The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1908, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 22

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/IE AUGUSTA HERALD News of the Cotton Crop and Markets AUGUSTA CUTTUN MARKET Middling 9c Tone—Steady New York Cotton Market (SATURDAY’S FIGURES.) January 855 858 851 852 March ... 850 85j) October 880 882 875 882 December 880 868 861 802 (FRIDAY'S FIGURES) Open. High Low. Clone. January 8.57 8.0.7 8.53 8.5! March 8.60 8.00 September 8.76 8.75 October 8,77 8.83 8.71 8.79 December 8.66 8.73 8.63 8.63 Tone Steady. Spotn 9.40. New Orleans Cotton Market (SATURDAY'S FIGUREB ) Open. High. Low. Cloae. January 868 870 865 865 October 875 878 u 72 874 December ... •. 866 86.1 362 866 Tone—Steady. Spout— 9He. (FRIDAY'S FIGURES) Open. High. Low. Close. January ... ..... ... ... ... ...... •• •• 8.68 8.75 8.68 8.72 October 8 74 8.81 8.74 8.80 December 8.67 8.71 8.67 8.68 Tone Steady. Hpota—9l4c. Chicago Grain and Provisions (SATURDAY'S FIGURES ) WHEAT— Open ‘’lone September *-4« 98% December 97% 98 CORN — September 91 si December .. .. .... •• .. 69% 69% OATH September 4954 49% December 50% 50% LAUD— J~ September 1002% 1010 Ortober UM 5 RIBH-- Sept ember >»;n October 952% 962% (FRIDAY'S FIGURES) WHEAT— open. High. Low. Close. September. .. 98% 98% 87% 97% December 97% 98% 97% 97% CORN Beptember 81 81% 80% 80% December „. .. 70 70% 69% 69% OATH September.. ~~...... •« ~ .. 49% 49% 49% 49% December 54% 50% 50% 60% LARD September 9.92% 9.95 990 9.92% October » 87% 9.97% 9 92% 9.97% RIBB - 9.35 9 25 ■'..(> October 9.30 945 9.30 9.42% FULL QUOTATIONS IN THE LOCAL MARKETS (TODAY'S FIGURES.) Ixtw middling 3 3-4 Htlrmt low middling * '* Middling 9c Sllrrt middling 9 1-8 Good middling 9 Low middling .8 13 16 plrlci l>w middling 8 15 id Middling -9 116 Htrlct middling •• •••• •• • '* •* ' r ' Good middling -• &Grt RECEIPTS, SALES AND SHIPMENTS Net receipt* today 1651 Through cottou mday .. .. .. — G|W*s receipt* today 16.«1 SALES FOR THE WEEK. Bale*. Bpln BhptL Bat ... .1669 111 819 Mon . . . . Tun*. . . . —- Wed Tktirt . . ' Fri Tola! . . . , 1669 111 849 RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK. 190* 1907. Bat 1651 '941 Mon, . . . — 1 Tuea .... Wed .... Thura . . —— Frl Total . . 1«31 .’941 STOCKS AND RECEIPTS Block in Augnata, 1908 ..... . .13.718 Stock In Augusta. 1907 15.066 Itec aiuce Sept I, 1908 ~ .... 13,1.1 tjec since Bept l, 1967 .. .. ..26.15- IN SIGHT AND SUPPLY 1906. 194)7. Sight to Bept 11 . 262.542 254,321 During week . 185.931 165.5*8 Visible supply .. .1.6*9.96* 2.1*7.050 ESTIMATES FOR TOMORROW Today, m Last Yr Oalvesion 6853 956016,506 Houston 9.7 k.: 1,1001,500 New Orleans 1.693 PORT RECEIPTS 1907. 190* Galveston ~,.7919 712-* N* w Or cans . ... ..11*1 Mobile 641 451 ftS' annaii 6081 s7*3 Charleston 1277 Wilmington 1526 128 ) Norfolk 1767 S">B Philadelphia - 48 Total ports, est . . 36,000 19471 INTERIOR RECEIPTS Houston 12U>9 Augusta 1651 2941 Memphis 375 Cincinnati . - Little Rock ..... 43 AUGUSTA GRAIN AND PROVISIONS (Always Up to date.' gusta k r >i ln, provision mid produo# nr (OiloWH: D, 8 sides, 45 Hi. »ve., |0 S-4c, it s place, 8 Hi, aw, p ;i l<- r> 8. bellies, 22-lb. uv, , It :i 4c Smoked shoulders, 45 lb. ave., 11 1 2c Smoked Shoulders, SlO lb, 9140. No. I tfltplc hunts, lit lb* ( c Dove brand hain*. II lb* . 15 1 3c. Magnolia bam* 14c rapltol I'lty hams. I Mb, like H. (J. Breakfast bacon I>lHe. Beat white corn lI.OJ. Best mUed corn, $1 00. Ileal whit. o\*. 66e Purina chirk feed. 100 lbs, $2 26. Chicken feed. JO lbs, 95c. Corn chops, 96 lbs, $ 1 80. Iktlrv feed. 100 lb* 11,45. Pure wheat inlddlina*. $1 55. Vi Pure wheat bran. 91 45 Virginia H P peanuts. sc. 32 ib cream cheese. 164 c Best second patent flour $4 85, Standard psten’ Sour. I'. 15. Fancy patent fldur, $5 35. Wooleotts Royal High patent flour, $5 50 Jarboe* Royal high patent flour, $5 65 Rt hemal, highest (latent flour. 15 75 The abotV prices on flour Ills at el 14s cotton, wood 15c more Cotton sheets, ftlll site. 2tC 3-lb new bagging. 74c 3 lb standard pieced bagging. 5 I-2c. 2-lb sugar bag cloth 54r. New arrow lies, JIMh Whole rehundle Mee, 9„4c, Riveted ties, TOc. No. | (ia »J tup. Wbbls . 38. White clover drips, bhls. 10*-. Hold Mine N. O Syrup, bb.s, 2flc. Pure Cuba Molasses bbls. Sic. C. O. Molasses, bbls, 15c. P R molasses, l»c C C, leal laid, 60 lb cans U l-4c Cottoiene. j>er case 10* and tat. $6 25 May Uloaaom K. K, lard, st>-lb can* New York Stock Market (SATURDAY’S FIGURES.) Amalgamafed Copper 78% Am. ('in- and Foundry 30 Am. Car and Foundry pfd .. ..102 Am. Cotton Oil 35 Am. Hide and Leather pfd .. .. 20 Ans Ice Securities 27% Am Linseed 10% m. Locomotive 471^ Am. Locomotive pfd ]|2% Am. Smelting Sc Refining 93 Am Smelting A Refining pfd .. 131% Am Smelting * Refining pfd .102% Ant. Sugar Refining 131% Am. Tobacco pfd .. .. .. . 94% Am Woolen 04 Anaconda Mining Co 47% Atchison < 90% j Atchison pfd 95 Atlantic Coast Line 90 Hal 11 more A- Ohio .'.99% llaltlmore R Ohio pfd 80 Brooklyn Rapid Tranai'. 52 \ Canadian Pacific 173% '’emrat Leather 27% Central Leather pfd , !!r>s Central of New Jersey .. ~208 Chesapeake A- Ohio 43’. t Chicago Great Wi stern 60 Chicago A North Western .. ..163 Chicago, Mil. & St. Raul .. ..142% C, f\, C. & St. Louis 54% Colorado Fuel a- Iron 35 1 ,.. Colorado 37% Colorado &. Southern lat pfd .. 65 Colorado Ai Southern 2nd pfd ..58% Consolidated (las 151% Corn Producth ..18',5 Delaware A Hudson 172% Denver A- Rio Grande 27% Denver A Rio Grande pfd 6« Distillers’ Securities 30% Erie 30 Erie Ist pfd 41% Erie, 2nd pfd 35 General Electric 143 Great Northern pld 137% I Great Northern Ore Ctfs 65% Illinois Central 144% Intel borough Met. pfd 32% International Paper 10 Intern itlonal Pump 24 lowa 1 Central 17 Kansas City Southern 28% 1 NEW ORLEANS HAD A NARROW MARKET Fluctuations Were at a Minimum, Despite Fresh Hurricane Warnings Sent Out by Government. NKW ortI.KANS. LA Cotton spots wm •• <|iiM and uti«*hnnff*4. middling: 9 :t. IH. Kal«'M wpre IMiO hal*** on tho spot and 625 to arrive, showing a Mharp fall iriß off In volume- Colton future* opf*n<*d steady and un rhaug(*«l from last night, Liverpool being tin factor io hold price* to last night * level. The market was very narrow and Hurt nation* almost at the minimum. Al tnought fieah hurricane warning* were posted price* fell off slightly when 11 wa* reported that the rain* had eeanei! tn the Atlantic *ta!e*. The closing wa* iwtrely *i«wdy, unchanged lo three point* under last night. AUGUSTA CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION. Augusta, (Ja.. Sept. 12. 190 F Statement of average* Associated hank* of AugtiKta for iftrcek ending Friday Sept. 11, 1908. Loans 17,2:8,848 Increase 95,262 Capital, surplus ami undivid ed profits .. 2,382,797 Increase 4,964 I’ash and cash Items, ln eluding amount* due by banks 1,636.012 Increase .. .. 239,981 Deposits 6.624,674 increase .. 236,780 RUFUS H. lIHOVVN. Manager. u ;i-4o j Fidelity K R lard, tubs or cans,' Snow Drift llogless lard, 5011) cans, 9 l-4e. Flake White Com. l.ard, 50-lb. cans, j s 3 Ic, l.ard In tb'rces, 14c less; In 60 lb 1 I tubs, t Se less. \ Y Gran, sugar, bbls . $5 40 N Y. Gran, sugar. 4,2511 b cans IMS I ; N O Gran sugar, bbls only. $5.10. Sugar f o. b. coast, 10c less 96-lb Pearl grits, all sires $2 20. Georgia Country Meal, 96 1b $195.' Georgia Country Meal, 48 lb, 990. Georgia Country Meal. 24 lb, 50r j No 1 Alfalfa hay, per ton. $23.60. j No. l Timothy hay, per ton, sl7 50 No. 1 Pea Vine hay, |»er ton. $20.69 No 1 Vetch hay per ton. $lB 00 New Bermuda hay. per ton. sls 50 Cotton seed meal, $26. Cot tot. Teed hulls, per ton. $9.00. Common greeu coffee, 7 1 4c. Standard green coffee 80. Fancy green coffee, 9%c. Cracked rice, J%c. Japan rice. sc. Medium head rtce, 4A»c. Head rice. 54.*. Fancy head rice, 6%c. Kerosense oil, 13c. Salt, cotton bags, 50c. Texas R. P oats, S7o. Georgia Seed rye, $1 50 Sausage In oil. 50-lb tins, 7 l-2c. DRV GOODS MARKETS. NKW YORK The dry g'swlw market shewed a better general tone during the w.ek and the shipments sn Saturday were quite targe A Urge auction sale of overaUe and weiklng shirts Is sched uled for Thursday. The jobbers are to j have eotne important sales of cotton* and dress good during the work Linen* ere being oroo| -d tauter, but at tew prices Burlap* arr firmer. Fine cotton# In some quarter* a • being ordered mere (rwety. I THE AUGUSTA HERALD- J. C. McAILIfFE. Market tditor Kansa-i City Southern pfd .. ..32% Louisville & Nashville 108% Minneapolis a St. Louis 2? Minn.. St. P. A- Sault St. M. ..121 Missouri Pacific 57 Missouri, Kansas & Texas . ..32% Missouri, Kansas & Tcxub, pfd ..64 National Lead 81% New York Central 107'/, ! Now York, Ontario & Western ..42% Norfolk A Western 74* ;i North American 65 Northern Pacific 113% Pacific Mail 26% | Pennsylvania 125 ; People s Gas 96% S Pittsburg, C. C. A. St. Louis ..77 i Pressed Steel Car 33% | Pullman Palace Car 66 Railway Steel Spring 35% Reading 132% Republic Steel 23 Republic Steel pld 89% Rock Island Co 18% Rock Islaud Co. pfd 35% St. Louis & San Fran. 2nd pfd . 25% St. Louis Southwestern 17% St. Louie Southwestern pfd . ..14 Sloss Sheffield Steel and Iron ..65 Southern Pacific 10S% Southern pacific pfd 119% Southern Railway 22% Southern Railway pfd 53% Tennessee Copper 38% Texas & Pacific 25 Toledo, St. Louis & West 26 Toledo, St. Louis A West pfd ..56% Union Pacific pfd 39% Union Pacific . 67% United States Rubber 33 United States Rubber Ist pfd ..100 United States Steel 46 , United States Steel pfd 110% Utah Copper 44% | Va. Carolina Chemical 28% Va.-Carolina Chemical pfd .... 108% Wabash 12% I Wabash pfd 26% I West 111 chouse F.lectric 74% ! Western Union 60% | Wheeling Rr Lake Erie 8% Wisconsin Central 2.8% 1 Standard Oil 635 BANK STATEMENT CLOSER GAUGED Traders Already Had Con ditions Figured Out Be fore Official Notice and No Effect Noted. NEW YORK The statement of clear ing house hanks for the week of live day* show* that me banks hold $51,022,- *25 more than the requirements of the 5 per rent re*erve rule. This is a de crease of $7,652,125 In the proportionate reserve a* compare*i with last week. The statement of averages for the week (five day*) follows: Loans $1,322,- 730,500 Increase $21,990,100. Deposltasl.- 420,061.900. decrease $17,420,500. Circula tion $54,943,100, decrease $230,300. Legal tenders $90,4*6.700, decrease $722,100. Specie $236,511,600, decrease $2,574,900. Re*erve $407,009,300, decrease $3,297,000. Reserve required $355,015,475, Increase $4,355,125. Surplus $51,912,925, decrease $7,652,125. Kx. V. S. deposits $54,353,550, decrease $7,599 125. The percentage of actual reserve of the clearing house bank* a*, the close of bus iness yesterday was 28.72. The statement of bank* and trust com panies of Greater New York not report ing to the clearing house show* that these Institution* have aggregate de posits of $1,013,009,700, total cash on hand $101,189,100 and loans amounting to $913,- 969,100. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN QUOTATIONS SATURDAY CL.CAGO, 111—Cash quotations wore as follows: Flour—Steady, winter patents $4.05 ast.7o; straights $3.40a54.60; spring patents $5.10a55.40; straights $4.00n $5 00; hakerß' $2.80a54 40 Wheat-No 2 spring wheat $1.02: No. 3 94ca51.06; No. 2 red 98 l-2ei 99 I>2C. Corn No. 2 corn 81 l-4raßl l-2c; No. 2 yellow 81 1-2c3-4h. Oats—No. 2 white 51c; No. 3 white 18 1-SckßO 1-2 C. Rye—No. 2 rve 75ca76 l-20. Barley Good feeding barley 60ca C2o; fair to choice malting barley GScaOHc. No. I northwestern $125 12. Prime timothy seed $3.50. Short ribs, sides Goose) $9 37 1-2 a $9 76. Mess pork per barrel $15.05a515 10. laird per lort pounds $10.12 12. Short clear sides (boxed) $9.50a $9 75. Receipts. Wheat Receipt* 120.8th> bushels; shipments 73,300 ' Corn— Receipts 288.400 bushels; shipments 212.-00. Date —Receipt,' 277.500 bssheli; shipments 225.200. On the produce ex.-harne today the butter market was ateajv; creameries 18 12ca25c; dairies 17ca20c. Eggs steady: at mark, cases In cluded 16csl8c; firsts 21c. prime firsts 22c. Cheese steady. It l-!cal3 1 4c. CINCINNATI PRODUCE. CINCINNATI Butter; Creamery prime. 25 12; ex'ra, 25; firsts 21a23- 1-2 dairy fancy 16e15 Eggs Receipt* were light and >N • tnand active and a continued firm feeling prevailed. Prime firsts 23 1-2; firsts 22 1-2; Southern seconds, * tnltt. NO DEVELOPMENTS NOTED jN_STOCKS Situation Was Practically Without Feature and Short Session Was Dull and Very Uninteresting. NEW YORK—The professional ele ment in the specualtion showed some symptoms if disquiet over the prospect of staying short of stocks over the Sun day closca interval and they bought to cover. The days short session was dull and uninteresting. St. Paul was a weak feature of the rauroads and American Smelting and some of the railroad eqlup tnent stocks etxended the decline In force when the market closed yesterday. When prices started upwards the Harrimans and Reading were found again in their customary position of prominence. Read ing moved upwards anew on the strength of the winning by the coal roads of the suit to test t*.o validity of the com- ! modifies clause of the Hepburn act. and exchange markets are little j more than normal on a Saturday and ! offered no important development today. | The bank statement disclosed that the | weeks decrease of cash had been close- j ly gauged by the preliminary estimates of l>etween four ana five million dollars. The heavy loan expansion bore on the reserve requirement as well, the net re sult being a decline in proportion of re serve to 28.84 pre cent, bringing the sur plus to below $52,000,000. Bonds were ir regular. Total sales par value $1,820,000. U. S. bonds were unchanged on call during the week. Total sales today 346,800 shares. RECORD BREAKING WHEAT MOVEMENT However, Market Contin ued Bullish, Corn and Oats Steady With Pro visions Much Stronger. CHICAGO Reinstatement today by leading bulls of lines sold out yesterday caused strength in the wheat market. Final quotations showing net gains of to \ (fy jfc. Corn and oats closed steady where provisions were strong. The wheat market displayed consider able bullishness nearly all day despite the record-breaking movement of new wheat in the northwest. The receipts were 1,606,000 uusheta against 880,000 bu hels a year ago. There were many plausible reasons why wheat should have been lower to day blit they did not work in the manner expected. There might be rain before Monday, although the long distance prog noslticator* at Washington did not ven ture an opinion. Corn recovered an ear ly loss as far as the current months de livery is concerned, but. 1 >ecember was Ki *4<* lower and May just enough lower to have that remarked of it. SPOT COTTON MARKETS. GALVESTON —Cotton steady; mid dling 9 5-14*. NEW ORLEANS.—Cotton quiet; middling 9 1-16. MOBILE! —Cotton quiet; middling 9. SAVANNAH—Cotton steady; mid dtlng 9. CHARLESTON. —Cotton steady; nfiddling 9 NORFOLK.—Cotton steady; mid dling 9 3-8. BALTIMORE—HoIiday. NEW YORK. —Cotton quiet; mid dling 9.40. BOSTON. —Cotton quiet; middling 9.J0. PHILADELPHIA—Cotton quiet; middling 9.65. HOUSTON. —Cotton steady; mid dling 9 5-16. AUGUSTA. —Cotton steady; mid dling 9. MEMPHIS.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 9 14 ST. LOUlS.—Cotton steadv; mid dling 9 38. LOUISVILLE.—Cotton firm; mid dilng 9 1-2. LITTLE ROCK—Cotton steady; middling 8 3-4. INVESTMENT BUYING WAS COTTON FEATURE Active Demand From Spin ners Caused Market to Stand Firm. (SPECIAL) At’GUSTA, iiA- l4verpool Ofw*n«*<! three up Saturday w ith spot dales of *.OOO bales. The N* w York market *»”*« «ui*'t dur itaK ***•«» ♦••■.tire Any Nup'/orted hv fears of ,i term now oft ioe Atlantic Coast mov ing through South Carolina and Geor gia. On tlu* dose all months weakened except October. The Weather Bureau reports state that this storm wiU probably move up the At- I Untie coast. not inland. Investment I'liyln- In the ftuure mar* i ket anti an active demand from spinners tlu r f'i -ir« n « r **p4Tts rr . tnsplcu- I ous by their absence »t w?mt In other years would be considered a low level of values. Spot* closed In Augusta at 9 1-Is. Barrett and Doughty. COTTON SEED OIL NEW YORK Cotton seed oil strong and higher on good general de i nuimi and strength of hog products. hlme crude S«; prime summer yellow S!***; off summer yellow 3> 4; good off summer yellow prime white lOfils. prune winter yellow 44<}4&. FINANCIAL THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUGUSTA 707 BROAD STREET. ORGANIZED 1865. V CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS $450,000.00 L. C. HAYNE, President. CHAS. R. CLARK, Cashier. BEGINNING AUG. IST, 1908, this Bank will pay 4 per cent in terest on CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. These certificates will be issued by us In sums of SIOO.OO and up, for stipulated periods of . time, to suit the Depositors' convenience. 1 BAFETY LOCK BOXES $3.00 TO $20.00 PER YEAR. ] The business of our out of town friends carefully looked after. I CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. ’ You can draw your money at any time if you deposit it with us and take one of our CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. We pay you 4 Per Cent per annum if you leave it -with us three months or longer. The National Exchange Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $540,000.00 . Georgia Railroad Bank Augusta, Georgia. This Bank Solicits the banking business of merchants and corporations. We pay 4 Per Cent Interest on all deposits placed in our Savings Dept. YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED. You Can Watch Your Money Grow and keep It in your pocket at the same time, when you use our Coupon Certificates of Deposit— SAFE—CONVENIENT—NEGOTIABLE— which pay you 4 per cent interest—4 times a year—issued in Au gusta exclusively by the MERCHANTS BANK Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 WALL STREET NOTES. NEW YORK—Number of shares sold today 346,856; same day a year ago 357,606, Par value of bonds sold today, $1,824,000; same day a year ago, $1,186,000. The number of idle freight car* of flcially reported on September 2, is 222,632. a decrease of 30,371 since the previous report. * Charles M. Schwab has leased a home at Bethlehem and has started Ins routine work there by. discharg ing 375 more men. The working force at Bethlehem has been reduced about 'OO since Mr. Schwab’s return from Europe. The Canadian government esti mates the total yield of wheat of Canada this year at 124,690,000 bushels, an average of 2t bushels to the acre. The Western Pacific railway com pany will sell $25,000,000 second mortgage bonds. The Amalgamated Copper claims that It is producing copper at nine cents a pound. This statement is per haps even more sensational than the large net earnings of the Union Pa cific Railway company. Canadian Pacific in its pamphlet report issued today shows gross earn ings for the year ended June 30 of s7l 394,174 a decrease of $833,331. Operating expenses were $19,691,808 an Increase of $2,677,589. Net earn ings were $21,792,366 a decrease of $3,510,943. Other income Increases the Mai to $24,446,999. After payment of ail dividends the surplus amounted to 25,579, <ls a decrease of $3,759,241 as compared with the previous year. MONEY MARKET RULED EXCEPTIONALLY QUIET On Call the Necdfnl Was Nominal and Exchange Was Steady. NEW TORI* ilonty on .all nominal. Time loans nulet nnd steady; sixty days 2>t; nnd ninety day* 3 s * to 3 per cent; six month* 34 per cent. Close; Prime mercantile paper 4 to 44; Sterling ex change sternly with actual business In ■ankers bill* a*. 481.90 4. 145 for sixty day hills and at 486.454(486.50 for de mand. Commercial bill* at 4845. f( 4- Bar silver 514». Mexican dollars 45. LONDON CLOSED FIRM. LONDON —The market closed firm lodav with Paris Bourte. Paris ex change on London today w-as 1-2 cen time lower at 25 francs 12 1-2 cen time*. Berlin exchange was 1-4 pfen ning Itwrr *t 20 marks 10 3-4 pfen ning. THE FOREIGN MARKETS. NEW YORK —There was small fea ture abroad. Both Paris and Berlin were Arm. London was quiet with Americans liresnlar. i PAGE SEVEN FINANCIAL HIGHER PRICES NOWJPECTED Wall Stret Financiers Are of Opinion That Situa tion is Brightening Over Country. r \ (Thomas C. Shotwell.) NEW YORK—Stocks closed today in the middle of a rally that carried them up nearly two points from the low figures of the early trading in tbo leaders. Union Pacific. Steel South ern Pacific, Reading, Northern Pacific and Illinois Central was at the head of the advancing column. American Locomotive reeivered a trifle. Brook lyn Union Gas was not traded in al though it advanced its diviiend to the six per cent rate. The early decline was due to sel ling by professional traders who imagined that the election In Maine next week might attract the attention of the big people who are under the market. The so-called big people do not care what happens in Maine now that they have decided that higher prices are going to happen in Wall street. As soon as the little ones dis covered this they began buying stocks again, causing the rally. On Ihe curb market stocks were dull in the early trading but became active and advanced toward the close. Neither cotton nor wheat was materially changed as a result of the dav's operations. London was dull. A director of the distillers securities says the dividend will not be passed. Hll YORK COTTON CLOSEDJRECUUB Uncertain AVeather Condi tions and Reports of free Offerings Caused Com plicated Situation. NEW YORK.—The cotton market at the opening this morning made a poor response to unexpectedly firm cables. In part the small upturn was accounted for by the absence of evi dence on thp weather map that the storm had reached the cotton belt or was likely to. The short session attracted but lit tle trading and the market declined during the greater part of the time. At the close October rallied so flva points aßbve yesterday's close and other months were unchanged to a few i>olnts down. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK —Eggs: Receipts, 5.075 cases; strictly fresh 28 cents; extra firsts 24a24 1-2. firsts 22a?2 1-2; do strongs 20 l-2a21 1-2. Butter; Receipts, 7,582 packages. Fancy, 23 1-2U4.