The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 16

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PAGE TWO Three Leading Teams Grapple In Each Big League RUCKER BROKE THE SERSON’S RECORD. BROOKI-YN S 3 IP* " of ih<- Brook yt '■•••* • ' record for the N» um*i —»«•’* " in ili' ►< i er attains: BrwMM "4* out 14 BK-TI h '. +•<•■■■ ’ !lT ‘ no base or > • victims loam reached Vrr, >**»" M they got there on o r/. t, Jordan *l« «t*tlwru>w>»*fl r,T by mak.tis ano ln- * ‘ . home-run him **,» ‘ • tone* Boston won !>• 4 Dm r*»<•-- ' fi * ' Boston . . • Brooklyn . ' », r nn* Ferguaot. and Smith vu n- I Bergen Ttt»r. 14*. Ini sm •tone. Second same Score * Boat on • • * -N** l * Brooklyn. . 04'' W" - *' . Flail‘ft; and Grabkro " ur * , * h , ‘ Bergen Time, I H 1 ®P ir • . ■ton*. . ~ . Giants 6. Philadelphia 1. PHILADELPHIA -A baUlns r **‘> | b'. Non- York In hr el a t day ss'e New York a ' . Philadelphia. 5 •« 1 1B ! . in MrQuUlin * j took rathf-r klß«i> j* n| curves, hot a trip!** i>.a> >i'" ; tn the second tun in* and N"» *“ tallied a run In the third on » d«wM« | bv McOormKk and a single »y *’ rl ' j welt. . . i In the sixth New York hammered I MrQiimin n d**Uv«*r> hard °°> u 'j ihl# innins with w *ttH •' ' ,n ' •teal and -cored on Hre.nahan a dm, hi. An error by I4rsn*fi«ld mi Don tin'a hunt waa followed bv single* hv | Devlin and tlrldeell and two torre outa With three rttna In MeQtllllln | made a wild pilch and save two base* mi hall*, forrlnk In another Kojen. j who liltohed the las' three Inning*, held New York In Check r’hlladel phla al»*d-up Malhewaon'k curves In j only two innlnß* three hits and an error by Doyle tn ihe alath enabled the lornla to # a ahutottt The triple play j waa the f.-atiire With Dunlin o» »e, B«'t and Rev innur on first. Devllrt hit I C Hoollp. Who tossed the ball to I Knalie. (orrlns out Seymour Dotilln rounded third and started for home hut waa eaushi at the plat' Imoln then snapped ihe hall to Grant and re tired Devlin sf third Score by Inning* - H H. K New York . . hoi 004 non 1 It 2 Philadelphia .000 001 "(H> I « l Mathewaon sad Rresnahati. McQiill |tn Posen and Doom Time, 1.45. Vtuplraa, Klem and Kmalla. Cub* Blanked Pirates PITTS*! Kf}, Ps (War ll.imd sper ♦•iff' aeemad in enjoy th* slTali at Exposition Park this afternoon whan Iha Chicago champion* walked nway with tha itama from l*ltt»t»irit bv a •Cora of 11 Ip 0 Tha home taatn Wind, ft*' error* in tho fourth >nd tfth tmilnar Thaaa. with savati kite germed by tha vlaltora, *ara Cht< sgo tom ntn* to tha fourth Inning anil Eve In Iha fifth Tha hatting streak propped oul again In tha ninth whan Chicago hunched three hit* for two rain* - Raulhaoh pitched a aplandld g*m« lor t’hloago allow In* but four hits ▼all atariad In wall for tha homo tram •Pd during tna first throw Inning* tho vlaltora war* rotlrad in ordar t'hl naan * m» In tha fourth wara mado ah two baaaa on hall* and three lilia, and In tha fifth on a haaa on hal!" and four hit* together with •rrora by Pittsburg A haaa on halla •ltd throe hlta In Ihn final Inning made tha total aoora 11 Young pitched tha rtfth tnntn* for RlMahurg and I.eevrr waa sent to the kox la tha »ixth. rtntahlng tha game Brora by Inning* R II K Pittsburg. , . ftwt 000 00i> 0 4 5 Chlragi . . . iiOO 4:.0 00“ 1111 J Vatl Yount l.e, vat *nd Glhaon and Sullivan. Itculhsi li and Kiln*. Tima. |4O I'luplr*. O’ltav. Cincinnati 0. St. Louis S. CtNCfNN ATI Si i roil a *a\a Cln •InnaU a aoora. scoring four run* In f|ia ninth a misjudged lit and an or Ittr aaalatln* tha vtattor* M*u*gcr . Teas Special bland mixed taa at 50c a lb. t'nsnrpaaaed for Iced taa tie will buy ona pound of Republic Coffra poatttvalv tha boat i off or In Georgia tor th« print SHONE YOUR ORDERS. E. J. DORIS SHon* 633 nor May Ava. TIGERS OSLT FOUR POINTS HOD , OF BROWNS “’•■""•a hT 1,01 IS —St. won the i '“I l ittle Of the series (rom J), j 11 Saturday In a lOf ruling battl.j 0 In ii seor- of 2 to 1. Only « a came separates the Ht Units j*- f-o.n first place in the pennant Neither side scored In the rr t Innings. hut in the tenth " res scor'd on three singles in r-e>ti by Schmidt, Coughlin and V fumble by Schaffer and a • • * to second by Summer* on i. tics paved the way for the tourtM by S> I.oiiis. Ilartsell bal •— • S’eohens and •aerffterd. Then 'vticd f fi! Howell, and ,h,- prat * rvme In tv I. j ' *-•* throwing him out at first »-•». jer- single scored I'. Jones 'tth the winning run. Detroit. AH It BH. I’O. A E 'lclntjpe, !f . . . .4 o 1 2 0 I - .si Her . ,j o OUT, l ■'tswford. rs . . . .4 0 0 2 l o ‘ r,! ' b - rt 4 0 1 :t o 0 R ! <u. lh . . . 4 n 011 0 0 • ••411830 1 "ughlm. ,fb ... .4 0 1 0 0 0 1 '>"ns 2b 4 0 1 3 .0 ,1 Summer*, p ....4 0 1 o 2 1 T"tal» J 5 t 629 14 2 St. Louis. All. H. VII PO. A K Sl'ne. If 4 0 2 2 0 0 Sehweitier, rs . . . .4 0 I 2 0 0 llmdrlck. cf 4 If 0 0 0 1 Kerris, 3b 4 0 0 2 2 0 Wallace, as 4 0 0 0 7 o Williams, 0 1 2 6 0 T Jones, lb ... .4 2 1 17 1 0 Stephens, c ... .3 0 l 4 I 0 Howell, 1 1 2 0 ; Hurt/. 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 xxf'rlss .. .. .. ..I 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ... .33 2 7 20 10 1 xllit tor Stephens In 10th. xxliit for Howell In 10th. iTwo out when winning run was scored.) Score by Innings: H. It. E St l.onls . . .000 000 000 2—2 7 I Detroit . . . .000 000 00 I—l b 2 Summary. , stolen bate—Rt one. Struck out Howell t; Hummers 3. H«s<- on balls -Off Howell 1; Hum mers 2. Hit by pitcher-Hummers 1. Bacriflce hits CrhiHr., t, Jones, Stephens, HoW'-lle - 0 H '• Double plays -le wna 4 %hnof«r to Itossmuii; Hehmldr to Hchiefter. Time of game 1:014. f’mrlrea, OT.oughltn and Durst. Batteries Howell and Stephens, Humm-'ra and Hehtnldt Time. |:ss ITnplres, OTa'nchlln and Hurst. Philadelphia 3. Boston 2. PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia won from lloatnn, 3 to 3, in an axel'- In* aama HariatU’a horn* run and *lii*b>» by Hurry and Power* follow In* a ha*a on ball#, and a sacrifice, *ava tha Vlaltora three run* Boa inn acored one on Geaaler’a two-baso lilt and Oldringi error aud another on McConnell a home rnn Score by Inning* R II H Phlladalphla . .000 001 200 l fi l lloalon 000 1)00 011—2 ti 0 Batteries- Crumb*' and lAiwors Steele ai.d DcaOPUe Time. I 4"; Vmplre, Oopnolhr Washington 6, New York 0. NEW YORK Wulter Johnson, pitcher of the Waahincfon team show ed ihai nr hud the Naw York play rra well under n ntrol h' shutting lham out again today 6 to 0. Score by Inntnx* R.11.K. Washington . . W 1 too |np.-« 12 0 New York . . 000 000 000 0 t t Haltertea Johnson unit Street. Mamin*, l.xke and Swrttey. Tima. 1 23. empire. Evan*. Ctsleapo 7, Cleveland 0. CHICAGO. ChleaKo put tt *«lf within one game ol the American leu sue leadership Saturday by defantlUK CU reland 7 to 0 Walsh pitching hi* ttftv Oral game of the season wa* prurtlrally unhlttahla. allowing only fixe single* nnd atrlkln* out 1 Igt.t man Je»* wa* hit fairly hard and hi* support wua discouraging. Score hy tuning* R H K Chlcafb 001 303 (VOX 7 10 l Cleveland . 00 000 000 0 5 c. Hattarle* Walsh and Sullivan and Shaw Jo**. Fxlkenberg and Pemis and Land Time, 1.45. empires, Evan* and Sheridan WIN cui CANNED: TOD SLOW ON PITHS Former Wiinagrr Win Clark of tha Columbia haanhall tram wa* written to bv Secretary W II tilhbe* notify Ing him |Clark) of hi* release The release w*x given upon Mr Clark'* request, but th* management had In tended to take this step anyway Mr Gibbe* said that the club had sufflelent reason* for releasing Clark and among these reason* ha mention ad Clark * alow no** a* a bate runner, du r to hla weight Mr. Clark I* now at ht* home near Norfolk Columbia Record (laurel waa put oft the field for dt* puling a decision Score by innings: R l| K Cincinnati . , Ond S2fl 01* 6 f) Si, I suit* . . .000 not 004 111 I Spade and .McLean; Higgins, Sal lee and Ludwig. Time, 1.53. Ctuplre Rig ter. A FASTER QUARTETTE NEVER DONNED UNIFORM Four sfavs of the Chlcaitn National Lrapur Team. Reading from left to right, they are Capt. Frank Chauce, Catcher Kling, Third Baseman Steinfeldt anil Shortstop Tinker. , . Exchange Dope On Big League Pennant Races. AMERICAN LEAGUE In lh<‘ American League the Tigers seem to he back on the jump again. They won a tight game Thursday from Cleveland It was none too soon, though The Browns have been coming strong and won again Thursday, They are so dose behind the Tigers now thst it make* thing* exciting. - Atlanta Jour nal, Considering the hard luck It has had In the way of injured play era. Cleveland hns shown a more atußborn deposition to go the full distance than ever before which shows that Larry Lajol,, ts Improving as a leader, and Is now rapahle of holding a team to gether when hard luck I* encountered. There wa* a change In the litter lean Leagn,. standing vesterdat no, the New Yorks weren't Identified with It Thev lost to the Athletics and are still last The teams Involved were the White Soy and Browns, The White Soy heat the Brown* and knocked them out of second plate. The Detroit* stopped their losing streak hy disposing of the Clevelands and the Washington* took a close game from the Boston*,—Washington Star. The first four tennis In the Amer ! lean league race arc *0 closely hunch |cd now that a slngl,. defeat for any [of them means the loss of position I Th,. White Sox are just closing a very I successful trip tnntght and have pull ed up in th,. race hy a wonderful 1 spurt In the last two week*. Jones and hi* team have won nine out of | the last eleven games they have play ed and ar,, going stronger eaeh day, so tfiat their rhanre* for landing the flag are the best of tne four compel 1- tor* The White Sox have twelve more games to plav with the Cleveland I Nap* before rhe finish of their *ca j *on, and much depends on the out I coni,. Of that battle While th,. Brown* j "ltd Tiger* are fighting each other I for eleven games the White Sox have their trouble* rut out for them with ! the men from Cleveland So far this j year the Nap# have had much the |ho«t of the argument with Jones' imen, for they haie won (even out of THE AUGUSTA HERALD the tin gamer, played The last time the Sox were in Cleveland the Naps won four straght, but that was at the time Smith wa* ;twav from the team ami lh,> Chicago latching staff was 1 weak Now that Smith is back pitching excellent ball the Naim will not have easy sailing,— Chicago Daily Now.. Southern League. Naahville and Mobile Split Even. At Mobile (Kilt ST GAME) Score by Innings: R. H. .E. Nishville. . . (too 010 poo— 1 10 2 •Mobile 300 010 OOx 1 8 1 Batteries and ,Senhaugh. Fisliei and Garvin Time. 1:28. Um pires, Wheel and Pfennlnger 1 SECOND GAME 1 Score hy Innings: R. H. E Nashville. . . ,040 012 l—lo 16 0 Mobile 000 000 o—o 4 * Batteries. Hunter and 14 irlhurc, Killian. Si ntell Keeker and Massine Tiinc, t H. empires, Wheeler unil Pfennlngir. Baron* 1, Memphis 0 At Memphis Scei-e hy Inning.* RHE Minnie -ham 000 uno 000 i—l in o Memphis. . .000 not) 000 0—1) 6 3 Batteries Kohlnsmt and Meek; KiU'b, Sgvldye and Owens Time, bouts. Cmplrc, Moran. Champs and Travelers Broke Even At Little lin k (FIRST QAMK.) Scire bv inning* R. H E. Little Ruck . . .111 000 00x—3 5 1 Atlanta . .000 000 ooo —o 6 t Batteries Hart and Wood; Vle tiahn .and Smith. rime, 3;50. I'm Plre. Hale (SECOND GAME.) Score by Innings: R H & Atlanta J2'i 000 200 —7 14 4 Little I fork . . .030 000 III—6 9 4 Bartefleg Ford and MeMurway. Kelli and Wells. Time 2 hour*. Umpire, Hale. \e» Orliau: Montgomery, uo game, NATIONAL LEAGUE In the National League the games Thursday did not effect any great changes. Tihe Giants and the Cubs won a pair of games apiece and the Pirates won the only one they "played. Atlanta Georgian. You can't lose those Giants for they are taking games away from the host of them and are not going to fall in thflr National League standing without letting som 0 other club know they have been in a tight. On Thursday the Giants took a double-header from Boston. Chappelle pitched part of the last game for the Bean Eaters and showed up In good form. He managed to hold the Giants in rheck. but wrs taken 'out of the game In the eighth to nllow Bates to hat The former Southern Leaguer made r good Impression.—Atlanta Journal. McGrow had something to say this morning. It was the first time tie has talked about his chances since the Giants climbed- Into first place. "I can't figure how we can lose the pennant ts the players stay sound and i continue the pace they set In Pits- i bury aid hi "The pitching depart niont is the least worry. People are ' mistaken when they sav the Giants hav.. only two pitchers. Crandall Is ! coming along as fast as Matty did i when Matty startled the baseball pop-j ulace about six years ago. Ami Ames ; is good. McGlnnlty Is well rested and - Just as crafty as ever. Maybe he j can't stand tho strain as well ns ho j used to. hut Jo,, can stay in until he j hangs out signals of distress aud then I will have Mime other felloXv to re lieve him." From this It looks as If MeGraw I propose* to use two pitchers against som„ teams. "The main thing in this fight right i now and that which will win the pen -1 nant ” continued MeGraw, "Is good ' batting and basenmnlng. And In this 1 department | don't think either the 1 Pittsburg* or the Cubs have anything on us. ‘We have been hitting the hall 1 harder than any team in the business j during the past three weeks, and this | means a great deai when you take unto consideration that the Giant* have been pitted against the best pitchers in the National League, "Evnfv man on my team Is hitting the ball. Bridwell, 1 guess, will please the fans. He won a few games for us. Donlin everybody knows, and the records of Tenev, Bresnahan and Seymour explain their profess with th P bat. As to Larry Doyle—we]], lhat hoy will lead th,, National League In bating next year, and I have no intention of belittling Doniin as a hitter. "Now that is my dope. If the Giants can keep In condition we will win Most Expert Tailoring Light weight materials strictly for pumrnpr flays or the medium weights for more general use —All styles are here. Handsomely tailored hy UNION MEN. A trial order will make you a permanent cus tomer. ' " ” “ ’ ’ f Howe (8b Co. Harison Building. SUNDAY, SEPT. 6. WILSON imps TO INNGE GULLS The announcement that Wilson Matthews may acquire an interest in the Charleston team has been very generally discussed by the fans of the city, and many opinions have been expressed as to the success of the team with Matthews having the sole responsibility. That there is something in the Matthews talk is evidenced by the fact that the para graph printed in The News and Cour ier was from the Roanoke Times, and as Matthews was in Roanoke at the time the paragraph was printed it is probable that Matthews himself tipped The Times reporter. Further more it has been rumored here for several weeks that Matthews would have a finger in the pie next season. When Matthews managed the Charleston team in 1907, of course, he had no financial responsibility and was given a free hand lo manage the team as he saw fit. That season the team won the pennant. Should Mat thews have a financial Interest in the team next season, he would use the same efforts to put a winning team in the field for obvious reasons. The fans have learned to have a great (leal of confidence in Matthews and would hail his return to Charleston with delight, for it would certainly mean that Charleston would have a first division team in the league.— News and Courier. The Mora! of the whole situation Is—Use Gas. CLUB STANDING. •Southern Leaguo. Won. Lost. P. Ct. New Orleans 65 51 .560 Nashville 65 53 .551 Memphis 65 54 ,543 Montgomery 62 57 .521 Mobile 61 fii ,3fto Atlanta 55 66 .454 Birmingham 48 72 .400 National League. Won. LoSt. P. Ct. New York 75 45 .625 Pittsburg 73 48 .610 Chicago ....75 49 .605 Philadelphia 65 54 .516 Cincinnati.... . . .59 64 .48) Boston .57 66 .463 Brooklyn .. ....44 78 .361 St. Louis 43 78 .356 American League. Won. Lost. P. Ct Detroit 70 51 .578 St. Louis ..70 52 .574 Chicago.. .... .70 53 .569 Cleveland ...... ..67 57 .540 Philadelphia .. .. ..62 61 .504 Boston 60 65 .480 Washington ... .62 67 .437 New York 41 82 .333 The Moral of the whole situation Is—Use Gas. “The Place to Get 'Em Right." A. H. MIECEL 7 TAILOR. 213 Mclntosh ■ Street, Leonard Building. the pennant, and Chicago is the team w e must lay low.” —New York Even ing Mail.