The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 11, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT BDV SCRATCHED Ml AND NOI - ■ " . -• —— Eczema Began When a Tiny Baby and Lasted 7 Years Tore Crusts from Face Till It was Ail Raw- Screamed with Pain and Could not Sleep Though Specialists Failed CUTICURA EFFECTED A WONDERFUL CURE —... "WhfTl m? littl* bo J WM *il cIH an eruption broka out on hi* fac*. 1 took him to a doo* tor and got ointmar.ta and medicine* hut hit fa** kept on getting worae until It got *<> had that no one could kiook at him. His whole fare wa* OtM ofuat and mint have bean very painful. H* m hli d day Hr.-: night until hi* face (sometime* looked like [ * raw plan* of meat \ I waa nearly innan* * with hi* wrap hlng J <224HL day and night. Thon I t**»k him to *ll tb* l»**t *rwv»ali*t« In *kln di*«*a«e* but l hay ooufd not do much for him. R* aoraKlm** *or*am*d with p*in wh*n I put on th* *alv* th*y g*** m*. "When h* was two y«t«r* old tha •raema got on hi* arm* *nd leg* »o that I had to baap them bandaged up and 1 made flora* for hft* hand* *o the nalU oouid not polnon him worw. Wa ootild not get a night‘a alewp in month* and inr huahand and I were ail broken up Then my mother aeked why I did not gire up the dnrtora and try Cutlrura. Ho I got a *at and he fell relieved the flrat time 1 u**d them, the Cutlrura Ointment felt. *o cool. He u*ed to wake up arid a*k for Cull cur a to t>e put on when he itched eo badly that he could not alaap, and he would say, Oh! Murna. that rnakea my aorea feel *o good!' 1 gave the Cutirura Remadlee * g'**d trial and gradually the angina healed all up and now he 1* a* well a* any other chil dren He m now Mown vear* <»)d and the mire ha* la»t*v| iwr. month*. *>< I tbink It will neyer return. I rftn't tell you how glad I am that CHltimira did atloh wonderful work in our o**a and I shall recommend It everywhere lira John O. Klutnpp, *0 Niagara Kr.. Newark. N. J.. Ort 17 and 27 1h07." A §in*i« •*< of r«Mf«ri Hemialk* mnn*' • « rs fWMeup *o*p »(* >, Gl*taM»*t Wm ao-i f v»?*i iwr \. mr Pin* Ir>r per *»•! of #ki • ■ n rt*ki*i < v 'irw *«»id >«h< »h# « ■rr Inst A Oirm Carp *u»* )‘r«M d*a ■r Mallei Kroa. OatMntr* nook oa f-aia IHmum J GLAD FAREWELL. Oh the *oll' non non * over. Now i hi* htJfa furaako t ti< clover And the songbird* have all fluttered from tin* tree The melanrholv Hutuimi Haa crept allly up and caught ’em, And the world grow**!!)! and thought* fill aa can be. No more the ailver apt Inkle Of the aea when* aunlieani* twinkle Nor (ho lofty mountain air will hid it a roam. Wo demand not rhyme, hut reaaon; Wo have paaa«Ml the Mill > aoaaon, Wu'fc hack to aerlou* Induatry hi home! Ho hll aolemnly we’re waiting For iho alnglng and (foliating. And campaign flreworka ach«*dulod for the fall To each orach* ao fateful We will llaton and be grateful That the allly aeaaon'a over once for nil! ' I ' * —AW » ~ NONE FOR HER. (From the Yonker* H tat cam an i 'Pop 'Yea. m> ann " "Whf'tt a peraon* aawa wood It meatia they aay nothing, don’t It?" "Yml mi hoy ' ** Vim do women ever aaw wood?" "No: women believe that aaw tog worn! la a man a work.'* W AWINIINCI! I’loiklm mill ltl|{lv Wnl«r Causes Malaria. Fsvsr and Colds; Avoid thaaa by taking J. <Sr B. TONIC 75 and 50c a Bottle For aala by all Druggist Prepared by il. A 11. Mvillulitu Co., Savannah. Qa - kA S MAKING BOTH ENDS MEET it a good rule to practice all through Ilia It applies to wall paper vary aptly To net AN APPROPRIATE PAPER for your mom aoniatlmas ttiaans a lit lie economy In some other direction As It Is now our tea stock of wall paper la so cheap you needn't count on economy elsewhere Conte In and select what you >ant and we will pa per your room tomorrow H C. Rhoades A Co.. OPERA BUILDING. •Phone Ti 7 Coming Plays CALENDAR Monday, 8»p! 14 "4r. Min ■ ni' From Broadway.” i. -dii«,d»y. 1(! The Bl* N. V MU. The Wolf " ► rhutaday Uluht Devil Auc i lion. ’ "Forty Five Minute* From Broadway." The ac.enea in George M Cohan'* new music drama, "Forty-Five Min ute* From Broadway," which Cohan & Harnn will present «t the Grand on next Monday night with Hco ? Welch an the mom. important priori pal, are all laid In Now Rochelle, a popular mihurhan irealdentla! city Jim forty five minute* from Broadway by the New York Central railroad Thl* piece Ih a novelty. It po**e*H«»H a mi) alcal comedy, a dramatic and an tin usually atrong heart Intercut, and will prove a great atirprlae to everyone who wltneaften the flrat performance. Heata now Helling at the box office Price* 50c to lI.BQ. "Th* Wolf." The remarkable feature of play wright Fugene Walter’* great aucceaa with hi* latest play. "Thu Wolf," i* that it Ih a melodrama not the dyna mite article In which the gallery godM delight, but a real, human, llfe-llk* reflex of real people though Ht HI a melodrama. Broadway ha* never been Inclined to accept work* of the mel > dramatic variety, but "The Wolf" compelled their attention by pure dramatic and literary worth, and be fore they knew It, the Bwndwayite* were, figuratively, on the baeka c*f the chalrH engrossed in It m absorbing Hcenev Thin gnat huocchh. now on Its first tour after its metropolitan run, will ba th(- attraction at the Grand on next Wednesday night Heat* on sale next Mondav morning at the box office. Brice* 25c to $1 50. “Devil's Auction." A critic on a western newspaper in hi* write-up after he had seen the " 1 >evl l'm Auction" had this to say among other good things: "There was a peach of n young woman in tlx* tin kihKi'd choruH at th'* theatre lani night where the "Eveiia*tfng tHtyU's Atic tlon" gave a show. Rhe |* tall and divinely fair, with a stunning figure that I* exqulnite In a pair of lavender tlght» She Ih a dream of beauty, with laughing eyes, a hiiillc that never come* off. the curve* that would charm the gods, but. some night those tight* (for she |* packed into them) may rip or burst and then, \ c gods! At the (Hand Thtmnlav n**t Mat* I nee price*. 75c. 50c and 25c Viscount Wolseley k HynA Viscount Wolarley, n fitiuoua English soldier, who hits jttat been compell t'tl to soil his household furniture on Account of his iiupeeuuious condition, j HE MAD BEEN. An Italian Went to the eirtl nervier ; commissioner s rooms to he evnmtned } for a laborer's |a»*ltton Me answered j moat of the iptestlnna correctly Kin ally they ased him If he had been | naturalized ll<; -.oemed to be i bit j puttied, but at Inst hi - face llalitcd up "Ah, I know whatn you mean Scratch* de a nun h> bista week ” i Araonaut The Remedy That Does. "Mr Kings New Discovery Is the remedy that doc* the heallna other* promise but fall to perform says Mrs K It Pierson of Auburn Centre. PA" It I* curing me of throat and lutia tryuibte ot long atauduut that other treatments relieved only tem porarily New Discovery is doing me so much giant thst I feel roulbleut Its eontlnued use for a reasonable length of tlnu will restore me to perfect “ This renowned cough and cold reined' and throat and lung heal er la sold at all druggist* Sec mil ft 0" Trial bottle frm NOT 9ERIOUB. "Mere, you." **UI th, Bight editor "Just rhatig, this headline over King l.e<>in>td You say he Is aertoush 111 ' ” ".Veil. he Is. Isn't he*" Not lu this great moral dailv la*o (•old Is one of the few men who could m>f be awrlously ill**— Philadelphia Ledger. How About Your Dininq Room? If You Sustained Any Damage by the High Water, Your Dining Room Furniture, iVlost Likely, Was Damaged Worst. If You Had Elegant Furniture, You Will Find It Almost Impossible to Have It Repaired, Satisfactorily. If You Had the Cheap Kind, It Is Not Worth Repairing. In Either Case, You Will Find It More Satisfactory and Cheaper, in tlie End, to Replace It With New Goods. Fortunately, We Had An Enor mous Stock of Dining Room Furniture, None of Which Was Exposed to the High Water. Come, Now, and Select What You Need and We Will Store for Future De livery. We Have Complete Suites as Cheap as $65 Up to $750, Besides a Complete Assortment of All Odd Pieces, Inspect Them and Be Satisfied ™ *■ -< •' YOUR MONEVjS^wdtyCH-- WANTED A CORK AND BOTTLE. A certain John Simmon* had been a 20--year abstainer, but fell from the way* of gr*ce and worshiped th<> vin ouk god with all the fervor of a con vert. Feeling the i -Ad of recuperation, he *ent hi* hoy to an adjacent hos telry for a boPV of whiskey. But," cried the hotel proprietor, "who's it for?” For my father," raid the boy. I WAN! 10 TAKE A TRIP TO HACKENSACK. T PERHAPS [AH UNUSUALLY DENSE,- JTO FIND OUT WHAT I WANT WILL TAKE A WEEKd WHAT RAIN WILL TALE ME THERE ANP BRING ME TO ME THIS TABLE’S QUITE DEVOID OF SENSE 1 i 1 WONDER WHY THEY WROTE THISTPING IN GREER] ' - —xßackJJ — — : - T 1 I'm vert pond of puzzles as a rule, || perhaps’ it was intended to be read Railroad trains are runnihg to and fro,- «1 tsa~ TIT TRE AUGUSTA HERALD ‘'Nonsense. Your father is a total abstainer and has been to ray knowt for longer years than you've lived." "Well, at all events, he sent me for It." “What does he want It for?" "To let you Into a secret," said the boy. ashamed to teli the truth, ‘he's going tlshlng, and he wants the cork to use for a lloat.” —Philadelphia In iptirer. RHYMO, THE MONK NINE HUNDRED LEFT. The Rice & O’Connor Shoe com pany will still continue its sale of shoes damaged in the Hood when the Two States went down with its en tire cargo. The sale has been a trem endous one and of the two thousand pairs originally offered but nine hun dred are left. These will be display ed on the street counter in from _ of the two stores until all are sold.- OH PIFFLE! The sale will last a few days long er. Read the ad in to'day's Herald. DIPLOMACY. Tom (6 a. m. in barrack-room) Have you seen niv boots. Bill? Bill—No. What makes you think I've seen ’em? Tom —Well, I heard you singing last night, and I thought some one pjnight have shot ’em at you.—Pear t-son's Weekly. •Copyrtrht, I*OU t*y American-Jourw* FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER \1 Best the World Affords. “It gives me unbounded pleasurs to recommend Bucklen's Arnica Salve" says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. “I am convinced it's the best salve the world aflords. It cur ed a felon on my tnumb, and it never fails to heal every sore, burn or wound to which it is applied 25c at all druggists.