The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 11, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 AMERICAN LEAGUE Tiger« 6, White Sox 5. I^gTROIT —Crawford s Triple, follw inK adoublo by Scheafer, tied the score Thursday in the ninth and drove sVbite jrut ot' the game. Hits by D. Jones, and Schmidt gave it to Detroit At the tenth. White was hit hard all the a ay, while passes cost Donovan a majority if the runs scored off him. F. Jones’ batting was the feature. Score by innings: R H. K. Detroit. . . .301 000 001 I—6 14 3 Chicago. . . 030 100 100 00—5 11 1 Batteries: Donovan and Thomas, White, Walsh and Sullivan. Time. 2:20. Umpires, O’Loughlin and Hurst. CLEVELAND —Cleveland defeated St Louis again Thursday by 5 to 2. Cleveland won in the eight on hits by Perrtng, Goode, Hinchman and and Stephens' error. Berger pitched a strong game. Score by innings: R. H. 13. Cleveland . .. .100 000 04x—5 9 0 St. Louis. . . .100 001 000—2 7 2 Batteries; Berger and Bemis, Powell and Stephens. Time, 1:40; Umpires, Sheridan and Egan. Red Sox7, Senators 1. WASHINGTON —Boston wound up its season here Thursday with a vie tory, defeating Washington handily. 7 to "l. Bttrchel was a great puzzle while Keeley was hit hard and given poor support. Score by innings: R. H. E. Washington. . .000 000 nm—i a 3 Boston 133 002 *3o—7 11 0 Batteries: Keeley and Street and Kahoe; Burchell and Donohue Time 1.30. Umpire Connolly. It Can't Be Beat. The best of all teachers Is experi ence. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: "I And Elec tric Bitters does all that's claimed for It, For Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles it can't be beat. I have tried it and fine it a most excellent medi cine." Mr. Harden is right; it's the best of ail medicines also for weak ness, lame back and all run down con ditions. Best too for chills and ma laria. Sold under guarantee at all druggists. 50c. Augusta Paint & Wall Paper Co 307 Mclntosh, Corner Ellis. Large assortment of Wall Paper and large force to do prompt work. All kinds of painting— House and Sign—a Spec ialty. Old Furniture Re paired and Renovated. Estimates Furnished on Application. : : ’PHONE 2254 Columbia Bicycles YOU GET BETTER VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU BUY A COLUMBIA. Price, $40.00 BOWENBROS. 908 Broad Street. PHONE 55. Most Expert Tailoring Light wright materials strirtly for summer days or tho medium weights for more general use —All styles are here. Handsomely tailored by UNION MEN. A trial order will make you a permanent cus . tomer. . . . Howe ®> Co. Harison Building. NATIONAL LEAGUE Phillies 8, Doves 2. BOSTON. —Philadelphia easily won the deciding game of the series with Boston, 8 to 2, Thursday, batting Lind aman and Dorner hard. Score: R H E Philadelphia. . .400 100 012—8 15 2 Boston 002 000 000—2 6 2 McQulllen. Corrtdon and Dooin; Lindaman. Dorner and Bowerman. Time, 1.49. Umpire, Klem. Cubs 7, Cardinals 2. ST LOUlS.—Chicago defeated St. Louis Thursday afternoon in the first game of the series, 7 to 2. Brown was effective all the way through. Bald win was batted out in the second in ning and Beebe was hit freely. Score: R H E St. Louis. . . .000 001 001—2 6 2 Chicago 131 010 100—7 11 1 Baldwin, Beebe and Bliss: Brown and Kling. Time, 1.32. Umpire, O uay. , Reds 3, Pirates 1. PITTSBURG.—Spade allowed Pitts burg but three hits Thursday, and Cincinnati won by a score of 3 to 1. Willis pitched a good game. Mana ger Clarke was put off the field in the second inning for arguing with Umpire Rigler. Score: R H E Pittsburg. . . .000 000 001—1 3 1 Cincinnati. . . .100 000 020—3 6 1 Willis, Vail and Gibson; Spade and McLean. Time, 1.45. Umpire, Rigler. Giants 6, Dodgers 5. BROOKLYN.—New York made ,it three straight over the Brooklyns by winning Thursday’s game, 6 to 5. The local men opened with a run in each of the first two Innings, but the visi tors piled up five runs in the fourth, fifth and sixth. When Brooklyn had two runs in and men on bases with none out in the seventh, McGraw benched McGin nity and substituted Taylor, but the home team tied the score. In the meantime Holmes had replaced Pas •torious, but he was soon relieved by Rucker. He gave Bresnahan a base on bails, Donlin bunted safely, Sey mour sacrificed, sending Bresnahan to third and the latter scored the win ning tally on McCormick’s single. Score: R H E New York. . . .000 131 010—6 10 3 Brooklyn. . . .110 000 300—5 9 1 McGinnity, Taylor and Bresnahan; Pastorious, Holmes, Rucker and Ma loney. Time, 2.05. Umpires, John stone and Rmslie M. SHERON & CO. The store of quality. In the breadth and variety of its new fall candies, with its fair prices, with its improved store service, with a wealth of new goods to select from, M. Sheron & Company emphasizes more strongly in its splendid preparedness for fall that it is becoming more and more each season a store that Augusta could not well do without, as every one loves Sheron's candy. Try our fresh cream stick for Saturday. ♦ • ♦ STANDING OF CLUBS ♦ ♦ ♦ Southern League. Won. Lost, P. CL New Orleans 70 54 .563 Memphis 70 56 ,506 Nashville G 8 55 .553 Montgomery 66 58 .532 Mobile 62 63 .496 Little Rock 61 69 .469 Atlanta 57 68 .456 Birmingham 48 79 .378 National League. Won. Lost P. Ct New York 79 46 .632 Pittsburg 80 49 .621 Chicago 80 51 .611 Philadelphia 68 56 .549 Cincinnati 62 68 .177 Boston 55 74 .426 Brooklyn 44 83 .347 St. Louis 44 84 .341 American League. Won. Lost. P. Ct. Detroit 75 52 .590 Chicago 72 57 .558 St. Louis 71 57 .555 Cleveland 71 59 .546 Philadelphia 62 64 492 Boston 63 66 .489 Washington 55 69 .163 New York 11 86 .322 SOUTHERN LEAGUE At Atlanta— Seor- by innings: R. H. E. Atlanta . . . .000 000 002 1 3 5 1 New Orleans .000 100 010 2 4 8 1 Batteries, Maxwell and McM’X.iv; Britenstein and Stratton. Time, 2 hours. Umpires, Brown and Carpen ter. At Birmingham. Ala.— FIRST GAME. Score by Innings: R, H R Birmingham 001 000 o—l 1 0 Memphis 000 020 0— 2 5 1 Batteries, Robertaille ami Meek and Raub; Schwenck and Owens. Time, 1:30. Umpire, Fitzsimmons. SECOND GAME. Score by innings; R. H. E. Birmingham .. ..000 010 o—l 6 0 Memphis .. ..010 000 I 5 6 1 Batteries, Bauer, Robinson and Raub; Schwenck and Owens. Time, 1:35. Umpire, Fitzsimmons. (Seven Innings by agreement.) At Nashville— Score by innings: R. H. E. NauhviUe . . . .000 001 OOx—l 10 1 Little Rock . .000 000 000- U 0 0 Batteries, Duggan and Seabaugh: Buchanan and Wood. Time, 1:29. Umpires, Moran and Wheeler. MRS. ANNIE JOHNSON SAID TO BE IN NEED Case Reported to Associat ed Charities Will lie In vestigated and Help Given if Deserving. A nole was brought to the Herald office, Tuesday saying that Mrs. An nle Johnson, her sister and two cht! dren, living al no. 11K Ureggtown, were suffering as they have had 11.1 food since Tuesday and are without clothes. A Herald representative called up up the Associated Charities and re ported the case. The man who an swered the ’phone asked him to wait a minute and he would find out if it was true that these people were suf fering. He came back to the ’nhotie and said: "These people were given food on the 31st of August and on the Ist of September, and yesterday they came to the uptown station and want <4l more. The officer in charge put them off until one of the assistants could be detailed to go and investi gate thi- case." When told that a child was sent for the food yesterday, he said: “We don’t think it a good thing for chil dren to come to the station and ask for food. So we are therefore doul ing direct with the grown people. I will see that they get proper atten tion ” Catcher Street 5 CSTp jjl'L 4 (SAIL THROWN l| non top ot jiowurre/VT by tWui . f THE ITT PACT ■Mim ■. agawst catoh/es HIT IT EXT/HA TBD Wifejm at zoo pouhds. VELOCITY AT LAST [XECOHO 11>S ET Catcher Street, of Wash ington American Baseball Club, shown in the bottom of this picture preformed the feat of catching a base ball thrown from the top of the Washington Motin ment, a distance of 550 feet. VER SOON "Ths footbslllst* will now tackle snmmer.” 'Jn that r**p, wo in *y expect to so® snmmor» backbone break." Kaunas City Journal. THE AUGUSTA HERAI.U. THE FINISH OF MATTHEWSON’S WIND-UP • > %■: '. L - V » r N V 'V'*.- ’ ‘ . V .fit Christy Matthcwson, premier twirler of the New York Giants, in the attitude He Assumed Just before sailing one of his fatle-away curves over the home Plate. PAPKE AND KETGMELL ARE MATCHED TO FIGHT AGAIN SAN FRANCISCO—BiIIy Papke and Stanley Kelchel were matched last night to tight 26 rounds in this city on the night before Thanksgiving. Battling Nelson, the lightweight champion of the world does not ap pear to be inclined to give Paekey McFarland a battle in the near future, according to statements made here to day. Nplsoii said: "Let McFarland get some class and I will fight him ” It. is likely Nelson will go east for a while before going 011 the stage. He says he will tight no more black men. Gnus says ho will give up the hos ing game and will take charge of his hotel In Baltimore. 4k -a v'VB'ZtMML WMI j \ IDantel Webster. DESCENDED from a stern unbending race of Puritan Pioneer* and Indian fighters, this colossal personality (“ With eye* of power and Jove's own brow”) was born in the village of Franklin, N. J.,’where Ids father kept a roadside tavern, and where his intellectual development began. The principles of “ Liberty and Union, now and forever, on* and inaepar able,” so eloquently enunciated by him, in after ybars nerved the arm of Lincoln, flashed from the blades of Sheridan, and glinted from the bayonets of Grant And some of his most memorable orations were delivered in taverns and at public banquets, where the delicious juices of the barley fields gurgled cool and invitingly from a thousand bottles; filled every bumper glass, and delighted his own palate; developing within him, force and energy, intellect, eloquence, mind and souL ItEEEKENCEB: Biography Hwiry Cabot Isalm-, page 340. Private Corrcßpoudaute—Llttl*, flrowu A Co., 178, 170, IM, 214. Budweiser The Natural Drink of America A pure and wholesome product of barley fields and hop gardens. LUPIJI.IM, which has created a stir in the medical world because of its great I onic properties for stomach disorders, is found in the highest and most effective form in Saazer Hops, grown in the Province of Saar., Bohemia. Ihe Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, St. Louis, U. S. A., imports more of these hops than all other brewers in the United States. More Budweiser is drank in American homes than all other beers. THE KING OF ALL BOTTLED BEERS Bottled Only at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery St. Louis, U. S. A. CORKED OR WITH CROWN CAPS West End Local News Mrs. .1 f'RHo Lycbrnml h it Thurmla.v for Columbili counts to vlwll Mis. Wheeler. A very enjoyable and satiHfnrtnry meeting was reported from (irogg town Thursday nlKht. Mrs. Harrington and gr&nddmtgh tor Florence left today for Now Hampshire. The ladies’ prayer meeting yester day afternoon, conducted by Mrs. jdlenn Mills, held at St Luke church Diet with trreat success. Mrs. Walter Crouch of Hicks street lls very sick, to the regret of hot* I many friends. ssa a, 7 //, /f+J jft' ff, '^JKA r r^Vk'X- I The Kpworth League will hold lls | devotional service tonight at H o'clock !at the church. The friends of Mr. Churlie Posy of West Kurt will he glad to learn thn' h(» is Improving TAKING NO CHANCES Prospective Ileal Man (lot the marriage license yet? Prospective Bridegroom No; I'm not going to get. that until the las* tiling She may go hack on me - Chicago 1 rlbune Starving to death ran make a wom an happy If she is doing it to show i her faith In Homebody. OrSwi Prnm.ll, PIII.J b y } W KEJ J.Y a CO.. Ck.lUr.rn.,.. Tm> CONSUMERS BEEN BOTTIJNCi ESTAHI JSHMENT h Ck.rlmUn, S C 8h JOSEPH ZAPF CO.. Jukun.rn., fu. PAGE FIVE Last Chance T V B E E SUNDAY SL7S = V I A —s= CENTRAL -OF GEORGIA RAILWAY THIS IS THE LAST Sunday