The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 03, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO Ready For Business A NEW SUPPLY OF TEAS AND COFFEES ARRIVED YESTERDAY and WE ARE SERVING OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS TEMPPORARILY FROM THE STORE BELOW OUR OLD STAND OUR WAGONS WILL START OUT TODAY. REMEMBER THAT OUR STOCK IS NEW AND FRESH. C. D. KENNY TEA CO. 988 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA ISONS CONVENE IN SWAINSBORO BWAINBBOHO, f 5» Onn of tb« mont Important rmHitiKH that h;»vf* held In Swuinttboro f«»» Home tlm* in th# one which convened hern Wednesday, th« MhmhiW ronvMiflon of Find (Jlntrlct Thin in th< nee ond annual moi l Inn hold in thin din trlct, »»nd Bwalimhoro U hontrrlng hernelf to tnukc* it a gn-at muti h: Every frit In wine*. Tuesday hf t •’•r I noon brought In load* of (bk*n»t«'K who received h warm and cordial wed com© from our people \bout twoj hundred in all are expected, thin be Inn n Urge district *lth a great mini-i b«*r of lodg' Among the dlaUngulahed visitors who will b*» in attendance upon thin fonventirn arc Omrni MaMer Tho*. I I! Jeffries, ol Atlanta, and lion. I. .1 Blalock, chairman of the board of depul lee. The following program baa been nr ranged bv Hon \ -UfTold, who U the master of the dUtrirt convention. hk weil ar master of the local lodge: Wedneada nt 2:30 p. in a rerep- Hon at ihe opera house will b«. ten dated the Vienna brethren. The ad dress of welcome wen delivered by .lodge Alfred Herrington and Speerhe* were delivered b) members of the board nf d'-putlns, who were present for the purpowc of exemplify, ing the thre,. degree* of maaonry, en t* red apprentice. (« How craft and master Mason. Ai the close of the public exercise* thr* body went to the lodge room where th,. W A. degree we* conferred on several c andidates Wednesday e vening was act apart for the exemplification of tin* V {' de gree Thursday morning will bo taken up In general routine work, election of officers, etc*. On Thors day night tlie master Mason degree will be conferred cm Mr .! |>. Me I /e< id Just Exactly Right. ”1 have used Or King s New Use rills for several ye ars, and find them Just exactly right.’ ssys Mr A. A. Felton, of HarrlsvHle, N Y. New Pills relieve without the least dls comfort Heat remedy for constipa tlon biliousness and mslsila. : at all dmgglsts. MISS LULA K. BIKLE’S FUNERAL TODAV The funersl ot Mini I.uln Kalb* BIKI*. whose (It'll l h occurred last Monday a- the rli> hospital. will take plan* from the Holy Trltillv rhnrrh Thursday afternoon at 4 o’rlot'k Tho Inlcruiem w 111 lie at Iht* city ccrno tery. Till* following gentlemen art* ro quested to aci a« pall hearers Mr. Henry I .as* Mr. Charles Nichols, Mr. Chas Hunirnrraul. Mi Clifton Krcps, Mr Kdward Delmmcr ami Ur. S Uahar COMPLIMENTARY. Judge \Va» them any partlviilar maik by wlilrli you would lit. üb|>- to Identtf* lb»* d(*k whlcli you aay this man Kola? Tho I’lalnttfl Ye*. \er hi nor. *)■' had a rid itose jest likt* yor honor'*, Harper* Weekly. One of the ErS.s eniial.r i>f tht happy of to-day i« a vi>( fund of information a* to th«* l*'*t oi promoting health and happim*** and Ggh* living and kftoalrdgt of thr world* So*t produot# IVoduri* of actual and traaotutblo claim* truthfully pn»*f>rnt#sl nnd which have attaint'd to world 'tide acceptance through the approval of the Well-Informed of the World, not of indi vidvaU only, but of the many who have the nappy faculty of and obtain ing the beat the world afford*. One of the product# of that class, of know n com|Ku»ent part*, an Kthical ranted) . appro* ed by phytic; m* and com mended by the Well Informed of the World a* a valuable and wbole»ome family laxative it the watt known Syrup of 1 iga and Kit sir of Senna To get it* Itencboal effect* alway* buy the genuine, manu factured by the Odifomia l ig Syrup ('o 4 (or *air by ail lew-Log druggists- FEW OPERATIVES I WILL JIfIVE CITY Employment Agent Issues Circular Offering Em ployment to Thousand Mill Hand* Elsewhere. <'■■l! ifi< i ihii comm-nt him ho«n created \,\ a circular which in being dihtrlbubd throughout the- mil) dig frlrtH of Augusta uhklng opera fives to ner. pt posit lops In other etfi'-s, It ih undei . fw>d that I lie operatives are wanted mostly In New Orleans, bu* .■'» fur as cun be definitely ascertained • i <*' luh that but f» w have Actually gonr. or making preparations to go. While a large amount of discussion h»s be»*ii h* aid H is morning on the mention •»!! attempts .o trace direct- In any fanilHc* or operatives having lie el v proved n lr-p * with but few I i I i I smith ' fate d 11 «t In *i a«l hrni’d of no one having bb section and did not know of any '*!»» contemplating rolng .1 N Barnes stated thit h«* hud heard of about five who expressed nri Intention of going rnd Charlie Holfrrbtw stated that he kuevv of <n!) one family. These peo ple are in the heart of the district and would pinb dd know if anv extensive I movement was under w§\ The elrrulftt which created tdl the trouble recep as foUows: \N A NTKh One i iioiiMund n• 11 oper flflvi- Trantportftilon will he ad voiced oid employment g‘ven io ex perlctieed in; 11 operatives Kot further inform tlon. call on \ O Her**, liooni lot. \foMgomer\ building First come, first employed 1 hey w» rc distributed by :i woman vesterctuv atornoon and have been generally pissed around since then Their me numy who a«wm to he of Ihi* opinion that \ugusta operatives would be justified In getting out to work for the period during which the* bail mills will be Idle, b it it is not believed generally that many will leave the city an conditions here are too near Ideal from a manufacturing standpoint sci permit nf emigration of the part of the mill people and be rides there is work here now for near ly everybody who desire It and the mills will b* ready for operation a» soon us power can be secured. H«ro Ha> License. 'I hr agent. A (), Hero, who I* in lilt* (*ll> lo got pt-nplo to un to Now Orl»t(B» to work In tho mill*, him tiikiti out x llcoiiho to do business. Mr. Holt) w»* In tho oily »overal day* bo for* ho houßht the license, hut whoti ho found that lie oottldn t do business hero w ithout H, ho wired hlx ftiin and thiv tend him in huy T'o loro Ik* bought (ho license, Mr. Hero refused to talk lo tht' people about len» Ini; tlo* oil* Tho price paid (or iti" license «a* V'op. NEW GOODS BY EXPRESS Koahcr Sausage of .til kinds; Smok rd Tongue*. Cod Fish. Dutch Hsr ringa. etc. H. J. Markwalirr. 1001 Broad alreet Phone lo9*> MR- AND MRS- 2* A- BROWN'S LITTLE DAUGHTER DEA*J RWAINSBORO, tin • V dealh that! has on a atoned much sorrow in this [ ( ll* la lhal of little Sara May Brown. ; seven months old daughter of Mr and Mrs 7, A Brown This bright little girl was for two or throe weeks ho ! fore h**r death a areal sufferer, raua cd by numerous rlalna* on her faro and nook and death waa truly a re lief to tho llitlo one. Her remains were Interred In the jtit* cemetery yesterday afternoon at ! ■:.'to oTlook In tho presence of tuauv friends of tho bereaved faintly. ' The Ait ship Is Here." an article jin the World's Work tor September,' ; is a lucid account of what bat been j I done In aeronautic*, what is going on j I *t preK nt In the many test* that prl i j vale and government tnteivst* ar-< : ; 'uaktnis. and what may he looked fori as mote oi lose Immediate develop i i menu The article Is rendered tin j | usually graphic by over torlv pho-l 1 1 ('graphs showing aeronauts' shops ' i aviator* on the ground and at the iwheel, and aircraft of all the differ. . :ml sorts hat are being serious y | considered (<*day THE PRICE* OF THE LIGHT. "We mutt walk In the light," says, i 'trvihir Hocketoffer \l l right, but I don't rain- ’ho price of It!—Atlent.l 1 Constitution. Mrs. A. H. Levy *^***Sa i r*■ ■ • r-ff -* Mrs. Alirahnm H. Levy, formerly Mias Lillian Al bertson, the actress, who ha* developed great inven tive ability. Among her re cent inventions are a high speed Motor-boat, and a Theatre programme vend ing machine. MANY ESCAPE FROM RUSSIAN PRISONS ST PETERSBURG.—The Russian I'rlgon Commission reports that dur lug the last year (1,422 prisoners eg raped 'rom tall all over (he empire. Of these 2.341 got away from prison wardens or military escort on thp way to or from prison or courts of jus flee. Fifty-one escapes were due to brill ery and 4Sl> were effected hy Ihe or explosive or mining under prison walls, In the prison at Akatuv. be yond Irkutsk, eight secret passages mined for escape were discovered MISPLACED SYMPATHY. Benevolent Old (lent lam sorry, .lohuny. lu see you have a black eye." I'romlaing You:h You go home nnd be sorrv for your own UtUn boy he's got two'" Philadelphia Iti t, Utter BURGLARS ECS PSR!SH_CHI)RGU I.ONDON Wanton damage has been done bv thieves In the pictures j quo parish church of Beddlngton. near t'ruy don The burglars obtained Recess to the church by entirely destroying the lower half of a beautiful stained glass window in ihe Carew cuapcl. They .appear to have been bent on deatruc j Bon as much as robbery, They scat tered the vases of flowers w hich had been placed on the altar over the floor lof th„ chancel bent and spoiled sev eral light bras* candle sticks, tnd wrenched the poor box from Its post tlon This Is not the flrat robbery the ! church has had to suffer The prea out outrage is a trifle compared with the one which occurred In the time of : Canon Bridge*, the predecessor of the I present record. On that oecastiM the cross. ***s decorated with some beautiful jewels, was taken It popularly sup x-sed bv the famous burglar Charles Peace The jewels were those of j Canon Bridges daughter, who bad idled scum Utile time before. THE AUGUSTA HERALD OFFICERS FOUGHT TO SHE LIFE OF PRISONER :|T; / | WHEELING, W. Va.—Officials of th« Cherokee district, near Hunting ton, fought desperately late yesterday with an enraged mob to prevent the I lynching of John Sprouser, captured by blood hounds on the charge of burning the home of Charles Qooper. In which his two children, aged 7 and 5 years, were cremated, the mother fatally burned and two larger girls a-riously Injured by leaping from windows. The bloodhounds were placed on the track a few hours after the burn Ing of the house and Sprouser, who had suits In court over boundary dis putes with Cooper, was captured at the Ohio riyer shore He denies knowledge of the crime, but the au thorities say they can prove he made threats against Cooper. FORMER GEORGIANS HELP SUFFERERS' The Georgians Living; In Chattanooga Are Contri buting To The Relief Fund. Former Georgians living In Chat tanoogs have shown their sympathy for the people of their old home in a very material manner. They have contributed voluntary to the relief fund for the sufferers, as absolutely no canvassing has been made and no contributions have been solicited. Up until Tuesday (he folowing was the list of contributors: Miss Mamie Hatcher $5 00 It If Cohen 5.00 M. Hlrach 5.00 -In os Heympnn 5.00 Louis Hatcher 2.00 .till Hatcher 2.00 Mr. McAllister 2.00 s*r Kakow 2.00 Cash 2.00 W. T. Robinson LOO J. R O'Neil LOO H. J. Klmmons 1.00 K. P. Foster 1.00 Cash 1.00 G. B. Clronie .50 This will immediately be sent to Mayor Dunbar ot Augusta. BISHOP HEARD SON ADDRESSING CROWD Surprised The Youthful Speaker and Patted Him On The Shoulder*. lON DON Walking along the sands nt Blackpol yesterday the bishop of Manchester reached hls central mission pulpit to find hls youthful son addressing the crowd. The bishop, unseen by hls son, listened attentive ly behind the serene at the rear of the platform, and when Mr. Knox concluded hls brief address, his lord ship stepped out and proudly patted the surprised young man on hls j shoulder. Commencing hls own ad dress. Dr. Knox said a Birmingham! gardener once exclaimed of an Amer lean bishop, "Oh, If I could only get l some cuttings from him." He. the speaker, added. "You have heard my son; some cuttings from him would make a better bishop than you have got today.’’ PRISON INCIDENTS IN THE RUSSIAN PRISONS ST. PETERSBURG Some Idea of life in a Russian prison may be path ered from Ihe .subheadings of 'prison Incidents"—events of sufficient Impor tance to be reported to superior an thorlty. There were eleven eases of officials murdered by prisoners; three of Attacks on prisons from ihe out side; otic hliutlred and thirty-three of "disorders" Inside prisons, which sig nlfles the introduction of soldiers to restore order by firing on and bayon eting right and left. Two hundred and forty rases of at tempted escape were discovered be times: forty-two prisoners were mur dered hy their fellows - a frequent punlshement for spring among Rus xlan prisoners; attempts to set prls one on fire numbered seven: fires twenty-seven, and there were fnrtv two rase* of suicide. tn attempting to rerapture escaped prisoners and In "restoring order" by ' armed force ninety seven were killed and one hnudrrd and forty wounded tn the course cf the year. MANY NEWSPAPERS ARE ESTABLISHED IN TURKEY RERUN No fewer than two httn died and *l*ty-flve newspapers have heen establlsh-’d tn the last week In Turkey as a result of the suppression of censorship. "We are going to make a clean sweep of All Baba and the young Turk orators In the street" This slight variation on the "Arabian Nights" has reference to the corrupt occupant* of thp Government offices, railed Bab’ All" and containing 4ivi rooms But we will show- Europe." the orator* add, that the Turk is a gentleman and cap manage his at fair* as quickly as the cool-headed Englishman.' DOMESTIC AMENITIES la I: raining— Inquired h»r hus band ' I can t fmd today’s paper, dear, to av«.' "In that rase suppose you look out of tht window, love."—W.vhlngti, U«raM. Use Gas! '• For Lighting, Heating, and Cooking. IJJUBIJiI«MSESaBEWKM—WBBHWH3—3BSSBBMWBHMBHE3 rancTes, sl6 ar| d Up Easy Payments. Connections Are Free. While They Last We Wifi Sell Cotton Seed Hulls at $6.00 Per Ton (Cash) at The Mill We do this in order to make room for the new crop. These Hulls are not damaged and are perfectly sweet. The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Phone 287. Savannah Road, on Belt Line. FURNITURE RtNOVATING Will soon begin and you will need the necessities for the work. Now the very best article on the market today for this work is LIQUID VENEER, and we are the sole agents for this article in Augusta. Thereds no other just as good, for this is the best. All kinds and colors of floor stains. We have the the goods in all size packages. There is nothing that makes the floor look better than a fine coat of stain. If any of your metal or discolored, there is nothing that equals PUTZ C REAM tor putting it hack in its original condition. If any of your furniture comes to pieces then it is LA PAGES GLUE that you need. It will hold tighter thab any other kind of glue. Remember that we carry everything you need for putting your furniture floor and walls hack in their old condition. X (Ve have Glass of all sizes and can fill orders rapidly. O’Connor&Schweers Paint do Broad Street. ~ Augusta, Ga. 1 THURSDAY SEPT. 3