Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 15, 1817, Image 2

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rt- r.. -,-S= • m mkv£Wk'i>ii sue. G Tierces Jamaica f 100 Bids. AV hiskjr 5 llhtla. N. E. *««„ 30® Pieces Inverness {Sagging 20 ithds. Pf «w u 20(H) bushels Liverpool . nil 30 Boies No. 1«. CattoiK . . Cavks voljneiiac and 8k dy Made. M Win* * C Qc. Chests Hyson lea 9 Tons Shut assorted size* 0 Tons English ami Blistered Steel 20«00tfb Iron, Swedes and English 15 l&gs Powder. —— s A General snort ment of J3RY GOODS, 4rc. UN CONSIGNMENT. * 'Fwpnty«-*cven Packages assorted Cutlery & Hardware, To be sold on actomodatingNertus. S. KNKKI.AND. September 13 Tuttle Russell, HAVE JUST RECEIVED. 20 Barrels Nefw-England Rum 5 Hlids. Whiskey 5 ditto Molasses 5 Casks London Porter 12 dozen Jamaica Lime Juice 2 Boxes Havanna Sugar 1 Tierce Rice 6 Boxes Chocolate, No. 2 30,000 Spanish Sugars in i and i boxes 2 Boxes Starch 5 Mbs. and 10 bags Filberts. September 13 ' IN ADDITION f an extensive assortment of goods i already on*hand, the subscribers have just received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, the Following Articles • which they Oder for sale on mode rate terms : 15 trunks Cambrics, Lenoa, Calicoes and Bumbuzetts }8 by 10 9 by 11 10 by 12 20 ctatea Putter Buttles Shot & Lead, Sheet <&■ Hoop Iron,Casting Table Salt, flw. &c. *' ALSO. 10 barrels Linseed Oil 6 cases Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine White Roram & Wool Hats .200 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 30 kegs Dupont fit co’s. FF fit F.F.F. Gunpowder. Edward Qamu k Co. July 19, ts Bolting Cloths. rpilE subscribers have just received a A complete assortment of the best quality DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. Edward Quin, & Co. June 25. * ts SHERIFFS SALE. ~~ On the first Tuesday in October next, at the Court-house in Columbia county, Wll be Sold , One negro woman by the name of Clary and herduld Charles, to satisfy sundry executions against the estate of Charles Porter, Esq.—property pointed out by his executor. AL SO Five Negroes—Toney, a valua ble fellow, and Sully his wife, with their three children, Creasy, Gim <§* Hannah; levied oa as the property of James Wood, Esq. to satisfy sundry executions issued out of a Justice’s court in favor Lemuel Moore, vs. James Wood and John Samli , ,fvrd~-proporty pointed out by Sundiford. 1 -- ALSO ■ One House and Lot in the town of Wrightsborough, at this time occupi ed by Pearson Pettet* to'satiefy an exe cution, Samuel Nelson, vs. Said Pettet; also one other house and lot in the same town, where John Pettet now lives, to satisfy two executions, one in favor of Jonathan Armstrong for William Paschal 'Vs. Pearson Pettet; the other in favor of AVllUs Durden, tax collator of Warren nounty, vs. Pearson iTsttet; Also, the house and lot in the said town where Charles M. Lin, now lives, to satisfy two executions, Moses Alexander, vs. Charles ,M. Lin.—All the Wrightsborough pro perty above mentioned, levied on and returned to me by George H. Johnson, constable. 'V • —.-ALSO ' A Maa by the name of Phddec, lev icd on to satisfy an execution, oil and P. Carnes, vs. ad mb s, 1 1. Burk :Uid JJ.icfiariuh Williams—pro perty pointed out by said Williams. 1 erius ot cajsh, Wm. Wilkins, s.c.c. _ August 50. 7 1( l s 'AtW** ti 4 ,ie at Lincoln Court -J/T il " U3( b ttpUic first Tuesday in * ".'S' 0 “an naned Charles, aken as the property of Peyton Harris a n execution in favL of Mathew A uUcrs, Harris Mahoney. John 5lH)owcll, sheriff. ' August IL. And for Svle at the CJirouidc and t Vuxdtr Office,* * . . THE GEOUO! t % gOUtll- CAHOU.NA FOU THK YEAR OK OCR LOUD 1 8 18. cot r.iiKisc, Besides the usual matter of an Ahuan ac.some valuable ‘• secrets in Arts and Sciences.’* October 11 Assize of Bread Fur October, 1817- Pip HE average price of Superfine Floor is ascertained not to exceed 10 dol lars per bawl of 496 pounds. Agreeably to the directions of an Or dinance, entitled Ordinance for the regulation of Wheat Bread, passed on the 7th June, 17[4. jr —Tire Weight of Loaves for the present month must be * ft 1-4 Cents Loaf, 1 pound, 12 1-2 Cents Loaf, 2 pounds. Os which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread arc required to take due notice. D. Claike, CVk. c.c. October 4. For Sale. BOTH of my Mills, on Spirit creek, containing about twenty four or five hundred acres to each tiact. Presuming that no one will purchase without view ing them, I have thought it useless to say any thing more than that the terms will lie made known by applying to me, or Mr. O. Shearer, ami if not sold before the first Monday in November, will be sold or leased for a term of years at public auction, with the sfock on the place, and the household furniture—ami on the fust day of December, ail my lands on Brier creek with the ktock on that place, known by the name of the Iron Works. William Cowles. July 30 2u*3t GEORGIA, > gillOUGllT t<> Sc riven County. ) Jjj j| Jail in Jack sonborough, September 22d, IM7, a ne gro man who says his name is HARDY, and that he belongs to David Jameson of Twiggs county, near Marion, lie is a young fellow about five feet eight inches high, of dark Complexion, pretty liberal in bis speech, says be has been in Augus ta jail, and made his escape when taken out on his way home; and says |ie is a tolerable good shoe maker; has on a pair of rod striped overalls, and says he has been run away eves since December last. Solomon Kemp/*. s.c. October 1. . c Notice. LOST near Mr. Adkisons, Greene County, a POCKET BOOK, con taining Tweiity-One Dollars in Cash, and sundry papers, among which is a Note of Hand on David Bunch, for Two Hundred Dollars, dated the 29th of Jan. 1816 f bearing interest from date, with a credit on the back for Twenty Dollars— which note I doiorwarn the said David Bunch from paying to any other person than myself. AUSTIN BUNCH. Sept. 20 ts SH EIUFF s^ " Jllll be soldM Lincoln court house, on the first 'Tuesday m October next, be tween the usual hours, the following property — vix .* ' THREE NEGROES, say, Milley, Hannah and Warren a child, all taken as the property of Win. Goolsby to satisfy two executions, one in favour of David anil Adam Cerson, vs. said Goolsby, and one in favour of William and Felix Gilbert, vs.said Goolsby. ALSO One.mare and colt and two cows and oalves—-taken as the property of Ralph Kilgore, to satify an execution in favour of Lewis Stovall, survivor, vs. said Kil gore.-I—Conditions cash. John McDowell, hh'ff. September 3. tds 20 Dollars Reward Ol< the 22d of June, 1817, my house in Columbia county, was broken open and a ROBBERY committed. Two hundred and thirty dollars in bills', taken from iiiv trunk, among which was two fifty d •dlar bills- on tl.a Augusta bank, one of which bad my name written on the back of the hit I; five twenty dollar bills ni tile Bridge company, and three ten dollar bills, one-of which was on the South-Jarolina bank, together with some articles of glothing. Any person to whom the above described bill (with my name on the back) should be offered, that will stop the same, give me infor mation so that T can have the same, shall be entitled to the above reward, and upon the conviction of the rogue shall be entitled to a reward of fifty dollars , Jordan George. July £ ts I' j— -LIlX— ' s'' ~—i~- *'* ~ * m 1 ” *“* .... LukoM, Aifg. li. :We learn thftt a cliplondU.c agent fror» Spanish America to this country, arrived at LLvcnpool within these lew days, and-hu nemately s*’t oft lor Lon don. The object ofikis mission is asser ted tp be the Ablaut mg I row the British government a pnufnsc of neutrality. It. h farther stale-’, that Patriots sue wjliing tn grant a free trade to the En glish nation o.i the sole condition of the neutrality being strijdiy observed. The. king of Spain, on the i ti er halm is saal to have called upon the go erumentft of Knrope for their active inleifm-ence in < the support of his doinir.ion over the reb <‘l n » mies. Wc certainly cannot blame Inin, if, as a pis uUer , he represents the interests of his brother sovereigns to be involved in the issue of this perilous con test, Private letters from Paris say, that the French fundsnre still declining; and that they arc still likely (o do so until af ter the convocation of the Chambers, when the budget shall he made known, and Sonic intimation consequently given of the light in which the French mini*- ters view the resources of the kingdom. His royal highness the commander in chief, learning through the official re ttiring that out of 25511 embarked for foi cigii service, 7702, or nearly one third perished through the transports being wrecked in the course of two years and a half, and (hat other transports had since been lost with many men; as a preliminary step to their future preser vation, assembled the field officers at 1 Woolwich—that a series of experiments might be made under their inspection, io ascertain tl o.>rvicc «l* the introduction of Mutlison s Life Piesmer into the British army might prove—which took place hist Tuesday with the happiest ef fect. We are informed, that three men' from four feet eleven to five feet six were selected, put on the preserver, and walk ed *nnf«ally into deep water, till they got out of their depth, when ihev were or dered to. remain perfectly quiet. After' , floating about some ti* te, they returned. it being apparent to all, llnne was no p:is-ihility ol danger, a man was then se lected who could not swim, carried into deejrwater,.' nd left to himself—ln a few minutes after obtaining confidence, he swam across the piece of water, about 00 yards, and back, nearly as well as the best swimmer, tn the satisfaction of upwards of 50 officers who were present; thus decidedly proving.the impossibility us be ng ilvovviied when equipped with this simple invention. Wv are happy in paying tins tribute of respect to his roy al highness the duke of York; and fee! confident Bio army in particular and the country in'general willfully appreciate this attention on his part to the future preservation of these brave men. Extractor a letter from a young Ken tuckian in South America, to his friend in Lexington, dated Lima, March 1, 1817. “The splendour of the palace of the viceroy in tbii place, is not equal to what 1 had expected to find it; but the magnificence of the churches is far be yond my powers of description. On the altar of one of the churcliefy called La Merced, it is said, there are gold and silver to the amount of no . less than a million of dollars. «A crown piece to the Virgin Mary, in another church, cost thirty thousand dollars. Churches, con vents, S.e. without, number. There are also some other edifices of considerable size, but all the labour, riches and taste, appear to have been spent upon the churches. In the public squares, con vents, sc. there are copper fountains continually spouting fine fresh water.— In all the sire ts running cast and west, there is a canal of water which adds very much to tlie cleanliness of the city- Li ma contains a population of about sixty thousand inhabitants, composed of ten or twelve thousand Spaniards, and the rest Indians, negroes, and the innume rable mixtures between them and the w hites—The climate is the most delight ful you can imagine; i#is a continued spring the whole year round; between the coldest and the warmest weather (he thermometer does not vary more than 10—Every species of fruit grows here in perfection throughout the year: we have at our table, every day, delightful ap ples, peaches, oranjes and pine apples. It never rains, and only two or three in stances of Its ever having thundered or lightened here, are recorded in the histo ry of this place; on w hich occasion the citizens ran distracted info the country, kneeled before their Maker, and in tfie sincerity of their hearts, begged his for giveness in what they considered the day of universal dissolution. Earthquakes here .produce the mo-t horrid ravages; Callao tfic seaport of Lima and about six miles distant,'wa-. entirely destroyed about forty years age. The earthquakes of any degree of severity, do not happen oftencr than once in every twenty or thirty years, but what they call Imre tremblings, arc almost as common as rains are in Kentucky. There has been one of these since my arrival, and it was taken notice of with about one half the concern 1 have seen excited on a farm in the United States by the Hying of a hawk over a hen roost. In consequence of (he earthquakes, the houses have no roofs, such as ours: long strips of wood art'laid flat upon tho top of the wall, and on them a layer of ashes half an inch thick, and ihu; is suibmjft.i 1 . to i..c.n »»n*a flie. wi-aUmr, us ihey never have more (thab a thick, fog, willc'u ciwlautpenetrate (heir slight rtndrf. Ihe w roots to the booses, gives U'.oyi U appearance. «ml il they were black, on the out-ide of w cite, a slruttgefc arriving from Mifope vvoqld think that the city,bad been dc.stroyc‘U>y fire; Ibe mildness of (hecliiMite anil the richness of ihe si il, have all tended to enervate dm ii.habitants; on the men it has bad the effect to make them w eal . «i indolent in the extreme. 'I he Spaniards smoke ci g/irs, and only exert themselves as far as it is ncces-ary l;» keep ihe others in subjection. IVi baps to (best* causes, which have had such an evil effect on the men, may he attributed the surprising beauty of the women.. It is a surprising thing indeed to meet with a young wo rn- n that has not the most regular fea tures, fine black eyes, and preMy shape. Their dross is singular, and is almost the firrt thing Iht t strikes the Attention of a foreistnt’i: the slit!!' of which their outer petticoats is made, is worked in such a manner that it has the elasticity of stock inet; it is bolted tight round the was( and sis» the body as close as possible, so much so that they cun only take very short <and deliberate step?, and causes them to reel from one side to the other like a sailor. They do not wear bonnet.* an apron of black silk,'open belmc, drawn backwards over the head and arm, covers cvcrv thing from the waist up but one eve. Their feet arc handsome and extreme';/ small., ol'wliich ihey appear to be concions; they fake pains to show them ami scarcely u young Woman of any de scription is seen in the. sfiort without silk shoes and stockings. They marry at twelve and thirteen; and at livc-aiul tweiitv they are old, ugly, and not fit to be lookud at. 5 ’ li'dilurs at their Wit's liud. It is somewhat amusing to, observe with what diligence, ami even eagerness, Newspaper-Editors are catching at eve ry little circumstance to giatify their readers with something like an editorial repast The present lepose ol the -.voi lii, and ihe consequent decline of party con troversy, have deprived them of a fruit ful source for this kind of amusement, which hitherto afforded ample scope for their luxuriai fc Ho little public regard is now manifested for the changes ot poiitic/d sentiment, that any thing served up in this form is certain to prove an unsavory dish; and even a re volution in old Connecticut seems scat ce ly to elicit a passing paragraph; whilst those who have lately dealt out these things with as little respect to the pal ates of their readers as the Doctor mix es the nauseous potion fi r his patient, fjeems now to mourn, like Alexander, that, there remains nothing more to con tend for. The President’s tohr is worn thread-bare, and ceases to. ale>jrd further topic for their anxious pens; and, to add to the lamentable desideratum, the uric at aquatic serpent appears to have - with drawn himself from the admiring gaze «f the multitude,as if unwilling to contri bute further materials for their specula tive im. iterations. Indeed, there seems to be nothing left for these meagre gen try to feed upon, but the mere skeleton; of party feeling. The distresses of the Europeans are abating through the fa vorable prospects of a plentiful harvest; Military executions, in honor of legiti macy, have passed away :n France; and even Lord (’astlereagli has ceased to lead off ti e dance. Amazing change!, WTrnt dullness for the mental appetites of some! fflint a happy thelne for the contemplation of the philanthropist'! /That a favorable season for the subver sion of vice ami idolatry, and the propa gation of Christianity and civilization! /That a glorious time for exposing those lesser passions of men, which though not pclipsed by any in malignity, arc lost in the splendor and magnitude of greater excitements! In fine; what a happy peri od to the moralist for “ shooting lolly as it flies,” and arraigning before the bar of public scrutiny, the smallest animalcule in the pursuit of vice l in taking n peep into the win Id, nltho’ we can discover nothing which even indi cates a speedy approach of great events, yet wc have abundant cause to congratu late ourselves upon the prospect, in (he pcinsal of a newspaper at the present time, the reader may find, if not son uch entertainment as when “wars and ru mors of wars” are ringing in his ears, at least more instruction ; if not as much to gratify and tickle.the ear, yet more to improve and ennoble the heart. A news paper can never be so inteiesiiug to a good mao, as w hen it Informs him of (he happiness of his fellow beings: and . «• or read with so much advantage. as when devoid of those pictures of human dis tress which, through the sanctify of cus tom. are calculated to captivate the fan cy, mislead the judgment, and corrupt, and vitiate the taste for the mere retim'd enjoyments of life.* In its abstraction from these scenes of tempest and war. it is enabled to inculcate liom purer, •!' not such prominent sources, more solid information and more lasting and useful impressions. .. In its apparent dullness, it but leaves a blank to be filled bv the attentive reader with his sober, reflec tions; end by embracing in its scope, the most essential amLpracticul duties of life, it loads the mind into a truiiujof, reasoning 'which directly conduct’ it «> its best interest»-J®Verffr ; e. , i* , jAifr Iferstd 7Vucvusta7oct7Tx 1 Tlu* following, as far as \vc have been able to learn, is the. result of the elec tion, held on % M tndav the fib i«,t, fo r tnornhers to the St.'itc’Legfsfiiture ; (VIIATIIAM. Jennie —A. CuthbcPt-— Reps. lf a r,Uh Owens', Fell, ’ WILKBB. Se nnt fall Kit.— lt>ps. Popp; \\^> ten ; WingCeld. W/\n«T .v. Sc- n a /^—TJ y a «. —L epsi.’SXi ilia nr s. Sa «... difoxi, Baker. Hancock. Senate— -Brown— Reps. Abercrombie Tripp. Brooking. burkk. • &ni a i p —Fan an u cl— Heps. Whitehead,: Sapp, Lewis. PUTS AM. Senate —Holt— Reps, Williams. Hqd son, Branham. * BALDWIN. } Senate —Mathews— Heps, Smith, WtS Hamsun. JKFFFHSON. Senate. Fleming— Heps. Jackson, Bothwell. In relation to the policy of the United Stales, in her conduct towards Spain and her revolted colonies, the political wiseacres of (he day appear to he mm it at variance. W e are told by one, if we involve our neutrality in the contest, shall draw down upon cur heads (lug vengeance of alt Europe—that we had better adhere to the solid political max iin of our departed Washington; act justly ia our dealings With all nations, hut en tangle alliances with none. This senti ment, we presume, they supposed was predicated upon the facts, that moral principle never controulcd (lie policy of monarchical governments, unless as tire abused agent of sinister designs—that neither divine or human laws require us, as tang as our rights continue to be respected, to offer ourselves up as polit ical matftyra in a paroxysm of enthusi astic folly—that under one government, an squal legal controul should be exer cised over all, and when an act of injus tice occurred, the constituted authorities were both morally and legally bound to conceit it; but that this obligation did not compel one government to redress the abuses of another. If it did, t hat ifc might shrewdly be supposed, sufficient materials would soon be furnished to employ the facetious gerius of a second Cervantes. That,in is not absolutely necessary for us to make a practical erm-- mentani upon the fable of the fox and. goat. On the other hand our government i? told, if she docs not assist the struggling Patriots, she will be denounced as a traitor to liberty, and an enemy to hu manity—(hat the emancipation of Span ish America would down our na tional greatness and prosperity upon a solid and permanent basis, &c. &c.— Thus is the government dictated to and threatened, by wr the people— and like a tender and indulgent parent, she re ceives it all in silent and humble mode ration • We have very strong reasons for pre suming, however, that our government believes she has the privilege of mark ing out and pursuing for herself, course of conduct which she may con ceive most just <s* expedient: and that s ic' will not consult mure than 50 news pa per Editors on the subject. We wish it to be distinctly understood that we Jo not assert this as a fact—it is merely ». favorite hypothesis that has just obtrud ed upon us; and we hope we may be allowed to indulge it. -—-c>:€&:<%»: FRCJIG UR CGJtRESFCXnEXr fkrf.hax gazette office. 7 Unit more , Sept. 52.". > It is already known, that in Caesar A. Hi'dney, John- Graham awd Wa'ter Jones, esq**, were appointed, by the executive of the United States, rom missioneis to proceed to South America for purposes which have been i nther gucs sed at than fellycxplained. These c< n missotficrs were to have sailed in t' Hornet, but that vessel having been foi l'd on trial not well suited to accnmm'.cfdo them, and othercirrumvtsnoes bavin; 1 : nc corrod to cause delay, those gentlemen did not proceed on their mission at l time contemplated. The nomination id*?*lr Bush, as miry* tcriVom the United Stataa to (i Britain* made it necessary to look out tor a suc cessor to him in the office of attorney general, and as it is said Mr. Jones 1? be appointed to (hat office, it will acnaiii-. for his declining to proceed on the Sim » American mission. The oiber commi.-- sinners. we learn, are to sail in about *' weeks, cither fa the John Adam? cr , ; Macedonian; whether another coma — sior.gv best; 'Jf yvlll be appe nt'*'*