The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1908, Image 7

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Yes; a want ad. campaign, if persistent enough, will find a job for you—perhaps in one day, perhaps in tan days; BUT even in "dull times" there is work to be had by the deter mined seeker, VOLUME XIII., No. 246. A BETTER SERVICE for a Growing Business, “INCLUDING NEW ELEVATOR.” Public recogniitiion of our efforts to give the best possible service, does not permit us to rest on laurels won. What seemed three (3) years ago, ample accommoda tions grows too small. The store is devel oping steadily and with amazing rapidity, which necessitates the broadening of fa cilities- Three years ago with the com plete renovation of the store, making one of the finest and best equipped buildings in the entire state, we believed we should cease from changes—for a long time to come. It almost appeared as though we had reached the limit of public requirejn ment, yet today, in response to very real need, plans are being made for material alterations and changes—the adding of fixtures, changing the location of depart ments, the enlargement of other depart ments, one entirely new passenger elevator, new delivery cars, about twenty-five (25) additional employees, which includes Mr. D. J. O’Donohue, who will have direct ion of the buying of the entire store and who is recognized as one of the best Mer chants in the South, also Mr. J. Walter supervision of the buying of the entire store and who is recognized as one of the best Merchants in the South, also Mr. J. Walter Pearce, formerly of the firm of Coskery & Company, Miss Ella A. Harden formerly of the firm of Coskery & Com pany, Miss Mamie Harden, formerly in business for herself and others of which due announcement will be made later on It is an interesting and significant fact that these changes and additions to our store anl organization, are the result of the result of the conditions of public demand, of an unmistakable public requirement and illustrates the public’s estimate of this store, in a most concrete and appre ciable form. 15c and 19c Colored Madras, 10c All light grounds, 36-in. wide, dainty pin stripes and polka dots, every yard fresh and crisp, hun dreds of patterns to select from. Special at .. * I9c French Plaids, !0c Double fold and French Plaids, the colorings and pat stand out like SI.OO all wool goods, suitable for Women’s full suits, skirts and children’s dress es. Limited three patterns to a customer, | Monday, at IvJC 29c WHITE LINGERIE MULL, 40 INCHES WIDE Suitable for Shadow Work Embroidery, We bought this case of Lingerie Mull from a Manufacturer that was hard up 1 f* and needed the money and we are going to share two thirds of the profits with our customers. Regular 29c value, at .. " Blankets, Sheets, Comforts, Bed Spreads and Pillow Cases at Special Prices Monday $1.50, 11 4 Heavy Gray Wool Blankets. Full size, just the blanket for every day use, QV ~ regular $1.50 value 79c 81x90 Double Bed Hem med Sheets. Maqe of excellent quality, regular 79c value, ..50c 95c 81x90 “Englewood” Double Bed Size Sheets (Seamless) our regular^ 95c quality, Monday . UUO THE SUNDAY HERALD 95c Cotton Comforts Covered both sides alike, good generius size, heavy weight, regular 7Q r 95c quality < $1.45 Fringed Spreads SI.OO Full double bed size, fringed all around, Honey Comb, and Marseilles pattern, regular $1.45 seller, S' | at 'P • \y AUGUSTA'S ONLY DEPARTMENT STORE The New Tailored Suits NEW ONES RECEIVED DAILY THE TAILOR SUIT ASSORTMENT IS BEING ADDED TO BY EVERY EXPRESS. MANY EXCLUSIVE STYLES OF ONE SIZE AND ONE COL OR, WHICH WILL BE ON SALE MONDAY. THEY EMBRACE ALL CF THE LATEST PARISEANE IDEAS, MODIFIED TO SUIT AMERICAN TASTE. GIVE US A LOOK ANYWAY, IF JUST TO POST YOURSELF. SUITS TO SHOW MONDAY UP TO SIOO. * Very Stylish Tailored Suits at $22.50 About 5 styles, till new and each have special fea tures of attraction, some are long coats, others are medium and shorter styles that enable us to suit every taste and fit every figure—Broad Cloths, Herinbone, and Clieverons. Colors are black, newest shades of blue, wine, olive and smoke. Special prices for quick (COO CO selling A Special Sale of Panama Skirts REGULAR SIO.OO GRADE FOR $6.50 Here’s an offering in nice new Panama Dress Skirts, which will in terest every well dressed woman in Augusta. Just calculate the amount you save and then come and see how pretty these skirts really are, and how beautifully they’re tailored. Made of high class CD Panama Cloth, at 4>O.^U Trimmed with one wide and four narrow Satin folds—buttonsd* aC all the way down front—exceptional value, at at «pO.uU Skirts—Herinbone Serge Excclent quality—button down the front, trimmed on one side d* c Oft Special attention is called to other new models in fine tailored and elab oratelv trimmed—Panama and Voile. *7 r» „ it 4 a tr t\ Prices range 3)7.50 LO 3)14.50 Irish Point Scarfs & Shams, 75c to $1 Goods to go at 50c Each We have juse secured at an amazing concession in price, one thousand fine Irish Point Bureau Scarfs, and Pillow Shams, which we shall offer to our pat rons, Monday at a most alluring figure. These goods are fresh, clean and alto gether desirable and at the price we name, the lot should disappear in short order. 32x32 inch shams and 20x54 inch scarfs; also a few 16x36 inch scarfs, # all match. - Made on fine sheer material —Bonnaz embroidered, sprokcl work and spider web effects. All fresh, clean goods, regular 75c and SI.OO each, Monday, OUC AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER fl. 1008. $1.50 Cotton Comforts Silkaline covered. Full size, made clean selected cotton, regular $1.50 value, 98c sl.lO Hemmed Bed Spreads at 89c. dust fifty (50) of these splendid Honey Comb Spreads, in the lot as long as they last, ... Nobby New Suits at $17.50 Coats 32 inches long, semi-fitted, new pointed front—trimmed with buttons, skirt full flare, 1 inch splashed fold, colors are black, blue, olive, smoke catawba —material are all wool Chereson, Diagonal Serge and Herringbone. (t|*7 Exceptional value—-till sizes .. .. 4)1 1214 c Pillow Cases 12x36 or 45x36 size, made of good quality of Bleaching, our regular 12*40 Pillow Case, at 15c Huck Towels 50 dozen large size Heavy Huck Towels, these cannot be bought from the Manu facturer, for less I than 15e, Monday .. ■ SPECIAL PRICES ON NIGHTGOWNS Of good quality muslin or cambric, squaw, V, or round necks; prettily trimmed wltli embroideries and hmn- Htttehed lurks; sizes from 15 to 17; regular value 59c. J ry Sale price, t'VC Of good quality muslin, eambrle. or nainsook; square, V, or round yoke*, with in lueks ami dainty embrnid ory insertions and edgings, some with Val. lare trimmings, beudlng and rib bon; regular value sl. —— Sale prico / /L Of excellent quality nainsook and muslin; high or low nrek; square, V ami round yokes; some neally trim med with embroideries and tucks, others elaborately made with Val. Insertions and edgings, pretty bead trigs arid dainty , colored ribbons drawn through; values o*7/-i $1.25 to $1.50. Sale price,. , ,V/C $5.00, 11 4 Wool Blankets Fmill double bed size, with two (2) inch silk binding; pink, blue and red horde-r --ed, regular $5.00 CO QO value, at .... ... *PJ* jQ 90c—-72 in Table Damask Silver bleached Rose and Snow Drop patterns, spec ial for Monday’s FIQp Sale, at oJO DAILY AND SUNDAY, $6.00 PER YEAR. Bed and Bedding Sale BRINGS JOY TO liOMEKEEPERS Prices on everything In the Bedding Section of our Great Furniture Store are reduced this week, and thrifty housekeepers, alon | with all flood sufferers, are taking advantage of the reductions to flfix up their b.drooms for the fall and winter. We give you a day more of these values. Come! Good Mattresses Every Mattress we sell Is thoroughly dependable and always worth what we ask, no matter what the price. Prices are unusually low. Just Received -200 15-lh. rolled Edge Mattresses, nice ly stuffed and hound; covered with good quality tick ing, worth $4.50, at, at* —> j-v each 4>a6.V5 Those who Are Short an Iron Beds we are going a chance to secure a Hplcn did lull size Enamel While lied; itT AC\ regular $4.00 values, at 4 )Z.4V Parlor, Dining or Bed Room It Is seldom we have an opportunity to offer auch bar gains as these, as they are usually secured by the whole sale |obbers, who have no difficulty to dispose of same at a good profit to dealers. If you Are a Mood Sufferer or Other wise Need Rugs, Note These Prices 150 GOOD VELVET RUGS.—Size 36x72, ~ regular $4.00 value, at ipX.VO 100 VELVET RUGS, lilt: assortment; ipa p-a size 27x60-Ln., regular $3 values 125 INGRAM ART SQUARES, Hl7.<> <lxl2, feel rt. s mm j regular ss.oo valuta, at «po.y4 100 INGRAM ART SQUARES, size 9x12. a. > regular $7 values, at 1 «p4.VO Big Matting Sale 100 ROLLS CHINA AND JAP MATTINGS, 25 and 30c values; laid on your Hour, during tills g ,, salt), at IVC Nottingham Lace Gurtains NOTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, 04-lncheH wide, 3 yards long, extra heavy triple thread and over-locked stitch edges, handsome designs; $1.25 and $1.50 values yyC SI.OO RUFFLED 8W I3S CURTAINS mm a at 74c WINDOW SHADES Promptly al colors; j size .16x7'’, ::: c values at 24L 75c and $1 Silks, Monday at 49c Silks oi every description, Herringbone, tile Katin finished Mcssalines, Taffeta Ba plios and Hunger in all the wanted shades for early Fall and Winter wear. We bought this lot of silks at 25 and 33 1-3 per (tent, off and our customers will get the benefit of this great pur- a a _ chase, 7fie and SI.OO values, at, . 59c Wool Dress Good, 39c Here is an item that should appeal to every Mother in Augusta, and its vicinity for Children’s School Dresses, bright attractive plaids, new stripe and check effects, solid colors and black. We bought ibis lot of goods at auction and everybody knows what that means, Savings, 59c valu^ If you have any kind of wort to offer, to any kind of a work er, your want ad, will fin* more eager readers than t.fy most, interesting nows dlspatcH in the paper. 8c Huck Towels, 5c Suitable for Hand and Bar ber Towels, white and red bordered, 8c value, $4.00 Wool Blankets Made of white selected wool full double bed size, with one (1) inch silk binding, regular $4.00 ff O I Q value, at .... mm . vJ. I J