The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 06, 1908, Image 8

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SUWDAY, SEPT. R. Brilliant Theatrical Prmpprh... Reason Opens Wednesday -ww ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ e ▼ ▼ ATTRACTIONS THIC WBIK. NKXT WEI>NK«r>AY NlfiHl Fanny Ill's., "At Ihc Frenth ll,ill,'' *«.'» rnnqi' a,.morrow mtifnio. NKXT Kltll 'A V NfVil i’J* < uufit' Von Hrttzf*'l(Jt, ’ LaaugliU'r ut Axn eric*c" Heat* rowdy Wtdtv*. tda y tnon i Inga COMING NEXT WEEK. MONItAY. Hop 14 -.-‘•ti. Mi.,.*.* from Br*K«dw ay.” WIiIiNKHI »A V. H* pr I*. ‘I *.*• Ulg N V Hit "The Wolf." THI'RHDA \, Kept, n -’iaevll* Auction. ' At th* French Itftll i* patron Jr* <1 by Uj» r*»> p*opu-. piny* i-» th* -* prir** nod )n Hi* b*-«l *tM-Mtr* , M< 10 lift! <• »ugg*»M|v< lilt* **» any Htuniton t» off *l id miy mi* if t#« jHtili' t •iy If fti« iM) coin that phr.M*. A T»wfl| HhfHMnftk* i f «.i« m in.- happy with lid lot. Tto- neighbor* tap tier of thi» jr»ll> glori**»m world. M » OM-mmi hu«han*l m of firing t.-" < In furl rather a *<>|fl*n and (tl>«*t fintt*- follow hut for ail tliai know* *h< world find It’ll wiiyi Blit what «ot # M i«n tie have ;iguin»t *urli |i< oplf »u» ’J*ot ly flrn>n nnd li#*r mm Hi it fill till* j*K.f wlf»i‘n In,)m v. nil the * :hm>y • m Hu If mm ry « Patch. mu* l* 4* $ a hi * wiiJ »»fl opin ion* give* *N»in-y' «bt*< put of *fi* \.h h* hf»* mad* f«*j f> r - wotnij.i, « Pflmtn#* Dontbi. nnd .* Im'.l*! il.m***/r, aii«l ph** i* to i«) t*» Il*#*lr hou*»* * id ti* liver them nod tin ii»o ,t y f•» P iynnn* of which I* to f»r ht-tM * »a||y *hf m i forth And the rich *r«»*:k broker* faou*o I* Hi* ffr«t. all in not «)in*»n«ri L»-'<. Ho- lint Imnd I* lo#slny thomMiot* and <hou*.m*>ft Th# mi/* )*•**■ m MitnSMo on. Ihtt» Hi.* u I on* to ruin k*t bofor*- th*- world and h*n ; huahank, Nancy of on. »*• • »».ti »W*t h+t lllUK»i>Mlitl<-:< < d tntl'H in**- a, I rwady wit **»'»•* the wif», but m*k«* ft npp. a» bad tot N,*> V Hu: the f«*4y wit of tb» woman bring* li*r birth In i gtorlMic color# Nnt the Prtmtfi* |>onna‘ft home inn* - | nlfbfcp' lu it w anpotntnicntg *b<.wbn.' Hi" art I* tic »**-<• of it*) own*-. i .Mdiitnj in th« fruMkm gift* »*• »<* Idol in- mi* | «w**fid yj- f o, . * bo nil , H». *'*trav*g<- ii< *’*. f»* • tori' « md It*l bilging lu ■ outdr with th** ii**odoy. n* v# r minding Urn ***•«, »r. 't*»r u» » i.-iwn*** Nancy air*i«<;c to M« ru'lr*»n TO* n'*. hut mu • •.Mil >rtu fiat put n bright. * Wit»> w *b»» *m# w.ll n**l hold h*r own • •] nn**y • i*u# * w alk of? I with th* trump <»r<t Thin Natt*’/ d*mg| with th* tniintt »«rd Tbb- N v dot*. •«a In .. V., «■ 11-. liuihb-f. Highi !>"»■ Ki "i \ 111* • «n --wh-’ fr * * W, J ’ wh , *‘ ,n l ' It «i rmn do m trlpl# tongue * *»i»* i golo. Art Third mm» Ht** gttotl Fremh Hull HI the MadHbHt duwur JIHIMIII, Wl(lt:ll t* held yiwrty in S«w Turk W- «..jt h« the mMIMI- ta«t**e of the b**h*»t*b'f . |M . , , ™ * * ...... - rrt'ftn t *t*iiy t .r* -*• *** in" «M»btP that xlo hM* b* i, told of i t,*, i **Vid* >Wle *rtp *r«- intr*Mlui ad l.« an I the *arem* ivhltlwb.4 -lan et» will |f>trrnli»« e tlio tlaii* e» f»i th«* i Marrba-en.n will vl»..w IbMi w.y. *.t *if * hmiipagn*’ *»n»l ftn*l* *hc tin* I toking | peopb- a. a nut all w 11*41 t Htlly rum p *mi. j **d to h**r nnd Mt eight or I’m c'i |i< r bnetuind who lum l*e* n follow lug ruiletly nlong And »io« Iplnr bin dm.' •#! th* kibblt* Ah* * rye "Take me hmn* Pntch. hike m«* bon** ’ A gtHtid mini r«nn> Itb* .4ml hrr big c*»>. *iii| erfcgv night onlv* »»».idy tonni, row tnonilftk nt *h* box office. A DAUOHTfH Or AMERICA (>r Vt Pl*y Written Aro-mrf Ltf* rtf ! Out* Von to be P»e**nt4d at I the Grand Next Frldgy. "ft I>* ugh let rtf Ametba “ V nk, thnt * J the till* Ther* i*re mlltlonn In tliiw l hioh«i. tewutKul land At* y«u a .hmab ter <»f Amerb < f'huntcgn <*lg» \*or» fhitufeldt t« No ( ll«*i mime ami iltle .toe* not prtutul Ilk* It, yet. n'*vertti«- lee* »hr lr rtnd b pi OU*t of 1t tie Well, ("ouiiieiu/ * »lg«- Von liaisft'kli M th*' i d*ugbtei us Count I'.dwml end <N* int* *e Anna V«m Hdt*t< bit, b*.tn In Mi.vmm ke< W\o. m\M 41) flet the »ntiat and rotiMt«m* - am*- i *r- from I'iigliitul. vrfb t e the iKwni lm*t *ei\ct hi* eoi.ntry f*»t twelve yr*te hhiHim..d*»t Mbnlpotrni lory. It wn* during th> litter i>*.rt rtf ht*> nnihaftAHrioi «•>»t|* tlmt he iv«* untm tumitely forest Into u duel with h tier mm. tinny officer *lilrli t.suited b» tin gr ,th "f the but. i Vh* . nunt wat th*n rtglraileod front tiermunv nml t move.) from office l*lNgu*ted wlHt Itl** nnflve Ihikl, he CM me to America. Wi*#ic ghortly nfter their nrrlviil nlg.i wtie The rininte*# ys.m *o dell allied with this i*l>uniry that *|.e colled hei K*hy the.r Tkiughltr of Arowii* *. which ha.. . lumc in th* youttg l ..1> *ll hei Ilf* \» *»tu.* grew l« iimturlt.v her One ainhlttun mi • in he. mue n g*e*v actr* ** Nature nnti g*netou*lv «tub'wed to* with rat* 1.. . ty. anil an un**(u»iimml\ jd* »*.1..g mm »i ■■prgm* \ol» e, *o aft* r many f.unlly cun fer n, o n w.«* «i« • Idod tlmt t»lga •kmiii.l nffopt the lyrb itoge a* her pt *f* »*'on , 4*11.1 five V»*4»r* Mg*. Uhe K< • **pl**d thr |M4i I rtf 'Wlllh ill ri|. Hlirgomanti , ! 11l ‘The ItOlU* fuUowed t.V two Mar tPll>■ tour* flret tn ’The f.lttle hu«-l>u* ' uni the next e -aon in The llcilr «.» ! kbavf«lr Her last r«Htea<auect w., ,»r WnlUrdi ** N* w \ <»rk wttn J.d, Mnahign Nrttwithstanding wutny excellent offer* for tM* wenson the count. m* decided tg bend her own «'4»mpgny in a new pie. * e*i'>« I*IH written frti hot and *mlttb >t **A l>*U*hter «>f Amen. * Tl»e muali and laihk nre far nlaive the many *«* !• a proimumuMt |»|t ever \ where It wan be prMentfMt *t ’he rtcMhd <Wi next IV. d|y night rtuh H.le «*» *• it* if*dv m*i Wednrtedny morning at the box *>ffh ”!Wt ml** thh **n* "4fc Minute* From ttroadway." i>l«»hr*ttng tio fourth > u«« a***ful *. tS?) ' n lCi; W fv* Minute, ’nom ’ihoad' w*» ' oMtini to tlic UmM on Monday, Tu"»M„ .. K * the original «t*t, and tu will he warmly friend* In till* *My Than new tlr* • il t'rtban, an «*t*|***rt unity for the fun 1*4(4) rtf hi* friclU and hi* trem luui* grit and hi* genin* for dramt'lo on l*r«sin< lion in * ti ix h * *un ikt. flu »w».nW « f tt»« pie* el* a lotf eg| *fT*n dealing with llte In it* n .uv iStM* and iMh l» tell. «» naturei gfoc>. gnd prtrtrw)* the hurnoi of Hi* bu> oh • the )*mt *.■» (*t fait nfuln* *# h 0..! Hxdnee* «>r 4ilvmM.i »n. h*t Nn.l* alt • would tickle th* ittihlUtlo* »*( t» ■Whin* and situation* Umi at* *\ »- •tlnil) funny To ieh* %e *u> d. tvc Khr Minute# Ft"»* ftfr mAwcn tx l tor »Orr*ed with tingling tuneful > g* 'MgCt l *'"'«»* 1 W *' N ' h <T4d Name Thor* to a ahaw .► «u h xu yful girl* wb«* have |w*on taught to the •fe* l lUtlgl himaelf. Ox '.g» M The «w*t tndudea F*x*tt W »ch. At tax fNimw donloti and t ’<».«• n I* w fttelj k.. Cuo*t*l. c» u*U. Xu I germ Mas Oregor, Jninen A. Hnvett. , Harry tlwyuett.n, James. H Mannirig and t w**nf y of berk Ther# are three note, all luM in N'-*v Kochell*- The flrat pliowh th*- <*xteri*»r •it the r'aatlctrtn Mgnklrtn In the morning. th*- th< - rtt.e. *Jlepl;iyjng jtb*- hit*•. i<ll *t nlfht. Mid ihi third * • jfnrriotiM railroad ktation in New Ilocnelie, •N. V, HeMtt rr«*ty next Friday morn* j I ing. Otvli'a Auction. j <*lud* 11. Yale’n eyerhuitlnK "DtvH’a ! Auction." Illggei, grander, newer than | ever will he *. «n at the Orarui on Fri j .jay. H*ffd lTtfi. Ogorge Tppad«, l« the j "'t**hy * thtg foanaon, and eeveral big non eat iorml e(iirt|.e:.r> feature* |m alao on (the *-«rde A superb new transformation j finale l* another ro w feature. The *l* - j phant finll* t l« an extra feature. •Th« Wolf.’ i Ibjgeu# Walter * f.»moo* play "The Wolf" whtci. will he keen at the tJranu on Wednesday, Hept. Ik, had It* ftt-i | N' t York production at the Fit>o«a fla n followed mu ‘-yiended run at she l,yric I ti.aetre |t tellk th»* story of .« gir. I who w.u* deceived, and scrftt to her dentil in th* t ’ H tidson Hay r-ountry. Her half brothei •••‘Rh the rn«n un*l find* l.lin aibniptlnat to lure snother girl to ruin If happens that th«* half brother love* thl* girl, so he t.Tke* her away hut Hi*' \ I Ilia tt follow* and their moot ling \h the most effect l\’e Incident Of the j f.tuv The two men meet in the dark ■•ltd light sos Ilf. and for ih«* pokkCk»lon of th* girl. The gudh'ttre aimply nears ’he two man tut they toss and struggle iTnully there Is a moan end the listen «f know that Oeai> has com- to or. of them Hiit which one? The moon » reepg of., and the victor strike* a maten land holds H Above the victim's face. Tin* I i ijfht man has he* n vl* lorlous. and the jpliv hs*-. a happy ending It is :4iid U .if#-? hiiv written . most pautrful play ther* 1 being many virile ’ moments, for the story 1 1 <>l«ls the auditors tnterott '< iim "Th. Wolfe, wll ibe *sffintently >< t» «t. Mr Andrew Holmon appearing um | .ltd* n«‘iiuhleii. the avenger. Mr. Rnh ! r».»n ie an excellent i(«-tor. who wit! he : » cji»« nil., i »**| for his fine portrayal of "Mb l>md t’arvei, in which rolo he star • da few seasons sgo Al 0 Flslrl Coming Following his tis’oiu * "tai-ltsiied tw»n t\ two ute ..*»>. \i U l b 1-1 has an ci.tlr*- i,aw pr-HitalhM. this year. Much i lutet <*.» H nicbtfrfltrd bv theatre goers i... >e«r in Mm pree»-tit.ith-iis *>f thl*, I progi • ssiv*' matu.gei (iujd( -l * V *x ! i |*crlencr h» outdoes each ptevloti* yeti* hi . j t.b tlon Thl season he tin* tenth* fu .est a new record. * I roin th- opening to the .f tlb' |»rognun every hi t Is » novlty. Th-1 • 'pimlng f-rene uaiihUv f*r»n<*l Un- ’First j 1 ‘at t” Is (4 splendid spoctncl. Sump • ..ns scenery, gorgemis ci«iuriitH and ■ no lul musb . It is (aimed "Th* Fust., I <>f Fb*w« rs " I Tl-e hi* iring party, always .* feature lof th* Al H Field Minstrel*, la larger I .lid nb'ti* (b*o w»i, t’his I Metpli.irt a lytic tenm Cleorgc T Mar* I tln the Scutch flighting le i:dw k Nrmalioi.g .. I.ohf • of merit. Waltn Jjdi. rwo id the ndgstraj tenor. William I \rgnll and Ji.lin f*. rHCkFfia.* gye *iiijy h I Th* political lake-off ‘‘Opening TTie h'rtmtMiign. Is rotiletc with jlhes null J email saving, caricaturing nil the poll! ji< »l parth** Kven lb arsi s Itldi'peildcrit party and the prohibit InnlM» come In for tlcfr *l.hre of the verbal thrust*. "The Woman lu the Moon' with D*v Quig ley and hi* dancer* l* another mn*bal and scenic feature Forty dancer* en ■ . Utils . 'lurk - till In the "onionvtlle Ihsitlrt" and has hi* ".tv a* to the fads and follle* l>-stdring life The |.|g 1 utlcHuur “A clrvti* Nlgt niat e I* the > rtmuutlllig tilimlrer and it goes with a slain l.nng tlmt gives eclat in th- whole entertain incut. All th»* old favorites are with Field, but all the show Ih new Don't full to *r-e this you* show at the Or and very shortly. M.xkin# Elliott'* *ucce«* With Florence Davit This *r«s**n hi ‘‘VimJc! (k# tTrertnwortd fre#. Florence l*gvts will we.n a hath Ing *ult In on# seen*' Her man'’ udinlr •re w-ho have seen At|*s I*avls in more j , j ,*L i* g*' j ft Jfc "i' Jf ‘fil! A4 ~ jjflh i, n .w *** "Jw 4 '\r ■%% .(ft# wj|Sp®>Bi#r l, iMawWi l ,(* 4 Fauces Gordon As “Plata Mary” In Geo. M. Cohens Forty-Fives Minutes From Broadway, At The Gruud, Monday, Sept-tuber Fourteenth. "" ; V * V '* ' Funny Rioc “Al TUo French Ball” At The Grand Next Wednesday Night, Scats Ready Tomorrow dignified garb in Reasons past, and hive enjoyed ihe charming comedies and dm ms'ic plays presumed i*y tills versatile star, migitt be slightly shock* d at 'his announcement. They might think that Mlse Da via is going to forsake th*- le gitimate drama for comedy, but she is not. The battling costume is de manded by the playwright, Henry \. Ksnvnd. during a small pun of Ihe ac tion of 111* latest play, "I’ttder the Oreenw.gHl Tree ’ It took no Iltle argument from tier managers io Induce Miss Davis to ap pear before ;ui audience in the abbre viated seaside garb, but this costume w absolutely necessary to the second net, and Inasmuch hs successful and suitable plays arc not always ••a*> to secure, and ns this one is so happily suited to the personality of Miss Davis, tills charm ing comedienne Anally consented. "I ani not -o prudish or painfully modest,” she mrhl "and don’t mind wear ing a bathing uM when lu the water, wher** necessity demands it, but before the footlights, if‘a different. I pftotnl*** you that If I must wear Hint horrible souhretHsh thing, it will have to be a swell one ns fine as any to be seen at Newport or Nnrr.igatikett Fi-r. and If must not he too short, either. 1 don’t want to shock nil of the nice friends i have made In the cities we have hewn THE AUGUSTA HERALD plnvltig in bn 1 the part four years. That is all. Tills charming rustic comedy was \ great siicc*'ss iti London and N**w Yoi k i last year, with Maxine Hlllott in the I sic liar role. As Mine fillioti will not go i out «»n the road this season, hut will r-'iijaln in New Y»»rk until the comp!' -| Hon *-f iut own new theatre, which she j will open w ith a n-w production liF No vember, Miss Davis’ management have recur* d for li«'t the exclusive American rights to “Under th* rirc**nwoo<i Tree” and have pur* hased the entire la visa Ml lot t production of scenery, costumes nr.d efTects. On the way to Augusta .ind th** Grand. A New Faust. It ia not generally known llial W. li. Thompson th- prominent character a«‘- tor once played a female character. It wo* a ininib* i of years ago when Lewis Morrison firm presented his magnific ent production of "Faust, ’’ Thompson was for the part of "Valentine,’ but on this special occasion the dame “Martha w.i- suddenly taken ill find not having n understudy for the part. Thompson wn* pr-ssed into service, anu donned tin* dre* * with great reluctance. I h is related that Thompson played the j part will! all th*- skill for which no i* noted and .hat lie scored a very great success, hut that ttie local manager who bud not been ptP wise to the change In -lie cast. eflm«* Imck *m the Siagc afterl •I perfornian*-* and said. "Morrison. >ou dug up a «'«trking good Martha, inn I <»> Good Harry. *hc is flic* hontlicat w»*- iTian 1 «vet saw in my lif**." Mr. Thompson will be seen as "Ittuaf it Hie * irand this season with Rosiibei Morns,-, . ".Margin rita.'* Lion and the Mouse Return. Tlmt me •t* r *»f typ- . Cli tri. s Klein, *m» jH'-'ii the Mttgc cm perfect a plc \ mlo tne nubiUi). m th*- rhuructer ui ivti Lob- t*. in "Pit* Lion anil th* \tou*< a* on wall id w tali i«» «e*-. From out when the thinking American rmllifs o\-r ulnet; million of oiu go«>u I iollur* huve gout* abroad lo iriake un-1 «PPV international marring***, ho 1* .»nie t< grit Ida txot., irnd sink into 1 erluu- *|>* « uUition. This year Hour;. 14. tiair t is sending to the Grand wh.t l* said in l»r iho best cust ever pro oentod In the Klein play. "The Lion f irtd the klouae Is H* nw«iule«l lor uafi) I Appearance at the Grand. • “Human Hearts.” Our brother* arroa* the otsan are now | * Utnorlns lot Amerb iwi made good*. , both pommereial and theatrlinl. it la not s»* many year* ago. that an Amer* j U*n play *ir h* o*i Imd no ('hance wbui ever in Fug land. Dramatic writing Iti I America was *t a tow ebb, and for that tee eon \ mem. in manager* wore com- SEwhJre u ni:rTnii: havi- changed of late, and during the l an Ameri' .n tra«i- mat k has t»ecn ac* •• ot d-d a hearty welc*>me on the other j next j u • It I \lr NankevUle's in- | Robert Edison’* Success Coming. ! 1 lug .'!» the rood thU aeaoon. are pmtsen of the pt-.H!iieer’*i'art. Norman Hncfcett le start* d n th* pi « e which l» booked How Abcut tne Merry Widow Henrx \\ t#4\ g.» ha* de» id**d to send »*!«»% r**‘W s«*ts for tlw imautlful three J robe irsing a new strange hold f*r the iIT " ,n ,h * •»'>*«“ Countess Glga Von. Hiti frelt, “Daughter of Ain ertca” at The Grand Friday * C % ■ ,-M ■ A <* . tky'SF' V‘’ v. f-: oir€ J| ' V The Egyptian Girl Ar—Nol—Dt—Vision Of Sa lome. With Fanny Rice. And ‘At The French Ball’ —Grand Neat Wednesday Night—Seats Ready To morrow Morning. Augusta, Ga.. August To Our Friends and Patrons, Our large and varied stock of Vehicles, Harness. Carriage and Wagon material, etc., has been absolutely saved by my corps of sales men, mechanics and porters, scarcely a thing damaged. For the past three day 6, Friday. Saturday and Monday, we have been cleaning up and re-arranging stock, and are now just in condi tion as if nothing had happened to this goodly city. Soliciting a continuance of the favors heretofore so liberally be stowed by Friends and Patrons, We are, Very truly yours, H. H. COSKERY. Looking For a House ?_ High-class Houses, Flats and Rooms in every part of Augusta advertised in THE AUGUSTA HERALD and many at mod erate rents. Advertisements recieved at Herald Of fice or by Telephone. TELEPHONE 297 A GENTLEMAN SAID to our Salesman the other day: “Do you remember that Bedroom Suite 1 bought here twenty-four years ago?” 'Yes,'' the Salesman replied, “but has It been that long?'* "Yes,'' said the Customer, "my oldest boy Is now 25 years of age, and .ie was just one year old when 1 got that. Suite, and ft is perfectly good yet.” Of course the patterns may he a little different now but OUR FURNITURE is as GOOD as any. And that is the kind of Furniture we sell —the kind that lasts long and pleases. Let us show you and give you prices. The J. L. BOWLES FURNITURE CO. 904 Broad Street. Augusta’s Oldest Furniture Store. THE WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ARE •‘HUMANIZING!” When more people come to use and answer classified advertise ments, more people will know each other— More People With Interests Will Meet more people will find channels and opportunities for reciprocal ser vice. Truly, the want ads. are “humanlzliig" people—shaming away the scorn of small things, the scorn of "bargaining,” cf exchanging useful but not used things for useful and usable ones. USE HERALD WANTS EOR RESULTS. AIHDOMEfIE-OPENS WITHJiG SHOW Bigney, The Human Fish Will Be On Bill Along With Other Big Numbers The reopening bill of advanced vau deville at the Air Dome theatre will be the best of the season. Bigney, the human fish, will put on his start ling tank exhibit. He eafß. drinks and smokes under water. He even talks and makes music while submerged. His act is regarded as one of the most wonderful on the boards. The day before the flood Bigney dove from a top girder of the North Augusta bridge into the swift river. During the flood he distinguished himself by several daring rescues near his hotel. Parrish and DeDuc, singing, danc ing end lightning change artists, coma to the Air Dome highly recoin : mended. They are now playing tha second week of a successful engage ment in Savannah. Billy I-aeelle. a talented singer, monoiogist and song writer, will be a feature of the reopening bill. He Is engaged for his latest sketch, and Is said to be in a class by himself. A new and attractive feature will i he Bryan's speeches on a, Mr phono graph This specialty Is r. sklng good with a rush in the East Four tlov- Ing picture flints will be shown at vac., performance. No change in prices, 5 and 10 cents. tT" M. RICHARDS DEAD. PHILADELPHIA. Pa—Thomas M. Illchsrds. 72 years old. who was flrat : vie* pr*»*ld«*nt of the Philadelphia and I Reading Coal and Iron company, died this morning at hi* home at i Spring Darden street, as a reault al complication of disease*.