The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 11, 1908, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 THE “UTOPIA” ACCIDENT POLICY Mr. Carr had a $4,000 policy taken out Nov. 3rd, 1906. Our policy paid double benefits on account of burning building, making SB,OOO and increased 10 per cent when it was renewed on Nov. 3rd, 1907, making SB,BOO, in addition to which we returned every dollar of premium paid by Mr. Carr since the policy was t'irsl taken out, a grand total of $8,848.00. Mr. Carr’s Insurance did not cost him a cent. John L. Armstrong, General Agent PHONE 698 No. 5 LIBRARY BUILDING JACKSON STREET AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. BIGNEY'S HIGH DIVE AT AIR DOME THURSDAY The dive of Prof. Bigney, the cham pion high Uivaer of the world, from the top of a (15-foot ladder into a shallow fault of water at the Air- Domu last night, was one of the pret ties- vor seen here. He has been it:-, irg for 20 years from the highest bridges in this country and Europe and has numerous medals won in dif fe-cnt contests. He will give anoth er exhibition of high diving tonight at B o’clock. Parrish and Delate put on their Western act. which made a decided hit. Titov sing several new songs, finishing with Oscaloosa-1.00, dressed in Indian costume. Billy l.acelle, who is doing a burlesque on the sheath gown fpr the balance of the week, was wel! received. His song. ’ T".ldy and the Nigger." composed 1 v himself, caught on with the audi ence from the start. Bryan's speech es y ill ho continued the balance of the weei.. his subject Saturday being ‘The Eight-Hour Day.” Another good bill has been booked for next week. REVIVAL SERVICES AT ST. LUKE’S SUNDAY Revival services will start at St. l.uke’s church next Sunday continu ing through the week. Rev. R M. Dixon will conduct the services unas sisted. SATISFACTION. "1 suppose you are proud of the ascent you made in your new air ship?" "Oh. no." answered the inventor. "I don’t attach so much importance to the ascent. But I am rather proud of the way in which 1 got back ,o earth." DIARRHOEA Th«r» ia no need of anyone suffer ing long with this disease, for to effect s quick cure it is only neces sary to take a few doses of Cbambarlain’s Colic, Cholera and Remedy la feet, la moat cases one does is sufficsent. It never fails end can he ratted upon In the moat severe end dangerous cases. ’ . squatty val uable for chtldrea and is the mesne of saving tbe lives of many children each year. In ths world’s history no medicine has ever met with greeter success. PRICE 26c. LARfiE SIZE 60«. Of the General Accident .Company is all That Its Name Implies -J look at the protection it - ML GAN OF SARDINES BROUGHT TWO NEARJEATH Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Philpot Victims of Ptomaine Poisoning Lives Saved by Prompt Medical \ Action. Mr T. G. Philpot, president of the! Augusta Builders' Supply company, ; : and vic e president and general mana ger of the Industrial Lumber com pany, narrowly missed death last j night as the result of ptomaine pole - ontng brought on by sating sardines. Mrs. Philpot was in equally as serl | ou* condition as Mr. Philpot. At lunch yesterday Mr. PhLpot de j Hded it would be a good thing to examine into the delectable assort | ment of food he purchased during the Hood, and among the edibles he. found a box of sardines which he proceed ed to open. Both Mr. and Mrs. Phil (pot partook of the sardines and both | later felt the effects of the food in a i very painful way. Mr. Philpot was taken 111 at the • Elks’ club shortly after 3 o’clock, an.l ! was driven home in a cab. Arriving I there he was met by his wife, hardly able to srand up. and Dr W. A. Mui herin was summoned. Fortunately he was at home and came without de. lay probably saving the lives of his I patients by prompt action. For some ! time it was doubtful if they could recover, but this morning both are ! doing well and will probably be up | Saturday. , Fortunately little Tom Philpot. their five-year-old son. only tasted the sardines, and consequently he did not get sick. Mr. and Mrs. Philpot are well known in Savannah, where they cam-- from to Augusta about five years ago. Since that time they have made nil- j inerous friends in Augusta, and Mr.' Phtlpot la now recognized as one of the most enterprising business men of the city. Their home is at. 1237 Ellis street. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WILL MEET TONIGHT The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Patrick Walsh Council of the i Knights of Cohjmbua will be held ! l at their rooms tonight at *.30. Re port of the delegate* to the National convention will be made, and busi ness mattera discussed. i (&mrral Arribrnt Jirr anb £tfr Aruutrattrr (Eorporatimt. £tb. > I OF PERTH. SCOTLAND 1 > UNITED STATES OFFICES. 400 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA PA j | $8,848.00 Sepleabeg 7th 190A] fit si?!?* pay to tt?e order of Nellie .OL'Connor Carr,. Bonof Ic lary 1 I -Tight thousand, SLight hundred and Torty eight:: & 00/ioo- - - Dollars ( i ip foil for all claims oi)der policy fto __ 1.4.7658- 017 actooQt of ipjory 1 j or illness soffered 017 or prior to tl?i6 date to Henry > (Ho (Smnil ArrUtfnt Wirt anti Ctfr Asauranrr (Corporation. LtiV ) J } . I If FRANKLIN J. MOORE, uniteo STATtS manager ( //v/T X-' i } 400 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. PA > / ' ’/ ' Vy „ 1 \ Augusta, <la., Sept. Till. 1908 Mr. Franklin J. Moore, United States Manager, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir; I wish to express to you and your company my heart ,\ appro ciation of the very prompt and satisfactory manner in which you settled the Accident. Policy of my laic brother Mr. Henry E. Carr, of this city. He having received a< your hands double the amount of the face of his policy with ten per cent additional and all prom iums having been paid by him to your company. Making a total on a Four thousand dollar policy of Rightly eight hundred and forty eight dollars received by his widow. Yours Very Truly, Chas. I). Carr. * RED CROSS SENDS IIRUNDREO TO_FUND Newly Organized Branch of National Aaaociation Gets Sum of Money to Distribute Among Flood Sufferers. A few days ago there was organized in this city a local branch of the Na tional Red Cross society, with the fol lowing membres: Mrs. W. W. Bat tey, of the Daughters of Isabella; Mrs. David Nachmann, of the Hebrew La dies' Aid Society; Miss Louise Big gar, trained nurse; Mrs. B. F. Brown, president City Union King's Daugh ters; Miss Mary Cuthbert, president Summerville Circle King's Daughters; Mi** Caroline Brown, Rev. Sherwood G- Whitney, Rector St. Paul's church; Rev. Geo. E. Gullle, pastor second Presbyterian church; Rev. Richard Wilkinson, pastor St. .lames' Meth odist church, and Mr T. 1. Hickman, vic e president Associated Charities. The officers of the society are; Mr T. I. Hickman, chairman, and Miss Caroline 8. Brown, secretary and treasurer Thp National Red Cross Society has sent the local branch the sum of S2OO and a considerable amount of cloth ing, to be distributed in such way as the local branch sees fit to undertake the work. '■Tfo local branch will do this Hfter conferring with the Associ ated Charities, so ss not to overlap any work that has already been un dertaken by this systematic organiza tlon. Teas Special blend mixed tea at Me a lb. Unsurpassed for iced tea 25e will buv one pound of Republic Coffee, positively tbe beat coffee In Georgia tor the price PHONE YOUR ORDERS. E. ;. DORIS Phone M 3 I*o2 May Ave. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. MADELON LOOKER ALLEGES HYPNOSIS iraws.’i Mrs. Mtdelon Looker, of Brooklyn licensed of biga my bas entered a plea, that her second marriage was dne to the hypnotic power of the Rev. W. F. Coburn, a Dutch Reformed Minis ter of Wakefield, New Hampshire. WINNERS AND LOSERS. Opinions differ more or less And praises mingle with rebuke; What one man call* » great success Another vows was just a fluke PERSONAL MENTION Mr K. W. Carroll, superintendent of mails at the Augusta postofflce, is home again. lip left last week to attend the funeral of a relative of Mrs. Carroll's at Jackson. Ga., and found, upon arrival there, that it was necessary for hint to abandon his valsit to the annual convention of supervisory employes of the postal service, held at Louisville, Ky Rev. H. Wharton Lamar, a well known lycetim lecturer, will speak next Monday night ai llophzlhah The subject of his discourse Is not yet announced. NEW (Temporary) PASSENGER SERVICE : BETWEEN —r- AUGUSTA AND THE EAST ■■■■■■j OVER Atlantic Coast Line (Via Yemassee ) Through Pullman Cars without change on following Schedule: (NORTHBOUND) Lv. Augusta 12:30 P. M. Ar. Washington.... 8:4() A. M. Ar. New York 2:45 P. M. See regular Schedule Advertisement for Arrival and Depart ure from other points. L. D. McCULLUM, Commercial Agent , 807 Brood St., Augusta, 6a. The “Utopia” is the most liberal Accident Policy on the market. It has many features not contain ed in any other Accident Policy. * Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, A F. and A. M., of Fredericksburg, Va , has sent out a call to every Masonic lodge In America for contributions to o fund with which will be erected a George Washington Masonic memo rial The Fathe rofHoalnuTA EC F rial. The father of his country was a member of Fredericksburg lodge, of which distinction that organization In very proud, and they propose to make the Memorial Temple a Mecca for Ma sons all over America. Hon Alexander Akerman of Macon, assistant district attorney of the United States court In this district. Is in town today examining titles to the new postofflce lot. opposite Ihn union depot. SlSl The 130th Georgia reports are out and being filed by the leading attor nevH of the rlty. They are of morn than usual Interest, containing seve ral case* that attracted wide atten tion Messrs Ban Warren and W. W Ah holt of Louisville, W. I Wren of Wrens, O. R. Landrum and C. B. La mar of Hephzlbah, and .1. M. Hardy of Blythe wer« among tha visitors in town today. Miss Etta Carswell of HephztbHh passed through the city today on Iter way to Denmark, 8 where aha will assume charge of a large school, at the beginning of the fall s»rm. ( SOUTHBOUND) Lv. New York 9:25 A. M. Lv. Wanhington ... .3:46 P. M. Ar. Augusta 12:4q P. M. PAGE SEVEN