Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, September 17, 1817, Image 4

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Bank of Augusta. m July, 1817. IT a general meeting of the Stock- A. holders, on Saturday the 24th June, 18 tTJn pursuance of public notice, it was resolved, that the capital stock should be increased; and the Board of Directors was authorized accordingly to dairy the said resolution into effect. Notice is therefore hereby given, that on Saturday the first of November next, at 10 o’clock a. m. at the Bank, will be put up for public sale, to the highest bidders, 2500 Shares of New Stock, of 100 dollars each, in portions not exceeding ten shares. The increase, whatever it may be, over 100 dollars, per share, to be paid down at the time of sale, the remaining 100 dollantoD the 22d November next, which, being so paid, will entitle the proprietors of New Stock to full dividends of profits to be made by the Bank, from and im mediately after the next dividend, which will be on the 17th November, 1817. Bills of any of the Chartered Bank's in Georgia and South Carolina will be taken in payment. By order Augustus Moore, Cashier. sfewPoat Company of Georgia. ■ ' Augusta, Sept. sth, 181/. is Hereby Given to the T/W Stockholders of the STEAM BOAT COMPANY OF GEORGIA, that an Instalment of ten per cent on the Capital of the said Company, will be payable on the seventh day of October, next. By Order of the Board of Directors. AUGUSTUS BRUX, Cashier. September 6 ts Bolting Cloths. THHE subscribers have just received a A-- complete assortment of the best Quality DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. Edward Quin, & Co. June 25. ts € HECKS on New-York, for sale by THOMAS GARDNER. August 16. -ts Bills on New York AT SHORT SIGHT, Pot Sale by A. Slaughter & C. Labuzan. 'August 16. ts ■ Bills on New-York For Sale by Benjamin Picquet. August 23. ts Prime Bacon, ton SALE BY T. 8f E. Flewellen. AUgbst 30. ts itAUGH IEH LABUZAN Have Jus * Received k CONSIGNMENT of Cotton Yarn, jfykwhich they will sell on very ac commodating terms. Augusts ts I HAVE appointed Alexander M‘Kin stry my attorney during my absence ftp m Augusta. E. C. THOMPSON. September 3. ts. To Kent, And immediate possession given, [ House ’formerly occupied by JL Thos. H. Penn, on Ellis street,, immediately back of A. Labuzan—For. terms apply to Wm. P. Dearmond, or to Thomas H, Penn. STOPPED FROM a Negro Fellow, a Post Note' fora considerable amount, which the owner can have by giving a satisfac tory description of it. Enquire at this office. August 27. TO THE PUBLIC. Mr. Le Coq, Jointer, Decorator, and Veer nisher, LATELY ARRIVED IN THIS CITT. i f BRAKES the liberty respectfully to 1 Offer his services in nis Line of Business. He Paints, Decorates Appartments apd Furniture, in the modern taste, and in elegant style—He is also a Sign Pain ter, with any emblems ‘required, either gild ornamented with vjgnetes. He will p&inlChairs and Stores in a handsome B»aju»es, as well as Varnish defferent Metals,. sHe ie .alee acquainted with' the art df Glazing—<ond ’flatters himself to prove a faithful and pleasing work-; man to such as may hbnor him with their custom—Apply at the House of P, Menard, Esq. Broad-Street. Septcmper 6 , ts NOTICE. A 17L those indebted to the late firm /V of Messrs. JAMES A, BLACK, fc Co. ore requested to call and settle their accounts with Messrs. A. Bugg, tk —•*. who fitlfy authorized to settle the said firm. I **• Tu r ■ ■ f , WAR bEPARTMENT, y June 9,1817/ J This is to givf Notice ,* HAT separate proposals will be re ceived at the office of the Secretary for the department of war, until iheSlst day of October next, inclusive, for the supply of all rations that may be required for the use of the troops of she United States, from the Ist day of June, 1818, inclusive, until the Ist clay of June, 1819, within the states,territories, and districts following—viz: Ist. At Detroit, Michilimackinac, Green Bay, Fort Wayne, Chicago, and their immediate vicinities, ami at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited, within the territory Michigan, the vi cinity of the ujtper Lakes, and the state of Ohio, and on or adjacent to the waters of Lake Michigan. 2d. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, within the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. ‘ Sd. At St. Louis, Fort Harrison, Fort Clarke, Fort Armstrong, Fort Crawford, Fort Osage or Fort Clark, on the Mis souri river, and at any other place or pla ces where troops are or may be stationed marched or recruited, within the state of Indiana, and the territories of lillinois and Missouri. 4th. At Fort Montgomery, Fort Craw ford, Mobile, Fort St. Philip, New- Orleans, Baton Rouge and Fort Claiborne, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the Mississippi terri toryythe state of Louisiana and their vi cinities, north of the Gulf of Mexico. sth. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the district of Maine and state of New-Hampshire. 6th. At any place or places where troops are or maybe stationed, marched or recruited within the state of Massa chusetts. ; 7th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the states of Connect icut and Rhode Island. Bth. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of N. York, north of the Highlands, and within the : state of Vermont. ' 9th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of N. York, .south of the Highlands, including West Point, and within the state of New Jer sey. 10th. At any place nr places where troops arc or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of Pennsyl vania. 11th. At ary place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the states of Dela ware, Maryland and the district of Co lumbia. 12th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of Virginia. 13th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of North Carolina. 14th. At n»’" place or places where troops are or i. ‘ be stationed, marched or recruited within the stale of South Carolina. 15th. At Tybec Barracks, Fort Haw kins and Fort Scott, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited with in (he state of Georgia, including that part of the Creek’s lands lying within the territorial limits of said state. A ration to consist of one pound and one quarter of beef, or three quarters of a pound of salt pork, eighteen ounces of bread or flower, one gill of rum, whisky or brandy, and at the rates of two quarts of salt,four quarts of vinegar, four pounds of soap, and one pound and one half of candles to every hundred rations. The prices of the several component parts of the ration must be particularly mention ed in the proposals, but the U. States re serve the right of making such alterations in the price of the comp iffent parts of the ration aforesaid, as shall make the price of each part thereof bear a just pro portion to the proposed price of the whole ration. The rations are to be furnished in such quantities, that there shall, at all times, during (he term of the proposed •ontract, be sufficient for the con sumption of the troops for six months n advance, of good ami wholesome pro . isions, if the same shall be required,— It is also to be permitted to ail and every one of the commanders of fortified pla ces or posts, to call for at seasons when the same can be transported, or at any time in case of urgency, such supplies oflike provisions, in advance as in the directions of the commander shall be deemed proper*. It is understood that the contractor is to be at the expense and risk of issuing ■* the supplies to the troops, and that all losses sustained by the depredations of : the enemy, or by means of the troops of the United States shall be paid by the i United States, at (he price of the article : -captured or destroyed as aforesaid, on the depositions of two or more persons 1 #f credible characters, and the certificate ► of a commissioned officer, stating the f circumstance es the loss, and the amount of the article for,-which compensation i shall be claimed,. 1 The privilege is’reservcd to the U States; to requiring (hat none of the sup plies which may be fiumished under any ■ . . *. . . 4 '\,Ms c : ' * C’ '■*' ri T ■** of the proposed contracts, shall be issued, until the supplies which have been or may be furnished under the contract now in force, have been consumed, GEO: GRAHAM, Acting Secretary of War. June 28. wlstO Assize of Bread, Fur September, 1817'. THE average price of Superfine Flour is ascertained not to exceed 10, dollars per barrel of 196 pounds. Agreeably to the directions of an Or dinance, entitled an Ordinance for the regulation of Wheat Bread, passed on flic rth June, —the weight of Loaves for the present month must be 6 1-1 Cents Loaf, 1 pound, 12 1-2 Cents Loaf, 2 pounds. Os which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread are required to fake due notice. 1). Clarke, C/’k C, C. September 10. . To Rent, lower tenement of the House at present occupied by Mr. John Sharp, upper end of Broad Street. John M. Davenport. August IG. ' ts For Sale or to Rent. A HOUSE and LOT at the upper end of Broad-st as good a stand for luiying produce as any in tlie city—For particular * inqure of T. PYE. - August 27. ew LJiF i in the store es Erwin , Groce , «§• Co. a cotton net Ridi- ! cule, containing a pocket book with a small sum of money and some articles of merchandize—also a bundle -of calico with a small sum of money. The owner can have them on application. August 30. ts For sale, TWO LIKELY YOUNG FEL LOWS—excellent Bricklayers.— Enquire at this office. August IS. THE Following Property WILL be offered for sale, at the Court-House, in this city, on the first Tuesday in December next, being the real estate of the late R. Wayne, esq. and sold for the benefit of the heirs of said estate, viz:— House and Lot No. 1, Y amacraw* Wharf Lpt No. 1, do. Wharf Lot No. 10, do. One Town Lot at Spring Hill. One five acre Lot, Chatham county,tm the borders es the city. Two Town Lots in Sunbury. O : e Town Lot in Brunswick. 470 acres prime river swamp Land on Argyle Island, about 320 acres cleared ami cultivated under dam, with quarter drains, trunks, water machine, barns, overseers, winnowing ami negro houses, a garden spot, with a grove of sweet orange and fig trees. The buildings are situated on high knowles, out the reach of freshets. This land produces as good crops as wiy on the river. The whole tract will be sold oi divided into two tracts to suit purchasers. 800 acres pine Land; in the neighbor hood of Monteith, 11,000 acres pine Land, in Effingham county, lad offin tracts of from three to five hundred acres each. 6000 acres of Land, in Striven county, in different tracts; some of the tracts prime swamp and oak and hickory lands. 310 acres of Land, Washington coun ty, oak and hickory. 202 i acres Land, ’Wilkinson county, 12th district, No. 265. <SO acres river swamp Land, in South Carolina, opositethe point of Argyle Isl and. From ten to twelve hundred acres of Land, on the Salt Ketcher, in South " Carolina. Four Lots in the town of Columbia, South-Carollna. Terms to be made known on the day of sale. GEORGE ANDERSON,? JAMES M. WAYNE. 5 executors Savannah* September 13. 1817. Administrator’s Sale. 4 GREEABLE to an order of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Columbia county.will be sold at Lincoln court house on the first Tuesday in No vember next, a tract of land containing 137 acres, on Soap creek, Lincoln coun ty, belonging tp the estate of Elijah Athey, dec.—Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.— Terms made known on the day. Archibald Heggie, adra’r. September 6. tsd £/• We are authorised to an , nounce Capt JAMES BARTON, a can ' didate for the office of Receiver of Tax 1 Returns for Richmond county at the cn v uing election. . Sept. 13. ■ r . i |C?* We are authorized to announce t Major DENNIS DENT, a candidate at ; the ensuing election, to represent the . bounty of Columbia in the next Legis t lature, u August IS. t ts Blanks, .* ' Neatly Executed at this Office. ' . x ■.»• ...’ihfii** * Public Notice is hereby Given.; THAT THE i TOWN OF ALABAMA, Is established at the site Ten-Mile-Bluff, on the East side of Alabama River, where a variety of TOWN LOTS Will be exposed to public sale on the 3 d Monday in October next. THE site of the town is high and com manding, and supposed to be one hundred feet above the level of the water in the river opposite to the town, and is entirely removed from swamps, lagunes rnd morasses. In addition tn this, the purity of the water, the salubrity of the pir, and the contiguity of a Mineral Spying to the Town Spring, will ensure to its inhabitants the most perfect health. liLpoint of commercial advantages, this town cannot be surpassed, as it stands at the nearest eligible site to the head of navigation on the Alabama river, and is . only ten miles by land to the junction of theCoosa and Talapoosa rivers. The fertility of the surrounding coun try has bean tested during the present sales, where the Alabama bottoms have : average ! SSO per acre, and the hickory lands in the immediate neighbour hood es the town, have sold from ten to 14 dollars per acre. These last lands have long been pronounced by the late Agent colonel Hawkins, to be the best body of ; up-land in the Creek cession, and in fact Die town concentrates all the good lands , embraced in the present sales. The immense capital concentrated in ■ and contiguous to the town, is the surest ‘pledge that can be given of its success to ‘ the various classes in society, who may feel disposed to purchase lots. ‘ John Scott, Milleclgeville, Ga. "j James Manning, Madison, M.T. £ WaddvTate, do. do. 5. Thomas Bibb, do. do. jg- A. P Hayne, Nashville, Tenn. I 3 -Z. Lamar, Milledgeville, Ga. p-o Charles Williamson, do. do. <■+* Wm. D Stone, do, do. I re JoHNDoNALsoN.jr.Nashv.Tenn. H Wm. E. Buttler, do. do. 3 James Jackson, do. do. J ? Milledgeville, Sept. S. Alabama and Talapoosa LANDS. THE subscriber having purchased a considerable portion of the low grounds on the above rivers, a great part of which is cleared and now under culti vation, is disposed to treat with the occu pants, or others, as it respects the future enjoyments of these fine bottoms, i He therefore proposes to lease any tract for two years from the date of the purchase, for a consideration of twenty five per cent, on the amount of the pur chase money, or sell the same at the ave rage price bought at; upon receiving twenty-five per cent in money—the pur chaser to make the future payments to the government. The fertility of these 1 lands is such as to produce 100 bushels corn to the acre, which is now worth for the standing crop, two dollars per bushel, and expected to continue so another year; after which it is probable the value will be about one dollar per bushel—the 1 lands being situated on navigable waters, 1 in the heart of a new country, second to none for the culture of cotton, which will ■ become the staple commodity as soon as the population is sufficient to raise surplus produce for exportation. 1 In the neighborhood, and adjoining the river lands, the subscriber has a number 1 of tracts of upland for settlement, which ; will be disposed of upon the same, or ■ other accommodating terms. The soon er application is made the better, as the price will be enhanced after the first of ' October next. Descriptions of the pro perty may he seen at the Land-Office in Milledgeville, or by application to the subscriber in Augusta, Georgia. James S. Walker. September 3. 7 ts • ■■■ ■ 1 ' mm " “ ■ 1 1 1 1 " m m ■ . ••' i - ■ •• •' 100 Dollars Reward AN AWAY from the subscribers, 1Y living in Augusta, Georgia, on the 26th of last month, two negro fellows, 1 viz;—ADAM, a mulatto, about 38 years of age, 5 feet IT. or 6 feet high, a large square shouldered, boney fellow, and ve ry strong, has a dirty appearance, largo black whiskers and beard, which he gen erally wears long; he is a tolerable rough carpenter; appears humble when spoken to, and seems as if alarmed. He was ; purchased from a Mr. Joshua Gay, a . negro trader. J A.CK, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inch es high, very stout made, of a dark com plexion, and has several of his fore teeth decayed or opt, and about 25 years of age. 'He was brought from Lexington, Kentucky, by Messrs. Jacoby and Stone, negro traders, where it is likely he will attempt to go—it is recollected that there was a swelling in his ham as large as a hen’s egg, occasioned by a strain. The above reward will be paid on their being delivered to the subscribers in Au gusta, with all reasonable expenses—or secure them ,in jail so that we get them— or 50 for either of them. John Cashin, Basil Lamar. %* The Editor of the Reporter, Lex ington,. Kentucky, is requested to give the above three insertions, and forward his account to this office fop payment Augusta, August 20,1817. ts e IBjr I, . Marshal’s Sales. I f , Aus “i s . t t’ bet ,* een the »«al hours I of sale—will be sold, fJ ■ One House and Lot m the town ofp. I tersburg, adjoining lots of William A 'i* I len and Samuel Graham—Also on* I small tract of laud on Savannah river I the mouth of Cold water creek in Elbert I county, formerly known as a Boat lan. I ding. The above property levied on tol satisfy an execution issued from the 6th I circuit court of the United States in f a I vour of John Clendeniug vs. WiU,a m 'i Patterson.—Conditions cash— ■ to pay for bills- of sale. S i Thomas T. Triplet, d.m.d.g.R Notice. || WILL be Sold on Friday the 7(h II day of November next, at the ■ house of William L. Beale, late of Co-B lumbia county, deceased. 1 Cotton Machine, 1 pair o fl Mill Stones, 1 Man’s Saddle and Bridle I and several other articles not here en’l umerated. —ALSO.—i I Part of the stock of Horses, I Cattle and Hogs, agreeable to an order I of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary I for the benefit of the minors of said de ceased. Maryann Beale, Extr’x , Wm. Jones, ExW, . September 13 ts SHERIFF’S SALE, * Will he. sold at Lincoln court house, on the first Tuesday in October next, be tween the usual hours , the following property—viz: THREE NEGROES, say, Milley,i Hannah and Warren a child, air taken as the property of Wm. Goolsby to satisfy two executions, one in favour of David and Adam Cerson, vs. said Goolsby, and one in favour of William and Felix Gilbert, vs. said Goolsby. ALSO One marc and colt and two cows and calves—taken as the property of Ralph Kilgore, to satify an execution in favour of Lewis Stovall. survivor, vs. said Kil gore.*—-Conditions cash. John MfDowell, hli’ff, September 3. tds Sheriff’s Sale Postponed. "WILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in October newt, at the court house in the town of Waynesborough , Burke county, between the usual hours, One black horse, levied on as the property of Robert Jones, to satisfy an execution in favor of Wm. Allaway, against Thomas Sorsby and Robert Jones. ALSO—- One moiety, or one eleventh part of a tract of land containing 225 acres, levied on as the property -of Elizabeth Rowell, administratrix of John Rowell, dec, to satisfy an execution in favour of Green Roberts against Elizabeth Rowell, adm’x. of John Rowell, dec. and Jacob Tipton—Levied on and returned to me by a constable. John Bell, s. jb. c. August 30. wfN SHERIFF’S SALK. On the first Tuesday in October next , at the Court-house in Columbia county , Will be Sold , One negro woman by the name of Clary and her child Charles, to satisfy sundry executions against the estate of Charles Porter, Esq.—property pointed out by his executor. * ALSO- Five Negroes—Toney, a valua ble fellow,.and Saßy his wife, with their three children, Creasy, Gim Han*sh; levied on as the property of James Wood* Esq. to satisfy sundry executions issued out of a Justice’s court in favor Lemuel Moore, vs. Janies Wood and John Sandi* ford—property pointed out by Sandiford. also One House anti Lot in the town of Wrightsborough, at this time occupi ed by Pearson Pettet, to satisfy an exe- Samuel Nelson, vs. said Pettet * also one other house and lot in the town, whore John Pettet row lives, to satisfy two executions, one in favor of Jonathan Armstrong for WilliamPascha! vs, Pearson Pettet; the other in favor of Willis Durden, tax collector of Warren county, vs. Pearson Pettet ; Also, <l:6 house and lot in the said town where Charles M. Lin now lives, to satisfy two executions, Moses Alexander, vs. Charles M. Lin.—All the Wrightsborough pro perty above mentioned, levied on and returned to me by George H. Johnson* constable. also A Negro Man by the name ot Paddee,Tevied on to satisfy an execution, Guardian of J. and P. Carnes, vs. adm’rs. M. Burk and Zachariah Williams —pro- perty pointed out by said Williams. Terms of sale cash. Wm. Wilkins, s.c.c. August 30. tds SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold at Lincoln Court- House, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours, One negro man named Charles, taken as the property of .Peyton Harris* to satisfy an Execution in favor of Mathew Cullers, indorsee, vs. Harris & Mahoney• John MKDowell. sheriff . August ff.