The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 12, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX WANTS Read To-Day Herald Wants The woman who never reads ad vertisements probably patronizes (lie merchant who never advertises -if there in such a woman and aurh a tnerehant. If yon don't want It badly enough to ad vert Iw> for it —then quit thinking about It all! Every day In thl* elty Homebody buy* Home property. Nine tlrneH out of ten the tranaaetlon In Influenced, If not wholly brought, about, through newapaper advertlalng Sometimes a man will expert a want ad to finish a tBHk In a day which has baffled him for six montba and the funny thing about It is that tho want id. will often do It! The man who noted the curious co incidence that nearly all big cities happened to be located on rivers, la apt, Horn,, of these days, to uncover the fact that all big stores happen to be big advertisers. "The answers'' to a good manv quest lons affecting your daily life and comfort and prosperity are to be found In classified ads. WANTED HELP Male PAINTKRH: WANTED HIX GOOD painters Apply Creasman & WII son, 600 llarlson Building sl.lp WANTED RAILWAY HAIL CLERKS Post office clerks, carriers, f 1, 100.00 yearly. Examinations here November 'Blh Preparation free, Franklin In stltute, Rochester. N. Y Oct #p WANTED HELP Female HOrHKKKKIT.It GOOD UKLIAItI.K white woman wanltd for general housekeeper will he given comfort able home. Apply It It B car* Her ald. sl4c W ANTED situation Male WANTED WORK OK ANY KIND by good, honest, hard working young man. Apply Worker, care Tho Herald. sllx COLLECTOR A YOUNG MAN HE sires position as furniture collector or salesman. Apply 117 Kirs! Ht., tireggtown. 812 x DRIVER A COLORED MAN DE sires position as driver or butler. Address Louis Roberts, lot# Watkins street ’ sl4x lIOY PERMANENT POSITION wauled by while boy t 4 years old; can furnish boat of reference W., utfi" The Herald WANTED SITUATION. Female. CHAMBERMAID A YOUNG COL ored woman, who enu furnish ref erenecs. desires position ss chamber maid. Address Essie McKle, 771 Gwinnett St. sHx. WANTED Boarders. BOARDERS TWO GENTLEMEN' nmrrti'ri couple to occupy cl«* Knut front rowin Nice tucnln. A|> ply 1041 111*0114 sited. 1130 WANTED Rooms ROOMS A COUPLE WITHOUT children desire two or three unfur nished rooms, residence section. Ad drass T. T. T.. euro The Herald al4|< ROOMS: A COUPLE WITHOUT children desires two furnished rooms and bath, centrally located; price no object. Address B P K.. car* The Herald. at3c LOST AND FOUND. LOST COLLIE \ COLLIE DOG; light tan color; sheared except head and tall. Answers to name of Fox Liberal reward If returned to No. 1036 Campbell 8L Hl2c RTHAYBD. HOKSK THIS MORNING one im horse; bail collar and bridle on whan last seen. Hat urn to Thomas a' Barton Co. atSo togT. IMS LOST IN CENTRAL part of city a round gold button altapod pin; monogram "W It M” Howard If returned to No 411 Waah tngton H FOR RENT Real Estate. OFTICR CORNER OF Al<l KV HKAR of Qworgla llallroad Bank from October lat Rant 1200. Apply Boor gta Rallrr>ad Bank atttf IIOCSK AN KLBQANT NEW hou*„ In North Auguata, West avo nuo. noar Hamilton Terror, two bath* amt all modern Improvements See It and you will rent It Apply H 0. Wall. 917 Broad St. SlOtf FOR SALE Real Estate an IDEAL HOME IT WILL DOl’ Ma in value In ten 'oar*; atop pay |Bg rent: also 36 aero* fine land at (Im.'wood Apply to 0 T. Schmidt. 4». vv.k.t St al6c DWELLING FIVE ROOM DUEL ling and «tore houae In po-1 oondt Hon lxit 75*2(W. on Georgia Avenue North Auguata Apply to K It Au» tin, on premia** Slip YES; Sometimes a Want Ad. Reduces a Long Task to a Short One. In The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge FOR SALE - Miscellaneous IRON HAKE AND DESK CHAIR FOR attic. Apply K. Phlnlzy A Co. bl3c FOR SALK: HACK CORO DRY pluo wood, delivered. for $1.60. Hustle swings (3.00 and Rocking ( hairs $1 60 each. Some fine Coium blan Wyandottes, 8. L. Wyandottes, l.tghi Brahmas and White Rocks at special close out prices. Eggs for hatching, ail Breeds Belvldere Poul try Farm, Phone 1184, Augusta, Ga AUTOMOBILE: GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower sngine; can be seen at White's garrsge; big bargain for quick buyer. Apply at once, Herald office. ts HIGH WATER RUN US FROM NO. K Library Row, but we are where It will not touch us next time; No. 612 Leonard Building The Smith premier Typewriter Co., Bias C. Bub ler, Manager. 818 c OFFICE FURNITURE: ONE FLAT top desk; two desk chairs; two disk stools. Apply 23 McCartan St. allx WRAPPING PAPciR: OLD NKWB - for wrapping purposes. Ap ply ut Herald office. Jltitf SMITH PREMIER NO. 2 FOR SALE. In good condition; will Hell at a bargain, flood put me out of business, but I saved the typewriter Address "Flood Victim," care Herald. 813 c WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald Office. Jl6tf ENGINE; GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlas engine, practically new, for sale at a bargain. Addreas Engine, cure Herald. NO 7 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER "for sale.'' Must he sold quick; go Ing to leave city and must sell before going Address "P, D. Q.,” 23, care Herald. 813 c DISINFECTANTS CRROLEUM. 60c PT. PROHYLAC tic Fluid 60c. Croolln 10c, 25c, 60c and S 1 00 bottle. Platta Chlorides 50c. Chloride Lima PARR'U PHARMACY 51# Broad Htraot Phone 369 IRON HAKE FOR SALE ONE small Iron safe, one (walnut finish) standing desk and one roller top desk. Apply 127 Seventh Ht. 812 p FOR RALE: SCHOOL BOOKS, NEW and old bought and sold Dellqueat'a New ami Old Bookshop, 215 Seventh Bt S3oc FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stock mammoth aaoivza Ttnuorrs;l Tmi.ose Oeeae, Muarovey Buck*; i Barred P'vmouth Rick*; all farm ralHxd, beu.tby and front first-class .tin k Prices reasonable. Address llowdre Phlnlsy, Jrovotown, Ga. ts BUFF ORPINGTONS- A FEW ynuug cockrela lor Hale. From the original faiuoua Cook strain. Bowdre j I’hlnliy, SELLING OUT MY WHITE WYAN j dotlea, pair. 3 and 4 dollars; trine. 4 5(1 ami 6 dollars Some fine hint, i for the money. W. K Wall, Vauciu.e | 8. C. (Me FOR SALE Horses, Mules, Livestock, Hamess, Carriages, Etc IF YOU PON T BUY YOUR HORSES and multia front ua. we both lose money Auguata Stork Yards. HKD POLL CATTI.K: A FEW choice hollers and bull calves They | are hardy, clean stock, good milkers and with beef conformation Just the i kind of oattle you like to aec around ; the farm For prices and estimated, | w rite llowdre Phlutiy, Grovetown, Ga Fruits and Vegetables, j IF YOU WANT NOTHING RUT fresh fruit and vegetables, I have them in large quantities; I also give you Hiimeibtng free with every cash purchase. I’houe order, given promp; attention. Call phone 69. Max Mo, MS Broad street at3c Tomatoes. WE ARB SELLING FOR THE next three day* the lie.t two-pound can of tomatoe. for 5c per can. W R June, g Co. Phone 1160 —1250 Broad St »13c Machines Repaired ALL MAKES OF MAUHINr.K HU paired by an expert adjuster. If; your machine was under water better] haie It looked after a; once Singer j Sewing Machine Oo , No. 946 Broad j street. oSc' Damaged by the Freshet. [THE AVOVBT4 TRUNK FACTORY will repair and put In fl-»t Mass or - der, your . iunk» that were damaged ti> the water Telephone them 593, | they will send for your trunks, ei ■mine them and :et vou know cost be \ tore doing 'he work If you prefer nice new trunk, they will take the 1 old one as part payment Qlve them I n rail at Xsl Broad. Wrong Stda of i Street ts Your Lawn Probably needs repairing. To do it quickly, nicely and perman ently use ALIXANDER SEED CO.’S EVERGREEN LAWN GRASS SEEDS This la a correctly proportioned mixture of the finest grasses spec ially adapted to this climate. It will make a beautiful, velvety green, permanent. lawn. Price 30cts per lb , sufficient for "00 square feet. Four lbs., for sl., Box, 15-lbs, $3.50. Special prices in larger quantities. Alexander Seed Co. Careful Seedsmen. 911 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS tho best plastering material for wulls and ceilings. It gives addi tional strength to the building and stays put forever. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, Ga. Jl4tf Warning We make a specialty of opening and repairing Tron Safes. All combination locks should he examined now and save trouble. H. H. Fourcher 572 BROAD SEREET. Mystic Cleanser. MYSTIC CLEANSER; CLEANS CAR pels, rugs, mattlngß, coats, skirts, etc., beautifully. Easily applied One pint, 36e, will clean two ordinary size art squares; quart. 60c. Orders taken for short time at 129-1 Broad St. sl2c Reward FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND feter that Randall's Chill and Fe ver tonic tails to cure. Guaranteed lo cure where others fall No cure no pay. 'Phone 2214—Randall s Phar macy. We deliver to any part of the city. olOc Warning We make a specialty of repairing and cleaning Cash Registers. All combina tions should be examined now and save other trouble. H. I:. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Private School. MISS DOBEYS PRIVATE SCHOOL will open at 432 Telfair street on Monday, September 14th. sl2u Cheap Lumber A LARGE Lor Ob FLOORING, CEIL tng and weHther boarding, all grade*; also a lot or rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-ln boards to 9xlo tramalng. All this stock must be disposed of In next 30 days Addreas Standard Lumber Co., Exposition Ave and 15th St., or K. J O'Connor, 855 Broad St. tt To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING: FROM this date on your piano moved, tuned and cleaned for SSOO The i special prte. of tuning Is $2.50 Call up Robt. .1 Matson, No. 666 Broad St | Phone 1717. Have your piano examin ed all work strictly first class S2oc Typewriters. WE HAVE THE BEST TYPE writer repair shop in Augusta, and as good as to he found In the South. All work guaranteed or money re funded The Smith Premier Type writer Co No M 2 Leonard Bldg.. Au gusta. Ga. Phone No. 2005. St3c • Horse Shoeing. HIGH WATER NEVER TOUCHED tne on horse shoeing. I have one of the heat equipped horse shoeing .hop. In Augusta, and always carry a full line of shoes -forty eight keg. Also use g great many hand-made shoes I lit all the shoes myself and see that they arc put on properly. I solicit your patronage, or a part of It. at least. Three of the best shoers In town. I can shoe forty-five head, four shoes each, per day Shoes one dollar per set and upwards. Monthly shoeing Horse clipping Cltpiier blade. Sharpened L. M Hutto. 722 Kilts street. alJc School Supplies. FRESH GOODS JUST RECEIVED Tablet*, pencils, paper, craon, etc, Teaalcr Pharmacy, 1366 Broad St. SlOtf THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK: I DO ALL kinds of concrete work, such as cement walks, reinforced work. 1 have the latest improved machinery, and an expert foreman, and am pre pared to turn out work for big or ders. Estimates arid specifications furnished. A. H. McDaniel, Augus ta, Ga. J27tf Brighten Up. VARNISH STAINS, THAT WILL make water soaked furniture look ike new. Augusta Builders Supply Co., 643 P.roaiJ St. 'Phone 321. o3c IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing use Protection Brand. This roofing has a six inch lap and driving nails through the lap only and ce menting the over lapping sheet to It that no nails are exposed. It can be laid by any handy man. This roofing Is made asphalt and containing no tar Sold by W. W. Jones, 117 Mcln tosn St., Augusta. Sl6c Southern Cabinet Manu facturing Works, North Augusta. SHOW CASES OVERHAULED. ALL high-class furniture Cabinets of all descriptions made Manufacture of rtair, bank, and office fixtures and all classes of fine oarpenter work. 'Phono No. 714. oils Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASH EVERY BATUR day. Ready at 11 o'clock a. m. 25c quart. Vandiver's Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. J2stf MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 819 Telfair St, Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 50c. alOtf DON’T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM. h. E. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Al2tf Notice to Public. I WISH TO NOTJFY MY CUBTOM ers and friends that on or about Sept 10th. I will move to 549 Broad street (Miss Zlnn’s stand), where I will continue repairing, finishing, up holstering furniture and packing, a specialty. 1 give all work my person al attention. Hammond Anslev, 519 Broad St. sl3p Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 60 cents Phone 112. Alts Verdery Pressing Club. SUCCESSORS TO VERDERY, 313; Mclntosh St., phone 2425. Expert! cleaning, pressing and repairing, hats cleaned and blocked; ladies' suits amt skirts cleaned and pressed. All work guaranteed. J. P. Stephen, Mgr. 313 c ' Drugs. WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN j the drug line, phone 328. We de-1 liver to any part of the city; also a • full line of Buist garden seed. Model Pharmacy. B. F. Matheny, Prop., cor ! ner Broad and Kollock streets. •13c E. M. Deas. MEATS: HAS A FINE SELECT stock of home-raised beef, veal, pork, extra tine lamb, spring lamb, etc E. M. Deas, 313 Jackson street. , Phone 2to. sl3c j —— ■ - Open for Business. NICK ECONOMOS HAS OPENED again with a full line of fruits. ! vegetables, segars. candy. Bananas Hie amt 15c per dozen. Will sell as cheap as any house in town. Am out for buslm ss No. 1202 Broad St. sl3p FISH FISH Fresh from Fisheries Daily. Vegetables, Celery, Fruits. : : : 0. D. FORENCE 1 Phone I(X>7. 44(> Proud St. 1.,— Pickling Goods URKEN PEPPERS 25c PER TECH: green tomatoes 50c per peck; an pie vinegar Juc per gallon; onions 25c per half peck: large white head •'sb- Page 10c and 15c; apiece* and etc. Now Is the best time to do your pick ling Please (he me your order. I. A. Grtmaud. 210 Gumming street. Phone No. 1305 slec wovo. IWOM A WO «TWWX (SHAFTS pulleys jgHSgjl Hell f*ak<n« I 6.ln| UMUfcAJU) CUttMKY.ALWL4TA.UA> A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c LEGAL NOTICES. Providing for the Payment of Pensions to Ex-Confederate Soldiers and the Widows of Ex-Confederate Soldiers. Executive Department, Atlanta, Au&. 24, 1908. A PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency, Hoke Smith, Gover nor of Georgia Whereas, the General Assembly, at its session in 1908, proposed an amendment to the Constitution of this state, as fol lows: Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia, and it is here by enacted by authority of the same, that * paragraph 1, section 1, article » oi the Constitution of this State, be ana the same la hereby amended by adding at the end of said paragraph the fol lowing: To make provision for the payment of pensions of any ex-Cdnfod erate soldier, now resident of this state, who enlisted in the military service ot this state, or who enlisted in the mili tary service of the Confederate States, during the civil war between tlie states of the United States, and who perform ed actual military servioe in the armies of the Confederate states, or the or ganized militia of this state and was honorably discharged therefrom, and to widows, now resident of this state, of ex-Confederats soldiers who enlisted in the military service of the Confederate states, and who performed actual mili tary service in the armies of the Con federate states, or in the organized mili tia of this state, who died in said mili tary service, or was honorably <Ji*«- chared therefrom; provided that no per son shall be entitled to the provisions of this Constitutional amendment, the total value of whose property of every description, Including money and choses in action, shall exceed fifteen hundred dollars, anu providod further that only those widows who were married to suen soidiers or ex-soldiers previous to the year 3 870 shall be entitled to the pro visions of this Constitutional amend rnent. No widow of a soldier killed dur ing the war shall be deprived of her pen sion by reason of having subsequently married another veteran who is dead, unless she receives a pension on account of being the widow of such second hus band.” Now, therefore I, Hoke Smith, Gover nor of said State, do issue this my proc lamation hereby declaring that the fore going proposed amendment to the Con stitution is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voters of the sta‘3 qualified to vote for members, of the General Assembly, at the general elec tlon to bo held on Tuesday, November 3rd, 1908. HOKE SMITH, Governor. By the Governor: PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. STATE OR GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY— To the Sheriff of said County or His Lawful Deputy, Greeting: Gideon S. Jones vs. Mattie L. Jones. ! Libel for divorce. The defendant in the above stated case, Mattie L. Jones, is hereby re quired in person or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of the Richmond Superior Court to be ■ld in and for the county aforesaid, on the 19th day of October, 1908, then and there to answer the plaintiff in action of complaint, as in default ot such appearance the court will pro ceed thereon as to this trial may per tain. Witness the Honorable Henry C. Hammond, Judge ot said court, this 21th day of August, 1908. GEO. B. POURNELLE, Deputy Clerk Sup. Court Richmond! Co., Ga. a 24-29; 85-12 | ST ATE OF~ GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas’ Annie R. Deas, on the! .26th day of June, 1907, made her! promissory note in the principal sum I of five hundred ($500) dollars, pay able to the order of Mamie H. Fos ter three years after date with In terest from date at the rate of eight i per rent per annum; and Whereas, the said Deas executed and delivered unto the said Foster, as provided in section 2771 of the Code of Georgia, a deed conveying t > the said Foster: All those ten lots of land in the ' county and state aforesaid, in the vil lage of Summerville, known and des ignated as lots number eight (8), nine (9). ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12). i thirteen (13), fourteen 414), fifteen (15), sixteen (lti), seventeen (17), on a plan of lots made bv Gordon Gar diner. civil engineer. May 10, 1900. recorded in the clerk's office, superior court, said county in Hook 6 B's, page 555; and. Whereas, default has been made In Mhe payment of the interest and by the term* of said note, said security deed and the bond for title, the said debt has matured by reason of said default. Therefore, by virtue of the author ity contained in said security deed, will be sold before the court house door of said county, on the first Tues day in October. 1908. between the legal hours of sale to the highest bid der for cash, the aforedescrlbed ten lots of land. Terms cash Purchater ,to pay for papers. ANNIE R. DEAS. By Mamie H. Ramsey, formerly Mamie H. Foster, her attorney In | fact. *l2-19-26;03c 1 Capt. E. G. Miller, of llephzibah. is in the city today on business. LEGAL NOTICES. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. To the Sheriff of said County, or His Lawful Deputy, Greeting: Mamie Williams va. C. C. Williams. The defendant In tho above stated case, C. C. Williams, in hereby required in person or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of the Richmond Supe rior Court to be held in and for said County, on the 19th day of October, 1908, then and there to answer the plaintiff in action of complaint, and in default of such appearance the Court will proceed thereon as to this trial may pertain. Witness the Honorable Henry C. Ham mond, Judge'of said Court, this 21st day of August, 1908. WM. DA. WALKER, Clerk of Superior Court. Richmond County, Ga. A 22-29, S 5-12. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Janie Smith has applied for permanent letters of administra tion with will annexed on the estate of Autee V. Smith, late of said coun ty, deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all per sons concerned, to be and appear at the court of ordinary of said county, to be held on the first Monday in Oc tober, A. D. 1908, at 10 o’clock a. m., and show cause, if any they can. why said letters should not be granted. , Witness my official signature this 12th day of September, A. D. 1908. ALEXANDER R. WALTON, sl2-18-25;02 Ordinary R. C. SPECIAL NOTICES TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to notify the public and all whom it may concern that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name, except those personally contracted by me GEORGE H. HOWARD Sept 290 Public School Notice. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE City of Augusta and the Village of Summerville will begin the fall ses sion at Nine o'clock Monday morn ing, Sept 14th. The principals of the various schools will be at their respective buildings from 9 to 12 o'clock of each day during the week for the purpose of enrolling and grading' new pupils. The Normal class for white teach ers will meet at the Tubman High School Friday afternoon, 3tept. 11th, at 4:30 o’clock. LAWTON B. EVANS, Superintendent. Sl3c Augusta, Ga., Sept Sth. 1908. A CALLED MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Georgia Chemi cal Works will be held at Augusta, Ga., on Thursday the 24th day ot September, 190 S, for the purpose of amending the IL-laws. A. SMITH IRVINE. Sepjt 23c Secretary. WATER WORKS NOTICE. Commencing this afternoon tl)p water will bo turned on twice a day, instead of once. From 7:30 to 9 a. m., and from 6:30 to 8 p. m. JOHN P. TWIGGS. Supt. Canal and Water Works Sept. 9 ts t T>'P"P •' TT" TT -IT A TTTVR A TT) *— .... 11 '“** . rn,ff.i.. .»A« ■sos ~ E -~ G-84-5 _ * * * SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 WANTS ! MISS EMMA GARY AT WOODLAWN CHURCH In the next few days, the people of Augusta are to have the opportunity of hearing conditions in one ot the great mission fields discussed by one who has personal knowledge of the facts. Miss Emma Gary, for thirteen years j a missionary to China, is to speak in i ihree of the Methodist churohea of ihe city, during the coming week. The ■Ukaliest Lyceum System, with which she holds a position as lecturer aud under the auspices of #vhich she is soon to go to Oklahoma for a series of lectures, says of her; "Miss Gary is a graduate of Wesleyan oollage, Macon, G:t. She also drd post-graduate work in Massachusetts, and has studied abroad. Gifted with rare mental ability, broad culture, around the-wprld-travels she is preeminently a Lyceum attraction. She hag charmed large audiences In ten or twelve states, both north and Eouth. She was one of the speakers at the great Eetim enical conference in New York City in 1900 and an honored guest at tho Ecumenical conference the following year in London, England. Her lectures bristle with facts, glow with life and I present beautifully finished realistic word pictures." Rev. J. O. Wilson, D. D., president of Lander College, S. C. says: "I have heard the best women speakers of our day, but Miss Emma Gary Is far away and above them all. For ability, grasp of subject and earnest ness of delivery, her addresses on China surpass anything I ever heard trom any man save Dr. Y. J. Al len.” Rev. H. S. Bradley, D.D., Ph.D., former pastor of Trinity church, At lanta, Ga., says: “I have heard many lectures and addresses on missionary subjects, but I never heard one that impressed me as fairer, saner and more reasonable than that delivered by Miss Emma Gary at Trinity church Atlanta, Ga. Surely no one ever gave me such a clear grasp of the situa tion as she.” Still another has said: “Miss Gary is the statesweman of the far east” On Sunday morning, Miss Gary will speak at Asbury Methodist , church, on D’Antignac street,- (Hi | Sunday evening, at Woodlawtt Meth odist church, ou 15th. street; and dur ! ing the first of the week she will be at St Lukes In the revival services, which begin at that churth Sunday morning. The public generally is cordially invited to avail themselves of the privilege to hear this girted i woman. SPECIAL COLLECTION AT ST- PATRICK’S SUNDAY Ther e will be a special collection at St Patrick’s church tomorrow. The property of this well known Augusta congregation was badly damaged by the freshet, the loss in fences alone amounting to a considerable sum. Efforts are being made to get to gether the money necessary to re place them and repair all the damage done by the waters and this oo‘ lec " tion is one of the means used. Every parishioner is urged to contribute lib erally to help the fund along. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. A woman’s missionary conference in session at the Baptist church of Spread. Ga., is attracting a large at tendance. The sessions continue throughout Sunday. Among the visitors and delegates who have gone already from Augusta and Hephzibah are the following: Miss Adel e Verdery, Mrs. J. H. Oli ver Mrs. C. M. Wilkinson, Mrs. U. B. Frost, Mrs. C. E. Miller, Mrs. H. L. Murphey, Mrs. R. E. Jones.