Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, August 30, 1817, Image 4

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.• 'fr V A* L/T V 7 w ‘ A '**• Monthly Notices. Warren Superior Court, Septem her Term, 1816. Jdhnson & Kutixe ~) L RULE NISI. Abner Oathre. J IT PON the petition of Rohe it Johnson j and John M. -Kunze, praying the foreclosure of the 'equity of redemption, in & to all those tracts or parcels of land, situate,lying and being in »th county of Warren, that is to say—All that tract of land on White’s creek, conveyed to the said Gut lire on the Bth day of January,. i : 809, by Reuben Magahec and Ephraim Magahee, administrators of Nathaniel Davis, dec.—Also, another tract or lot of land on Big Briar creek, containing two hundred andtihirty acres, conveyed to the saidOuthrebyWilliam White,on the 4th vday of November, 1810?—and Also ano ther parcel of land adjoining, containing fifty acres, conveyed by David Wheeler of Wilkinson county, on the 20th day of September, 1808—which tracts of land were mortgaged to the said Johnson and Kunze on the second day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred the better to secure the nayment of four hundred and sixty one dollars and thirty seven and an half cents, due by note, bearing date the .rst day of January, eighteen hundred and c leven, payable one day after date. On motion, Ordered, that the principal, inte rest and costs due upon said note and mortgage,be paid into court within twelve months, or else the Equity of Redemption in the said mortgaged premises will be the nceforth foi ever barred and foreclosed. It is further ordered, that this Order be published in one of the public gazettes of this state,At least once-a month for twelve months, or served on the opposite party at least six months previous to the lime the money is ordered to be paid into court. Extract from the Minutes. * _ James Neal, cl*k. ; Georgia —Richmond county. In the Superior Court—June Term, 1817. Present, the hon. Robert R. Reid, Judge. ON the petition ofLlewellcn Evans and Mary his wife, staling that a bond was executed by John Carter, for titles to lots of land in Harrisburg, in the penal sum, of two thousand dollars, in which the petitioners were interested, a copy where of as near as the petitioner could recollect was annexed to the said petition, and is bow lodged in the clerk’s office, together With an affidavit pursuant to the act of the general assembly in such cases made and provided, and praying the benefit of the said act, and other circumstantial proof being laid before the court—lt is ordered that the said Botfd be established as di rected by the said act, on the said Idew ellen and Mary Evans publishing a no tice as therein required, and for the space of six months, in one of the public gaz ettes of the state, unless cause be shewn to the contrary within the said six montlis or other matters be «hewn tothe courta ge in St tlie same. Taken from the Minutes. John H. MamiytPk a ter date applica* tion will be made to the hon. thein ferior court of Richmond county, for lea.« to sell the house and lot situated on the north side of /Broad-street, and at present occupied by James and W. Harper, be ing the real estate of John Harper, de ceased. John Clarke, atlm’r* t March 22 m9m ik] iNE MoN’iiiri after date! applica tion will be made to the hon. court ol ordinary of Columbia county, forgave to sell the real estate of William <Bryan, dec. for the benefit of the heirs df said deceased. James Burroughs, adm’r. April 30. 1817. in9m INK MONTHS after date" applua- Av tion will >e made to the hon. inferior court of Burke county, for leave to sell two hundred and forty.fair acres of land the property Os Benjamin Davis, late of Burke county deceased, fur the benefit of the kindl ed and creditors of said dec, John Baris, adm’r. May 14,1817. * m9na A INK MoNITIS after date, applica- tion will l>e made to the hon inferior court of Richmond county for leave to sell •‘tract of .and iu Baldwin county, known as No. 299 in the 19th district, drawn by tiie orphans of Llmstopher Moony and sold for their behoof. * Wm. 0. Dittos, i Guardain for the orphans. Mav 17 m9m - i r m in im ~ m mn . i - - ALL persons having claims against the estate of Daniel. Hubbard, dec. arc requested to sender them in properly attested, within the time prescribed by ; law; and those indebted to the estate, ace, requested to make immediate payment to ! Hannah Hubbard, adm’x. . May 5. w6m iSfrINE MuNtHS afte'r ilate appiitca tion will be made to the hon. tne in ferior court of Warren county, for leave to sell the real estate of James Parham, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said dec. Kdmurd Parham, adna’r, July 23. tn9m' ~lCr , i»octß. FENIMLL & 6LENN, have removed their SHOP, to the house ws b» Book Store. W .jm; ; .jf # »*• ; THE *** ' Quaker Springs, Seven miles from Avgusta, on the great Washington road. The frowns ot fortune nave brought poor Bill (Jar lick to anchor at this place. HE therefore gives this information to his friends (if any.) to his numer ous acquaintances, and the public in gen eral, that he has opened A House of Entertainment, for the accommodation of all decent, ci vil travellers, and lor no others. The disorderly part of society he wishes to pass by, as their absence will be’ a much more delicious cordial than their money; indeed he is determined not to be pester ed with troublesome company; so that the weary traveller may lie down to rest in quiet These observations arc made in consequence of this place being for merly established as one of great disor der and confusion, which, with propriety induced thousands of gentlemen to pass by. The HOUSES and STABLES, are now repairing, and will soon be in good order, with a general assortment of the best of Liquors; a well furnished Table; Clean Beds; a plenty for horses, with a good hostler, and a desire to please, which I hope will be inducements suffi cient for the traveller to call, if not, he must pass by. Gentlemen from town can be accom modated at the shortest notice; and all fa vours will be received with gratitude. A general assortment of GRO CERIES will be kept here, and sold near ly at the Augusta prices. N. Dinkee. August 9. wom 100 Dollars' Reward RAN AWAY from the subscribers, living in Augusta,JSeorgia, on the 2uth 6f last month, two negro fellows, viz;—AD AM, a' mulatto, about 38 years; of age, 5 feet 11. or 6 feet high, a large * square shouldered, boney fellow, and ve ry strong, has a dirty appearance, large black whiskers and beard, which he gen erally wears long; he is a tolerable rough carpenter; appears humble when spoken to, and seems as if alarmed. He was purchased from a Mr. Joshua Guy, a negro trader. JACK, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inch es high, very stout made, of a dark com plexion, and has several of his fore teeth decayed or out, and about 25 years of age. He was brought from Lexington, Kentucky, by Messrs. Jacoby and Stone, negro traders, where it «s likely he will attempt to go—it is recollected that there was a swelling in his ham as large as a hen’s egg, occasioned by a strain. The above -reward will be paid on then being delivered to the subscribers in Au gusta, with all reasonable expenses—or secure them in jail so that we get them— oi 50 dollars for either of them. John Cashin, Basil Lamar. ■%'* The Editor of the Reporter, Lex ington, Kentucky, is requested to give the above three insertions, and forward his account to this office for payment. Augusta, August 20, 1817. 11 ■■■—-■ -■.—— ■ —— ‘ 20 Dollars Reward T ON -the 22dofJune, 1817, my house in Columbia county, was broken open ancht ROBBERY committed. Two hundred and thirty dollars in bills, taken from my trunk, among which was two fifty dollar bills on the Augusta bank, one of which had my name written on *the back of the bill; , five twenty dollar bills of the Bridge company, and three, ten dollar bills, one of which w as on the South-Carolina bank, together with some articles of clothing. Any .person to whom the above described bill (with my name on the back) should be offered, that will stop the same, give me infor mation so that I can have the same, shall be entitled to the above reward, and upon the conviction of the rogue shall be entitled to a reward of fifty dollars. * I Jordan George. July 2 ts Executrix’s Sale. WILL be sold at Lincoln court house, on the first Tuesday in September next. Three hundred and fifty acres of prime first quality upland, lying in said county, one mile and a half from the court-house, and in the fork of Soap creek and the Mountain prong. There is about one hundred and seventy-five acres cleared and under a good fence. The improvements are all good, and the build ings, all which are necessary for a farm. The situation in point of health, is in ferior to none in the up-country, having on it several of the best springs in Lin coln county. The terms of sale will be accommodating to the purchaser, and will be made known on Che day. S«»Id as the property of Josiah Stovall deed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Mary Stovall, Extr*x, ALSO—At the same time and place and on the same terms, forty acres of first quality land adjoining the above, together with a half acre-lot, the property of the subscriber, all well improved, with all the buildings necessary for the com fortable accommodation ofs family. Mary Stovall. June 25.- tds ■ TOtiXtCO INSPECTION 4., v AHD Commission WARE-HOUSE. WALTER LEIGH, Esq. of this place, and Mr. JOHN ALLEN, of Franklin county, have been engaged to Inspect Tobacco at the Ware-House of the subscribers, at the foot of the Bridge, where convenient and tial Stores, the best of Coopers, and eve ry other convenience and facility for the satisfaction and quick dispatch of cus tomers have been provided. From the experience of these gentle men, as Inspectors, the eligible situa tion of the subscribers’Ware House, the security of their Stores, adapted to every kind ot Merchandize and Produce, and the promptness and punctuality with which they will attend to orders and con signments, they are led to expect a lib eral share of patronage. Their charges will be the same as at the other Ware- Houses, and every accommodation usual will be afforded to those who may favor them with their custom, Brux Sf Scurry. November 1- ts Important To Planters Manufacturers. A PEW sets of CARDING, ROP ING & spinning Machines for manufacturing Cotton, are now open for inspection at the Ware-House of Messrs. Brux & Bcurry, near the bridge; where all persons (who feel disposed to patronize the labor of genius, or encou rage Domestic Manufactures) are invited 1:0 call and examine the same, as it is pre sumed that their operations will afford indisputable proofs of their excellence, which will supercede the necessity of be stowing that encomium upon tliem in this advertisement, which they so justly deserve. * These Machines are an improvement on Messrs. Bissell Hinman & )lan, and-the workmanship is executed in' 1 manner superior to any which have leretofore been built. Any person wishing to purchase a sin gle set of the Mac lines, or the Patent Right for a State or County, will be.acr commodated on liberal terms; and should any person purchase the right for a cer tain Territory, may in a reasonable time. )e accommodated with any quantity of machinery on a reduced price, as soon as they can be built, by applying at the a jove mentioned place to S. Willson, and William Ban ford, or to Jamas Barton, June 4.—ls in Jlugzifta. For sale, T j HE subscriber offers for sale his Farm in Columbia county, on the* Ccuee creek, 15 miles above Augusta, containing 600 acres of land. The land is of a good quality, one half cleared and in cultivation—it is well watered and of mulatto and grey soil—tolerable good improvements—a gin that goes by water, an apple orchard ol 450 trees of choice trail, a peach orchard of 6000 trees, and ail other fruit common in these parts.— Ihe purchaser can be furnished with corn and fodder, and stock of ail kind on the premises on good terms. I expect to start to the Western coun try about the middle of August, and will be absent for two months. Persons wish ing to purchase, will do well to view the land before that time—but in my absence application can be made to Joseph A. Smith, on the premises. J. W. Smith. July 2. ts Administratrix’s Sale, WILL be sold to the highest bidder, on the 6th day of September next, at the late rcsidence'of William G. Gre- S, deceased, the personaf property of ieceased, (negroes excepted)consist ing of Horses, Cattle, Houshold & kitchen furuaturc, other articles too tedious to e nuracrate. Terms made known on the day of sale. Nancy Gregory f adm’x, Nathan Bussey, adm’r, July 21 tds Gigs For Sale. npHE subscriber has received Half a Dozen well finished Newark made Gigs, warranted good, which he will sell lower than Gigs of the same quality have been sold at this season, for Cash or Town acceptance. Green B. Marshall. June 11 George Hudson HAS removed to the house next door below Robert Lang, & co. Mav 14. f SqF The Subscribers has appointed W. Booker; and Ins brother D. Hud son, his agents during his abscence from the state. f . GEOt HUDSON. 1 To # Architccts. PERSONS disposed to undertake the buildiug of a Steeple to Christ Chuch in Augusta,are requested to send in their proposals to the Trustees without delay, j tn estimate of the whole cost is request ed; to be built in conformity to a draft [ now in possession of the Board—or if the , Artist should prefer a different plan he is ” requested to furnish one with his propo ’ sals. Ihe cash will be paid by the Trust, when the work is completed, and if ne , cessary, advances will be made as the work progresses. By order of the Board of Trustees. J. Hutchinson, chairman. July 16. ts ArofiUW. ’ ALL persons indebted to Col. Wil liam Few, of JW w-York, are here by notified, that unless payments are made on or before the Ist January next, suites will be commenced without dis crimination, as no further indulgence can be given by the subscribers. J. Sf B. Howards, Attornies for Wra. Few. July 30. ts Tax Collector’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in September next, the following tracts of land or as much as will satisfy the tax due for the year 1816, viz. 202 i-2 Acres of land, in Wil kinson county, 22d district, No. 331. — Sold as the property of Henry King, to satisfy his tax. Tax due $4 :6$ cents. 100 Acres of land in Columbia county adjoining Reese and Overbey on the waters of Town creek. Sold as the property of John Ford to satisfy bis tax for 1816. Tax due 0:76$ cents. Sl6Acres of land in Columbia county adjoining Tankersly and Pace on Little Kioka, & granted to Kilgore. Sold as the property of William Samuel, to satisfy his tax for 1816. Tax due 7 ; 30L 129 Acres df land in Columbia county, adjoining Germany Sf Luke, on Big Kioke creek, &’ granted to Germany, returned by John Malone, for the estate of Henry Malone deceased. Sold to sat isfy the tax of said estate for 4816. Tax, due 0 : 56$ cents. 250 Acres of land in Columbia county adjoining Wilkins and Magruder on the waters ot'Uchee creek, granted to Call. Sold as the property of John Me Donald, to satisfy his tax for 1816. Ta> due gS ; 60$. 215 1-2 Acres of land in Col umbia county adjoining Philips and Dan elly, on the waters of Boggy-gutt, gram : edto Youngblood. Sold as the property of John Youngblood, to satisfy his tax for 1816. Tax «lue S 3 ; 565. 125 Acres of land in Columbia' county adjoining Bradbury and Reeves « on the Big Kioka creek. Sold as the pro perty of Jonathan Mathews, to satisfy his ‘ tax for 1816. Tax due 0:71 $ cts. 160 Acres of land in Columbia county adjoining Nash and others on Germany’s creek. Sold as the property of Dennis Ruark, to satisfy his tax for 1816. Tax due 0: 90 cts. 202 1-2 Acres of land in Wil kinson county, 15th district, No 4, Oak mulgee river, granted to M £ Ginnis. Sold as the property of Felix M<Ginnis, to sat isfy his tax for 1816. Tax due 82 : 765. 202 1-2 Acres of land in Wil kinson county, 20th district, No 254. Sold as the property of Peter Ryan, to satisfy his tax for 1816. Taxdue 0: 82ct. 120 Acres of land in Columbia county, adjoiningSulivan and Cartledge, on Little river. Sold as the property of Everard Dowsing to satisfy his tax for 1816, Tax due g 9 ; 555. John Lamar, t. c. c. c. July 2. tsd. Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold at Lincoln Court- House, on the first Tuesday in October neit, between the usual hours, One negro man named Charles, : taken as the property of Peyton Harris, to satisfy an Execution in favor of Mathew Cullers, indorsee, vs. Harris & Mahoney. John McDowell, sheriff. August 11. ■ ■ 1 ■ Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold at Lincoln Court- House, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours, the following property, Viz: One Negro woman Named CJoe, taken as the property of Peyton Harris to satisfy an Execution in favor of Houston Collans & Co. vs. Pey : tvn Harris & Co. ' Conditions Cash. John MOlowell, Sheriff. 1 July 28,1817. To Kent, *1 House and Lot in the upper square on Broad-street. • XT is considered one of the best stands JL in the city for purchasing Cotton, and is also well calculated for a Grocery and j Dry Good Establishment. Possession . will be given on the first of October next. , For terms apply to Beniamin Sims. July $ ts > * I Drugs, Medicine® v AN» j PATENT MEDICINES WHOLESALEInd Retail, on W lowest terms for c: «h. at I APOTHECARY’S « ,LL I opposite the Herald office, Broad-strpp. I Augusta— I Lotion, which removes blemishes from I the face, making the skin delicatelr I soft and clear, improving the complex. I ion, and restoring'the bloom of youth « Essence Mustard, for the gout, rheum J I twin, sprains, &c, Elixir, for colds and coughs, I Doctor Halm’s German Eye water Lee’s Antibilious Pills, Colts Family Pills, I Hooper and Anderson’s pills, Soverign Itch Ointment, Opodeldoc, Bateman’s Drops, British Oil, Haarlem Oil, Turlington’s Balsam, Balsam, Honey Henry’s Calcined Magnesia, Cheltenham Salts, Ink Powder, Tooth Powder in boxes, Godfrey’s Cordial, Dalby’s Carminative, Teeth Brushes, single, dozen or grossj. Race and Powdered Ginger, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Allspice, Pearl Barley, Arrow Hoot, Anniseed, Fennel Seed, Windsor Soap, Wash Balls, Fancy Soap I Castile Soap, &c. ~ I Camel’s Hair Pencils, fitc. VI Copal Varnish, Red Lead, Vermillion, Prussian Blues, Purple Brown, Patent Yellow* I Rose Pink, Gamboge, Alum, Brimstone, Coperas, Arnetto, Spanish and common, English Chamomile Flowers, Flour Sulphur, Aloes, Camphor, Salts, Jalap, Rhubarb, iEther, Cream Tartar, Calomel,' Magnesia lump, small squares, and cal- I cmed in large bottels, i Nux Vomicas, Sugar Lead, White Vitriol. ANTICIPATED SHORTLY. Shop Furniture, Viols, white and green, Assorted Mortars, Teeth Instruments^ Lancets, thumb and spring, assorted, I with all the variety suited for practi* I cioners’ use and this market. Cunningham & Dunn. I June 18. 4 SLAUGHTER % LABUZAN I Have Just Received I A CONSIGNMENT of Cotton Yarn, I which they wall sell on very ac- I cominodating terms. August 8 ts 1 * 1 ' t ■> * ■■■ ' I Wanted Immediately. 100 Waggons, I TO haul to Ross’s on the Tennessea 1 River, Huntsville, or Nashville, for I vhich the most liberal prices will be I given. - A. Erwin, Groce & Co. August 6 cw NOTICE, * ALL those indebted to the late firm of Messrs. JAMES A. BLACK, j & Co. are requested to call and settle I their accounts with Messrs. A. Bugg, & Co. who are fully authorized to settle the I business of tine said firm. J John Tanner. I June 28. i ts I NOTICE. WILL BE SOLD on the 20th Sep* I tember next, at the late residence I of John Daniel, dec. Six Hordes, amongst I them the running horse known by the I name of FAIR-PLAY—a generous erf I dit will be given. I We, the sabscribers, will be bound the fc day of sale to purchasers, in a satisfac- ■ tory bond, to make or cause to be made ■ to them, a bill of sale as soon as there is I a legal representative appointed for the l| estate of the above deceased. > | Mary Daniel; I John Davis, j Peter Mathis. August 23. 0 | NOW in Richmond Jail, LEWIS, I who says he belongs to John Dupec I of Jones county, near Clinton —wheiine I; was taken he had a hat worth fight doi.ara j; and two patterns of calico, and apockei. 1 book which had a receipt in favor of War* I ner Hubbard, signed by Elisha Kendrick, I with four dollars in it, which he says I; stole from a waggoner 3 or 4 miles from ft Augusta, on the Washington road. I AIso—LUCY, who says she belongs to | Arthur Cheatham, of Jefterson count), 1| Louisville. The owners are request 1. to come forward, prove property, P*-; ft; charges and take them away. ■ A. Rhodes, jun. D* ®hu* I August 23. _ ■ NOTICE. [FOREWARN all persons fromh* ding for a paper signed J. ' F. Healey for the sum of twenty dollar James C. Henley. August 20. NOW in Columbia county jail. STOUT, about twenty one y» of age, common size, black comp e and homely—says he ran away * Edward Alfriend (sadler) near borough. . . . 1n - Garah Davis, jailor* August 28.