The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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SUNDAY, SFPT 0. TOILET SOAP Luck Star. 140 down, elegant Toilet Soap, makes a cream lather, prevents dan druff. 1 cakes to | t\ r a box. Price .. .. ■UL YOUR EVERY WANT SUPPLIED IN DRY GOODS We have made immense preparations for next, week and have stocked up to the fullest to meet the demands of the people. Every inducement is offered in the line of prices to appeal to buyers. Parents Will Find It a Good Time to Buy School Dresses and Costumes for Early Fall Wear. f i ll 4 f \ MAI jOltt!' ~&/y, Atrt 1 -// /, ». i ’dJj y->- '■% , '->*■ Fail Dress Goods 25 pi* :rs iii Fancy Clucks, Stripes, Plaids an’d Flick ed cff.'ct , :;i» in 10 inches wide. Sold at 50c, 59c, now going Jll 33 Cents Fancy Costuming for School Wear 10 | tji i !>, dnii' !c t ■ »1«1. in various patterns. No two alike. Value 25e, now 12*4 Cents Black Panama 50 inches wide, superb tex’ure, gnOil black, excellent wearer. Special Kediu Black Suiting 10 pieces, pond weight, Ski ting make up, splmulid, double width. Sold at 39c, now 12* j Cents Lawns Lawns GREAT DRIVE OUT PRICE. 100 pieces, fancy Colored Lawns, ilots, cheeks, stripes and all the season’s fancy designs, can be worn for couple of months, ves value 10c and 12W, now go ing at ..5 Cents .Towels Towels SPLCNDID VALUES—SEE THEM, 50 doxen Huckaback and Turkish; grand value, sold at 15e. now 10c 25 doten Fancy Towala, »»tra ana, and extra grads, good alia and splendid value. Sa» tham at 15c 15 doasn Damask Towola. knottad (rings, all color bordara; sold at 2Bc, now. i»( CRASH TOWELING. 5,000 yards of good Crash Toweling, good absorbent grads: our our isarsd at, yard 54 . MAIL ORDERS Attended to promptly by sjtecial clerk. Write for samples. MULLARKV «Sr SULLIVAN COMPANY “The Peoples' Store" GORGEOUS DISPLAY OF FALL SUITS AN ARRAY of "PRINZESS” GARMENTS THAT WILL SET the FASHION PACE for the SEASON The woman who makes her selections from this assortment can rest assured that no, smarter, newer, or more strikingly original model ran he had anywhere. These* are the styles that will set the Fashion pace in your town as on Fifth Avenue, New York and other metropolitan thoroughfares. Attention is railed to the lavish use of satin trimming which is employed most effectively in the garments; to the large covered buttons with their exaggerated buttonholes; to the new ideas in slashing and vent ornamentation; to the ornate postilion and pocket effects. YOU FEEL “AT HOME” Tn Printzess Fashion - because they are tailored with such exceeding care. The ordinary “ready-made” bulges here and sags there. Printzess is different—its shape doesn't have t<* he pulled into lin with yours. It’s there at the start and stays there—for Printzess tailoring pays special attention to those vital points wh re fit must be perfect—at the shoulder, front, collar and hips. Fome in and let a try-on show you the difference that makes true distinction in dress. Prices of t>he most bewildering variety: Scales of Prices $15.00 $25.00 $35.00 scales oi Prices $19.00 $29.00 $39.00 N. B. See our new Cloak and Suit Room, up stairs, right at the front door, entrance, come in take a rest anyhow and make yourself at home. MULLARKY & SULLIVAN CO. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. Fancy Dress Nets For Waist Costumes and the like. 50 pieees of F; ney open Me h Nets, in filet and round Mesh, dots and rings, in Kern and Cream, Blqe.k and White, 15 inches wide. Sold at SI.OO and $1.25 now going at *. 42 Cents BelLs Belts L’.i dozen of I Hack and Tan. with fancy metal buckles, sold ; t 75e and SI.OO now going at 25 Cents SILK ELASTIC BELTS - 25 dozen. Silk F.lastie Belts, Sold at SI.OO, now 35 Cents 10 dozen Embroidered Wash Belts, 25c, now 10 Cents Shirtwaist Parting Shot WHITE LAWN. b dozen lovely White Lawn f.aeo and Embroidery trimmed also tucked, full line of sizes, sold at SI.OO and $1.25, w 50 Cents LINGERIE WAISTS. I dozen trimmed with Val l.aee and pin tucks, sheer white lawn, same as if t' and made. Sold at $3.50, $3.95. n„w . $1.50 HIGH CLASS. W aists. in the most exquisite styles and designing. They are strictly of the most stylish modes, brought to the city, $5.00, $5.96. now $2.49 General Look-over Pick-ups UNBLEACHED HOMESPUN 3,000 yards tins grads; sold at sc, special 3 3 -4 c BLEACHING 38 inches wide, good weight, and texture; price 16 yards for , . SI.OO GINGHAMS 5.000 yards "A. W. C " Amotkeag "Red Seal,” all the moat wanted patterns suitable for any purpose; sold at 12'j, 15c. now 9? a c Curtain swiss 50 pieces double-fold, stripos. dots, figures, alt dasigna; sold at 15c. now iOe Comforts or Comfortables A BARGAIN THAT WILL AVAIL YOU MUCH. 150 Fancy Kilkoline, top reversable, in floral and va rious other patterns, full sizes. Sold at $2.50, $3.50, now $1.79 QUIT PTC SUPPLY YOUR WANTS «nLL IO AT THESE PRICES. 50 dozen Bleached Sheets, ready to use, well hemmed, splendid value. Truly at low prices. Sizes 72x90, at 50 Cents 25 dozen extra sizes, full bleached, superior texture, sizes 81x90, at 75 Cents 25 dozen, Superior grade, extra size, well made, well hemmed. Sell them at 98 Cents RI ANM’PTQ WE LEAD THE TOWN DbAlmL I>3 IN LOW PRICES. We are headquarters on this line of goods, whether for the flood sufferers, for hotels or for college hoys and girls. We have the goods. See our stock before you buy elsewhere. 5 eases, full weight, fancy striped and fleck colors, extra sizes. Our Special, at SI.OO 3 eases, Grey and Tan fleece blankets, full size, splen did grade. Big Leader, at SI.OO 3 eases. Grey and Tan, extra heavy fancy border, wool mixed. Top Notch Value, at $1.50 JOO pairs. White Wool, 11-4 Colorado Wool, blue and ’link border. Sold at $1 50, now $3.50 50 pairs. All Mho!, Silk „upe hound, superior texture, $6.50 and $6.98, at .$5 00 Hosiery Hosiery VALUES UN PRECEDENT^). Misses' Tan and White Hose, ribbed full line of aizes, 15c. at 10c Mis ms' Lac e Lisle Drop-stitch Hose. 25c 10e Ladies’ White Lace open-work; all fixes; 15c value 10e Ladies' Ribbed (Irop-stiteh Lisle, fast black, special 19c Ladies’ Lace Hose, plain Lisle and Lace boots; Lace all lover in tan, white and black; sold at 50c; special, 3 for SI.OO PAGE FOUR LADIES’ HOSIERY 100 dozen fast black, alt sizes, top notch article, perfect fitting, they - beat the town. Price, Pair l iv,ct. * ' \ '.'j' C'' ' yBSHf Mm Jit fmmi iIV *#l' McCALL AGENTS Write or drop in for a tree style book. No pat tern over 15 rents.