Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 08, 1817, Image 1

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AUGUSTA chronigiX ■ ■, t . * v <jr. 3k‘S* W v I* * Wfr • v • <■ , * mOMGM GAZETTE. 1 ; . [VOL X&Xll.] \VEI)NESf)AY, OCTOBER 8, 1817. , ' rNo ; |3 W. ■i'l.E mgvsta cnnoxicLE, I AND GEORGIA GAZETTE, . (v T rvhnsin.w i;y I jrs&Ji duvckinck & peaiire, ■ ■ ■ . KVrjlT WEDJ*fe»BAV AMD .si ATI UD AY, I At Five Dollars per annum, Pilyalie in Advance. I Win. Sims, y Co. ■ Are now Receiving and Opening their , I Winter's Supply of I GOODS; Their Stock will !>c very FAtr.u- I eivc & Complete, consisting of BRITISH, FRENCH, INDIA & DO.MLS 11C GOODS, ~ Wlucli they offer jit Wholesale anti I | Retail, on their usual foil) and accoiiuno• I tinting terms. October 1. > ts „ CA'LL $ SUPPRiI I Paper Hanging. A, LARGE ami most elegant assort meat is now opened at the NEW I (Jl lif AUCTION STORE, worthy the attention of the public. A greater vari- I ety of Patterns were never before offered V iu this market. < October 1. i ts FOR SALE—TWO ELEGANT I New Forte Pianos , Os the First Quality—Eacpr-re of William Brux, Near the Market. Who will always keep a supply of the j best. l|c will also repair, tune and teach j on said instrument. October 1. c I Morgan<!£’Bradford HAVE juftt received a large assort ment of I Fall and Winter I Goods, I Which having been lately purchased in ■ New-Yorkami Philadelphia, will be sold 1 on reasonable terms, for cash or town ac- I ceptances. ‘ Sept. 10 cw I Watches, I Plated Ware. THE SUES CRIB Ell, if Has just receive!), asd fur sack, I At his between Micou's and Er |: ' Win's. S TIIK I'**LLO\V,JXG ARTICItES, < -4 —VIZ.— PATENT Lever Watches, Jewel led and Child Faced . ■ Plain do. do. silver cased t Plain silver do. capped and jewelled ■ Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys I of £ very description m Soup Ladles I' Table, Pea, and Desert Spoons, of the f latest fashion |l Judies’ Jewelry of every description ■ Sixer Tea Setts Plated do. Castors, of the latest Si most approvod / fashion , I Decanter Stands - I Plated Candle Sticks, very elegant I Gilt Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, I by the dozen orsirigle I A few ORGANS for families I Silver Thimbles and Bodkins. All of which will be sold on the most I seasonable terms by the Subscriber. ■ < Clocks and Watches ve ■ paired at the shortest notice, and on the I toost moderate terms. ■ FREDERICK STOY. I 24 cw IStainback Wilson I ’ > AND I James A. Black, HAVING associated thcmsel ves in business under the firm of WIL I«! • BLACK, offer their services to I ’-i p r ,l ‘ ent ls, and the public in general, , I COMMISION 1 AND I Factorage Line. * I __ *—" f I J- 7, have the Ware-House latelv oc ■ 3" ed hy Messrs - Barrett # Sims, I a, re eve 7 a H®ntion will given to ren f general satisfaction. I Augusta, April 50 Hats , Dry IVUGURED and plain Canton Crapes, lashionarh colours 4-4 Irish Linens Twilled Utonbazetts, ii|l colours t hnaburghs, Ticklenbuighs Hesssians,' &:c. &c. Ladies’ misses’and childrens* Reavers Gentlemens’j)cst Hats and Boots '■so cases mens’ roram nid wool Hats 20 casks and 5 hlids. N. E. Rum Cotton ('aids, <Sj*c. Just Received and for sale by Ames k Allen. %* Who will remove from tlieir pie sent stand (upper end of Broad-Street) on Ist October next to the house of Dr. Watkins. Nepiemher 27 *• ——* 1 . Steam Boat Company cf Georgia. Augusta, Sept, nth, 181,. NOITCE is Hereby Given to the Stockhoiuers of the STE AM DOdT COfJP&VV CF GEORGJJ. that an Instalment of ten per cent on the Capital of (he said Company, will he payable on the seventh day of October next. Dy Order of the B >ard o f Dh ectors. , AUGUSTUS BIIUX, Cashier. September 6 1 ts Steam Boat Com pany. Notice is Hereby Gwen. ’ SPRAT the Hoard will receive propo -3 sitions for undertaking the. DRaY AGE of the Company, until the 14th inst. inclusive. Augustus Unix, Cashier. October ts Steam Boat Com pany. THE Board will receive applications for the appointments of Treasurer and Assistant of the Company in this place, until the 21st inst. inclusive. Candidates can ascertain the duties and salaries of their ollice, and the secu rity required, by applying u> the Presi dent. Augustus Unix, Cashier. October 4 ts To Bent, And immediate possession given , THE House formerly occupied by Thus. 11. Pe*.n v on Ellis street, immediately back of A. Labuzan—For terms apply to Win. P. Dearmond, or to Thomas 11. Fenn. Scptcmlver 10 ts To Rent, HBpHE STORE ROOM and CELLAR S.. of t!ie subscriber’s House, near the Market. L. POWERS. September 20 t ts FOR SALE, Or barter for a FIELD ILiNI). k VALUABLE House Servant-—well xJL qualified to attend upon a genteel family. Apply at this Office. Sept. 20 ts Just Received, 2 Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages > 2 Gigs. Which will be sold low for Cash, by J!. PiCQUET. FOR SALE, Bills on N. York. October 1 ts aLAUDHT tiIt $ LAHUZIAN Have Just. Received A CONSIGNMENT of Cotton Yarn, iyLVvhich they will sell on very ac commodating terms. / August'S ts Bills on New York AT SHORT SIGHT, For Sale by A. Slaughter & C. Labuzan; 1 August 16. ts Bills on Now-York For Sale by Benjamin Picqnct. August 25. ts Bills on New-York For Sale by Ls. Baric. October 4. f Bills on New-York For Sale by Beach & Thomas. October 4. ts iT’Vrtj* ■—ni I, m«■ IN ADDITION an extensive assortment d sl A, already* on hand, the subscribers* , have just received by the ship Jane, trolu Liverpool, the Following Articles winch they offer fur sale on mode rate terms : 15 trunks Cambrics, Lcnos, Calicoes and Bombazetb* ■) Bby 10 ■ " 50 boxes Crown Glass, I 9by 11 JlO by 12 20 crates Porter Bottles Shot & Lead, Sheet cV Hoop Iron, Casting Tabic Salt* &c.&c. AL|G. 10 barrels Linseed Gil % , 8 cases Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine VVhitc itirani & Wool Hats 200 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 50 kegs Dupont & co’s FF & F.F.F. Gunpowder. Ktlwartl k Co. July 19, ts • The Subscriber, OFFERS FO/l SLE, 500 Tags and Bids. Green Coffee d i ierces Jatuaica * do. 100 llbls. Piiihtileli.'hia Whisky 5 ithds. N. E. limn 504 Pieces Inverness Bagging 20 Hints. Prime Sugars 2080 Ihisliols Liverpool Salt 30 Boxes No. 10, Cotton Cards Casks Col menu- and Sicily Mudei ra Wine G Qn Chests' Hyson Tea 9 Tons Shot assorted sizes G’loos English and Blistered Steel 20,000 lb. Iran, Swedes and English 15 Kegs Powder. •—ALSO— Jl General s sort meat of DRY GOODS, Arc. ON CONSIGNMENT. Twenty-seven Packages assorted Cutlery & Hardware, To be sold on accomodating terms. S, KNEE LAM). September 15 Tuttle Russell, HAVE JUST RECEIVED. 20 Barrels New-Enghuul Umu 5 I lids. Whi Ary 5 ditto Molasses 5 Casks London Porter 12 dozen Jamaica Lime Juice 2 Boxes Ilavaniia Sugar 1 Tierce Rice G Boxes Chocolate, No. 2 30.0(JG Spanish Sugars in A and J boxes 2 Boxes Starch 1 5 Jibs, atid 10 bags Filberts. Septembsr 13 ts C 1» B4SO* €Jr . it . j)1 taken the house formerly occu 'M pied by P. Brown, two doors above Joan Miller’s and near then « ket, where he bason hand an extensive assortment of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES and JUIRDIV.BUE , which will be sold low by wholesale or retail, for cash or ap proved paper. June 28. ts - facto j. age C OMMJSBION B USLYESS. ITIE subscribers having formed a co partnership under the firm of Han hart, Ganahl Co. ami rented the large and convenient W,.re-House's of Maj. Phinizy* will Ue ready, after the firs# of October, to receive goods or pro duce for storage at customary rates, and to at'end to any business in their line— ami hope their industry and attention to business will entitle thqm to a liberal share of public patronage. J. Hank art, J. Danalil, , H.-Stouder. September S, 1817. oip fur* Desirable for a Merchant. THE subscriber offers for sale, his V aluable Merchant and Saw Mills, with 400 acres of land, about 40 miles from Augusta, on Little River, near the mouth thereof, in Abbeville District, South Carolina. The Mills are new ami made of the best materials —(he work manship complete, with every necessary machinery for manufacturing flour of the best quality—a good stand for selling goods —thick settled neighborhood, ano no stores worth notice to oppose business and perhaps at this time, would be consi dered by good judges one among the greatest openings for a merchant that is above Augusta, either iu Georgia or Carolina. John O. Glover. August 6<- * 9m 1 Fresh Soots Shoes Subscriber respectfully informs -fi- liis 1 1 lends nn«l the public in gene* ral, that ho has just received a complete assortment of SHOES. HOOTS, &c.— WicVhc offers for sale at No. 4, Bridge Jlow, directly opposite Mr. John MiHer’s brick storej rhe assortment consists principally of Ladies French and American' Morocco Slippers, all colours, full trimmed, Do. Fashionable English Kid ditto, with and without heels. Ditto do. do. do. Pumps—all co lours, with and without heels, Du do. black and coloured Morocco <io. broad and narrow straps, Du. Perry Sandals, ail colours, with and. without heels, full (rimmed, Du. Jackson do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. ’Waterloo's, with cj’ without buttons, Do. black and coloured Morocco Walk ing Shoes, Do. French* do. do. do; Do.'Cork Sole ■ do.. ' do. Dp. Village Putups and Shoes, of Kid and French Morocco, Do. Black and coloured Morocco Bootees with and without heels, Misses black and coloured Morocco Slippers, full trimmed, Do. do. do. Kid do. u». do. Do. do, do. Morocco Bootees,' thin and thick soles, Do. Leather Boots and Shoes. Gentlemens’ French and English Moroc co Pumps, broad and narrow straps, Do. Morocco ami Seal Walking Pumps, Do. line Calf Skin Shoes, broad.and narrow straps, Du. Suwarrow and Wellington Boots, at all prices, Youths’ Fine and Stout Shoes, D.o. Morocco and Leather Pumps, Childrens’ Morocco and Kid Spues, all colours, Do. do. do, Boots do. Du* do. Village do. do. do. Do. Leather Boots and Shoes, thin and thick soles, —ALSO— -50 Dozen Morocco Skins, ’ 500 Pair Negro Shoes, 20 Packages Black and coloured Roan Slippers, 50 Dozen Childrens’ Morocco Flats, assorted colours, 15 Cases Uoram Hats, silk and cotton lining, 5 Do. Caster do. do. do. 4 Do. Morocco Pocket Books, at all firiccs, , )u’/,cn W in (I sor and Fancy Chairs. N. B.— Ihe above articles will be sold at very reduced prees, for CASH, or approved paper. Oliver. Miller. August 20. f\v THE SUBSCRIBER Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, THAT IN ADDITION TO HIS FORMER STOCK of HATS, HE HAS JUST RECEIVED A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT. - WJiich lie will sell at a very small ad vance, for Cash or Approved Paper, VIZ /Pi KN ITEM UN's Black Beaver Hats 'iJT Fine and Coarse Castor ditto Fine and Coarse Rorum ditto Fine amt Oars# Wool ditto Ladies’ and Mis-es Beaver Bonnets Morocco Caps Ditto .Skins Military Goods of all kinds Gentlemen’s Fine Boots, &c. &e. ALSO, ON HAND Three or Four Hundred Pounds Beaver, Which he will dispose of low for Cash. . John Barry. 4. evv , Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers his services to his friends and the public in general, in the * , COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. HAVING taken the Ware-House lately occupied by Mr. Isaac La Roche, where every attention will be gitjpin to render general satisfaction. John Burton. October 4 ts Notice. ALL persons having claims against the estate of Zachariah Bell, late of Richmond County, deceased, are re quested to render them in, on or before the Ist day of January next, to James Bell. October 4 lawuw tm. TUe Subscribers, 1 Having formed a connexion in V,.; - Business, UN OKU THE FIUJJ OF* li. Andrews <Sf Co. Respectfully solicit the patronage of tha citizens of Augtrata and itsv&infty, and them Fiat they have for sale at their * *' „ ■* Tin Manufacpry, BROAD STKEET,S- J\'cxt door above Mr. J. W, Bridges , ... An E*'«-nsive Ass-ir’irent ts * ’ , win r e } Os their own make, which thgy can cpn , fidently recommend, —VIZ:— Ci OOK.ING Utensils of every descrip -1 tiou Ui(juid and Dry Measure, according to the regulations of the Market Japanned and Plated Ware Hardware, Crockery Ware, Castings, and An assortment of Groceries. . • Orders tor Conductors, Gutters, Bcc. attended to in town or country, at the shortest notice. *. *•’ ■ N. It, Wanted, three good Joiuney men Tih Plate Workers, to whom Jibe* ral wages w ill be given—two smart lads would be taken as apprentices. Richard Andrews, far v. Day. . October 4 ts • - DISSOLUTION* r J , IIE Copartnership of T. &E. Flew lin, is this day dissolved by mutual consent—all (hose having demands a gainst the late firm, will present them tq Fleur 11 in $ Dickinson for settlement, and all those indebted, nr6 requested to make immediate payment to the sarhe. Taylor Flcwellin, Kato n Fie welliu* October 4. tf* Tii e Subscribers'". — r IN addition to their former stock of goods, have just received, and J wjß continue to receive through the summer and tall seasons, a general supply ofsta pie and Fancy goods, which will be sold low for cash, or apptove ,K paper, Th* Following articles are among their HE CENT SLIPTLY—VIZ: 1 case Irish Linens I trunk Furniture Prints 1 do. Lace ground do. 1 case Fu njiturp Dimity 1 do fancy Ginghams, I trunk MerecUlcs Quilta • 2 cases Northern Homespun 2 trunks 6* Cambric Muslin figured dj’ plain Levantine and rcnce bilks Plaid, Sarsnetts and Canton Hk’ft. Extra Superfine London Cloths I case Horse and Gig Whips 2 cases Guns 100 pieces Cotton Bagging. , ALSO. 20 box’s China 8 by 10 Window Glass 1). P. & Powder, Shot and Lead Corsica and Sicily Madeira Wine Jan** Hum Loal and Lump Sugar White Lead, Linseed &c. T. & J, Cunningham. August 2. ts Just Received from Virginia, 40001bs. Best Chewing Tobacco, \\f ARRAN lED to be prime, for T sale by the subscriber. D. Ralston. September 27. f FOR SALE, 70,000 lbs. Prime GREEN COFFEE IN TIERCES AND BAGS. WHICH will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, for satisfactory Town Paper, at 4 and 6 months, on applica tion to tire subscribe!, JOHN TAYLOR/ V At M’Kenzie, Bennoch & C<* s ' h - September 13 v . * ts ■ Regimental Orders f’fWE Tenth Regiment Georgia Militia _ —Majors Watkins and Marshall, will be particularly careful, that their commissioned and non-commissioned of ficers have legal orders to parade their companies armed and equipped as the law directs, on THURSDAY the 2Sd of this month, on Grecn».Bti‘£et f opposite Mrs , Moore's m this city,at. {Pn’eUck, *.«. By order of Col. Teter Donaldson. Jonathan M. Hand, Jldju’t October 4. f m