The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 08, 1908, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TUESDAY, SEPT. 8. l apke Defeated Ketchell In Twelve Bloody Rounds a-OB ANGELES, Cal—ln the bit-, >est and bloodiest fight ihat Los Angeles haß seen in years, “the Illi nois Thunderbolt” knocked out Stan ly ’ etchell in 12 rounds, and won She claim to the middleweight champ impshlp yesterday, A right swing Allowed by a fearful hook did the r lck. Los Angeles—the whole west Wanted Immediately DOUBLE TEAMS, NONE BUT THOSE HAVING GOOD STRONG ANIMALS CA PABLE OF PULLING A GOOD LOAD NEED APPLY. :::::::: RIVERSIDE MILLS WANTED 10 EXPERIENCED DRY GOODS SALES MEN, 24 TO 30 YEARS OF AGE. NONE WANTED WHO CLAIM TO HAVE IN FLUENCE - THE KIND WE WANT IS LIVE HUSTLERS WHO ARE AMBI TIOUS AND CAN MAKE A BOOK, GOOD SALARIES TO THE RIGHT MEN. APPLY IN WRITING TO : : : ; Dry Goods, Care Herald. All Communications Stictly Confidential. T *E BANKER’S HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. September 7, 1908 MR P. C. CARNES, Agent. Bankers Health & Life Insurance Co., « Augusta, Oa. DEAR SIR: I understand that some persons have been claim ing that a recent ruling made by the Attorney General of the state was to the effect that Mutual Slick Benefit Companies like your ow.i could not legally carry on their business without making a deposit of SIOO,OOO. I teslre to say that the Attorney General has made no such rul ing. The ruling he did make, at my request, was confined wholly to stock companies, and had no application to mutual companies and consequently will not interfere in any way with your business as heretofore carried on. Yours truly, wm. h. fdeming. i.bove you will find a statement of Col. Wm. H. Fleming, which he states that the ruling of Col. John C. Harts, does not apply t i any Blck and Accident Insurance company doing business in the state of Georgia. Now to our policy’s holders, when some untruthful agent of some other company calls at you house and says that all the companies are going out of business but his, you can Just put It down that he Is only after your business by misrepresentation. Futbermore I will pay any agent, or company $50.00 that will call at my office and show me where I can't do business as long as his company or any other company in the state. DEATH CLAIMS PAID SINCE AND DURING THE FLOOD. Andrew Davis 25c SSOOO * Stephen Scott 25c 50.00 Eml Wright 20c 40 00 Barah Greggs 15c 30.00 Melvira Wright .. ..5c 10 00 Lizzie Hill 10c.. ' 20.00 Della Labord 10c|. .. .. 20.00 Gus Wilson 10c.. ~ , 20.00 P. C. CARNES, Manager. em fight world is still trying to be lieve it. It is the most remarkable form upset that prize fighting in the west has ever experienced. The veteran fight fans who sat at the ringside and bet their money on Ketchell, the knocker out, the man who stops them with a punch, who wins his battles in I, 2 or o rounds, AtS® Salmon The standard of salmon quality. Best in color, freshness and nutritive value. Furnishes food for brain and muscle without heating up the blood. 4sJ( your grocer for Argo Rod Salmon ' .ASK* PACKERS ASSOC HT' could hardlj believe they were awake until they saw the sturdy, square taced German from the Mississippi valley meet the "Mountain Landslide” at every trick of the game, hammer him around t lie ring, measure strength in smashing, crushing blows and finally beat him senseless to tho fioor. , < For vicious savagery, the tight has not seen its equal since men quit fight finish battles with their bare lists. At the end of the first round Ketchell's face was bleeding in se veral places and a few rounds later a red* stain spread about Papke's mouth. The thunderbolt fought for ,he head all the way and the effect of his attack showed In a steadily growing stream of crimson that spread over Ketchell's face as he rain ed in riping rights and lefts and the battered skin tore apart beneath the rasp of the gloves. After it was all over it was as easy to dope Papke as the winner as it had been to figure out a cinch for Ketelrell before Jeff counted out the seconds over him For days Papke had told every one that Ketchell got the jump on him before with a quick punch in the opening round and that he had no chance to repeat. Papke made this talk and backed it up with bets in a manner that should have conveyed a message to the wise mon ey men, bu* these men who have made a life work of figuring out the merits of prize fighters stood staunch ly to their dope that man once beaten will be beaten again. And they still believed it against all hope until tho pitiful beginning of the end in the eleventh round, when Ketchell. his ’face crushed shapeless, his chest heaving, and his j arms powerless, reeled aitmnd the ring as the tired and stronger man drove him around with full arm swings and pushed him through the ropes. Ketchell came up for the twelfth round tired and sick and trying to breathe through the flow of blood from his nose and mouth. Before he could get his hands up Papke caught his jaw with a terrific right swing and he sank to the flood. Ho was up again at the count of six, but the thunderbolt, wiping the blood off his face, steadied himself and step ping in, smashed a terrific, right hook to the chin. Ketchell spun Half way armnrti and went down on his fade it was u knockout. Jefferies motioned Papke back and signaled to Ketchell’s seconds to come and get. their man. Augusta Paint & Wall Paper Co 307 Mclntosh, Corner Ellis. Large assortment of Wall Paper and largo force to do prompt work. All kinds of painting— House and Sign—a Spec ialty. Old Furniture Re paired and Renovated. Estimates Furnished on Application. : : ’PHONE 2234 T. G. BAILIE & COMPANY 832 BROAD ST. Large assortment of Wall Paper and Compe tent Force of Workmen to do Prompt Work. Big Stock of MATTING, CARPETS AND RUGS. REASONABLE PRICES ON EVERYTHING THE AUGUSTA HERALD CENTRAL STM TO BEABANDONED Mr. Rowland Advocates Discontinuance of Mcln tosh Street Depot. At the meeting of the general relief committee held today at noon at the of floes of the Chamber of Commerce, Mi. W. M. Rowland, of the Associated Char ities, recommended the closing of the central supply station of his organiza tion and stated that 1* had issued or ders during the morning to distribute no food hereafter on u cluftrity basis. He stated that the demand for labor was so urgent in every section oi the city that his organisation felt sur that where a family had memhois able to work they could supply themselves' with food, lie stated, however, that the order did not refer to mattresses, bed ding and clothing. Upon motion of Mr. Loyjess it was voted to appropriate SSOO more to the district nurses, as it had been clearly demonstrated tltfrt they were carrying on a splendid work and one which should not be halted. According to a statement from Mr. Hook $22,809 had been received up to yesterday, not including the appropria tion from the city and the Federal aid supplied through the war department. Of this myount $11,509 had Heen expended, leaving a balance on hand of $11,300 available yet. He reported the receipt of $307 througa Mayor Dunbar this morning, $250 of which came through Dr. 1. B, Warner, who has a winter home here. Aside from this there was but little else trans acted. Dr. Walker and Rilas X. Floyd, of the colored relief committee, reported that the Hamburg station was operating now and much relief work being car ried on in that district. A CLEAN, COOL SCALP PARISIAN SAGE STOPS ALL ODORS AND KEEPS THE SCALP COOL AND CLEAN. Almost everybody nowadays knows ilia' Parisian Sagi, the invigorating hair restorer, 1h guaranteed to cute dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp hi two weeks, or Alexander Drug Co, will give you your money back. But you ought to know more about this marvelous hair grower. You ought to know that in five minuteb after an application, no matter how hot the weather, your head will be az cool as a cucumber. You ought to know also, that it kills all odors which urisc from the excretions of the scalp, which are particularly strong In summer time. Everyone ought to have a bottle of Parisian Sago on hand, because it is such a pleasant and exhilarating hair dressing. Ladles use Is because they know It makes the hair beautiful,' silky and luxuriant. Here's what a New York woman writes: “I have used Parisian Sage two weeks only, yet. In that time I find my hair has wonderful!} Increased In beauty, thickness and luxuriance. But whnt surprised me most was the dls appearance of all dandruff If pleases me to recommend such an efficient remedy to all my friends. Grateful ly yours, Mrs. Maud Hagar, 6i7 West ISfith St., New York City." Alexander Ding Co. sells Parisian Sage at 50 cents a large bottle, or you can get it direct by express at the same price, all charges prepaid, from Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Coming Plays % i CALENDAR FOR NEXT TWO WEEKS: Tomorrow night- Funny Rice In "The French Hall." Friday night Countess Olga Von llnl/.fnldl in "A Daughter of America." Monday, Sept. I-(—"45 Min utes From Broadway.” Wednesday, Sept. 16 The Big N. Y. Hit, "The Wolf.” ‘‘At the French Ball.” Exemplifying the old saving that Variety Is the spice of existence.’ there will tit- much that Is diverting and varied In the musical play, "At the French Hall,” In which Miss Fun ny Rice, the popular American siar Is to be seen here on tomorrow night at the Grand. In addition to a de llghiful storv of comedy and heart Interest being unfolded, numerous specialities are Introduced, Including Mins Klee’s vaudeville act that has AUGUSTA PAINT AND WALL PAPEH COMPANY Calls attention today to their «ti»k ol wall paper and to their ability to do sat isfactory and prompt work. They also make a specialty of houar and algo painting and cabinet work, eu»-h aa r*-- pairing and renovating old fornlture. Betlmalee given on applp.atjon. Can them op If you have anything for then, to do, WsPills will ten the dyspeptic from many days of mlaery, and enable him to cal whatever he wights. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, ceote the food to eaalm Hate and mints Uh the body, give kceu appeUU, DEVELOP ELESH and eolld muwle. Elegantly sugar coated. - ae lake No SuGklituio. NEW (Temporary) PASSENGER SERVICE ■ ■ BETWEEN : AUGUSTA AND THE EAST „ OVER - - -- - - , ■! Atlantic Coast Line (Via Yemassee) Through Pullman Cars without change‘on following- Schedule: ( NORTHBOUND) Lv. Augusta 12:30 P. M. Ar. Washington 8:4o A. JVL Ar, New York 2:45 P. M. See regular Schedule Advertisement for Arrival and Depart \ ure from other points. 1 L. D. McCULLUM, I Commercial Agent i 807 Broad St.. Augusta. Go. received the praise of two continents. | It was while Miss Rice was a big fen ture In vaudeville that she was secur ed for this starring tour, the play and productions being of such superior quullty that Miss Rico readily con sen ted to abandon "the varieties" and return to the legitimate stage. But something of vaudeville has been retained in “At the French Hall," several high-class actH having been Interpolated In tho lasi act which depicts the famous French Ball at Its h'-lght at Madison Square Garden In New York city. Several Broadway artists who were captured from the vaudeville stngc, will appear, and Miss Rice will l>i- seen In her act In which she wn.s featured up to a few months ago. In this she dlßup pears Into a cabinot, a curtain Is drawn and a miniature stage Is re voaled. Then various liny lingers ap pear, they walk and sing and (lanes and read their lines as If In life. Each and every one of them has the face j es "Jolly Fanny Rico,” for It Is she j who Is Impersonating these little fingers, her hands serving to pro vide the tiny characters with arms, and legs It Is a quaint, novel and thoroughly interesting act, and has 1 been classed as one of the most charming features of Ihi h delightful 1 play. Seats selling now at the box- 1 offtce, Prices, orrhoHtra, $1.50 to SI.OO 1 Balcony. 25 and 50 cents. Gallery, 55 and 25 cents. "45 Minutes From Broadway." f'uhan sod Harris present the fsm oos musical play, “45 Minutes From Broadway," will be at the Grand on next Monday night, with the original east, new scenery, new costumes and a general overhauling under the per sonal direction of the celebrated ac tor author, manager composer, and BELDING BROB.. PEA U DE SOIE I BILK. ’ Full 58-in. wide I and absolutely gum j anleod, value $1 75, | per yd $1.21 Come lomorrow; he quick; it won’t laet. TOWELS BATH All 25c Turkish Towels at 17%c All 25c Linen Towels a! 17»/ a c Infant’s Socks The kind flint sold at life, as long as they last, at per pair .. 11 Baton borg Scarfs, Square and Centra Pieces see window display. Value f 1.50 caeh, at . .83 Cents Rlaek I'ongoe, full 2H-in. wide, made in Japan, litdit weight and tart eol ors. Real value f»sc yard, a 1 35 Cents WEAR THE AMERICAN LADY CORSETS. Buy Of Bleakley and Save Money WANTED Able Bodied Laborers director, George M. Colinn. This pro ductlon Is now In its fourth year and because of the excellence of llh book, tbe funnfnlneaH of its music, the wit of ltn llnoH mid the logic of llh Hlory Htill hoIdH 11 rat. place in the eatlnni tion of amusement lovers. There me beautiful glrla and a end of clever, nrllHtH, Including Scott Welch, Fran cum Gordon, Mary 15 Outlin'd, IJII/.ii both row, StiHnn Chisneyy, Kugane MacGregor, James A. liavatt, JainoH Manning. Harry Gwynette > and twenty otlieiM. Heals on hulp Friday morning at the box office. • I “Th« Wolf." Kiugfttu' Waiter'll play »hr* Wolf,” oh* of t.he HfiiHon'n lat <\tl and bout offering*, find a Hroml way attraction will Hhortly bo Boon at Special Bargains A t™ 1 1 BLEAKLEY’S This Week Table Linens Reduced Extra Scotch Cream Lin en, 2 yds. wide, at. 40c AI! 95c Linen Damask, at .. 72y 2 c 2 Lin. I tinner Napkins, dozen 98c All $2 and $2.25 White Linen Skirts Choice, all sizes, large and small now going at, each 98 Cents QUILTS QUILTS Dove Dimity Quilts, id ways $1.25 each, as long ns they lust, each 96 Cts < rih (guilts, ... 25c up All Comforts 1-3 Off $2.00 Comforts, ;it. $1.33 $2.50 Comforts, at. sl-67 S2».(K) Comforts, at. . $2.00 ( SOUTHBOUND ) Lv. New York 9:25 A. M. Lv. Washington 3:46 P. M, Ar. Augusta !2:40 P. M. GOOD WAGES WILL HE PAID TO THOSE WHO APPLY AT ONCE TO JOHN .1. HEFFKRNAN AT NTKADLEY’H CROSS -ING, GEORGIA RAIL ROAD OR TO NATHAN IEL FAIR BROTHER AT LOT OPPOSITE LOM BARD IRON WORKS, OR AT OFFICE OF RIVER SIDE MILLS. : : : the Grand on next Wednesday night, Sept. 111. The locale “The Wolf” Is liild In the Canadian northwoods, ami the drama deals with a story of r« venue growing out of tho betrayal of a girl by an American adventurer. In the cast, headed by Andrew Uolmon. will he B. A. l.amar I’almcr. Robert Deshoni, Alfred Swenson and Louis llalneH Heats on sale next Monday at tho box office. The Atlanlc Cent Lina 'will re sume operation passenger service be tween Augusta and the East via Yamassee on Tuesday, the Bth, nest. Temporary schedule, leave Augusta 12:30 p. m., arrlv,. New York 2:4S p. m. Through Pullman cart without change. Phone 661 or 625 for reserva tion. A Few Black, Blue and Brown Silk Waists Worth $5.00 Each, as long as the supply lasts'ut $3.00 EACH. NEW MADRAS For School Dresses, Shirt Waists, etc. Value 15c yard, at 10 CENTS. Several hundred Rem nants of Embroideries from 7 to 45e each, all at about Half Price A special lot $1 and $4.50 Towels will he closed out at, per dozen .... $3.00 All exceptional Value PAGE THREE BELDING BROB., PURE BLACK TAF FETA SILK. value yd„ width full 36 Inches at $1.21 Kvery yard fully and absolutely war ranted. For aoven »years wo have dis pensed this silk.