Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 11, 1817, Image 1

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f ATOUSTA CHBONICLE^ y -■ . unonisM gazette. fyS; XXm] ; - - SATURDAY, OCTOBER It, 18t 7 . > . ' ‘ rNo. nkl g. I IINII I 1 HII , 1 I■■ • *' i TH« AUGUSTA C * \ AMD * GEORGIA GAZETTE, / - i PUBLISHED MV'i'w . ’ ; KEANj DUYCKINCK & PEARRE, pyKtrt WfcDMfefcbAV Atib SATtROAT, A* Five Ddlars pet annum , Pqyahle in Advance. I I Lottery Tickets. , v For Hale BY THE SUBSCRIBER, At the Store of N. L, Sf 8. Sturges, TICKETS IN THE Second Class of the Oconee Navigation Lottery. The Drawing of which will commence on the Ifcthday of December next. J. G. Nickel son. October 8 N cw FRESH 7~ ' Drugs Chemicals. John P. Pouyat, Opposite the Exchange,Savannah. Has Just Received by Numerous Arri vals, \LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRUGS,\c. Which he confidently recommends to the Public to be genuine, boing carefully selected by himself. -i-AUoHC TUSH Affi— Rhubarb Pulv. 11 boxes Roll Brim.- Ditto Root stone Pulv. Jalap Lunar Caustic Ditto Ipecacuanna Colombo Root and Henry’s Magnesia Powder Magnesia Lump Race Ginger > c , Flake Manna Pulv. do. $ Alex. Sennal Rad Gentian Civam Tartar Orange Peel Calomel Sandford’s Yellow Tartar Emetic Bark Blue and White Vit- Pulv. yellow & red riol Bark Rochelle Salts Wafers assorted Sugar Lead Gum Opium, (Tup Nutmegs & Cloves key) Cinnamon & Mace Ditto Tragacanth jaudanum Ditto Arabic Paregoric dEthcr Vitriolic Macaboy & Scotch Spts. Nitre Dulcis Snuff Ditto Hartshorn Volatile Salts Balsam Copive Sulphur Cai'b Soda. With a General Assortment of Patent Medicines Surgical' Instruments Shop Furniture Perfumery of every descript ion And every other article usually dis pensed and found in a Medioal Store. Where Planters, Merchants, Country Store Keepers, and all. who deal in Drugs and Medicines, will be supplied with ev ery article warranted genuine at the low est prices. > STO Kegs first quality Loudon WHITE LEAD, ground in Oil, just , received by the ship Lucy, from Lon don—Always on hand Painter’s Colours Brushes and Oils, Varnish, &c. For sale low as above. October 8 d |C7*We arc authorised to announce Anselm Bugg, a candidate jo'f the of fice of Sheriff, for Richmond county at the ensuing election. June 7. i tfn , j , ... di 80°* We are authorised to announce Col. Peter a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Richmond county, at the ensuing election. —jun.ll T%* vVe are authorised to announce Edmund Bugg. Jun- a candidate for the Mice of tax collector of Richmond county, at the ensuing election; July 9. VWT ire authorised to announce Thomas Handley a candidate for the office jpf tax collector for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. July 5. *,*Mr. Hiram Mann is a candidate for Receiver of tax returns for Richmond county at the ensuing election. june2l. WE are authorised tb announce Ed ward Hassel a candidate for re ceiver of tax returns for Columbia county the ensuing election. Augqst ,6 WE are authorized to announce Jas, Hutchinson a candidate for Tax Collector of Columbia county at the en ding election. • Sept. 9. We are authorised to announce Bush, a candidate for the of -s®. o* Receiver of Tax Returns of ichmond bounty, «t the ensuing elec- June 1L * 1 Wm. Sims, Co. Are now Receiving and Opening their , Winter’s $ apply oj GOODS; Their Stock will be very Exten sive & Complete, consisting of BRITISH, FRENCH, India & Domestic goods, Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail, on their usual low and accommo ilathig terms. October 1. ts CALL # SHIi, SURER !i Paper Hanging. A L ARGE and most elegant assort ment is now opened at the NEW CI TY AUCTION STORE, worthy the attention of the public. A greater vari ety of Patterns were never before offered in this market. October 1. ts Morgan M-V.VE just eceived a large assort ment of Fall and Winter Goods, Which having been lately purchased in New-York and Philadelphia, will be sold on reasonable terms, lor cash or town ac ceptances. Sept. 10 cw * Stainback Wilson AND James A. Black, HAVING associated themselves in business under the firm of WIL SON & BLACK, offer their services to their friends, and the public in general, iff the COMMISION AND Factorage Line. They have the W are-House lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett <s• Sims, where every attention will given to ren ter general satisfaction. Augusta, April SO Watches, Jewelry, AND Plated Ware. THE SUL.J 'RISER, BAS JUST RKCEIVKI), AND FOR SALT, At his Store , between Micou’s and Er~ will’s. THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, —VIZ.— PATENT Lever Watches, Jewel led and Gold Faced Plain do. do. silver cased Plain silver do. capped and jewelled Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys of every description Soup Ladles Table, Tea, and Desert Spoons, of the latest fashion Ladies’ Jewelry of every description Siver Tea Setts Plated do. Castors, of the latest & most approved fashion , Decanter Stands Plated Candle Sticks, very elegant Gilt Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, * by the dozen or single ■ % > A few ORGANS for families Silver Thimbles ai>d Bodkins. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms by the Subscriber. £/■ Clocks and Watches re paired at the.shortest notice, and on the most moderate terms, . FREDERICK STOY. September £4 env Tiler FOLLOWING NEGROES, —viz,— ISAAC, who is about 35 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, who says he be longs to James Rigg-ns, living in Jack son County, and that he was stolen by David Stuart, and sold to C harles Wal ker, living in the fork of Saluda and Ree dy Rivers, in South-Carolina, Laurens District. PAUL, who says he belongs to John Fninick of Putnam County. DAFNEY, wh« says she’ belongs to Buckhalter, of Warrenton, and AIRY, who says she belongs to James Campbell, of Warren County. The owners are requested .o come for ward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away. A. RHODES, Jun’r, d. s. Sept. 20 ts - i t ■; t v.; . ■■■ 1 ■ ■ - - ' Hats, Dry Goods §c. ’» O IGURED and plain Canton Crapes, aP fashionable dolours 4-4 Irish Linens Twilled Qbmbazetts, all coloura _ Osnaburghs, Ticklenburghs ’ Hesssians, &c. &c. Ladies’ misses’ and childrens’ Beavers Gcuilemeiis* best Hats and Boots ■ 50 eases mens’ roram and Wool Hats 20 casks and 5 hhds. N. E. Rum Cotton Cards, Just Received and for sale by Ames & Allen, %• Who will remove from their pre sent stand (upper end of Broad-Street) on HfctoDer next to the house of Dr. WatHfes. a September £7 f ' Steam Boat Company of Georgia. Augusta, Sept, sth, 1817. NOTICE is Hereby Given to the Stockholders of the STEAM BOAT COMPANY OF GEORGIA , that an Instalment of ten per cent on the Capita! of the said Company, will be payable on the seventh day of October next. By Order of the. Board of Directors. AUGUSTUS BRUX, Cashier. September £ . if f *"■ 1 ■ •'■■■■■ ' Steafti Boat Com pany. Notice is Hereby Given. Tj'HAT the Board will receive propo » sitions for undertaking the DRAY AGE of the Company, until the 14th inst. inclusive. Augustus Brux, Cashier ., October ts ' Steam Boat Com pany. THE Board will receive applications for the appointments of Treasurer and Assistant of the Company in this place, until the 21st inst. inclusive. Candidates can ascertain the duties and salaries of their office, and the secu rity required, by applying to the Presi dent. Augustus Brux, Cashier. October 4 ts To Rent, And immediate possession given , rjpHE House formerly occupied by M. Thos. H. Pe*:n, on Ellis street, immediately back of A. Labuzan—For terms apply to Wm. P. Desrmond, or to Thomas H, Penn. * September 10 - To Rent, r STORE ROOM and CELLAR a of the subscriber’s House, near the Market. L. POWERS. September 20 ts FOR SALE, Or barter for a FIELD HAND. A VALUABLE House Servant—well l\ qualified to attend upon a genteel family——Apply at this Office. Sept. 20 ts Just Received, 2 Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages 2 Gigs, Which will be sold low for Cash, by B. PICQUET. FOE SALE, Bills on N. York. October I ■■ ts SLAUGH l UK £ LAfeUZAN Have Just Jleceived A CONSIGNMENT of Cotton Yarn, xJLwhich they will sell on very ac commodating terms. August 8 ts Bills on New York AT SHORT SIGHT, For Sale by A. Slaughter & C, Labazan. August 16. ; ts Bills on New-Vork For Sale by Benjamin Picquet. 1 August 29. ff i Bills on New-York , For Sale by • Ls. Barie. i October 4. r I Bills on New-York For Sale by • Beach & Thomas. October 4. -ts I-WW" ■ V-I-Mi 'i IN ADDITION f TBNO an extensive assortment of goods JL already on hand, the subscribers have just received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, the Following Articles which they offer for note on mode rate terms: r 15 trunks Cambrics, Lenos, Calicoes and fiombazetts 1 Bby 10 50 boxes Crown Glass, L 9by 11 . Jloby 12 20 crates Porter Bottles . Shot 8c Lead, Sheet «§• Hoop Iron,Caating Table Salt, Bcc. Btc. ALSO. 10 barrels Linseed Oil 8 cases assorted 14 do. Fine Whiw Horam & Won! Hats 200 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging SO kegs Dupont &.co’s. FF 8c F.f.F. Gunpowder. Edward Quinn & Co, July 19, i ts The Subscriber, OFFERS FOR SLE, 300 Bags and Bbls. Green Coffee 6 Tierces Jamaica do. 100 Bbls. Philadelphia Whisky S Hhds. N. E. limn 300 Pieces Inverness Ba nrinj* 20 Hhds. Prime Sugars ° * 2000 Bushels Liverpool Salt 30 Boxes Nb. 10, Cotton Cards Casks Columnar and Sicily Madei ty Wine G Qr. Chests Hyson Tea 9 Tons Shot assorted sizes G Tons English and Blistered Steel 20.000 lb. Iron, Swedes and English 15 Kegs Powder. —ALSO— A General ssuriment of DRY GOODS, &c. ON CONSIGNMENT. Twenty'-seven Packages assorted Cutlery & Hardware, To be sold on accomodating terms. S. KNEE LAND. September 13 v Tuttle HAVE JUST RECEIVED. 20 Barrels New-Englnnd Rum 5 Hhds. Whiskey 5 ditto Molasses 5 Casks London Porter 12 dozen Jamaica Lime Juice , 2 Boxes Ilavanna Sugar 1 Tierce Rice 6 Boxes Chocolate, No. 2 30.000 Spanish Segars in 4 and i boxes . 2 Boxes Starch 5 Bbs. and 10 bags Filberts. September 13 ts J. W. Bridges, HAS taken the house formerly occu pied by P.Brown, twodoorsabove John Milter’s and neartlte market, where he has on hand an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and HARDWARE , which will be sold low by wholesale or retail, for cash or ap proved paper. June 28. ts FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSVTES&. rliE subscribers having formed a co partnership under the firm of Ham hart, Gamahl Co. and rented the large ami convenient Ware-Houses o Maj. Phinizy, will be ready, after the first of October, to receive goods or pro duce for storage at customary rates, and to attend to any business in their line and hope their industry and attention to business will entitle them to a liberal share of public patronage/ J. Hanhart, J. Ganahl, 11. Stoudcr. September 3,1817 1 . cm — 1 ■■ ■ ■■■■ mmrn' * & Desirable for a Merchant. THE subscriber otters for sale, his Valuable Merchant and Saw Mtlis, with 400 acres of land, about 40 miles from Augusta, on Little River, neagjthe mouth thereof* in ‘ Abbeville District, South Carolina. The Mills are newand made of the best material*—the work manship complete, 1 with every necessary machinery for manufacturing flour ofthe best quality—a good stand for selling goods—thick settled neighborhood, and no stones worth notice to oppdSe business and perhaps at this time, would be coßsi- - dered by good judges one among the! greatest openings for a merchant ffiat is* above Augusta, either in Georgia or Carolina. John O. Glover. August 8. - Stij » A ( '* i w w • | ■JBugaa ...g'mi l . l .!' j i mem iJlit'jlifaneaßß „ tub SUBSCRIBER , Respectfully infirm, hiefriend, and the public in general, THAT IN AliDlTlOji To Ills FORMER * STOCK of HATS, HK HAS JU«T receiver * vur W inch he wiH sell at a very small ad- * vance, for Cash Paper, /T1 tNTLKMEN’s Slack Beaver Hats Fine and Coarse Castor . ditto Fine and Coarse Rorum . ditto Fine and Coarse Wool* ditto Ladies’ and Misses Beaver Bonnets ■ * Moroccco Caps Ditto Skins Military Goods of all kinds Gentlemens Fine Boots, fiic. &e. —also, on hand— Ihree or Tour Hundred Pounds Beaver/ u, rt’liich he will dispose of low for ,Ctth. n , . . John Barry, October 4. » i KKr $ ~ T Notice. * ljr * . THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers his services to his friends and the public in general, in the ri l - . V > COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. If A VINO taken the»Se 1 lately occupied by Mr. Isaac lia Roohe, where every attention, will be given to render general satisfaction * . ' Johip Burton. October 4 -ts THE SUBSCRIBERS ! IN addition to their former stock of « • goods, have just received, and will continue to receive through tire summer and fail seasons, a general supply of pie and Fancy goods, which will be sold low forcash, or appiove* 1 paper. The Following articles are amdng their UECEWT &UP1 J LY—VjfSSi I case Irish Linen* ~ 1 trunk Furniture Prints 1 do. Lace ground do; 1 case Furniture Dimity 1 1 do fancy Ginghams I trunk Merseilies Quilts 2 cases Northern Homesptfn S trunks 6-I'Cainbric Muslin Figured £ plain Levantine arid Flo rence Silks Plaid, Sarsnetts and Canton ttk’fa. Extra Superfine’London (Cloths 1 case Horse and Gig Whips 2 cases pun# 100 pieces Cotton Baccihir. ALSO. „ 20 bekes China 8 by 10 Window Glass I). P, & Powder, Shot and teadf Corsica and Sicily Madeira Wine- Jamaica 1 Rum Loaf and Lump Sugar White Bead, Linseljl OiL & c . T. & J. Cunningham. . August 2. ts Just Received froin Virginia* 40001 bs. Best Chewing TobUCWi ■ Warranted to be prime, for sale by the subscriber. J). Ralston. September 27. p , , ' FOR - lbs. Prime GREEN CO B IN TIERCES AND BAGS. WHICH will be sold in lots to shit purchasers, for satisfactory'TrtWh Paper, at 4 and 6 i*->i#hs, on applica tion to the sibscribei, JOHN TAVLOR, f At M’Kenzie, Bennoch & Co. September J 3 ts nissoLvrttirjr. Copartnership of T. &,£, Fltic- Ha, i» this day dissolved by muttiai . consent—all (hose having demands «. gainst the late firm, willpresent them td Flewellin Sf Dickinson for settleib<nt, and all those indebted, arts make immediate payment to the same. m Fitiweniii, t ! ‘ v Eaton Flewellin. I October 4. ts Rl'' MjAH ARRIS of 7bic 124th SW District, tolls before me a dun co ledited Mary, about seven years old. black mane, tiff a‘rid leg;#—Appraised at S v 23'. Thomas ‘Watkins,, j, p, Taken from the Estray Book. , W* ts- Mann, Cl’k.&. L Court. ®«tob«r 4 ‘ ' ts '