The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 04, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT WANTS A REAL LIVE PAGE IS WHAT YOU FIND IN THE HERALD WANTS. To answer Home of today'* rlaxsi find ads wtll require but a short walk Hut. of course. the one that Interests you most may be further u« ay Kvcn poor advertl»lng doe* not wholly fall while good advert laltta ' makes" any deserving enterprise. Btoro prosperity la devised, design ed and direrted; not five per eent of It. or of more-ad vemlty, la the re Hill of "fate." or lurk. Ijonk nW-r the thing* you have hough! that were advertised and tie other things. There v a leaao* In U. That friend of your i who is always an “lucky" about finding baigalnH, is an experienced id reader that's th bow and why of It. “Mltniuy a store-ad la usually tnlealnr a huyln* ckaare A toosmaU advarllnlns bill I* the • r( that la hardest to pn>. If "shopping" l« pleasant to you under moat any clrcuniatuneen, it would be delightful if you were a tegular (id reader. SITUATION WANTED Male. WANTED: EXTRA WORK TO DO at night Clerical preferred. J I*., J care Herald, 87p WORK ANY HONOR m7|-E WORK wanted try and Industrious. honest bui, 15 years old Addteaa .las Seoi; gltia. 1*34 Greene at reel . *4* Work any ' Ml'i.oymi \t my ambitious boy of 16, baa had "X perlence in drug htmluee soda dla penstni. cigars, etc AdJreva "Am blttoua." care Hetnld 34x WANTED HELP Male COACHMAN WANTKt) AI'I'I.Y TO Wm H. Harrell, 2ti3 Ityar Hld'g | hfpl Jiffi j E.XPKIUHNt R|» yOl’N'K WHITuj m m wanted to tuK< orders for and deliver grin erics No one need no I pH unl< i the", can furnish flrst-clMs* left-fence Call HI 1132 Broad. »5c j an KXI’tJUHMTI) 'IMA \NI) (’<)?■ f *>• imU piiu.H by a v> cil-knotvi) hoiin* with an f**ti4bli»*bt»<i b'i«n«i»#. li** ».ij,iDU«t rftVf' mil pariHuUn of t f rl« ikm Ho* UHo N«*w York Clt / «4c i’Ait lit HANK A YOt NO WTUTtf man without f unity to work ami Hook alter l.ittn; good salary to right taiiy Apply I. A. Orinaaud. 2 '* Camming afire'. h'h: W ,NTED SITUATION Female. HOI SKGIKI \ ('OUhlWi WOMAN til •!lit pOMltllM' KM hDUHMRIrI A 1 • I ply M toggle Nichols, !»l' UainpblMl tlir.-t *4xv WANTFD HELP Male and Femalo YVANTLI* I'd. Vol’Ntl L.V ’¥ AM* Iwenly-liv* l»oy» Al>|tpy * 011*1 KOl | 11 ito) morality Aiikumiu Hot t’.t'o-i" j Hint IT,-wing Club, 411 Ctui-p •—I •) *Pp WANTED MisceUaenoui IKH SK WANTKU TO \W\ TWO i(oi t v houift#, to to h moniM, in nuv local It > AdtltcK* l( W., OH To llt»r* Kid »'p WANTKU. EVERYBODY To’KNOW Oml *0 »re c»|*r*ti for at the haute ulil aland IK«ll<ju«*ht New aiul Old Hook Store a3lc iII?M UKH W A NTKI> LOW KST prtc« |x»r thoUßAnd (or lumber; too, OOit toinK’.OOO feet Will lake run of lo* Kit her ion* in short leaf Ad dre«» li M , cam The Herald. ate WANTED Boarders. I \M GOING TO HUM A CXiTTA'IB In Summai vtllr iirokKt>l> unfit Nnx In 10 avoid th« iirkooKK In tho clt> usual!) fnlfOWtl'g flood* Riid would like 10 irrurv two young nun or u roil pit ’ 10 P taro w lit )«■ on* there \il die. a. ll*ir.lur, cap* Herald «Sp WANTED Rooms ROOM A GKNTLI IAN \V\NIS one furnished room on the Hill as •oon km posslbh \dili*-' ItOOin l"'i, ■ Albion Hotel C F Kohlruss THE MONVMKN I PI vl.i It WISHES to br notified by all »ho wish tu havi heir monumental » or* clean «d or repaired In a prot<er manner pood work al raagonabte prices. »;> * Concrete Work. CONOR i-T i WORK I IK) A 1.1. kindti o( concrete work. such a* eeno a*. walka. reinforced work. 1 gave the latest Improvrd machinery, and an expert foreman, and am pre pi. mi to turn out work tor bin on dm Estimates and ageotßcaUona (urnt)hrd A W McDaniel. Augii* la Ok J27U m«» rwo . * at guMfUji •' MaanlrSUCK/ aLwv/ r a. a* in The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge TOR SALE—Miscellaneous POP SALS: HALF CORD DRY pine wood, delivered, for $1.50. Hustle swings $3 00 and Rocking. Chair* $1 60 each. Some fine Colum bian Wyandotte*, 8. !,. Wyandotte*, Light Brahma* and White Rock* at special close out prices. Eggs for hatching, all Breeda. itelvldere Poul try Karin, Phone 1184, Augusta, Ga. AUTOMOBILE: GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be »een at White’* garrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald offlca. ts WRAPPING PAPER: OI.D NEWS paper* for wrapping purpoaea. Ap ply at Herald office. Jl6tf VRAPPINO PAPER OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purpose* Ap. |dy at Haratd Office. Jlgtf pool Table' TiiufcK Bbco.’u hand pool talilca for *ale; cheap to milok huger Apply Planter*’ Motel Poo! Room, *4p ENGINE: GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Alia* engine, practically new, for ale at a bargain Address Engine, cure Herald. POOD T/TtI.ES: TWO POo|, TA Idea, In perfect condition, for aale; also aoft drink stand. Address C. T. W , care Herald. S6c DISINFECTANTS CREOLKI :.I hoc IT PROHYLAC tic Fluid fide Lreolln 10c, 25c, tic and SI.OO bottle. Piatts Gitlorldcs f.Oc. t'hiorlde Lime PARR'S PHARMACY filti Ilroad Hired . I‘hone 369 ONE HEAVY’DRAFT hSkHi’wAO Mi and ham*** Wagon built three month* ago by 11 H Coskcry. liar lieu braas mminted Wagon and barnaa* made out us the hast material Suitable lor wholesale grocery or loinimilciD house The beat looking I gam In thp city. Price $215i00 caah Jack Crum, ion Company, No. 117 .lackßun »treuL Of R STORE NO 117 JACKSON BT, four tloor* with elevator runnln;: to ttip of bnlldliiK tine office down ttnlis. end four office rooms up stain, Midi cnfnplet)' building In the city for wholesale grocery, commission, col on house, or storage room. Rent sM,n(m, possession given linmmedt iilely .talk Cranston Co., No. I!7 Jackson street. ill l-'FALI) I'HATFORM &UALKH: nphclty 2,600 lh« . only »M**d four monthH, s♦»■» 00, also Uo two Hut irurk so? $1 r o<# Jack Cranston Co., No. 117 Ja< kson Htmjt a2l H'Wftf Warning We make a specialty of repairing and cleaning Cash Registers. All combina tions should be examined now and save other trouble. H. K. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. FOR SAJJ3 Poultry ani Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Tou.ou* Geese, Mimrovey Puck*; Barred K'vinoulb Kick*; alt farm raised, he. :h) ami from first (Tan* stock Prim manual bio. Address Wowdr# Phlnliy, Jrovofown. Gs. ts HUFF OMPINUTONS A FEW MCE young cockrel* for Halo. From tho origlual fasiuu* Cook itram. ’lowin' Pblnliy, FOR SALE Real Estate AN IDEAL HOME IT WILL l)OU bio m valuo In lan year*; atop pay. In* ront; also 116 nrroa dno land at ilia, i- wood Apply to C. 1. Schmidt, 44- Walker Si. al(c HOUSE A BEAUTIFUL HOME. - !!: Hroad *1 root, for Halo; lot 45x120, bouao of & rooms, Sir*** porch, bark mid front; cement sidewalk; *.i». a n. » houio Prlco. )5,.150 cash ip ply on premlao*. Side 110 l SK A BEAUTIFUL IIOMK. 122- Broad »trcet, for »*le; lot i ,*ftti, and front; Cement sidewalk; * is, a lira hollar Prlco |*..’so cash \ ply on promlKcn *tOc FOR RENT Rooms QRKKNK STREET. 344. IDKOOMA lar»r ktnblr If. 00; Contro atroot, •Of. Troom*. ist.oo; K.IIIm Mtrort. MO and MS, broom*, oarh |.\Yi)o. Hroad •trooi, SJ7, t* iwinii, i»o no. Qroono •trort S3S. 4 rooms and stable, lower] flat IJi'd 1 ltiv*d Mtrort, 559, |; roomM |35 t*C. Hmiuld* atrret. 43 1 ■ mm, upper flat. 115.50. Apply S&5 Hroad MUwrt h,>c ROOMS FOR RENT at ONCE IN modern riw'drmw htnrt of th* city, two furnlMhrd rv*o»» D, A., rare Hrra d i4r A WANT AD. IS SURER! SEEDS GOOD SEEDS. THE VERY BEST SEEDS. TESTED SEEDS. SEEDS THAT ARE BURE TO GROW. Alexander Seed Go. 911 Broadway. Doing Business in the Same old Stand. And we are doing it, too. Alexanders. 911 Broad. MRS. PRANCES FOX. PHOTOGRAPHER, FUsidenee Studio, 819 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak film* developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 50c alOtf WE HAVE BEEN OPEN EVER SINCE THURS DAY AT OUR REGULAR HOURS. NO DRUGS OR PAINT DAMAGED—i PRICES SAME AS BE FORE THE FLOOD. Green & horsey Phone No. 104. 820 Broad Street. FOR RENT -Real Estate. RESIDENCES TWO DESIRAHLE residence* over Maxwoll Building. 1200 Block Broad street, trora Oct* t l«t. Apply tv U. McL-ndon, 1u32 ITroari S». KOIt RENT—HCMMERVILLK REBI* from Oct. 1, 8 roonm, till cf»n vcnluncc. H, M. H., care .Herald. uMp FOIt RKn't ! i KBIDENCH 1242 A\l) 1244 Broad street, $25.00 each. Pos sesrlon at once. Jno i. Evana, alßtf Warning We make a specialty of opening and repairing Iron Safes. All combination looks should be examined now and save trouble. h. K. Fourcher 572 BROAD SEREET. FOR SALE Horses, Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON'T HUY YOUR HORSES and mule* from tin, wo both lose money, Augusta Stock Yards. RED POLL CAT rue"! A FEW choice hollers and bull calve*. They Hre hardy, clean aterk. good milker* and with beef conformation. Just the kind of cuttle you like to see around the farm For prices and estlmat.w. write Bowdre Phlnliy, Grovetown, Ga Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FlllltE PLASTER IS the best plastering material for walls and celling*. It give* add. Itonal ilreugth to the building and •lay* put forever A. H. McDaniel. Augusta, On. Ji4;f Horse Shoeing HIGH WATER NEVER TOUCHED ui,. on home shoeing I b*4ve» on«* jof the be»t oipi;p|*ed horse shoeing shops in Augusta, and always carry a full line of shoe* -forty-eight keg* Also use a great many hand made shoes I fit all the shot's myself and see that they are put on properly. I solicit your patronage, or a part of It at least Three of the beat *hoers In town, I can »ho c forty live head, four shoe* each, per day Shoes one dollar per set and upwards. Monthly shoeing Horse clipping Clipper blades sharpened L M Hutto. 722 Kills street Sfc Five Sand j THOUSANDS OF LOADS OF S AND can he had free If hauled imnicdt alely from !he Retd Warehouse at ' North Augusta bridge Two horse J wagons with driver* wanted. Reid A Co., 71* Reynold* street. Ssc Fruits and Vegetables |IK YOU WANT NOTHING RUT fresh fruit and vegstablos. | have them tn largs quantities. I also give ion something free with every cash purchase Phone orders given prompt attention Call phone AD. Max Mo 1 guletoue, *4* Broad atraet. Ste THX AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS Pressing. PRETTY HARD, OLD MAN, BUT IT can be helped. Send your clothes to us to be cleaned and pressed and you will never know they have been wet. Verdery Pressing Club, 313 7th St. Phone 2425. s4c To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING: FROM this date on your piano m*ved, tuned and cleaned for $5.00. The spe cial price of tuning is $2.50. Call up Robt. J. Watson. Phone 504, No. 666 Broad street, the Cable Co. (All work strictly first class.) »20c DON’T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM. H. E. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Cheap Lumber A LARGE Lor OF FLOORING, CEIL ing and weather boarding, all grades; also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-In. hoards to Bxlo frameing. All this stock must be disposed of in next 30 day- Address Standard Lumber Co., Exposition Ave and 15th St., or E. J O'Connor, 855 Broad St. ts Muddy Clothes LET ME CLEAN YOUR MUDDY elothc-s and make then look as good as good as new. I can give you the beHt of work on short notice and guarantee every piece of work that *nes out of my place. I s-nd for ami deliver all work. Ladies' skirts a specially Tuggle Pressing Club, 1540 Walton Way. Phone No. 2214. slOc Painting IF YOU WANT YOUR SIGN OR front painted cheap, send for J. H. Burnett, 1851 Hicks, street.. ssp Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 6 gallons delivered 50 cents Phono 112. Alts Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALI, ME UP for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Al2tf Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUK day. Ready at 11 o'clock a. m. 25c quart Vandiver's Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. J2stf Gin House Insurance. REPRESENTING THE STRONGEST lire insurance company In the world, making a specialty of cotton gins. We will be glad to write cotton gins, old style and system gins, anywhere in Georgia or Smith Carolina. Write or telephone us. F. Phinitcy & Co., Agts. SlOo Sacre’s Watch Club Mem bers. ALL PARTIES INTERESTED WILL please call at once, l*tl2 Hroad St. Respectfully yours, C. M. Bacre. sic Reward FOR ANY CASE OK CHILLS AND tr* r Randall's Chill and Ke ver tonic tails to cure. Guaranteed to cure vvhi re others fall. No cure no pay. 'Phone 2214 - Randall's Phar macy . Wb deliver to any part of the city. 0100 Damaged by the Freshet. THE AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY will repair anti put in first iass or der. your .rank? that were damaged by the water. Telephone them 593, they will send for your trunks, ex amine them .md let you know cost tore doing the work. If you prefer s nice new trunk, they will take the old OB* as part payment. Give them a call at 801 Broad, Wrong Side of Street. ts E. M. Deas MEATS: HAS A FINE SELECT stock of home-raised beef, veal, pork, extra fine iamb, spring lamo, etc E M Deas, 13 Jackson street Phone 210. S6c Barber Shop THE ROYAL—rTRST CLASS SER vice, hot utid cold baths; toilets for the face; Florida Water, Lavender Water, Violet Hazel. Witch llaxcl. Dr. Marshall * viiet Cream. Dr Aronld * Mentholene Cream. Dr Marshall's Massage Cream, Koken s Camphor shave 10c. absolute cleanliness In every department. J I. Edwards, proprietor, 209 Washington street. alt- trl -sat -sun lino c Clothes Pressed STILL DOING BUSINESS AT THE same old stand. In the same old way at the same old price. Verdery Prsalng Club, 313 Mclntosh afreet Phone 2425. *4c Watch Repairing. WK ARE PREPARED TO CLEAN the rust out of yj'ur watches, clocks or tewrin Gall to No 1240 Broad street All work I had on hand 1* safe David Rones, Proprietor. sis A Trial Will Prove ’ 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 25c PER PECK; green tomatoes 50c per peck; ap ple vinegar 30c per gallon; onions 25c per half peck; large white head cab bage 10c and 15c; spieces and etc. Now is the best time to do your pick ling. Please giie me your order. L. A. Grimaud, 210 Cumming street, 'Phone No. 1305 sloe Clothes Pressed | THERE IS NO USE OF CRYING over spilled milk. What’s done | I can't be undone, but you can help j j matters considerably by sending us your clothes to be cleaned and press j ed. We can't give you a new suit.! j but we can make your old one look ! just as good as new. Give us a trial ; and be convinced. Verdery Press j ing Club, 313 Mclntosh. Phone 2425. | J. P. Stephens, Mgr. s4c Lost and Found CALF: STRAYED OR STOLEN from corner Gwinnett and Harisor. streets, Wednesday, a red calf. No- j tify M. A. S., care The Herald, and j get reward. a22tf i MULE: FROM* OUR LOT,'ONE SOIL j rel mare mule, got out last night. 'Phone 756. Bludwine Bottling Co. s4c MEDICINE Prescriptions Promptly Filled The MODEL PHARMACY READY FOR BUSINESS ONCE MORE. BROAD AND KOLLOCK ST. B, F. Matheney, Prop- Send In Your Orders for Prompt Service lost: Papers and receipts belonging to C. H. Williams. Please return to 1008 Reynolds and get re- sip HORSE: BAY HORSE; SUITABLE reward If relumed to W. D. Jen nings, Jr, or J. M. Caldwell. s4c STRAYED OR STOLEN: TUESDAY night, one cow; coior, light brown; butt head. Reward If re turned to J. E. Wiggins, 872 Young street. ’Phone 2303. sfc Expert Cleaning. LET ME CLEAN AND PRESS YOUR suits. 1-adies' skirts cleaned and pressed. The best work for the least money of any concern In city. Why buy new hat when we can make your old one new. All work guaranteed. Culbreth Pressing Club 315 .Mclntosh St. Phone 744. S S C Notice AS MY PLACE OK BUSINESS WAS washed away, I will move one block below, opposite side. Thanking my friends for their patronage and hoping they will still continue with me, W. Golden, 948 Ellis St. s7c Insurance of all Kinds. WRITE ok phone e. phinizy & Co. lor flood insurance any where in tho city and Marine insurance on! all steamers between northern ports and Augusta. sSc Notice to Dealers WE ARE PREPARED TO HELP you out with your stock of goods that was damaged In high water, by cleaning and pressing them tor you and putting them in first class con dition A special price made to all who it may concern, either by job or piece. Tuggle Pressing Club, 1540 Walton Way. ’Phone No. 22H. s-Oc Carpenter Work I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KIND of carpenter repair work promptly; ran furnish two carpenters. Apply F. M. King. 1512 Pope Ave. ssp Barber Shop 1 ADVERTISE WHAT I DO—I DO what I advertise. Your money back if, after taking my treatment for Dandruff and not cured. I niaka scalp treatment a specialty, having 15 years' experience. If I fall to cure, it will cost you nothing.—W. S. Hall. Leonard Building, Barber Shop. slOc Brighten Up. VARNISH STAINS, THAT WILL make water soaked furni'ure look ’ike new. Augusta Builders Supply Co., tii:> l:ro«J St. Phone 321. o3c Clothes Cleaned. SAVANNAH RIVER MUD STICKS pretty tight, but we can get it out Verdery Pressing Club, 313 Mclntosh St. Phone 2425. sic Drug* OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS. with a complete line of purest drugs and am prepared to fill all orders. Prescriptions a specialty. Qieene Street Pharmacy, cor. Greene and Marbury streets. sip IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing use Protection Brand. This roofing hag a six Inch lap and driving nails through the lap only and ce menting the overlapping sheet to It that no nails are exposed It can be laid by any handy man. This roofing Is made asphalt and containing no tar Sold by W VV. Jonea, 117 Mein toan St , Augusta Sloe Free Sand THOUSANDS OF LOADS OF SAND can be had free If hauled immedi ately from the Reid Warehouse at North Augusta bridge. Two horse wagons with drivers wanted. Reid & Co., 718 Reynolds street. ssc Machines Repaired ALL MAKES OF MACHINES Re paired by an expert adjuster. If your machine was under water better have it looked after at once. Singer Sewing Machine Co., No. 946 Broad etreet. o3c SAFES That have been in the flood require attention. Delays are dangerous— Be warned in time. We are experts and can handle any job. John F. Brickie 223 CAMPBELL ST- Furniture Polish WE SELL PREPARED LIQUID glue, and the best and cheapest furniture polish on the market Greene Street Pharmacy, cor. Grene and Marbury streets. s4p Special Notice Public School Notice. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE City of Augusta and the Village of Summerville will begin the fall ses sion at Nine o’clock Monday morn ing, Sept 14th. The principals of the various schools will be at their respective buildings from 9 to 12 o'clock of each day during the week for the purpose of enrolling and grading new pupils. The Normal class for white teach ers will meet at the Tubman High School Friday afternoon, Sept. 11th, at 4:30 o'clock. LAWTON B. EVANS. Superintendent. St3c MRS. JESSIE BRIDGES DIED THURSDAY The many friends of Mrs. Jessie Bridges regret to learn of her death, which occurred Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Mrs. rßidges has been sick for the past year and while her death was not unexpected, it Is a great shock to the family. She is survived by a father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Day, and several sisters. The funeral services were conducted at the house. Rev. R, M. Dixon, assisted by Rev. Thomas Walker, officiating The interment was at the West View cemetery. OFFICE STATIONERY. Buy your fall supplies of office Stationery of us. We have a full stock. Our prices are right. RICHARD’S STATIONERY COMPANY. “Meet Me at Hickey’s” StS? D Remember the place and get your work done at HICKEY’S BARBER SHOP. 221 EIGHTH 6TRRET. AUGUST A, GEORGIA. Telephone Girls Who give you telephone service are trained op erators. They are citizens of this city and are faithful, earnest workers. But they are human beings. Their energies are bending toward giving you good service. Their mistakes are mistakes of the head and not of the heart. EFFICIENT SERVICE. REASONABLE RATES. For Information Call 9050^' Southern Betl Telephone <£ Telegraph Co. -FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 4" —- WANTS ELECTION NOTICE. The attention of all persons wht* are, or may be, candidates for m»nj bership in The City Council of Avij gusta for the term of three years! commencing January, 1909, ig directed to the following provisions of the Actj of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, approved August 7th, 1907: ' That every person nereafter intend ing to become a candidate for the mayoralty, or for membership in the City Council of said city, at the reg jillar city election, as now fixed by i law for the month of December shall, : between the first Wednesday in Octo | ber and the first Wednesday in No vember, both inclusiv*. preceding ! such month of December, file in the 1 office of clerk of council of said city, ! w-ith said clerk or his deputy, a doc j laration or notice of such intention, which shall state the position, and! In case of the candidacy being for membership in th e City Council, in addition, the ward; a written ac knowledgement of the receipt of such declaration, from said clerk or his deputy, shall always be evidence of its filing. That In case not more than one such notice or declaration of intentions is filed in respect to any particular such position during the time above required, then the person so filing, by virtue of this act, 'becomes the incumbent of such post 1 tion for the next ensuing term as now fixed by law; and the said clerk of council, on the Thursday next suc ceeding such first Wednesday In No vember. publish, in each daily paper of the City of Augusta, a declaration to that, effect; and shall also pub lish on said Thursday and the two days next succeeding, in such papers, the names ol candidates for each such position, where there is more than one candidate for any such position. That once a week during the month of September in each year, said clerk shall publish, in such daily newspa pers, as the official notices of the City Council of Augusta may now, or hereafter, publish in a notice of the requirements of this act as touch ing the next election. That in cases where there is not more than one notice or declaration filed as hereto fore required, in regard to any par ticular position, that no polls shall be opened nor election held, In such ward or wards as such condition mav exist, neither in regard to the mayor alty nor membership in the City Coun cil, unless in cases where there is, In years of the mayoralty election, more than one candidate for the may oralty, qualified as hereinbefore re quired, and only one notice of inten tion in respect to the membership in council filed, when and in which case, the election shall be held as provided by law, but for the mayoralty alone, In each such ward or wards. That in case no notices, or declarations in regards to any particular place or position are filed, as hereinbefore re quired, the election shall be held as provided by'law; and In every case where more than one such notice or declaration shall be so filed for the position in respect to which it is filed, the election shall be held as required by law. WM. LYON MARTIN, Clerk of Council. S4-11-18-25-SOc.