The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 10, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT WANTS Read To-Day Herald Wants Tho woman who never rends ad rertle'-nients probably patronizes the merchant who never advertlaea If there Ir aueh a woman * and such a Merchant. If you don't want It. badly enough to advertise for It—then quit thinking about It all! Every day In this city somebody buys Home property. Nine llmeH out of ten the transaction la Influenced, If not wholly brought about, through newspaper advertising. Sometimes a man will expect a want ad to finish a task In a day which hue baffled him for six months-' ami the funny thing about It la that tho want ad. will often do It! The man who noted the curloua co incidence that nearly all big cities happened to be located on rivers, la apt, so Rls of these days, to uncover the fact that all big stores happen to be big advertisers "The answers" to a good many questions affecting your dally life and comfort and prosperity are to be found In claaslfled ads. WANTED HELP Male WANTED It All,\\ \Y V All, CLERKS I*o*l office clerks. *"*t')< m, f 1.100.00 yearly. KxamirrifioiiH her** November !Kih. Preparation fr**« Kr.mkJln In Hltutt*. ■. N. Y Oct. lip CAHPKNIBRB WANTED INBIDK cer|»entefh The l;lKh*Mt wiu; k paid. Apply No. H 22 Broad street. h 10j> WANTKD Foil 11. s All MY: Able bodied, iimnnrrb 1 u* n, be tween Ages ol IN and a of United Htaten, of ■ <*r and !'inp* t it** habits, who , mi., pad tuc* wrl’i* Ku»Ji*h 1' Inform u* I loti apply to fleet ulttng Officer Mil* l**r Walker Hulldii.i: Augu »t«. Os., *>r ;*;{ 12 Whitehall St . Atlanta Gn , or 41s ('tu rn St . Mm* op, (•*. WANTED HELP Female IIOI'HI I M tJOOl) Mill .!i white woman wanted for genera! housekeeper will bo given comfort able home. Apply It Hlt care H<' aid *l4u WANTED HELP Male or Female. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MaY tarn tfood inoonie corn* m ponding for newspapers Kxp* rl«*nr»* untie* c*. * ,*r> Add«♦* h |*rg h «'orr* np*in 1 Plltenu, HI IdOtliM, Mo. *lox W \NTED SIi'UAiAON Male cot.!.ECTOR A YOUNG MAN DE stres position as furniture collector or salesman Apply 117 First St, tiregglown SlL’x WANTED SITUATION Female. CLERK: A WHITE WOMAN OR fclre* |H>Hitioii. Cl*rk or CoUwtor ■ Addrru Min* G. M, U 46 Telfair j itreet. Nile. lIOI’HRKKK I*KR l a OH!TION WANT «*<! nn matron or in! huriUarium or tolloKe. AddH'Hs I. { N., oar# Herald hHK I lady WHO HAS HAD 80MR KX I perlouro wlahoM poHiibm tt» rler.« nr raabier. Addre*9H M. cart* Her- WANTKH POSITION BKPT I*TH HY I youtu lady *teno*taphor; graduate • ho tne «»xperi»ti(M‘; noat, accuato Com jwMfiit, £. f »7 Hroad «*l°x WANTED HY YOCNU LADY. I*oßl Hon hm »tt'imftrftph<*r. In city aft«*r Rapt ember IN. Addreaa $63 Broad atrert. allxj WANTED Boarders. BOAKI>KKS TWO GENTLEMEN j ’ march'd couple u> occupy large, eh g tn( from * room Nice meal* Ap ply 1041 Bread street. »lSe WANTED Board. WANTED BOARD: BY COUPLE | convenient to Georgia railroad ahopa, In famllv when* ther** an* other: Toardt r* Can fitrnlcdi own room. Muat t*»* reaaottabie. Addreaa J W R, care Herald 8!0c FOR SALE Real Estate. "DWELLING FtVKROOM I'IWKI. . line ami more house In good condl- j Itofi lxi( 75x300. on iStord* \vrnin> North August* K|>|>ly to It It Ati>. lln, nil premise*. SISp FOR RENT Rooms. ROOMS FOR Hi N’T FOR LIGHT j housekeeping Rilmvmih rirhMti'il Cor*#r t'untnnl iveuut mu <l IVm l l* U lUvrlt ri.AT SIX ROOMS AND HATH flat for nut. All rx*n sentence*, hot mid cold wntor Apply 412 !»*> street •lln. LOST AND FOUND. | THIS MOKNINO 6N HROAO ■dni bo(*i'on Cummins* and May nve. on* d*y book flv* hundred pan**. rewsrd f return*d to I* A Ortmaud. 110 Cummin** at *lle. lA)HT COLLIE A COLLIE DOG; light tan color; sheared except head and tall An*w<i» to name of Key Liberal reward If returned to No lull Campbell St 81 Ho NO; An Advertisement Will NOT Sell a Thinq For An Exorbitant Prise In The Herald Pay Ic A Word; 25c Minimum Charge ! WANTED Miscellaneous TEAMS WANTED TO HIKE FOUR more two-horse teams to haul lum ber A poly to Augusta Lumber Co. 'Phone 275. si Pc i WANTED Rooms ROOMS: TWO OK THREE CNF UK- j nlsh d rooms wanted for iltffirTToinn ; keeping. Slat/* location and price. Address B. .VI., * aro Herald slOci .... i WANTED Miscellaneous. HOUSE GOOD FAMILY HOUSE wanted must bo cheap Answer; muting price Ate. T.. care Herald, j slop | FOR SALE Miscellaneous OFFICE FURNITURE: ONE FLAT j top desk; two desk chairs, two j desk stools Apply 32 McCartan j street slop ! FOR SALE: HALF CORD DRY pine wood, delivered, for $1.50. Rustic swings $3.00 and Rocking Chairs $1 50 each. Some tine Colom bian WvandottcH, 8. L Wyandotte*, Light Brahmas and White Rocks at Special Close out prices. Eggs sor 1 hatching, all Kretuls. Belvldere Poul try Farm, Phone 1184, Augusta, Ua AUTOMOBILE: GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at White's garrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. ts HIGH WATER RUN US FROM NO. 8 Library Row, but we are where It will not touch ua next time; No. 512 Leonard Building. The Smith premier Typewriter Co., Bias C. But ler, Manager. Sl3c WRAPPING PAPiiIR: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply ut Herald office. JHitf SMITH PREMIER NO. 2 FOR SALE. In good condition; will aril at a bargain; flood put me out of business, but I saved the typewriter Address Flood Victim." care Herald 813 c WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS paper.i for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald Office. jlfitf ENOINE: GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlas engine, practically new, ter sab- at a bargain. Address Engine, care Herald. FURNITURE TWO HANDSOME bed room aults, kitchen cabinet, tnbles, etc Will sell at a sacrifice. Not touched by high water. Object for selling desire to board. Address J W. K, rare Herald. Side NO 7 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER "tor sale " Must tar sold quick; go | lug to leave City and must soil la-fore ; going Address "P I). Q,'' 23, care Herald. 813 c DISINFECTANTS CREOLKUM. -oe PT PROHYLAU tic Fluid 50c. I reolln 10c, 25c, , .'Oe mid $1 00 bottle. Piatts Chlorides 50c. Chloride l.lme PARR'U PHARMACY [,lb Broad Street Phone 380 IKON RAKE FOR SALK ONE aniall Iron totf**. <no» (walnut ftnlahl HtuiidltiK dealt ami one roller top denk 1 Apply 127 Seventh St. Bt2p FOR SALK SCHOOL BOOKS. NEW, and oid bought and aold Htdlqueat'a New and Old llookHhop f 215 Seventh St 820 c FOB SAIJC Poultry an i Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Tou.o*« Oci-m>. Muacowy Duck*: llarrvd p'vmouth It »-kt; all farm mis. <l. he«.’hy and trotn first t-lai<» stock Price* reasonable Address llowjre Phlnliy, Jrov.'towu, Ga. ts BI FF ORPINGTONS \ FEW NICE young i-ix'krele for sale. From the original famous Cook strain, 'kiwdre Phlblay, SEI I.ING OUT MY WHITE WY AN dot;<’B. pairs 3 and 4 dollar*; trim's 450 and 6 dollars. Some fine birds for the money. W K Wall. Vauciuse H C. 816 c FOR SALE Horses. Mules, Livestock, Harness. Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON T BUY YOUR HORSES and mule* from ut. w« both lose money. Augusta Slock Yards. j RED POLL CATTLE: A FEW choice heifer* and bull calve* They are hardy. cl* an stock, good milkers and with beef conformation Just the klud of entile you like to see around the farm For price* and estimates, writ*' Bowdre Phtnity, Grove town, Ga FOR SALE Real Estate AN IDEAL HOME IT Wild, DOU bio In value tn ton year*; atop pay. l lug rent; al»» .lb arroa hue land at Grace* od Apply to C. T. Schmidt. 444 Walker 81. albc HODBK v BKAtmra* HOME, It) It road mi met for sale, lot 45x120 hoiimo «( .< rooniM, largo |>oroh. back isnd treat; cement aidewalk: ***, a) now lioumo I’rlco. |:t. %M) cn*h V ply on prom Inca Side IIOCSK VN ELEGANT NEW hoim,. In North Auguat*. Went avo mio. near Hampton Terre*, two bath* and all modern Improvement*. Roe it and you will rent It. Apply H C Wall. 917 Itroad SL SlOtt Your Lawn Probably ne'-dH repairing. To do It quickly, ulcely and permau c-ntiy use AUXANDIK SEtD CO.’S EVEKOKEth LAWN GRASS SEEDS This Is a correctly proportioned mixture ot the finest grfis.n-s spec ially adapted to this climate. It will make a beautiful, velvety green, permanent lawn. Price 30ct* per lb , sufficient for 300 square fee'. Four lbs., for $1 , Box, 15-lbs, $3.50. Special prices In larger quantities. Alexander Seed Go. Careful Seedsmen. 911 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS the best plastering material for walls and ceilings. It gives addi tional strength to the building and stays put forever. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, Oa. Jl4tf Warning We make a specialty of opening and repairing Iron Safes. All combination locks should be examined now ami save trouble. H. R. Fourcher 572 BROAD SMRKKT, Mystic Cleanser. MYSTIC CLEANSER: CLEANS ('Art pels, rugs, mattings, coats, skirts, etc., benullfully. Easily applied. One pint, 35c, will clean two ordinary size art aquares; quart, <loc. Orders taken for short time at 1294 Broad St. si 2c Reward FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND fetor that Randall's Chill and Fe ver ionic latls to cure. Guaranteed lo cure where others fall. No cure no pay. 'Phone 2214 —Randall's Phar macy. We deliver to any part of th, city. 0100 Warning We make a specialty of repairing and cleaning Cash Registers. All combina tions should be examined now and save other trouble. li. R. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Private School. MISS DOHEYS PRIVATE SCHOOL will open at 432 Telfair street on Monday, September 14th. sl2p Barber 3hop 1 ADVERTISE WHAT I DO—l DO what I advertise. Your money back If. uftcr taking my treatment for Dandruff and not cured 1 make scalp treatment a specialty, having 15 | years' experience. If I fall to cure. It will cost you nothing -W. S Hall, j Leonard Building. Barber Shop, side , Cheap Lumber \ LARGE LOT D( FLOORING, CEIL lag and weather hoarding, all j j grad**, also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-In hoards to Bxlo framelng All this stock must he disposed of In next 30 days Address Standard Lumber Co., Exposition Avi- and 15th St., or K. | J. O'Connor, 955 Broad St, tt To Piano Owners I WHO INTEND MOVING FROM thlß dau on your piano movod, | tuned and rloanod for s’*.oo. Th*' I'poria! price of tuning t* s_’ 50 Call ! up Kobt. J. Wat non No t»t> Broad S*. . i . Phone 1717. Have your piano exatnin ! »*d all work strictly flr»t class. S'^'V Typewriters. WK HAVE THE BEST TYPE writer repair shop In Augusta, atul ns good as to he found In the South. All work guaranteed or money re funded The Smith Premier Type writer Or*.. No 512 Leonard Bldg . Au gusta. On I’hou,. No. 2011.', St;tc Damaged by the Freshet. THE AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY wilt repair and put In first .'lass or der. your . i -inks :hst were damaged by the water Telephone them 593, I they will send tor your trunks, ex amine them and let you know cost b •- tore doing 'he work If von prefer a nice new trunk, they will take the old on> as part payment Give them a call at Bal Brand, Wrong Side of Street. ts w<*» mow AMP «VW*». umsba . owej*J?Mssy»TA.*A. THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK: I DO ALL kinds of concrete work, such as cement walks, reinforced work. I have the latest improved machinery, arid an expert foreman, and am pre pared to turn out work for big or ders. Estimates and specifications furnished. A. H. McDaniel, Augus ta, Ga. j27tf Brighten Up. VARNISH STAINS, Til AT WILL make water soaked furniture look like new. Augusta Builders Supply Co., 643 Broad St. 'Phone 321. o3c IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing use Protection Brand. This roofing has a six inch lap and driving nails through the lap only and ce menting the over lapping sheet to it that no nails are exposed. It can be laid by any handy man. This roofing Is made asphalt and containing no tar. Sold by W. W. Jones, 117 Mcln tosn St., Augusta. SIGc Southern Cabinet Manu facturing Works, North Augusta. SHOW CASES OVERHAULED. ALL high-class furniture. Cabinets of all descriptions made Manufacture of stair, bank, and office fixtures and all classes of fine carpenter work. 'Phono No. 714. oßs Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUR day. Ready at 11 o'clock a. m. 25c quart. Vandiver's Meat Market, 100! Ninth street. j2stf MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 819 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 50c alOtf DON’T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM. h. R. Fourcher 572 BROAI) STREET. Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone IC. Al2tf Notice to Public. I WISH TO NOTIFY MY CUSTOM ers and friends that on or about Sept 10th. I will move to 549 Broad street (Miss Zlnn's stand), where I will continue repairing, finishing, up holstering furniture and packing, a specialty. I give all work my person al attention. Hammond Anslev, 519 Broad St. s!3p Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA. DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents. Phone 112. Alt! Verdery Pressing Club. SUCCESSORS TO VERDERY, 313 Mclntosh St., phone 2425. Expert cleaning, pressing ami repairing; hats cleaned and blocked; ladies' suits and skirts cleaned and pressed. All work guaranteed. J. P. Stephen, Mgr. 313 c SAFES That have been in the flood require attention. Delays are dangerous Be warned in time. We are experts and can handle any job. JohnF.Brickle 223 CAMPBELL ST Machines Repaired ALL MAKES OF MACHINES RE | paired by an expert adjuster. Ifj ' your machine was tinder water better i have It looked after at once. Singer' Sewing Machine Co, No. 946 Broad Greet. o3c| FISH FISH Fresh from Fisheries Daily. Vegetables, Celery, Fruits. : : : 0. D. FORENCE Phone H*ii7. 44*> Broad St. Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 25c PER PECK: green tomatoes 50c i>er peck; %o ple vinegar 3t>c i>er gallon: on'ons 25c per half peek; largo white head -ab tiage 10c and 14c; apiece* and *<c. i No** I* the best time to do your pick | lldk Please give tne your otder. L. A Grtmaud, 210 Cumming atreet, i Phone No. 1305 alec A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c Hoted For Sale. HOTEL ESTEY, AT ADEL, GA., seventeen (17) rooms, well equip ped and furnished throughout. With in one block of depot, in the heart of the business section of one of the mots progressive towns in South Geor gia; railroad terminus and junction point and only hotel in the city. For terms, etc., address Mrs. E. D. Walker, Tifton, Ga. SlOc School Supplies. FRESH GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Tablets, pencils, paper, craon, etc. i Tessier Pharmacy, 1366 Broad St. SlOtf Pickles. FREHS SALT WATER PICKLES, just arrived. Marks Grocery Co., i 1023 Broad street. Phone 1095. SlOc Pickles. FREHS SALT WATER PICKLES, just arrived. Marks Grocery Co., 1023 Broad street, phone 1095. SlOc Pickles. FREHS SALT WATER PICKLES, just arrived. Marks Grocery Co., 1023 Broad street, phone 1095. SlOc LEGAL NOTICES PROVIDING A REPRESENTATIVfc FOR BEN HILL COUNTY. A Proclamation. By His Excellency, Hoke Smith, Governor. Atlanta, Ga., August fith, 190.1 Whereas, the General Assembly at its session in 1908 proposed an amendment to the constitution of the State, as set forth in an Act approved August 6tn, 1908, to wit: Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia; i'hat Paragraph one of section 3 article 3 of th* Constitution of Georgia, as amended by an Act approved July 27th, 1904 is hereby amended by striking “183 Rep resentatives” in th© said paragraph oi the Constitution as amended and substi tuting ”184 representatives.” Par. 1. The House of Representatives shall consist of not more than 184 rep resentatives. apportioned among the sev eral counties as follows, to-wit: To tne six counties having the largest popula tion, viz. Chatham, Bibb, Floyd, Fulton. Richmond and Thomas three represen tatives each; to the twenty-six counties having the next largest population, vix. Bartow, Bulloch, Burk#*. Cobb. Carroll, Coweta, DeKalb, Decatur, Dooly, hilbert, Umaunel, Gwinnett, Hall, Houston, Jac* son, Laurens. Lowndes Meriwether, Monroe, Musoogee, Sumter, Tattnall, Trop, Walton, Washington and Wilkes, two (2) representatives each, and to the remaining counties one representatives each. Sec. 2. Be It further enacted, by th# authority aforesaid; That when said amendment shall be agreed to by two thirds of the members elected to eacn house It shall be entered upon the Jour mil of each house with the ayes and nays thereon, and published in one or more newspapers In each congressional dis trict in said State, for two (2) montns previous to the tim# for holding the next general election and shall, at said next general election be nubmitted to the peo ple for ratification in the following form to-wit: “for ratification” or "against ratification,” and If a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the general assembly voting tneron shall vote for ratification, having writ ten or printed on their ballots, “for rat ification” which votes cast at said elec tion shall be consolidated as now requir ed by law In elections for members or the general assembly and returns mere* of made to the Governor, then he shall declare said amendment adopted, and make proclamation of the result of said election by publication of the result ot said election In one or more newspapers in each congressional district of tne Stale. Now. therefore, I, Hoke Smith, Gov ernor of said State do issue this, my proclamation hereby declaring that tno foregoing proposed amendment to tne constitution is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voters of the estate qualified to vote for members of the gen enH assembly at the general election to be held on Wednesday. October 7th, 1901 HOKE SMITH, Governor. By the Governor. PHILIP COOK. Secretary of State. Aug. 6. It a wk. till Oct. 7. STATE OF GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY. Administrator’s Debtor and Creditor Notice. Notice Is hereby given to all credit ■ ors of the estate of Martha Peeples I of said county, deceased, to render ! in an account of („eir demands to mo ! wltbin the time prescribed by lawr, j properly made out. And all persona indebted to said deceased are hereby ! requested to make immediate pay- ] ment to the undersigned. This 2b.h day of August. 1908. ROBERT.C. WILLIAMS. • -mlnlstrator of Martha Peeples. a2O-27; *3-10-17-24c Debtors and Creditors Notice. Notice is hereby given to all cred itors of the estate of Benjamin Skal owskt, late of said county, deceased, to render in an account of their de mands to me within the time pre scribed by law, properly made out. And all persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the under signed. This 13th dav of August, 1908. HELENA SKALOWSKI. Executrix of BonJ. Skalowskl. Al3-20-2753-10-17C Debtors’ and Creditors’ Notice. STATE OF GEORGIA— RICHMOND COUNTY. All parties having claims against i the estate of Mrs. Harriet R. Tutt. late of said county, deceased, are : hereby notified to present the earn.), | properly proven, to the undersigned; snd ail parties Indebted to said e*. 1 late are hereby uotitled to make j prompt payment. Rem Remsen, Adm. Harriet R Tutt. 509 Telfair Street, Augusta, Georgia. si 0 17-24 ;01-8-1 Sc "Why not get the best’’ That’s CHnehfleld. Order through your deal er or direct of the CHnehfleld Coal Corporation. Charlotte, N. C." Friend* seem to think they do you a favor by letting yon do them for them. CONTRIBUTORS TO FLOOD RELIEF FUND Augusta Contributions: National Exchange Bank ..$ 500.00 Augusta Railway & Elec. Co. 300.00 Reed & Co., (cotton) 200.00 j C. Cochrane & Co 200.00 -J. B. White & Co 150.00 Pope & Fleming 100.00 Chas. Estes 100.00 Wm. D'A. Walker 100.00 Davison & Fargo 100.00 Webb's Lodge F. A. M 100.00 Georgia-Carolina Brick Co .. 100.00 Georgia Vitrified Brick Co. . . 100.00 Pilgrims Health & Life Ins Co 100.00 J. R. Lamar 100.00 Burton-Taylor-Wlse Co 100.00 Landon A. Thomas 100.00 Wm. H. Barrett 100.00 Wm. E. Bush 100.00 Augusta Brewing Co 100.00 St. Valentine Society 87.58 St. Paul’s Church 50.00 Irvine Alexander 50.00 Porter Fleming 50.00 Louis Brooks 50.00 Schwarzchild & Sulzberger Co 50.00 T. I. Hickman 50.00 Parker Photo Place 25.00 J. S. Hall 25.00 Burke & Lorick 25.00 Wm. H. Fleming 25.00 E. F. Greneker 28.00 Tabernacle Christian Ass’n. „ 25.00 J. L. Etheredge 25.00 Mulherin & Marks Shoe Co. . 25.00 J. M. Berry .... 25.00 Jos. B. Cumming 25.00 Bryan Cumming 25.00 Jas. P. Verdery j 25.00 Mrs. Moses Wadley 20.00 Sarah H. Dunbar 20.00 Wm. Lyon Martin 10.00 Empire Lodge K. of P. .. .. 10.00 Judson W. Lyons 3.00 G. N. Stoney 5.00 Mrs. Marie Greneker 5.00 Miss Minnie Moore .. .... 2.00 Miss Clio Moore 1.00 W. Van Keuren 5.00 Frank W. Coffin 5.00 Rev. J. W. Whitehead .. .. 1.00 Elbert Johnson .50 Nurse Alumni Ass'n 20.00 Jessie Thurmond 5.00 A. M. Sherrill 5.00 F. M. Dugas & Son 6.00 Dr. L. H Stinson 1.00 Colored Deacons' Union .. .. 20.00 A Friend thro. P. Pryor .... 11.00 Mt. Calvary Bap. Church .... 1.00 H. S. Jones" $2.00 C. T. Walker, col. com.. .. 73.55 Richmond Vale S. S 3.02 Wirtz * Hernlen 20.00 A J. Carr, Mllledgeville.. .. 10.00 Reid & Co 200.00 C. J. Rhodes, Blythe canvass 10.50 Taylor Bros.. Tobacco 25.00 E. A. Pendleton 25.00 Commercial Club 100.00 Associated Charities 20.85 John W. Brown 10.00 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SPECIAL NOTICKS. « ♦ * ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to notify the public and all whom it may concern that I will tult be responsible for any debts contracted In my name, except those personally contracted by me GEORGE H. HOWARD Sept 290 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. I HAVE made arrangements to have cotton from any point in the City of Au gusta draved promptly to either the Atlantic States Warehouse Com pany or the Atlantic Compress Com pany for ten cents per bale. THOMAS BARRETT. JR., Prest. Atlantic States Warehouse Co. SlOc Public School Notice. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE City of'Augusta and the Village of Summerville will begin the fall ses sion at Nine o’clock Monday morn ing, Sept 14th. The principals of the various schools will be at their respective building* from 9 to 12 o'clock of I each day during the week for the purpose of enrolling and grading new pupils. The Normal class for white teach ers will meet at the Tubman High School Friday afternoon, Sept. 11th, at 4:30 o'clock. . LAWTON B. EVANS. Superintendent. Sl3e Augusta. Oa., Sept 9th, 1908. | A CALLED MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Georgln Chemi cal Works will be held at Augusta, Ga., on Thursday the 24th day of September. 1908, for the purpose of amending the By-laws. A. SMITH IRVINE, 1 Sepjt 23c Secretary. Professional Notice. THIS IS TO NOTIFY MY FRIENDS and the public that I will return to Augusta on Sept. 10th and resume my practice. Very respectfully. J R. LITTLETON, M. D., 62* Broad St. SlOc Social Lodqe No. 1 F. A A. M. • THE REGULAR MONTHLY Z communication of Social A Lodge No. 1 will be held /ZTi at Lodge rooms—Masonic Hall —Thursday night 10th Nf»* v Inst., at 830 o'clock Mem bers of Webbs I.odge No. 166 and transient brethren fraternally | invtted By order— B H. ROSSON. W. M. 1 WM. H CRANE. Secretary THTTRSDAT, SEPT* 10 WANTS Jas. C. C. Black, Jr.,.. .. 5005 Ed. Moves & Co.. N. Y.... 10000 0- R- Eve 2o!o0 Chas. J Montgomery $ iq gg Lieut. Col. C. P. Terrett $25.00 C. T, Walker. coL committee.. 23.50 Thos. E. Watson 50 00 Atlanta Paper Co 10 00 August Dorr's Son* IPo 00 Georgia R. R. Bank 26C.00 ($250 more when needed.) Von Kamp, Vaughan and . • • • 190.00 Augusta Drug Co 55 0 q C. T. Walker, col committee 40 00 Cash contributors to Woodlawu Methodist church: Mr. E. G. Kaibfleisch $ 5.00 Dr. Davidsot* 'gg Mr. P. J. Cauiey eg Mr. Patch '23 Mrs. mien Wingfield 3.00 Mr. R. H. Sikes j og Mrs. E. Redlern j gg Stranger 10 g Mr. Bishop Alexander 1.00 Mrs, W. Whaley i|gg Mr. Belding .50 Mr. S. Sylvester 'gg Mr. W. W. Woodward 6.00 Rev. R. L. Campbell 2.00 Mr. D. L. Kulkhe .... 2.00 Mr. Wm. H. Fleming 5,00 Mrs. King .25 Cash and checks received from out of town: Rev. J. C. Center, Lithoria, Georgia 5.00 J. H. Lane & Co., N. Y. ..... 500.00 J. H. Thomas, Jr., Nashville 50.'0 J. N. Smith, per Tenntlle sub 39.00 Balance from Citizens' Nat. Bank, Washington, aeon tributicn of SIOO already bci' g in hand 7 .75 Check* From Atlanta: One for City of Atlanta .. ..$ 250.00 One for City of Atlanta .. ..$ 250.0(1 Atlanta Journal 703.00 Atlanta Jourqal 220.00 Atlanta Constitution 100.00 Through Atlanta Constitution Asa Candler 100.00 Through Atlanta Constitution Petty cash 5.00 Through Atlanta Constitution J. L. Prior 25.00 H. M. Beutell 25.00 R. E. Park, State Treas. .. 25.00 Mrs B. F Abbot 25.00 Frank M. Butt 25.00 Wm. Worth Martin 5.00 Sam'l Bingham’s Son 10.00 Parian Paint Co 10.00 Am. Commission Co 5.00 At.anta'B cash contribu tions $1,789.00 Carioad of Provisions Checks From Savannah: Sav. Ben. Ass'n $ 500.00 Strachan & Co., Savannah «... 100.00 Savannah Cotton Exchange, sub mitted to that organizations and for warded through Mr. A. J Salinas City Council Savannah 500.00 Savannah Morning News .. ..$ 68.65 A. B. Moore, Chairman Joint Committees, Savannah Chamber of Commerce and former Atiguetans .. .. 790.55 Checks From Macon: McCaw Manu’fg Co $ 100.00 W. A. Wclihin 10.00 M, E. Goode 10.00 Creeks From Columbus: Rhodes-Browne & Co .. .. 25.00 Georgia Home Ins. Co $ 100.00 W. E. Markwalter .. 10.00 L. A. Camp, Chairman Relief Committee, Columbus, Ga.. 500.00 City of Columbus 100.00 Improved Order Hepta sophs, Columbus 50.00 One car-load supplies from Co lumbus, Ga., transported ftfee via Central of Georgia railroad. Checks From Waynesboro: Popular collection through R. C. Neely and M. W. Ful cher $ 278.05 Checks From Douglass: Ga. & Fla. Rlwy. & Emp. . .$ 210.00 City of Douglass .. 90.00 Check From Statesboro: Popular Subscription $ 100.00 From Eaton ton, Ga 30.30 From Vienna, Ga 21.74 B. B. Blount, Wrlghtsvllle, Ga 18.75 C. 9. Hauser, Louisville, Ga.. 11.13 McPherson & Co., Cuthbert, Ga 8.00 C. E. Smith. Tennllle, Ga ... 5.00 W. V. Almand, Conyers, Ga.. 3.50 J. M. Atchison, Campton, Oa. 1.00 Brown, Jewell Co., Chatta nooga 25.00 J. C. Somers & Co., Salisbury, N. C 2* 00 H. H. Taylor, Philadelphia.. 8.00 Joseph W. Smltley, Schenec tady, N. Y 100.00 Cgburn, Hill & Co., Winston- Salem 50.00 Landmark Lodge, F A. M., Charleston 50.09 Dr. S. C. Tatum. Centre. Ala. 10.00 Savannah Cotton Exchange .$1,600.00 Savannar Relief Com 390.00 Barrett & Doughty M 0 00 PhlnUy & Co 100.00 J D Walker, Sparta, Ga.,.. 60.00 E. H. Callaway 50.00 Michaels-Stern A Co., New York 50 09 J. J. Cohen *8 00 A. P. Padgett .... 25 00 Jr. O. U. W * 20 00 I Mrs. Lawton ’ *O.OO White Plains subscription . 40.00 Kof P Wards. S. C. 15 00 Dr. J T. Plunket 50 00 Mrs. E T. Lewis, Nashville 10.00 Andrews Bros *• • 25.00 Haines A Bishop. N Y. 2*oo Mr. A. Olfenbuttel, N. Y. .. 10.00