rated. Mr, Smith replied: “I didn’t say United States senators from West Viginia had benn bought. 1 said the senatorship had been purchased at publtch auction " ' You’re a Her. retorted the senator as he strucK at Smith. A mix up fol lowed, The fight created a great sensation among politicians in this city and in the Mate, and it creates a muddle in the contest for the United S'ates senatorship, as Scott is anxious to keep his seat. TWO GIANT FLINGERS George Wiltse, at the top, is one of the best on McGraw’i slab corps, while Christy Maithewion, shown below, is the bright particular star pitcher of the New York National team. lions IP OF TOM SIMPLE i (By Tom S. Sample.) BTTWALO. N. Y -After a son mile flight. we landed, without in Rtrument*, fond, water and bal'ad a 11* » m„ Sunday, In Lake Erie, no mile* from land Everything had been thrown away for ballat,'. Wi were rorced up In the balloon net The steamer Mohegan, captain .fames--j Emmlngham. readied ub In making 1 tne reacne, Boatman Kd Donnelly, It, , lowering the yawl #« hurbd Into Ihe water and narrowly mlase-d being 1 t round to pi ece» by the propeller ' He naught a tow rope and war drag ged half * mile before he waa rescued Effort* of thn boatmen wore centered on tnt Heavy water made thn rescue dang' rou* We struck ',akn r rle on Saturday night a* 12 o'clock and were forced to travel over It, Our course from Columbua wtys rror'hweet by Stover I.irna, Cleveland and Detroit W* were unable to pull the valve to avoid eroßeing the Cake The stub bornnoa* of the valve naiiaod hr to attain a height of 20,00<t feet, for more than two hours Sunday morning We ronld aearr.ely breathe and were nearly frozen. Both the lieutenant and I became drowsy. The gar, eg panded with the rising nun, caußlt : the rlae cool air current* contract,,] , ft *o quickly that we dropped ten ! thousand fee 1 in four minutes. The < balloon struck water and we werei forced Into the netting. We were | )u*t getting ready to throw our cloth lng overboard when we Righted tDcc. Rteamer. We apeut nine hour* clrci I THE AUGUSTA HERALD. HUGH JENNINGS TESTING SUNDAY SASE3ALL CASE , DETROIT Warranty were ißßiied [ today in the polio 'court again t i Manager Hugh Jennlnga, of the Pe ! troll American League baseball club, and the ten member* of the team who participated In yesterday's farm ! with Cleveland, charging them with I playing baßeball on Sunday contrar to law. The cage Ir being InKtlt it, d as a test. Call on H. Gould B»rret| for all I kind* of in«urance; Water Damage Marine, Tornado, Fire, Burglary, Surety Bonds, and everything Insur able. DOG, UNATTENDED COMBS MONT BLANC Trucked Master anti 1 MimJ tint Ascent in Four ter •• Hours. OKNEVA WhHt Ir probanlv the first unattended >wrni ol Mont Wane by a dog w»x made on Angus 2S. Talrrmz, the owner of a young Ht Bernard, left Chamonix 'he da, before to accompany the Itußirian tronomer, Stephanlk, on a vlait to th observatory at th • *uh>mlt, where he Caved The dog tracked Tairrax by geen» and arrived a: the summit ex hau*ttd and hungry a journey of fourteen hour* lng hen and chicken Inland" In th" lake before th., balloon began to fal'. Balloon rescued and ail arrived at Buffalo sate at 12 noon, Monday, NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pirates 6, Reds 0. CINCINNATI Cincinnati made but two hits yes' rdav off Willis, Huls wttt getting both Only one of the locals readied second base, The nttsburg’s bunched six hits in the third, netting four runs. Score by ini in R H. K. Cincinnati . . .000 000 000 0 2 0 Pittsburg . . . 004 001 OOx- 5 10 0 Spade. Dußuc and McLean; Willis' and Gibson. Time, 1:35. Umpire. O'Day. Cubs 2. Cardinals 0. CHICAGO Both Overall and Ray mond pitched great ball yesterday but Overall was the steadier in pinches, striking out eleven men. Score hi mniiics R H h: Chicago . . . 100 not 000—2 4 1 St. Louis . iVAO 000 000 0 4 1 Overall and Fling. Raymond and Moran. Time. 1:50. Umpires, Rigler and Ruddm'liam. Just Exactly Riqlit. "1 have used Dr King’s New Life Pills for several years, and find them just exactly right." says Mr. \ A Felton, of Harrisville, N. Y. New Life Pills relieve without the least, dis comfort Best remedy for constipa tion. biliousness and malaria. 25c at all druggists. CLUB STANDING. Southern League. Won. Lost. P. Ct. New Orleans . . . .01 49 .500 Nashville 02 50 554 Memphis 02 53 .539 Montgomery . . . .00 ftg .517 Mobile 5S 58 .500 Little Rock .57 03 .475 Atlanta 5t 02 .400 Birmingham ..45 71 .338 American League. Won. I,oat P Ct Detroit 08 48 .580: St. Louis 07 50 .573 Cleveland 00 53 .555 Chicago r,5 siu Philadelphia 59 57 509 Boston 57 01 .483 Washington . . . 48 00 .421 New York .... 3!) 78 .333 National ' "sour Won. Lost. P. Ct. New York 09 45 .005> Chicago 71 48 .002 Pittsburg 70 47 .598 Philadelphia 00 52 .530 Cincinnati 58 00 49" Boston 55 01 .474 Brooklyn 43 71 .377 Hi. Louis 42 74 .302 it Augusta Brewing Co.’s Near BEER. “BOOST AUGUSTA” aEP.Tjii ■ktoia.JigjrßrjEr ‘ Boost Augustas Manufactories Leave Your Money at Home. Augusta Brewing Go. Most Expert Tailoring Light weight materials strictly for summer days or the medium weights for more general use—All styles arc here. Handsomely tailored by LNTON MEN. A trial order u ill make you a permanent cus tomer. Howe (t& Co. Harison Building. RE AT) HERALD WANT ADS. A Wrong Number On the telephone is annoying. Often times it is caused hv tho subscriber calling a number from memory or speaking indistinetly. Tt is important to consult the directory before call ing a number. R is necessary to crive the number promptly and distinctly. For Information, Efficient Service, Reason able Rates Call 90 50. Southern Hell Telephone Telegraph Co. JUST TRY IT PAGE FIVE