The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 11

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SUNDAY, SEPT. 6. The Relief Fund Grows Over Thirty Thousand Mr. E. B. Hook, secretary and treasur er of the Relief committee, has com piled a wort of hi*, work mud submitted the The Herald, which is as follows: Augusta, Ga., Sept sth, 1308 General Relief ' NnnnihKe. Office of Sec. and Treas. Editor Herald: l'ne work illicit was put upon the secretary and treasurer of and <sißiriburtng money days of the committee s existence \va» not simply clercial, but admin is l rati ve. I was charged not simply with the work of receiving and distributing monew and keeping a correct account of same, but with the actual delivery «»f food in wagons through ihn flooded districts. Occupied as I was with this w'lh from morning until night, and fut/ ter hand icapped by embarassing conditions in my home which was on one of the most seriously flooded sections, it was im possible for me to receive and lis fc sub scriptions and donations in detail. i had turned over to me from the mayor, from the chairmar and from tr.o «wo newspapers batches of checks and cash in various amounts without a detailed list of the contributors and the amuun* paid in by each. These lists were pub lished in the newspaper. Mr. Berry Ben con," who is kindly assisting me, and I wil seek to work out In detail tomor row the subscriptions which are in cash which we have deposited in bank without a detailed list of the honors. Of course the checks show for ihcm-wlves, but the currency subscriptions have to be sifted out in order that cacn sub scriber shall feel satisfied. Mr. Benson and I have worked each day without going home to dinner, ami will put in all day Sunday in gelling out this detailed list of cash subsetibers lo account for the cash I have received and deposited in the bank. For the present, however, I furnish you with the following general financial statement for the public information: I have received and deposited in bank $17,749.H1 Received since banks closed, and not yet deposited 957.34 Total received $13,73*1.95 Drafts drawn which are in tran sit and not yet in the bank to our credit 61-0.09 Making sly,Bßo 95 This does not include the City s appropriation of 5,000.00 Government aid 3,500.00 Or reported Savannah Colton STURDY SCHOOL SUITS Fit Out the Boy for School on the Easy Payment Plan. Look well into th e matter of boys’ clothing; most of it is dear at any price. But not so the boys’ clothing sold at Menter & Rosenbloom Co.’s, 940 Broad St. Every suit in their store is known as long service clothing, mad* of stout ma terial well stitch ed seams , and strongly sewed buttons. The boy will appear well if dressed in one of Menter & Rosen bloom "suits, and best of all the prices are low and thp values cannot he surpassed in any store in this city. Charge your purchase and pay In convenient, pay ments. SI.OO a week. DISINFECTING LIME! We are ready to serve you. : : : : Augusta Builders Supply Company. ’PHONE 321. 640 Broad Street. OFFICE STATIONERY. Buy your fall supplies of office »Statioiierv of us. W e have a full stock.* Our prices are ri^ht. RICHARD’S STATIONERY COMPANY. We Are Prepared TO DO ALL KINDS OF CONSTRUC TION WORK & REPAIRS TO PROP ERTY AND BUILDINGS PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY. CREASMAN & WILSON, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Phone 1580. 500 Harison Building. Just Remember That Augusta is the Busiest and Best Town in the Country Exchange collection to Mr. Salinas , .. 1.600.00 Which would make a total in sight $2*.466.66 Nor docs it include a of pledges by local contributors who have not yet sent their checks. This amount cannot be estimated until we nave checked through the newspapers tomor row, but will carry the total well above, $30,000.00. Very respectfully, E. B. HOOK. Sec. and Treas. Relief Com. The Moral of the whole situation Is—Use Gas. i AGREEMENT IS ITT REACHED SEEMS AS IF COMMITTEES ARE FURTHER APART THAN EVER BONE OF CONTENTION Wether The State Or The County Shall Control ‘ The Convicts ATLANTA, Ga. —The dove o' pence w'hieh was predicted at the of ad jurnment of both branches of tin gene ra! assembly thl.i afternoon nfi«* va rious convict bills, substitutes and sug gestions were fought about. Jc was stated at that lime that the. comrdt tees were further apart than they had bepn since the beginning of the delibe rations Monday a new committee will probably be appointed. The principal bone of contention was stated to have been difference b< tweeu what has come to be called the ‘State and “County” place of handling the con victs. The senate substitute, it wdl be re called puts the entire manag *mont of the convicts in the hands of thy btato I nnd provides »t>e state shall work it roads in eonnties free of charge ;u;d : ts own direction as to counties h*. widen work is to be done. The house bill on the other band pre serves the eo inty unit ds a d is pro rating eonvh-H »o counties in pi *pm i Mil to the populate » leaves contra or the road gangs to the cent Us themselves, m other v. :»r .s ti.„ cj: r'nl difference was over the refusal of the senate to yield its ideas as to the state management* and the 01 liouf-e to give up its contention for "County control.” The Moral of the whole situation Is—Use Gas. HON. WILUAM H. TAFT’S OCTOBER CAMPAIGN Minnr.E bass isuand, o. wiiiiam | 11. Tuft will melts a traveling campaign I during the month of October, o-.lng time principally to the states which the ! national committee hand consider doubt ful, if the ideas of both ih-» candidate and hia national chairman. Frank K. Hllhcock as expressed today are carried out. The Mcral of the whole situation Is—Use Gas. A WEEK OF BARGAINS! Our entire water damaged stock of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Clothing, Shoes and Hats must go this week at prices far below cost. ,300 Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats that were not touched by the flood will be offered at FLOOD PRICES: Overcoats SB.OO to $12.00, Overcoats $12.00 to SIB.OO, Jg gjj Overcoats SIB.OO to $25.00, jg We also have Children’s Suits, Shoes, Hats, etc., at prices actually below cost. Special prices will be made to dealers w ho wish to buy in quantities. COME MONDAY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. Askin & Marine Co., 1015 Broad St., Augusta TWO DAIS CLOSED BT AUTHORITIES ALLEGED REFUSAL OF THE BANK EXAMINER TO AP PROVE SECURITIES THE CAUSE AMOUNT FEDERAL DEPOSITS All Federal and State De posits are Secured by Bonds. PITTSBURG, Pa.—Two financial In stitutionß, the rrmmopnlitnn National bank and the Mount Waahington Sav ing* Trust company, wer© closed h*re today by orders from the federal and stats banking authorities. While the Cosmopolitan National bank was a. fair alsed inatiution, the Trust company was a small concern and thcro was little or no excitement when the failures became known. The. national bank was closed a few minutes after 9 oclock this morning and the trust com pany at 11:39 a. m. The order closing the Cosmopolitan bank was brought forth by the refusal. It is said, of hank examiner John H. Cunningham, to approve some of the paper and other securities of the back for loans, aggregating it is alleged, over $1,000,000. However, the Official of the bank deny that worthless or hffcuf fleient securities have been accepted for loans. They say all the paper and ether collateral held by the Gosmopoliian is collectible and that the bank is solvent and able to pay all Its liabilities. Further than to state that the bank is insolvent neither examiner Cunning ham or Judge Oldham, of the logal de partment of the comptroller of the cur rency. who arrived here from Washing ton early today, would commit then - selves. According to the banks last statemen' its liabilities were $1,861,839.96. The hanks officials seemed to be very indig nant that the government should close the institution and cashier D. J. Rl'-h ardson stated that none of them hnr any intimation that, the bank was in trouble until examiner Cunningham clos ed the doors. He declared tho avail able rash on hand was nearly fl'ty per cent of the total deposits. Included In the deposits are federal and start leposlts of $100,990 each, secured by bonds. Robert Lyons who Is the re ceiver for the Allegheny Natlonl bank, which recently f lied htre. was appoint ed receiver of ihw Cosmopolitan. The reason for the closing of the Mount Washington Havings and Trust company has not yet developed It is believed, however that the trouble of the Cosmopolitan bank wall ihe cause The vice president of the trust com pany is also a director of the National bunk The capitlai stock of it.., trsur company Is $125,000. Its deposits were $60,000 with loans and discounts il $141,090 and s**»*ts said to nggrrgnto $200,000 Htate hanking examiner James M Cover, said the institution was clos 'd by banking commissioner li«rk*y, be cause of apparent irregularities. While he knew little of the condition of th< bank, he he||«»ved It would be posMbie ■ » adjust the Irregularities so that tin* doors could he opened for business next Tuesday morning as usual. "I understand" said he, *'th,r these is nothing materially wrong and that th< funds of the bank are Intact.* "CllncbfleM the Coal of Quality,” The Moral of the whole situatlor le—U*e Gas. THAW ACCEPTS^NOTICE OF CREDITORS MEETING PITTHRURG ■ The fArfnal accept ance of Harry K Thaw of th* notion hat th* Urn: mating of hi* creditor* The Morel of (he whole situation cee-Uae Gee THE AUGUSTA HERALD. COLORED RELIEF COMMITTEE BUSY Will Work With the Ad vice of the Associated Charities. The colored committee of the Relief committee, had a meeting last night to discuss the wisest plan for distributing $360 relief fund appropriated by IHo i ernl committee for Hamburg, S. <\, They will work with the advice nnd under the direction of the Associated t'Mwiii tles. Rev. r. T. Walker, Rev. HlUx Floyd and Walter S Hornsby, general manager o» the Pilgrim Health and Lll*» Ins. Co. were appoint'd a special com mittee to dial-mute lhr fund. The color? 1 women at ihr Y. M. <’ A. made 271 garments in four days and helped more than 100 men. women and children. The colored Y. M. f\ A. also dis tributed 84 mattresses slnee W urines day. The special station in chai&< of |>u gss. Page and Taylor i wsonrufgnmlli gas. Page and Taylor is work l a g full time. All goes well among ihe colored com mittee and they are grateful to tlir white committee for constant and continued support. The Moral of the whole situation Is—Use Gas. iteTlested FUR SEATING MOTH John Flynn, r- while boy ;>bout K> years old. wan aresfed Sulurdny night about 8 o'clock by Olflrei' Wtlklrm lor heating hi* mother He mart,- a statement at tho bat racks, or rather wrote It, as lip It <E*»f nnd dnmbh. It was, that hts mother si’ll' for him to mini, to tho hoiis* hk *h* wanted to r** him. Ilr live* with hIR alstnr. When ho Rot to th* house, p'i h" claims, hit, mother Mailed to healing him and h* picked up a baseball hat and struck her sr>/- sral times. The tibia or the small bone In TTi* left fore arm Is broken In thrs* plac*s and th* flbla or large hone Is broken In two pin*** She has a fearful Hash across the head and Internal injuries that were no discernahle at the first examination are feared The hoy will appear before Judge Picrpiet Monda> morning for a pre liminary trial. The Moral of the whole situation It—Use Gas. KILLED BY LIGHTNING. CUARKHTON. <ia Felix I-J year* old, living nar here, was struck by lightning yesterday afternoon about . o'clock and Instantly killed. The young man had gone to the field end started to drive a tram hack lo the house Tl.c brother of Felix, miming him went to look for him. lie found Fdlx tying dead aeroaa the wagon abaft. The mm* waa also killed. will he held Monday morning and of notlco to attend lh<' meeting foi «■* amlnatlon wee died bv Referee in Rankrtiptey W 11. lilair today. It wan stated thin morning at the office of Referee Rlalr that It |h not known whether Thuw will b« prt-senr. The acceptance of notice reads tie follow*: "I. Harry Kendall Thaw, do here);.- accept notice of the Ural meeting of my creditors, to he held at Pittsburg, I’a , on the 7‘h day of September at 10 o’clock In the forenoon, and forth hr. I do hereby accept notice to he In attendance at said meeting for exam ination by my creditors, "As witness my hsnd this 24th day of August, A. D., 1908. ' MARRY KRNDAI.I, THAW," The Mrral of the whole situation Is—Use Cas Men’s and Bovs’ Suits $5.00 to $25.00 for $3.95 to $8.75 Ladies’ All-Wool Suits, worth sl2 to S2O, for $3.50 to $7.85 WHAT COLORED PEOPLE HAVE GIVEN TO THE FLOOD SUFFERERS FUND Following Is a complete list of do nations already subscribed and paid to the general relief committee by colored pcplc. up to and including Saturday morning, Sept. 5. 190 S. The list has been gone over by Mr. 15. R. Hook, secretary and treasurer, and is published with his knowledge and con sent: r T. Walker, It. D $5.09 Silas X. Floyd 5.00 W. J. White, It. n 2.00 Will. Watters 5.00 First Cong, church 3.00 Oscar Cook 200 Seeking to Save Rand 10.00 G. W. Pope 1.00 Itoht. Hankeraon .25 Simon W. McTyre 1.00 Si. John Baptist church Walker Pilgrim Progress So.. 100 00 Tabernacle Christian Asa'n.... 25.00’• Tabernacle Rapt, church 30 no I Hr. (5. N. Rtoney 5.00] Harmony Rapt, church 3.551 M. Saxon Floyd 1.00 | Camilla Saxon 50! Rock of Ages C. M. 15. Crt.... 4.25 i Rev. J. W. Whitehead 1.00 I Klh*rt Johnson 5(1 Nurses Alumni Assn 20.00 Jessie Thurmond 5.00 A. M. Sherrill 5 00 F. M. Oilgas * Son 5.00 H. C. Demond 100 Joseph C, Jackson 1.00 ] 000. J. Scott t.BO Thankful Rapt, chttreh (i. 05 Fidelity Lodge, K. of P 10.00 Pilgrim Health and Life Ins... 100.00 WE HAVE IT If you are looking for correct furniture. Our stock was not touched by high water and orders can be filled promptly. The Skalowsky stock is being sacrificed at 563, 65, 67 Broad Street and special bar gains can be found at our upper store. The Georgia Furniture Co. 635 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. SPECIAL NOTICE To Our Patrons: WE WILL RESUME OUR FREIGHT AND EXPRESS SERVICE BETWEEN AUGUSTA AND AIKEN, MONDAY MORNING SEPTEM BER THE 7TH. THROUGH THE COURTESY OF MAYOR DUNBAR, WE WILL, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, LOAD AND UNLOAD ON FORD STREET OPPOSITE THE UNION STATION, SCHEDULE REMAINS UNCHANGED. Augusta Sr Aiken Railway Co. JAMES R. LEAGUE, GENERAL MANAGER. Ladies’ Coats, SB.OO to $12.00 (jjj Ladies’ Coats sl2 to SIB.OO, gjj Ladies’ Coats $lB to $25.00, Jg y g Jndson W. Lyons 3 00 Sarah II Dunbar 20.00 John H. Dent.. .. 5.00 James S. Harper 6.00 Sylvia llorlon 1.00 Charlie Goodwill 4 00 Geo. S. Morris ~ 1,00 Prof. .1. W. Gilbert 2.50 Georgia Progress Society 10. on Vesta Chapter, Fasten) Star.. 5. 00 John Hampton 1.00 J. C. Rhne 5.00 Cash ,25 Dr. L. H. Stinson 6.00 H. C. Dugas anti wife 2.00 Deaeon’s Union 20 00 A Friend, through P Pryor ... 1100 Mt. Calvary Rapt, church., .. 100 Antioch Woman's Mission..., 2. 00 American ftanaflt Ass’n 25 00 Union Relief Asa’n 20.00 ; Lathers’ union 5. n0 ! Umpire Lodge, K of P 10.n0 dtuth K. Rattey .50 ] Alex Thomas | .00 IJas. K. Carter 2.50 I Antioch Rapt, church 400 I George Rutler. Vldette. Ga 25 | Roht. Norris, Vldette. Ga .50 Carter Kitchen. Vldette, Ga Or, Peler Muntls, Vldette. Ga.... .25 It L. MeAdeti, Atlanta. Ga.... 1.00 John Hope, Atlanta, Ga 5.00 Springfield rh , Thomson . .. R. 75 John Johnson. Sharon, Ga.... ,50 J. H. Dickson, Rcaiiftjrt 10.00 1 Colored V M C, A Atlanta.. 10 00 Colored citizens, Thomson..,. 765 Total 1570.31 PAGE FIVE N. R. Tho Rrlcklayera" union, large ly composed of colored men and offi cered In part by colored men, also contributed 2100. This makes a to ini which can Justly be claimed by Ihe colored subscribers of $07(5.31. The Moral of tho whole situation Is—Use Gas "Buy Ihe beet—That's CllnchTleld.’ 4 lookinglntT FLOOD_ LOSSES Official# of Atlantic Goaat Line In Atlanta Satur day. Officials of the Atlantic Coast Line wen- In the city Saturday Investigate I Ink the losses of the Atlantic Coast | Line and Ihe C. At W. C. railroads. Mr. Henry Walters, president of Hi* Atlantic Coast Line; Mr. J. R. Kenly. vice president, and Mr P. M. I Fmerson chairman of the board of directors, In company with Mr. A. W. Anderson, th* local superintendent of | tho C. ft W. C., went over the vari ous properties of the roads and In vestigated the damage done by the flood. Tho gentlemen wor* appalled at the destruction wrought by the wu ters. hut the work of Axing the road Is progressing rapidly. They found everything In flrst class condition In the yards and other places whir,, th* water did not. reach. The gentlemen left the city Satur day afternoon at fi o'clock.