The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 11, 1908, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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PAGE TWELVE FOR RliIN T . 1247 Droail Street, 7 room* $25.00 694 Broad Street, 3 rtoo* 25.00 | 60S Kill* Street, 6 room* $25.00 953 Qrernt Htreet. 12 room* 80.00 341 Green Street, 9 room* 45.00 50C l.lnrolii Street, 3 room* 30.00 957 Reynold* Street, 10 room 37.60 666 Reynold* Street, 17 room* 41.67 106 Reynold* Street, 6 room* 12.60 398 Walker Street, 7 room* 25.00 935 Telfair St . 2 rooms 10 00 947 Telfair Street, 3 roomt- flat 18.00 STO RES. 1224 Broad Street 35.00 1262 Broad Street 65.00 670 Broad Street 35 00 524 Campbell Street. 45 00 222 Campbell Street .. ~ 20 00 526 Campbell Street 50 00 OFFICES. No. 765 Broad Street *20.8? No 8 Library Bid'* 18.33 Office* In the Planter* lx/an &.->svlng* Bank Building. WILLIAM f. BUSH, . wu » ■ I’tm RUNT FROM OCT. I. 508 Third St , 6 room* and bath, new .$30.00 413 Telfair. 8 rooma and bath $33.33 929 Reynold*, 6 room* and bath $.30.00 538 Reynold*, 6 room* nml hath... 640 Reynold*, 6 room* and bath • *22.60 642 Reynold*, 6 room* and bath $22.50 406 Twelfth St., 6 room* and bath $25.00 Corner Greene and Twelfth, four ‘room* and bath, flat, third floor '.. ~ • • $17.50 446 Bay, new, pn**»K*lon Nov. 1, 7 rooma, steam heat and open grate*, electricity and ga* $32.50 948 Heynolda, 8 room*; modern •• ..$37.60 1242 Broad St., 6 room* and bath.. $25 00 1244 Broad St., 6 room* and bath.., $25.00 1288 Broad St., Store .$33.33 *O6 207 Sixth Bt., »U>re *3O 00 811—Kth street, 7 room* and bath $22.50 MARTIN Cb n,uußTr »m Minnie.; STOCKS ■ ORDERS EXECUTED TO BUY AND SELL BTOCKB, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ARGO & JESTER. 7 Library Building. Phone 12. FOR REINT 426 Buy Htreet, 9 room# «• . .$25 00 .107 Wnuhtwcton Street, 6 room* .. .. 25.00 800 Washington Blrwi, 6 roorn» .. 26.00 582 Broad Hlreat, 8 rooms .. .. .. ~ .. •• 25.00 X2O Telfair Street, 0 room* . 87.50 IVlfulr Hi rent. The Hill. 10 room* .. 58.00 104 Hlk h Htreet. 6 room* 12 00 North Augusta, Korea! Avenue. 7 rooma 25.00 North AuKUHtH, Writ Avenue, 5 rooms.. ~ ~ .. .. .. 16.00 FLATS. ■* 10Mr Broad Htrnet, 3 room* 18.00 216 Elbert Bfreet, 8 room* 20.00 '4O Telfair Street, 6 room* .. .. .. ..1600 lit Kills Street rooma 12.00 STORES. Corner Telfair and .lackaon Street*. . .. 60 00 Wir<*houM, Walk**r Street*. .. . 8X33 APPLY TO CLARENCE E. CI.ARK, REAL ESTATE. .. 842 BROAD STREET. EDUCATIONAL SACKED III4KI A( ADI MV 1264 Elll* St., Auguata, Qs. ComlucUd by th« Hlsturs of M«roy, and empowered to rotifer diploma* Offers superior <vlur» (tonal advantages for stria. Musi Ml culture and the training of •rfauiata a specially. Reopen* Sept 8. 1808. Preparatory school for boya Irom fire to nine years of age. For particulars apply to tbo SISTER SUPERIOR. Mbs Junk's Commercial School. Harison Building Augusta. Gs, teacHea short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, spelling, arithmetic, English and penmanship. Practical mathods and terma reasonable Day class. Night claaa. Writs for catalogue, or call phone 427. Academy of Kichmond County AUGUSTA, OA. Session begins Thurs day, October 1, 1908. For information apply h'MAS. H. HIHIKOW. Principal. THE INEVITABLE FINISH. "What kind of a politician la BUg gins'" 08, be a Ilka a baseball umpire EDUCATIONAL SA(Kll) IRAK I COUI Cl 1306 EMIs Slreat, Augusta. Qa. For day ucholara only. Empow end to confer all Collegiate glees Thoroughly up-to-date. The curriculum Includes Phil oaophy. Literature, Ancient and modern History, Phvalca, Chemis try, Astronomy, Mathematics Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, elc.. Hie uography and Typewriting at par ents option Modern Languages without extra charge. REOPENS TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER BTH. 1608 For Catalogue end particulars, ep ply at ths Collage. JOHN J. SHERRY, S J. President. »T. PATRICK’S COMMERCIAL INSTITUTES Will Re Open Monday, September 14. For terms and particulars apply to the DIRECTOR St. Mary's Academy Augusta, (la. Day school for girls, conducted by Sisters of Mercy. Opens Monday, Sept. 14, 1908. For Particulars Applv to SISTER SUPERIOR lie's Intelligent and he means srell. but he's sure lo be unpopular with l<oih aides before be gels through JULIAN HUE HAS REJOINEDJQRDOVA PHILADELPHIA, Pa,—Dlapatch“» from A»bury Park announce, on the authority of a relative of the deposed and convicted minister, that Julia Bowne ha* rejoined J. Prank Cordo va, taking with her their child For aeveral day* neither aha nor the lllttle boy have been teen around the bungalow home of her parents at Anbury Park, and when the rumol - abe had rejoined her affinity became per*i*tent, a cousin of Cor dova a declared that It waa *o. Mrs. Cordova* relative* In Aaburv Park are declared to have watched Julia Bowne closely ever since Co r dova’s release from the New Jersey state prison, hut *hb appears to have given them the slip. DONCASTER RAGE WON By RADIUM DONCASTER, England.—The race for the Doncaster cup, one thousand sovereigns, for three year oldH, two mile* and an eighth, was won by | Leopold de Rothschild's Radium. I,ord Derby’* Glacis was second; J. B. Joel'* Dean Bwtft, third. The belting waa 7 to 1 against Radium. 8 to 1 against Glacis, and 9 to 1 against Dean Swift. MAN SHOT HIS WIFE AND THEN HIMSELF Had Bonn Having; Family Quarrels for Some Time. MfJNP’A, Midi- Frit* Cooper, aged i»» j The Season’s Best For 1908 —asm _w E announce our readiness to supply our trade, at pleasing prices, with the best Wearables for Men and Boys, the Country produces. We solicit your favors. : : : : Me Creary’s 742 Broad Street ahot his wlfa to death at thetr farm houa« one mile north of here this morn ing. and turned the gun on himself, dy ing from the wounds. No one witnessed the shooting, the children of tht pair being sway from the house at the time. They returned to And the bodies of their patents lying on the floor in pools of hiooa. The Cooper family has been un happy for some time and family broils were frequent and It Is thought that the shooting was done during one of these arguments PITCHERS 100 dorsn Decorated China Pitch arc arc our pramlums this week, with all purchases of any of the following articles; l-g-lha. Java A Mocha Coffee . .60c Ilhe Java Flavored Coffee ....60c Iba. Porto-Hlcan Coffee 60c lib May Blossom Tea 50c i 3 bottles Aa 1* Extracts 60s j l-18-o* Can A A P. Hakim; Powder 50c 1-lb TheaNiclar Tea 60c Remember these Pitchers are limit ed. We will give them away at long as they last. riTIAHIIC ;V» PACIFiy TEA CO. f|| < * 844 Broad Street. Phones 567 868 325 Stores in the U. S. THE AUGUSTA HERALD Aes® A §almon can be prepared in 77 dif ferent ways. It is one of L i.uTf* " Utritiou « a nd healthful foods sold, yet the price is within the reach of all. A.* you, Bro „r fa, ALA,g* PACKERS ASSOCIAT.OK Frmnolmoo, California ASSISTANCE FOR ! AIN-ED-DOWLEH ST. PETERSBURG.—The Nova Vremya publishes a despatch from Tabriz, dated Sept. 9, and Haying that 2,000 Persian troops and two companies of Kurd* commanded by Izzatull Khan, coming from Maku to the attsistance of Aln-Ed IXiwleh, had I been intercepted ten mile* from Tab- I rlz by a force of Ihe mountain tribea ! men, adherent* of Satar Khan. The royalist* were forced to retire. Among the wounded is Shiral Khan, one of Royalist leaders. Con tinuing the correspondent say* the heavy artillery and rifle fire was heard the night of the 9th, at Tabriz, hut that, the outcome could not be learned. ■Rome men,” said Uncle Eben, "ain' satisfied to quit when dry's done bought a gold brick, but keeps payin' storage on It an’ holdin’ It fur a j rise.” NORTH AUGUSTS BE NOW INK North Augusta bridge Is being utilized today for nil purposes for the llrsi time since the flood. All kinds of vehicles, pedesirains and the pub lic generally coming ac-oss 1n the us ual old fashioned way, to say nothing nt those Koine over from this side. Street cars are, of course, operating across the bridge and within the next few days the structure will be com 1 ! etel) finished People from down the river, who haw b»'en using Center] street bridge an going np 'o N'Ortli! Augusta and coming in by the dts pensury, going back the same way. The traffic across the river Is un uauglly heavy, owing to the fact that many traders from over the rive have been waiting several days [or thj bridge to be completed and conse quently the popl.- from Sou'h Caro lina arc largely in the umjorlrjiln Au gusta today. 2 UNKNOWN MEN DIE BY ASPHYXIATION* Their Bodies Found in (he Room With Gan Turned on. CHICAGO —Ths t* sties of two men whose name* tha polios ware unnhle to l-rtt n, were found In a room at SJS North Ashland avenue today. Tha room wm Tull of gn* »nd tha Jet open. Tha Rswaon atraet police were catted by a report that a dual murder had been I committed notided the coronor that | they haU'ved tha men had turned a>n the I sas aeclveotatty before retiring - T - - The nnn> friends of Capt W \V 1 Jonas of 'he Chemical Co. arc glxd to l«mu Nat he la back ou duty, after a shai spell of ‘lever. THE LABEL BACK OF EACH COAT IS YOUR SAFEGUARD. In HATS, as in Everything Else, we Give the Best for your Money The Fall Suit Question Confronts You Today, and we Believe We Have Solved That Question for you when Price Patterns, Fit and Finish is Under Discussion, we have considered when buying the Latest Fad for the Young Men, the Natty Patterns, the Swagger Cuts and its as Well as the Proper Dress for Older Men. Prices Ranging from $lO to $35 A FEW OF WHICH CAN BE SEEN ON DISPLAY. jflfPfif| s The Straw Hat Has Been Called and Our Window calls Your Attention to ft this Fall’s Ideas and Especially to the Latest Shapes in softs and our Import ed Derbys. cs/t L ta. GA We Ask an Inspection of our Fall Stock. Woman Came Back to Life While in Undertaker’s Hands WINSTED, Conn. —Believing Mrs. John Barnum to bo dead, Hawley Wlckwlfe, living a short distance out of Falls village, called Undertaker I. P. Hornbeck, As the body was being laid out one of the dead woman's knee* raised. Unnerved, Mr*. Wlckwife summoned her husband. Mrs, Barnum revived in a few minutes and carried on a Electric Chair Does Not Always Kill the Victim NEW YORK. —That condemned criminals do not always die in the electric chair and that they may ae at least partially conscious during the autopsy that makes death certain, Is the startling theory advanced by Dr. (ieorge F. Shrady, coroner of the Bor ough of Manhattan. “I do not Insist,” he said todav, "shat electrocution as now practised does not kill. I only say that a scien tific doubt exists. I'ntil that doubt is removed, the physicians who are call ed on to perform the autopsy are In a horrible position. If life exists in the body and the apparent death is merely suspended animation, then the surgeon who examines the body kills thHt man in the autopsy. The sur geon becomes the executioner. It I would be a simpler process to stupe SPEECH KNIGHT COST GEORGIA ft THOUSAND ATLANTA. Ua.—Speech of Sena c Knight yesterday lasting four hott. cost state nerly one thousand dol lars. NO PLAYIONIGHT ft! GRIND THEATRE 1 here will be no play at the Grand tonight rite Daughter of America' | in which Olga von Hatzfeldt Is starr , Ing w.-nt to pieces, or stranded In I Columbia last night utter several dtkv , i of hard luck and did not cotnt to An j gust aus expected. The local manage ment offered to pay the tares of the trope of 38 to Augusta but they de cided lo stay ove%in Columbia when they will he given a benefit perfor •nance tonight to help them out of heir difficulties It ts understood thir iia offer was made to play here datur day, but the management decid'd to hold the company to their original late or not play them at all. Hence Augus’ans will miss this attraction which has met with unmerited tubs fortune, for It is laid to be really a good shpw Miss von HatlMdt has .ppeared three times In Augusta, first with the Storks and the last two ate sons with “The Little Duchess" and •s quite popular. Theatregoers gener ally express a hope that the dtfficu'l ties of the company may be patched up and that it will yet have a suc cessful season. The local advance sale was quite targe, and the management announces ,ba' H will refund money paid for ticket*. It was not knpwn until nearly poon that the date had been canceled so that tickets wire sold up to that hour. conversation with them. The next day she became unconscious again. Friends, after watching for som e time for signs of life, had decided there was not the slightest doubt of the woman s death, when one of them discovered a slight pulsation of the veins of the neck. In a brief time Mrs. Barnum was again able to talk. She Is still alive. fv the condemned man by a drug and then use the knife on him.” Dr. Shrady's statement was called out by the recent discussion partici pated In by Harry L. Tyler, the in ventor of the electric chair, and Dr. V. J. Gibbons, of Syracuse. Dr. Gib bons has made the flat declaration ihat “not a murderer whose body ever went to the grave from the death chair in New York was killed by the electric current.” Here’s a Good Rule! Lay aside a little money every week for the laid.up or the laid off day. Or to meet such an emergency as that through which we have just passed. One Dollar will open an account —4 Per Cent interact paid. THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK 823 BROAD STREET. “WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE.” S R R I IN Q S WE MANUFACTURE ALL GRADES OF Springs and Mattresses FROM $2.50 UP. Our ROYAL-MONARCH Single Cone Spring Guaranteed to be Stronger Than Anything of it*- Price on the Market. You Will Dream Sweet Dreams on. Our WHITE EAGLE, Sanitary Felt Mattress—Ask the Furniture Dealers. Auqusta Mattress and M’fq. Company FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 NEW YORK INVERTOR WANTS MORE TIME Herring Asks for Ten Days to Build Aeroplane. "WASHING'! ON, D. (..—A. M. Herring, the New York inventor, who U building an aeroplane to be entered in the gov ernment trial* at Fort Myere, has writ ten to the board having the experiments in oh&rge asking that a further exten sion of ten days be given him, in which to oomplete his machine. Herring has already hod his time extended thirty days, but the application has been re ferred to Secretary of War Wright, and it is probable that the request will be granted. A newspaper man, who inspected Mr. Herring’s aeroplane, in New York on Wednesday, reports mat It is a marvel of lightness, weighing only 150 pounds, as compared with the 850 pounds of the Wright machine. A woman who has no closetroom but wardrobe only In her apartment has had a carpenter make an adjustable clothes rack that may be moved wherever she goes, and which when taken apart is merely two standards and a long curtain pole. MATTRESSES