Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, August 20, 1817, Image 4

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I * ■ i —I WAR DEPARTMENT,) * * June 9,1817. ) This is to give Notipe; npiflAT separate proposal* will be rc- U JL ceivcd at the office of the Secretary i") |or the department of war, until the 31st day of October next, inclusive, for the ; supply ofaTf rations that may be required fcr the use of the troops of the United States, from the Ist day of lifoie, 1818, inclusive, until the Ist day of June, 1819, ■within the states, territories, and districts following—viz: * Ist. At Detroit, Michilimackinac, Green Bay, Fort Wayne, Chicago, and m their immediate vicinities, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited, within the territory Michigan, the vi cinity of the upper Lakes, and the state of Ohio, and on or adjacent to the waters of Lake Michigan. 2d. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, within the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Sd. At St, Louis, Fort Harrison, Fort Clarke, Fort Armstrong, Fort Crawford, Fort Osage or Fort Clark, on the Mis souri river, and at any other place or pla ces where troops are or may be stationed marched or recruited, within the state of Indiana, and the territories of lillinois. and Missouri. 4th. At Fort Montgomcsy, Fort Craw ford, Mobile, Fort St. Philip, New- Orleans, Baton Rouge and FortClaibonie, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the Mississippi terri-. tory, the state of Louisiana and their vi cinities, nsrth of the Gulf of Mexico. Sth. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the district of Maine and state of New-Ha:npshire. ' 6th. At any place or places where, troops arc or maybe stationed, marched or recruited within the state of Massa chusetts. 7th. 'At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the states of Connect icut and Rhode Island. Bth. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of N. York, north oftlie Highlands, and within the State of Vermont. , 9th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of N. York, ' south of the Highlands, including West Point, and within the state of New Jer sey 10th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state «I Pennsyl vania. 11th. At any place or places where troops arc. or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the states of Dela ware, Maryland and the district of Co lumbia. 12th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of Virginia., 13th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of North Carolina. 14th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of South Carolina. 15th. At Tybee Barracks, Fort Haw kins and Fort Scott, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited with in the state of Georgia, including that part of the Creek’s lands lying within the territorial limits of said state. A ration to consist of one pound and one quarter of beef, or three quarters of a pound of salt pork, eighteen ounces of bread or flower, one gill of rum, whisky or brandy, and at the rates of two quarts of salt, four quarts of vinegar, four pounds of soap, and one pound and one half of candles to every hundred ration!. The prices of the several component parts of the ration must be particularly mention-) ed in the proposals, but the U. States re-_ serve the right of making such alterations in the price of the component parts -of the rati op aforesaid, as shall make the price of each part thereof bear a just pro portion to the proposed price of the whole ration. The rations are to be furnished in such quantities, that there shall, at all times, during the term of the proposed contract, be sufficient for the con sumption of the troops for six months in advance, of good and wholesome pro visions, if the same shall be required.— n It is also to be permitted to all and every one of-the commanders of fortified pla ces or pelts, to call for at seasons wmen the same can Ue transported, or at any time in case of Urgency, such supplies of like provisions, in advance as in the directions of the commander stall be deemed proper. It is Understood that the contractor is to be at the expense and risk of issuing the supplies to the troops, and that all losses eustained by the depredations of the enemy, or by means of the troops of the United States, shall be paid by the United States, at the price of the artiqip captured or destroyed as aforesjud, tm the depositions of two or more persons of credible characters, and the certificate of a commissioned officer, stating the circumstanc4of the loss, and the amount * h ' Ch ?*' WpC “ at!on r e*T lle to the U. *"■ of requiring that none of die sup plies which may be furnished under any of the proposed contracts, shall be'issued, until the supplies which have been or may be furnished under the contract now in foreg, have been consumed. GEO: GRAHAM, Acting - Secretary of War. June 28. wlstO Tax Collector’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in September next, the following tracts of land or as much as will satisly the tax due for the year 1816, viz. 203 1-2 Acres of land, in Wil kinson county, 23d district, No. 531. — Sold as the property of Henry King, to satisfy his tax. Tax due g 4 :6i cents. 100 Acres of land in Columbia county adjoining Reese and Overbey on the waters of Town creek. Sold as the property of John Ford to satisfy his tax for 1816. Tax due 0 ; 76$ cents. 2l6Acres of land in Columbia county adjoining Tankersly and Pace on Little Kioka, &. granted to Kilgore. Sold as the property of William Samuel, to' ( satisfy his tax lor 1816. Tax due 7 : SOf. 129 Acres of land in Columbia ■ county, adjoining Germany Sf Luke, on Big Kioke creek, granted to Germany, returned by John Malone, for the estate . of Henry Malone deceased. Sold to sat isfy the tax of said estate for 1816. Tax due 0 : 56$ cents. 230 Acres of land in Columbia county adjoining Wilkins and Magruder, on the waters of Uchee creek, granted to Call. Sold as the property of John Me . Donald, to satisfy his tax for 1816. Tax due J 53 : 60$. 215 1-2 Acres of land in Col umbia county adjoining Philips and Dan elly, on the waters of Boggy-gutt, grant ed to Youngblood. Sold as the property of John Youngblood, to satisfy his tax for 1816. Tax due g 3 s 56*. 125 Acres of land in Columbia county adjoining Bradbury and Reeves, on the Big Kioka creek. Sold as the pro perty of Jonathan Mathews, to satisfy his tax far 1816. Tax due 0 : 71J cts. 160 Acres of land in Columbia county adjoining Nash and others on Germany’s creek. Sold as the property of Dennis Ruark, to satisfy his tax for 1816. Tax due 0: 90 cts. 202 1-3 Acres of land in Wil kinson county, 15th district, No 4, Oak mulgec river, granted to M‘Ginnis. Sold as the property of Felix M‘Ginnis, to sat isfy his tax for 1816. Tax due 82 ; 765. 202 1-2 Acres of land in Wil kinson county, 20th district, No 254. Sold as the property of Peter Ryan, to satisfy his tax for 1816. Tax due 0: 82ct. 120 Acres of land in Columbia i county, adjoining Sulivan and Cartledge, on Little river. Sold as the property of Everard Dowsing to satisfy his tax for . 1816. Tax due g 9 :53 John Lamar, t. c. c. c. July 2. tsd. Guardian’s Sale. IN pursuance of an order obtained fronii the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Columbia County—Will be sold to the highest bidder, on the Ist Tuesday in Oc tober next, at Columbia Court-House, all the lands belonging totheestate of Joseph Ray, deceased, for the benefit of the hdrs of said estate; consisting of about l2bo acres, and including a valuable sett of Merchant Mills on Little River. Brick Distillery, Brick Dwelling House, a Two Story Store House, a large Granary, and a number of other Out Buildings, too te dious to enumerate. The Land general ly is of good quality, and will be surveyed and sold in lots of about 200 or 250 acres inalot. One lot will include the Mills Houses, &c. The Establishment at Raysville (to a man of enterprise) would be an elligible one,for it is believed to be the most advan tageous situation for Mills and a Store of any in the up country. A farther descrip tion of the property is deemed unnecessa ry, as it is presumed that persons unac quainted with the situation, and who would have any idea of purchasing, will view it fur themselves previous to the sale. The Terms (in part) will be one third in hand, and the balance in equal instal ments at one and two years, with appro ved persona! security, and a mortgage on the property —The Terms will farther be made known on the day Us sale. WILLIAM BARNETT, Guardian for the Minors of Jos. Hay. dec. July 18 lawtds * Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold at Lincoln Court- House, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours, One negro man named Charles, taken as the property of Peyton Harris, to satisfy an Execution in favor of Mathew . Cullers, indorsee, vs, Harris & Mahoney. John Dowell, sheriff. August kl. The Subscriber INTENDING to spend the summer I months in the country has appointed Mr. Samuel Player, to attend to |iis busi ness in general, whoSnay be found at his store, near the market. John Bayou worth. August 8 . lawcw I A&k ■ * , -*V , v . SLAUGHTER Have Just Reteived A CONSIGN WENT of Cotton Yarn, which they will sell on very qc cuminodating terms. August 8 ts ' r ,.—— Wanted Immediately. 100 Waggons, TO haul to Boss’s on the Tennessee River, Huntsville, or Nashville, for which the most liberal prices will be given. A. Erwin, Groce & Co. August 6 cw riN IEiNDiNG to be absent a few months from the state, I do hereby appoint Mr. JOHN L. MANY, my agent, and fully authorize, him to transact my business during such absence. G, A. Holies. Augusta, July 18,1817. * George Hudson HAS removed to the house next door below Robert Lang, & co. May 14. f FOUND, LAYING on the counter of a shop in Harrisburg, a valuable Broad Cloth Coat, which the owner can have again, by applying to the subscriber, and pay ing for this advertisement. Benjamin Allen. August 1 A Gigs For Sale. rpiHE subscriber has received Half a: Dozen well finished Newark made Gigs, warranted good, which he will sell lower than Gigs of the same quality have been sold at this season, for Cain or Town acceptance. Green B. Marshall.' June 11 ; Auction # Commission Business THE subscriber informs the Citizens of Augusta that his Auction Store in Washington, Wilkes county, is now ready to receive goods on Commission or Auction. All goods committed to his charge will be immediately attended to, and returns promptly made. I. Anthony, Auctioneer . N. B. Particular directions in writing must accompany all goods. Washington, June 16,1817. 20 Dollars Reward ON the 22d of June, 1817, my house in Columbia county, was broken open and a ROBBERY committed. Two hundred and thirty dollars in bills, from my trunk, among which was two fifty dollar bills on the Augusta bank, one of which had my name written on the back of the bill; five twenty dollar bills of the Bridge company, and three, ten dollar bills, one of which was on the Soufh-Carolina bank, together with some articles of clothing. Any person to whom the above described bill (with my name on the back) should be offered, that will stop the same, give me infor mation so that I can have the same, shall be entitled to the above reward, and 'upon the conviction of the rogue shall be entitled to a reward of fifty dollars. Jordan George. July 2 ts Lost or Mislaid, A NOTE OF HAND, given by Wm. B. Jones, and Robert Jones, payable to Thomas Sorsby, natural Guardian, for his son Wm. Sorsby, for 500 dollars, da ted February 27, 1816; payable Ist Jan uary, 1817; there is a credit on the Note for some small amount, not exactly re collected. Any person who has found said Note, and will deliver it the Subscri ber, shall receive a reward of 5 dollars, and no questions asked. THOS. SORSBY. Ilnrisburg , R. c. August 15th. ts Stolen, FROM the Store of Jotehua Stone, on the 19th of July last, a large SOR REL HORSE, about nine years old, large blaze in his face, paces and trots very well, swab tai, in but low order, had on a good saddle and bridle w*hen taken oft', and I expect xvas stolen by some negro. Any person finding said horse and will give information where he may be had, or will deliver him ie the subscriber near Stoney Bluff', Scrivch county, shall be handsomely rewarded. Joshua Stone. August 13 c For Sale. A TRACT of land lying in Warren l\. county, two miles below Shivers’s, containing between nine hundred an(l a thousand acres, about four hundred of which is cleared. The situation, with re spect to water is good, there being on the premises a grist and sawmill. Gentlemen from Savannah or Augusta wishingtopur chase an eligible country residence would do well to visit this place, as it is believ ed to be inferior in point of comfort and convenience to none in (he state. For particulars apply to William Flourroy, At Tuckahoe Mount. April m6m Drugs, MedieHhes AND PATENT MEDICINES. WHOLESALE and Retail; on the lowest terms for cash, at APOTHECARY’S HALL, opposite the Herald office, Broad-street Augusta— Lotion, which removes blemishes from the face, making the skin delicately soft and clear, improving the complex ion, and restoring the bloom of youth, Essence Mustard, for the gout, rheuma tism, sprains, &c, Elixir, for colds and coughs, Doctor Hahn’s German Eye water, Lee's Antibilious Pills, Coits Family Pills, Hooper and Anderson’s pills, Soverign Itch Ointment, Opodeldoc Bateman’s Drops, British 01!, Haarlem Oil, Turlington’s Balsam, Balsam, Honey, Henry’s Calcined Magnesia, Cheltenham Salts, Ink Powder, Tooth Pow der in boxes, Godfrey’s Cordial, Dalby’s Carminative, Teeth Brushes, single, dozen ©r gross, Race and Powdered Ginger, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Allspice, Pearl Barley, Arrow Root, Anniseed, Fennel Seed, Windsor Soap, Wash Balls, Fancy Soap Castile Soap, &c. Camel’s Hair Pencils, &c. Copal Varnish, Red Lead, Vermillion, Prussian Blues, Purple Brown, Patent Yellow, Rose Pink, Gamboge, Alum, Brimstone, Coperas, Arnetto, Spanish and common, English Chamomile Flowers, Flour Sulphur, Aloes, Camphor, Salts, Jalap, Rhubarb, JEther, Cream Tartar, Calomel, Magnesia lump, small squares, and caL: cmed in large bottels, Nux Vomioe, Sugar Lead, White Vitriol. ANTICIPATED SHORTLY* Shop Furniture, Viols, white and green, Assorted Mortars, Teeth Instruments, Lancets, thumb and spring, assorted, with all the variety suited for practi tioners’ use and this market. Cunningham & Dunn. June 18. t To The Public. THE Subscriber takes the liberty of observing to his friends and the cit izens of Richmond County, that some ma licious & evil disposed persons have tho’t proper to state that Mr. R. M. Coombs was to act as my Deputy Jailor, in case I succeeded to the office of Sheriff'at the en suing election, Knowingthat Mr. Coombs has enemies that are my intimate friends, this repre sentation has been made no doubt with the intention to injure my election. 1 will further state to such persons as feel interested in this arrangement,that it was never contemplated by either of us. It has also been rumoured about, that I did not want the office for myself. In case I should be elected I calculated on enjoy ing the emoluments of the office, if there should be any; and trust the citizens of Richmond county will allow me the same privilege that others have enjoyed, of at taching to the office a deputy, and a jail or if there should be any business to do. I do not wish the office upon any other terms than such as are fair and honoura ble. The reports to which I have alluded originated with electioneering characters and are as false as they are base. ANSELM BUGG. August 6. Executrix’s Sale. WILL be sold at Lincoln court house, on the first Tuesday in September next, Three hundred and fifty acres of prime first quality upland, lying in said county, one mile and a half from the court-house, and in the fork of Soap creek and the Mountain prong. There is about one hundred and seventy-five acres cleared and under a good fence. The improvements are all good, and the build ings, all which are necessary for a farm. The situation in point of health, is in ferior to none in the up-country, having on it several of the best springs in Lin coln county. The terms of sale will be accommodating to the purchaser, an,d will be made known on the day. Sold as the property of Josiah Stovall deed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Mary Stovall, Extr’x. ALSO—At the same time and place and on the same terms, forty acres of first quality land adjoining the above, together with a half acre lot, the property of the subscriber, all well improved, with all the buildings necessary for the com fortable accommodation of a family. Mary Stovall. June 25. tds For Sale, A LIKELY negro boy, about 14 years of age, an excellent house servant, and can be highly recommended for his honesty and activity. .g, Apply at this office. For Sale, AN EXCELLENT house servant.— Inquire at this Office. June I*B. ts For sale s. • THE subscriber offers for sale his Farm in Columbia county, on the Uchee creek, 15 miles above Au. Usta ‘ containing 600 acres of land. The land is of a good quality, one half cleared and in cultivation—it is well watered and of mulatto and grey soil—tolerable good improvements—a gin that gpes by water an apple orchard of 450 trees of choice fruit, a peach orchard of 6000 trees, and all other fruit common ip these parts The purchaser can be furnished with corn and fodder, and stock of all kind on the premises on good terms. 1 expect to start to the Western couti try about the middle of August, and will be absent for two months. Persons wish ing to purchase, will do well to view the land before that time—but in my absence application can be made to Joseph A. Smith, on the premises. J. W. Smith. July g. ts Important To Planters 8£ Manufacturers . A FEW sets of CARDING, ROP ING & spinning machines for manufacturing Cotton, are now open for inspection at the Ware-House of Messrs. Brux & Scurry, near the bridge; where all persons (who feel disposed to patronize the labor of genius, or encou rage Domestic Manufactures) are invited to call and examine the same, as it is pre sumed that their operations will aftbM indisputable proofs of their excellence, which will supercede the necessity of be stowing that encomium upon them in this advertisement, which they so justly deserve. These Macliines are an improvement on Messrs. Bissell Hinman Ik Willson’s plan, and the workmanship is executed in a manner superior to any which have heretofore been built. Any person wishing to purchase a cin fle set of the Machines, or the Patent light for a State or C#»mty, will be ac commodated on liberal terms; and should any person pnrehase the right for a cer tain Territory, may in a reasonable time be accommodated with any quantity of machinery on a reduced price, as soon as they can be built, by applying at the *- bove mentioned place to S. Willson, and William Danford, or to Jamas Barton, June 4.—ts in Jlugusta. _ TOBACCO INSPECTION AND Commission WARE-HOUSE. WALTER LEIGH, Esq. of this place, and Mr. JOHN ALLEN, of Franklin county, have been engaged I to Inspect Tobacco at the Ware-House I of the subscribers, at the foot of the I Bridge, where convenient and suostan* I tial Stores, the best of Coopers, and eve- I; ry other convenience and facility for the i| satisfaction and quick dispatch of cus- I* tomers have been provided. | From the experience of these gentle- | men, as Inspectors, the eligible situa tion of the subscribers’ Ware House, fjhe security of their Stores, adapted to every kind of Merchandize and Produce, ano the promptness and punctuality with which they will attend to orders and con signments, they are led to expect a lib eral share of patronage. Their charges will be the same as at the other Ware- Houses, and every accommodation usual will be afforded to those who may favor them with their custom. Brux §* Scurry. November 1- . ts Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold at Lincoln Cfurt- House, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours, the following property, viz: One Negro woman Named Cloe, taken as the property of Peyton Harris to satisfy an Execution in favor of Houston Collans &Co.v?. Pej' ton Harris & Co. Conditions Cash. John McDowell, Sheriff. July 28,1817. , Administratrix’s iSale. WILL be sold to the highest bidder, on the 6th day of September next, at the late residence of W illiam G. Gre gory, deceased, the personal property vt said deceased, (negroes except ed)consist ing ofHorses, Cattle, Hous u.ld& kitchen | furnature, other articles too tedious toe numerate. Terms made known on the day of sale. Nancy Gregory, adm^X. » Nathan Bussey, adm'r. July 21 jr?* The Subscribers has appoint W. Booker: and his brother D. H l ’ D sox, his agents duripghis absceuce tioir #*4oWon.