Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 25, 1817, Image 3

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Eftftlidl schooner, 1500 dollfitf be* longing to an inhabitant of the Islkhd of H My «juty tt |t*e this to the piihlii, i* will keep them on their gOAtt) tgalnst (he privateers fitted out at Amelia, Tor no other purpose than that w^ra a ffe. ; ».. JJJgtfjtttlJte l ‘I -g>JLLi AUGUST a, out. 25. — iii —i ™r We have deceived Tennessee papers as late as the Bth October. They make no mention of the reported duel between fienemls Jackson and Adair. A gentle man- alftq diri- ed in this phice a few days sineft Troth Nashville—-he places no con fidence in tie rlinuir. From these cir cumstances we we induced to believe that the account published in our last, is entirely unfounded—and that JACtC HOJV* still lives, to add fresh laurels to, the chaplet of his jjeaowft, whenever ne cessity requires it. Several arrivals from Europe, in short passages, furnish us with intelligence both polilicidly andeOtnracrckiH y impor tant—which will fie found ib detail in the proper department of our paper. All acooUn’ts horn-nr in-anticipating nn abun dant harvest in England, ot piescnt a pic* • tore df lively resuscitation in themanu/ac. luring interest. \V e hope those favuiu-»hl| may not he iliufiory, but tend to a happy amelioration of the distresses of that country. The mltiistcfial prints have receded one step, and acknowledge that negotiation# are pending between gome of the confed(M uted thonarrhs and Ferdinand, in relation to lift revolted colonies. Feathers tell which way the wind blows. Reciprocal Civilities have passed between the Empress of Russia and Queen of Spain—ln which the former has conferred upon the latter the order of Bt. Catharine. The presentation of a petticoat to Ferdinand would have Korn strongly marked the sincerity of th« donor, arid have better characterised the gilt to the doneq.' '1 he Emperor Alexander has been ex tolled as a magnanimous Prince. The time is approaching- we think, which will test his claim (it* not alread y forfeit ed) to that title. Let Spain hold out a sufficient inducement, and it will be quickly seen that territorial and commer cial aggrandizement, when brought in competition with political rectitude, is not often impleaded in the court of con science by legitimate aovereigni if. The following gentlemen arc appoiri* ted directors of the Branch Hank of the United feta tea, to be established in Au gusta; which it is supposed, w ill go into operation about the last of November, or early in the month ensuing James Gardner John \i‘Kione, John M'Cormick, ’ Ibert Brux, Alex. McKen zie, Freeman Walker, Adam Hutcheson, M illiam White, Peter Bermoch, lessee VVctson, Fielding Bradford, Jacob Dan fcrtli, Lewi ft C* Can (clou, R Wilde, Cashier. j On Tuesday last the following gentle men were elected Justices of the inferior court for the county of Richmond John Gumming, Valentine Ab salom Rhodes, ilollanu Mc’Tyre, Ben jamin 11. Meigs. We learn from a source entitled to credit, that the Seminole Indians have refused to comply with the demand of gen. Gaines, requiring the surrender of the murderers of our citizens on the St. Mary’s river Jast spring—and that they justify the conduct of their people on the score of retaliation, alledgidg that the whites were the first aggressors. A rup ture, with them ib consequently unavoi dable, and the drafts from this stafe should immediately prepare for a short campaign, as their services will probably he wanted. Mil. Journal Front the National Intelligencer. • O _ Among other incentives to a war with ?pain, urged in the public prints, a case is stated in the Weekly Register, as likely to * urge, to action’: which is, that Certain persons claiming to be American jutizens been captured under a Southern American patriot flag, and are JJOw 10 dungeon at Havana. We have had,- without doubt, many cases of justi fication of a war with Spain, but this is not <n»e of them. The United States cannot finder take to protect those of their citi fiens who voluntarily expatriate them saijes, and embark their fortunes in war nder a foreign flag. That the raman c Maeauley fell a victim to the chival which led him tp the plains of WVtn America to combat the Spanish . a ceß ’ would be about as. just a cause of iff.*?.*!** finrbidh is; referred to. The ‘ted States would not, it will be readi f- ly admitted, demand the emancipation of these prisoners if taken ip actual wai between us ana Spain 2 they have, it ap pears to us, even less right to demand it when taken in arms against a nation with whom their country is at peace. We are truly sorry for the fate of these un- Iprtunatc men: but we apprehend that no principles isinorc clearly established, thail that those who engage in a war, in which their nation has no concern, do it entirely at their own risk. Theirs is the honour uud the profit of success: theirs must also be .the peril and suffering of reverse. , A misapprehension something similar wc have noticed in another paper, res pecting the defeat and slaughter of Ma jors iVcry and Gordon, (American citi zens) and forty other jwmvumis, in the in terior of Mexico. It is spoken of as an attack by a Spanish force on an Amer ican fui •ce. This is entirely an error. 1 These persons composed a detachment of the urrny under (he command of Mina, which invaded Mexico. Overpowered by u superior number of Spanish troops, they abated the fate of that system of war, prevailing too generally in South Amenta, which refuses quarter to all ranks, olid often to all ages-ami sexes. Wf i*(; sorry to.see a question so im portant us that, (lie. consideration of which is only nqw about seriously (0 commence, con fused by arguments like those referred to, which have no bearing on it, and serve to mislead rather than to enlighten. Th» quest ion of the pari (he United States ought to take in (he 1 South American contest, is qne of deep importance, as every question of War bresehted to oar consideration must be. It might to be well considered before re solved, and not decided under the influ ence of violent, prejudice or passion. ML West's celebrated painting of CliMst healing the Slc.k, v presented by liim to the Pennsylvania Hospital, arri ved* (it Philadelphia on I2th October, on buftrd the ship Kite Ira. from London. It is said to have been insured sot (hree thousand guineas. A building has been erected exclusively for its reception and exhibition. Mr, Inclcdon, the celebrated English singer, arrived at Ncvv-York on the lid: ins-t. in the ship John and Edward, from Liverpool. The Monitor, a paper published in Franklin county, Tennessee,states that a man, or rather a brute., in that county, lately sold his wife for the sum of 325 dollars. 1 I) ISTRICSSLVIr CALAMITY. Yesterday, after the Philadelphia steam-boat left the wharf for Trenton, Mr. Cox, wife, child and niece, and se veral gentlemen, put oft'ip a wherry, in order to overtake Iter. On coming longside of the steam-boat, one of the wheels unfortunately struck the wherry atpl sunk her, and sad to relate. Mrs. Cox, and a gentleman, whose name is not known, were drowned—Every exer tion was made to rescue Mrs. (’. but be fore a boat couid reach her from the shore, she sunk to rise no more. It is with pleasure we mention the name of Mr. Killim, master of the steam-boat Twins, who on his passage across the river pro videntially passed by, at the moment the boat sunk, and with a promptness that reflects great credit on him, threw him self into the river, and was seen to rise hearing in his arm an infant, only 10 months old, daughter of tlie unfortunate Mri, Cux. Fhiladelphia Journal. 1 . Boston, Oct. 3. Progress of the Independents. Ship Minerva, Capt. Chase, of Nan tucket, has arrived at Edgartovvu from Valparaiso, having left that place on the coast of Chili, that the Royalists held. Talcalmawa or Talcaguama lies in the hny of Conception, and forms the port of the interior city of that name, which is near ly 3 miles distant—-This place litis been taken and retaken several times during the present revolutionary struggle; and its importance is so commanding, that a Surrender of the city of Conception has generally followed as a matter of course. Valparaiso is situated about ten leagues from the former place. Fat. igr- --Sfe. Ciitton, 29* cts. Port of Augusta. Arrived at this port from Savannah on Tuesday last, boat Stephen Decatur, Clurkc, owner; and Viper, Grant— Thursday evening, Olive Branch and Happy Couple, Fiewellin and Dickinson. Left here for Savannah, on Thursday, 1 Ceasar Kennedy—Wednesday, Mar}', \V. Bar Mm. wanteeT To Purchase or Hire. A SMART active BOY, from 15 to 20 years of age, accustomed to ’ waiting and taking care of horses—and ' who can ccme well recommended for honesty, attention and sobriety, for such ’ a verv liberal price will be given—Apply at this office. October 25 ts r g/* W e are authorised to an -1 nounce Augustus Crawford, a candidate f for clerk 01 the superior court of Colum ; bia county. -J October 25 d the ■ I ■■■■% -^■"•■'V- The following lines unsathe a pathetic sweetness—thfy respond to the little effusion published in outlast, “She ne ver told her love” I — Platonics . however, will not answer between SI and S 5 de grees of north latitude. For the Chronicle. 'Vho is’! can iv;ul . \v >mas ? --Suakkspkahk. Oh! ’tis not sweet to hoar the sigh, To view (he sane remembrance traces; Or mark the tear that fills the eve, V * The bloom that sorrow’s flood effaces. \ Hut oh! tis sweet to calm the breast- That throbs with passion unrequited, . , . ' l/ 1 To smile the doubting heart to rest, Review the hopes neglect had blighted. Ah luckless youth! thou may’st not deem 'i'hy love return'd; distrust restraining, For faintly breaks hope's fitful beam, WhenKu,K>» heeds no. thy complaining The but ting day, nor night's soft queen, Can sooth thy sorrows gloomy stillness, i is like the vine that’s ever green, Midst summcr’shcat& winter's chiluqss. 1 Wher/midst the smiles of mirthful crowds Or midst the scene of loud ravelling, The laughing lip thy tho’ts must shroud; Within is sorrow’s, cheerless dwelling. Tims may be seen at eve of day, The clouvt that floats heaven's azure ocean; Gilt with tWrainbow’s borrow'd ray, Whilst all within is dark commotion. Mr. Oallaher, E'i URNS Ids thanks to the citizens Stti of Augusta, for the .very liberal pat ronage he has experienced since his arri val among them, and respectfully in forms, that he has recommenced taking scholars on (he Piano Forte. A few gen tlemen can u'.::o receive lessons on the ('dai'lanetjFiute.&yioiincello. He hopes from the experience ho has received in Europe, under professors, and in Orches tras of the very first order, ami also in the principal cities in the United Slates, that he will not only secure to himself a liberal share of public patronage, but bo enabled to gender general satisfaction. Applications made at jhe offices of the Chronicle and Herald, will be punctually attended to, October 25. ts FlevveUiu k Biclflnson, ; Have Just Received 8{ Fur Sale, 100 Pieces Prime Inverness Cotton Bagging, Which they will sell low for cash or ap proved paper, with town acceptances. October 25. ts & In the Ware-House of Fleir cllin &, Dickinmn , GO pieces of Cotton Bagging, marked X which the owner is requested to cull for. Oc’obcr 25 • . ts John 8. Walker, Having taken into copartnersip Mr. Da vid A. N(.rUiroi), the Business will in future be conducted under the firm { of Walker & Northrop At the Old Stand on Broad-Street, WHERE all orders will thank fully received and punctually at tended to—They flatter themselves that their Knowledge of the business and at tention to it will secure them a share of public patronage Walker Northrop. October 9:5 ts {£/* Those having unsettled ac counts either with John 8. Walker, or the late firm of Walker and Glover, are re quested to come forward, as it now be comes necessary that all former accounts should be closed. JO’JX S. WALKER. October 25 ' • ts Dissolution of Copartnership. npilE business heretofore carried on n (Ids city, in the name ol John • Haynesworth, in which John F. Delorme, was a copartner, was closed on the Istinst. and the copartnership dissolved. John IJayiieswordi. October 25' . Spt Wanted, A Waggon, TO take a LOAD near Fort Jackson on the Alabama Enquire of R. ‘II. Mei^s, At the New-City Auction Store. Octobec 25 It Administratrix Hales- Will be sold at the house ol Phillip Wa ters on the 3d Saturday in December, it being the 20(h of the month- All the personal Property of Burton Hawes, sen’r. late of Lincoln county, deceased, by order of the, honor able inferior court of said comity. Nancy Hawes, Adm’x. i October £5 0 ' • f.- 5. * J i , m ’ . . -t-* m *dt * Tattle & Russell, HAVE JUST HRVEIVEJ). 10 Puncheons 4-th proof Jamaica Rum, line ilavor 5 do Wost-lndia ditto 5 Pipes> Holland Gin S ditto Cogniac Brandy 2 ditto Sicily 'MadeiraWine > 10 Or. casks do \ do do 20 do do Malaga do 20 bids. N. K. Ruin 40 do Muscovado Sugar 20 do Potatoes j lllids. Cordial) %*• ls k ’• , lobbla. do CMtnt&Aimisced 2 hhds. Shrub • 2 tierces while Wine Vinegar 5 do Cider- do 10 bbls. Loaf Sugar 10 do. Citmjr tlb m 20 dozen flair .Selves 10 do braid and iron wire do 5 cheyis Uyson Tea 10 caddys do do >u boxes muscatel and bloom Raisins 10 kegs Cavendish Tobacco 30 boxes Soap (|ißorent qualities ■jO ditto supeiior Newark Cider 2 years c!d 30 ditto- Chocolate, Nos. 1, 2 3 i<! ditto liondou Mustard 10 Lbls. Filberts G dozen Olives 10 ditto Fruits in Brandy 10 ditto Martinique Cordials,assorted 20 boxes Spanish .Sejjars, Martin’s brand 20,C00 do (In in half and qr. boxes 3 dozen Guaging Hods and Out Sticks 10 ditto House Hells 5 ditto Table do 5 boxes and 2 hogs Starch 20 barrels Porter ' 5 bags Pimento 5 ditto Popper 2 rases ladies’ Work Baskets, assorted 2 dozen market ditto 10 kegs Harvey’s English double battle Gun Powder, in lb. papers sealed 4000 lbs. Castings, assorted. October °5 ts £> Mr. Moulds’ FENCING SCHOOL, will open at Jfr.' Leslie’s Long Room, on .Monday Evening next by candle light; and be continued every •.Monday and Tuesday evenings follow ing. October 25 ts Just Received, AND FOR SALE AT THE CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE, 40 Packages, Comprising an extensive and well select ed assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING C. S. BUCKLE. October 25 ct 1 OT , CK IMIE Subscribers COMPTIJVU 1100JI, is in tho House lately occupied by Robert Lang and Co. north side of upper end of Broad-street. John A. Barnes. October 24 ts BILLS on NEW-YOhK— for sale, by MICR’L. F. BOISCLAIR. Oc(ober2s ts . _ t Wanted, A N OVERSEER to take charge of a /a. plantation a few miles from Augus. ta—Apply at this office.—Oct. 25. ts Just Received, 2 Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages 2 Gigs. Which will be sold low for Cash, by B. PJLQUET. rou svi.ii, Bills on N. York. October 1 ts Bills on New-York Fur Sale by La, Bane. October 4. p Bills on New-York For Sale by Beach & Thomas. October 4. liiiis on New York AT SHORT SIGHT, For Sale by , , A. Slaughter & C. Labuzan. August 16. ts Bills on New-York for Sale by Benjamin Picquet. August 23. > ts Bills on New York For vale by N. L. 8* Sturges. October 11. . ts Bills on New York For sale at the store of N. L. & S, Sturges , by ‘ Beers & Sturges. . October IJ. 4f Prepared by \V T. Conway, No. 1, Ham il tun Place, gnomon-street, Boston. (J3* Dr. Jebb*s d Liniment! For Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Chilblains, Numbness,. Stiffness in the joint-,&c. The relief is immediate, and cure frequently In 24 hourt, although of years standing ami thought incurable! Mr. Jacob Hildheth, of Amherst, N. 11. wiis many years afflicted with Violent rheumatisiq, & as he advanced in years, at times was wholly incapable of business when through recommeuUaUon, after try ing all other medicines iu viin, was cur ed by using only oqe bottle of this Lini ment} and has had no relapse; it is now 3 years since— (m was considered incur able! This is published at his request. Dr. lidjfe's Aromatic Pills. For female obstructions, &c. and are equally conductive to the health of mar ried ladies, unless when pregnant, at which time they must not be taken.' Dr. R rife's Jtntibilious ViU For Indigestion, loss of Appetite,. List lessors, Head-Ache, tiostiveness. Flatulence, Cholic, Billiuus Affec tions, &c v* A . Dr Iklfe'n Vegetable Specific. A certain and expeditious cure ’ for “Sick head-ache,” Bilious Affections,&c. Dumfries* Ointment, ' A certain, safe and expeditious euro for the ITCH, however inveterate, in an hour’s application; may be used by, the most delicate pregnant females, or orl children at the breast-— 1 %• No danger f rom taking cold!!! %* Ask for “Dum fries’ Ointment.” None are genuine un less signed “SV. T. Conway,” as you va lue health observe the signature. Dumfries* Lotion. A core for the ITCH, without am ell. Ih'ithh Antierptie Dentifrice. The tooth-ache is not only 'prevented by this Dentifrice, but renders discou toured teeth beautifully white, removes the causes of feeler arising Rom decayed teeth, imparts to the gums the efflores cence of health, and to the breath the most delectable sweetness, Albion Corn Flaister , This Pluister affords instant relief, at die same time it dissolves and draws the corn out by the ro#t, without the least pain. i Camhrain Tooth , 'ehe Pills. These Pills afford immediate relief with- • out the least injury so the teeth, Dr. Hunter*» Pills , Dr, Hunter's In • jertion Powders, and Dr. Hunter*» Cerate, f ' For the prevention and cure of the Ven ereal Disease, however inveterate, iu all its various stages, and even when mercu ry has failed—full directions and des cription of symptoms, so that any ope may cure themselves with secrecy (for a few dollars) accompany each pocket. Ask for Dr. Hunters Pills. None are genuine but those signed “ W, way,” as you . value health observe the signature. The whole of the abpre Medicin es are prepared and sold, wholesale, by the soic proprietor, W. T. Conway, No. 1, Ha mil ton-Place, Common-street, Boston, and retailed by \V- J. Hobby, at the Au gusta Book-Store, and most Druggists, Booksellers, and Post-Masters through out the United States. *•* Pamphlets of many extraordinary * cures, may be had at the agent’s, gratis. *V A large discount to country tra ders, and those who buy to sell again. October 25 Stoaw For Sale, THAT well known Tract of Land, in Columbia county, called Mount Hope, ton miles above Augusta, on Sa vannah river, contacting 528 acres— which is equal if not superior, to any tract of Land, in the county. There is on the premises a good Dwelling House, fCitcbon, Gin House, Stables, Corn* Mouse, and all the necessary buildings on a Plantation, all under a good fence}- the terms will be made known, by appli cation to subscribers, on the premises. John B. Wilkinson, Wm. H, Blackwell. October 25 ts “ Family Flour. r subscribers will keep constantly .fl. 0“ hand for sale, a supply of SU PERFINE FLOUR, from one of the best mills in the Southern States. Wilson & Black. Oct. 8, ■ ts v WE are authorized to announce Hutchinson a candidate for Collector of Columbia county at the ea rning ejection. Sept. 3. f\-‘ Lottery Tickets. For Sale ' BY THE SUBSCRIBER, % At the Store of AT. L. <§• 8. Stitrgee, TICKETS IN THE Second Class of the Oconee Navigation Lottery. The Drawing pf which will commence on the 18th day-of December next. ' • • J. C. Nickel son, October 8 ©w