The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 08, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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TUESDAY, SEPT. 8. Ty-fCobh Came Up Eight Times And Cot Four Hits Labor Day;—Tigers Strike s s Their Gait Again And Draw Away From The White Sox s ii&EHS TOOK BOTH 00010 DOOP TO THIRD PUCE _____ t r DETROIT.—After going seven tn [ nings in the morning game without )'!)suing a man, Poweli mixed a base n balls and a hit batsman with three i -a by Detroit, and lost a game that i< oked safe for the visitors. The crowd was the largest that ever at tended a gam e here. Detroit. AB. R. H. P.O. A. E. Mclntyre, If, 4 1 0 2 0 0 Schaefer, ss 3 1 1 2 8 0 Crawford, cf 2 0 0 0 0 0 Cobb, rs 4 1 2 3 0 0 Rossman, lb 4 1 2 14 0 0 Schmidt, c 3 0 0 3 2 1 Coughlin, 3b 3 0 1110 xD. Jones 0 0 0 0 0 0 Downs, 2b 4 0 1 1 2 1 Winter, p 4 0 2 1 2 2 Perry, 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 4 9 27 15 4 xßatted for Coughlin in eighth. St, Louis. ATI. R H P.o 1 ’’ Stone, If 4 11 5 0 0 Schweitzer, cf 4 1 1 3 0 0 artzell. rs 4 1110 0 • erris. 31) 3 0 2 0 2 0 1 .'allace, ss 4 0 1 1 2 1 f'.illiains, 2b 4 0 1 4 1 0 I. Jones, lb 3 0 1 5 0 0 tepbens. c 2 0 0 5 0 0 owell, p 3 0 0 0 8 0 Vss 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ncldrlck 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totais ..33 3 8 24 8 1 xxßatted for Stephens in ninth, xxx —Baited for Powell in ninth. Summary. Two base hits, Cobb, Downs, Ferris. Stolen bases, Hartzell, T. Jones. Deft on bases, Detroit 7; St. I/niisr.. Base on balls, off Powell 3; off! Winter 3. Struck out, Winter 2, Powell 5. Hit by pitcher, by Powell 1. Sacrifice hits, Crawford 2, D Jones, Ferris. T. Jones. Double plays. Winter. Schaefer and Rossman, Schaefer, Downs and Ros, man. Umpires, ODoughlin and Hurst. Tim e of game, 1:50. Afternoon Game. Howell was driven out of the after num game in the fifth, leaving It , with thre r runs in and t.h e bases fill ‘ ■'d. Crawford and Cobb, first men to i " Graham, each doubled, this hit I ”g deriding the result. Mullln pitrh I m! a fine game. The attendance set I .1 it v revurd for the local park. Box r -score: ' Detroit. I * AB. f H. PO, A. E | tclntyre, If 5 . 1 2 0 0 - ichaefer, ss 4 2 1 1 fi 1 I rd ' rs 4 2 2 3 0 0 l '"JM 4 0 2 1 0 0 , ’ h s o in i o 1c.41 1 6 0 0 B Via,'it. 3b 2 1 0 0 2 0 I 2«: 4 112 3 0 I VI-In, p 3 1 t 1 1 0 i Totals ... ... .33 91027 13 1 TJ OFFICE STATIONERY. uy your fall supplies of office Stationery of ns. We June a full stock. Our prices are right. I RICHARD’S STATIONERY COMPANY. Most Expert Tailoring Light weight materials strictly for summer flays or the medium weights for more general use—All styles are here. Handsomely tailored by UNION MEN. A trial order will make you a pcrmai: *m tomer. * Howe (§b Co. Harison Building. Johnnie McGraw, The Wizard - "— ..... -»»»■"'■ UP * This is manager John, if yon please, of the New York Giants, has made his team one of the most formidable agjjreji'a tions that ever trotted on a diamond. S. Louis. AB. R. H. PO. A.E. Stone, If 5 0 n 2 0 0 Schweitzer, cf 5 0 2 2 0 0. Hartzell, rs 5 1 2 2 0 Ol Ferris, 3b 4 l 1 1 1 0 Wallace, ss 3 1 1 3 6 0 Williams, 2b 3 0 0 1 2 0 T. Jones, II) 3 0 1 7 2 0 Spencer, c 3 0 1 5 0 0 Howell, p 1 0 0 1 0 0 Graham, p 2 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 8 24 11 0 Summary. Two base hits, Crawford, Cobb, R< ssman. Stolen bases, Cobb, Mullin. Left on bases, Detroit 0, St. Louis 0. Base on balls, Mullin 3, Howell 1. Struck out, llullin C, Howell 2, Gra ham 3. Hit by pitcher, Howell 1, Graham 1. Sacrifice hits, Rossman, T. Jones, Howell. Wild pitch, Mullin 2. Double plays, Ferris. T. Jones, JVal lace and Spencer, Umpires, O’Doughlln and Hurst. Time of game, 1:50. Senators Win Two. NEW YORK. The Washington 1 team won two games yesterday from the locals at American League park. Johnson, for th<> visitors, scored his third successive shut-out in threp con I seeutive games. Yesterday’s was a 1 to 0 ylctory in the first contest of J the double-header. In th e second game the score was i 0 to 3 against New York, Hogg, Doyle and Billiard being the local pitchers, | while Hughes twirled for Washington. FIRST GAME. Score: R H E Washington . .002 000 200 9 9 1 New York . . .000 000 000—0 2 5 SECOND GAME. Some: R H E Washington . .100 035 000 9 11 1 New York . . .000 000 201 3 9 5 Batteries, Hughes and Street and Warner; Hogg, Doyle, Billiard and Kleinow. Time, 1:55. Umpire, Ev ans. Naps 5, White Sox 2. CLEVELAND, O.—Cleveland de feated Chicago without difficulty yes terday morning, fi to 0, Joss holding Chicago to two hits, both hits being mnde by Parent, He received perfect support In th fifth Walsh purposely passed Bradley to get Goode with three men on hases and the latter cleared the bases with a threebase hlt. Score: R H E Cleveland . . .100 030 02x—6 7 0 Chicago . . . .000 000 000—0 2 1 Batteries, Joss and Bemis; Walsh, Manuel, Altrock and Sullivan; Shaw and Weaver Time, 1:20. Umpire*, Sheridan and Egan. Afternoon Gams. CLEVELAND, 0.-—Cleveland d feated Chicago again yesterdav ast ■■ r noon, sto 2. The locala made five ot their seven bits count fpr as many runs, whtip Chicago could connect with Chech in the eighth inning only. Score: R h E j Cleveland . . .110 001 02x—5 7 1 j Chicago , , , ,000 000 020—2 5 2 Batteries, Chech and Bemis; Smith and Shaw Time, 1:30. Umpires, Sheridan nd Egan. Bo«on Won Both. BOSTON. Boston won from Phil adelphia yesterday afternoon, fi to 1. Plank and Dygert were batted hard. i while Bnrchetl was ~ffertlve with men lon bases, A home run by Lord and plays by Wagner and Nichols were features. * Score: R H E Boston 913 000 20x S 10 I Philadelphia OOU 000 010—1 6 1 Batteries. Rurrhell and Crlger; Blank. Dygert and Powers and i Schreck. Time, 2:00. Umpire, Con : nolly. Afternoon Game. The home team won (he se.rnnd game. 3 to 2, by a great rally In the eighth inning Both pitchers were tatted hard, but kept th e hit* scat tired. Speaker's playing was a sea lure of the game. Score: R H E Boston 001 000 02x—?. 7 I Philadelphia 000 110 000—2 10 2 Batteries, Arellanes and Donahue and Crlger; Bender and Powers. Time 1:50. Umpire. Connolly. AIRSHIP LEAgTiFoFFERS PRIZE TO AERONAUTS PARIS The National League for the Protection and Promotion of Air ships, which recently was organized by Rene Quinton, ssvs Its prize will I be awarded to the French aeronaut vho Jhnll first double the longeat i fight made hitherto by wjinur ; Wright. Quinton'* plan la to get 50,000 1 frenchmeo to *ul<*crlbe 5' a year each, the fund thus provldofl to oe used for prizes lor mo tors, speed, distance, endurance, and the altitudes reached A'l the prizes must be contested for In Krasice. Just Exactly Right. "I have tped Dr King's New Ufa Pill* for several years, and find them j Just exactly right, ’ say* Mr A A. Eelton, of Harrtsvllle N. Y, New Use , Pills relieve without the least dla ■ comfort Beat remedy for constlpa- I tlon biliousness and malaria. 25c at I all driinriati # . xAICd Hi THE AUGUSTA HERALD. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Giants 5. Phillies 0. j PHILADELPHIA New York shut out Philadelphia in the morning game. Wiitse was hit hard in the early in nings, but settled down, and in the last six innings was onl> once in dnngor of being scored on. Score by innings; R H. E. I New York . . 000 023 000 - 5 10 0 j Philadelphia . ,000 000 000- 0 2 Batteries, Wiitse and Bresnnhan: I Foxen, Richie and Doom. Time, 1:45. Umpires, Emsllp and Klcm. Afternoon Game. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. Philadelphia developed a batting streak In the ninth inning of the afternoon game and heal New York. 2 to t. Corridon I pitcher very effectively against the j New Yorkers, and they got their only I run in the fifth inning, when llridwcit I singled and was forced by Crandall. I who scored on Tenn.v's double. With j one out in the ninth, McGee singled [and scored on Bransfield's double. 1 I Pool in scored Bransfield and won the 1 game with a single. Score by innings: R. H. E New York . . .000 010 000 1 fi 3 Philadelphia . .000 000 002 2 9 1 Batteries, Crandall and llresnahnn; Condon, Richie and Dooin, Time 1:15 Umpires, Klein and Emslle. Cubs 6, Reds 4. CHICAGO. Four bases on balls off Frazer, a wild throw by Hoffman, two sacrifice hits and two steals gave Cincinnati four runs in five innings yvith but one single. The visitors made two more In the sixth on a pass, a steal, a balk and three singles bunched off Kroh. Th,, locals got but two singles off Pubic. Score by innings: R. IT. E Chicago . . . .000 000 OnO 3 2 2 Cincinnati . . .201 012 000—(1 fi 0 Batteries, Frazer. Kroh and Kiing and Marshall; Dnbi e and McLean. Time, 2:15. Umpire, O’Day. Afternoon Game. CHICAGO. —Coakley pitched his first game for Chicago in (he after noon and did splendid work, shutting Cincinnati out with four hits. Two baggers by Slagle and Schulte gave Chicago one run at, the start. Two passes, a wild pitch and Tinker's sin g!e counted two more In the fourth, and Schulte scored In the sixth on his own two-bagger and a sacrifice. Score by innings: R. H. E. Chicago . . . .100 20) OOx—4 (! 1 Cincinnati , . .000 000 000—0 I 0 Batteries, Coakley and Moran; We are prepared as is no one else to repair the damage to your piano by the flood. We have just received a telegram from the John Church Company, saying that they are sending us expert workmen from the Harvard Factory to assist us in this work. Give us your work and we will do it as it should be done and treat you right in tho price. :::::::::: REMEMBER WE HAVE THE FINEST LINE OF GRANT) AND UPRIGHT PIANOS EVER EXHIBITED IN AUGUSTA. OUR PRICES ARE LOW—AND TERMS EASY. 0 Thomas&BartonCo 712 BROADWAY, - - - - AUGUSTA, GA. Spade and Schlei. Time, 1:54. t?m --| pire, O'Day. Doves Twice Winners. BROOKLYN. - Although Pastnrious i pitched a great game, holding the Bos j (ons to a single bit, the visitors won the morning contest here yesterday, | 1 to 0. Chappelle was hit for foui i safeties. The winning run in the ; fifth inning was batted tn by Sweeney, 'after a base oil bulls to MoGann and I n timely sacrifice to Dahlon, Score by Innings: R. H. E. Boston 000 010 000—1 1 0 Brooklyn . , .000 000 000—0 4 0 Batteries, Chappelle and Smith; Uastorious and Bergen. Time, 1:25. Umpire, Johnstone. Afternoon Game. Brooklyn lost both of yesterday's games to Boston, the visiting team winning th P second contest by 1 to 0. duplicating the score by which they had won their earlier game. Score by innings; R H. E Boston . . . .000 100 000—1 10 0 Brooklyn . . .000 000 000—0 6 0 St. Louie Dropped Two. PITTSBURG. Pittsburg won yes terday morning's game from St. Louis by a score of 9 to 7. The game was a batting bee throughout, the lo cals hnving slightly the better of the affair. Sallee replaced Raymond tn the second, and Brandon went In the box for Pittsburg in the fifth. Score by innings: R. H E Pittsburg . . .430 001 OOx- 9 13 1 St. Louis . .. .100 300 012—7 12 3 Batteries, Leaver, Brandon and Gibson; Raymond, Sallee and I.ud wig. Time, 1:45. Umpire, Rlgler, Afternoon Game. Heavy hitting with men on bases gave Pittsburg (lie afternoon game yesterday from St. Louts by score of 7 to 0 Willis was strong and well supported. Wagner and GIU executed a double play by th,. former's trap ping Ihe ball. Wagner made six hits yesterday In seven times up. Beebe was poorly supported. Score by innings: R. H. E. Pittsburg . . .104 000 20x 7 fi 2 St. Loiilr . . . .010 000 000—1 8 3 Batteries, Willis and Gibson, Beebe and Ludwig. Time, 1:20. Umpire, Rigler. The Atlantic Coast Line will re sume operation passenger service be tween Augusta and th e East via Yamasse c on Tuesday Bth, next. Temporary schedule, leave Augusta 12:30 p. m., arrive New York 2:45 p. m., through pullman car without change. 'Phone 661 or 625 for reservation. Do Not Make a Mistake But Have Your PIANO Looked after by the “Old Reli able” Firm. AUGUSTA GETS PRIZES GIVEN BY AMERICAN POULTRY ASS’N At the last meeting of the American Poultry association, held re cently in Niagara Falls. Augusta was awarded 40 stiver medals, one gold medal and several diplomas, to be given away by the Augusta Poultry and Pel Stock association at their next show, which will prob ably he held tn connection with the fall fair. Notice was received to day of the action of the American association, and every member of the local organization is proud of the high compliment. The association might have given these medals to any other of several southern towns that will put, on poultry shows In the fall. However, they selected the Augusta association from a number of other applicants. At the last show, held in connection with the fall fair, entries were sent from nisnv southern cities, and the show was pro nounced the best in the southern states for many seasons. Poultry magazines all over the country paid high compliments to the manage ment for their energy, their thorough knowledge of up-to-date method! and the promptness with which they paid off premiums. SOUTHERN LEAGUE. At Nashville— Sooreh y Innings: R. IT. E Nashville . oin 000 ono noo—l 10 2 Memphis . .010 000 000 003 4 7 1 Sit-ton, and Seahaugh; Schwenok and Owens. Time. 2:10. ‘Umpire, Moran. AFTERNOON GAME. Si'V b Y Innings: It. H. E Nashville . . . .020 not OOx fi fi 2 Memphis 010 000 003 4 7 1 Duggan and Seahaugh, Gnrrtty, VVII 11s and Owens Time, 1:63. Urn plres, Moran and Wheeler. At Birmingham— Score by Innings: R 11. R Birmingham . .000 004 on:: 6 9 3 New Orleans . . 202 000 300-7 9 0 Fleharty, Bauer nnd Ranh. rtßrt ley and Mat thews. Time, 2:10. TTm pin), Fitzsimmons. AFTERNOON GAME. Score by innings: R. H, E Birmingham . ,oot non 000—1 fi 3 New Orleans 011 000 101 4 7 3 Ford nnd Ranh; Fritz and Mat thews Time, 2 hours. Umpire, Filz, slmmons. j At Montgomery— , Sroro by Innings: R Tl R Little Rock ... 703 000 0 10 12 1 Montgomery . .010 onn o i I :t ' Buchanan nnd Wood; Lively, Juul and llarl. Time, 1:25 Umpire, Pfennlnger Only one game plaved. At. At Inntn Score by Innings: It H E Atlanta 001 mil 000 ono ono -3 8 l [ Mobile 010 Oil) 000 000 003- 1 8 3 1 Southern League. Won. Loat. P. Ot. New Orleans 68 52 .862 Nashvllln 66 54 .650 Memphis 67 65 .549 Montgomery 08 58 .521 Mobile 63 61 .504 Little Rock 60 66 .476 Atlanta 55 67 .481 Birmingham 48 75 .590 National League. Won. Loat Pi Of. New York ...... .76 46 .623 Pittsburg 78 49 614 Chicago 77 51 ,601 Philadelphia 66 55 546 Cincinnati 61 66 .460 Boeton 54 72 .429 Brooklyn 44 go .355 St. Louie 44 81 .262 uu.. " . f American League. Won. Loat. P. Ct Detroit 73 51 ,589 Chicago 71 55 .564 St. Louis 70 55 .560 Cleveland 69 58 .54* Philadelphia 61 63 492 Boston fin 66 .476 Washington ... .•...55 66 454 New York 40 85 .320 "Buy the berl That's CUnchfleld." Sltinn nnd McMurray; Hickman and Massing Time, 2:50. Umpires, Carpenter and Brown. PAGE FIVE CLUB STANDING.