The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 12

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PAGE SIX WANTS A REAL LIVE PAGE IS WHAT YOU FIND IN THE HERALD WANTS. To «iu*er some of today'* cl«»ni fled ad* will require hut a abort walk But, of courKe, the one that lnt<ra»t* you mo«t may hr further away. Evan poor itdvtrtlflttß doe* not whaU* tall -while good advertising ‘maker any deserving enterprise. Store prosperity ta dovlaod, design i d and directed, not five per rent of It, or of store adversity, I* ihe re gal! of "fate," or lurk. Look over the thing* you have bought that were advertised and the other things. There'* a lesson In It That friend of your* who I* always so "tacky" about finding bargains, is an experienced ad-reader —that'* the how aad why of It. "Missing ’ a store-ad. I* usually ratastog a buying chance. A 100-urn at I advertising bill Is the aon f»a« la hordast to pay. If "ahopping" la pleasant to yoti undor most any elreamstancea, It wo apt ba dollgbtoat K you were a regtotar adweador WANTED SITUATION Maie. #AN TED UXtSIA WUW TO DO at hl#hl Ciartoal praferred .1 P., oar a lioraAd 87 p WANTED SITUATION- Female. HOUHIOGIKL A COI/)RKD OIKIi ikaslres position as houseglrl Ad dress I,lns Butlor, 918 Fenwick Hi. af>x WANTED HELP Male COACHMAN WANTED: APPUY TO Win. 11. liarrett. 203 Dyer Bldg sspt 21 f(1 WANTED e HOOD FINISHING CAR pouters snd two brick masons, Mon day, at corner Elbert snd Walker Sts Good wages *6p WANTED RESPONSIBLE MAN THIS territory to tsk<- commissions on coming election Hotel clerks, rlgsr dealers, etc,, preferred Big money for the right man. References re quired Collins A Co., Sandwich. Ont., Canada *Bu WANTED ENERGETIC MAN TO trav.d In Georgia Experience un necessary Good pay and tailor made suit of clolhes Tree In 90 tint* Write tor particular*. J K McDrmly A Co . Chicago stjp I'OHT OFFICE CLERKS AND CAR rlers wanted Examinations will he held In Augusta and many other cttlea In November Particulars free. W sail legion Civil Service School, Dept 456 Washington, D <\ slip WANTED HELP Female WANTED A HOI SEMAID *AP ply at 613 Oft IB* St so. NI'RSK A NURSE WANTED FOR infant Apply with recant m end* Hon* to Mr 0. J. Montgomery. Sum •MHrvUta S'.p COOK WANTED A COOK TO GO on the Hill Apply to I* G. Durum *7e WANTED Salesmen. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DEAL with nierrhiintii cmJv Tak# the •R#nry for quickt'M motiry iiinking ! proposition over offered, SAO < apltai j requlri'd W (». Hank* Co., Chlea*o. | •6p j SAI.KHMAN WANTKI) Ski I. HK (ill tr«d# |7T* to *r\ ps*r month •Ad ex pen#*’* or s’oiuiut»»lon K\p«rl •'inv u*n#<'fK*«ry HermlaV*«'ti Cl d#r Co.. Toledo, O. *<>p ! TWO TRAVKUNii K\l TSMK\ «*niod $ ' i 00 *#s - nipfiiHo#, and 10 p#r *vut com mftalon on sal#* l ot* Cl d#r Co., Atlanta, U.s *6;s i BAI.F.HM\N SIORUNK HR A NO no# Ten minute* Moiling <*xdu alre on# firm onrh town n#t* S7O cuii.miMtlon Po« k»»i »ampl# Sp# Clf' terttory and s'xp«*rt#ns's» K K R Co. N* , #ts»n. loaa t»»*p WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW that w# are op#n for btiam#*a at th# iamf old -stand IVflquoM NVw and Old Ttook Stor# *3tc |>KBK WANTED RRCONOHAND roller top d#*k Apply Mern Hu** a 7c Warning We nuke n speuulU of opening Hud repairing Iron Safes. All combination looks should be examined now and save trouble. H. E. Fourcher ”*7*2 BRt *' in The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 23c Minimum Charge WANTED Agents AGENTS rn A WEEK, EXPENSES paid no expedience required. Photo pillow tops 30c, enlarged portralta, frames lowest prices; free samples, catalogue. liept 20, Ritter Art Studio, Chicago, 111 sflfj AGENTS WANTED FOR OCR NEW 25c darning machine; Just. out. Weaves, new heel or toe In sock In five minute*. One agent sold 288 in one day. Send 15c for sample or 31 25 for do ten R. W. Hutton Co, Walnut St, Phlla., Pa *6p WANTED—Boarders. lifiARDEKb TWO GENTLEMEN married couple to occupy large, ele gant front room Nice meals. Ap ply 1041 Broad street. sl3c FOR RENT —Real Estate. RESIDENCES TWO DESIRABLE residences over Maxwell Building. I2do Block Broad streer, tram Ooto Per Ist Apply E 11 McLendon, 1032 Broad Ht. sic EOH HHNT ULMMEItVILLE HEgl denes, from Os’, t, * rooms, all oen vsnlene*. R M B, care Herald »Kp FOR RENT RRStDBNCR 124 S AND 1244 Bread street, 321 «0 each Pos session at once Jno i. Evans, alßlf COTTAGE EIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE In Summerville for rent, all modern conveniences, possession at. once If de sired. servant houses In yard. Apply *32 Greene Bt. »8c KOll RENT: 1 ROOMS AND 1G aero* of rich land Suitable for market garden or dairy. Near Turpin Hill street car line For particulars call at room 20T Montgomery Bldg sfio ■ 415 Broad, 7 rooms 317.50 t:tfl Taylor. 5 rooms 312 50 423 Kills, 7 rooms |l6 *>o Alfr*d T. Davis. Hunting Agent COTTAGE OK 5 ROOMS. MODERN conveniences, 907 Mclntosh street Apply to .las Conlin, 716 Jackson St. »8o COTTAGE FOR RENT. HEN How cottage North Augusta, corner I Pine Grove and Oeorgla avenues, nine | rooms, hull, large piazzas, electric lights. Aply on premises or J r> page, at Allen It Baxley*. SSp HODBE SIX ROOM HOUSE, NEAR Georgia snd Central railroad, large \nrd and stable 712 Calhoun St Ap ply M. L Browne, Mullarky & Sulli van. 88c FOR RENT Rooms. ROOMS FROM OCT. IST, TWO very large connecting rooms on 700 block Broad St, with use of hath, etc, Fnfurnfshed Apply to 769 Broad 81., over Library. SBp WANTED TWO OR THREE IN furnished connecting rooms. In nice locality. Address L. K , care Herald, stating price. Stip ROOMS; TWO FRONT ROOMS, I hot hath, small veranda furnished for lodging only; close to post offlre. Splendid tront view Apply 922 Tel fair St. SBn TO REN'I SEVERAL NICE UN furnished rooms; suitable for light , housekeeping Apply at 10t5 Broad St. SBc FOR SALE Real Estate AN IDEAL HOME IT WILL DOU hie In value lit ten years; atop pay ■ lug rent; also 56 s ’res flue land at lurarewood Apply to C. T. Sehtmdt, 442 Walker St side j HOUSE A IM AI'TIFUI. HOME. 122 Broad street, for tale; lot 45xt2'*, j house of 5 rooms, large porch, hack land front; cement sidewalk, gas, a : new home Price. $3.(50 cash \|- ply on premises side HOI SI V BEAUTIFUL HOME. 122 Broad street, for sale, lot 45x120, and trout; cement sidewalk gas, a ' new house Price $3,350 cash A > ; ply on premises side DWELLINGS 124? Broad street, 6 rooms, lor $25.04 per month 618 Center street 5 rooms, for sl6 66 par 1 month Apply Jno. .1 Evsns s?p TEN HOCSKS AND LOTS FOR sale in North Augusta ranging In price from skilo to Call quick will sell 'em lu a week J C. What lev, Real Kstat*- Agent. a6c I COTTAGE A FOI'HHOOM COT tage, e'ectrh light*, bath, "|lh lot oxlso fee- lot on Druid Park Ave tor sale a. a reasonable nuiount; 1 terms ms< he had on tht* proper'y if desired \ddre»s F C , care Il>t aid s6tl Southern Cabinet Manu facturing Works, North Augusta. S THE P|.\« i It) II AVK vot a •h*** CAM* ov*»rh*ui#d of highl> ' i.)ami furnttutv. Cublnt'tJi oi .nil <lo»- ortptton* madr Miuufnrturo of t-tnir, hank and ofitr# ftxturo* and all diww of Udi carpenter work. Then | No 714 oU Gasoline Engines THOSE TWO FINE MOt N rKll Mftoiln# #t\«tnoit that w#r# pumping *#t#r on th*. itrtati th,- l**t w##k #r# i th# Unfit #tipin#A #v#r brought to An, tuau Thl» ••# th# rruiark made ht nil that m« th#m run * Th# prices ar# naht ('all on us and ts will »** lain wh?. Wtrta 4 H#rnl#n. Ajt#nt* tftic A WANT AD. IS SURER! SEEDS GOOD SEEDS. THE VERY BEST SEEDS. TESTED SEEDS. SEEDS THAT ARE SURE TO GROW. Alexander Seed Co, 911 Broadway. Doing Busineaa In the Same old Stand. And we are doing it, too, Alexanders. 911 Broad. FOR SALE—Miscellaneous FOR SALE: HALF CORD DRY pine wood, deßvered, for $1 50. Rustic awing* $3 00 and Rocking Chair* $1 50 each. Some fine Colum bian Wyandotte*, 8. L. Wyandotte*, Light Brahma* and White Rock* at apeclnl close out price*. Eggs for hatching, all Breed*. Belvldere Poul try Farm, Phone 1184, Augusta, tla SAWING MACHINE; FOR SALE cheap a Union Hawing machine, lit tle used, foot and hand power. Cut* two-inch plank. Rip*, cron* cut*, groove*, miters, rabbet*, tenon*. Just, the machine for cabinet makers, car penter*, Wheelwright*. J. P. H. Brown, Rural Delivtry 2. S6p AUTOMOBILE: GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at White’s garrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. ts WRAPPING PAPER; OLD NEWB - for wrapping purposes, Ap ply at Herald office Jl6tf WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS paper* for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald Office. jlfltf ENGINE: GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Alla* engine, practically new, for •gle at a bargain. Address Engine, care Herald. POOL TABLES: TWO POOL TA bio*, lu perfect condition, for sale; also soft drink atand. Address C. T. W., care Herald. S6c MY PLACE ON MILLEDGRVILLE road, with good dwelling house and outbuildings, mare, buggy, wagon, chlckena, corn and forage enough on It to run It another year; place will make about 7 bale* of cotton till* year. Will sell cheap for one-half cash IS : I acre*. L. McDonald, R, F. I . giip - w* - L j .- L„TANTS 0R1.0L1.l V .<»:■ PT PItOHYLAC tic Fluid 50c < reolln 10c, 25c, rule and SI.OO bottle. Piatt* Chlorides; 50c Chloride Lime PARR'S PHARMACY 516 Broad Street Phone 369, ! FOR SALS Poultry an i Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Tot* *. 0 ItMCOVay Ducks; Barred ,”vmonth R >ck*; all farm raised. he„.-b\ and from first clasa stock Prices reasonable Address Howdre Phlnliy, Crevciowu, (la. ts HUFF ORPINGTONS A FEW NtUE Muing eockrel* for *ale. From the original famous Cook strain 'lowdre Phim*y, FOR SALE Horses. Mules, Livestock, Harness. Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR HOUSES and mule* from us. we both lo*e money Augusta Stock Yard*. RED POLL CATTLE A FEW choice heifer* ami bull calves. They are hardy, clean stock, good milkers and with beef conformation Ju*t the kind of cattle you like to see around the farm For prlceu and estimate*, write Rowdre Phtnliv. Orovetnwn, Oa. LOST AND FOUND LOST SUTTER A BI.A'K AND white setter dog about year and half old If found return to Sit Me tntosh street and get reward J Bell. KI4 Mclntosh street *7c FOUND HORSE TUESDAY NEAR Harlem, Ga , one large hay horse, shod all around, several srra.nhes and cuts, showing evidence flood ex perience Owner enn get same by proving property and paying for thla advertisement Address John K Har rise, Harlem. Ga. *7c LOST HORSE BAY HORSE; SUIT able reward If returned to W. D Jennings. Jr, or J M Caldwell. LOST. COAV A RED COAA NO horns Reward If returned to Fred Gehrketi. 4 ~ Greene S if,; Groceries. AV I POWKI.I DEALER IN FANCY KftYiN'rl## At#o mak.i a #i>#rl«hy o( thlrkrns and fr• country and Si *-Mai attention given, to ail order# Your patronage *oll(Mt#<t Prc# d#llv#r% 70S Camnbrll #tr##t Ph«Mi# No tM? stc,, THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS Horse Shoeing HIGH WATER NEVER TOUCHED me on horse shoeing. I have one of the be*t equipped horse shoeing shops In Augusta, and always carry a full line of shoes—forty-eight kegs. Also use a great many hand-made shoes I fit all the shoes myself and see that they are put on properly. I solicit your patronage, or a part of it at least. Three of tjie best Bhoers in town. I can shoe forty live head, four shoe* each, per day. Shoes one dollar per net and upwards. Monthly shoeing. Horse clipping Clipper blades sharpened. L. M. Hutto, 722 Ellis street. 36c MEDICINE Mons Promptly filled at —• luc DEL PHARMACY READY FOR BUSINESS ONCE MORE. BROAD AND KOLLOCK ST. B. F. Matheney, Prop- Sand In Your Orders for Prompt Service Shoes. ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J. V. Saxoa, 146.) Broad ; street. *6c Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK: I DO ALL kinds of concrete work, such a* cement walks, reinforced work. t have the latest Improved machinery, anti an expert foreman, and am pre pared to turn out work for big or ders, Estimates and specifications furnished. A. H. McDaniel, Augus ta, Ga. J27tf Shoes ALL AIFN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost J. P Saxon, 1165 Broad *tr«et. b6c Brighten Up. VARNISH STAIN'S, I HAT WILL make water soaked furniture look ike new Augusta Builders Supply Co., 645 BroaiJ St. Phone 321. o3c IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing tiße Protection Brand. This roofing has a six Inch lap and driving nails through the lap only and ce menting the over lapping sheet to it that no nails are exposed. It can be laid by any handy man. This roofing Is made asphalt ami containing no tar Sold by W W. Jones, 117 Mclti tnsn St., Augusta. Sl6c ! Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost J. P Saxon, 1465 Broad street. s6c Notice AS MY PLACE OF BUSINESS WAS washed away, I will move one! block below, opposite side. Thanking iny friends for their patronage and hoping they will still continue with me, W Golden, 948 Ellis St. s7c Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 25c PER PECK; green tomutoes 50c per peck; ap ple vinegar 30c per gallon; onions 25c per half peck; large white head "afi ll age 18c and 15c; spleces and etc. Now Ik the best time to do your pick ling Please give me your Older. L A Orlmaud, 210 Cumming street, 'Phone No. 1305 sloe E. M. Beas MEATS: HAS A FINE SELECT stork of home-raised beef. veal, pork, extra fine lamb, spring lamb, etc E M Deas, 313 Jackson street Phone 2 tO. SGc j Barbsr Shop THE ROYAL- FIRST - LASS BER-1 vice; hot and cold baths; toilets for the fsee; Florida Water, Lavender Water, Violet Hazel. Witch Hazel, Dr, Marshall * vilet Cream, I)r Aronld t Mentholene Cream. Dr. Marshall's Massage Cream, Koken's Camphor shave Ilk’; absolute cleanliness in every department .! I. Edwards, proprietor, 209 Washington street. al4- fri. sat. sun lmo c Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at t*'st J. p. Saxon. Htf.'* l‘roa.l strtet. »6c Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUR day Ready at II o'clock a. m. 25c quart A'andlver* Meat Market, , 1001 Ninth street. Jlßtf FISH FISH Fresh from Fisheries Daily. Vegetables, Celery, Fruits. : : : 0. D. FORENCE I‘hone lOtiT. I Iti Broad St. WE H AVE BEEN OPEN EVER SINCE THI'KS -I>AY AT OI K KKOI I.AR HOURS. NO DRHiS OR I' UNT !> \ M iOED t’RH Ks SAME AS BE FORE THE FLOOD. Green & horsey Phone No. 104. 820 Broad Street. A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c OPPORTUNITY NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY LOTS IN SUM MERVILLE AND MONTE SANO BEFORE THEY ADVANCE IN PRICE; WE HAVE ANY NUM BER OF LOTS IN SUM MERVILLE AND MONTE SANO AT A VERY REAS ONABLE PRICE. MATH! NY, BEASLEY & KOON. REAL ESTATE, 861 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS the best plastering material for walls and ceilings. It gives addi tional strength to the building and stays put forever. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, Ga. Jl4if Fruits and Vegetables IF YOU WANT NOTHING BUT fresh fruit and vegetables, I have them In large quantities; I also give you something free with every cash purchase. Phone orders given prompt attention. Call phone 69. Max Mo guleßcue, 548 Broad street. S6c Damaged Roofing 200 ROLLS TAR ROOFING PAPER, slightly damaged, lavw price for quick sale. Apply to Jno. J. Evans. * »7p Notice to Dealers W'K ARE PJtEFARED TO HELP you out with your stock of goods that was damaged in high water, by cleaning and pressing them for you and putting them in first class con dition. A special price made to all who It may concern, either by job or piece. Tuggle Pressing Club, 1540 Walton Way. 'Phone No. 2214. s-Oc Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad street. sSc Insurance of all Kinds. WRITE OR PHONE F. PHINIZY & Co. for flood Insurance any where in the city and Marine insurance on all steamer* between northern port? and Augusta sSc SPARKLING WHITE ELK. THE World's Purest Spring Water, in dorsed by Chamber of Commerce of Macon and more than five hundred patrons there, delivered In Augusta by express for $ 1.80 per earboy of five gallons. Empties return free. Rebate of SI.OO per carboy on return. Prompt service. This marvelously pure water j contains less than one grain solid per gallon and is highly aerated. sSc Reward I FOR \NY CASK OF CHILLS ANO fetei that Randall's CMtl and Pe :ter tonic tall* to cure Guaranteed i Jto cure where others tall. No cqrt no pa\ Phone 2214- Randall’s Phar ninev. We deliver to any part of th, 1 ItJ olOc SAFES That have been in the flood require attention. Delays are dangerous— Be warned in time. We are etroerts and can handle any job. John P. Brickie 223 CAMPBELL ST AUGUSTA, GA., Sept. sth, 1908. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, ks Augusta, Georgia. Dear Sirs: —For the last ten days we have had occa sion to use the Want Ad. columns of The Herald a*id we have had inquiries from all .over South Carolina and Georgia in response to these ads. and as a result have done considerable business. We attribute the fact that we have largely increas ed the line of insura that we have written on the Cotton Gins of Soul 1, Carolina and Georgia to the fact that The Herald has a large number of subscrib ers and readers in these two states who are easeful readers of its Want Ads. Very Truly Yours, F. PHIXIZY & CO. Bicycle Repairing ..If your Bicycle needs repairing bring it to me and you will get noth ing but the best of workmanship. A trial will convince you. I send for and deliver all work. JNO. F. BRICKLt, PHONE 1914—223 CAMPBELL ST. Machines Repaired ALL MAKES OF MACHINES Re paired by an expert adjuster. If your machine was under water better have it lookpd after at once. Singer Sewing Machine (Jo., No, 946 Broad Etreet. o3e Free Sand THOUSANDS OF LOADS OF SAND can be had free il hauled immedi ately from the Reid Warehouse at North Augusta bridge. Two horse wagons with drivers wanted. Reid & Co., 718 Reynolds street. sne Mattress Renovating. L.J. MURRAY, THE OLD RELIABLE renovator, old established, highest references; church cushions given special attention. Send them in. 527 Broad street. Phone 666. sGc Verdery Pressing Club. SUCCESSORS TO VERDERY, 313 Mclntosh St., phone 2425. Expert cleaning, pressing and repairing; hats cleaned and blocked; ladies' suits and skirts cleaned and pressed. All work guaranteed. J. P. Stephen, Mgr. SI 3c Bicycles. MY STOCK WAS HIGH AND DRY. but prices are low. If you want a bicycle come and see me. I have them in stock. E. W. Watson, 218 Mclntosh strem. s6<- Notice. TO ALL WHO HAD BICYCLES IN water and rims are warped; brine them to me, 1 have rims of all color* and put them on in short notice. E. W. Watson, 21S Mclntosh St. s6c Repairing. THE OLD RELI ABLE ... AN IS OPEN and ready for business. It ynur hi cycle needs repairing just bring It to me. 1 repair same on short no tice. E. V.. Watson, 218 Mclntosh street. s6o Notice to Public. I WISH TO NOTIFY MY CU3TOM ers and friends that on or about Sept 10th. 1 will move to 549 Broad rtreet (Miss Zinn's stand), where I will continue repairing, finishing, up holstering furniture and parking, * specialty I give all work my person al attention. Hammond Anslev. 519 Broad St. sl3p Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, 'DYSPEPSIA. Kidney trouble; 5 gallons deliver, j 50 cents. Phone 112. Alt! xv o*oo. mot* asm vron. B'lnnc. L«c«nf LOMBARD CO\LFiINY. AUGUST A. GA. IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR Bl< Y< LE RUN I'll > 11 AVK lY t ; LEASED OFT, U K MAKE A SPF.U --lAI.TY OF PUTTING ON NEW RIMS, Kit'YOLKS SENT FOR* AND I)ELIV KRi:i> TO ALL PARTS OF THE < I TV. Edwin Speth, Phone 925. 222 9th Street SUNDAY. SEPT. 6. WANTS THIB IS THE WAY YOUR WHEEL LOOKS AFTER THE FLOOD. LET ME PUT A FRONT OR A HEAR WHEEL ON IT. PHONE ME AND I WIL SEND AFTER IT. DON'T WALK FIVE MILES WITH fT. W. H. HOLMES, PHONE 1785 308 CAMPBELL »T. SPARKLING WHITE ELK. THE World’s Purest Spring Water, in dorsed by Chamber of Commerce of Macon and more than five hundred patrons there, delivered in Augusta by express for SI.BO per carboy of five gallons. Empties return free. Rebate of SI.OO per carboy on return. Prompt service. This marvelously pure water contains less than one grain solid per gallon and is highly aerated. *Bc SPARKLING WHITE ELK. THE World’s Purest Spring Water, in dorsed by Chamber of Commeroe of Macon and more than five hundred patrons there, delivered In Augusta by express for SI.BO per carboy of five gallons. Empties return free. Rebate of SI.OO per carboy xtn return. Prompt service. This marvelously pure water contains less than one grain solid per gallon and is highly aerated. sßc Damaged by the Freshet. THE AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY will repair and put In first-class or der. your -ranks that were damaged by the water. Telephone them 593. they will sqnd for your trunks, ex amine them and let you know cost bt iore doing the work. If you prefer a nice new trunk, they will take the old on> as part payment. Give them a call at Bal Broad, Wrong Side of Street. ts Warning We make a specialty of repairing and cleaning Cash Registers. All combina tions should be examined now and save other trouble. H. H. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. LOOK LOOK WE ARE OPEN AGAIN WITH A NEW AND CLEAN LINE OP FANCY GROCERIES AND VEO ETABLES. PHONE 11M. ,'1 W. R. Jones & Co. 1250 BROAD ST. NEXT DOOR TO OLD STAND. SUCCESSOR TO J. W. SAIITH. ....Notice.... HURRY and buy the damaged CHINA AND CROCKERY WARE AT 50C ON THE DOLLAR. <&T YOfcJR PICK BEFORE THEY ALL GO. David Rones 1240 BROAD ST.