The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 08, 1908, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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PAGE TEN FOR RBIN T. 1*47 Broad Street. 7 room* S2S.O<T E.-. 9 Broad Street, ft roome .. 35.00 | 694 Broad Straal. 5 rcotri* 25.00 953 Greene Street 12 roome.. . 50.00 500 Lincoln Street, S rooms 30 00 666 Reynolds Street. 17 rooms 41.07 106 Reynolds Street, 6 rooms .. 12.50 338 Walker Street, 7 rooms . 25.00 936 Telfair St.. 2 roomi 10 00 • STORES. 1224 Broad Street 35.00 1262 Broad Street 65.00 570 Broad Street 35 00 524 Campbell Street 45.00 222 Campbell Street 20 00 626 Campbell Street 50 00 OFFICEB. No. 765 Brood Street 120 83 No 8 Library Bid's •• ... 1* 33 I Offlees In the Planter* Loan &R«vlng* Bank Building l WILLIAM E. BUSH , FOR HUNT FROM OCT. I. 508 Third HI, 6 rooms and oath, being built $20.00 41;: Telfair, H room, and hath ..ss3 33 529 Broad, 7 rooms and batb., .. .. .. .. ... S3O uO 618 Broad, 7 rooms and bath . .. $20.00 614 Third, (> room* and bath s2ooo 929 Reynolds, 6 room* and hath ■ .. • .$30.00 s6tO Walton Way 7 rooms and hath $25.00 901 Crawford Ave.. 5 rooms. $14.00 4*6 Bay. to he built, possession Nov. 1, I rooms, steam heat and opon grates, alerlrletty and gn* $32.60 1242 Broad Ht., 6 rooms and hath.. .. .. .$25 00 1244 Lroad St., 6 rooms and hath.* $25.00 1288 Broad «*., Store *OS 207 Birth 8! , atom MARTIIN OAKPB'n , wnuawo STOCKS ORDERS EXECUTED TO BUY AND SELL STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ARGO & JESTER. 7 Library Building. Phone 12. FOR RBIN'T 426 Itav Htr»»l, 9 room* $25.00 207 Waahliirton Street, 6 room* .. .. 25.00 SO# Washington Street. 6 25.00 582 Broad Street, 8 rooms' 1 ' 1 25.00 829 Teltair Streat 9 room* * l> „ .. 37 56 Telfair HtrmC. The Hills 10 . °'m* 58.00 404 High Street, 5 rooms,. I 12.00 North August*. Forest Aveni, '7 room* 25.00 North Auftuata, Wasl Avenue' ’ rooms., 15.00 -’LATB. 6198$ Broad Street. 3 rooms.. 18.00 215 Klhert Street. 3 rooms,. .. $0 00 246 Telfair Street. R looms.. .y jj . .. 15 00 831 KUIa Street, 3 rooms 12 00 STORES. Corner Telfslr and Jantison Streets 60 00 Warehouse Walker Street 83.33 APPLY TO CLARENCE E. CLARK, REAL ESTATE, .. 842 BROAD STREET. Here’s a Good Rule! Lay said* a little money every week for the laid up or the laldoft day. Or tn meet such en emergency et |het through which we have Juet pteerd. One Dollar will open an account—4 Per Cent Interest paid. THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK S*l BROAD STREIT. -WHERE SAVINGS ARB SAFE." II ■ SPRINGS we manufacture all grades of Springs and Mattresses FROM $2.50 Ul>. Our ROYAL MONARCH Single Cone Spring Guaranteed to be Stronger Than Anything of its Price on the Market. You Will Dream Sweet Dreams on Our WHITE EAGLE. Sanitary Felt Mattreaa Ask the Furniture Dealers. Aut|ust<] Mattress and M sq. Company Boosters' Committee Will Canvass Flooded Districts Will Find Ont Definitely What Augustan* Hit By Flood Need and Then Take Steps to Secure Necessary Funds. Yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock the Boosters elub held a committee meeting at the Elks club to discus* th> flood saltation and hear the re po r of the oominlttee appointed to confer with the General Relief corn mi:tee In charge of the relief fund*. Mr. Philpot was the first to take the floor and he outlined the purpose of the special mealing and dlscusasd the advisability of a mas* meeting a* planned by the organisation at th" Sunday meeting. Mr C Henry Cohen declared he was In favor of raising all the avail able money In Augusta before going out for more, Mr. Wm Schwelgert. did not think that It would be ad vertising Augusta as a pauper dty If an additional appeal «u made for outside aid, hut ha urged securing more money apd if it could not he se- Cured locally It should be secured from the outside. Mr W. F. Bowe argued that only the outside edge of the suffering had been touched by the relief committee and he declared that more funds were needed Mr K. .1. Krheldlng stated that he though: toere was enough money in Augusta to prevent want, but that was not all the situation demanded and aid should b* secured from other souroe*. Replacement muit be made In many cases ha said. Favored a Canvass. Mr Rufua H. Brown, member of 1 the executive committee, who pre sided over tho meeting, favored a canvass to obtain figures on the slt i nation and then urged local aid as far a* possible for relief He was of the oplulon that the rebuilding and I rehabilitation of August* remains largely with the pdople of Augusta and they m«mt a^t. I»r. Richard Wilkinson was pres i ont and outlined an extensive plan ! of work which he thought might r<* ] Milt 111 great good and solve the prob lem of relief He stated that he was of the opinion that SI6OOO could be wisely expended In helping many of | the poor to get part of the furniture . they needed, but he urged that the, j city do the work and that the people | he advised that ts they clean up their I promises aid will be given them In i i thin manner. Not Enough Money. t Mayor Dunbar made a statement of conditions as he found them and de i lured that he whs of the opinion that there was not half annjlgh niouey tn j the city treasury to relieve the suf I forers, and tn concluding, he Raid "1 do not want anything done hastily that would put the city In a fnlse light I think that the Bop*l er a club has made a moat generous offer and they should he publicly i thanked, at a miss meeting If ne cessaay. j "l want the Booster* to make a ! thorough canvass and after reporting the altuatlon a* they found It, wo ! shall see if those men who sre not In j favor of accepting outside aid will he ready to come to the city's help. , ;if the cltlisiia of Augusta will not | contribute to the relief fund ■suf ficiently to permanently relieve the situation. then we shall call for out side aid. I have no confidence tn men who come to the aid of their fellow cltiaena only upon solicitation." Mr 1-ouls Brooks was of the opln l lon that many Augustan*, who had ‘ not contributed to the relief fund would do so if Importuned and oth -1 ers w»r* of the same opinion. After more discussion tt wss deeid l ed to appoint committees to canvass i >lie flooded districts and see just j what was needed and if It Is deemed advisable the mayor will call a mass ; ; meeting of the citizen* to further ; lake up the question. GEORGIA-CAROLINA FAIR ASSOCIATION MEET SOON A caUed meeting of the Georgia Carolina Fair association has been called liv Secretary Wank K H"Bne for next Thuradav afternoon at 6 o'clock The meeting will be held at the office* of the Chamber of Commerce as usual Mr W J. Moore who handled a large part of the business end of the fair since it* inception has been ask cd to rotn* track during the week t'. the fair tht* fall and he has written I staling that he would come ts po*. j atble MATTRESSES The General Demand of (be Wt H » Informed of the World luu •Intve been Vor ft simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; * laxative which phytietan* could •auction (or (amity u»c hecau*e it* com poiient part. are known to them to tic wh'dewome and truly beneficial in etl«>ct, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in netion In supplying lh»t demand with it* ex cellent combi nation ut Syrup of Figs and lUixtr of Semi*, the (klifomi* hig Syrup Co proceed* ftlong ethical line* »n.i relic* vti (he merit* of the laxative for it* remark , aide toccw** That U one of many rwaaon* why Syrup of fig* and Idix.r of Senna i* given the preference by the Well-Informed lb get It* ben*^teal effect* always buy I the genuine manufactured by the Cali i ‘ornia Fig Syrup to. only, and for »alr jby all leading druggist*. Pnoe City cerA ; tar bottle. THE AUGUSTA HERALD TODAY’S CONTRIBUTIONS A list of the contribution* received since Saturday night by Mr. Hook is as follows: Savannah Cotton Exchange .$1,600.00 Savannar Relief Com 390.00 Barrett & Doughty L25j.00 Phlnlzy A Co 100.00 J. D. Walker, Sparta, Qa.,.. 50.00 E. H. Callaway 50.00 Mirhaels-fitern & Co., New York 50.00 J. J. Cohen 25.00 A. P. Padgett 26.00 Jr. O. U. W. 20.00 Mrs. Lawton' 10.09 White Plains subscription . 40.00 K of P. Lodge, Wards, S. C. 15.00 Dr. J. T. Plunket 50.00 Mrs. E T. Lewis, Nashville 10.00 Andrews Bros 25.00 Hntnes & Bishop, N. Y. .. 26.00 : Mr. A. Olfenbuttel, N. Y. .. 10.00 Total ..$2,595.00 NEW PASSENGER SERVICE VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. pending the Inability of the At lantic Coast Line to cross the Santee ■river on that line between Orange burg and Sumter, they have decided, effective Tuesday or Wednesday next, to inaugurate specal temporary xervldf, over the C. & W. C. Ry. via Yamassee. connecting with the At lantic Coast Line's Florida and Weßt Indian Limited'' at that point. Pro posed schedule will be to leave Au gusta 12:30 p. tn., handling one of til,, latest steeper* through to Jersey City without change, arriving New York 2:46 p. m. (New schedule, ef fective September Bth.) Returning, this through sloeper will be handled from Yamassee to Augus ta by special train, arriving here ap proximately 12:30 p. m. The Atlantic Coast Line suffered a very heavy loss In th«ir Santee River trestle, over a mile of the trestle work having been completely swept away. IN RECORDER'S COURT There was a large docket at re corder's court Tuesday morning. About 15 men. were found guilty of violation jof the 4«nth section and received nor mal fines. John Carol, a negro, was given slon or 90 days for loitering. Price Watson, a country negro, was charged with loitering. It seems that he had been at work Monday night and was on his way home, i whan the officer caughi him and car ried him to the barracks. The re corder asked hint where he was from. |He answered: “I came from Saluda, j Sunday." SIOO or 90 dajs." Lena Jpseph, a negro wroman, was charged with violation of the 460th nnd 111th. ordinances. It seems that the ofTtcers heard that she had an •scaped convict at her house and wlu they went to get hint, she re fused to admit them. They went in ihe window and found the negro. Ths woman then started to cursing them and when put under arrest she re fused to come She said: "I hesitat ed to come because I hadn't done anything." The recorder said: "I don't hesitate to give you SIOO or 90 days." FOR NERVOUS DISORDERS Takf* Horgford's Acid Phosphate Especially for the relict of nervous headache, exhaustion and in somnia. MR. JOHN NEWMAN CORRECTS ERROR IN NAMES Mr. John Newman, living at 1010 W dlawn. and employed hv Golden and Simmons at 630 Broad street asks that the public take notice that he is not the John Newman, who Is assisting the poltee tn special work, lie states that he has never bbeti in the employ of the police and does not Intend to be and would ask that hi* trlends eorrect the Impression that has got:en out alauit him Mi New man sa>» that he is annoyed by th comments directed at him by thos ■ who are deceived by the similarity in name* JUDGE AND SOLICITOR WENT TO THOMPSON TODAY McDuffie county superior court con vened tn Thomson Monday and Judge Henry 0 Hammond and Solicitor Gen eral Jo* S Rex unlit*, together with several attorneys, went up In the morning aid will be there for aome time most of the attorney* remain ing through the se*»ton of the court It t* thought that the huaineas will be concluded before the week la out as the docket 1* an uuusually light one. % I LITTLE MARY KINDRICK PASSED AWAY TODAY The many friend* of Mr* 1-adrttn Knndrlck regret to learn of the de*t,. of har little <*%«n year-old daughter. Mary, whoa,, death occurred Sunday afternoon at the family residence near the Richmond factory. Th* little girl *a* the Idol of her fond mother and tt i* with great mor row that her friend* learn of her be reavement. The funeral take* place ,gt Blrthe Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock The interment I* at Blythe cemetery. tttu .mi*. Augusta Brewing Go.’s Near BEER -■; w. “BOOST AUGUSTA” Boost Augusta s Manufactories Leave Your Money at Home. Augusta Brewing Co. You Get Results From the Start Drinking GLENN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. Makes your liver lively. Its easy nature when vaur liver's right. Red tongue, sparkling eyes, good complexion, sweet breath; nature’s tonic for the ilver, kidneys, stomach and skin. Relieves constipation, bilious ness, jaundice, dvspcpsia. ap pendicitis and rheumatiam. Ever lasting shipping quail tie*. (linger ale and carbonated water. 5 Gallons De- f ■ rn livered wlfOU PHONE 800 ST. PATRICK SCHOOL WILL OPEN MONDAY Commercial Institute Will Annin be in Hands of Christian Brothers for This Scholastic Year. St Patrick's cornmercfal InatPnt* »(|1 open Monday next and pupil* will tie enrolled thl* week Th« nirlattan Hrother* will continue in 1 rharge and will aee that the InaUttt j Mon I* conducted tn the aame excel j lent manner that ha* characterlted tt caper tally In recent year*. The facul ty wrin remain practically unchanged and the curriculum aa l**t year. Parent* who are puttied aa to the place where to send their boya are asked by the brothre* to call upon them at the achool art' da v thl* week, where full Information will be given and the varlou* course* and dally explained. JUST TRY IT PITCHERS wafTMMitruMiH 11 mii min ■ 100 dozen Decorated China Pitch er* are our premiums this week, with all purchases of any of the following articles: ! 1 j ibs. Java & Mocha Coffee . 500 i 2-lbs. Java Flavored Coffee ....60c 2V4-lI |S - Porto-Rican Coffee 50c 1-lb May Blossom Tea 50c 2 bottles A. & P. Extracts 50: j 1-18-ox. Can A. & P. Baking Powder 50c 1-lb. Thoa-Nectar Tea ,60c Remember these Pitchers are limit ed. We will them away as long as they last. great^B rr ; N c ;wMj 844 Broad Street. Phones 867—868 325 Stores in the U. S. FOR RENT. ——j— RESIDENCES. 124* Greene St , 7 rooms .. ~*46.00 51*1 11*11* St, 5 mom* 27.50 20* Kill* Bt , 4 room* 16,00 511 Caiboun St . 4 rooms .. .. 12 50 1021 Jackson St., f rorai M 6a STORES. 1019 Gampbell atree* .. .. ... IfJOf IMS broad MtR 4 i 652 Ellla street 27.00 Lockhart & Company RwllsLle. Renting. Mre Insurance TUESDAY, SEPT. 8. EDUCATIONAL SACRED HEART ACADEMY 1264 Eflia St, Augusta, Ga. Conduotod by the Slater* of Mercy, and empowered to confer diploma*. Offers superior educa tional advantages tor girls. Must cal cultuxu and the training of organists a specialty. Reopens Sept 8, 1508. Preparatory school for boya from five to nine years of age. For particulars apply to the SISTER BUPERIOR. SACRFD HEART COLLEGE 1306 Ellla Street, Augusta, Qa. For day scholars only. Empow ered to confer all Collegiate De gree*. Thoroughly up-to-date. The curriculum Includes Phil osophy, literature, Anolent and modern History, Physics, Chemls try, Astronomy, Mathetnatlos, Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, etc. Ste nography and Typewriting at par ents option. Modern Languages without extra charge. RE-OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER BTH, 1908 For Catalogue and particular*, ap ply at the College. JOHN J. SHERRY, S. J. President. Miss funk’s Commercial School, Harison Building Augusta, Ga, teach**, short, hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, spelling, arithmetic, English and penmanship. Practical methods and term* reatonabla. Day olats. Night claas. Write ' - cita ogue, or call phone 4£7. ST. PATRICK’S COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE I Will Re Open Monday, September 14. For terms and particulars apply to the DIRECTOR.