Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 01, 1817, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, I AND GEORGIA GAZETTE, . ' - . |j)l.XXm] WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER l, 1817. " rNo. iijos.l * • '\ . •"■ S'. THE hVGUSTJI CIUWmCLE, ft AND I GEORGIA GAZETTE, | PUBLISHED BY [BAN, DUYCKINCK & PEARRE, ■EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, ft Five Dollars per annum , Payable in Advance. - 1 ■" l|C3"We ate authorised to announce fcisßLM Bugg, a candidate for the of ftc of Sheriff, for Richmond county at le ensuing election, ftjune 7. are authorised to announce bmund Bugg, Jun. a candidate for the ftce of tat collector of Richmond ftnfry, at the ensuing election., July 9. ft,* We are authorised to announce ioMAS Handley a candidate for the Ice lip tax collector for Richmond [nty, attlie ensuing election. July 5. |S? We are authorised to an [nee Cant. JAMES BARTON, a can- Bte for the office of Receiver of Tax ftiirns for Richmond county at the en ftg election. Sept. 13. I*' Mr. Hiram Mann is a candidate for ftcivcr of fax returns for Richmond ftaty at the ensuing election. [une 21. ■TTE are authorised to announce Ed ■7 ward Hassel a candidate for re [er of tax returns for Columbia county ftie ensuing election, ftugust 6 IffTE are authorized to announce Jas. I y Hutchinson a candidate for Tax ■lector of Columbia county at the en pig election. Sept. 3. ■3* We are authorised to announce ■hard Bush, a candidate for the of- I of Receiver of Tax Returns of Ihmoud county, at the ensuing clec kl. Juno 1 V ftc?* We are autnonsed to announce I. Peter Donaldson, a candidate I the office of Sheriff of Richmond Inty, at the ensuing election.—jun.ll ICT* Wc are authorised to announce ITRICK PRESCOTT, Esq. a can late for the Legislature at the ensu ■ election. fteptember 13 ts [C7* We are authorized to announce ftieral Thomas Glascock a candi [e for the Legislature at the ensuing ftetion. July 26. Et* We are authorized to announc- 1 ftjor DENNIS DENT, a candidate a I ensuing election, to represent the ■ntyof Columbia in the next Legis lire. ■August 13. ts IjiCJ* During the sickly season, lew gentlemen can be accommodated Ik BOARDING & LODGING, or ftdging separately, in a private family, I the Sand Hills. The situation is re sted and pleasant. Enquire at this Of ft. w Sept. 10. NOTICE. B LL persons indebted to Col. Wil- By Liam Few, of New-York, are liere- H notified, that unless payments are ■deon or before the Ist January next, Bites will be commenced without dis- Bimnationjas no further indulgence can ■given by the subscribers. J J. Howards, § Attornies for y ' Wm. Few. ■%BO. . , ts ft Prime B , m SALE BY T. ffE. Flewellen. ■August SO. ts pAUGHt ER & LABUZAN ; l Have Just Received H CONSIGNMENT of Cotton Yarn. they will sell on very ac- terms. [Aiigustß w- ts rSolting Cloths. subscribers have just received a f complete assortment of the best [wlity DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. I Edward Quin, & Co. ■ June 25. , ts ■ ylkCAij on New-York, for sale by B-f THOMAS GARDNER. [August 16. v ts ftUls on New York K AT SHORT SIGHT, Sale by ■ A. Slaughter & C. Labuzan. Kj.ugustl6. ■ ts [ills on New-York Iw. BBnjamiuPi * uet if ka* . m. ' ‘— 'Steam Boat Company of Geuigm. Augusta, Sept, oth, isir. VTOnCE is Hereby Given to the X Stockholders of the STEAM BOAT COMPANY OF GEORGIA , that an Instalment of ten per cent on the Capital of the said Company, will be payable on the seventh day of October next. By Order of the Board of Directors. AUGUSTUS 11RUX, Cashier. September 6 ts To Rent, ~ And immediate possession given , THE House formerly occupied by Thos. H. Pe'n, on Ellis street, immediately back of A. Labuzan—For terms apply to Win. P. Dearmond, or to Thomas H. Penn. September 10 ts To Rent , THE lower tenement os the Hous c at present occupied by Mr. Joh Sharp, upper end of broad Street. John M. Davenport. August 16. ts To Rent, A House and Lot in the upper square on Broad-street. IT is considered one of the best stands in the city for purchasing Cotton, and s also well calculated for a Grocery aud Jry Good Establishment. Possession will be given on the first of October next. Tor terms apply to Benjamin Sims. July 9. ts For Sale or to Rent. A HOUSE and LOT at the uj-ncr en< of Broad-st. as good a stand for imying produce as any in the city—For jarticulars inqure of T. PYE. August 27. ew To Rent, THE STORE ROOM and CELLAR of the subscriber’s House, near the Market. L. POWERS. September 20 ts FOR SAL*., Or barter for a FIELD HAND. A VALUABLE House Servant—well qualified to attend upon a genteel family Apply at this Office. Sept. 20 ts «/V O IILjEj. rHE copartnership formerly existing between Thomas A. Greene and -abner Greene, was dissolved on the 24th day of May, 1816, last, by the death of I’homas A. Greene. All persons having demands against the said concern wii present them for adjustment; and thosi indebted are invited to make payment t< the subscriber. Abner Greene. August 30. . ts Carriages FOR, SALE. HE subscriber has received an ad ditional supply of Gigs and Car riages ot a superior quality, made by David Beacli of Newark, and warranted good.—They will be sold on accommo dating terms. ALSO—Several Double Breasted COT TON GINS, of from 45 to 65 saws, made by Boatwright & Glaze.—apply tu tr. 15. Marshall. September S. ts ( For Sale. 4 PLANTATION about 6 miles be low Milledgeviile, and 1 mile be low gen. Scott’s leny on the Oconee ri ver. About 550 aeres low grounds o< the first quality, of which upwards o* 200 are cleared and now under cultiva tion. This body of bottom Laud lies on the south west side of the liver, and di rectly opposite on the north east side, i» a beautiful piece of high land ofaboui sixty acres, on which stands a large ware hons*. about 90 feet in length and 35 in width, containing Cotton Gins, packing machine, stable and carriage-house, with a loft capable of holding 3 or 400,000 weight of seed cotton. Also, a two store framed dwelling house, with kitchen, tify: On the swamp side are negro cabins, corn cribs <S*c. This tract ot land is ac- Knowledged by every one who is acquain ted with the lands on the Oconee river to ’ be superior both as to situation and soil to any other on that river;and it is believed to be very little if at all inferior to any land on the Alabama, some of the bottom land of which has lately sold for seventy, and has averaged upwards of forty doi . lars per acre. It is undoubtedly equal to any on the Savannah river, which ■ sells currently at 50 dollars per acre.— Liberal terns (Sept. 27. — < : in Auumqif I fllO an extensive ass'ortmehi of goods 5 JL already on hand, the subscribers I have just received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, the ; Following Articles r which they offer for sale on mode rule terms : 15 trunks Cambrics, Lcnos, Calicoes and Bombazctts }8 by 10 9 by 11 10 by 12 ao crates Porter Bottles Sho< & Lead, Sheet &’ Hoop Iron, Casting Table Salt, &C.&C. ALSO. 10 barrels Linseed Oil 8 cases Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine White Roram & Wool Hats 200 nieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 30 kegs Dupont & co’s FF &F.F.F. Gunpowder. Edward Quinn & Co. JuiyJiV ts The Subscriber, 0 F FENS FOR BLE , 300 Rags and Bbls. Green Coffee 6 Tierces Jamaica do. 100 Bbls. Philadelphia Whisky 300 Pieces Inverness Bagging 20 Hhds. Prime Sugars 2000 Bushels Liverpool Salt. 30 Boxes No. 10, Cotton Cards Casks (’olmenar and Sicily Madei ra Wine 6 Qr. Chests Hyson 'Pea 9 Tons Shot assorted sizes 6 Tons English and Blistered Steel 30,000 lb. Iron, Swedes and English 15 Kegs Powder. —ALSO— A General snrtment of DRY GOODS, iVc. ON CONSIGNMENT. * Twenty-seven Packages "assorted Cutlery & Hardware, To be sold on accomodating terms. 5. KNEELAND. September 13 Tuttle % Russell, WIVE JUST RECEIVED . 20 Barrels New-England Rum 5 Hhds. Whiskey 5 ditto Molasses 5 Casks London Porter 12 dozen Jamaica Lime Juice 2 Boxes Havanna Sugar 1 Tierce Rice 6 Boxes Chocolate, No. 2 30,000 Spanish Segars in i and i boxes 2 Boxes Starch 5 Bbs. and 10 bags Filberts. Septembor 13 ts J. W. Bridges, HAS taken the house formerly occu pied by P, Brown, two doors above Jonn Miller’s and near the market, where he has on hand an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and HARDWARE, which will be sold low by wholesale or retail, for cash or ap proved paper. June 28. ts COW HIDES. Tile subscriber has on hand a quan tity of the best well dryed Cow Hides. 1 . < Also, a full and General Assortment of LEATHER, which he offers to sell low for cash. John Rucker. Julv 9. FACTORAGE AND C OMMJSSWN B USINESS. r A HE subscribers having formed a co partnership under the firm of Han hart, Ganahl <£ Co. and rented the large and convenient Ware-Houses of Maj. Phinizy, w|U be ready, after the first of October, to receive goods or pro duce for storage at customary rates, and to attend to any business in their line— and hope their industry and attention to , business will entitle them to a liberal share of public patronage. J. llauhart, * J. Ganahl, | H. Stoader. r September 3,181 7. CIP ALL persons having claims against the estate of Daniel Hubbard, dec. i ire requested to render them in properly attested, within .the. time prescribed by 1 law; and those indebted to the estate, are requested to make immediate payment to Hannah Hubbard, adm’x. May 3. % ' ' w6m Itr- v 9 Jr ♦ 'i; ' ■&h ,A V Mkk V T** * •;V«7 t notice, HE2KKIAH DICKINSON having purchased the interest of Mr. Eaton i Hewellin»" the concern of T. &E. Flew eilm, the business will in future be ear ned on under the firm of FLEW EL I IN and DICKINSON at the establishment oi the late firm, where they have an ex tensive ware-house & commodious Stores, lor the reception of all kinds of produce and goods. Fhey tender their Services to their luends and the public generally, and only ask for such encouragement as their attention and punctuality will en title them to.' Taylor (ewilltn, Hczekiah Dickinson. September 3. if Desirable for a Merchant, TP 11 *? subscriber offers for sale, his JL Y aluable Merchant and Saw Mills, with 400 acres of land, about 40 miles from Augusta, on Little River, near the mouth thereof, in Abbeville District, South Carolina. The Mills are new and made ot the best materials—the work manship complete, with every accessary machinery for manufacturing flour of the best quality—a goodL stand for selling goods—thick settled neighborhood, ajn no stores worth notice to oppose business and perhaps at this time, would be consi dered by good judges one among the greatest openings for a merchant that is above Augusta, either iu Georgia m Carolina. John O. Glover. August 6. 2m ' " THE SUBSCRIBERS IN addition to their former stock of goods, have just received, and will continue to receive through the summer and fall seasons, a general supply of sta ple and Fancy goods, which will be sold low for cash, or approve l * paper. The hollowing articles are among their RECENT SUPTLY—VIZ: 1 ciise Irish Linens 1 trunk Furniture Prints 1 do. Lace ground do. 1 case Furniture Dimity 1 do fancy Ginghams 1 trunk Merseilles Quilts ”2 cases Northern Homespun 2 trunks 6-4 Cambric Muslin Figured <Sj" plain Levantine and]Flo rence Silks Plaid, Sarsnetts and Canton Hk’fs. , Extra Superfine London Cloths I case Horse and Gig Whips 2 cases Guns 100 pieces Cotton Bagging. ALSO. 20 boxes China Bby 10 Window Glass D. P. & Powder, Shot and Lead Corsica and Sicily Madeira Wine Jamaica Rum Loaf and Lump Sugar White Lead, Linseed Oil, &c. T. & J. Cunningham. August 2. ts The Subscribers Have Just Received , 130 Packages British, French and India GOODS, Consisting of almost every article calculated for the Spring and Summer Business—Which they offer at Whole sale and Retail, on accommodating tcrn)s William Sims, Go, March 5. ts JUST AND FOR SALE C H E A P. Prime Inverness & Dundee Bag gi»S > Fancy Chairs Best Spanish Segars, &c. ALSO — AN ELEGANT, Family Horse, AND A New-York Built GIG. I. C. WINTER, at AT Laws Sf Holts Comptiag-House. Sept. 24 e Administrators ttaie. WILL be sold at the NEW CITY AUCTION, on Saturday the 4th October next, at 10 o’clock, 70 Barrels Newark Cider , Sy order of the Judges of the Court Os rdinary, being perishable, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of Samuel Brant, deceased. David aDKiuncy, 1 , , x x I r 19s James j September 24. tdt .> • J ' .*■ if f.\' « . ~l '.'-A'.'' >' <&.<a>‘ * ■ *}/. j/L v •» . \ ,JT ~~ 1 Fresh Boots % Shoes THE Subscriber respectfully informs liis fi icnds and the public in gene* mi, that he has just received a complete assortment of SHOES, BOOTS, &c.— which he oftors for sale at No. 4, Bridge low, directly opposite Mr. John Miller’s* brick, store. W The assortment consists principalof & Ladies French and American Morocco Slippers, ail colours, lull trimmed, ■ i’ ashionable English Kid ditto, with and without heels. Ditto do. do. do. Pumps—all co- * lours, with and without heels, Do. do. black and coloured Morocco do. broad and narrow straps, Do. Perry Sandals, all colours, with and , without heels, full trimmed, Do. Jackson do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. \V aierloo’s, with A* without buttons, Do. black and coloured Morocco Walk ing-Shoes, Do. French do. do. do. Do. Cork Sole do. do. Do. Village Pumps and Shoes, of Kid and French Morocco, Do. Black and coloured Morocco Bootees with and without heels, Misses black and coloured Morocco <* Slippers, full trimmed, '’*s'4 Do do. do. Kid do. do. do. Do. do. do. Morocco Bootees, thin and thick soles, * Do. Leather Boots and Shoes. Gentlemens’ French and English Moroc-, co Pumps, broad and narrow straps, Do. Morocco and Seal Walking Pumps, t Do. fine Calf Skin Shoes, broad and narrow straps, ’., : * * Do. Suwarrow and Wellington Boots, at all prices, Vouths’ Fine and Stout Shoes, Do. Morocco and Leather Pumps, Childrens’ Morocco and Kid Shoes, all v colours, Do. do. do. Boots do. Do* do. Village do. dol do. Do. Leather Boots and Shoes, thin and tliick soles, —ALSO— -50 Dozen Morocco Skins, 500 Pair Negro Shoes, 20 Packages Black and coloured Roan Slippers, 50 Dozen Childrens’ Morocco Hats, assorted colours, 15 Cases Roram Hats, silk and cotton lining, 5 Do. Caster do. do. do. 4 Do. Morocco Pocket Books, at all Brices, / »ozcn Windsor and Fancy Chairs. N. B.— The above articles will besoltf at very reduced prices, for CASH, or approved paper. Oliver Miller.. August 20. y W An E stray. Georgia, Columbia county. July 17 th, 18 17. Robert SHAW tolls before m& one brindled steer about four years »ld, marked with a swallow fyrk in th« tight ear, and under bit in the left, , \ branded with the letter 0 on the right side and right rump—valued by Jonathan Jones aluf Seaborn Collins, at twelve dollars. Jos.Day,J.P. A. Crawford, cl’k. i.c.c.c. September 27. o Administrator’s £ale. AGREEABLE to an order of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Lincoln county, will |ta sold at Lincoln court-house on the first Tuesday in Oc tober next, a tract of laud containing 137 acres, on Soap creek, Lincoln coun ty, belonging to the estate of Elijah Athey, dec—Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.-** Terms made known on the. day. Archibald Heggie, adra’r. September 6. tsd Notice. rOST near Mr. Adkisons, Greene A County, a POCKET BOOK, con taining Twenty One Dollars in Cash, and sundry papers, among which is a ** Note of Hand on David Bunch, for Two Hundred Dollars, dated the 29th of Jan. ' 1816, bearing interest from date, With a credit on the back for Twenty Dollars— which, note I do forwarn the said David Bunch from paying to any other person than myself. AUSTIN BUNCH. Sep*: 20 ts Just Received from Virginia, 4000 lbs. Best Chewing Tobacco , WARRANTED to be prime, for, sale by the subscriber. D. Ralst on, ; September 27. r * »- v ' #•’’ ' • ’ t X ' * * ■■