The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 05, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX WANTS A REAL LIVE PAGE IS WHAT YOU FIND IN THE HERALD WANTS. To answer some of today's cla**l Bud ad* will require but a short walk But, of cours*. the one that Inter**;* you most may bo further aw*; Kvan poor advertising <lne* not wholly fall widle good advantialng "makes" any deserving enterprise. SUtro proa parity la devised, dettlgn* p«1 and direct**!, not five par rent of It, or of »tore adversity, 1* Ilia re ault of "lata," or lu>k. IxKtk ovar the thing* you have lirnigk; that wire advartland and the otbar thing* Thare'S a laaaon lu It. That frland of your* who I* always ao **l»cky” about finding bargain*. I* an experienced ad reader— that a the how and why of It "MUilng" a »tore-ad. la uaually missing a buying chant". A too-atnall advertising Mil la the port tbfct 1# h»rd«*Ht tb l*w>. If "shopping" I* pleasant to you under moat any circumstance*. It would b<- delightful If you were a j regular ad reader. WANTED SITUATION Male. WANTED: EXTRA WORK TO DO at night Clerical preferred. .1 1\ cere Herald. ■' ,l> WANTED SITUATION Female. HOURIOOIRL A COLORED OIRI. d«*nlr«*N poii 1 Mon hm hoiiMgirl. Ad drcM Lina But Jit, 918 Fro wick Ht. *6x WANTED HELP Male CtJAt'HMAN WANTED Al'l’l.V TO Wm. H HuirMl, 203 Dyer Hid * 21 fd fcXI’KHIICNCED YOUNG WHITE man wanted to ink* order* for and deliver Mroo*rit*» No uric neod up ply unlor* the? can fuinUli first clfts* icfi*rcnrt* Lull at 11112 !>road. liic AN EXPERIENCED TEA \NI) COE fan aaD'aiuan by a well-known houn* with nn oHtiiblipbed buimicMM. It*•- I»11«** mint rfivw full particular* of ex perience Hoi 1186 New York City »4c FARM HAND; A YOUNG WHITE nmu without ftmllv to work uud look alter farm; itood Hilary to right party. Apply L A Gnniuwd. 2 0 Cummin* Mrwct. WANTED HELP Female WANTKD: A HOI'HKM AID. AP ply nt <ll.l bit Ht!r COOK WANTKI) A 4’OOK TO (JO un the 11111. Apply (o P. (J. lJuruttl. ■7c WANTED Miscellaneous UOtIBU WANTKD To 111 V TWO ator> . h to H mom*. In nuv Addroiu* II W , c ifw Ih*p aiid «••»!» WANTKI* BVKRYIiODY To KNOW that vt e ara open fur bui*ln**nji at the iini« old eland Dellquoet New and Old Hook Htore. »31c IHCSK WANTKH HIOt’OND H AND roller-top d»*fk Apply Merry tiros. •7c ~ WANTED Boarders. 1 AM (ioINU TO HIM A t’OTTAOi: In Humm**T\itl«* ptifnAhly until No\ lit to avoid the •ickncet In the ©tty uaually followln* floods and would Ilk# to ••cure tmo young mm oi a couple to board while out (lure \«1 dree*. Hoarder, care Herald ;• FOR RENT Real Estate tUCSIDKNt KS TWO KICSIHADI-K residence* orer Maxwell Hiitldlng. 1200 lllock liroad ttreet, trotu Octo b#r lit Apply K H McUn4en, it*** lUu*4 dt. est rim MBNr ftl MMICKVILI K M£*4 dwo from iKm. t routni, «U con venlwut It At H ter# Hn«M »tp rOK HI-N’T RKBUM NOK 1242 AND 1244 Broad afreet. f?s 00 .*aoh Pot aaatu*n at one* Jno J Pvant, alktf COTTA** K KIOHTKOoM CO! ruTf: In Buimuervlllo (or runt, ail modern con return oa*, ppwnloo at once If d«* eir««d. ••rvant Imueew La yard Apply b'22 Oraeno Bt. »llc FOR RENT Rooms OKBNK STKKI T, 344. 10IIOUMS lor** •lat'le, s4'< PO, (>nlr* iO7. 7■ room*. 936 00, Kill* »(rces. i>lo and MI, 6-iwra». each Hn*»d . 1 n-el. 167, * room*, 140 00. Ul*N« •treed, l>*. 4-tocm* and »üble lower ft«t. $.'OlH4 Itmad *lre**l. 6>'»# t 17 *lOllll. 136 00; Koyuuld* *trt*ct. 43i, f.-iwnit. upper flat. »i:>so Apply 864 U road ■ire*! *(•<’ won*. I*o* awt> »r*rt |B^»'>ULtEV^*Hs2? , —g:”-A l {gug>aaii *. «*. In The Herald Pay Ic A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE Real Estate AN IDEAL HOME. IT WILL DOU hla In value In ten years; atop pay. inti rent; aJno .16 acre* tine land at Grarewood Apply to C. T. Schmidt, 44; Walker St. »10c HOUSE: A BEAUT IF 111. HOME, 111 Broad atrnet, for aala; lot 46x120, house of 6 rooms, largo porch, har k and front; cement sidewalk; gar., a m-vt houHij. Brice, $1,160 cash. A|- flly on premise*. 810 c IIOUSE: A BEAUTIFUL HOME, 122 Broad street, tor sale; lot 46x120, and front; cement sidewalk; gas, a new house. Price $1,160 cash Ait ply on premises slOc DWELLINGS: 1241 Broad street, 6 rooms, for $16.00 per month. 618 renter street, 5 rooms, for $16.66 per month. Apply Joo. J. Evans. »7p TOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE: HALE CORD DRY plmt wood, delivered, for $1.50. Rustic swings SI.OO and Rocking 1 hairs $l6O each. Some line Colum bian Wyandottes, H. L, Light Brahmas and White Rocks at > pedal close out price*. Eggs for hatching, all Breeds. Belvldere Poul try Karin, Phone 1184, Augusta, (ia AUTOMOBILE: GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at Wbite'e garrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. If WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald otHce Jl6tf WR'AI’PINO PAPER OLD NEWS papers for wrapping pur ponce. Ap ply at Herald Office. Jl6tf ENGINE. GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlas engine, practically new, for sisle at a bargain. Addrcsß Engine, care Herald. POOL TABLES: TWO POOL TA bins, In perfect condition, for sale; also soft drink stand. Address C. 'I W., tare Herald. SGc MY PLACE ON MILLEDGBVILLB roed with good dwelling house and outbuildings, mare, buggy, wagon, chickens, corn and forag" enough on It to run It another year; place will make about 7 bales of cotton this year. Will sell cheep for one-half cash; in 14 acres. L. McDonald, II E. D. No. 2 *6p DISINFECTANTS CRKOLEUM, 60c l*T PROHYLAC tic Fluid r,oe. ( rctdln Die. 25c, 60c and $1 oo bottle. Platts Chlorides 50c Chloride l.ltne PARRS PHARMACY 516 llroud Street Phone 36!t FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Ti)U.o*« Geese, Milicovey Ducks; llsrrcd Plymouth ll >cka; nil farm raised, healthy and from first class stock I’rlrea reasonable Address Bowdrs Phlalay, Jrcvetuwn, Ga. ts | HUFF ORPINGTONS- A FEW MCE yuuug rookrel* for sale Prom the original famous Conk strain Howdr* Phlnlay. FOR SALE Horses. Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IK YOU MONT BUY YOUR HORSES Hud mules from us. we both lose money. August* Stock Yards, HKD POLL CATTLE A FEW choice heifer* and bull calve* They nre hardy, clean stork, good milker* slid with beef conformation Just the kind of rattle you like to see around the farm Per price* and estimates, j wilt* How die I’htutsy, Grnvetown, Ua LOST AND FOUND. 4 ALU STRAYED OR STOLEN from corner Gwinnett and Harlsor streets, Wednesday, a red calf No tify M A H., rare The Herald, mid | get reward a22tt LOST. SETTER A BLACK AND whit# setter dog about y**ar and half old. If found return to Ml 4Me Intosh stre<M and get nrward J licTl. M 4 Mclntosh street i?o Porxn. HORSE TUESDAY. NEAR Mariam. Ga.. on* large bay hors**, shod all around, several senuahe* and cun. showing evidence flood #\- psrfsncs Owner ran got same bv proving property and pa>tng for this advertisement. Addrss* John E Mar til's, Harltuu. Ga a7e LOST. HORSE BAY HOUSE; STMT aide rvwurd if returned to W. IV Jennings, Jr . or J M Caldwell Damaged by the Freshet. | THE UGI STA TRUNK I X<T|)RY »t!l r«f»alr and put In fir««)**,■ ur l rt. r your .ruuk* that wetv <U.n«K<-<1 fiy th* -ater Toi-phour thont s?:i. | tb*> • til *«md for your trunk. x amtnr thaui and )«*t tou knuar t*o»t \+ ! lorr doltv* thn *.<rk U you pt-l.'i * ntor u<*» trunk, tfici will tak* th* old on* at part i>»> tnont (Urr UtY»u a call at k.*l Hroad, Wrong sttdr of | Sttwt ts A WANT AD. IS SURER! SEEDS GOOD SEEDS. THE VERY BEST SEEDS. TESTED SEEDS. SEEDS THAT ARE SURE TO GROW. Alexander Seed Go. 911 Broadway. Doing Business In the Same old Stand. And we are doing It, too. Alexanders. 911 Broad. Horse Shoeing HIGH WATER NEVER TOUCHED me on horse shoeing. 1 have one of the best equipped horse shoeing shops In Augusta, and always carry a full line of shoes —forty-eight kegs. Also use a grsst many handmade shoes. I tit all the shoes myself and *»« that they are put on properly. I solicit your patronage, or a part of It at, least. Three of the best shows In town, I can shoe forty five head, four shoes each, per day. Shoes one dollar per set and upwards. Monthly shoeing. Horse clipping Clipper bludes sharpened. L. M. Hutto, 722 Ellis street. ’ sOe MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 819 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak Aims developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 50c. alOtf C. F. Kohlruss the MONUMENT DEALER WISHES to lie no tilled by all who wish to have '.heir monumental work clean ed or repaired In a proper manner. Good work r.t reasonable prices. s 6:: Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK: I DO ALL k'nds of concrete work, such as cement walks, reinforced work. 1 have (he latest Improved machinery, and an expert foreman, and am pre pared to Dirn out work for big or ders Estimates and specifications furnished. A. H. McDaniel, Augus ta, Ga. J27tf Warning Wo make a specialty of opening and repairing Iron Safes. All combination looks should he examined now and save trouble. li. E. Fourcher BROAI) SKREET. E. M. Deas MEATS: HAS A FINE SELECT stock of home-raised beef, veal, pork, extra file- lamb, spring lamti, etc E M Deas. 11l Jackson stre.-* Phone 210. Soc Barber Shop THE HOY Air FIRST n.ASS SKI! vice; hot and cold baths; toilets for the; Florida Water, Lavender Water. Violet Haset, Witch Haxel. Dr. Marshall's vlict Cream, Dr. Aronld * Mentholene Cream, Dr. Marshall's Massage Cream, Koken's Camphor shave 10c; absolute cleanliness In every department. J. 1. Edwards, proprietor, 20# Washington street. all fri sat sun lmo c Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS the best plastering muiertal for walls and ceilings. It gives add! tlonal strength to the building and stay* put forever. A H. McDaniel, Augusta, Ga Jl4tf Free Sand THOUSANDS OF LOADS OF SAND can ho had free if hauled Immedl ateh from the Reid Warehouse at North Augusta bridge Two horse wagons with driver* wanted. RsUl A Co.. 718 Reynolds street. Ssc Fruits and Vegetables IF YOU WANT NOTHING BUT fresh fruit and vegetable* l have tham In large quantities; I also give you something free with every cash purchase Phone orders given prompt attention Pall phone 6* Max Mo gtllescu*. 54R Broad street S6c Damaged Roofing ;oe ROMAS TAR ROOFING PAPER slightly damaged lx>w price for quick sale Apply to Jnc J. Evans U7p Barber Shop 1 ADVERTISE WHAT I I*o -I DO wha I advertise Your money back If, after taking my twstment for Dandruff and not cured I mat > scalp freatment a specialty, having 15 years' experience. If I fall to cur*. It will coet you nothing—W S Hall, Leonard Building, Barber Shop slOc THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS T 9 Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING; FROM this date on your piano meved, tuned and cleaned for $6.00. The spe cial price of tuning D $2.50. Cali up Robt. J. Watson. Phone 604, No. 666 Broad street, the Cable Co. (All work strictly first’class.) s2oo DON’T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM. H. E. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Cheap Lumber A LARGE LOT OK FLOORING. CEIL ing and weather boarding, all grades; also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-ln. boards to Sxlu framelng. All this j stock must be disposed of In next 10 ! days. Address Standard Lumber Co.. 1 Exposition Ave. and 15th St., or E. ■ J. O'Connor, 855 Broad St. ts Muddy Clothes LET ME CLEAN YOUR MUDDY clothes and make then look as good ns good as new. I can give you the hr.;' of work on short notice and guarantee every piece of work that eoes out ol my place. I send for and deliver all work. Ladles' skirls a specialty Tuggle Pressing Club, 15,40 W'alton Way. 'Phone No. 2214. slOc Painting IF YOU WANT YOUR SIGN OR front painted cheap, send for J. H. Burnett, 1851 Hicks street. ssp Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents. Phono 112. Alts Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CAM, ME CP i for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel, j Phone 16. Al2tf j Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUR day. Ready at 11 o'clock a. m. 25c quart Vandiver's Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. j2stf Gin House Insurance. REPRESENTING THE STRONGEST lire insurance company in the world, making a specialty of cotton pins. We will be glad to write cotton gins, old style and system gins anywhere in Georgia or South Carolina. Write or telephone us. F. Phinlz.v A- Co., Ag»s. SlOo Reward FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND li * : that Randall's Chill and Fe ver tonic bills to cure. Guaranteed to cure where others fall. No cure no pay. Phone 2214—Randall's Phar macy. Wc deliver to any part of the city. olOc SAFES That have been in the flood require attention. Delays are dangerous— Be warned in time. We are experts and can handle any job. John F. Brickie 223 CAMPBELL ST- Free Sand thousands of loads of sand exu be had tree if httult-d Immedi ately from the Reid Warehouse at North August* briilK*\ Two horse wagon* with driver* wanted. Reid & Co., 718 Reynold* street. ssc Machines Repaired ALL MAKES OF MACK INKS RE paired by an expert adjuster. If your machine was under water better hate It looked after a- once. Sinner Sowtn* Machine Co, No. 946 llroad '■t l *'"- ole Insurance of all Kinds. WRITE UR PHONE f PHINI2Y & Co. for flood Insurance any where in the city and Marine Insurance on all steamer* between northern ports and Augusta. sSo Notice to Dealers Wb ARK PREPARED TO HELP you out with your stock of goods that »a* damaged in high water, by cleaning and pressing them for you and puuiug them In first class con dition A special price made to *ll who It ntay cm cam. ellhar by Job or piece Tuggle Pressing Club. 1540 Walton Way 'Phone No k?l«. a-CV A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 25c PER PECK; green tomatoes 60c per peck; at>- ple vinegar 10c per gallon; onions 25c 1 per half peck; large white head eab : bage 10c and 15c; spleces and eic. Now Is the best time to do your pick ling Please ghe me your order. L. A. Grlmaud, 210 Cumming street, I Phone No. 1105 slßc M E DIC I N E Prescriptions Promptly Filled The MODEL PHARMACY READY FOR BUSINESS ONCE MORE. BROAD AND KOLLOCK ST. B. F. Matheney, Prop- Send In Your Orders for Prompt Service Expert Cleaning. LET ME CLEAN AND PRESS YOUR suits. Ladies' skirts cleaned arid pressed. The best work for the least money of any concern In city. Why buy new hat when we can make your old one new. All work guaranteed Culbreth Pressing Club, 315 Mclntosh St. Phone 744. a 6c Notice AS MY PLACE OF BUSINESS WAS washed away, I will move one block below, opposite side. Thanking my friends for their patronage and hoping they will still continue with me, W. Golden, 948 Ellis St. s7c Carpenter Work I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KIND of carpenter repair work promptly; can furnish two carpenters. Apply F. M. King, 1512 Pope Ave. sfp Warning We make a specialty of repairing and cleaning Cash Registers. All combina tions should be examined now and save other trouble. H. K. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Brighten Up. VARNISH STAINS, THAT WILL make water soaked furniiure look like new. Augusta Builders Supply Co., 645 P.roaJ St. Phone 321. ole IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing use Protection Brand. This j roofing has a six Inch lap and driving ; nails through the lap only and ce- j menting the over-lapping sheet to It that no nails are exposed. It can be 1 laid by any handy man. This roofing ' is made asphalt and containing no' tar. Sold by W. W. Jones, 117 Mcln tosn St., Augusta. Sl6c , WE HAVE BEEN OPEN EVER SINCE THURS DAY AT OCR REGULAR HOURS. NO DRUGS OR PAINT DAMAGED—i PRICES SAME AS BE FORE THE FLOOD. Green & Horsey Phone No. 104. 820 Broad Street. HOLIDAY HOURS AT POST OFFICE MONDAY Holiday hours wfll ho observed at the Augusta postoffice Monday, the j same being officially recognized as Labor Day by the department. Gen eral delivery and stamp windows will be open from 10 to 11 o'clock Mon day morning, and only one delivery will be made to the business district. No deliveries will be made to resi dence sections. Rural mail carriers will also enjoy a full holiday. LETTER TO W B BRIGHAM. Auquata, Ga. l***ar Sir: "H* s a very *c»4l man a* men no. he's only about fifteen per rent tricky. ' What do you think of that? There are eight paint* not-adult era tea and full-gallon; there are more than two hundred in all; some adulterated three quarters. soui*' two-thirds, some halt, one-third. .4 quarter; and. when you get down to fifteen per cent, they seem very good as paints go; they're only about fifteen per cent tricky. Mow much la It fair to cheat In a gal lon. by measure; and how much by water In milk, or whiting, ehma-clay ground stone, barytes, benzine, and water, in paint? Fifteen is the least; It isn't worth while to cheat for l**»s than fifteen; they seem to think so any how. Maybe, it Isn't worth while a* ail Devoe is the strongest of all. A gal lon goes further: 10 gallon* Devoe is enough for a Job that takes 11 12 13 14 IS 1« 17 1* 19 JO 21 22 of the rest; ana a gallon cost* |'« when painter* are paid Now reckon the eo»t*. Devoe ISO. tno real 955 S6O |<S S7O and »o on. flow will they wear' The strongest wears longest, of course. U It worth while to cheat when an honest paint costs least and wear* longest? Tour* truly. 97 F W DEVOS ft CU Alexander Drug company *ells our pamt. COMMISSIONER GODWIN RECOVERED REVOLVER In the justice court of Magistrate E. T. Bennett, Friday afternoon, United States Commissioner W. H. Godwin w-aa awarded possession of a 38-calibre Colts magazine pistol, the same having been found at a pawn shop on the corner of Broad and Washington streets, and for which a possessory warrant was sworn by Judge Godwin in Magistrate Bennett’s court. The pistol disappeared from a draw er in Judge Godwin's desk, on last December 24th. He suspeoted a man who had frequently been In his office, and accosted him about the gun, but the man stated that he had never seen the pistol. A few days ago Judge Godwin learned that the gun was at the pawn shop referred to above. He asked the broker if he would give It up and the broker said he wrnuld not. Where upon Judge Godwin wired for the number of the pistol and was in formed by telegraphic reply in a few minutes that the original owner of the gun hadn't kept a record of the number. However, both Commissioner God win and Deputy Marshal Murray wero able to positively identify the pistol by other marks, and in the judgment of Magistrate Bennett, their Identification, was positive. Don't overlook the Sunday excu* sions to the Seashore via. the Cha* leston & Western Carolina Railway Trains leave, 7:00 a. m. NOTICE TO HERALD SUBSCRIBERS Beginning Saturday, Sept. 5, 1908, Th e Herald issues new receipt cards to all subscribers who pay the car rier weekly, and requests that they get a card when carrier calls to col lect. If carrier fails to leave card, please notify the office. WM, T. McKENDREE, Circulation Manager. PROF. AARON WATKINS TO PREACH IN ATLANTA ATLANTA, Ga.—Atlanta has the honor of entertaining not only one candidate for the vice-presidency on the national ticket, that ot the In dependence League, Hon. John Tem ple Graves, but will shortly extend a welcome to another vice-presidential candidate. He is Aaron 8. Watkins, prohibition candidate. Mr. Watkins will be in Atlanta Sunday week, Sept. 13th and he has been invited to oc cupy the pulpit in St. Mark's Metho dist church at the morning service. Prof. Watkins, as he is usually ad dressed, is vice-president ot the Ohio Northern University, located at Ada, Ohio, and is professor of literature aud philosophy in that institution. He is an ordained minister of the Metho dist Epsicopal church and belongs to the Methodist conference of Ohio, where for twelve years ne was en gaged in an active and remarkably successful ministry until called to occupy his present position. He is a man of splendid physical appear ance, a magnetic speaker, keenly in tellectual and fired with zeal for the great reform. NOTICE TO HERALD SUBSCRIBERS Beginning Saturday, Sept. 5, 1908, The Herald issues new receipt cards to all subscribers who pay the car rier weekly, and requests that they get a card when carrier calls to col. lect. If carrier fails to leav e card, please notify the office. WM. T. McKENDREE, Circulation Manager. DEATH OF MRS. C. C. HUMPHREYS Friends throughout Georgia of Mrs. Catherine C. Humphreys will be griev ed in the following from a Baltimore txehange: The funeral services of Mrs. Cath erine Clarke Humphreys, who died Wednesday of paralysis, were held yesterday morning front her late home on Gwvnn Oak avenue. Howard Park. Rev. P. S. Walsh, of St. Ambrose church, Baltimore, heing the officiat ing clergyman. Interment was in Rose Hill, Loudon Park cemetery. Mrs. Humphreys, who was 69 years old, was the wife of Thomas H. Humphreys and the daughter of (he late John Abell Clarke, of Leonard town. St. Marys county, who moved to Baltimore In the early fifties and succeeded Landlord Edgerton as pro prietor of the Virginia House, on Cal vert street, near Baltimore, a well known place In those days. He later became proprietor of the Hanover Ho tel. at Hanover and Pratt streets. Mrs. Humphreys is survived by four sons (James W. Humphrey* and ! lohn A. Humphreys, of Boston, and T. H. Humphreys and Wilbur B. | Humphreys, of Baltimore) and four [ daughters (Mrs. George M. Boone. Mrs. J. Leonard Howard, and Misses Grace Lillian and Maude Sara Humph reys). She also leaves a brother (Mr. John C. Clarke, of Baltimore) and a sister (Mrs. Mary A. Courtney, of Ridge P. 0.. St. Marys county). ''Meet Mb at Hickey's" ed fIom e tSI c f°l v ood Remember the place and pot your work donrwt HICKEY’S BARBER SHOP/ EIGHTH STREET. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 4 WANTS Bankruptcy Notices. Ir, the District Court of the Northeast* cm Division of the South* j* trict of Georgia. In the matter of L. M. Murphey, ia Bankruptcy, Banrupt. To the creditor* of E. M. Murphey, of Warthen, in the county of Washington and district aforesaid, a bankrupt; Notice is hereby given that on the 3 day of Sept., 1908, the *aid E. M. Murphey was duly adjudged h bankrupt and that the brut meeting of his credi tors will be held in my office in Au gusta, Ga., on the 18 day or Sept., 19u8, .it 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the aald creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. This Sept. 3. 1908. JOSEPH GANAHL, Ssc Referee In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the Northeast ern Division of the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, In the matter of Wm. F. Law, in Bankruptcy Bankrupt. To the creditors of Wm. F. Law, of Augusta, in the county of Richmond and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the J day of Sept., 1908, the said Wm. ir. Law was duly adjudged a bankrupt ana that the first meeting of his crooltors will be held in my office in Augusta, Ga., on tiie 14 day of Sept., 1908, at lu o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine tiie bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. This Sept 2, 1908. Joseph ganahl, Ssc Referee in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the Northeast ern Division of the Southern Dis trict of Georgia. In the matter of A. ri. Miegel, in Bankruptcy Bankrupt To the creditors of A. H. Miegel, of Augusta in the county of Richmond and diisrict aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the J day of Sept, 1908, the said A. H. Miegel was duly adjudged a bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held in my office in Augusta, Ga., on the 15 day of Sept., 1908, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such othfcr business as may properly come before said meeting. This 3epl 2, 1908. JOSEPH GANAHL, Ssc Referee in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the Northeast ern Division of ths Southern Dis trict of Georgia. In the matter of B. B. Lovett, Jr., & Bros., B. B. Lovett, Jr. & J. J. Lovett: In Bankruptcy Bankrupt To the creditors of B. B. Lovett, Jr & Bros., B. B. Lovett, Jr., & J. J. Lovett, of Bandcrsville. in the county of Wash ington and district aforesaid, a bank rupt : Notice is hereby given that on the 2 day of Sept., 1908, the said B. B. Lovett Jr.. & Bros., B. B. Lovett, Jr., & J. j. Lovett was duly adjudged a bankrupt and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held in my office in Augusta, Ga., on the 16 day of Bept., 1908. at 10 o’clook in the forenoon, at which time the said oreditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Tnis Bept 2, 1908. JOSEPH GANAHL, Sac Referee in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the Northeast ern Division of the Southern Dis trict of Georgia. In the matter of L. C. Toonier: In Bankruptcy Bankrupt. To tiie creditors of L. C. Toomer, of Augusta, in tiie county of Richmond and district aJorenaid, a bnjpkrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the Ist day of Sept., 1908, the said L. C. Toomer was duly adjudged a bankrupt and that the first meeting of his credi tors will be held in my ofTlce in Au gusta, Ga., on the 12 day of Sept., 190» at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove tneir claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact suen oilier business as may properly come before said meeting. This Bept. Ist. 1908. JOSEPH GANAHL, Ssc Referee in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the Northeast ern Division of the Southern Dis trict of Georgia. In the matter of C. B. Gardner: In Bankruptcy Bankrupt To the creditors of C. B. Gardner, of Augusta, in the county of Richmond ana district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the Ist day of Bept., 1908, tke said G. B. Gard ner was duly adjudged a bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditors w ill be held in my office in Augusta. Ga.. on the 12 day of Sept.., 1908. at 12 o’clock noon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. This Bept. Ist, 1908. JOSEPH GANAHL. Br»e Referee in Bankruptcy. CONTRIBUTION COMES FROM DALLAS, GA. Th e following letter with contribu tion was received by The Herald thla morning and explains itself: Dallas. Ga., Sept. 4, 190$. The Augusta Herald. Augusta, Ga.: Gentlemen: —Enclosed please find my eherk for $5 for the suffere-s In the recent flood n your city. I sym pathize deeply witlL you all and es pecially with the poor. Very truly yours. P. F. CLARK. FISH FISH Fresh from Fisheries Daily. Vegetables, Celery, Fruits. : : : 0. D. FORENCE Phone 1067. 446 Broad St.