The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 11, 1908, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 10

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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER II WANTS Read To-Day herald Wants The woman who never reads ad ▼wrttaamen ts probably patronize* the merchant who never advertises If there la auch a woman ami such a merchant. If you don’t want It badly enoiiKh to advertise for It then quit thinking •bout It nil! Every day In thl* city somebody buys Home property. Nino tlrne* out of tan tha tranaaotlon la Influenced, If not wholly brought about, through ncwapaper advertising Sometime* a man will expect, a want ad to finish a tusk In a day which has baffled him for six months and the funny thing about It Is that the want ad. will often do It! Thn man who noted the curious co Incidence that nearly all tftg cKlch happened to be located on rivers. Is apt, som e of these days, to uncover the fact that all big stores happen to be big advertisers. "The answers’' to a good many questions affecting your dally life and Comfort and prosperity are to be found In classified ads, WANTED HELP Male PAINTERS: WANTED SIX <iOOI) painters. Apply Grossman A Wll •on, 500 Harlson Building e I lip WANTED RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Post office clerks, carriers. 51,100.00 yearly. Examinations here November 10th Preparation free Eranklln In •tlliHe. Kocheetse N. V Oct sip WANTED HELP Female HOUSEKEEPER GOOD KLLIAtILL whlt« wommi wanlud for KHij** houfiekaopor will b« given comfort able home. Apply BM B car* H«* r aid *UO WANTED SITUATION Male COLLECTOR A YOUNG MAN DK sires position as furniture collector or salesman. Apply 117 First Ht , Greggtowri. Bl2x WANTED SITUATION Female. CLERK A WHITE WOMAN DE sires position. Cletk or Collector. Address Miss Q. It, 246 Telfair •treet. Stic. WVNi’KD IIV YOUNG I.ADY, Posi tion as stenographer. In city after September 15. Address 963 Ilmad Meet. sill WANTED- Boarders. HO A KQKKB TWO OKNTI.DMKN mnrrlcd couple to occupy largv, slo gan I front room Nice i ileal*. Ap ply 1041 Hroiu. atieet ilSo FOR RENT Rooms. PLAT: SIX ROOMS AND HATH flat for rent All conveniences, hot and cold water. Appiy 442 Ray •Ireet. silo. WANTED Rooms ROOMS: A COUPLE WITHOUT children desires two furnished rooms and bath, centrally located; price no object. Address U. P K. care The Herald sl3c LOST AND FOUND. THIS MORNING ON BROAD street, between Cummings snd May ave., one dsv hook, five hundred pages, reward t returned to L. A. Urtmaud. 310 Cumuitng* at sllc. LOST COLLIE A COLLIE DOG; light tan color; sheared except bend nod tall Anawers to nams of Fox. Liberal reward If returned to No. j 1035 Campbell St. 812 c j LOST PIN IOS I IN’ CENTRAL part of city a round gold button shaped pin; monogram "W. It M.” Reward If returned to No. 411 Wash Ington St allc LOST; LADIES' POCKET HOOK containing about seven dollars and j small brasa medal. Lost on Hroad •treet Thursday Reward will be, paid for return to 1135 Kills street slip i FOR SALE Real Estate AN IDEAL HOME IT WILL DOU ble In Value In ten years, stop pay j 4u* real; also 36 acres line land at Uracewood Apply to C. T Schmidt. 44: WnAti 8 ’ HOUSE AN ELEGANT NEW house in North Augueta, West ave nue, near Hampton Terrce, two baths •ml all modern Improvetnenta. See It aud you will rent It Apply It C. ’ Wall. 917 Broad 8L SlOtf DW El JUNG FIVE ROOM DWKI ling and store house In good condi (ton Lot 75x300. on Ueorgla Avenue North Augusta Apply to It II Aus I tin, on premises. Sl3p Machine? Repaired ALL MAKES OF MACHINES RE > paired b» an exiiert adjuster if >your machine was under water better have It looked after at ouct- Singer Sewing Machine Co,, No 946 Hroad iStreet 03c j NO; An Advertisement Will NOT Sell a Thing For An Exorbitant Price In The Herald Pay lc A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE Miscollaneouu IRON SAFE AND DESK CHAIR FOR Hale Apply F. Phlntzy & Co. si3c FOR SALK: HALT CORD DRY ’ pine wood, delivered, for 11.50. Rustic swing* |3 00 and Rocking chairs (160 each. Some line Colum bian Wyandottes, 8 L. Wyandottes, Light brahmas and White Rocks at special close out prices. Eggs for hatching, all Breeds. Belvldere poul try Farm, Phone IJB4, Augusta, (la AUTOMOBILS: GOOD A 8 NIW; 40 horsepower engine; can be assn at White's gsrrage; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at ones, Herald office. ts HIGH WATER RUN US FROM NO 8 Library Row, but we arc where it will not touch us next time; No. ,512 l/oonard Building. The Smith, Premier Typewriter Co., Bias C. But-; j )«r, Manager. Sl2c | WRAPPING PAI4’R: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes Ap ply at Herald office Jl6tf | SMITH PREMIER NO. 2 FOR SALE. I In good condition; will sell at a bargain; flood put me out of business, J but I saved the typewriter. Address Flood Victim," care Herald. Sl3c | WRAPPING PAPER OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ! ply at Herald Office. Jl6tf ENGINE: GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlss engine, practically new, for sale at a bargain. AddrcHS Unglue, cure Herald. NO 7 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER "for Kale.” Must be sold quick: go ing In leave oily and oiiihl sell before going Address ”P. D. y,” 23, care Herald. ' 813 c DISINFECTANTS CRhOLEUM, 50c PT PROHYLAC tic Fluid 60c. ( reolin 10c, 26c, Mil- and (1.00 bottle. Piatls Chlorides 60c. t’hiorlde Lime PARR'tt PHARMACY 516 Hroad Slreot i'hone 363. IRON SAITS. FOR SALK ONE small Iron safe. one (walnut finish li stanillng desk and one roller top desk Apply 127 Seventh St. Sl2p Ff)R SALK: SCHOOL BOOKS, NEW and oid bought and sold llellquest'a New and Old Bookshop, 216 Seventh st. s;iuc FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Ton.use Geese, Muscovey Ducks. Barred P'vmouth links; all farm raised, he».thy and from first class stock Prices reasonable Address HoWJre Phlnlsy, Grovetown, (la. ts BUFF ORPINGTONS V FEW MCE young nockrela for sale. From the original famous Cook strain. Buwdre : Phlnlsy, SELLING OUT MY WHITE WYAN ! duties, pairs 3 ami 4 dollars; trloes 450 and 6 dollars. Some flue birds for the money. VV. K. Wall, Vauciuse H C. Sl«c FOR SALK Horses, Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON’T HUY YOUR HORSES aud mules from us. we both lose money. Augusia Stock Yards. RED POLL CATTLE A FEW choice betters snd bull calves They are hardy, dean stork, good milkers mid with beef conformation Just the kind of cattle you like to see around the farm. For prices and estimates, write Bow die Phtnlsv, Urovetown, Qs. Fruits and Vegetables. IF YOU WANT NOTHING BUT j fr«**h fruit and labia*, I hav* ; thrm In Urgr quant it It**; I alan givr 1 y <mi HoniethtnK fror with rvrry cash purohaar. !*hoii« order* given prompt nttontton (’all phono 6D Max Mo* KiilrHtMi. * r *4K Hroad atrrrt. al3o , a Barbecue. WANTED 25(1 MEN TO EAT THE last barbecue of the season, given I at Jansen's by request, Saturday. 1 i to 3 30, at Jansen's allc Tomatoes. WE ARK SELLING FOR THE j next three dais the best two pound j <sn of tomatoes for 6c per can \V. It Jones A Co. Phona 1160— lUO Hroad St ilSo Horse Shoeing. HIGH WVIITt NEVER TOUCHED me on horse shoeing I have one of the besi equipped horse shoetug j ’.hops In Augusta, and always carry . a full line of shows forty-eight kegs j Also use a great many hand-made shoes I lit all the shoes mvaelf and see that they are put on properly. I solicit your patronage, or s part of It. j at least. Three of the best shoers In town I can shoe forty-five head, lour shoo* each, per da> Shoes one dollar per set and upwards Monthly shoeing Horse clipping Clipper j Mndcs sharpened L. M. Hutto. 722 Kills street. sl3c I Your Lawn Probably needs repairing. To do It quickly, nicely and perman ently use Al l XANDtK SLI D CO.’S LVLKGRLLN LAWN GRASS SLEDS This Is a correctly proportioned mixture of the finest grtsoe* spec ially adapted to this climate. It will make a beautiful, velvety green, permanent lawn. Price 3Dels per lb. sufficient for ."00 square feet. Four lbs , for (1., Box, 15-lbs, (3 50. Special prices In larger quantities. Alexander Seed Go. Careful Seedsmen. 911 Broadway. Augueta, Ga. Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS the best plastering material for walls and ceilings, it gives addi tional strength to the building and slays put forever. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, Ga. Jl4tf Warning We make a specialty of opening and repairing Iron Safes. All combination locks should be examined now and save trouble. H. E. F-ourcher 572 BROAD SEREET. Mystic Cleanser. MYSTIC CLEANSER: CLEANS CAR pats, rugs, mattings, coats, skirts, etc., beautifully. Easily applied. One pint, 35c, will clean two ordinary size art squares; quart, 60c. Orders taken for short time at 1294 Broad St. si 2c Reward FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND feVer that Randall's Chill and Fe ver tonic falls to cure. Guaranteed lo cure where others fall No cure no pay. 'Phone 2214 Randall's Phar macy. We deliver to any part of thy city. oIOc Warning V/ts make a specialty of repairing and cleaning Cash Registers. All combina tions should be examined now and save other trouble. li. I:. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Private School. MISS ROBEYS PRIVATE SCHOOL will open at 432 Telfair street on Mouday. September 14th. sl2n Cheap Lumber A LARGE LOT Ok FLOORING, CEIL Ing and wra'hcr boarding, all grades; also a lot of rough iumber short and long leaf, from 1-in boards to Bxlo frnmelng All this stock must be disposed of In next 30 days Address Standard Lumber Co., Exposition Ave and 15th St., or E J O'Connor, 865 Broad S' tl To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING: FROM this date on your piano moved, luntd and cleaned for 65.00. The special price of tuning Is 12.50 Call up Kolit J. Watson No. 66 BroHd S:. Phone 1717. Have your piano examin ed all work strictly flrst class S2oc Typewriters. WE HAVE THE BEST TYPE writer repair shop In Augusta, and as good as to be found tn the South. All work guaranteed or money re funded The Smith Premier Type writer Co. No 512 Leonard llldg, Au gusta. Ga Phone No. 2005. Sl3c Damaged by the Freshet. THE AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY will repair and put tn ti-st -lass ol der. your .ranks '.hat were damag'd by the water Telephone them 593. they will send for your trunks, ex amine them and let you know cos- be tore doing the work If you prefer e nice new trunk, they will take the old on> as part payment. Give them a call at Sal Broad. Wrong Side of Street. ts wot>o. tmoH rrm IBKaspurtg^ggl l l-linf I'•« k4ng I irtM U3«aAJU> t OIAAkNY. Ai.ucir A. UA. School Supplies. KHKSII tiOODS .11'ST RECEIVED Tablet*, pencil*, paper, craon. etc. Teealer Pharmacy. 1366 Broad St. SlOtt THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK. I DO ALL kinds of concrete work, such as cement walks, ralnforced work. 1 have the latest Improved machinery, and an expert foreman, and ain pre pared to turn out work for big or ders. Estimates and specifications furnished. A. H. McDaniel, Augus ta, Ga. J27tf Brighten Up. VARNISH STAINS, '1 11 AT WILL make water soaked furniture look like new. Augusta Builders Supply Co., 645 Broa/J St. 'Phone 321. 030 IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing use Protection Brand. This roofing has a six Inch lap and driving nails through the lap only and ce menting the over-lapping sheet to It that no nails are exposed It can be laid by any handy man. This roofing Is made asphalt and containing no tar. Sold by W. W. Jones, 117 Mcln tosh St., Augusta. Sl6c Damaged Goods WE HAVE A FEW DAMAGED GOODS ON HAND AND WILL SELL THEM AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. COME AND NAME YOUR OWN PRICE. F. A. JONES 1215, 1217 BROAD ST. Southern Cabinet Manu facturing Works, North Augusta. SHOW CASES OVERHAULED. ALL hlgh-clabs furniture Cabinets of all descriptions made Manufacture of stair, bank, and office fixtures and all classes of fine curpenter work. 'Phono j No. 714. o6a Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY SATUK day. Ready at 11 o'clock a. m. 25c quart. Vandivers Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. J2stf MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, t>l9 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak dims developed free of charg:-. ] Four Post Cards, 50c alOtf DON’T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM. h. E. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Al2tf j Notice to Public. I WISH TO NOTIFY MY CUSTOM i ers and friends that on or about Sept 10th. I will move to 549 Broad street (Miss Z.lnn's standi, where I] will continue repairing, finishing, up , holsterlng furniture and packing, x specialty. I give all work my person al attention Hammond Auslev, 519 Broad St. si Bp Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA. Kiduey trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents Phono 112. Alts Verdery Pressing Club. SUCCESSORS TO VERDERY, 313 Mclntosh St., phone 2425. Expert (cleaning pressing and repairing; hats cleaned and blocked; ladies' suits and sktrta cleaned and pressed All work (guaranteed. J. P. Stephen, Mgr. 813 c Drtun. WHEN IN NEED OF WYTHINO IN . the drug line, phone 325. We de -1 liver lo any part of the city; also a full line of Bulst garden seed. Model Pharmacy, B. F Matheny, Prop, cor ner Broad ami Kollock streets. •13c E. M. Deas. MEATS HAS A FINE SELECT sleek of home-raised beef, veal, pork, extra fine lamb, spring lamb, etc E M Peas. 313 Jackson street, j Phone 210. »13c A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c LEGAL NOTICES ELECTION NOTICE. The attention of all persons who are, or may be, candidates for mem bership In The City Council of Au gusta for the term of three years, i commencing January, 1909, is directed to the following provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, approved August 7th, 1907: * That every person nereafter intend ing to become a candidate for the mayoralty, or for membership in the City Council of said city, at the reg ular city election, as now fixed by law for the month of December shall, between the flrst in Octo ; ber and the first Wednesday in No vember, both inclusive, preceding I such month of December, file In the office of clerk of council of said city, with said clerk or his deputy, a dec laration or notice of such intention, which shall state the position, and, in case of the candidacy being for membership In the City Council, In addition, the ward; a written ac knowledgement of the receipt of such declaration, from said clerk or his deputy, shall always be evidence of its filing. That in case not more than one such notice or declaration of Intentions is filed in respect to any particular such position during the time above required, then the person so filing, by virtue of this act, becomes the incumbent of such posi tion for the next ensuing term as now fixed by law; and the said clerk of council, on the Thursday next suc ceeding such flrst Wednesday in No vember, publish, in each dally paper of the City of Augusta, a declaration to that effect: and shall also pub lish on said Thursday and the two days next succeeding, in such papers, the names oi candidates for each such position, where there is more than one candidate for any such position. That once a week during the month of September In each year, said clerk shall publish, in such dally newspa pers, as the official notices of the City Council of Augusta may now, or hereafter, publish In a notice of the requirements of this act as touch ing the next election. That in cases where there Is not more than one notice or declaration filed as hereto fore required, in regard to any par -ticular position, that no polls shall he opened nor election held, in such ward or wards as such condition mav exist, neither in regard to the mayor alty nor membership in the City Coun cil, unless In cases where there is, In years of the mayoralty election, more than one candidate for the may oralty qualified as hereinbefore re quired. and only one notice of Inten tion in respect to the membership iti council filed, when and in which case, the election shall be held as provided by law, but for the mayoralty alone, in each such ward or wards. That tn case no notices, or declarations In regards to any particular place or position are filed, as hereinbefore re quired. the election shall be held as provided by law; and in every case where more than one such notice or declaration shall be so filed for the position in respect to which it is filed, the election shall be held as required by law. WM. LYON MARTIN, Clerk of Council. s4-11-18-25-30c. LEGAL NOTU'E EXECUTOR'S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary dared September 7th, 1908, i will sell at public outcry for cash, at the Court House in the City of Augusta. Georgia, between the usual hours of sale on the flrst Tuesday in Ootober, 1908, to the highest bidder, the following prop erty of the Estate of Dr. William H. Tutt, deceased: Fifty (501 shares Aiken Manufacturing company stock. Forty 1 40( shares Langley Manufactur ing company Stock- Forty (40) shares Merchants Bank stock. JAMES L. FLEMING. Surviving Eexcutor W. It. Tutt. Sept. 11, 18, 25 and Oct. 2. j Open for Business. NICK icONOMOS HAS OPENED again with a full line of fruils, vegetables, segars. candy. Banana lfic and 15c per dozen. Will* sell as cheap as any house in town. Am out for business. No. 1202 Broad St. s!3p FISH FISH Fresh from Fisheries Daily. Vegetables, Celery, Fruits. : : : 0. D. FORENCF Phone 1067. 440 Broad St. ' J§T '~ Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 25c PER PECK: green tomatoes 50c per peck: ap ple vinegar 3oc per gallon: ontoni 25c per half peck; large \thite‘head -sb bage 10c and 15c; apiece* and etc. Now is the best time to do tour pick ling Please glte me your Older. L. A. Grtmaud. 210 dimming street, 'Phone No. 1306 »16c STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY, Whereat, Margaret C. Urquhart. ad ministrator of the estate of Isabella B. Conacher, late of said County, deceased, has applied for Letters of L>ismission from said administration. This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of ordinary of *aid County, to be held on the first Monday in October, A. D. 190* at 10 o’clock a. m., and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Witness ray official signature this lltn day of September, A. D. 1908. ALEXANDER R. WALTON, Ordinary, R. C. Sept. 11, 18, 25 and Oct. 2. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary, dated September 10th, 1908, I win sell at public outcry, for cash, at the rear of the Court House on Telfair Street, at ten o’clock on Monday, Sep tember 21st, 1908, the following personal property belonging to the Estate of Mrs. Harriet R. Tutt, deceased: 1 hoise; 1 carriage; 1 cart; 1 set of double harness; 1 set of single harness. Terms cash. REM RBMSEN, Administrator Estate Mrs. W. H. Tutt Kept. 11, 15, 18 c ~ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA, * RICHMOND COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the Court of ordinary dated September 7th, 1908, I will sell at the Court House in the city j of Augusta, Georgia on the flrst Tuesday !in October, 1908, between the usual • hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for rash, the following property belonging to the estate of M. J. Deween, deceased: Eight (8) shares of the Capital stock of the Monte Sano Company. NELLIE F. DEWEEN. Adnix. M. J. Deween. Sept. 11, 18, 25 and Oct. 2c STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Mrs. Margaret Palmer has | upplied for Letters of Guardianship of ! the persons of E. Willard, William P., and Julian W. Harker, minors, residents of said county. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said County, to be held on the flrst Monday in October. A. D. 1908, at 10 o’clock, a. m., and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should , not be granted. Witness my official signature this 11th day of September, A. D. 1908. ALEXANDER R. WALTON, Ordinary, R. C. Sept. 11, 18, 25 and Oct. 2. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Wlicreas, John C. Ladeveze, Guardian »! she estate of Annie L. Bass of said County has applieu for .etterr of Dig mission from said guardianship. '1 his is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court jf Ordinary, of said County, io be held on the first Monuay in October, A. D. 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m., and show cause, if any they can, way said letters should not be granted. Witness my official signature this 11th day of September. A. D. laOo. ALEXANDER R. WALTON, 1 Ordinary, R. C. Sept. 11, 18, 25 and Oct. 2. STATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, James L. Grogan, Executor of the estate of Kate Mullaney, late of said County, deceased has applied for letters if Dismission from said Execu torship. This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear ai the Court ' \of ordinary, of said County, to be held l on the first Monday in October, A. D. j I 1908, at 10 o’clock, a. m., and show cause, j [ If any they can, why saiu letters should , not be granted. Witness my official signature this 11th i day of September, A. L). 1908. ALEXANDER R WALTON. Ordinary, K. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, R. E. AUcn, administrator of the estate of George H. Allen, late of said County, deceased, has applied for [ leave to sell ReaJ Estate belonging to ; ' said estate. This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court j of Ordinary of said County, to be held on the first Monday in October, A. D. 1 1908 at 10 o'clock a. m., and show cause, if any they can. why leave to sell Real Estate belonging to said estate should j not be granted as prayed for. Witness my official signature this llth I | day of September, A. D. 190 S. ALEXANDER R. WALTON, Ordinary, R. C. ' I Rept. 11, 18. 25 and Oct. 2. STATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Alfred B. Berrien, adminis trator of the estate of Amanda Berrien, ' late of sad County, deceased, hits ap- i pled for leave to sell Real Estate belong ing to said estate. j The is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court «*f Ordinary of said County, held on the flrst Monday in October, A. D. 1908. at 10 o’cknk a. m.. and show cause, if any they can. why leave to sell Real | Estate belonging to said estate should not be granted as prayed for. Witness my official signature this |lth Iday of September. A. D. 1908. ALEXANDER It. WALTON, Ordinary. R. C. Sept. 11, 18, 25 and Oct. 2. WANTS 1 STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. J Whereas, Edward J. Brennen, admin istrator of the estate o*. Mary P. Br« - --• ten, deceased, has applied for leave to soil Real Estate and Stocks belonging to said estate. This is therefore, to cite all person | concerned, to be and appear at the Court ; -.1 Ordinary of said County, to b« held | on the first Monday in Ootober, A, D. 1 IL'UB, at 10 o'clook a. m., and show cause i If anw they oan. why leave to eell Real Estate and Stocks belonging to said es tate should not be granted as prayed for. Witness my official signature thta lith day of September, A. D. 1908. ALEXANDER R. WALTON, Ordinary, R. C. Sept, li, 18, 25 and Oct. 2. 6TATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, J. J. Van Dyke, administra tor of the estate of Elizabeth Van Dyke, late of said County, deceased, has ap plied leave to sell Real Estate belonging to said estate. This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said County, to be held on the first Monday in October, A. D. 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m., and show cause, If any they can, why leave to sell Real Estate belonging to said estate should not be granted as prayed for. Witness my official signature this llth day of September, A. D. 1908. ALEXANDER R. WALTON, Ordinary, R. c. Sept. U, 18, 25 and Oct. 2. STATE OF GEORGIA, ' RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Miiledge Lockhart, adminis trator of the estate of Mattie Lee Too mer, late of said County, deceased, has plied for leave to sell Real Estate belong ing to said estate. This is therefore, to rite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said County, to be held oil the first Monday in October. A. D. 1908 at 10 o’clock a. m., and show cause, if any they can, why leave to sell Real Estate belonging to said estate should not be granted as prayed for. Witness my official signature this llth day of September, A. D. 1908. ALEXANDER R. WALTON, Ordinary, R. C. Sept. U, 18, 25 and Oot. 8. Sheriff’s Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA— RICHMON COUNTY. , Will be sold at the Court House, in the City of Augusta, County and State aforesaid, the usual place for holding Sheriff's Sales, on the First Tuesday in October next, during the legal hours of sale, Ihe following described property, to wit; All that lot with improvements thereon, situated on Northeast corner ot 3th and Hopkins streets, fronting 48 feet, more or less on 9th street and running back 160 feet, more or 1e93, bounded on North by Hopkins streeT, East by lot of C. J. Rooney, South by lot of Mrs. Johanna Mullane and West by 9th street, situated in the City of Augusta, County of Richmond and State of Georgia Levied on as the property of C. J. Rooney by virtue Tax fi. fas issued by Chas. G Bohler, Tax Collector of Richmond County, on the 20th day of December, 1906 and 1907, for State, County and School Taxes, for the year 1906 and 1907 against property standing in the name of C. J. Rooney. Levy made this 4th day of September, 1908, and notice served according to Law. JNO. W. CLARK, Sheriff R. C. Ga Sept 11, 18, 25, Oct. Sc. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to notify the public and all whom it may concern *' .t I will not be responsible * any debts contracted in my name, except thos fl personally contracted by me UEORGE H. HOWARD Sept 290 Public School Notice. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE City of Augusta and the Village of Summerville will begin the fall ses sion at Nine o'clock Monday morn ing, Sept 14th. The principals of the various schools will be at their respective buildings from 9 to 12 o'clock of each day during the week for the purpose of enrolling and grading new pupils. The Normal class for white teach ers will meet at the Tubman High School Friday afternoon. Sept, llth, at 4:30 o'clock. LAWTON B. EVANS. Superintendent. Sl3c Augusta, Ga.. Sept Bth, 1908. A CALLED MEETING OF THE stockholder* of the Ueorgla Chemi cal Works will be held at Augqsta, Ga.. on Thursday the 24th day of September. I9t'S. for the pwpose of amending the in-laws. A. SMIV IRVINE, dcpjt 23c Secretary. WATER WORKS Ng. Comnitiwli g this afternoon tig. watar will he turned on twice a day. lnatafd of once. From 7:30 to 9 a. m.. and from 4:30 to 8 p. m. JOHN D. TWIGGS Supt. Canal and Water WVdtr Sept. 9 ts PAGE ELEVEN SPECIAL NOTICES