Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 01, 1817, Image 4

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■ stmm ~ TO THE PUBLIC! Mr. Lc Coq, iJ uinter, Decorator, and Var nisher, | ' LAtELT ARRIVED IN THIS CITY. TAKE# the liberty respectfully to offer his services in his Line of Business. , He Paipts, Decorates Appartments ami Furniture, in the modern taste, and in ek-gant style—He is also a Sign Pain ter, with any emblems required, either gild or ornamented with viguetes. Hu will point Chairs and Stores in a handsome manner, as well as Varnish defferent , Metals,. He is also acquainted with the art of Glazing—and flatters himself * to prove a faithful and pleasing work* man to such as may honor him with thlir custom—Apply at the house of P> , Menard, Esq. Broad-Street. Septernpor -6 If “ " “ WOTHm. A LL those indebted to the .lato firm i ,/m. of Messrs. JAMES A. BLACK, & ,Co. are requested to call and settle their accounts with Messrs. A. Bugg, &' Co. who are folly authorize! to settle the business of the said firm. John Tanner. ■ June 28. ts —"MS 11 .... .... . .. Important ' To Planters % Manufacturers A FEW sets of CARDING, ROP ING & spinning Machine* for manufacturing Cotton, arc now open for inspection at the Ware-House ol '* Messrs. Unix tit Scurry, near the bridge; where all persons (who feel disposed to patronize the labor of genius, or encou rage Domestic Manufactures) are invited .tjp call and examine the same, us it is pre sumed that their operations will afford indisputable proofs of their excellence, which will supercede the necessity of be stowing that encomium upon them in tills advertisement, which they so justly deserve. These Machines are an improvement on Messrs. Biased llinman & Willson’s plan, and the workmanship is executed in u manner superior to any which have heretofore been built. Any person wishing to purchase a sin gle set of the Machines, or the Patent Right for a State or County, will be ac commodated on liberal terms; and should afiy person purchase the right for a cer tain Territory, may in a reasonable time be accommodated with any quantity of machinery on a reduced price, as soon us they can be built, by applying at the a bove mentioned place to ~ 8. Willson, and William Hanford, or to James Barton, June 4.— ts in Augusta. Alabama ariiTTatdjpoosa LAJS IIS f EAIIE subscriber having purchased a JL considerable portion of the low grounds on the above rivers, a great part of which is cleared and now under culti vation, is disposed to treat with the occu pants, or othfers, as it respects the future enjoyments of these tine bottoms. ’ rfo therefore proposes to lease any tract for two years f rom the date of the purchase* Ipr a consideration of twenty five per cent, on tile amount of the pur chase .money, or sell the same at the ave rage price bought at ; upon receiving twenty-five per cent in money—the pur chaser to make the future payments to the government. The fertility of these lands is such* as to produce 100 bushels corn to the acre, which is now worth for' the standing crop, two dollars per bushel, and expected to continue so another year; After which it is probable the value Ml bn about one dollar per bushel—the, da being situated on navigable waters, 0 in the hfeart of a new country, second to none for the culture of cotton, which will become the staple commodity as soon as the’populatiun is sufficient to raise surplus produce for exportation. In the neighborhood, andadjoining the river lands, tlie subscriber has a number’ of tracts of upland for settlement, which will he disposed of upon tiro same, or other accommodating terms,* The soon er application is made the better, as the price will be enhanced after the first of October next. Descriptions-of the pro-' petty may be seen at -the Land-Office in Milledgeville, or by application to the subscriber in Augusta, Georgia. James 8, W a liter. September S. ' ts S£l) Dollars Reward ON the 22d of June, ,18 IT* my house in Columbia county, was broken , open and a ROBBERY committed. Two hundred and thirty dollars in bills, taken , from my trunk, among which was two fifty dollar bill-* on the Augusta bank,' one of which had ray name written on the back of the bill; five ’twenty dollar bids of the Bridge company, and three ted dollar bills, one of which was on the South- Carolina bank, together with some articles of clothing. , Any person to whom the above described bill (with my name on the back) should be offered, that will stop the same, give rae infor mation so that I can have the game, shall be entitled to the above reward, and Upon the conviction of the rogue shall be entitled to a reward of fifty dollars. * k 4* t, , * Jordan George. duly a- •<- ts v. R IPMPP • THE ; Following Property WILL be offered for sale, at the Court-House, in this city, on the first Tuesday in December next, being thereat estate of the late R. Wayne, esq. and sold for the benefit of the heirs I of said estate, viz House and Lot No. 1, Yamacraw. Wharf Lot No. I, do. Wharf Lot No. 10, dy. One Town Lot at Spring Hill. One five acre Lot, Chatham county, on the borders of the city. Two Town Lots in Sunbury. One Town Lot in Brunswick. 470 acres prime river swamp Land 011 Argyle Island, about 520 acres cleared and cultivated under dam, with quarter drains, trunks, water machine, barns, overseers, winnowing am! negro houses, a garden spot, with a grove of sweet orange and fig trees. The buildings arc situated on high knowles, out of the reach of freshets. This land produces as good crops as any on the river. The whole tract will be sold 01 divided into two tracts to suit purchasers. 800 acres pine Land; in the neighbor hood of Muntt.ith, 11,000 acres pine Land, in Effingham county, lad off ip tracts of from three to five hundred aci‘es each. 6000 acres of Land, in Striven county, in different tracts; some of the tracts prime swamp and oak and hickory land*. 310 acres of Land, Washington coun ty, oak and hickory. 202$ acres Land, Wilkinson county, 12th district, No. 26 5. 450 acres river swamp Laud, in South Carolina, oposite the point of Argyle Isl and. From ton to twelve hundred acres of Laud, on the Suit Ketcher, in South- Carolina. Four Lots in the town of Columbia, South Carolina. Terms to be made known on the day of sale. GEORGE ANDERSON, > rc JAMES M. WAYNE. \ tutors Savannah , September 13, 1817. Public Notice is hereby Given. THAT THE TOWN OF ALABAMA, Is established at the siteTen-Milc-Bluff, on the East side of Alabama River, where a variety of TOWN LOTS ffill be exposed to public sale on the 3d Monday in October next. *rtIIE site ol the town is high and com-' manding, and supposed to he 'one hundred feet above the level of the water in the river opposite to the town, and is entirely removed from swamps, lagunes rnd morasses. In addition to this, the purity ol the water, the salubrity of the 1 iir,and the contiguity of a Mineral Spring 1 to the Town Spring, will ensure to its inhabitants the most perfect health. In point of commercial advantages, this town cannot be surpassed, as itstamls at the nearest eligible site to the head of , navigation on the Alabama river, and is only ten miles by land to the junction of the Coosa and Talapoosa rivers. The fertility of the surrounding coun try has bean tested during the present sales, where the AJabama bottoms have averaged jsso pei acre, and the hickory • lands in the immediate neighbour hood of the town, have sold from ten to 14 dollars per acre. These last lands have long been pronounced by the late Agent colonel Hawkins, to be the best body of * up land in the Creek cession, and in fact the town concentrates all the good lands embraced in the present sales. The immense capital concentrated in and contiguous to the town, is the surest pledge that can be given of its success to 1 die various classes in society, who may [ teel disposed to purchase lots, i John Soott, Milledgeville, Ga. 1 James Manning, Madison, M.T. c WaddyTate, do. do. *3.- )> Thomas Bibb, do. do. ) S •r A. P. Hayne, Nashville, Tenn. I 3 : Z Lamar, Milledgeville, Ga. )>c ( Williamson, do. do. Wm. D Store, -do. do. jT John Don Nashv.Tenn, H Wm. E. Bottler, do. do. 3 / James Jackson, do. do. J P 1 Milledgeville, Sept. 3. GEORGIA, Jones County. A T a Meeting of the Inferior Court of' ./lL said county, on the Petition of William Prior, praying the benefit of the laws of insolvency;—On motion of James Smith, attorney for the applicant. It is Ordered, That all and singular, 1 the creditors of the said Wm; Prior, be, > aiid they are hereby notified that the said 1 Inferior Court will convene at Clinton,* > on the 27th day of November next, to hear the application of the said William t Rrior, for tne benefit of the insolvent law, when upon his delivering up bona fide all 5 his estate, for the benefit of Lis credit , ors, he will be discharged according to i- law, unless cause should then and there 1. be shewn to the contrary. As witness i our hands as Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, this fifth day of - Sept 1817. »; Bob’L Cunningham, J. 1. c. » E. J. Bower, j. 1. c. Jonathon Parish, j. 1. c. * Sept. 24 law2ra «P ~AU *kin<ls of Job Work/t Aka% executed ct this Office. if V>-- ■ s ' .y'. r.: ; -■rf THE (Quaker Springs,» /Steven mites /rom Augusta , <m the great Washington road. The frowns of fortune have brought poor Bill Garlick to anchor at this place. HE therefore gives this information to his friends (if any,) to his numer ous acquaintances, and the public in gen eral, that he has opened A House of Entertainment, for the accommodation of ail decent, ci vil travellers, ami tor no others. The disorderly part of society he wishes to pass by, as their absence will be a much more delicious cordial tuan their money; indeed he is determined not to be pes‘er ed with troublesome company; so that the weary traveller may lie down to rest in quiet These observations are made .in consequence of this place being for-, merly established as one of great der and confusion, which, with propriety; induced thousands of gentlemen to pass by. The HOUSES and STABLES, are. o w repairing, and will e ;on be in good order, with a general assortment of the best of Liquors; a well furnished Table; Clean Hens; a plenty for horses, with a good hostler, and a desire to please, which 1 hope will be inducements suffi cient for the traveller to call, if not, he must pass by. Oentlemen from town can be accom modated at the shortest notice; and all fa vours will be receiv id with gratitude. A general assortment of GRO CERIES will be kept here, and sold near ly at the Augusta prices. N. Durkee. August 9. wcm The Warrenton Academy WILL be opened on the first Mon day in January next, under the superintendence of instructors who will come indisputably recommended for a bility and morality.—Terms of tution will be the same as is usual in other regu lar seminaries. Genteel Boarding can be had on mode rate terms. The healthiness arjd salubrity of the situation, together with f a> variety of other considerations, it will be inducements to parents anil guardians to select this institution for the education of youth. By order of the Board. Thomas Gibson SecWy* August 2. mlD&wlJ STAGES. *'R HE public are informed that the * Line ot Stages from August ato Athens,(via ) Columbia C. H. Washing ton and Lexington, is now in operation, persons wishing a passage, can enter their names at the Eagle-Tavern, Augusta, from which place it will start every Monday & Friday Evening at 5 o’clock, and arrive at Washington the evening of the next day at 5 o’clock. Terms 555 for each passenger, with an allowance of 20 pounds baggage, and 5 cents per pound for extra baggage. Every exertion will be made for the comfort of passengers. LONG # M‘REA. |C7» A Private Hack is in constant readiness at Lexington, to convey per sons to the Madison Springs. *** The Editors of the Savannah Re publican are requested to insert the a bove weekly for one month and send their account to this office for settle ment. September 17 law2m THE FOLLOWING NEGROES, VIZ. £SAAC, who is about 35 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, who says he be longs to James Riggins, living in Jack son County, and that he was stolen by David Stuart, and sold to Charles Wal ker, living in the fork of Saluda and Ree dy Rivers, in South-Caroliua, Laurens restrict. PAUL, who says he belongs to John Frainick of Putnam County. DAFNEY, who says she belongs to Buckhalter, of Warrenton, and AIRY, who says she belongs to James Campbell, of Warren County. The owners Are requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away. A. RHODES, Juu’r. n. s. Sepit. 20 ts Sheriffs Sale Postponed. WILL BE OLD, on the first Tuesday , n October next , at the court house on the town cf Waynesborough , Burke county , between the usual hours, One black horse, levied on as the property of Robert Jones, to satisfy An execution in favor of Wm. Allaway, against Thomas Sorsby and Robert Jones. also One moiety, or one eleventh part of a tract of land containing 223 acres, levied on as the property of Elizabeth Rowell, administratrix of John Rowell, dec, to satisfy an execution in favour of Green Roberts against Elizabeth Rowell, adm’x. ot John Rowell,' dec. and Jacob Tipton—Levied on and returned to me by a constable. John Bell, s. b, c. August SO. . wds 9b w \J\ # ' ■'‘•"•is* V is- ' r* *>. \ y - ■ • & SHERIFF’S SAI.B. On the first Tuesday in October next, at the Court-house in Columbia county, Wll be Sold, One negro woman by the name of Clary and her child Charles, to satisfy sundry executions against the estate ol Charles Porter, Esq.—property pointed out by his executor. * ALSO Five Negroes —Toney, a valua ble fellow, and Sally his wife, with their -three children, Creasy, Gim $ Hanafdi; levied ub as the property of James Wood, Esq. to satisfy sundry executions issued out of d Justice’s court in favor Lemuel Moore, vs. James Wood and John Sandi ford—property pointed out by Saiuliford. - Hotwe and Lot in the town of Wrightsborough, at this time occupi ed by Pearson Pettet, to satisfy an exe &t£iori, Samuel Nelson, vs. said Pettet; other house and lot in the same town, where John Pettet now lives, to satisfy two executions, one in lavor ol Jonathan Armstrong for William Paschal vs. Pearson Pettet; the other in lavor ol Willis Durden, tax collector of W arren county, vs. Pearson Pettet j Also, the house and lot in the said town where Charles M. lives, to satisfy two executions, Moses Alexander, vs. Charles M. Lin.—All the Wrightsborough pro perty above mentioned, levied on and returned to me by George H. Johnson, constable. _ also A Negro Man by the name of Paddee, levied on to satisfy an execution, Guardian of J. and P. Carnes, vs. adm’rs. M. Burk and Zachariah Williams-—pro perty pointed out by said Williams. Terms of sale cash.. Win. Wilkins, s.c.c. August 30. tds ERIFF’s SALE, Will be sold at Lincoln court house, on the first Tuesday in October next, be tween the usual hours, the following property — viz: 7|’HiRKE NEGROES, say, Milley, 1 Hannah and Warren a child, all taken as the property of Wm. Goolsby t© satisfy two one in favour of David and Adam Cerson, vs. said Goolsby, and one in lavour of William and Felix Gilbert, vs. said Goolsby. ALSO One mare and colt and two cows and ealves—taken as the property of Ralph Kilgore, to satify an execution in favour of Lewis Stovall, survivor, vs. said Kil gore.—Conditions cash. John M‘Dowell, tsh’ff. September 3. / tds Sheriff's sale. VjtkT ILL be sold at Lincoln Court- House, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours, One negro man named Charles, taken as the property of Peyton Harris, to satisfy an Executionin favorof Mathew Cullers, indorsee, vs. Harris & Mahoney. John McDowell, sheriff. August 11. NOTICE. Will be sold at the Market-House in Augusta, on the Ist Tuesday in No vember next, between the usual hours. 1 Tract of Land containing 60 Acres more or less, adjoining Foster, Beall, and Murray, in Richmond Coun ty, on Butler’s Creek, the property ot Lovelace Savage, late of Columbia Coun iy, deceased; sold for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors. Terms made known on the day. JAMES SAVAGE, "1 ZACHARIAH SAVAGE, l Ecc’rs. ALEXANDER A i LISON, J ELIZABETH SAVAGE, Ex’trx. September 17 Guardian’s Sale. IN pursuance of an order obtained from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary ot Columbia County—Will be sold to the highest bidder, on the Ist Tuesday in Oc tober next, at Columbia Court-House, all the lands belonging to the estate of Joseph Ray, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate; consisting of about 1200 acres, and including a valuable sett of Merchant Mills on Little River. Brick Distillery, Brick Dwelling House, a Two Story Store House, a large Granary, and a number of other Out Buildings, too te dious to enumerate. The Land general ly is of good quality, and will be surveyed and sold in lots of about 200 or 250 acres ina lot. One lot will include the Mills Houses, &c. The Establishment at Raysville (to a man of enterprise) would be an elligible one, for it is believed to be the most advan tageous situation for Mills and a Store of any in the up country. A farther descrip tion of the property is deemed unnecessa ry, as it is presumed that persons unac quainted with the situation, and who would have any idea of purchasing, will view it for themselves previous to the sale. The Terms (in part) will be one third in hand, and the balance in equal instal ments at one and two years, with appro ved personal security, and a mortgage on the property —The Terms will farther be made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM BARNETT, Guardian for the Minors of Jos. Ray, dec. July 18 lawtda i*-| . FOR SALE, " 70,000 lbs. Prime GREEN COFFEE IN TIERCE3 AND BAGS. WHICH will be sold in lota to suit purchasers, for satisfactory Town Paper, at 4 and 6 months, on appU ca , tion to the subscriber, JOHN TAYLOR, At M’Kenzic, Bennoch & Co. September IS ts GENUINE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. THE subscribers have lately received by different arrivals at this port, a very extensive and complete assortment of Drugs, Paints, Oil and Dye Stutfe, which they will dispose of on liberal term* at their wholesale and retail Drug and Chemical Ware-House, near the Market Square; and warrant them of the best quality. AMONG THEM AES f White Lead, *') 250 J Yellow Ochre, ! Ground Kegs J Spanish Brown, j in OU Verdigris, J Linseed Oil in Tierces Fustic and iibls. Powd. Jalap Tanners ditto Glauber Salts Spermaceti ditto Powd. Bark Window Ciass of all Manna sizes Senna Chalk, Camphor Alum Spanish Flies Roll Brimstone Flour Sulphur Verdigrease (dry) Cream of Tartar Marble MortarsT B Opium Glass & Wedge- > © Lee's genuine Bilious wood ditto 3 S Pdls Paint Stones & Mullers Balm of Gilead Apothecary’s Scales & Riga Balsam Weights Paul’s Columbian Oil Juniper Berries Maccassar ditto Logwood Lemon Acid ALSO SHOP FURNITURE, PATENT MEDICINES, BURGEON'a INSTRUMENTS AND PERFUMERY, OF EVERY VARIETY. Orders from Druggists, Physicians and country Merchants, will be promptly at gilded to, and executed in the neatest anner, Harral k Worrell, j Savannah, August 16,1817 —fw 1 "ft For sale. PTjP'HE subscriber otters for sale his M Farm in Columbia county, on the Uchee creek, 15 miles above Augusta, containing 600 acres of land. The land is of a good quality, one half cleared and in cultivation—it is well watered and of mulatto and grey soil—tolerable good improvements—a gin that goes by water, an apple orchard oT 450 frees of choice fruit, a peach orchard of 6000 trees, and all other fruit common in these parts. — The purchaser can be furnished with corn and fodder, and stock of all kind on the premises on good terms. I expect to start to the Western coun try about the middle of August, and will be absent for two months. Persons wish-* ing to purchase, will do well to view the land before that time—but in my absence application can be made to Joseph A» Smith, on the premises. J. W. Smith. July 2. ts NOTICE. By order of the Hon. the Inferior Court of Richmond county , I HEREBY call on the representatives of those men, formerly residents of this county, who sacrificed their lives in defence of the United States, in the late war with Great Britain and the Indian J Tribes, to report me the number and cir cumstances of the families of the deceas sed, that a return thereof may be made to the next General Assembly of this State, according to a joint and concurred resolution of the 2d day of December, 1816. John H. Mann, c.i.c.r.c. September 3. am NOTICE. AN ELECTION will beholden on the third Tuesday, being the 21st of October next, for Justices of the Inferior Court of Richmond county, at the court house in the city of Augusta.—By order of the Hon. the Inferior Court. John H. Mann, cVk. September 3. tde NOTICE. AN ELECTION will be held at the courthouse in the city of Augusta, on the first Monday, being the 6th day of October next, for a Senator and two Members to represent Richmond county in the next general assembly of this stale. —By order of the Honourable the Infe* rior Court. John M. Mann, cPk, Septembers., % * j's i