Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, September 06, 1817, Image 1

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■ ■ * ; ts • v- , ft, ■ f * ♦ c r. *■ • I AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, I MIB GEORGIA GAZETTE , ataaasHi x b ■ THE *.m JOJTSTJ CHRONICLE , ■t AND I GEORGIA GAZETTE, I PUBLISHED BV , »gAN, DUYCKINCK & PEARRE, fl EVgR y WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, |@L fl V e Dollars per annum, Payable in ||| Advance. Eoke Reed Co. C; havh; just receiVed, are now Offering for Sale, lined and bound Shoes, Ist, 2d and 3d quality ■Boy’s ditto ■ Men’s fine calf skin Shootees I Ditto Morocco ditto ■ Ditto Ditto Pumps ■ Ladie’s fine Morocco Shoes, Istqual. I Leather ditto. ■ September 3 o | NOTICE. ■||EZEKIAH DU KiNSON having |ri purchased the interest of Mr. Eaton ■Flewellin in the concern of T. & E. Flew- Ejlin, the business will in future l>e car- Ked on under toe firm of KLR WELI.IN End DICKINSON at the establishment Es the late firm, where they have an ex pensive ware-house & commodious stores, ■or the reception of all kinds of produce ■ml goods. They tender their services Ho their friends and the public generally, End only ask for such encouragement as ■their attention and punctuality will en- Eitle them to. I Taylor Flewelhn, Hezekiah Dickinson. I September S. ts I FACTORAGE AND mOMMISsION B VSINESS. 'IMHE subscribers having formed a co j[ partnership under the firm of Han BART, Ganahl $ Co. and rented the large and convenient Yare-Houses of Maj. Phinizy, will ne ready, after the fbt<of October, to receive goods or pro duce for storage at customary rates, and to attend to any business in their line— and,hopetheir industry and attention to business will entitle them to a liberal share it public patronage. J. llanhavt, J. Ganahl, 11. Stoucler. leptember 5,181 7. cm NO ri( E. Jy order of the Hon. the Inferior Court I of Richmond county, HEREBY call on tiie representatives of those men, formerly residents or this county, who sacrificed their lives in defence of theU-ited States, in the late [war with Great Britain and the Indian Tribes, to report me the number and cir cumstances of the families of the decca>>- sed, that a return thereof may be ma< e to the next General Assembly of th s State, according to a joint and concurred resolution of the 2d day of December, 1816. John H. Mann, NOTICE. AN ELECTION vrillue Holden on the third Tuesday, being the 21st of October next, for Justices of the Inferior Court of Richmond county, at the court bouse in the city of Augusta.—By order «f the Ron. the Inferior Court. John H. Mann, cVk. September 3. t( ie NOTICE. I N ELECTION will be held at the J\ courthouse in the city of Augusta, on the first Monday, being the 6th day ot October next, for a Senator and two Members to represent Richmond county in the next general assembly of this state. order of the Honourable the Infe rior Court. John U. Mann, cl’k. September 3. tde J. W. Bridges, HAS taken the hous* formerly occu pied by P. Brown, two doors above JoiiiU Miller’s and near the market, where he has on hand an extensive assortment es DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and BARD WARE, which will be sold low hf wholesale or retail, for cash or ap proved paper. June 28. > ts COW HIDES. subscriber has on hand a quan •JL tity of the best well dryed Cow Hides. Also, a full and General Assortment of LEATHER, which he offers to sell low fur cash. John iiucker. Jaly 9. SATURDAy, SEPTEMBER 6, 1817. " THE SUBSCRIBERS. Have Just Received OJJ OUNCHEONS high proof Old , w XT Jamaica Rum, 15 Puncheons and 20 Barrels N. E. Ruin, 25 Hhds. Gooil Sugar, 5 Boxes Havanna White Sugar, 80 Bags Prime Green Coffee, 150 Pieces Best Inverness Cotton Bag ging' Best Cognac Brandy, j _ Ditto Holland Gin, I Do. S. Madeira Wine, J rtt JD Ground and Allum Salt, Bar Iron and Share Moulds, 500 Setts Waggon Boxes, assorted, 50 Kegs Cut Nails, ditto, 50 Reams Wrapping Paper. They have also on hand, a Gen eral Assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE % VVTLERT, Ali of which will be sold low for Cash, Produce, or approved Town Paper, on a short credit, at the former stand of J. Carmichael. William C. Ware, & co. July 25 ts Fresh Roots ts Shoes Subscriber respectfully informs L his fiends and the public in gene ral, that he has just received a complete assortment of SHOES, BOOTS, &c.— which he offers for sale at No. 4, Bridge Row, directly opposite Mr. John Miller’s .‘rick store- The assortment consists principally of Ladies’ French and American Morocco Slippers, all colours, full trimmed, )o. Fashionable English Kid ditto, with and without' heels. Ditto do. do. do. Pumps—all co lours, with and without heels, Do. do. black and coloured Morocco do. gnd narrow straps, Do. Perry Sandals, all colours, with and without heels, full trimmed, Do. Jackson do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Waterloo’s, with ts without buttons, Do. black and coloured Morocco Walk ing Shoes, Do. French do. do. do. jo. Cork Sole do. do. Do. Village Pumps and Shoes, of Kid and French Morocco, Do. Black and coloured Morocco Bootees with and without heels, Misses black and coloured Morocco Slippers, full trimmed, Do. do. do. Kid do. «o. do. Do. do. do. Morocco Bootees, thin and thick soles. Do. Leather Boots and Shoes. Gentlemens’ French and English Moroc co Pumps, broad and narrow straps. Do. Morocco ami Seal Walking Pumps, Do. fine Calf Skin Shoes, broad and narrow straps, Do. Suwarrow and Wellington Boots, at all prices, Youths’ Fine and Stout Shoes, Do. Morocco and Leather Pumps, Childrens’ Morocco and Kid Snoes, all colours, Do. do. do. Boots do. Do* do. Village do. do. do. Do. Leather Boots and Shoes, thin and thick soles, —ALSO— -50 Dozen Morocco Skins, 500 Pair Negro Shoes, 20 Packages Black and coloured Roan Slippers, 50 Dozen Childrens’ Morocco Hat*, assorted colours, 15 Cases Roram Hats, silk and cotton ,inin S’ , • , 5 Do. Caster do. do. do. 4 Do. Morocco Pocket Books, at all prices, - 5 Dozen Windsor and Fancy Chairs. N. B. The above articles will be sold at very reduced prices, for CAi>H, or approved paper. Oliver Miller. August 20. FW Bolting Cloths. The Subscriber has just received, a compleete assortment of genuine Rutchbolting Cloths Os all numbers, and will keep a con stant suppl during the season. J. S. Walker. August 6. _ u t^ "Just Received, And for Sale at the Store of Air. John Logan , on Broad Streete, opposite Messrs. Alexander Spencer , ts Co A FRESH SUPPLY OF Doer. SAMUEL H. P. LEE’S New London Billions Pills, Direct from the Patentee. ISAAC HERBERT. Agent for the Patentee. August 3* SVT , John Man, Has Received for . -e Sale SO Bags Prin e offee 51) Bbls & 6 1 1 hdNorthern Rum 14 Bids Philadelphia Gin 6 Hhds Jamaica Rum of the first quality 100 Casks Cut Nails 8d lOd & 20d Wrought Nails and Spikes Hoop and Rod Iron, assorted 1 Ton Blisterd Steel, first quality Boxes Cotton Cards Ditto Soap Casks ol Hoes and Trace Chains 2000 Pieces Castings, well assorted, 300 Grindstones 30 Bundles Steel 2000 Yards Striped Homspun White Havanna Sugar Hyson Tea Malaga Wine July 19. ts ' The Subscribers; Have Just Received, ISO Packages British, French and India GOODS, Consisting of almost every aricle calculated for the Spring and Sunnier Business—Which they offer at Whole sale and Retail, on accommoditing terms. William Sims, Sf Co. March 5. ts Staiuback Wilson AND James A. Black, | AVING associated themselves in fjL business under the firm of WIL SON & BLAt K, offer their- services to their friends, and the public in general, in the COMMISION AND Factorage Line. They have the W are-House lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett Sf Sims, where every attention will given to ren der general satisfaction. Augusta, April 30 THE SUBSCRIBERS IN addition to their former stock of goods, have Just received, and will continue to receive through the summer and fall seasons, a general supply of sta ple and Fancy goods', which will be sold low for cash, or approve l ' paper. The Following articles are among their RECENT SLPFLr~~*Viz: 1 case Irish Linens 1 trunk Furniture Prints 1 do. Lace ground do. 1 case Furniture Dimity 1 do fancy Ginghams 1 trunk Marseilles Quilts 2 cases Northern Homespun 2 trunks 6-4 Cambric Muslin Figured Sf plain Levantine and Flo rence cifks Plaid, Sarsnetts and Canton Hk’fs. Extra Superfine London Cloths 1 case Horse and Gig Whips 2 cases Guns 100 pieces Cotton Bagging. ALSO. 20 box**s China 8 by 10 Window Glass D. P. & Powder, Shot and Lead Corsica and Sicily Madeira Wine Jamaica Rum , Loaf and Lump Sugar White Lead, Linseed Oil, &c. T. & J. Cunningham. August 2. ts "in addition f ¥lO an extensive assortment of goods j already on hand, the subscribers have just received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, the Following Articles which they offer for sale on mode rate terms : 15 trunks Cambrics, Lenos, Calicoes and Bombazetts }8 by 10 9 by 11 10 by 12 20 crates Porter Bottles Shot & Lead, Sheet Sf Hoop Iron, Casting Table Salt, &c. &c. ALSO. 10 barrels Linseed Oil 8 cases Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine White Roram & W 00l Hats 200 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 30 Kegs Dupont & co’s. FF &F.P.F. Gunpowder. Edward Quinn & Co. i Julyl9, ts . [No. 1*550] GENUINE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. subscribers have lately received by different arrivals at this port, a very extensive and complete assortment of Drugs, Paints, Oil and Dye Stuffs, which they will dispose of on liberal terms at their wholesale and retail Drug and Chemical Ware-HoUse, near the Market Square? and warrant them of the best quality. AMONG tHKM ARE White Lead, 1 250 J V ellow Ochre, (Ground Kegs Spanish Brown, j in Oil Verdigris, J Linseed Oh ia 1 iCces Fustic and Uhls. Po*d. Julap tanners ditto Gl.tuber Suits Spa-mace i ditto Powd. Dark Window Giass of all M .nna sizes Senna Cbuk C.mphor Alum Spanish Flies Roll Brimstone Flour Sulphur Verdignase (dry) Cream of Tartar Maiblr Morais \fi Opium Glass Sr Wedge-C o Lei 's genuine Bilious wood ditto } > Pill* Paint Stones & Mullers IWm oj Gilead Apothecary’s Scales U Riga Balsam Weights Paul's Columbian OJ Juniper Berries Maccassar ditto Logwood L n»on Acid ALSO SHOP FURNITURE, Patent medicines, sumuoj\rs /.vs tu s AND PERFUMERY, OF EVERY VARIETY. Orders from Druggists, Physicians and country Merchants, will be promptlyfcat tended to, and executed in the neatest manner. Harral k Worrell. Savannah, August iti, 1817—fw Eagle Tavern, AND SAVANNAH STAGE-OFFCE riTHB Copartnership heretofore exist- JL. tag at this Stand, under the firm of Wm. CHISOLM & Co. was dissolved on the 25th ultimo by mutual consent. WILLIAM CHISOLM, RICHARD I. EASTER, JAMES A. BLACK. The Subscribers having formed a connection at the above Establishment, will accommodate Town Boarders, anti Transient and Country Gentlemen, as formerly,: ,-d solicit acontinuation ofthe natronage of their acquaintances and the public. The business will be conducted under the firm of CHISOLM & SHAN NON, who are authorized to receive all debts due the former establishment, and will pay all demands against the same. WILLI AM CHISOLAM, WILLIAM SHANNON, ■Tune 25* ts Vaitxhall Gardens Joseph Carrie, RETURNS liis thanks to his ft lends and the Public, for the great en curagement he has received since he has established himself at Vauxhall, and re spectfully informs them that Ids GARDEN,HOUSE AND BATHS are now in complete order for the recep tion and entertainment of all decent and orderly behaved persons. His Bat » are open every day from sunrise until 9 o*clock at night, except on Sundays, when they will close at 12 o’clock in the morning. No exertions shall be wanting on his part to ensure a continuance of public favor, and to render his visitors comfortable and pleasant. His Bar is furnished with every refreshment that the market affords. By permission of Messrs. M‘Kikne Sf Shuitz, he has also established at theii Elegant SPRINGS, a house of Refresh-/ ment—to which the attention of ail gen tlemen, who visit this delightful resort, is respectfully invited. Augusta, May 24. ts pC7*Docts. FENDALL & GLENN, have removed their SHOP, to the house next above the Avgusta Book Store. July 16. * Globe Tavern. BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, THE subscribers having purchased ft lease of this Elegant and commodi ous establishment, inform .their friend* and the public in general, that their heat exertions shall be used to render comfort* able ail those who may be pleased to call on them. They have a number of pri vate Rooms handsomely furnished, sepa rate and apart from the bustle of the tav ern, for the accommodation of those, to whom such bustle would be unpleasant-** Ami having determined to snare no pain* in providing every comfort, they rely with confidence upon the support of the pub lic. Thomas Glascock* Peter Donaldson. June 30 ts • THE “ Quaker Springs, Seven miles from Jlugusta , nn the great Washington road. The frowns ol fotiuiit- imve bn tight poor Bill Gttrlick ti aiicnor at this place HE therefore gives this information to his friends (if any,) to his numer ous acquaintances, and the public in gen eral, that he has opened ml House of Entertainment , for the aci ommodation of all decent, ci vil travellers, and lor no others. The disorderly part of society he wishes to pass by, as their absence will be a much more delicious cordial titan their money; indeed he is determined not to be pester ed with troublesome company; so that the weary traveller may He down to rest in quiet These observations are made in consequence of this place being for merly established as one of great disor der and confusion, which, with propriety induced thousands of gentlemen to pass by. The HOUSES and STABLES, are now repairing, and will soon be in good order, with a general assortment of the best of Liouo'rs; a well furnished Table; Clean Hens; a plenty for horses, with a good hostler, and a desire to please, which I hope will be inducements suffi cient for the traveller to call, if not, ha must pass by. Gentlemen from town can be accom modated at the simplest notice; and alt fa* vours will be receiv'd with gratitude. A general assortment of GKO CERIKS will be kept here, and sold near ly at the Augusta prices. N. Durkec. August 9. wcm We are authorised to announce General Thomas Glascock a candi date for the Legislature at the ensuing election. July 26. IC?* We are authorised to announce Richard Bush, a candidate for me of fice of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, at the ensuing elec* ■ ion. June 25. |L7*We are authorised to announce Col. Petek Donaldson, a candidate lor the office of Sheriff, of Richmond county, at the ensuing election. - S , authorised to announce Anselm Bugo, a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff, for Richmond county at the ensuing election. * .Time 7 * # # We arc authorised uj announce Edmund Bugo, Jan. a candidate for the office of tax collector of Richmond county, at the ensuing election. fuly 9. %*We are authorised to announce Thomas Handley a candidate for the office of fax collector fur Richmond county, at the ensuing election. July 5. %*Mr. Hiram Mann is a candidate for Receiver o tax returns for Richmond county at the ensuing election. Juno 21, <C7* We arc authorized to announce Major DENNIS DENT, a candidate at the ensuing election, to represent the countyof Columbia in the next Legis lature. ♦ . August 13. ts 20 Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY on the evening of Ibth July last, my negro woman NAN UV; she is of a yellowish complexion, country born, about 28years old; she'V was lately purchased of Mr. Elias Wal len, merchant, of this city, and on whose family she has been in the habit of at tending; she is well known in Savannah and Augusta—Nancy has a husband re siding in Savannah, try the name of July, the property of Mr. William Mein. All masters of vessels, and others, are cau tioned from harboring or employing the above wench Nancy.* The above reward and all reasonable charges will be pud I on her being lodged in jail. John H. Mere!. » Savannah, August 30, vrp