The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 02, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO Cured Chronic Dyspepsia. Mr*. W. Warner. New Orleans, La., After Suffering for Year* from Dyapepaia, Found Immediate Relief from the Uae of Duffy'a Pure Malt. Whiskey. Recently »he wrote; —"I hav<> b*in suffering from dapepsia for lh<‘ lar 11 year*, and have tried almost ev erything, bat foiled to get relief 1 w*« told to try Duffy’a Pure Malt Whlekey. | went to the drug atore and bought a bottle, and before I fin lahed lifting It I was relieved. 1 have been taking Duffy'a Pure Malt Whl* key tor tome time and am glml to say It win the medicine that cured me. 1 highly recommend It to any one Buffering from dyspepsia.” Duffy’s Pure Mult Whiskey la an absolutely pure dlHtlllnllon of malted grain, great mre being used to have every kerne] thoroughly malted thug deatroylng the germ and produc ing a predlgeated liquid food In the form ol a malt essence, which la the mom effective tonle rtllmulant and In vlgoratnr known lo science; softened by warmth and moiatitre. If. iialatahil Hy and freedom from Injurlotta sub stance* render It ro that It can be retaltud by lh< most m #iltiv< atom ach. If wiak and rundown, lake a tea spoonful four tlmea a day In a glass l of milk or water. II you cannot purchaxc Dufly'a Pti,'- Mult Whiskey near your home wo win! have ahlpped you In :i pin 1 n eaae, ex i pres* prepaid, as follow*: I.eBR tbnu six bottles, fl per bottle. 81* but tl*H $5.50. One cane, 12 bottlea, $lO. Remit to Duffy Malt Whlekey Co . ftocbealer, N V . by vgprea* Order. Poal Office Money order, or certified check Upon receipt of order, good, will be ahlpped Immediately accord leg to direction*. ReferepccK Any Hocheatrr Rank l or Trnat t'o, Dun's or liradatreet’H Agency. If In uecd of advice, write ('on aultlng Physician, I'off) Malt vVhla ke> Company, Rochester, N. Y.. am log your cane fully Our doctor* will I send you advice free, together with o handsome Illustrated, medical book let containing itomc of the many thou sand* of gtatlfylng lettcra received j from men and women In all walk-, of life, both old and young, who have] been cured :md hi-mtlled by the use) of the world'll groateat nieiltlrn*. LINEMAN ELECTROCUTED IN MID-AIR AT WHITE PLAINS WHITE) PLAINS, N V Herbert He laney, a un< muii *8if»loy«»d by th»>! Wpit Ch**t+r l.lyhdny onmimny, wan] tlWtfOfQtM In mid ulr thin morning 1 at M At.iMruix rk whlb* hi* co work* t>« I locked on In horror. Ib*lam*y whoj WM only 22 ymr* of agr, win until $ to th* top «>f n forty fool poU* loj ■trlnn a new feed wire on (’lns at MMinuroix t'k In Hom«‘ nmtinor In* lort hi* ftHitinK urn! fob nnuinut n 11%wire Then In* united hold of an other wire. to mvc hlnwelf from fall tun to the ground amt thlat formed » direct connect lon. 81a thounam] volt* pawM'd through hi* body and death . ''an almost InatuiUamNiUß. ju«t IxHtly Right **| hare uacd Df Kind's New Idfo Pills for several years, and find them luat #xactl> right," ah>h Mi A. A Felton, of HnrriavUle, N Y New Life Pills relieve without the leant dla comfort Beat remedy for eonattpa tton and malaria 26c at all (Imutitl, Floor Coverings. win '«■■■■ '■ # ALL OF OUR FLOOR COVERINGS WERE CARRIED TO THE SECOND STORY OF OUR STORE AND ARE SAFE. W T E CAN FURNISH YOU WITH ALL OF THE NECESSITIES FOR YOUR HOUSE DON T FAIL TO CALL UPON US. AS WE CAN MAKE QUICK DELIVERIES. OUR SECOND STORY IS COVERED WITH FINE AND MEDIUM PRICED FURNITURE The J. L. Bowies Fumiturei Company, 906 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. "BLAGKHfIND ,, SIILL won on NKW YORK Th,. so-called Black I Hand Buci* ty got In some more of its Italian work on the oast wide this morning when an attempt ««» made ' to wreck a bakery owned by Giovan ni and Rosario Congrala-.i at No. 5 Prince gtroet, i A bomb wa» set off under the window* and the front of the store together with that of the adjoining barber whop watt blown out. The two stores are located In the basement of a alx-atory tenement hou*e and the noise of the explosion threw the three score tenants Into a panic. No one was injured, however, with the ex eeptlon Of a man whom Policeman Mahoney caught running away from ; the place and arrested. He watt i found to be bleeding profusely about the lower portions of his body an If ; from gunshot wounds. He admitted, while bln wounds wt re being dressed, that he had been arrested before in ! connection with an attempt to blow tip the home of the Italian broker Antonio Ma/.ufft In Kant o;;rd street j five months ago. BBiTISH SHIP NUT HEARD_FROM TET Left Port on July Sixth for Sydney, Has Not Ar rived. HAN KFtAN< IHl'fl Gravest fear* H»»* cntcrUtfued for the safety of the British Htcarner Aeon, which cleared from thin port for Sydney via. Apia and Auckland. July 6th, and has not yet arrived there. Steamer Lord S»*f ton of the name line arrived at. Auek land on Sunday and Report# no of the Aeon Kelnuuranee on the ve«- ne| In quoted at 60 per cent, but It Ik believed in the Khlpplng circles that th». ship h«.< not been lout but. has HUKtained an Injury that has detained her. On board the Aeon tire ten passen gets shipping iis members of crew. Among them 1b the wife of Lieut. Riddle. I H N.. and Chaplain and Mrs Patrick, bound for the naval sta tion at Pago Pago These ptisengcrH wat,. taken In violation of the inw ae cording to collector of port here. The route over which the Aron satl < d Is a lonesome one and vessel travel ling over It seldom pass other ship*. MRS. INGERSOLL HAS LATE HUSBAND’S IDEA Experiment in£ With Spir itmiliaui to Communicate With Hunhand'* Spirit. M,l\ YORK Mr*. Robert fl In | !'■' i toll, widow of the famous agnostic] who yesterday announced that she! "as experimenting wtih spiritualism In the hope that It might bring her Into communication with the spirit ! of her husband. Issued u brief state ment today through her daughter. Mrs. Walston 11. Brown. I am now as I have always been, m perfect accord with my late hus band's idea,’’ she said. ”1 hate not changed.” Mrs, Ingrrsoll'* experiment* ,lo not mean that she has been converted to a In lb f in spiritualism, or has do parted from the agnostic position > bleb nlu shared with l'«( Ingerooll. Him has tested and *o far rejected > very evidence that has been brought to her, but -.he would be glad of con vluring proor that she max rejoin her husband In the spirit world CLEARS THE COMPLEXION OVERNIGHT Pimple*, Rash, Eruptions, Etc., Quick ly Eradicated by New Skin Remedy. Since its discovery one year ago, Poslam, the now skin remedy, has (in It* extraordinary accomplishments) exceeded the most sanguine expecta tions of the eminent specialist, who : gave It to the world It has cured thousands of cases of eczema and era dlcttted facial and other disfigure ments of years standing. The terrl ble Itching attending eczema Is stoo l-d with the firs’ application, giving . proof of its curative properties at the very outset. In 'less serioua skin affections, such as pimples, rash, herpes, blackheads, acne, barbers Itch, etc. Results show after an overnight application, only .1 small quantity being required to et I f' j ct a cure. Those who use poslam for these minor skin troubles ran now avail themselves of the spe ilal 50-Cenl package, recently adopted to meet such needs. Both the 6i'-oent package and the regular $2 Jar ma\ now be obtained In Augusta at the ! t’abanlss Drug Co. 1 * and other lead Irtg ding stores. Humpies for experimental purposes may be had free of charge hy writing direct to the Emergency Laborato ries, 32 West Twenty-fifth street, New York City. STRENUOUS LIFE ON THIS SHIP BOSTON, Maas. A Ihrllllnf, tale nt | lire, mutiny and storm was toid today by Captain Watson, of the British | steamer Muneastercnstle. Just in front i Oriental ports with a cargo of curios and n menagerie of wlnl animals. While In the Red Hca on the night of duly 27, whlb a fierce storm wav iaging, fire broke out In the hold t’anlc > rlckt n <he 1 'hlnei e crew leap <d Into the boats, but before tho fastenings could be loosened from the davit*, Captain Matson appeared on dork and with H M McGrone, of Baltimore, and J. E. Herrick, of Balti more, two government surveyors re turning from the Philippines, forced he crew back on with draft revolv | ith. Alter a fight of two day* dur | lug which Hi storm abated, the fire was smothered, after causing damage estimated al $75,000. The Remedy That Does. “Dr. King's New Discovery Is the remedy thnt does the healing others promise but fall to perform,” aav* Mis K. It. Pierson, of Auburn Centre Pa." It Is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing, that j other treatments relieved only tem porartlv New Discovery Is doing mo ho much good that I feci confident Its I continued use for a reasonable length lof time will restore me to perfect : liemth " This renowned rough and | cold remedy and throat and lung heal jer Is sold at nil druggists, 50c and SIOO. Trial bottle free. THE HIGHWIS SPREMiIES CHICO. Cal. — High winds are spreading a fire which has already swept SOO,OOO acres of grazing and timber land north of here. Hundreds of farmers and hired men are striv ing to check the spread of the flame* without avail. Call on H. Gould Barrett for all kind* of Insurance: Water Damage, Marine, Tornado, Fire, Burglary, Surety Bonds, and everything Inaur abl*. xAlJci JxUUUUI A -iXiXtrillir cums TRY Id LYNCH I NEGRO CHICAGO, — In an attempt to lynch a negro who had attacked a white girl while on her way to work, a mol, or nearly 200 men and boys made a charge on a policeman and would have taken and hanged his prisoner but for the timely arrival of police men. The scene of the attempt was Van ftnren street and Wahash avenue. The crowd was so large and so deter mined that an extra detail of police had to he summoned. The negro, Martin Vincent, who is believed to be a Springfield refugee, a tracked Miss Josephine Ludwig, 10 .vears old, as she entered the hallway al 262 Wabash avenue. The girl's screams at tracked E. W. Putman, the ( levator operator and he tried to capture the negro. Putman was knocked down by the assailant of the girl, but quickly regained his feel and pursued the negro, calling for help. A patrolman took up the rhase and brought the negro to a stop by threats to shoot. JAPAN RICE CROP ABOVE AVERAGE THIS TEAR _ r TOKIO- Arcordin* to an official forecast of this season the rice crop will be 18 per cent above the average. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The Byatem. Take the Old Standard GROVE’B TAHTKLEBB CHILL TONIC. You know wha» you taking The for mula t* plainly printed on every bottU ehowlng it is simply Quinine end irot in a taatelens form, and the moat ef fectual form. For grown people and children 60c. GOVERNMENT AIR EXPECTED SOON Capt. Huguat, the army officer or dered from Fort McPherson to Au gusta for the’purpose of reviewing the flood situation In Augusta for the government, has thoroughly gone over the city. He Is of the opinion that the relief committee will be able to cope with the situation until Satur day, at which time the government supplies will probably come in. These are to be food and clothing for the sufferers. He thinks the work should not he discontinued, but kept up for several weeks. MONUMENT UNVEILED AT CROSS HILL Woodmen Of The World Conducted The Interest ing Exercises. CROoS HILL, S. C.—Saturday the monument of Sovereign Duke Crlap was unveiled by the local camp, i Woodmen of the World. A number of neighboring camps were present and took an active part in the exercises, which were held In Liberty Springs Presbyterian church. The occasion was marked throughout with solemn ity and reverence. Dr. John II Miller, of this place, was master of reremonies. Col. J. 11. Wharton, of Waterloo, an*l Super intendent of Education R. W. Nash, delivered Interesting addresses on ' Woodcraft. V Hon John J McSwaln. of Green vllle, was invited to make an ad ! dress, but to the regret of all, could I not he present Fully 2,000 people ; attended the exercise*. TEN THOUSAND MINERS STRIKE IN WYOMING Reduction of Ten to Fif teen Cents Per Day in the WngH is Cause. CHEYENNE. Wyo \ strlk* of si; ithe organized coal miners of Wyoming began last evening at « o’clock, when the night MBs In every camp In the state In which the United Mine Work er» of America are organized, refused to go to work Ten thousand miner* are Involved In the strike, which i* the result of the action of the mine owner* association In reducing wage* from 10 to IS cent* per day. STATE TREASURER AND HIS Ex-assistant have fight NEW YORK- State Treasurer Ju lian Hauser on a visit to hts home jln S»\ vllle 1, L, thl* morning met -ex \»*let*nt Trcsurer Patrick Wh»l 'en before the village postoffloe where they engaged In a political contro \»r*v when the' decided to tettle their difference by a boxing bout. The eparrtng was both forceful and »o!en title the betting being even Neither combatant scored a knock down and [the battl* wt* decided a draw. \ A ' v5 ° \ % J*:, Ik FLEET RESTING AT MELBOURNE MELBOURNE—-The adverse weath er coditlon and the dlspositio on everybody’s part to take things easy after yesterday’s strenuous program combined to make today an off day In the way of special entertainment for the officers and men of the Am erican battleship fleet. The rain which began falling late last, night, continued this morning. Notwith standing the unfavorable weather out look, however, large parties from the battleships came ashore early. The men preparing to make the best of their shore leave and the officers to attend such functions as had been ar r k j Without the Alcohol Y ThelmestMidg fljy Non-Intoxicant For HeaftKs sakeThait" V * ON SALE EVERYWHERE IN THE SOUTH’ ON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLES j. h. o’byrne. Distributor, auqusta, ga. 1 ranged for the day. It is estimated that 600,000 persons witnessed yesterday's procession. TWENTY WOMEN SEE THE INVENTOR WASH PARIS. —It has just leaked out that Wilbur Wright, the American in ventor recently had an experience that not only proved somewha’ em barrassing, but aroused the aeronaut to quite a fury. It seems that after Mr. Wrigh’ had assembled his machine and was -eady for one of his early attempts to navi gate the air at LeMans, he decided to postpone the flight on account of the large crowd of people who had succeeded In securing admission lr, the grounds from which the ascent was to be made. Wright concluded to wash up before leaving the grounds, p.nd as the accommodations in the airship sned were not of the most j elaborate, the aeronaut was not dres j ed to receive visitors. fl The washing up process had pru : grossed only a short time when M I Wright was astonished upon glanclij into a small mirror to see a party I nineteen or twenty young worn* I watching him with apparently deep i ll terest One of the young women It j tlmated to Wright that, although 'the ■ had nr> desire to hurry him, the * would be grateful If he would mak a flight, as they had quite a dlstancT to go for dinner. Mr. Wright is nothing if not modes and after recovering himself su “ ficiently, gracefully draped a towe/l nhout his shoulders and fled from the \ shed, requesting Mr. Berg, one of his ' associated, to express his feelings to 1 the He did not make the J flight as requested, but in the seclu* a sion of hip tent indulged in languag -C that was I far more forceful thanß elegant.