The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 11, 1908, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 KNOWN as the best THE BEST KNOWN • r- Syrups and loe Creams that’s manufactured per* dually by Turner Howard, needs no introduc tion in Augusta, only that he will again serve tin* kind of Sodawater, which had for many years the best reputation. THE SAVOY Social and Personal AS ONLY A WOMAN CAN. She gave him a smile from her mar velous eyes, As only a woman can. Like a glorious star she illumined his skies, As only a woman can. From the moment his path by her presence was crossed. In dreams of Elysium his being was lost, Till, ail of a sudden, she gave him a "frost.'’ As only a woman can. She filled him with wrath of a ter rible kind As only a woman can. With a cynical hate she embittered his mind. As only a woman can. "Her nam e on my lips shall forever be dumb!" So he vowed, but she smiled and she bade him to come, And she Sot him right back agalti under her thumb. As only a woman can. —The Misgovernist. WANTED: A FEW CLOTHES. Tjiere is a very urgent need, which has been developed by the freshet, of two or three sets of plain infant's clothes. If sent to 484 Greene street they will be promptly delivered to the parties in need. Mr. Andrew Clark and his sister, Miss Eula, attended an entertainment at Warthen last Thursday night, it was given by Mrs. Thomas Smith, in honor of her guest Miss Radford of Keysville. Mr. Romie Wiggins of Wrens has accepted a position with the J. M. Woodward Co. Last Seashore Excursion of the Season! Charleston *™AND THE*™ Isle of Palms. Sunday, Sept. 13. Same Schedules, Same Rates; Don’t Miss it. Southern Railway IN HONOR OF VISITORS. Miss Parks, of Atlanta, and Miss Koenecke, of Columbia, were the honor guests at a delightful dance last evening at Walker’s. Among those who participated were: Miss Parks, Miss Koenecke, Miss Highley, Miss Crawford, Miss Miegel, Miss Ingraham, of Atlanta: Miss Prickett, Miss Cates, Mis McAuiiffe, Miss Cos tello. Miss. Brinson, Miss Bell, Miss Mundy, Miss Tarver, Miss Oetjen, ; Miss K. Fidelis Renkl, Miss Bessie Starr, Miss Clara Malone, Miss Rodg ers, and Messr. Louis Renkl, Otis ! Faucett, Robert Cothran, .left' Barks dale, Wright Veno, Fred Gehrken, Will Barksdale, Albert Tinsley, John Ridley, Lawrence Wolfe, Rudolph Gehrken and others. This delightful affair was given under the auspices of Mr. Fred Gehrken and Mr. Will Barksdale. A marriage of much interest to the friends of the contracting parties, was i hat of Miss Alpine Hutto of Orange burg, S. C. and Mr. John Radford of Uigusta, which occured at the Me thodist parsonage at Matthews, Ga. on last Saturday. They were both guests of Mr, W. L. Radford’s family and the marriage was not unexpected as it had been ru mored that it would occur at an early date. Mrs. Radford as Miss Hutto was a beautiful and lovable young lady and her visits were anticipated with much pleasure by her friends here. Mr. Radford is a brother to Mr. W. L. Radford here and is an en gineer of the Georgia Road. We con gratulate him on his good fortune in winning so fair a bride. Mr. Newton Hayne entertained a party of friends last Thursday at his home near here. They were enjoy ing their first dove shoot of the sea son. HENRY BEBRO Henry Bcbro, who disap peared from N. Y. three years ago, after having, it is alleged swindled many out of thousands of dollars has been arrested in Eng land on similar charges. While in N. Y. he achieved notoriety in his efforts to obtain the release from in sane asylum of various heirs and heiresses. Henry Seigler. AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO GOOD. Among those who need, and need help and need it very imperatively, their nccessitj having been due to the freshet, is a woman who lives In : the mill district and who earns her I livelihood by furnishing meals for the mill operatives. When the freshet came her few boarders still remained and she shared her little with them. All of her fur niture was swept away by the water and as she still has to support her self It is very necessary that, she have some more furniture. If any body will be good enough to give her a couple of beds, a table, a safe, a bureau, or bedding of any kind, in fact if anyone will go through their old unused stuff, if they will donate to her the pieces they have no use for, they will help to place some one in a position to help them selves. Miss Katie Black has offered to send for any contributions, so if those who wish to contribute will kindly telephone to 1059, It will be sent for immediately. i Mrs. Alice Cook is visiting her mother Mrs. Mary McNair of Stilla ville this week. We are sorry to report Miss Ibhm Daniel on the sick list. We hope she will soon be up. Mrs. H. H. Greenway is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dobson of Au gusta. Little Miss Ruth Dainol has re turned home from a very pleasant, visit to her aunt, Mrs. Strange of Augusta. Miss Pearl Hutto has returned to h°r home in Orangbnrg, S. C. alter a very delightful visit to her cousin Mrs. W. L. Radford. Mrs. J. T. Logue and baby Florliio who have been Hi • guests of Mrs. Eve )| II have gone, to Spread to visit relatives. CERTIFICATE Being a state official and authorized to administer oaths and certify docu ments. I hereby certily that cerre -1 ondenoe laid before me this morning from an Eastern city, states as fol lows: "A Dr, B ,an old practitio ner in this city has had Bright’s Disease for years, Is bed ridden, and is simply waiting his time. He his laken three bottles of Fuiton'S Renal Compound .with more than the usual results, Wednesday, of last week, a brother physician called In tee Mm The laiier upon finding he was better ask<*d what lie was taking. Dr. B.— replied. "It Is in the window." The Dr.’s rejoinder war, "And so yon ar taking that stuff, 100, are you’ ( hail in s-ve r , f o of Diabetes in a patient ’ who left this city and whom I ex peeled to die. Yesterday I had a let ter from him stating that he had taken Fulton’s Compound and was well.” The following report is made by anoiiu r prominent physician In the same cPy, using Fulton'S Compound on an seine ease o' Bright's —"ease Is now on ihe eecnod bottle with a»- tonlshlng results" Witness mv hand and seal In evi dence of ilu genuineness of this cor respondent affixed at Oakland, Cal., his December Zkth, 1907. (seal) T. C. LAN’DRI’GAN. Notary Public No matter whether you call It kidney trouble. Nephritis or Bright's, Disease, It Is a case of inflamed kid neys and as the old time kidney medi cines are kldnev excitants, It Is clear why thev are futile. Fulton’s Renal Compound Is th" first successful Jtenai - molli.*nt thus reducing kidney Inf)•* 'nation which Is now durable for th" first time. Eeven the si rlous sup posed tncursbUefoiT:* yield Literature mailed free. JOHN J FULTON CO Oakland, Cal. Alexander Drug Co., are our sol-- local agents. Ask for bimonthly I I Mullet in of late recoveries. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. Come to This Saturday Sale at to 9?3op o m! It is to Be Another One of Those Saturday Events That Have Their Equal Nowhere Else, Hereabouts Soap Sale. Ivory and Octagon Soaps. 'gj " The Big Sizes. 3 HOSIERY Children’s fast black ribbed Hose, double heel and toe, sizes 5 to !)Vi, o 12Vbc value, at OC Children’s fast black, fine and heavy ribbed Hose, sizes sto Oy* | 1 }><* value, at. ... /2 Ladies' Lace and Richelieu ribbed Hose, black, white, tan and grey, 25c j value, at * VC Ladies’ Silk Lisle Hose, gar ter top, double toe and heel Regular 50c value. Satur <l,,v S,,’. 3 for $| M A e „ n nex Store ~ The Best Quarter Scarf for Men m a 6 “^ We’re particularly enthusiastic over our present- line of quarter scarfs and we know yon will be, too, when you see what an unusual assortment we’ve brought together at, this figure. The fact is, we have pretty nearly reached the limit, of big value giving in this line the silks are considerably hotter than we’ve ever shown before at, 25c, while tie* workmanship reminds one el a 50e scart. Newest four-in-hand and hat wing shapes. Don’t come expecting ordinary, every day ties. These JL jQ are really in a class by themselves, and think of it, only MEN’S BLACK SILK LISLE HOSE, eA* 29c VALUES, 3 PAIR FOR Men know that when we advertise a sale, they can depend upon every assertion, which accounts for the big business we have been doing. Brand new high grade, perfect, fine gauze lisle, medium weight. A special purchase of one hundred dozen only, so come early—all sizes, O'/** to 11 1/2* Mrs. Walter Hume and children Wltzell and Adrln are the gnesta of Mrß. B. H. Eve. —Mra. Emma Meyer and Miss Helen Meyer left yesterday for New York. —Th ( . many friends of Mlsa I.lzzlo Boater will be very glad to learn that she waa not seriously hurt by her fall from the ear yesterday. —Mrs. MrFarlln and Mias Fannie Holley Hickson, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mis. M. S. Dickson, In North Augusta. Miss Virgle Ehrhardt left this morning for a visit to Ehrhardt. S. G. —Mrs. Ernest Williams and family have returned from Saluda. —Mrs. Reuben It Clarke and family have returned to Savannah, after a hleasant stay with Mrs. James U. Jackson while en route home from Rome and Virginia. Miss Josephine Clarke, Mrs. Clarke's attractive young daughter, was complimented yester day by Miss Edith Jackson and Miss Catherine Ruland with a tennis tea . on the Hampton Terrace court. Rev. and Mrs. Robb White have sailed for tip. Philippine Islands, where Mr. White will do missionary work. Miss Mary McAlpln will leave Friday for Augusta, where she will spend two weeks before going to Gloucester, Mass. Savannah press. —Miss Thompson of Atlanta Is vis King Miss l.oulse Wells and will ac company her back to Agnes Scott In a couple of weeks. Miss Henderson of Atlanta, who has been visiting relatives In Grove town, was In the city today Miss Hazel Brand will leave Run day for Agnes Heott. Mrs. Henry Hours of Macon Is the guest of Augusta ft latlves. Mrs Palmer left tills morning for Washington. Oa , where she went to place two of her young grandsons at Ht. Joseph's Academy, Mrs. Helen Greer will spend th winter In Aiken with the Misses At klnson. Mr. and Mrs Pomeroy will occupy her Broad street apartment. Mr. and Mrs William Alexander j will spend the winter with Gen. and Mrs K. P Alexander at North Is I 'snd. Mr and Mrs. Clem Dunbar have returned from Atlanta and are with Mrs, Virginia Hopkins for a while tin [ Ul their home Is renovated. Big Hosiery and Underwear Values. Miss Wynona Woodwind will leave nexl week to resume her stud les at Greenville college. —Mr. Joe Reese of Allanta, for merly of this city, Is spending a few days with Augusla friends. —Miss Minnie Adams has returned to the city. —-Mr, William H. Davis of Waynes, boro is In the city. —Miss DaFllls Hturges of Harlem Is in the cliy today. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dicks have rented the Telfair street residence at present occupied by Mrs. John Schley. Mrs. A. M. Verdery and Mrs. Mal colm liendce returned from Brevard this morning. DECIDE JIRSELF The Opportunity ia Here, Backed by Augusta Testimony Don't lake our word for It Don’t depend on a stranger's state rnent. Head Augusta endorsement. Read the statement of Augusta citizens. And decide for yourself. Here Is one ease of It: Mrs. Mary Dow, living at 924 Gal houn street, Angus a. Ga , says: "1 can cheerfully recommend ■ Doan’s Kidney Pills us Ihey have pro- I veil very beneficial In tny family !My daughter suffered sever!) from haekaehe and distressing palm hi the region of her klrffo-ys. Hie doctor'd and took different remedies ; nut got relief. We finally read i about Doan's Kidney Pills and pro 1 cured them at the Green* Horsey | .irug Go. Bhe used two boxes when ' the backache arid pains vanished, the i annoyance from the kidneys ceased i and usw she feels perfectly well, I | kin, w hat Doan's Kidney Pills have done her a great deal of good and ; take pleasure In recommending them to sufferers of kidney trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ; c<-nts Foster Mllburn Go., Buffalo, j New York, golo agents for the United ' Mates, I Renumber the name— Doing—ana I take no other. Sanitol tooth powder 7 p There’s Only One. Stan dard Everywhere, 25c. Q en)s HANDKERCHIEFS Cheap Enough to Lose 0 h i 1 d r e n’s hemstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs, Q I p 5c value, at ... Ladies’ linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 10c q* value, at O C Sample line Ladies’ Em broidered Handkerchiefs. 100 dozen in lot, regu lar 10c sellers, at, ... Men’s Hemstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs, 5c f a., value, 3 for IXJL Men’s all linen Hemstitch ed Handkerchiefs, f , Regular 15c value, atIUL CHIEF NORRIS’ STATEMENT. In regard to tins m-gm Turner Jack Hon, who whh "bound over by Com-! mlHHloner Godwin Thuradny, Chief of Police Norrla Hitid Friday morning: "Turner Jackaon hua not been allow cd to come around the linrrackH for the luat four yearn on account of htH character, and he has done no police work for the laat. eight yearn, f do not want th,- public to get the liiiprcx hloii that the police have men of bin character to work up cumoh for them,” ONE ON THE COLONEL The Colonel—A caution report hua b< i-n heard an far aa IGO mllea. The General And could yon 10-nr It wlille you were running, ColonelT — Pick-Me-Up. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS (INCLUDING IQp WORKING MEN’S SHIRTS SPECIAL Negligee Shirts, all new clean goods—good pat terns. Everyone of these shirts is a perfect gar ment, made well and bound to fit well. Come and help yourself while the assortment is large. Workingmen’s Shirts, good heavy quality, in dark blue, collars attached. A good strong shirt in till sizes choice for Working or for ia _ Sunday, each T’VC AUCTION I will sc 11 at Auction tomorrow, a handsome Lippirieott Soda Fountain, Carbonator, Motor, Electric Fans, (’hairs, Tables arid all of Fixtures including brand new Refrigerators, Counters, Shelving and Show Cases, Groceries and Table Delicacies, in part, or in whole at, auction at cor ner of Kolloek and Broad Streets. Hollingsworth’s Broadway Store Messrs. Hollingsworth have decided to dis continue business at this stand and I am to dispose of everything at auction, beginning at 2 o’clock. He sure to attend. Remember the hour and place. F. W. COFFIN, Auctioneer. PAGE THREE UNDERWEAR Ladies’ Gauze ribbed Vests, taped neck and arms, Qp Regular value 0” Ladies’ Gauze ribbed, lace trimmed umbrella IQp pants, regular 25c . .'du Ladies’ mercerized Swiss ribbed Vests, silk taped neck and arms, OCp 35c value, at *3“ Ladies’ Gauze rihbedOlp Vests, 5c value, at Amiiacmnnts THE GRAND Geo. M. Cohan's Successful Musics! Play, “45 MINUTEB FROM BROADWAY.” And Scotch Welsh as Kid Burns. Ssats now sailing. Prlcss 50c, 75c, SI.OO, *I.BO. !N«xt MONDAY NIOHT